HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-05, Page 4CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 Women's and ChurchAIfairSifl Clinton and District Ontario St. WA Plans To Withdraw Meetings The June meeting of the W. A, of _Ontario St. United Church waft held Wednesday, June 4. Mrs, F, Townsend was 4n the chair. The meeting opened•by singing hymn 15, "For n 7th H the Ela the Beauty of 5'm 679 was repeated in unison as a Yer. tMrs. D. M. Maltby, taking the devotional periods, :'spoke on the Beauty- of •bhe Hasbh. Hymn 579, "We Po -ugh the Fields," was 'sung, followed by prayer. During the busi- ness period reports from the various committees were read. There were 26• calls on the sick :and shut-ins. Lt was decided to withdraw the meet- ings for July and August. All mem- bers are requested eo .rake calls on the rshut-ins during these months. Miss Elva Waltse favored the Mrlad tes with two solos. s. W. M. Aiken gave two readings, "Be •Bare- ful what !yen say," and "I know sornebhiag good about you," which were mfueh enjoyed. The closing hymn was 550 "Abide with .Me," Hospital Club Holds White Elephant Sale The Hospital Neighbour Club, working in conjunction with Clinton Hospital, Aid, were entertained at the home of Mfrs. James Livermore, Ming St., on Tuesday afternoon. A feature of the .meeting •was an auction sale of white elephants with the Club's own genial auctioneer, 'Mrs. George Molloy, in her best form. 'Eddie had ;better look to his laurels." A shower of flower holders for bhe hospital netted 15 baskets and vases, A delicious tea was served by Mrs. Livermore, assisted) by Mrs. Harold Lawson, •Mrs. George Jenkins and Mrs. Hartley Managhan, The proceeds of .the meeting amounted to $25. Brucefield Choir Presents Fine Play The play, "Happiness Ahead" sponsored by the Woanen''s Institute and staged in the Town Hall, Clin- ton, ton, on Tuesday evening, proved to be quite a •success and was much enjoyed by :the large audience pres ent. Chairman' off the evening was LeRoy G. Brown, Agit'cultural Rep- resentative for Huron Owenby, who spoke very fittingly of the work drone by this organization and bow their money was spent in doing ex- cellent work in this community and throughout the country as •a 'whole, The play, 'whidh was presented by members of the choir of the Bruce- field United Church, was introduced by Mrs. John Murdoch, the organist of the church, who also was the nar- rator for the •evening. The Innstitute• was deeply grateful to Master Beverley Boyes and Mrs. Bayes, Bill and Joyce Andrews and Art Groves; who supplied musical munbers both before the performance and between acts, refreshments the play, were served) the caste by the social m i,the Board ' nee committeess and Enna Room of the Agricuth' al Office. Mothers' Club to Back Mrs, Tewsend closing the meeting with prayer. A social half horn' was spent. The ladies of the •social committee serv- ing a very delicious lunch. liel.Malisoiowl,..0.10V......mr.movsma3ecaocneownauuar......aerecicartsoemo.raWassoosalmosnarummeoarzoo* l CZ Remember Father's Day SUNDAY ,JU IMPORTED PIPES TOBACCO POUCHES SUNGLASSES CIGARETTE ROLLERS Borden's Ice Soft Drinks E 15th LIGHTERS RAZORS FLASHLI'GHTTS WATCHBANDS Cream Chocolate Clinton Bowling AIL "Llai„ Hartley ;-.�.�o�.�..�.,o.,.�„®�,.•®...i „amu�� U TICE The Town of Clinton is anxious to procure properties on which WARTIME HOUSES may be built. Citizens wlao have vacant building lots for sale please contact the Town Cleric for further particulars. • TOWN OF CLINTON, M. T. Carless, Clerk and Treasurer Be Prepared for Father's Day! IT IS XMPORTANT THAT YOUR APPEARANCE BE SMARTS Have your suits cleaned and pressed today. Suits brought in as late as Monday, June 9, will be ready for Saturday. DYEING We can also have your 'Suits, Coats, Dresses, dyed by a reliable Toronto firm. Prices reasonable. GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP We Call for and Deliver Clinton Phone 115 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rapson, L on- desiboro, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Eileen, to Murray Edwin Miibton son 'of Mr. 1 and Mrs. S. E. Milton, Woodstock, the marriage to take place June 14. e . Education Discussed Mission Hospitals Weatherman Provides "Break" for Show•. (Continued from Page One) our'', presence with them on Spring Show Day. The • program'lne then was handed over to Ehvin "Dick" Jacob, presi- dent of the Show, who carried on ByPresbyterianWMS ram there• Ontario Products The WMS"Few of us eonuprelhend bhe ex-. , of the Presbyterian of . •Canada's'•e outs of food Church .net at thee home of the ipresi- 1 redacts " the Lieutenant -Governer dent, Mrs. G. D. 'Roberton. After stated.