HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-05-29, Page 6,.AiGs saX. oma4eFoasr Nr*s.ancoatu mullsiDAY MAY 29 La47 titeresting Items Frain News-Record'sRural Correspondents NEWS OF BAYFI1E,LD, Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 • Chew les Berry is spending a few dayn London. .and alma James Pay and two eh/ clren,Detroit, spent the weekend di 'in e villoge. Me. and M. W. II. Robinson, London, spent a few days at their • cottage cin the village. Mr. and aVIrs. Quentin Haleman and two sons, New Iltundee, visited Miss IVI. C. Reid on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. •Churchward, London, were at their cottage M the village over tile ,weekend, Lawrence Fovvlie, London, 'spent Victoria Day, and Sunday with his • sisters, ,Mcsseo F. and R Fowlie. dela andeVIrs. J. Atkinson, St, Clair •Shores, elieh., were at their home in the vilage over the weekend. Mrs. Brei Sturgeon has leased The Log 'Cabin Luneh Room and opened for business over the week- end. • Arthur Sullivan, Detroit, spent the weekend with his wife who is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. W. J. Ma Lead, Sr. Mr. and lelgs. Clark Daly aa d daughters, -London, ,oceupled a cot- tage in Jewett% Grove over the weekend. Mr. and. Mre. W. H. Dunn and two daughters, London, were at their cottage en Bayfield Terrace over the weekend. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter and eon Bill, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Tentera mother, Mrs. Wm. J. .Stinson. Miss 1Veilvena -Sturgeon, London, visited her parent% 'Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon from Wednesday un- til Sunday. ,Mn and Mrs. R. W. ,Stephene and two sons, London, were at "Shangri- La," _their home in the village over the weekend. Mrs. J. H. Cobh, Toronto, spent the 'holiday and weekend with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Ross, "Sum -R - Inn" cottage, Mr. asvl lefra Robert IVIacLeed, Goderiele spent ehe weekend with the eoemeee parents, Mr. and Mao. L. H. MacLeod. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS! For your convenience the CLINTON FEED MILL will be open all day Wednesday, June 44, and closed Thursday afternoon for the Spring Show, June 5. CLINTON FEED MILL BIG reittlb 5e, '1504" AHED! THE TDOMPSONS are busy as bees, getting their place in shape for the tourist season. This year, with three more cabins, electricity and a modernized kitchen, they hope to do even better than before. They were able to make these ad- ditions because last fall Mr. Thompson drove to town to see his bank manager. He knew about the nice little business the Thompson had built up; a bank loan was quickly arranged. Now the 'rhompsons can handle more tourists and increase their income. At the same time Canada will benefit from the extra tourist dollars they take in. • VettS r %S OtsAS 1,0S1 sts1Ct of how Canada? s 3,200 brooch bonito play their port in the daily Bee earl week of Cannatons. 1111 4 /id tai 11,7 TOIA,11,A ' se0,NSORED �Y YOUR BANK • t; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bergen Kiteh- *aver, were the guests of Ir. and :Mrs. LeRoy, Pobh, Jowett'. Grove, over the weekend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, -Ron- ald -and -Maey, Toronto, visited Mre. Knight's mother, leers. F, C. Gomoin- hard, over the weekend. 1111r. and Min. E. Kendall ,and two daughters, Elmira, visited !Mrs. Ken- dalles parents, 111-r. and -Mrs. William R. Jowett ever the weekend,. Mr. and Mes. B. E.• Foyebon, Lon- don, Me. and Mrs. D. Soper and. daughter, Clare, were at their cottage. in jowetes Grove over the weekend. We. L. G. Bassett has returned to her home in the village. Her sister, Mats. George Davison, Woodstock, spent a couple of days last 'week with her. Dr. and Mrs:* R. Ranter and two daughters, Toronto, were with Mrs. Inuarter% parents, Mr. and Met. Chas. F. Rogers, "Chez -WO cottage, over the 'weekend.- Mrs. Viotor Burt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and family, London, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker over 'Victoria Day and Sunday. Mes. O. W. Brown who- has been visiting her sister, elm A. Arm- arong, ,Stanley Township, cam -e an Friday to occupy her .cottage "The Driers" for the -season. Mr. and Mrs. F. McAllister, Mr. and Me.s. Alex -McAllister and babe, London, were at their cottage over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blair and family, Windsor, were their guests. Rev. and lefts. P. H. Paoli, List- owel, ',T. