HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-05-08, Page 4Pfi.GE FOUR (9IJIa+11roN NEWS -RECORD omen's and SHOE SALE Still in Progress for ONE WEEK SOME REAL ' BARGAINS! MARTINS Department Store Clinton, Ontario Phones: Main 36w; 2nd Floor 36j TENDERS SEALED TENDERS for the contract of Decorating and Re -lighting the Office of the Town Clerk will be received up to 5 o'clock P.M., May 30. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted TOWN OF CLINTON 19-20-21-b VISIT YOUR HOSPITAL ON HOSPITAL DAY MONDAY, MAY 12 r 2 - 4 p•m. The public is cordially invited to come and inspect Clinton Public Hospital and enjoy a cup of tea. 19-b Something New! Something Different! Calling all 'Teen-agers Plans are under way for heap big hoe-down in ye olde good aud., FRIDAY 9th So come cite, come all, drag out ye old jeans and straw 'hats. Laugh and be ye merry with the .01de Tyme Orchestra Bring any 'teen-ager who is not yet a member. DOOR PRIZE, but tickets for draw will be given only to those arriving before 8.30. ' ADMISSION: '15 cents CLINTON 'TEEN TOWN Clinton Collegiate Institute 19-b ATEX T 810 GREEN ide ' CQfCRETE • mRSTIC ' WRInOOOLEDEun FLOORS • •t.AlriG Ricca m I,n,SN (' A`" PAINT OARS'S COMPANY i- P' LOP'1D"DN CANa0A ALMATEX is a "PLASTIC FINISH" surfacing material for the care and maintenance of CON- CRETE, MASTIC, WOOD and LINOLEUM floors. On Conrete and Mastic itseals the pores, prevents dusting and gives a smooth, hard surface, which is easily cleaned by broom or 'mopping, On Hard Wood and Linoleum floors it gives a high gloss natural •finish, which eliminates the necessity of WAXING. ALMATEX is not a paint or varnish. It is not affected by the Alkali, or Lime content in cement, and is impervious to water, oil, grease or alcohol. "PLASTICIZE YOUR FLOORS WITH ALMATEX" BALL . BROS. HARDWARE and FURNITURE DEALERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wm. N. Ball . D. PIiOJG, Ball Phone 361W Church Engagements Announced 1 • iMr. and Mrs. William McCiinchey, Holmesville, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Phyllis, to Lloyd Kenneth Butler, the marriage to take place the latter part of May. Field Commander Visits Scouts, Cubs FieldlCiommissioner11, C. Firth, Boy Scout Headquarters, London, paid his annual visit to lst Clinton Boy Scout Troop and Wolf Cub Pack on Wednesday eveuing, April, 80. The first pant of bhe evening was spent reviewing the ,Cub Pack. A message of welcome was transmtted to the 'Commissioner by the Cub signallers. Several new games were introduced to the Pack by ting Field Commissioner. Mr. Firth presented proficieney badges to Oohs Don ,Den - name and Tommy Cokluhoun and congratulated, the boys on their eplendlid work, .Mr. Firth told the Pack a story relating to Cub work. and the meeting closed with the Mouse Howl under the direction of the Senior Sixes•, 'M. Maltby. The second half of the evening was spent by Mr. Firth in reviewing the newly-cformed ,Scout Troop. Mr. Firth conducted a • demonstation of knotting, and several lively games were played. The Field (loanmission- er told the Troop an interesting story, after which the meeting closed with "Taps." 0 District Winners At -Music Festival The sixth annual Musical :Festival to be held in Goderich is taking (place this week with almost twice as many entries as last year. The adljtidicators are G. Roy Fenwick, director of music, Department of Education, and G. A. Atkinson, Toronto Conserv- atory of Music. Up to Tuesday night the winners from this .district included; Class 44, girls' vocal solo, nine iyears and un - dear: Edith Jones, Clinton, 81; Ruth Jackson, Clinton, 81; Sandra Wil- liams, Clinton, 81; Marjorie Dowson, Varna, 80; girls' vocal solo, 14 years and under, Patsy Peckitt, Londesboro, 81; Fern Potter, Clinton, 81; Ann Fairservice, Blyth, 80; Marjorie Hesk, Blyth, 80; Amt Porter, Bay- field, 80; Barbara- McConnell, Varna, 80; Barbara Middleton, Clinton, 80. Class 44, 'girls' vocal solo, 14 years and under: Donna Fowler, Bayfield, 86; Lola Jervis, Clinton, 83. In class 86, 'Soprano Solo, "Come Unto Hint" by Handel, Gloria Palmer, Holmes- ville, won her class with 85 points. Miss Coronna Wended, Clinton, in Class 90, a church solo for adult voice, received 85 marks and won the Goderich Board of Trade Silver Cup. Miss Eileen Satter, in Class 87 for Contralto voice received 86 points. A. C. Robinson, bandmaster, Clin- ton Citizens' Band, had several pupils in the festival from Blyth and the winners and the various .instruments include: Trombone: Mary Kyle. 83, DoniiMeKenzie, 81; E' -flat Alto Saxo- phone: Bert Lydiatt, 85, Don Cart- wright. 