- "In 1946 our exports of the Call to Worship, sinel meditation meati, cheese .and eggs alone required on "They Kingdom Coate, Thy will a train •a (half - mile long moving to be done by Mrs •Charles Twitohele the seaboard every work clay of the year. Deering 1946 :Ontario farmers produced 65 per cent of the cheese exported from Canada. For the leer - led •September 1, 1946 to February 28, 1947, 57 per cent of all the eggs exported froni Canada were .produced by Ontario hens. "Although similar export figures, on a Provincial basis, are not avail- able for bacon and beef, yet in 1946 40 per cent of the 4,350,000 hogs and 28 per cent of the 1,720,000 anada were mar- keted inC cattle marketed keted in Ontario and it is reasonable to expect that a similar percentage of the exports of these products had their oregin in Ontario. "Ontario farmers are producing a large share of Canada's total ex- portable high protein food products and must be therefore vitally inter- ested in the continuance of these outlets as their scononuic' existence depends on it. In fact, live stock and meat •animal;;, dairy produces, eggs and poultry eombine tc make up .74.8 per cent of all the Ontario farm income. "We are reasonably assured of -a. readly market for all of these ,pro- duots that we can produce at least to the end of 1948. First -Many of them are .already covered by contract with Great Bretain; Secondly -these products are sorely needed by many countnues, and Thirdly - they are largely being purchased on the strength of loans already made to Britain. Now as these loans become exhausted and with the return of competition front Central Europe. Seandmnavia, Australia, New Zeal- and and South America, price and quality will again become the con- trolling factors as far as the ex- ports from Canada are concerned. "Partners and Governments alike must continue to worst hand in hand in improving the quality and must plan prodnction of an economically sound basis. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I am referring to all the farmers in On- tario while the ,present good con- ditions and great clemand for our products roman, it is not advisable for us not only to preserve but to better the quality of our land and to see that much good continues to go back into the soil so as 4o ensure good crops of quality and quantity for the following years so that we, our children, and our children's children shall all reap the benefit. "It is my belief, based on per- sonal observation wherever I have travelled; that no country in the world has been more richly fevered than our in191 Canada and particu- larly this, aur own Province of On- tario. "Some of the world's best ROP production records have been made right here in the Province of Ontario. Some of the best cattle -the best Smogs the best sheep have been bred and raised here in Ontario. "At this Fair today, I would like to mention the names of Taylor, Ecl- reeds, Todd, O'Neill, Munro, Turn- bull, Parker, Snell etc•, whose out- standing work in the improving of the quality of live stock makes them great names that 'will go down in *history for future generations to read about. "I wish to congratulate your President .and your Executive, and all who are responsible for this won- derful show. I also wish to heartily congratulate 'those who are awarded prizes and to further congratulate all other exhibitors and I hope that tthose who have not been awarded honorees this year will accept the challenge and come back with im- proved entries another year. It gives 'me great pleasure to now declare this 42nd IAnnual Clin- ton Spring Show 'officially open." One very special feature of the meeting of the . Mothers' Club of + v Wesley -Willis United Church was the willingness and decision of. the menvbers• to nse their capacity as Canadair mothers to make hospital supplies for the Mission Hospitals in China. The members expressed their feeling that !it s not work only but an opportunity to express with their hand what is in, their hearts; "When saw we Thee in need." This very worthwhile meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Hugill, Isaac 'St., and the 17 mothers present received a very cordial wel- come from the hostess. Mrs. (Dr.) J. IA.. Addison conducted a very ef- fective evening's progratiune which bespoke thoughtful preparation. The use of an appropriate poem es an i eroductory opening conveyed the theme for evening egom vises. The newly- ppointecl secretary, Mrs. A. Douglas, read the minutes of the April meeting. Iles. Paddington read, the Scripture lesson followed by prayer by the leader. Collection amounted to $2.90. The club wes very happy to .vel - come Mrs. 13. C. Hearn. president of the WMS to this meeting. Icer re merits and sue'geetions were very timely and graciously rev e'ved. Mrs. George Braithwaite. Albert $t., invited the Club to her home for the June meeting. and Mrs, Dales, Townsend Ste will have charge of the programme for the evening. The followine short readings were presented, followed with thought- provoking discussions: "Gentle Re- minder' by Mrs. W. Mureb; "Strat- egy for Justice" by Mrs.