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon, Brantford, accompanied bY Mrs. M. Dixon and daughter, Win- nipeg, apent Victoria Day in the village, DT. P. Lewis was the guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods, "The Hut," over the weekend. On his return to Tor- onto on Monday he was accompanied by Mos. Lewis who was here for a forenight. Miss Doles eVICEwen, who has com- pleted her second yean at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London, came au Saturday to spend the long vacation with •her another, Mrs. F. W. MoEhren, Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Day are guests alt "The Little In" for a fortnight before opening -their cottage "High - top" for the season. They spent the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Lorne Cook, and. earnily, Chicago. Master Ronald Poth was taken to Clinton Public Hospital en Friday where he is receiving penicillin treatment for a serious infection re- sulting from an abscessed tooth. Ronnie's many friends hope he will make -a quick recovery. Miss M. Fairbainn. Detroit, who came on Wednesday of last week has opened her cottage "West Wind" for the season. She was aecempanied by her niece, Mrs. F, Hendricks, who returned to 13irmingetarn„Mich., on Sunday with Mr. Henciricks, who was also' here for the weekend. • PORsfER'S mu, Miss MoDonald, Kintail, has been engaged as teacher at SS. No. 5. Miss Phyllis Hanes who has com- pleted her course at' Western Busi- ness College, has secured a position. Mr, and ares. James Durnin, Lon- don, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris and Milton Woods. Mr. .and Mrs. R. E. Bowden and daughters Muriel and Lcis, also Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart, spent 1Sundees with friends in Mount Bridges. , Many Attend Church It 'WM encouraging to see so many out to church on Sunday, about 60 being present. Don't forget the special offering June 1. Three Baptized Three children were baptized at Grace Church, on Sunday; JoAnne little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mer Harrison; and two children of Mir. and ;Mrs. Duge elcDeugal. On }Sunday, Jame 1, elm service will be at 9.45 am., -Sunday School following. , Community Club . The May meeting of Porter's Hill Community Club was held at the home of :11411a. John Torrance with 23 ladies enema including three visitors. 4. quilt was partly quilted.. The president, Mrs. J. A. Torrance, opened the meeting with "0 Canada" with Mrs. Will Cox at the piano, fol- lowed -by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs-. -George Greenslade Teed minutes of lase .meeting and names of -the officers for 1947, Mrs. Bert Harris-, eraasurer, gave financial report and read the names of Mem- boos, .also a letter of thanks for flowers sent. 'Miss N. ,Sinclair, superintendent of 'Clinton Public Hospital was present and gave much interesting informa- tion regarding furnishings for the new wing that is being -added to Clinton Hospital. Many questierns were asked and a wealth of inform - tion gained. Mrs. ,Tames Lockhart moved a vote of thanks to 'Mise Sinclair. The meeting closed evieb "God Save our Ring." The hostess served a very delicious lamb. The ' June inestang is to be held at the 'home of Mie. Argyle Li/Oche/et. •MillY11•110111•111•••• -VARNA Miss ,Mary Reid aeoompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mex Murray on a motor trip to Niagara Fells over the weelc end. GODERICII TOWIVSIIIP Me. and Mrs, Edwin Douglas, London, spent ehe weekend at their cottage at Bee/field Highlands. Moe and 'Mis's. PIIII Heitbohmer alert family, 'Stratford, spene the 'weekend at their cottage at Lane &Pines Mr. and Miss, 0. A. Dalton, Lon- don, and foeney Charies, Leery and Carol, -spent the weekend at the Hay- field Highlands. Mr. •and ,MTS. D. E. Lofft,' Brant- fone entertained fivo couples at their cottage at Hayfield Higbeande over the long weekend. George Willetts entertained the legal department ,of General Motors, Detroit, to a weekend' stag party at his home in Hayfield Hiptiande. Me. and Mrs, W, J. Duncan, Sea - forth., ,aceonmanied Iby Miss Reta Duman, Windsor, spent the weekend at their summer home at Hayfield Higidands. Mir. and Mies. Themes Dunbar, Lambeth, spent the past weekend with -Mr. a-nd ,Mrs: Fred Wallis while they build eheir mummer home at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McAllister, Miss Ruth, ,and Alfred, London, Mr. and' tiles. Alec McAllister,. Windsor, s,pent the weekend at their summer home at Bayfied Highlands. Ms'. W. G. Mellsap, hoe daughter, Mr. and ,Mrs. !Allan Millsap and ehida.en Jill and Judy, London, spent the long weekend at their cottage nt Bayfield Highlands, They were nceompanied her lMiss Isabel Simpson, also of London, S.S. 4 Community Club The ladies of SeS. No. 4 Goderich Township Community -Club met at the home of Mae. Robert Thompson on Wednesday, May 14. The mese. dent, Mrs. Forbes, -opened -the meet- ing with the Lord's Player 'in unisoe, followed by the reading of the min- utes of the previous meeting, The roll call was answered by an ex:: change of seeds and slips. A. very interesting, letter from of know it fun 1, sometimes ... you and your el friend doing home work together, by telephone. But it does tie up the party line — perhaps when someone needs it badly. So please don't make it a habit Cheek? PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep coils brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right.of-woy to urgent calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY . OF CANADA on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount ....for a term of five years . guaranteed both as to principal and interest . • . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on clue date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to aecumulato at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- paniC13; authorized by law for cemetery hoards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years In Business Mrs Feed !Slow= was Teed, thank- ing the Club for a box of clothing which had been sent them, and told of some of the people who received them. .Aizether letter was Teed from the Hospital Committee, -Asking aid. A third letter was from a family in Holland to Mn. Churchill in which they told of oaring for Ben fersarchill's gaave. It was moved ley Ms's. B. Lobb, seconded by Mrs. Churchill, that the ...11111.1•014ft•••••••.11M011Solm.•14•40 TO THE FARMERS OF HURON COUNTY Connborer clean-up regulations are again in effect for 1947. These require that all corn refuse be ploughed under completely and,. if subsequently brought to the sur - _face in cultivating or planting, must be picked off and burned. -Compliance with these regulations .,is necessary on or before June 1st. Failure to comply renders the of- ' fender subject to fine. GLENN EDKADER, Inspector. 22-p nointiirammeguesomninine 1ISLIl,Ity,AILAVA/4 A PIRG BROODER THAT REALLY looks after the noutbful porkers is now en display in the window of Ontario Agaleultural Office, Clinton . . . It was invented enel constructed by Noble Holland, R.R: 4, Clinton, and realty; serves the Pm:Tose. ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN PURCHASING ONE OF THESE BROODERS IS Amp) TO CONTACT NOBLE HOLLAND Phone 617r22 R.R. 4, Clinton as soon as possible 22-b memigumwm=mmilmamna TENDERS WANTED For Concrete Work TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned to and includ- ing MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1947, for Concrete Foundations and other concrete work necessary in the construction of an addition at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Tenders are to inolude all materialand forms necessary for the completion of the Nyork, and are to be based on a price per cubic yard. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. P. D. MeCONNELL, Secretary of the Board, Scott Memorial Hospital. 22-b PLAY "PETTICOAT RANCH" Presented by Varna Y.P.U. IN TURNER'S CHURCH, TUCHERSMITII FRIDAY, MAY 30 at 8.30 P.M. under the auspices of the Tuckerstnith Ladies' Club ADMISSION: 40c and 25e 21-22-b quilted. ' The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Walter' Club- send three quilts for British Forbes the roll call to be answered Relief, as well as 10. by: "Dos for the eielc room." The During the afternoon, a quilt was hostess oerved a very delicious lureeh. 12e Lakeview Vhieks lZc Now you can buy Lakeview Chicks at no more than the price of 'ordinary chicks. Sussex X N. Hamps., Sussex, Barred Rocks, New Hamps., Barred Rock X N. limps., miXed eh:licks 12c. ifie Heavy Breed Pullets 1.8e - All Heavy Breed Pullet44isted above 18e. Sussex X Leghorn, Barred Rock X Leghorn, New Hamps. X Leghorn mixed 12c, pullets 22c. Started Pullets and Mixed Chicks 2-4 weeks old. Send for Prices and Weekly 'Special List.. Heavy Breed Cockerels and 4 Week old Ready Made Capons SEND OR WIRE FOR PRICES LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM NEIN BROS. "Phones '78 or 92 ENVIER, ONT, . II\:111' I illv i ql 'II 11$1,00'''' NI '" .111,1 ill,' e IN1„0" Illir; AliC4 11 1 11111.0„ II` IA "114 iloo,, ,Ii. , 11,„111 IIIII, 1,• 1.1,11)::: \ 11,1.'.1..'"!:1.111111' 11 11 1 I I III 1 1111111 I 1 1 1111!1111 IunhII"°"' 1111191111rW Aff 111111 P „II ' I Irk 1 I. .•" OM, N i , "1114111 I 111111, (1. ‘ 111111), iderli )1 /Ili Ilk , 1 Il n Of 111, ,ri,. „, I All If° '11 ,11111111 ,',111.1(t111111111111:1\'‘IN1111111 le NI , iiii: 11'd111)1' 1 I 111° DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE. COMFORT. QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, thopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit o pleasant memory. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Tuner, Detroit's largest, is the pica° to stay. VISIT OUR Cocktail ,Coamge ONE, OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $275 Rotel trifler FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK HARRY 1 O'BRIEN, Manager "moommeelmelet"mommor PRICES REDUCED on DURO Water Softeners Here is Good News For Canadian Householder Back to pre-war prices! Yes, prices of DURO Domestic Water Softeners are reduced to pre-war levels. Pumps 'and Softeners Limited are determined to keep prices down for the Canadian Consumer. Because of manufacturing economics gained through increased produc. tion and full-time employment . . DURO again leads the way with a price reduction . . . making it easier than ever to own a DURO . to enjoy ail the luxuries and advantages of water that's softer than rainwater. Think of the saving and conveniences that can be yours with a DURO. See the DURO at your local,plumbing contractors, today, DURO `Canada's Premier Water Softeners," are made -an -Canada from the finest materials obtainable, giving high-quality performance with long, trouble-free service. 'Irma are paying for a DURO whether you buy a DURO or not. Pumps and Softeners London atieetaseasesestrestemearawesessei ited Canada