HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-05, Page 5'PAGE Six CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 iMvs, V. Martin Detroit, De ort, spent the weekend at her cottage, "Boulder Lodge•" Rev. F. G. Statesbury spent sev- ers drays last *eek with alas eon Paul, Stayner, Miss NI. Voluane, Kingston, came last week to visit her sister•in-law, Mrs. D. A, Volume, Miss Jean Sturgeon deft on Sunday for Preston where she has secured a position in a factory,. • Mr, and Mrs, •Charles R. Will, Lon- don, occupied their cottage, "Dingle - ton," over •the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Stewart, Ham- ilton, were at their home on Louisa Street over the weekend. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. L. Trout, Detroit, were at their cottage in the village over the ;holiday and weekend. Miss Beverley York wa•s the guest of her uncle, Harry Baker and fam- ily, London, over the weekend. Nirs. L. M. Roby and daughter, Roberta, Detroit, were in a cottage in Jowett's Grove over • the weekend. Mrs. M. Willett, Detroit, visited her mother, Mrs, Willis 'r Howard, ;Iver Decora"'. +i 1)ay and the week - en.,', f, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wagner and baby, Preston, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon, over the weekend. Miss Arine Drouin and Mrs. T. B. Mullen, Detroit, were at the former's cottage over Decoration Day and the weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stephens and two eons. London,, were at "Shangri- La," their home in the village, over the weekend. Mrs. Minnie ,Ross returned to her hone im Toronto last week after hav- ing ,pent ten days at her cottage, "Suer-iR-Ion." Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robichand and The ,Nett Meeting of tiie Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, COURT HOUSE, GOD'ERICH, commencing Tuesday, June 10 at 10.00 a.m. D.S.T. All accorintS, .notiiees • of'deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 7th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, • Goderich, Ontario 22-23-b T'HURSDA'Y, JUNE 5, 1947 family, Detroit, 'occupied a cottage in Jowett's Grove over the 'American holiday and weekend, • Master Ronald Poth, son of Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Poth, was able to leave (Clinton Public :Hospital last weak and is eeeucerating at home. Olen Snnitlt and Clarence Larson, London, spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Charles W. Parker, and Mr, and Mrs. L. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, De- troit, Mr. and Mrs, T. Mallett and family, London, spent the weekend with their mother, - Mrs, John Dav- ison: M=r. and Mrs. William 5 Wighttnan who have spent the winter with Misses A. M. and E. J: Stirling, mov- ed into their hones on Main 'Street last week. Me, .and 'Mrs. Lorne Cook and two children, •Evanston, Ill., and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Day, Detroit, were at the famiuip cottage, "Hightop," over the long weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Finout and Miss Margaret Finout, Buffalo, G. Finout, Jr„ and fiancee, Flint, were at their cottage in Jowett's Grove over the holiday weekend. Mr. and .Mrs D. Bellew and fanc- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughes and son, Derrie, Detroit, occupied cottages in Jowett's Grove over the Decoration Day weekend. Cpl. Kenneth Campbell and fam- ily, who have been occupying •Rev. F. H. P!aull's cottage, moved into the living quarters in connection with the Scotchmer Hardware Store on Mon- day, 114r. and Mrs, 'Craig Kerr, ' who' have been occupying J. M. Atkinson's house on Colina ,St., moved Iast week to make their home with Mr, and +Mrs, Wilmer Blair, •Blue Water High- way. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weston, Chicago, spent Decoration Day and the weekend with the fornter's par- ents and brother, Mr and MTs. E. R. Weston and Mr. and MTs. Grafton Weston. ,Misses M. and J. Miller, Miss Jessie iMetcalf returned to Detroit on Monday after having spent De aeration Day at their home in the village. Their guests over the week- end was Mrs. James Barr, Birming- ham. Mr, and Mrs. B. E. Foyston, Lon- don, wore at their cottage i'n Jewett's Grove over the weekend. MT. and Mrs. Carl Foysten, who have oecupied Stratford Agency of THE MUTUAL FIFE ill OF CANADA wins Award Low Cost Life Insurance Since 1868 The • Head Office of The Mutual Life of Canada has announced that the Stratford Agency, of which Mr. C. W. Leach is Branch Manager, has won second p'l'ace in the Cons- pany's Agency Efficiency Competition for its outstanding work in 1946. All branches of the Company in Canada and Nlewfoundland compete annually for the cup donated by tihe directors of The Mutua.I Life. The accomplishments of the Stratford Brain h in 1946 brought the agency within two points of the winner, :and a replica of the ,cup, shown above, is being presented to the Stratford Agency. Very high standards 'are set by the Com- pany in the coinpeti'tion. Factors taken into consideration are: New insurance sold; in- crease lin insurance in force; agency growth, and general efficiency. The achievement of tihe Stratford Agency reflects great credit on the Manager, the staff, and the Company's represent'abives in Stratford and 'at other points in tihe territory covered' by the agency. The public recognition of the record, stability and service rendered by this Corn - pa y, as evidenced by the outstanding pro- gress of the Startford Agency, is much appreciated. THE MUTUAL iF . HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONTARIO STRATFORD BRANCH OFFICE: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Branch Mgr., C. W. Leaeh; Branch Secretary, Mr's. M. Hartleib, Telephone REPRESENTATTVES W. T. BOOTH, C.L.U., Stratford 1''. A. CAMERON, Lucknow S. C. CARTER, Goderich NORMAN CLEGG, , Gorrie ROBT. J. COGHILL, Stratford ALLAN S. FINKBEINER, Crediton AARON KNECHTEL, Stratford GEORGE W. LAWSON, Exeter H. C. LAWSON, . , Clinton MIS'S AMY MACPHERSON, Stratford R. H. MARTYN, Ripley ALEX J. MASSE.. Zurich MICHAEL McPHAIL, .. .• Wingharn H. A. MORRISON, . , ... Fullarton OSCAR NICKEL, . . , Listowel JOHN RENNICK, West Monkton GORDON D. SCHNEIDER, Bornholm WM. WEBSTER, ... .. Lucknow HENRY YOUN, Listowel 18 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and 'Mrs. E. A. Douglas, Lon- don, spent the weekend in the Bay- fied Highlands. Ile. wad : Mrs. S. If. Fashe,Detrroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Miss Eunice Milne and •Miss Helen Vndean, Goderieh, spent the weekend. with Miss Phyllis Middleton. Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Lof f t, Peter. and Catherine, Brantford, spent iihe weekend at Hayfield Highlandis. IMT. and Mrs. George Willetts and family and Mr. and •Mrs. John Leah- ner and daughter, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., spent the long American holi- day weekend at their summer Home in the Bayfield Highlands. Mr. and 'Mrts. Phil ,Heitbolun.er•, George and Neva, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage at Lane O'Pines Beach; they had as then guests, Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Miss Beverly Woods, Mrs. Royal Cooney of Detroit, (Intended; for last week) George Hopson who has been in poor .health for the push two months, has gone to Westminster Hospital for .treatment, Howard Cox, who has been in Vic- toria Hospital London, for the past two weeks, .accompanied Mr. and Mrs James IDiwniir hone for the weekend but had to return to the hospital on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Jack Clifford Det- roit, visited on Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. William McGuire ,Miss Elizabeth Middleton, who has completed her third year at Univers- ity of Western Ontario, spent a coup- le of days at her home last week. She left Monday morning to comm- ence summer work with the Pro- vincial Department of Entomology.• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mis. James Johnston visited with John MoNiaughton and Miss Kath- leen McNaughton, London, on Wed- nesday of last week. • the cottage for several weeks, have left fon' Oakville from which pains they will leave on' a motor trip through the western and southern States. (Intended for last week) ,Mrs. M. Aikenhead, Mrs. Hilton and small daughter, London, are at their cottage in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orn: and two grandchildren, Mary Ellen and Char- les Burt, Stratford were at their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. D. A. Voume was able to conte home from Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday 'of last week and is improving in health. ,Muss F. Gallop is staying with her.fora few days. Misses Ruble -Fisher, Barbara Pol- lock, Kitchener and Mrs, W. Grierson and small daughter Anne, Waterloo, spent, the holiday and weekend with the dormer's aunt. Mrs, F. A. Ed- wards. ;Mrs. Grierson and Anne re- mained to spend this week with her aunt. Laid to Rest The remains of the Iate Miss Ethel Ryan, Owen Sound, who died last witvter, were laid to rest in Bayfield Cemetery on Tuesday, May 27. Rev. Mr. Roberts of St, George's Anglican church, Owen Sound, read the com- mittal service at the graveside. Parking Rails Installed The Village Trustees have had parking rails placed at various spots on Main Street to prevent motorists from driving or parking on the side- walk. They erected notices last year but some drivels of ears either couldn't or didn't read them so this further effort has been necessary' to safe, guard the rights of the pedest- rian. Ne Services Sunday Rev. L. 'Morgan went to London on Tuesday, May 27, to 'write his final examinations at Huron College. There was no service -throughout the parish on Sunday, June 1 as Mr. Morgan was to be priested at the Ordination Service in St. Pauls' Cat- hedral on ,Sunday morning. Mrs. Morgan and Karen visited in Wat- ford. Still Critically Ill William H. Elliott, who was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Wed- nesday of last week and underwent a major emergently operation, is still critically ill but his chances of recovery are favourable. His three sons and their wives, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott, Brockville, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Niagara -on -the, Lake, and Mr. and MTs. Arthur Elli- ott, New Brunswick, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell while visiting their father. BLYTH (Intended for last week) Rummage Sale Held The rummage sale sponsored by the Lions Club in Memorial Hall proved successful, . .and netted the Lions $70. Lodge of Instruction TL D. Philp, DD'.G:M.,'accompanied by Worshipful Master George Mc - Nall, Kenneth Whitmore, J. A. Cowan and H. T. Vodden, attended a lodge of instmuotion ,held at the Old Light Lodge, Lueknow. Mr. Philp and Mr, Neilans, Atiiburo assisted in the ceremony. Boy Scouts Meet The First .Blyth Troop of Boy Scants held a joint meeting with the second God'erieh troop at Balis bridge near Auburn. The troops participat- ed in several ,outdoor games and then had hot dogs .and milk, around a council dire. On their return' to the village the following boys were in- vested: Ralph Eodd, Doug Brown, Donald Brown, George Hamm, Doug Whitmore and Wayne Turves• 50 Acres a Day Cliff Shobbrook ,and .Bull Knox sowed ,50 •acres of grain in one day. Fertlizer was 'sown with all the grain and grace seed with some of it. One drill, a 15 ,hoe and one traitor, did all the work. Lions Elect J. A. Gray . • Twenty-five' Lions ami their ladies celebrated the clubs 'second charter night. Taking part in the program were: Jack Kyle, solo; Irma Watt, carnet solo, :accompanied by Shirley Phillips; Squadron Leader 'W. P Roberts, .Clinton, gave an address. He was .itttreduced Ely Venn Ruther- ford' of the school; Jean McDonald and Gloria ibth i pe 'ganga duet and Marguerite Rall ,and Lorraine Hamil- ton played a piano duet The election of offieers followed. W. N. Watson, convener of the nom- inating eomanitteo presented the following slate of 'officers: Presi- dent, J. A.. Gray