HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-05-08, Page 5a^HERSAAY MAY 8, 1947 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD WAGE FIVE NewS,-Recfrd Classifled A�lets Bring Quick Results CAISH, ,RATE—(Ili &aid byWed- mesday following date of insertion)— 'One cent a were fust insertion (min - mum 30 cents); subsequent inser- tions, one cent a worst(minimum 25 • .rents); 10 ,cents extra for box num- ber : or for directing to NEWS- 8ECOIRiD Office: IF' 011,ARGED--20 writs extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m.,' Wednecady FOR SALE .. 21LAY PEN, DIiKE NEW, phone 78-w 19-P CaIFtSICS' TWEED SUIT, Fit 10 •or 12 year, ,old, Phone 343-w. 19-b "NEIW PRINCESS PAT" RANGE, .only used a .short tinge. Phone 298. ABOUT 50 ISPRUOER TREES, three to four feet high. Phone 622r2. • 19-p 'SET OF THiRD01i ,SECTION 'spring --tooth drag harrows. Roy Cantelon phone 020r21. 19-p SIMAiLL WESTINGHOUSE E':leetrie radio. J. W. Van Egmond, phone - Clinton 805r13. 19-p TJNDIEIRWOl01D STANDARD Type- writer in good condition. Mrs. W. D. Wells phone 349-j 19-p €MALL 0VIeCLARY .RANGE, cream -enamel front, with waterfront con- °moetions. Phone 364. 19-b TsWO••sSECTTri0N SER' OF SPRING -tooth harrows. Phone 264. 19-b STROLLER.' -- IN GOOD condition. 11'hone 33. 19-p REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS ,black, buff, red and white. Apply E. J. Grey, ethane 191-ev, Raglan St., 'Clairton. 19-20-21-b THOL SPEI+TI HEARER due to freshen in two weeks; also one navy blue stroller. Apply Jack Gilbert, phone 4Goderieh 986r22. 19-b 'OUTBOARD MOTORS, Brand New, 1 H.P. $79.50, immediate delivery. '°Transportation prepaid. Christian's electric and Hardware. Oshawa, On - Unice 18--23-b -JEWEL KITOHEN RANGE, made by CIare Bros., ivory with green trim in A-1 condition. Apply Mts. Robert 'Webster, Victoria 1., phone 268-w -Clinton_ 19-p '1 MIN'S NAVY BLUE PIN STRIPE "Worsted, three-piece suit, size 40, like, new; also lady's ,fuchsia crepe dress size 12, and baby play pen. :Phone Clinton 475. 19-p ONE; MASiSEY-HARRIS two furrow traotor 'plough, No. 21, cheap for quick sale. Also some Ajax seed oats. Apply • to Bob Glen, R.R. 5, 'Cainton, phone 620e24, Clinton. 19-p CEDAR POSTS, ANCHOR POSTS and braces; also a bulking 10x12, would make colony house , or wood - lied. Coal, coke and wood on hand. James, E Johnston, phone 485-w. 19120-,p RUBBER TIRED WAGON; one auto track; cultivator, 7 foot gratin binder hey rake; will take wagon or live- stock in trade. Apply W. 13, Thome'. eon; 2 miles west of Clinton on No. Highway. tele rt LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOIOE LITTLE PIGS ready to wean. Apply Robert Cole, phone 06424, Clinton. 18-10-p. 0 CHUNKS BETWEEN 90 and lee; 18 smaller chunks. Apply Lloyd "bewart, phone 805r4. 19-b UWO YOUNG YORE/SHIRE SOWS, e to farrow this month, George eo)elough, R.R. 1, Clinton. 19m 2 CHOICE YORK SOWS, due in 'wo weeks time. Reasonable. Apply loss Fitzsimons, Clinton. 19-p UR YORK SOWS, good bacon ype, due to farrow May 15. Apply 1k1 Grigg, phone 9E11, Clinton. 19-20-p PROPERTY FOR SALE A. 0E0fiiME BUILDING LOT. Apply to Levi Siong. 19-p GOOD ,IRU9iLD1NG LOT, excellent location on Whitehead st. Phone 326. 19-b SME HOUSE FOR SALE, in good condition. Could ,be moved. Box. "0" NEWS -RECORD 19-p 11 STOREY FRAME drivelling with 'ix rooms, situated en Princess St., garage, running water, hydro, Apply ex "W" NEWS -RECORD. 19 -p -20-b MODERN FRAME BUILDING, sit- uated on Centre- St., •Seaforth, the property of Rev. J. E. Hogg. Three piece batbroom, furnace, good base- ment, laundry tubs,' ]rot and cold waster. Prompt possession. Apply to E. C. Chamberlain, Real Estate broker, Seaforth, Ont: 18-19-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1936 FORD COUPE, good condition •throughout. Phone 'P75 -M, Goderich. 19-p GOOD USED CAR FOR ,SALE, Ap- ply F'erg VanEganond, Phone 187. 19-p '1931 CH,EVROPLET COACH, good running condition, two new tires. 'Priced reasonable for quick sale. Ap- ply ,Phone 2818, Blyth. 19-p 1940 BUIOIC..SUPER CLUB 'COUPE, first class condition, two new tires, beater, engine oveuheanled. Best ease offer. Call 01irton. 387 between 5 and 6 p.m. 19-p WANTED TO BUY -PURIGHASEI OF TWO OR TiFIREE Durham. Heifers, to freshen in May if possible; also erre or two York 'brood sones due in May if possible ''Phone 24m8, Myth. 19-20-e FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 'LOT 29, C•ONCEiSSION 12, toile south of HelmesviIle, 80 acres pas- ' ture with spring creek. Apply to John Potter, RR. 2, Olioton, phone 002e14. 19-20-p WORK WANTED YOUNG LADY WANTS WORK, typing, clerlci•ng, or what have you? Phone 7. • 19-p CAPABLE' WOMAN desires work, either .doing )lion housework looking after an elderly person or children. Apply Box "C" MEWS 11ECORii, 19-b TEACHER WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted foe S.S. No. 5, Stanley. Hydro in school, 14 on roll. Duties to com- mence in September. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Richard Robinson, secretary -treasur- er, Box 37, 11.11. 1, Zurieb, Ont. 18-19-b TEACHER WANTED 8R02TSTANT TEACHER Wanted for 'rural public school in Village of Constance, SS. No. 3, Hullett Town- ship, Huron County. Modern equip- ped brick school house. Duties to commence September 1. State ex- perience, qualifications and salary expected. Apply C. V. Dale, R.,R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r5. 17-ibtfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED Bi0U1SE OR APARTMENT wanted, furnished or unfurnished by local business man. Percy el. Brown phone 784. 19-20-btfb THREE' OR FOUR UNFURNISHED Rooms wanted immediately by quiet couple -with one child, 15 months old. Phone 803r31. 19-20-p AIRMAN AND /WIFE DESIRE ONE or two furnished light housekeeping rooms in town. Write Box "W" NEWS -RECORD. ' 19-p ROUSE WANTED TO RENT by married couple with small family. Permanent residents. Required by end of February. Apply Ellwood Epps Sport Shop. 3-btfb YOUNG BUSINESS MAN with wife and two small children urgently re- quire a six or eight room house. Apply Arnold Jackson, Jeweller, at •store formerly owned by R. H. John- son. 19-p WANTED, (ACCOMMODATION for young business couple. Both are abstainers, quiet and possess best recommendation, No children. Cook- ing facilities required. Heated pre - feared: Box "P", NEWS -RECORD. 18-19-p WANTED HAVE YOU $500 TO LOAN for six months or year at 5% interest with the best of security? If you have 'please write Box "S". CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 18-19-p I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE Jersey or Guernsey Heifer, coming two years old, due to freshen Novem- ber or December. Thomas Lepping- ton. Phone- 587. 19-0 HELP WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; two sisters or friends considered; adult family, evenings free, excellent wages. Mrs. G. H. McCormick, 18 Brant Rd., North, Galt, Ontario. 19-p MARRIED' ,MAN FOR FARM work, house provided, running water and hydro, free -milk and fuel. Annual salary $1.000. Stewart Middleton, phone 906r6, Clinton. 18-19-b WANTED AT PARK HOUSE, God- erieh, (Select Private Hotel) two womenor girls for work in pleasant surroundings. Permanent. Good wages. Live in. • Phone Goderich 685 for interview. • 19-20-b ARE YOU THE MAN? . , to enjoy a steadily increasing life income in your, OWN business? Are you willing to call from • door to door' with a guaranteed line of over 200 house- hold necessities and ;to build a re- liable enterprise using our modern methods? Very little detrital requir- ed. Details and datalogue FREE. FAMILEX, Dept, A, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 19-b SEED FOR SALE WHINE DUTCH CLOVER SEED, and Ladino Clover Seed and Timothy Seed. Hugh Ball, phone 617r2, Clin- ton. 19-b BABY CHICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVED chick bargains for this week and next: day old Barred Reeks, New Hemp - shires, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex non -sexed 9.95, pullets 17.95, cock- erels 6.95. Assorted Heavy Breeds non -sexed) 8,95, pullets 16.95, cock- erels 5.95. Cockerels: White ,Leg- horn X Barred 'Rock, White Rock X White Leghorn, Austro Whites 1,95, White Leghorn 95c. Two week old add 6.00 per hundred. 3 week old add 11.00 to non -sexed and pullets, 8.00 to cockerels. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Also older pullets eight weeks Co laying. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 19-b FOR RENT A FOUR ROOM COTTAGE with hydro, close to school and general store, also Large garden. A,pply to Ezra Ellis, Clinton, phone. 802r4, 19-p NOTICE ANYONE HAVING A,CQUIRE'D, by any means, a jet brooch (fuchsias raised on ,face) from store of R. H. Johnson, Jeweller, Clinton, please contact owner, MI's. C. B. Anderson, Clinton. This brooch, a keepsakm was, in said .store awaiting repairs Signed—Mas. C. B. Anderson. 19-p MISCELLANEOUS OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Cudmore 90711.2 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfh OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1..50 per hundredweight, Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 9361.21 or Fred. Gilbert, 936r32, Goderieh. 46btfb ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. 8., Hamilton. 28 -tit FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire -proof, more comfort 'with less foal. modern eouipment rind ex perienoed erews. For: free estimate and terms phone .NEWS -RECORD, or writs Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London, 2btfb RIDING HORSES AVAILABLE RIDING H014840S for rent or hire.' Foe information and reservation call 478-W. 19-p BIRTHS BENINE,TT—'n Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, May 2, 1947, to ' Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Bennett, R.R. 5, Clinton, a daughter, (Eva 'May). F.LE'10N1G—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, 'Meer 6,;1947, ,to Cpl. and 'Mrs. Howard Fleming, Clinton, a daughter, (Beverley Gail). LONGWiORTH - In Clierton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 3,-1947, to LAC and Mrs. Roy Longworth, Clinton, a son, (Derrick Andrew). SHARP ---alar Clinton Public Hospital, on. Friday, May 2, 1947, to Me'. and Mrs. Alvin Sharp, ,Clinton, .a daugh- ter, (Barabra Anne). TUW1'ON —In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday May 2, 1947, to Mi, ,and. Mrs. Walter Turton, 01m - ton, a son, (Ronald Douglas). MARRIAGES GOIRIR.I+LL-REM' — en. Full Gospel Mission., Medford, -by :Rev. J. Pearson, Godelioh, ou Saturday, May 3, 1947, Anna Gertrude, only daughter of James M. ;Reid, Thed- ford and the late '•Mrs. Reid, for- Trimly- of Clinton, to Roderick Ger- rill, son of J, Gerrit! and the late Mas. Goorrill, 'Sudbury. :McBRIEN--+HIAIM'MOND=- In Knox Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich ou 'S'aturday, Marion Isabel Ham- mond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hammond, Chalmers Ave., Det- roit, to William Hanle McBrien, son of Mr. and Mss. G. R. McBrien, Philip Ave., Detroit, formerly of Clinton. NEAL-VOSRAMP—Art Ontario St. United Church Parsonage, Clinton, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, on Tues- day, May 6, 1047, Yohanna Alber- dina, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, Y. Voskamp, Hemmer, Holland, to Allan Gordon, younger sear of Mr. and Mac. Russell Neal, Clinton. DEATHS. DAEIR—Suddenly, at bis home, Col- borne Township, on Tuesday, May 6, George W. Doer, in his 68th year. Interment Colborne Cerne- tery May 8. GOUILD—Suddenly, on Sunday, May 4, 1947, at his late residence, 67 Heathdale Rd-, Toronto, Joseph Gould, beloved husband of Reyna Issermran, father of Albert, Irving and Melville, in his 54th year. Funeral from University Ave. ISlynagogue (Goel Tzedec), for service to Dawes 1116. Cemetery, Tuesday, May 6. FLOWERS TELL YOUR STORY In a way word's can't , convey. Order flowers early to in- sure delivery in time for Mother's Day, Come in now. Phones 66W - 66J C. V. Cooke FLORIST t ■ - - - NW i 1• i For Sale cal IN THE VILLAGE OP BAYFLELD, 11 storey dwelling, full basement, hydro, two car garage, hen house; % acre land, immediate possession. 0 G FOUR BEDROOM, TWO STOREY Frame Dwelling, bath, furnace and garage, , sold subject to present tenancy. a o n EXTRA GOOD INCOME Property— duplex apartment, rental income $780 per year. A]1 modern conveniences, priced to sell. Tenant occupied. 0 al El APPROXIMATELY FOUR ACRES of good orchard consisting of Northern Spys, North Sar, Wolf River, Duch- ess, approximately 100 trees, situat- ed in town. Suitable building lot on property, Immediate possession. D El d H. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE BROKER' PHONE 251W — CLINTON, ONT. we um M MO — - — .to eraieOZeH 00E, COCKERS FRESH FROZEN FRUITS 40o 40c 350 300 10e 3550 65c Strawberries, ILS Raspberries, ILS Blueberries Peaches Black Cherries, H.S. Pie Cherries, H:S OYSTERS 1/2 pt. We Buy Hides BATItINS BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents • ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 685 59-tf Plan Improvement Public School Grounds Clinton Public 'School Board held its May meeting in the school Thurs- day evening last with all members presenT and Chairman A. F. Cudmnore. presiding. The Purohasiug Committee 'was authorized to ereet a baeksto,p in the playground. Considerable discussion took place regarding salaries and engagement of teachers for the year 1947-48, and a special meeting is being held en this connection .later in the ,month. Principal G. H. Jefferson reported an April enrolment of 281, with an average attendance of 231.14 or 90.44 per cent, He said that there is still a loss in 'attendance from illness, especially croon mumps. Pre-school pupils are being given physical ex- amination by the Wheel Nurse, Miss M. Mackenzie. 0 RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now good are sugar -pre-. serves S26 to S50, butter B35 to B50. On May 15 Y1 to Y5 will become valid for the purchase of five pounds of canning sugar. IVB sugar is not required Ti to YS, may be used for preserves. IN MEMORIAM RUTLEDGE•--+In lovng memory of Mrs. Mary Rutledge Who passed away May 9, 1944. "The dearest one this world could hold, The cheeriest smile and a heart' of gold, Those who knew her all will know How much we lost three years ago. Sweet is the spot where she is laid, Many) a visit in silence is paid, To lay a flower in remembrance of thee, You are not forgotten, Mother, and never will be." —Ever remembered by her daughters .Mae and Margaret and grand- children. 19-8 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller wish to take this opportunity of :thanking special nurses and; staff of nurses and the doctors, also for flowers, fruit and cards sent and all kind- nesses shown. in Mrs, Miller's recent sickness. 19-p PYREX COLOR BOWL SES' 128 oz. -72 oz. --40 oz. -16 oz: A r.^w set of four heat -resistant bowls in four beautiful permanent colorer 21/2 times stronger than ordinary bowls. For nixing, tanking, serving end storing. template set of !] bOWLS..on1 omY 3,70 ROXY THEATRE lcLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SE AFORTH Now Plain—Randol h Scott in "BADMAN'S TERRITORY""LADY Now Playing—:Robert Young in LUCK" Now Playing—Barbara Hale in "LADY LUCK" MON., TUES., WED. one Haver -George Montgomery and Vivian MameLinda A grand treat of gay tunes end glorious Technicolor. bursting with, eight great song )vets. "THREE LITLE, GIRLS IN BLUE MON., TUES., WED. Jeanne Crain - Cornel 'Wilde Darnell - Walter Brennan Constance Bennett & Dorothy Gish A. Jerome Kern musical, done in Technicolor, adapted from the novel by Albert E. Idell - ",CENTENNIAL SUMMER" MON., TUES., WED. Tyrone Power - Anne Baxter and Gene Tierney The sensational story of •a man's search for faith, by W. Somerset Maughann, a screen -treat you must not miss! "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" THUR., FRI., SAT. Vivian Blaine - Perry Como i and: Carmen Miranda . with Harry James and Phil Silvers In a musical shone .stuffed with variety and first-class entertainment' "IF I'M LUCKY" THUR., FRI, SAT. Roy Rogers, George "Gabby" Hayes and Dale Evans Comedy, fiction, romance and music --entertainment for both old and young in "DON'T FENCE Mai, IN" THUR., FRI. SAT. Ginger Rogers - rBurgess Meredith 6 and David iven t Telling rbhe story of famous Dally Madison, her loves, her intrigues and, her triumphs, "MAGNIFICENT DOLL" •Coming—"CENTENNIAL SUMMER"—in Technicolor Coming—"DARK MIRROR Adult Entertainment Coming—Carmen Miranda in IF I'M LUCKY" Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. IN MEMORIAM IIIFSISE!LWOOmtiln loving memory of my dear sister, Vera Hessel- wood, who passed away one year ago May 111 1946. "Our family circle has been broken, A link gone from our chain, But though we are parted for a while, We know we will meet ,again." —eadllyl missed by sister Mabel. 19-b LCA Now Enforceable In County of Huron Hon. Leslie Blackwell 'has advised Huron officials that the enforcement provisions of both the Liquor Control Act and the 'Canada Temperance Act may now be used in this county. The matter has been under dis- eussion for some time with the Huron Temperance Federation pressing for this decision. - Both Provincial and Dominion laws will now ,be used as they were dur- ing the yearn 1913-1920. Where there is any •duplication of regu,a- ticns the CPA, which is a Dominion Act, will be used, but the LCA. covers violations not included in the CTA. Pyrex Ovenware New Stock Just In HAWKINS HARDWARE GO YOUR CAR READY SPECIAL SPRING CHANGEOVER Lubricate chassis. 2Qhange engine oil (4 quarts). 3Flush crank case. 4Jubaieant. Change transmission CAR 5 Change year axle Iubricant Drain antifreeze, inspect and tighten hose connections. 7Clean and adjust spark plugs. 8Wash and Polish. Dominion TIRES TRUCK Dunlop SUPERTEST PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Ne 784 Phone BROWN and INKLEY RILL INKLEY "Service With a Smile" CLINTON PERCY BROWN 19-b Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Tenders will be received by the undersigned . until June 2, 1947, For Crushing and Delivering, approximately 3,000 yards of Crushed Gravel, one inch' screen, to be delivered where the Road Superintendent directs. Council will pay for the gravel and the contractor to prepare the pits. A marked cheque for $1100 to accompany each tender which will he returned if tender not accepted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WORK TO BE C011M»L1&TED BY OCTOBER 1 For further information refer to Roy Tyndall, Road Superintendent, R.R. 3, Clinton. It- G. THOMPSON, Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton. 19-20-b IP "STAND UP FOR THE FAITH ONCE • DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS" -- Jude 3 DON'T LET MODERNISM ROB YOU Or YOUR FAITH THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL IS STILL THE NEWEST THING ON EARTH TO -DAY. Repent of your sins—Relieve Christ died for you—AND BE SAVED TUNE IN—Pilgrims Hone, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR TENDERS will be received up to June 3, 1947, for painting four rooms and down stairs hall in (7inton Public School Apply to T. G. Scribbins for particulars WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN MONTH OF JULY H. C. LAWSON, Secretary -treasurer Aionmerminommoo18-19-b Mother's Day May 11 Sunday is a day set aside for the best friend anyone ever had; on this, as on every other clay, MOTHER is tops. Why not remember her with a gift she will find useful? Although our stock is confined more to the men's line we do carry a few items of interest to the housewife, such as woollen blankets, sheets, tablecloths, towels, bedspreads and other useful articles. • LOOK! MEN For the first time since enter- ing business we are able to of- fer to aur customers, FINE WORSTED DRESS MOUS- ERS with drop loops and pleats in sizes 30 to 38. We feel we are not boasting when we say these are no doubt the best dress trousers in town. Match uit syour SMART to be pair,ith a ODD. • • ATTIENTION FARMERS White you are waiting for the weather to warm up to get started on the land, why not take stock of your WORK CLOTHES? Do you need over- alls, work pants, work shirts, sox or a pair of hard wearing work boots. If so, see us today, `*-?' Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes & Scott -McHale Shoes Phone 25 Clinton ,, ,: Specialized Lubrication Iffi Make your car new with our complete spring changeover service! Murphy Bros. Garage Hudson and Willys SALES and SERVICE Huron at Orange PHONE 465 Clinton 19-b Licensed MECHANIC WANTED Between ages of 25' and 40 HIGHEST POSSIBLE WAGES Phone Clinton 483j and reverse charges 18-19-b USED CARS FOR SALE 1938 DELUXE PLYMOUTH SEDAN, A-1 condition 1930 'MODEL A FOR'M, good condition ' GOODRICH TIRES — 24-HOUR HART BATTERIES White Rose Gasoline and Lubricants Horner's Service Station Phones: Garage, 783; Night, 483J HURON STREET CLINTON