- Horner; "Bursting with Pride" by Mrs. Glen Lockhart; "It's Plain Thievery" by Mrs. W. Jervis: "Chop this one up," by Mrs. Pocklington alt1 "Getting Most out of Life" by Mrs. Hearn. The leader ably gave 51 chapter on "Wise Competition" taken frem the writings of the psychologist. Profes- sor William Black. The devotional session closed with use of Hymn 252 and 'the Benediction. A very interesting and unusual contest was introduced. A collection of baby photos of several members had been made and the question was "Who is she?" Another record meeting wes hap- pily brought to a close after a fine social period during which the host- ess and her helpers served a greatly enjoyed lunch. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid ere sugar S'226 to S51 and Y1 to Y5. butter B35 to B63. Next canning sugar coupons Y6 to Y10 will become good in July. Miss .Shaw [followed 'wi'bh .the 'Bible reading. Christian' Education in India" from. the study book was .taken by Mee. Willvann .Shaddock, who stated that to know about the work of the church do this field of India .and deepen our awn Christian experience' and enthusiasm in the gaining oe it should be the aim of all the women present. The Presbyterialhad written selecting a girl from Clinton to go to -Summer camp, • A layette and large quantities of knitted) goods were received from the members, the Girls' Club and the Mission Band for the bale. • Mrs. •Charles • Twitch it and Mrs. J. Wilson assisted the hostess in serving a cup :of tea. ' Time ladies of .Stanley 'will be host- esses for the June meeting. When Shopping for the Finest Quality IN BAKED GOODS we can solve your problem. TRY OUR BREAD, BUNS, CAKES AND • PASTRY Silverwood's Ice Cream BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS. PHONE 1 CLINTON IOOF NOTES .About 125 were present on Monday night at the regular meeting of Iiu onic Rebekah Lodge, No. 306, when visitors were present from Stratford, Listowel, Brussels, Ex- eter, and Goderich. The Clinton ladies put on the degree when seven can- didates from Clinton, ten from Ex- eter. one from Goderich and one from Listowel were initiated into the Lodge. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable time spent. Try Our Breck Hair and Scalp Treatments Machine -less Permanent Waves. our Specialty Phone 786 for appointment Gloria's Beauty Salon Over Clinton Grill Victoria St. '1' A good number was on hand Tues- day evening for the regular meeting of Clinton Lodge No. 83. °The work of the evening was the conferring of the third degree' on seven Clin- ton brothers. Visitors were present from Stratford and Blyth. All the candidates and several others made short speeches. The social committee served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. Clinton Lodge No, 83 and 7luronic Rebekah Lots No. 300 as 'well as visitors from the surrounding lodges, will attend Divine Worship on Sun- day .morning in Clinton Presbyterian Church. Hospital Aid Plans Programme for Fall The monthly meeting of Clinton Hospital Aid 'was 11 in the Council Chamber Tuesday- evening with the president. Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, in the chair. The mintues and roll eall were read -la the secretary, Mins. H. C. Lawson, while Miss L. Walkinshaw, the treasurer, reported a balance of $585.65. Committee reports were given by Mrs. W. H. Robinson for member-. ship; Mrs. F Thompson for nurses - in -training. The latter stated her. committee had -entertained the nurses -in -training •ata euehre party. Miss W. O'Neil reported for the entertainment committee. She out- lined the commibtee's plans for the fall which include another 'Marathon Bridge, •a dance on December 26 and one new "activity, a sale. This sale will include •a wide variety of useful articles such as furniture, dishes, cooking utensls, brie -a -track etc. A. special appeal 'will be made to every home for donations. Miss O'Neil, Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. C. Sturdy are to be in -charge of this sale. 0 PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of the Presbyterian Church will (hold their monthly meet- ing, Tuesday, Jlume 10, at the sum- mer home of Mrs. Dick Jacob at Bayfield All members ars asked. to meet at the Post Office at 7.30 p.nt. Mission Band Holds Successful Meeting The Bob McClure Mission Band of Wesley -Willis United Church met in the dburch hall Wednesday, May 28, with the president, Betty Lou Nedi- ger, in. the chair. The minutes of the last .meeting were read by Jack Fraser and the treasurer's report was given by Gail Shearing. The report of the corresponding seers - toy, Joan McLaren, was received, Don Rose then led in prayer and Joan McLaren read the Scripture' story. The offering 'was received by Cameron Addison after which a beim- perance balk was given by Mrs. At- kinson. The roll was called by Jack Fraser. Spring Plants at CUNINGHAME GREENHOUSES HURON ST. TOMATOES CABBAGES CAULIFLOWER SWEET PEPPERS 15 plants jet a box 30c each 5 - 5 5 ANNUALS Two splendid' reading's were given by D -on Cornish and Don Ross, Mrs. Asters Snapdragons - Rosy Morn Petunias - Pansies, ete. We will have quanities of TOMATO PLANTS to sell direct from hot beds 25c per dozen GERANIUMS in 3 -inch Pots 20c each 22-23-b CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) Ontario St. United Church RBV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist SUNID!A:Y, JUNE 8 11.00 A.M.-Morning Service 12.15 P&L -Sunday School '7.00 P.M. -Evening Service Pentecostal REV. H. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 8 2.30 P.M. -Sunday School 3.30 PM. -Worship Service 7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic Service Sunday •Services .at dome of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess St. E. 8 P.M. Wednesday -Prayer Service at home of Miss Laura Jervis,. Princess St. E. What is a man profited If he shall gain the whole world and lose his oasn soul. Matt. 16:20. Baptist i ti0V. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mins. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Bilble School 11 A.M. Evening Worship 7 P.M. We sing the cid hymns. We will sing them better: with you to help. The same old Bible is read as in the days of your fathers and mothers., The plreseher does his Peart. What inspiration do you give hien and your fellow members. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Bayes, Organist and Choir -Leader 'SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10.00 A.M.-+Sunday School 11.00 A.M.-;Davin Worship Clinton Lodge No. 83 I.EO.F. and Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306 and visiting ,brethren will attend this service; "Good Samaritanship" 2.30 P.M. -Service at 'Bayfield All Welcome St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenvlin, Organist ears. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10.00 AJW.-♦Sunday 'School 111.00 A.M.-Morning Service '7.00 P.M. -Evening Service. WIAL will meet at the home of Mrs. W. H. Robinson, ,Tuesday, Jenne 10, at 3 p.m. Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 8 111.010 AM. -Morning Worship 1e2.10,--8usdaiy 'School '7.00 P&L -'Evening Worship WESLEY-WILLIS W.M.S. The June meeting of the WKS of - Wexley-Willis United Church will be held' in the church parlour on Thurs- day, June 12, at 8 pen. Mrs. Mc - Gill's group will be in charge. Miss Dell O'Neil will tell the story "Birch Beek Talking" on the beginning of Mission work among the Cree Ind- ians. All women of the ehureh and visitors pare •cordially invited. Irwin .read the fourth chapter of the study book, "rig Tree Village," and the meeting closed' with a hymn and a prays--'. A haltf 'iota was spent on hand work. The next meeting will be held Juste 11. Memory wont for next meeting will be "Forgive us, Lord, that we have feasted.' 'while our brothers starved. Forgive us that we have had two oats' while.. our brothers had atone." SPECIAL 200 SINGLE BED SHEETS 200 Another shipment 1 , e s ne ut of Sheets from War AssetsCorporation. 1� Maxie of exceptionally heavy wableaehed Sheeting. Will .wear like iron. . Brand New. About 52"x96" Priced Extra Special ecial at 1.49 each For Quick Selling 54" to 58" Heavy All Wool Checks suitable for Slacks and Jackets Black, Navy, Brown and fancy. Former 'Values, $3.95 and $4.50, To Clear at $2.69 yard Sale of Spring Suits Continues A Number of These Marked Down to $8.95 Others at 25% from Normal Prices The W.A. of the Presbyterian Church will hold their AIN AL. BAZAAR SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, at 3 p.m. APRON - BAKING - NOVEIJrY Sc TOUCH and TAKE BOOTHS * * AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Salad Plate, Meat Loaf, Pie and Tea * * * ALL WELCOME 23-24-b A Year Ago To -day How Did Your Child Look ? Its Easy to Forget *• Have a Photograph taken MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY PRICES FOR EVERY POCKETBOOK 3 for $4.50 and up. 1 dozen for $9.00 and up . owlet o, Phone 48 PHOTOGRAPHERS MeEwan's Cliauton / ell birateialadivica co/MO:el HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not the Least. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL BROTHERS WM. N. BALL D. G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PHONE 361J Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station OKNX Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 p.m.