vim, presidents, Norval Kyle, ,Stewart Durward, secretary, Verne Apeiram; treasurer, T. May. CONSTANCE (Intended for last week) Mr. and MTs. Arch ,Hoggartit and daughter Jane, Waliaceburg, spent the weelnend at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. William Britton, Fred Riley and niece. •Shilleyan, Kitchener •spent the weekend at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Donald Stephenson, Owen Souni, spent the holiday and weekend at the home of his parents, .Mr, and Mrs, Leo Stephenson. Milton Idiore, Toronto, visited with his brother William Moore, for the weekend, Charles Riley was ,in Stratford on Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Brown and daughter Joyce spent the weekend in. Toronto, Mr. and .MTS. John E. Brisby and Miss Shirley of Chatham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Busby'tis mother, Nnrs, Robert Lawson. ,and 'Mr. and Mi.'s. Larne Lawson. Miss .Doris Lawson, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flari Lawson. Mr. and ,Mrs, Les Lawson, and Bobby, Tuckersnmith, spent •Sunday at .the home of Mr., and Mrs. Leine Lawson, Congratulations to Kr. ,and MTs. ,Donald Buchanan on the arrival of twins last Friday morning. MT. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. William Britton and iMrs, Eph. Clarke spent last Friday in London. MTs. Britton visited her niece, Mrs, Dr. Woods .and her twin daughters in Victoria •Hospital. Mr. and IMrs, RossM'sGregor and family spent Sunday visiting Mrs. M•aeGregor's parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ferguson, Clifford. Miss Frances Downey spent the weekend with her parents at Tiverton. Leo .Stephenson 'and Donald, also Mrs. B. B. Stephenson were in Lon- don on Fridray. Mrs. Stephenson cal- ling on ,Mrs. Pete Gardiner. Fred Lawson, Toronto, called on relatives over the weekend. .Mrs, Cooke, Clinton, is spending a few days with her daughters here. LONDON ROAD (I•nteniled for last week) London Road Club The May 'neeti-ig of the London Road Club -.vat, held it the home of ', rs, Clegg. With the pres'Gent. Mrs. R. Plumsteel, in the chair.. the meet- ing opened with the singing or Long Long Ago and the repeating of the Club's Creed. Ten members and two visitors were present. After the usual business was dealt with Mrs, A. Wiltse took charge of the programme which consisted of a contest and a story, "The Broken Bell.' The roll call -was answered by "your favourite one•dish meal." An auction sale •of flowers, shrubs and plants was held. The sum of $2.75 was realized from this sale which will go toward the Club's flower fund. The meeting closed with the singing of "The Church- in the Wild Wood. ' Mrs. ,Clegg then served a dainty lunch. The following clay members met at the home of the president, Mrs. Piuntsteel to tie a quilt. The quilt was completed that afternoon, and cn Saturday it was delivered to head- quarters in Clinton for the British Flood Relief Campaign. WALTON (In,tended for last week) Junior Red Cross The Junior Red Cross of Walton Public ,S'ehool met in the schoolroom. Leona Johnston, the president, con- ducted the meeting. A short pro. gram included: a reading by Mae Sholdiee; duet, Audrey Rockwell and Barbara Holland; piano solo, Doris Johnston. After -the program the children were divided into two teams for a ball game. Library Canvass Final plans for the erection of a new public library for the community were laid when the library board met at the :home of MTs, H. Kirkby. H. Johnston, chairmnan of the board, con- ducted ,the meeting. The new ,library 15 to be a structure reconverted from a building previ- ously used on R. Marks' farm. It was decided that Mr. Marks should be asked to move the building to its new site 'same time this week. The building is frame 'and will be Covered on the outside by ;some artificial covering. Each member of the lib- rary board was given some task in looking after materials for the new building. Harvey Johnston was elected ehair- nuan of the library fund. 'committee, and ,plans for a canvass of the coo-. runty were made, the oanvass to be completed by June 7. It was agreed by the board that all donations of $5 or more would give the donor membership in the library for the remaining part of 1947 and ,the lyear 19,48. EBENEZER Church Services The services of Ebenezer United Chunnh 'will commence on Sunday, June 8, ,at 9.45 a,m. and will continue at that hoer throughout the summer. W.A. Meets The Maly meeting of the W.A. was held ,at ,the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones, with an attendance of 13 mem- bers. With the .president presiding, the meeting wasepened by singing a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. Bent Lolib and the Lord's Prayer re- pented,an unison. The roll .call was "Den't's for a sick roam." The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. Than'k'' you; cards were read by the secretary. A missionary reading 'was given by Mrs, Frank Jones, A devotional ,period was taken by Mrs. Carman Tebbutt and short read- ings were given by Miss Josephine Muir, Mrs. Borst Labb, Mrs, C. Teb- butt andi Jt4rs•. S. Farquhar During the business discussion it was decided to have the garden party fund, same to be ,handed in at the June meeting in response to the roll call, The meeting was closed by sing- ing .a hymn, followed by the Mispalt Benediction, Invneh 'was served by the hostess. 0 DOLL AND DOG SHOW WINGHA,M — Recreation. Council members sponsored a doll and dog show, which attracted about 405 spectators. Notice to Farmers • • ! Contracts are still Available for Cucumbers Acreage may be planted as late as June 1 .0th ANYONE INTERESTED IN THIS CASH Ci4OP PLEASE CONTACT LEONARD DAWSON, Salting House District Manager of H. J. HEINZ COMPANY OF CANADA, Teeswater, Ont., Phone 119-w 23-b Monster Legion Celebration HORSE RACES BAND TATTOO FIRE WORKS CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK MON., JUNE 9 THE KING'S\ BIRTHDAY SPONSORED BY CLINTON BRANCH', Canadian Legion * * * AFTERNOON 1.30 p.m. --GIRLS' SOFTBALL GAME CLINTON Vs. HENSALL 2.30 p.m.—HORSE RACE CLASSIFIED Huron County Only Eligible $200.00 Purse ENTRIES 1—MIDNIGHT EXPRESSs F. Taylor, Exeter 2—CAVALIER GRATTAN; owner, Lett Guy 3—TEDDY CHILLCOOT; owner, Len Guy 4—MONA GRATTAN; owner, Bob Kirby 5—BOB LOCKHART; owner, Take Broom 6—PEGGY AXWORTHY• owner, 3..R. Burns AND OTHERS THREE BEATS Starter: G -EO. McNALL, Blyth Demonstration by CCI Band and Students Between Heats 4.00 p.m.—MEN'S BASEBALL MATCH CLINTON RCAF Vs. CLINTON COLTS This should a real ADMISSION: 50 cents plus tax; Children, 25 cents thplusrtax el:' ek EVENING 7.00 pan. ---HUGE BAND TATTOO CLINTON, GODERICE, SEAFORTR, NEW HAMBURG, STRATFORD BOYS' BAND TAVISTOIJ . Bands Parade From Post ,Office at 7 Sharp Open Air DanceJITNEY On H KEN WILBI+3L+"S ORCHE+STRAood Floor AlYIES'S3ON: 50 cents; Children 25 Dents Hands' Fireworks $350 Controlled By Their Own Experts FAR EXCEEDING ANY DBMONSTR,A.TION EVER BBFORE SEEN IN THESE PARTS TWO LUNCH .BOOTHS ON GROUNDS PLAN TO SPEND THE DAY WITH U5 Proceeds for Clinton Legion Horne Help the Boys Along! 111111 1 1111111 11 I II 11111111 Mull llullli IIIIIi11111811111iQ purr ,1011111111111 ""I rim ,ADI' Ulla , %+ 11\�fdllii �� lilyi/ DETROIT'S "FIRST" l 111�y1't �I l I,,IIIIh� IN CONVENIENCE 'COMFORT • QUALITY 111Itt, I 11111) In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, ill 111) 11 d ,bopping area. Friendly, courteous service Ili, lI illjlillf The Tatler Coffee S op orto make your stay in f Cafeteria fornt , xcel• mory. ,flt4 � 1P II lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tuller, 4 �/ C<<t►I„.,11111”„ ii "j Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. '1ii11tp I� lIl'1 1�Ilpi l VISIT OUR eocktail ,Coinage 0,1\111 /j111 1 Ila ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 11111 II Ili(I L II'lih, 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM Sr Ilil, i i n,llt $jI Rater ?'utter° tll 'I I' �i'' FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK ,Iti1''ll iryHARRY F 0 BRIEN, Manager n""rNgll=r'�IIIII rill ( I( ill III lultb,,. ilillt" - Illi IUi1