HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-05, Page 7J'IlLTR DAY, JUNE 5, 1947 MEP CLINTON NEWS -RECORD )11,1 f PAGE SEVEN ews-Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results • CASH RATE—(If (paid by Wed- Inesday following date of insertion).— lOne cent a word first insertion (min- nun - nuan 30 cents); subsequent inser- ettions, one cent a word (minimum 25 :cents); 10 cents extra for box num- ber or for dh•ecting to NEWS- mman Office. CHARGED -20 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m , Wediesday. FOR SALE • FORDSON TRACTOR an A-1 con-. dition, Arkell, Bayfield Line, Phone Olinton 906n25. 22-23-p HAY UBBEIR4TIRED Wagon. Apply W. B. Ilhomrpson. '2 miles west of Clinton on Highway No. 8. 23-p QUEBEC 'SULKY, NG. 21. Would eearehange on a 14 -plate hi -throw disc harrow. Apply Joseph Clegg, phone .6.19r13. 23-24-p SMALL COOK STOVE, ideal for farmer's summer kitchen. Cheap for ..quick sale. Apply Mrs. James Liv- ermore, phone 249. 22-•23-p ...OUTBOARD MOTORS, Brand New) 1 H.P. $79.50, immediate deliveiy. "Transportation prepaid. Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshawa, On- tario. 1S -23-b 'TRAN,S-CANADA TIRES:1 600/16- 17.25I Waite! Phone! or •call for prices 'on your particuar size; We have it. Visoil Motor Oil. 5 gal. $3.55 in factory sealed containers. -Frank A. Gallow, 14 North St„ God :are% phone 599. . 23-p TABLE IVIOD'EL RANGETTE, in good condition. Phone Clinton 615r12. 23-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. Phone 196, Myth. 23-p 1935 PONTIAC SEDAN. Apply Donald Darnall, ,phone Hosall 79r24. 22-23-p 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN in good condition, all good tires. Apply to Dennis Bisback, Clinton. 23-p 1940 FORD COACH, motor, body and tires in good condition. Priced for immediate sale, LAC Wills, R. and C.S., Clinton, • 23-p 1988 FORD COACH in good con - clition. William Porter, 4th comes - Sion. Goderich Township, R.R. 2, oderich. phone Goderich 934r5. 23-p FOR RENT Two UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Ap. ply Box 32, Hayfield. Ont, 22-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NINE LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE. Apply Fred -Wallis', Ra. 1, Hayfield, hone 'Clinton 909r33. 23-p TENDERS WANTBD FENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up to June 7 for painting and decorating inside and out, of S.S. o. 1, "Baird's," also for rewiring. For further particulars apply eorge L. Reid, .seceetery.treasurer. tanley Township School •Area, 22-23-1) TEACHERS WANTED :APPLICATIONS WILL BE received for a qualified Protestant teacher for S.'S. No. 14, .Stanley. The school 1-ias hydro and all modern conven- iences, situated one mile off No. 4 Highway. Applicants please state ,qualifications, experience and name ..of last ineipeetor if experienced. 'Duties to commence September 2. 'George L. Redd, secretary -treasurer, Stanley Township School Area, 'Varna. 22-23-b WANTED -SWEET 'WILLIAM PLANTS wanted •Apply Box "T" NDWIS-RBCORD. 23-p BUSINESS GIRL OF TORONTO, <desires room and board on quiet farm. -0Good meals essential. For spending occasional weekend is during the sum- tmer months. Write Box "C" NEWS - RECORD, 22-24-254i SITUATIONS -WANTED POSITION WANTED AS MAID IN 'home. Experienced. Sox '93", NEWS.. RECORD , 23-b BABY CHICKS 13A,RG•AINIS IIN CHICKS for this week and next; .Barred Rock, New Haineshire, White Rook, Light Sus- sex, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Reek X New Harnpshires, Light Sussex X New Hampahires, Light Sussex X Barred Rock non - sexed 9.95, pullets 35.95, cm:km.0e 8.95 Assorted Heavies non -sexed 8.05, pullets 14,95, cockerels 7.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rook' Austra White 8.95, pullets 18.95, cockerel's 3.95 White Leghorn 8.95, pullets 18.95, cockerels 1.00. As- s'orted Light or Medium breeds non - sexed 7.95, pullets 17.95. Two week old add 6.60, three week old add 11.00 per 'hendted Shipped COD. This advertisement must accompany year order to receive these special pricee, Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelroh, Ontario, • 28-b • SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoesgrown from certified e'eed. Apply Morgan Jones, R.R. 2. Clinton, phone 902r4. 22-23-24-p POTATOES — WHITE' GIANT, 'Oolableos and Warbas, excellent quel- ity, suitable for table rase or seed. Apply .Ira Merrill, phone 9021.16, Clinton. 23-x ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWOI,R.001VIS WITH USE of kitchen. Phone 461. 23-b PROPERTY FOR SALE BRICK DWELLING IN BLYTH with barn and garage combined, 'Kith's of an acre of land, hard and soft water in house. Apply bb Mrs. Neil Leslie, Blyth. 23-24-p STUCCO SIX -ROOM DWELLING in Blyth, garage, one block from No. 4 Highway, pleasant surroundings, good well and cistern. Apply Leslie Hilborn, Blyth. , 23-24-p LOST AND FOUND FOUND—LADY'S WRIST WATCH, several days ago. Owner may have same by paying for this advertise- ment and proving property at the Police Office. 23-b LOST BLACK LEATHER Wallet, Monday morning, Rattenbury St. West 'or Main St. containing sum of money. licenses, key, •etc. Apply Box "L" NEWS -RECORD. 23-b MEN WANTED FAMILIIX -OFFERS YOU MORE money . larger orders in the door to door selling field. Customers are enthused over the value of our 200 guaranteed household necessities. Every person a potential buyer. Op- erate in town oe in the country if you own a ear. SECURE THE PROFITA13LE FAMILEX AGENCY IN YOUR TERRITORY. Details and catalogue FREE. Dept. H. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 23-b MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. • OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same, 'amine collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert. 936r32, Goderich. 46btfb ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. -For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation. perman- ent fire -proof, niore comfort with less fuel, modern equipment and ex- perienced crews. For free estimate and terms phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland G. Dary, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb NOTICE , $100 RBWARID for information lead- ing to the person or persons damag- ing cement block wall on Queen St. Earl Doucette. 22-p ANYONE. FOUND ,PRESPASSING on Part Lots 41, 51, Tuekensmith Township, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by Order of the Own- er, A. El. Parry. May 15, 1947. 24-25-26-27-p 'FATHER S DAY JUNE 1 5 Yes, Sunday, June 15, is "Dad's Day," the day when Dad is Xing a the house. Why not make this Father's Day .a inemozable one for him by giving him something useful as a gift. • We know that any DMI would appreciate a smart Sport Shirt or a pair of Tropical or WorSted Slacks, but these are only two of our many suggestions. Choose your gift from our array of sweaters, ties, jackets, socks, belts, braces, handkerchiefs, underwear, sports coats and many other items. SHOW POPS TREAT HE IS TOPS Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes & Scott -McHale Shoes •Phone 25 .• Clinton OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 8 n d Every Night Next Week • June 8 - 14 ipclusive • LAYTON'S GARAGE SUPERTEST GAS AND ag, !GENERAL REPAIRING • Vittoria St. Phone 44 Clinton BIRTHS BRANDON -An Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 3, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Brandon, RR. 4, Clinton. a daughter. BREAKIEY—lai Clinton Public Hos- pital, or Friday, May 30, 1947, te Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth M. Breakey, Ztnieb, a son, (Richard Oniessa. BROWN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Firiday, May 30, 1947, to Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Brown. Burieh, Son, (John Theodore). KYLEI—At ,Scotb Memorial Hospital, :Seaforth, Friday, May 30, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle, Bengali!, ,d'aughter. bleCLENCHEY —• li 'Clinton Public Hospital,. on Wednesday, Dine 4, 19417, to Sir. and Mrs. °Weed. e AMeClinchey, Clinton, a son . MILLISON-.-In 'Clinton Public Ido- l/hal on 'Saturday, May 31, 1947, to Ma.. and Mrs. 