82; Clarinet: Robert Mar- shall, 82; Dorothy Lydiatt, 80; Irene Logan, 78; Clarinet (another class): Mildred Charters, 83; Phyllis 'Shep- pard, 80, --0 St. Paul's Guild Holds Interesting Meeting The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's 'Church met en Tuesday afternoon for their May meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. W. H. Robinson. The meeting was opened by the President with prayer and the usual roll call, minutes, treasurer's report, Report of the Plower Miss en and of the various other committees follow- ed. After considerable discussion re future work the rector closed the meeting -lith the bnedietion and tea was served by the lhostees assisted by Mee, Zapfe and Mrs. Kirby. 0 LEGION AUXILIARY• The Ladies •Aux:Me ly of the Can- adian Lepton will ,herd -their regular meeting on Monday, May 12, at 8.15 p.m. in the Legion Hoene. Miss Luella Johnston of the Public School staff will be the guest speaker. Pt is hop- ed all members will be present. 0 I.O.O.F. NOTES Members of Clinton Ledge No. 83, IOOF.. conferred the third degree on seven of their members, two from Seaforth and two from Monkton, at the regular meeting on Tuesday evening in the 'Clinton Lodge. Fol- lowing the degree, several brothbes gave short speeches. Later delicious refreshments were served by the social committee. ANNOUNCING The Re -opening of Barbara's Beauty Salon - — _— Appointments ,can be made by Phoning 212 Open )every Day Except Weduesd ty 19-p MAKE BIG MONEY Colouring Snapshots fop^ Friends & Neighbours ANYONE CAN DO IT Snapshot Colouring Kit OO8VLPLETE` WITIL $1, IINISrP11UCTIONS. Box 285 - Dept. A18 Toronto THURSDAY;, MAY 8, 1947. -.mar Affairs in Clinton and Districi .HEAL—VOSKAMP AlTquiet wedding was solemnized at Ontario St. United Church Par- sonage, 'Clli rton, - by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, on Tuesday May 8, when Yollanna Albernma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Vo.skamp Brnimmen, Holland,. be- oalme the bride of Allan Gordon, younger son of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Neal, Clinton. The bride wore a dawn grey wool suit with black accessories and a corsage of white carnations. She was attended by the groom's sister- in-Iaw, Mrs. Graydon Neal, who wore a 'blue wool suit with black accessories and a corsage of spring Bowers. Graydon Neal was his brother's best man, Following the ceremony, the wed- ding party returned to the home of the groom's parents for a reception. Later, the young couple left on a wedding trip to points , cast The bride's going away costmne was a sea green dress, green eoet and black accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm, Base Line, Goderich Township, . JUNIOR FARMERS AND .L I. The regular meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior .Institute will be held) Tuesday evening, May 13, at 8.30 In the auditorium of the Collegiate. Miss M. Matheson from the staff of the Clinton Collegiate Institute will be the guest speaker. A good attendance is requested. COATS and SUITS Advertised Last Week To Clear at $9.95 Only a few of the Suits remain, the coats having been entirely sold. For This Week End WE OFFER Special Low Prices on a Number of Latest Models from this Department. Take advantage of this wonderful opportun- ity to Purchase a garment at our New Attractively Reduced Prices. NEV DRAPERIES SOFISTICATIONI FOR YOUR WINDOWS Decidedly different designs Suitable for your Living - and weaves in ,Crelons and room, Den, Dihi lttgroom and Monks Cloth, 36" and 50" Bedrooms. widths. ' We'll take pride in ,showing you. _:these materials. R. V. IRWIN WESLEY WILLIS GIRL CLUB The monthlty meeting of the Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United church will be held Tuesday, May 13 at 8 pan. in the Church Parlour. W. H. Wickett, Goderich, will give a piano recital: BOX SOCIAL and DANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, MAY 16 This DANCING TO POPULAR ORCHESTRA from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. is in aid of Clinton Legion's Memorial Home—all are welcome. (Ladies are requested to bring lunch boxes to he auctioned off) No other admission charge, 19-b CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP I•have purchased the jewellery business owned and operated for the past 30 years by R. H. JOHNSON, effective as of Tuesday, May 6, 4947. My experience of 18 years has qualified me as an expert jeweller and watch repairer, and I solicit the continued patronage of the people of Clinton and district. Drop in and see us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED A.M. JACKSON Jewellery and Watch Repairing (formerly R. H. Johnson's) Clinton Albert St. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs, Bert Bayes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 11 10.00 A.M,—Sunday School 11.00 ASM. --Divine Worship 2.30 P.M,—Service at Bayfield, Services will be ,dedicated to Moth- ers and the Sacrament of Bap- tism will be administered. All Welcome Pentecostal C. M. GANGRcICH, Pastor ,SUNDAY, MAY 11 2.30 P.M. --Sunday Sbh�ool 3.30 PQM. Worship Service 7.30 P.M.—'Bvangeliistic Service Sunday Services at home of Mi95 Laura Jervis, Princess St. R. Cottage Prayer Meetings, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. "Acrd' John answered and said "Mast- er, we saw one casting out devils in Thy name and we forbad him because he followed not us " And Jesus said unto him `.Forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us'." Luke 9:49-50 Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOALFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbing's, Choir Leader Mrs. E, Wendell, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 11 11.00 A.M.---Morning Service Mo'ther's Day Programme. The ,Siunday School will meet at 10.45 to join: with the congregational see vice at 11. 7.00 P.M.–Bveniag Worship, "Channels or Barriers." . St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M, P. BULTB L, Rector Mrs, Theodore Freerdin, Organist drs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 11 10.00 AM—Sunday School 11.00 AM. --Morning Service 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANIDBIEW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 11 Mother's Day 11.00 A.M.—,Morning Worship, Choir of Mothers Mother's Day Message Sacrament of Baptism 12.10--lChwroh Sohoal Open S'emien with Mother's Day theme. 7.00 P.M,—Evening Service "We believe in Jesus Chalet." Baptist 4i1V C. C. ANDERSON, inlinistes Mas. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNIDAY, MAY 11 Bible School -11 A.M. Evening Worship -7 P.M. The message will be "The Pa- tience of Jesus." the fifth in the ,series on "The :Man Jesus;" The Mother's Day programme will be given in , the 'Sunday School on May 18th, A fuller announce- ment will be given next week. Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce A general meeting of the merribers of Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce will be held in the TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON TUESDAY, MAY 13 (1) (2) (3(4) (5) at8p.m. AGENDAm Reports of Comittees. Hours of Closing. Closing Mon„ May 26, instead of Sat,, May 24. New Ideas. Other matters that may conte before the meeting. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME • • G. R. FOSTER, President B. 11. POOKLINGTON, Secretary -Treasurer 19-b iNpANNOVNPlesAthe 'IF YOUR CLOTHES are not becoming to you, They should be coming to us! CLEANING and PRESSING Three-piece Suit $1.00 Four -piece Suit L50 Uniforms, blue 85e; Khaki .75e Ladies' Suits and Coats , 1.00 Ladies' Dresses .90c • • • DYEING We can afro have your Suits, Coats, Dresses, dyed by a reliable Toronto firm. Prices reasonable. GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP We Call for and Deliver Clinton NOTICE The Clinton Women's Institute are compiling a "Tweedsmuir Village History," to maintain interest in Local History, and to build a permanent historical record of Clinton and community — containing Pioneer Settlers, Schools, Churches, Industries, Georgraphy. part played ho World Wars I and II, and how Clinton got its name; and interesting data of the past century; in book form. PRICE $1.00. • Anyone wishing a copy of same, please order early. Write or phone any of the following committee; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton, phone 359J Mrs. Fred Hanley, Clinton, phone 68 Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Clinton, phone 239 17-18-19 SiIve rwood's Smoother than Velvet ICE CREAM SOLD AT BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON