Clinton News-Record, 1947-05-29, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1947 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD News PAGE FIVE; Record Classified Adle Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE -48f paid py Wed- s anesday following date of insertion)— • One cent a woad first insertion (min - mum 30 cents); subsequent iMnser- r:tions, one cent a word (minimum 25 ,.meats); 10 cents extra for box num- •bes or for directing to NEWS- RECOiRD Office. DF CHARGED -20 cents extra. DEA!DL71 12—O pan., Wednesday. FOR s iJ ' • STEEL TIRED WAGON, like new. R. i13. Cole, ;phone 906r^24. 22-p •'GIRLS' GREY TWEIEID COAT, size 12. Apply Box "M" NE• 2 p FORD'SOIN 'TRACTOR in A-1 con- dition. F. Arkell, Bayfield Line, phone Clinton 906125. 22-28-p SMALL 'OOOTC STOVE, ideal for • farmer's ,summer kitchen. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Mrs. James Liv-. ermrore, phone 249. 22-23-p COLEMAN 3 -BURNER GALS STOVE practically new; Beach "Companion" 'kitchen range. Apply Robert Welsh, R.'1. 2, Bayfield, ,phone Clinton 806r22. 22-,p rOUTEOIA(RD MOTORS, Brand New, 1 H.P. $79.80, immediate delivery. 'Transportation prepaid. Christian's 'Electric 'and Hardware. Oshawa, On- `tario. 18--23-b 'ONE YOUNG SOW DUE the first -week in July; four Chunks of pigs -around 80 bs.; Senator Dunlop 'Strawberry Plants. iAipply Williain 'Steep, Clinton, (on London Road be- side ;River). • 22-p 'ICE BOX IN GOOD CONDITION: wicker baby bassinette and stand with fancy covering, like new; one "baby's prate in good condition; child's racking borse, •like new. Apply Mrs. :'s W. Charesworth, Clinton. 22-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1988 PLYMOU TiH SEDAN in good sonalitlon, all good tires. Apply to 'Dennis Bis+bacic, Clinton. 22-p 1935 PONTIIAIC :SEDAN. Apply Donald Dayman, lahone Hensall 791'24. 22-23-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT CHUNKS OF PIGS about 85 pounds each. Irvine Tebbntt, phone '902r6. 22-b t FOR SALE OR RENT '1 6 5 ACRES, HAYFIELD LINE, 'Godeeleh'Toynship; lots of shade and 'water. Apply G. T. Flewitt, R.R. 3, 'Seafortln, phone Clinton G14r11. 22-b FOR RENT `TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 'suitable for light housekeeping. Ap. ply Box 32, Bayfield, Ont. 22-p TENDERS WANTED 'TENDERS WILL BE IIISOEiIVED ,np, to June 7 for painting and 'decorating inside and out, of S.S. :No, 1, "Baird's," also for rewiring. 'For further particulars apply to ',Georgtt L. Reid; secretary -treasurer. Stanley Township School +Area. 22-23-b 'TEACHERS WANTED A:PPLTOATIoNS WILL BE received for a qualified Protestant tea'e'her for IS.S.'No. 14, Stanley: The school has hydro and all modern conven iences, situated one mile off No. 4 Highway. Applicants please state ,qualificatidas, experience and name 'of last inspector if experienced Duties to commence September 2. 'George L. ,Reid, secretary-treasanrer, Stanley Township School Area, Varma. 2223-b BABY CHICKS BARGAIiNS SN OIHL+ OK1S FOR TII4'Ib week and next. Barred Rocks New Hemipshires, New Ilampshires X Barred Racks, White •Rocles, Light Stissex, Light Sussex X New Haanp shires non -sexed 9,95, pullets 15.95 cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavies non -sexed 8.95, pullets 14.9:5, tock erels 7.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rock 9.95, pullets 19.90, eo'okerels 3.95. White: Leghorns 9.9'5, pullets 19.90,. cockerels 95e. Two week old add 6.00, three week old add 11.00 ,per 'hunclred. Shipped COD. This advertisement insist accompany your order to aeceive these speeial prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. TOP NOTCH QT-DIIOI + RIES, Guelph, Ont. 22-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED HOUSE OR APARTMENT wanted, furnished or unfurnished by local business reran. Perces M. Brown, phone 784. 19-20-btfb BU+SINEISS, GIRL OF TORONTO; desires room and beard on,quiet ;'arm, Good mewls essential. For spending occasional weekends during the sum- mer months. Waite Boa. "C" NEWS - RECORD. 20-51-22-b ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41, 51, Tuckersmith Township, •nt •aruy time hereafter will be prosecuted by 0hder of the Own- er, A. E. Parry. May 15, 1947. 20-21-2.2-23-p SEED FOR SALE EARLY WARBA PLANTING -SIZE Potatoes. Roy Tylndall, phone Clin- ton 907r3. 21-22-b QUANTITY GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoes grown from certified seed. Apply Morgan Jones, R.R. 2. Clinton, phone 902x4. 22-23-24-p WANTED BOY TO LEARN T5IIEI BAKING Trade. Steady emplolyiment. Apply at Bartliff Bros., Phone 1, Clinton, 22-b . MEN WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS! 900 Pamilex Dealer derive an income of $35. to $60. weekly, selling ,our 200 varieties, from door to door. Follow our methods and do as well. If you have an automobile use it to establish a rural trade. .Should you wish to give this business a trial, you are WEL- COME. Details andcatalogue FREE. FAMILEX DEIPT. X, 1600 Delori- anier, Montreal. 22-b MISCELLANEOUS "FOR FEET 'IlHAT ,FEEL LACE wings of Song, Use Lloyd's Corn Salve right along." 50c at Penne- baker's Drug Store. 22-b OLD AND DLSABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Cudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r82, Goderich. 46btfb ASTIfMA SUFFERERS -- ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire proof, more comfort with less fuel, modern equipment and ex- perienced crews. For free estimate and terms phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btib The annual field day held at Mait- land Golf .Club Goderich, was a high- ly successful holiday event, enjoyed by about 90 members. SPORT SHIRTS and SLACKS IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME. ,,, : - Yes, men, soon you'll be singing this song, and you'll feel like singing if you are outfitted in a cool Sport Shirt and a pair of smart Slacks. Why not drop in and see our selection to -day? A11 the popular lines such as worsteds, tweeds, tropicals, etc, KIDDIES CLOTHING If your boy is gifted with the ability to wear out his trous- ers faster than any other in the block, you'll be interested 'in seeing our stock of hard wearing denims and drills in sizes 6 'to 16, just like dads. Tops for school. LADIES'. • CURTAIN MATERIALS If you are still looking fee curtains, we have what you want. At present, we have plain marquisettes, dotted mar- quisettes, swiss net, and pebble cretonnes in floral design, suitable for drapes. Order Your Hollywood Patterns Now N 0 1 E : (Father's Day, June 15) Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip. Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes & Scott -McHale Shoes Phone 25 Clinton IT'S COMING The C.K.N.X.' BARN DANCE Broadcast from Town Hall, Clinton 8 P.M. sharp EDST Saturday, May 31 Featuring The CKNX Ranch Boys, CKNX Golden Prairie Cow Boys, Cactus Mac, Earl Heywood, Pauline Swanson, Tex Hodgins, ADULTS 50c : CHILDREN 25c Dance to follow 10 to 12 22-b BIRTHS 3OHNISTON—k. Clinton Public Hos•• pita!, on Tuesday, May 27, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Clinton, a daughter. 1VfooAINN—'n Ciinthon. Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, May 24, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McCann, Clinton, a son, (James Douglas). PLUMSTE'EL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, May 23, 1947, to Ms. and Mrs,. Harry Pluinsteel, R.R. 5, Clinton a son (Ronald Penury). SOOTT—In Clinton Public Hospital. on Sunday, May 25, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Clinton, a daughter, (stillborn), MARRIAGES Towards a Better Understanding (Continued from Page One)• possibility of the opening of a groc- ery canteen on the ;RCAF' Unit with one of his customers he ven•y fiamly a.•emarked to the wife of an !Airman: "Well don't come in here asking for those things in short supply if you intend dealing on the Station." I ask !Non, "is that the right spirit to adopt towards one of a group ,who.ee pumchasing power has brought nerarly $250,00 per year to the town of ' Clinton?" BUTLER-+McGLDTOHEY — At the Baptist •Church Parsonage, on Sat- urday, May 24, 1947, by Rev. C. C. Anderson, Phyllis McClinchey, youngest daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. William MoClinchey, Hohnesviile, to Lloyd Kenneth Butler, son of Mr. and Mes. John R. Battler, Clinton, REYNOLDS - OARIB1RT — In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday morning, May 24, 1947, by Rev. Father S. J. Me- Doneld, rector of the church, Marg- aret C'aribert, daughter of the late Mw. and Mrs. George Carbert, to John Clement IReynolds, son of Patrick Reynolds and the late Mrs. Reynolds. DEATHS GPNN Ia Alexandra Hospital, Gods 'mach, on S'tunday evening, May 25. 1947, (Miss Nette Ginn, in her 78th year. Funeral from Brophey Fun= eral Home, Goderieh, to Maitland Cemetery, May 27. ROBtERIIiSON—'At +ehe home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Ohristie, North Thames Road, Fullerton Township, on Sunday, May 25, 1947, Mrs. William C. Robertson•. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eneas Elkin, formerly of Auburn, in her 86th esear, Funeral from Auburn Baptist Church Weiiinesday afternoon, May 28, conducted by Rev. 