'Gordon IVIilleon• R.R. 2, 'C'indion, a son. 'STEVENS—In 'Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 4, 1947. 40 Ildr: and Mrs. Herbert Stevens, R.R. 5, 'Clinton, a son. TUNNIEY—In ' 'Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, June 1, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Money, Blyth, a daughter. (Kathryn Auld - ens). DEATHS BARKLEY-eSuddenly at Echo 'Buy, Ont., on Tuesday. June 3, 1947, .Margaret Walker, beloved wife of James Barkley formerly of Clinton and aunt of J. M. Elliott in her 79th year. Funeral from her late residence, Echo Bay, Thursday-, June 5, to Echo Bay Cemetery. HERBERT—Suridenly, at his late residence, 180 Dowling Ave., Tor- onto, on Saturday, May 31, 1947. Rev. John Wesley Herbert, form- erly of Holmesville, in his 70th year. Funeral from Ross J. Craig's Funeral Home, Queen St. W., Toe. onta, Tuesday, June 3, followed by cremation at the Necropolis. PRYOR—In Victoria Hospital, Lon - {1071; on Monday, June 2, 1947, Jennie beloved wife of Thomas Pryde, Exeter, and mother of Ray, Jack, Doug and Bob. Funeral ser- vice from. her late residence, Ex- eter, Wednesday, June 4, to Ex- eter Cemetery. MARES — In Denver, Colorado, on 1VIond,ay, June 2, 1947, Henry Jack- son Marks, third son of the late Maria Middleton Phillips and Tud- or J. Marks, Bayfield, in his 63rd year. TALBOT At her l'on'e, Hayfield, early Tuesday morning, June 3, 1947, Elizabeth H, Stevens, widow of William II. Talbot, in her 81st year. Ihmeral from her residence. Main street, Bayfield, Thursday, afternoon, June 5, to Hayfield Cemetery. ATTENTION! Citizens of Clinton CLINTON AND COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING: FUND Work has aleeady •begun on the new Hospital Wing and citizens will be 'called on by canvassers to subscribe to this worthy cause. Donations will also be received at the Bank of Montreal, The Royal Bank, or at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. Your Hospital Board believes that every citizen will want to have a Share in the extension of this institution -which has been such an asset and credit to our town. The citizens of Clinton have never been backward in their support of every worth- while 'cause, and 'this Board is confident that you will be gener- our in your support of our own local institution. Contributions to such non- profit organizations as this are deductible from your Income Tax returns. Be ,generous. and make your suborn:don today. —BOARD OF THE CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL 21-22-23-b We have a few cellophdne bags for your fruit cartons Strawberries H.S., per pkg. 40e Fruit Salad H.S. 30e Pie Cherries ILS. 35e Blueberries 35o Peaches 30c Garden Fresh Frozen Peas 30e Fresh Frozen Corn G.B. . 30c We Buy Hides BATKINS CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C V. COOKE ?Lawn, Phones; 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Wave Permanents ETHEL Til Town Seeks Building Lots. for 50 Houses (Continued from Page One) Limited will, during the life of the agneement, snake payment in lieu of taxes up each house 'erected at $24, per year for each 'house with two bedrooms or lees, and $30. per year on each house having three or more bedirooms, plus $1, per yew.. per house for street lighting. Wartime Housing Limited on tlieir part, enter into On agreement with the launicipality whereby the houses shall be rented to • servicemen or their families for as long as there is a demand for rental houses for this type of citizens; and only after these families have been, taken care .of shall the houses be rented to' civilians; the rentalscharged to such and their families to range from $22.00 to $30. 00 pet month, according to, the •size of 'the ltettse. In view of the fact that the 1V1un- icipality supplies fully improved pro- perty at a nendual price of $1.00 per lot, and are paeprured to accept ti lieu of taxes the amounts •specified, above, Wartime Housing Limited a- gree to sell the houses as a whole to the 'Municinality for $1,000.00 each at the end of a stated period which is determined by the cost of construct- ion. At an estimated average cost of $4,000.00 per house, the period of the agreement will be. fifteen (15) years and the term of the agreement will be extended or reduced by one year for each full $200.00 by which the 'actual 'completed average cost is more or less than the estimated cost of $4,000.00. In- other words, if the actual completed average 'cost should be $4,400,00, then the period of the agreement will be seventeen (17) years. Conversely if the actual com- pleted average cost is $3,800.00, the term of the agreement would then bo fourteen (14) years. Wartime Housing Limited homes are •constructed in accordance with the National Building. Code using the best materials available. In other words, the houses being built give the tenants reasonable housing stand - ands at a minimum rental. They are fully insulated for warmth in winter, which has a direct bearing 011 heating cnolesi. t.s. and exclusion of heat in m su- CARD OF THANKS Almod Jamieson desires to thank all the neighbours and friends who expressed their sympathy in any way during his recent sad bereavement; special thanks to those who sent the beautiful floral tributes. 23-p Cid? Get Pop Vi 9 With IRON; plus supplements CALCIUM, VITAMIN! Eel nu EORMENI gf1'DOb2N,W0,eck,g-V.o1 linnstell. Talus Ogres, Contains Wile one:» beaded after 40 —00 Ladles old Pen because lack- ing Wont ulna calcium. Vitamin Ili. Thousands now /eel MM. Years youneer. Try Ostrez Tonle Tablets TODAY. tust Introductory size now tor eats Me, Ver snap 0 all drug stares everywhere, ROXY THEATRE IcLiN.T0N. Now Playing—"MON and DAD" Adult Entertainment, Women at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; men at 9 min. daily MON., TUBS., WED. James Cagney Annabelle • and Richard Conte A startling story of the U.S. secret service operations, a saga of the men who lost 'their identity to save their "country. "13' RUE MADELEINE" • THUR., FRI., SAT. 'THE THRILL OF BRAZIL' A South American fiesta of music, laughter :mid talent. Evelyn Keyes - Keenan Wynn and .Ann TVIiller Coming — "CENTENNIAL SUM- MER" in Technicolor, Cornel Wilde 11/educes: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL, THEATRE G 0 D B RI C 11 Now Playing—Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in "SINBAD THE SAILOR" Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. The. Prank nonage production of "I've Always Loved You" A great dnd 'Alietinguished love story enriched by music a-nd Tech- nicolor -- Philip Dorn, Catherine McLeod and 'William Carter, Aldo featuring Mme. Maria' Onspenskaya 1/4 THUR., FRI., SAT. Henry Fonda - Gene Tierney • and Stuffy ODool A wild -riding story of the colour- ' Iftil old West features the ed - ventures of a sitar outlaw 'The Return of Frank James' Coming—A Full Week -- "THE JOLSON STORY" Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. REGENT THEATRE S EAPon'ril Now Playing—Dorothy Mc. Guire , and Robert Young in "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" Mon., Tues., WE, Thur.. Fri.. Sat. Columbia Pictures present "THE JOLSON STORY" A- Techoieolor cavalcade of glor- ious entertainment that you must not miss. This life story of Jolson is an epic of the theatre. lin the cast are LARRY PARKS as Al .Tolson, Evelyn Keyes, Bill Demar- est and Hill Goodwin Conding--"TI-IE DARK MIRROR" Adult Entertelinnent Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Olub of Wesley -Willis Church will hold a pot luck supper, Tuesday, June 10, at 6.80 p.m. Notice to Creditors ---- • In the Estate of WILLIAM OKE All persons having claims against the Estate of William Oke, late of the Town •of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 25th day of April, 1947, are, hereby 'notified to send, in full par- ticulars of their chains to the under- signed on or before the 12th da•Y of June, 1947, after 'which date the as- sets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then recieved. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of May, 1947. • McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator 21-22-23-b ,...oetuetpamrvassasecwroesmomnau.m...minr For Sal In the Village of Bayfield—Wz storey dwelling, fell basement, hydro, two car garage, hen house, 1/4 acre land, immediate posses- sion. 0 0 0 Four Bedroom, two storey frame dwelling, bath, furnace. and gar- age, sold subject to present ten- ancy. 0 0 0 H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 251w Clinton, Ont. HELP WANTED Have openings for' two or three young men as beginners where employment will be pleasant and permanent; also have employment for a few men wail experience in woodworking industry. .APPLY: Sherlock -Manning Pianos, Limited CLINTON, ONTARIO 23-b Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce A General Meeting of Clinton and Distriot Chamber of Commerce will be held in the Town Council Chamber Tuesday, June 10 AT 8 P.M. for the purpose of conducting business of interest • to the members. AGENDA:. EV Reports of Committees; [2] General Business of Chamber. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS INVITED TO ATTEND G. R. FOSTER, B. B. POOKLINGTON, President Sec-retarry-treasurer, 23-b Special Service For Farmers! • • Have your tractor tires serviced right on your farm, saving you vakiable time in a busy season. Vulcanizing; tires filled with fluid using port- able machine. Just Phone DAY 460 NIGHT 469 Tire Road Service — 24 Hours VULCANIZING (24-hour service) Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSEacc--.41776) VICTORIA ST. GASOLINE -4 Phone 460 • A IE you use cooling, refreshing ICE -MINT to rid your feet of aching, burning callouses and corns. Tired isluscles respond quickly to the first applicntion of soothing, creamy -white medicinal ICE -MINT The refreshing. tin. gling serundon as you apply rhe cream cells you that Ids going right to work on the foot paIns that put the wrinkles in your brow Gat z jar today — Small sit: 0 4 oz econome Me SI no ,AT PENNEDAKER'S AND ALL DRUGGISTS slmalem.e•Emkt1.11•0041001.1.11•111.2.1“1•11, Noxamrspormarmisencomast000s NOTICE New discovery for the hard of hearing, mild or advanced cases. You can distinctly hear a whis- per. Write for Free Booklet. HEARING CLINIC 62 Queen St. N., Kitchener,Dnt. Please mail free Booklet Name ........ ............. Address 'll1=0614412ll• "lllla140=llllognatillatll4360330MEMill1110.10111lllloralllatillnllr "STAND UP FOR THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS" Jude 3 DON'T LET MODERNISM ROB YOU OF YOUR FAITH THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL IS STILL THE NEWEST THING ON EARTH TO -DAY. Repent of your sins—Believe Christ died for you—AND BE SAVED TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Atiregammeeeentseaseeraustomattanentanalmennuatrzent•eraa-noecx..reze %. • 11 1/h/ /6, LOOKS count, too.. THAT'S WRY WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING YOUR CAR SUPERIOR WASHING SERVICE. NO MATTER HOW OLD YOUR CAR IS, IT REPRESENTS A LARGE INVESTMENT. FRE QUENT WASHING AND POLISHING OF YOUR CAR WILL NOT ONLY PRESERVE THE FINISH AND MAINTAIN A SMART AP- PEARANCE, BUT WILL INCREASE ITS "TRADE IN" VALUE. Open SUNDAY, JUNE 8 • Every Night Next Week, • June 8-14, inclusive BROWN and INKLEY BILL 1NKLEY "Service With a Sntile" Phone 784 CLINTON PERCY BROWN WANTED LINEMAN for Construction Work, also to read meters and do general P.U.C. work. State salary expected and married status. Steady joib For the right man—around 25 years of age APPLY TO Ab E. Rumball, Superintendent, Public Utilities Commission, Clinton 22-23-b 111110111•1•Min..1111.111.11•••••••0•1111.0•1101.1111.00V Rubberized UNDERSEAL We have just installed equipment to give Protective Coating for the underbody of your car. PROTECTS AGAINST: 0 RUST • CORROSION • RATTLES AND SQUEAKS • DUST, HEAT, COLD, FUMES, EEC. Murphy Bros. Garage Huron at Orange Hudson and Willys SALES and SERVICE PHONE 465 Clinton More in Demand Because They Give More in Performance PRESTO Combination Pressure Cooker and Canner, capacity five quart jars EACH . . . . . ......... . $25:50 HOT PLATBS, Single and Double ELECTRIC IRONS and TOASTERS HAWKINS HARDWARE 0