HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-06-05, Page 2PAGE TWO CILTTON N7EWS-RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE .5,.1947? Clinton News -Record The Clinton New Era 'e The Clinton News -Record Established 1865 ' E'stablished 1878 Almalgainatecl 1924 ADA PUBLLS.HE'D EVERY THURSDAY AT CLINTON, ONTARIO, CAIN In the Heart of IIuson County Am Inilepentent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District MEMBER: Canadian Weekly -Seetee Ontario -Quebec Ne'hvsPP q a ers Asso iation�`� Division, C'WNA 'ti SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great Britain: $2- a year; United States and Foreign: $2,50 a :year. Authorized as second class mail, Posh Office Department, Ottawa Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request H S. ATKEY - - - - - - Editor • and Publ'is'her THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 CLINTON'S HOUSING. PROGRAMME E. rection of fifty y new homes in 'Clinton by Wartime Housing Limited its notexpected tog solve ,completely b Pv p y the town's housing problem but it is anticipated Chat the move 'will go a long way toward relieving the present situation. j For some tine, there has been a feeling among town officials that the Wartime Housing proposal would not be feasible here, but when the matter was explained to the Town Council anrd interested citizens at Thursday evening's special Council meeting, the proposition seemed quite subtractive, particularly from the town's point of view. The municipality advances no funds whatever to build these 'homes; its only obligation its to provide the necessary improved building lots, wtherever these may be obtained. The houses do not have to be erected in one block, but wherever the Town Council directs --on single, double or lots that might take a group of several. Owners of available lots -should get in touch with the Town Clerk lenledilately, as the more quickly the town is forthcoming with the lots,, the more queckly (will the programme be -eoonn.pllete'd and the house's be ready for occupancy. (Since the agreement with Wartime Housing limited novas authorized by the Town Council, suggestions have been made that a total of 50 houses would not be nearly enough to fill the demand. But !assurance has been given that the number n'ay be increased through the signing of a 'supplementary agreement when the initial project. gets under way, anal it ins found that the original number is inadequate, Judging by the way applications have been coming in to the Town Clerk's Office and the statement of representative of the RCAF that 'they could use 100 themselves, it appears that a total of 100 would not be too many to build. In addition, local industrial expansion might be given some encouragement if sufficient housing accommodation were available to factory employees. A satisfactory feature of the plan its that the town will receive from Wartime Housiing Limited, Brom $26 to, 831 per dwelling in lieu of taxes, which will total up to one -and -a -half mills revenue that is now not being collect- ed. The town has no worry either in collecting rents or allotting houses; all that will be done by the Crown -owned company. Taping it by and large, 'and ,allowing for a few minor drawbacks, the deal 'seems to be a ,good one, as far as the town is concerned. LET'S GET OUR SHARE ! The Memorial Day weekend indicated very clearly that the tourists from the United States aregoing to visit Canada this summer in greater numbers than ever before. The number of American 'automob'ile licenses seen on the streets of Clinton and Bayfield and other 'centices in this section of Ontario, was an eye-opener. Local merchants reported a land office business, particu- larly in such lines 'as bacon and meats; in fact, everyone received a share of American dollars. One ]thing is certain; the tourist business in this area is too big to let go by our doors without encouraging it, and the Chamber of Commerce Mould be taceorded the greatest possible public support in ,anything that might be done through the Tourist and Publicity Committee of the'Chlaunber, - t'' in the wake of a flood of literature that es being 'releiased from the Ontario Travel and Publicity Department these days :the influx of tourists from the United States is expeoted to top all previous records. The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has estimated that $221,000,000 .was spent in Canada last year by 21,000,000 tourists, these figures smaethinlg all previous marks. Of this amount -Ontario is said to have secured $109,000,000 or roughly 51 per cent, Col. Welsh estimates that close to 500,000 United States touring parties will surge across the border into Ontario this year. From the interest shown to date—,and if you cared to 'ask the staff 'dispenlsing the information— tit seems as if twice that number are coming. It''s really "big business" and we should be prepared to handle our share of it. O 0 EDITORIAL COMMENT Thought for Today—Keep a Igood tongue in your head—Shakespeare "The Tempest." O 0 0 Poor old dad will leave This innings on Father's Day, June 15. O 0 0 "Oh, what is so rare lad a 'day in June!" We could stand a few of those "rare" days right now. O 0 0 Hell? the Canadian Legion to fpmanos 'the new Memorial Home " by 'attending the • Monster Celebration here on the King's Birthday. O 0 0 .Although the situation is bad enough, seeding in this district is reported to be considerably feather ad- vanced than north of here in Bruce County and an other parts of Ontario. Huron County is believed to be froln. 60 per cent. to two-thirds done. 0 © 0" - Directors of the Perth Horse Show at Stratford. got 'cold feet and deferred the event from yesterday to June 28. However, Huron Central Agricultural Society ex'hi'bited snore courage by going right .ahead with the Spring Shaw here today, ,despite incessant rainfall Sunday and Monday. TheSociety should be congratulated for eafrryhvg on despite tremendous th'amdioaps. r' Letters to the EDITOR THANK YOU Editor, Clinton News -Record, Dear She As the 1947 Red .Cross national ap- peal for peaotime funds 'has reached a sueoessfal conclusion, may we once again express our very grateful thanks to you and to your publications for presenting the story and needs of Red Cross to the public this year.. When we wrote you pointing out the iinporbance of this particular campaign to the future of the Red Cross lin Canada, ' we realized your dieeicult newsprint problem, but felt sure, ,as far as possible, you would do your best for. us as you have so generously done in the past. • The wholehearted, the re sarppoeb and co-operat givenb ion p y press of Canada, under the circumstances, are doubly appreciated. For your personal support, may we on behalf of the Red Oroes, say again "aVIany thanks for your help" (Signed) T. A. ELLIOTT, Chairman, National Publicity Committee Editor, News -Record' DEAR SviDR: At the twenty-ninth Annual meet- ing of the Navy League of Canada (Ontario Division), the following resolution wa.s passed: "THAT. the Navy League of Canada (Ontario Division) in lemma] meeting assembed, ex- tend greetings and zinoerel thanks to the press throughout the Province for the very court- eous and consistent support and valuable eo-operation at all ,tunes .given." We trust we may have your con tinned confidence and co-operatioit, Very truly yours, THE NAVY LEIA,GUE OF CANADA (ONTAJIIO DIVISION) V. R. Ramsey, Managing Secretary, Toronto, May 28, 1947. 0 From Our Early Files 25 YEARS AGO a and L. A. McKay.. Harry Gould, Sack Neilans, W. T O'Neil and Charles :-Shanahan aro having ,their homes pain'ted'.•and.othe THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD improvements made to them. Thursday, June 8, 1922 Robert Jones and family are mole Ing into the house recently vacated Palbearers at the funeral of MVIrs,. by F. W. Wigg. J. D. Atkinson has Thomas ,Gibbs, Who had passed away purchased the :hoarse and lot on Rat - at Beiererest Sask., and which. was tenbuiy St. freer C..F:.Cabby.. held from the home of her son Frank, G. D. ltFeTaggart and H. R. la Sharpe Princess Ste were W, Moon, J. Fing-•were in Seaforth land, J. Hutton and D. Geddes. playing golf and J. W. Stevenson, W. C. Brown,J. were on the winning teamwhieh';de- felted Gaderic'h. E. Hovey, W. A. Giant, A, J. Moir- Caunweil met on Monday night. isle . and Mr. Rogerson were bowling' ,Mayor Cantelon was in. the chair and in Seaiorfli, those present included f Reeve Miller W. Hannbbyn and F. Mut-eh are er. ,and •counucillora Ned•iger, ,Holloway, acting verandahs to their residences; MMidclleton, Livermore and' Kemp. It Mr. Williams, Rattenbury St. is build -was decided to move the machine irug a nem porch; Mr: Lindsay has gone from in front of the Town Hall painted the •cottage occupied by R, to the Library Park. S. O'Neil. Dr. Gandlier is making ex- Misses .Myrtle Mair and Isobel tensive ,improvements to his dwelling.. Dimer spent the weekend at- Clif- Mo. and Mee. Thomas Greig an- ford:. nouuce the engagement of their enly MT. andJ/h'a Nixon. Welsh, London„ daughter Harriet Louise to. Frank spent the weekend 'with:their parents Allison Jenkins; son of iIr, 'and' MSs,. in town: William Jenkins. Wartime Prices Board Answers Questions Concerning Regulations Frank Mitch of the Royal Bank •Jack .Mcllveen, faun year old son Staff at Ripley spent' the weekend of Mr. and .Mrs, Wilbur Mcllveen lead' with his parents. Mr. and Mts. Feed the misfortune to fall from a wagon •Muteli. on which he was playing and broke Arthur, Forlies, Ross. Forbes, Galt, Ins arm James and Charles Forbes, Water - A. T. Cooper was i11 over the weep- ford; and Me and Charles Tiwit- end but is better now. • chell, Wtndlsor, are iii town ening to Harry McCool leas taken a posit- the serious illhess• of their: mother ion in the Dominion Store. - .Mus. A. Forbes. , Reeve R. J. Miller is in God'erich. Mr. and Mrs, Robert' Carter celeb• this week attending Oolanty Council.. rated' the 25th anniversary of their S. S. Cooper has -bought from the marriage on Friday and received, Jackson' Estate the store Occupied by numerous cengratuletion•s• Irrvin's dry goods and from the Twit- Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Bboll' ,and' Miss• chell Estate the store occupied by Thelma visited' ih Sarnia over the Wendorf's restaurant. weekend:. Mrs. J. E. Brooks, Henson, ie visit- Mayor ,David' •Cantelon was one of iing her parents Mr. and MTs. W. the Hikers ea Goder•ibii on Friday Cantelon. last:. Fred Siouan, Blyth, was in town yesterdafy attending the wedding of his uncle A. T. Slornan to .Miss M. 40 YEARS e11GO Lanxon. Mr. and Mos. Frank Layton, Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper are visiting Mr. and Mos. Charles Layton, Hamilton. 55e; butter, 15 to 16c; eggs, ,156 • to Cooper and. Thomas. •MeKenzie,. 160; live (hogs. X6.75:, Harvey Golcloagh, John ,MeRiwan,. George McLennanwas in Lueknow Misses Edna V, Cooper, Isabel Ganno, on Fbiday; aiid invested he a driver (Malian - .Coats, Mary Stewart and J. Clarence Johnson ,is; leaving far °alder are annongthose who have Detroit lwheee he will spendthree.. or Ibeen successful in their examinations•. four menthe in charge of en Anglican atlthe:Uniierersiiyrof:Toronto.,. parish in the stbateeof"Michigan. Miss Lizzie Reid is visiting rel- Hobent Holmes was the unanimous taives. on Manitoulin Island. choice of the West` Hueco/ • Lib'eral Miss Blanche .MeIlveen has. retlun- Association for ,a candidlate'foe:mein ed to .her :-home :at, :Ailsa. Oraig, Her.. bee: of ppsl anent. The News -Record place en the New Era staff has beon predicts he .will' make second,' place taken by:JVliss Mabel'Ciarke. in the corning election:•. w:. Oilwell: had' She misfortune.. to Q:—WWe would like to know what license, if any, is required for ped- dling meat in the country. If a license is required 'where and how would we go about getting it? Would it be unlawful to peddle meat in a town where two butcher shops are if it is petunibted by the town council? A: Yalu would require a license to peddle meat. Apply to the Licens- ing Officer of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Federal Building, London. In reply to the second part tamed from the ,Purchasing Agent, of your question eve would advise Department of Public Works, Ottawa, you that the Board would have no and the 'Supervising Aechitect, 36 jurisdiction over this. It is purely Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. a civil matter. All meat would have Tenders should be made on the foians to be stamped with an official WPTB suppled by the Department and in ac - stamp. cordance with departmental specifi- • * * cations and condition's atteehed there- Q:—I am 'a farmer and wish to to. Coal dealers` license :umbers. must have some lambs slaughtered. Must be given when .tendering. I get permission from the Wartime The Department reserves the right Prices and Trade Board? to .demand from any successful tend- A:—Yes. end-A: Yes. You must have an ,auth ever, before awarding the order, a orization from the Board before yon security deposit in the form of a have any meat sleuglitered for you. certified cheque on a chartered bank Your slaughterer must also have a in Canada, made payable to the order Board 'license. of the Honourable the Minister of * a * Pubic Works, 'equal to 10 per cent of Q:—es there a ceiling price on the amount of the tender, or Bearer pork and beans? Bonds of the Dominion rot Canada or A:—Yes, The ceiling varies ac- of the •Canaclian National Railway Company and its constituent comp- anies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Do- minion of .Canadb., or the aforemen- tioned bonds and a ces'bified cheque. if required to makeup an odd amount. Such security will serve as a .guar- antee for the peeper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, ,Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. June 2, 1947. 23-24-b * �• * * * THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, June 8, 1922 Among the successful students at the University of Toronto are: Harry Shaw, Miss Gertrude Wallis, Harvey Potter, Erskine Evans, Alvin Leonard THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; Tliursdhy, June 0; 1907 W.J. Paisley, James Stevens, F R, Hodgen,. A. Tyndall,. J. W: Irwin, James MaMath and B. J. Gibbings attended a Liberal convention Goderiele Clinton defeated Seaforbh playing Football. ,Clinton lineup was: goal,.. P -•Couch; .backs, Je JRuies and J: Mus. tard; 'hall backs, W. McEwen, R, Mc- Kenzie and C. Copp; centre, Dr. Mc- Rae; right ruing T: Mustard and W. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Manning; left wing, 3. Ferguson and J- Medd. Federal Buildings—Province of Ont. ,During the past few weeks' Kerne- SEALED TENDERS addressed to the edy and Sena have supplied the fol. undersigned and endorsed "Tender for lowing with lightning arresters: Coal" will be received until 8 pm. William Sterling, Ezra Pickard, R. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, June 19, 1947, and E. Fisher, A. and W: McIlvain, for the supply of 'coal and coke for John Graham, W Doherty, A. Me - the 'Dominion Buildings throughout Kenzie, H. Curzon, W. Johnstone, A. the Province of Ontario. Robinson, John Larson, G. Holland, Forms of tender with specifications Hart Hicks, W. Richardson,G. Males and conditions' attached can be ob- A. James, '3. H. •Mailveen, F, Natb` and W. Shipley: Herb Witts and' Norman IMacD'oug- all 'have decided: to run a race from Seaforbh to Clinton in the near fut- ure. In the recent race Mr. Mc- Dougall was victorious but Herb• feels• confident he will come out on top this time. Chief Wheatley is laid up• with a very severe cold) and has been off dully several days. Alex Robinson has bought the Commercial Hotel, -Bayfield and tak- es over his duties there very shorty: Markets were: wheat, 85c; oats, 45c; peas, 70c to 75e; barley, 50c to fall from the roof of his house while THE CLINTON . NEW ERA . i making some repairs: and break. the Feeidayy.Appi1]7J 19077 bones im, his hand. Hamilton—Monteith—At the iesid- Joliet Rsmsford'aeports•thee he spite once .of the Bride's mother, ClintoU, • of:'the: vu+t+y :leaekward spring then. in on• eenee ; by:Dr. ,Stewart; Miss S.ar- general' crops seam to bb coming a- ah Monteitli to James A. Hamilton. • long in a•fair condition. Potter Huller— At the residence David' Cook is. in Toronto attend - of the bride's parents, Geder.,ieh irbg the biennial meeting of the • Township, on June 5, by Rev. F. 'Chosen Ffiends. Swann, Edith E.,daughter of Mo. , George Walker, Liveryman, '° has and Mrs. A. Helier, to Jatiii A: Potter. Tentacle Mrs. Ranley'e house who for ,Mr. Herman' has been let -the con- the present is living with hex brother tract for the Fulton St. drain, Robert Welsh. R. J. ,Cliff and Mts. Watt are l Joliru'Crooks•af.:Morrieli andl'Crooks• lhavbiev .alterations made in their has left on a business trip to the homes 'tie work • being done by- S; S. west' ifs tlie• interests • of "bis cording to the brand and size of tin. If you would give us the name of the canner and the size of the can we would be able to give you the correct ceiling price, Q: — Some grocers ask me for coupons for cern syrup and ether stores do net ask for coupons. Is corn sprup still rationed? A:—Yes. There seems to be some confusion regarding rationed pre- serves and syrups. Cern syrup is not rationed, but Molasses is. Give your home that added touch with a Rittenhouse door chime America's Finest A T Clinton Electric Shop "Every House Needs Westinghouse" PHONE 479 D. W. CORNISH RES. 358 FOR HAPPINESS $50 DIAMOND.& WEDDING RINGS GUARANTEED PERFECT AND INSURED FREE' AG AINlh.t055 5422 50 1110 43.50 W. N. Counter Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Ccntury in Huron County eeeiereeee- eweirellee When. the.' cost' factor i's' important. You' wilt find: every' co=operation' at' The Beanie Funeral Rome Geo, Be Beattie' RATTENBURY ST: E. - CLINTON" Eud iphcs it Rall Tbnke: For The Sexsterni $Lo -o just . received a new shipment of CAMERAS and KODAKS a * d, Developing and Printing Prompt Service -- Best Work — Best Prices; W. S. R. HOLMES 'Y'OU'R REXALL DRUG STORE • 't HE'LL NEED FORESTS Too If you look to the bush country for, recreation or levelness, you'll realise how much it will mean to the youngsters of today if you help to save the forests for tomorrow. Above all, protect the forests from, fire. Ontario' has been abundantly blessed with natural resources; which, if not properly protected, can be quickly exhausted. Every year, for example, thousands of acres of trees are destroyed because someone is not careful with fire. 1 Forests mean much more than a pleasant place to holiday :: i an attraction for tourists ... shelter for game animals and fishing haunts. They mean more than a source of lumber and paper products; and jobs for thousands of people, vital as these are to national welfare. Climate is tempered—extremes prevented—by forest areas. They store water too—help to keep rivers and streams from dangerous and costly flooding in spring time. They spread the flow of water more evenly through the year. That means they help to ensure a year-round supply of Hydro power for you. Protect the forests. They • serve you well. SOME WAYS TO BE CAREFUL ABOUT FIRE s Break each match in two before you throw it away. s Be sure your discarded cigarette is really out. s•. Keep camp Ares small, and always in a safe place. e Before you leave, put the fire DEAD OUT with water, ,1'