'C. C. Anderson, to Ball's Cemetery. WEBER—Art his residence, Auburn - Rya Road, on Monday, May 26, 1947, William Weber, beloved hus- band of Lena Doer, in his 88tn year. Funeral May 27. CARD OF THANKS Mm. John G. Watson wishes to express his sincere thanks to rela- tives and friends for their kindness and sympathy during his wecent bereavement, 22-p ATTENTION! Citizens of Clinton CLINTON AND COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Work has already begun on the new Hospital Wing and citizens will be 'called on by canvassers to subscribe to this worthy cause, Donations. will also be received at the Bank of Montreal, The Royal Bank, or at the Town Clerk's Office in file Toni Hall. Your Hospital Board believes that every citizen will want to have a share in the extension of this institution which has been such an asset and credit to our town. The citizens of Clinton have never been backward in their support of every worth- while cause, and this Board is confident that you will be gener- our in your support of our own local institution. Contributions to such non- profit organizations as this are deductible from your Income Tax returns. Be generous. and make your subscription today. —BOARD OF THE •CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL 51-22-23-h We (halve a few cellophane bangs for your fruit cartons Strawberries H.S., per pkg. 40e Fruit Salad H.S. 30c Pie Cherries H.S. 35c Blueberries 35c Peaches 30e Garden Fresh Frozen Peas 30e Fresh Frozen Corn G.B. . 30c We Buy Hides BATKINS CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. OOIKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East„ Phone. 585 59-tf I know the sad, argument will be repeated that Clinton was herr :before. the Air Force came .and will perhaps be hereswhen the Air Force are with- drawn, but it should be clearly understood that we will not be the butt for those Who think they have got an ease,' killing. The newly -form- ed Chamber roti Commerce are alive to the fact that many. clollaws are be- ing lost to the town of Clinton.which needa.eveiy dollar it can get to meet expenses, and we feel sure that with their co.opeuation and the co-operat- ion of every rational and fair dealing storekeeper, the residents of Clinton and community can go ahead end pur- ohase their monthly requirements without havinig tie feeling that they are being charged unfairly for the goods which they pauohase, 011inton Town council and service clubs, Ohamber of Commerce and all avenues of service, are doing their level best to make the,town of Clinton one of the best in this part of Ont- ario, but there are a few who are impeding .this progress so why not lets Pull together, spend our money at home by being able to buy at a reasonable price so that we can see this fair town of Clinton a leading ex- ample •aanong other towns of high Citizenship? ROY N. BENTLEY INCOME TAX (Business, Private or Palm Reports) Bookkeeping Services—(Weekly for Monthly) Typing—.(Private or Commercial work). 36 Regent St., Box 58, Phone 231J, ' Goderich, Ont. GIVE YOUR FEET AN ICE -NTT TREAT Wonderful, cooling relief for your tired, ach.. ing feet wirh ICG -MINT, Burningcallouses, panful corns, and ail the fool pane that take the joy out of life can be forgotten if you use creamy white medicinal ICO.5IINT. You can feel n start to act while you are still applying it —try a jar today and join the thousands who keep foor-happy with ICG. MINT. Small lar 504-4 oz. economy lar — 41.00. AT PENNEBAIKER'S 'AI'ID ALL DRUGGISTS ROXY THEATRE 1LINTON Now Playing—The. Marx Brothers in 'A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA' MON., TUES., WED. "THE DARK MIRROR" Adult Entertainment The story of identical twins, one sweet and lovely, the other a scheming conniver with a twitted mind. OLIVIA DE HAVILAND Lew AYRES and Thomas Mitchell THUR., FRI., SAT. "MOM and DAD" Adult Entertainment A vital and timely picture present- ed to segregated audiences of High School age and older WOMEN ONLY 2 and 7 P.M. MEN ONLY 9 P.M.—DAILY Coming—James Cagney in "13 RUE MADELEINE" Matinees: Sat„ holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE G0DERIC II Now Playing—Gene Autry in "SIOUX CITY SUE" MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment "MOM and DAD" A stark, shocking exposure of modern social problems, Shown to segregated audiences only! Women only at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Men only at 9 p.m.—Daily THUR., FRI„ SAT. Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., Maureen O'Hara and Walter Slezak Out of the Arabian Nights comes a Tec'tnricoton fantasy to charm you for an evening of rare entertainment. "SINBAD the SAILOR" Coming—"I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU" — In Technicolor Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing_"'FRAIL STREET". starring Randolph Scott MON., TUES., WED. Jeanne Crain, Alan Young and Lynn Bari Told in Technicolor; you will vote this winsome ,,story your fav- ourite of the yeaa•. "MA 1GIE" THUR., PRI., SAT. Dorothy Mc. Guire, Robert Young . and Mary Astor ,Claudia, 'returns' to the Regent screen in happy sequel to her original romantic escapade "CLAUDIA and DAVID" Coming—"TILE JOLSON STORY" Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM OKE All persons having claims against the Estate of William Oke, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 25th day of April, 1947, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulass of their claims to the under- signed on a1' before the lath day of June, 1947, after •which date the as- sets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then recieved. DATED at Seaforth, .this 20th day of May, 1047. MCCONNISLL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the. Administrator 21-22-23-b 111,11111111111111111111111•111111,1111111111111111111111111111 NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS 'request that owners of dogs bake Immediate measures to stop their dogs from trespass- ing on 'our property as they are destroying our gardens. Please do not force us to take more drastic measures by not complying with the above re- quest. (Signed) CLIFFORD H. EPPS 22-p 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111• al11i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1.111111111111111a4 • u u a Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND SATURDAY, MAY 31 SPECIAL ATTRACTION LEN HOPKINS and his Chateau Laurier Orchestra ALSO TED PUDNEY and his Orchestra g This is the finest value in dancing—your only chance to hear E Len Hopkins in this district. For 11 years you heard him over the CBC front coast to coast. This is CANADA'S OUTSTANDING • RADIO ORCHESTRA. From Ottawa—from Canada's capital— can be expected the finest in dance music. _ ADMISSION $1 R a a u u Dancing WED., JUNE 4 t'o "Scotty" McLrtUGHLIN a truly tine orchestra, which played in the Masonic Temple, Lon- don, during the winter season. PLAN A VISIT TO "THE BEND" and bring your picnic. Make reservations for large groups by writing or phoning W. Eric Me - Bray, phone 59r1, Dash- wood. A R u -i11111M11111111111111111111111111111EIMI1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Special service For Farmers! • • • Have your tractor tires serviced right on your farm, saving you valuable time in a busy season. Vulcanizing; tires fulled with fluid using able machine. Just Phone DAY 460 NIGHT 469 Tire Road Service — 24 Hours VULCANIZING (24-hour service) • • • Sunday, Lune I. Open: and eek (Night Next Weep (Jogs 1-7) Harry Davies Tire WHITE ROSE N 1 T GASOLINE \ and OIL and Battery VICTORIA ST. Phone 460 CLINTON port - "STAND UP., FOR THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS" DON'T LET MODERNISM ROB YOU OF YOUR FAITH TUR OLDTIME' GOSPEL IS Si1•ILL THE NEWEST THING ON EARTH TO -DAY. . Repent of your sins—Believe Christ died for you—AND BE SAVED TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Notice to Local Merchants CLINTON NEWS -RECORD has been requested by a number of local merchants to publish an advertise - in next week's issue to the effect that their places of business will be open every Wednesday morning until 12.30 p.m., but remain closed every Wednesday afternoon, whether or not a full holiday or a half holiday oeeurs in any week. For example, the Mayor has proolainied a half - holiday on the King's Birthday, Monday, June 9, in which case the stores would be open on Wednesday morning, June 11, and closed in the afternoon. Any merchant desiring his name included in this advertisement, please contact The NEWS -RECORD prior to noon, Tuesday next, June 3. 22-'b Rubberized UNDERSEAL We have just installed equipment to give Protective Coating for the underbody of your car. PROTECTS AGAINST: • RUST • • • CORROSION • RATTLES AND SQUEAKS • DUST, HEAT, COLD, FUMES, ETC. Open: Sunday, June 1 and Every Night Next Week (June 1-7) Murphy Bros. Garage Hudson and Willys SALES and SERVICE Huron at Orange PHONE 465 Clinton • WANTED LINEMAN for Construction Work, also to read meters and do general P.U.C. work. State salary expected and married status. Steady job for the riigllrt man—around 25 years of age APPLY TO A. E. Rumball, Superintendent, Public Utilities Commission, Clinton uuulmUlla1 W muunna0uUUNn 22-23-b 1111444"44414111111411tu",uuu1 lttqu4,u111"utu111144"tettun,tl111111:." uu4411441111, p1111ll"44eb, 44u,44"1,11144,tttttuu,11111111� Is Your Roof Leaking? We have a good supply of pure Asphalt Paint and have extra help to take care of same. LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Guaranteed Job HUGH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING PHONES: Residence 470; Business 244 LEGION PARADE All members of Branch No, 140, Canadian. Legion, are requested to turn out for a parade and to act as a Guard of Honour for the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, when he comes to. Clinton to open the Spring Show on June 5th. Members awe to meet at the 1Legion Home at 12 o'clock noon. Dress — Berets, and medals or rilubons. It hoped there will be a good turn -out for this occasion.