HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-04-17, Page 5" 'fiiTRSQiAY, APRIL 17, 1.947 ' . OL• LNTON :.NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Views -Record Classified Adlets Bring uick Results AjSB RATE -4I Dahl' by Wednea-LOST AND FOUND -Any following date of,insertion)—Ona l •vcnt a word first insertion (minimum LOST — Small shaggy brown dog, 30 cents); subsequent insertions, each 'answers) to name of Spunky. Reward. (minimum '25 cents) • 10 cents extra 'Phone 689:012, Clinton. 16-p :tor box number or for directing to NEWS -RECORD Office. I LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BIRTHS KELLER Weston, on Friday, April 4, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller, Weston, (nee Dorothy {"lazier, Clinton) a son, (Harold Rusell). FOR SALE LITTLE .PIGS, six weeks olds Apply KENNEDY—In Clinton Public Hos- • Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 16-p iS111AI• TOE BOX, well insulated, (DUAL PhPURPOSE DURHAM BULL, one 3'511-w, 16-b 10 months old. Apply 1 Frank' Crich, 'One BEATTY ELEICITRI,C WASHER. 'phone Clinton, 6114r2. 16-b Ars, e r one w• 16-p rppdy M R H ti t, ph 6$5 16 MOT HAY RACK. Apply James Wralker, Brucefield, phone, Seaforth 6b9r3. 16-17-b BATTERY RADIO in good condition. Apply Mrs. C. B. Anderson, •Maple •.St„ Clinton. 16-p PINK SHEER EIVENIING DRESS, size 14. Apply Box "D" NEWS- RECO,RE • .16-p THREE STAGtECS OF GOOD HAY. Apply Norman East, R.R. 1, Clinton, ;phone 805r41. 16.17-p ' TURQUOIISE, BLUE COAT, size 16, never been worn. Apply Box "K", NIEIW IS=RE'COR:D. 16-p ' TWO -BURNER COILEMiAN Gasoline Stove, in good condition. Price $7. 'Phone Clinton 61?m33, 16-p 500 CEDAR POSTS, 8' long, also 'scene end posts. Apply Ed Deeves phone 907r38, •Clinton. 15-16-p PeO&S' BLUE STUN, size 14 year; toys' pale of i,ubber boots, size 6. ".both in good condition. Phone 67. 16-b SINGER S41WING MAGHINE cab- inet model, electric, almost new, •with full attachments. Apply Mrs.. J. Hall, •i72bnge St., Clinton. • 16-17-p 'ELECTRIC] WASHING MACHINE, 'recently overhauled. Priced reason- able for quick sale. Apply Bob Peck, MR. 1, Zurich, phone, Hensall, 96r15. 16-p M CORMIOK DEH+RING TRACTOR, No. 10-20; Mhssey-Harris sprayer, 160 gallon capacity. Both in :good repair, Stewart Middleton, phone, •Clinton 906r6. 16btf b ACCOMMODATION WANTED PUREBRED SHORTHORN' BULL of serviceable age. Apply James Turner, phone 698-w. 16-b NINE CHOICE LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old, Apply Fred Gook, R.R. 3, Seafoeth, phone Clinton, 617r21. , 16-b ,NUMBER OSS' YOUNG SOWS, due after first of May, Apply James ,Flynn, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 811r16, !Seaforth. - 16-17-:p CLYDE x P'EIRC11EIRON MARE, weight 1,600 pounds. Alpply W. P. Roberts, R.R. 3, 'S'eaforth, phone 614r26, •Clinton. 16-p PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BUILDING LOTS on Welling- ton and SVLary Sts, Apply J. G. Gibbings, Marty! St., 'Clinton; 16-17-p IN THIE', VILLAGE OF BAYPIIBLD, Mee. storey dwelling, full basement hydro, two ear garage, hen house; r/4 acre land, immediate possession. For further particulars ,apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, • Clinton, phone 251-w. 16btfb APP,ROX10 A!BBEELY FOUR ACRES' hof good orchard eonsiatingof'Norbhern Spys, North Star, Wolf River, Duch- ess, approgimately 100 trees, situat- ed in town. Suitable iewilding lot on property. Immediate possession. For feather information call H. C. Law- son, Realtor, Clinton, phone 251-w, 16btfb PROPERTY WANTED HO SR SUITABLE FOR THREE adults wanted to sent or buy. • lApply A. B. Gardiner, C.N. Express Office, phone 31. 16-p WANTED WORK HOIRSiE'-'well broken and re - :WANTED. IMMEDIATELY — two liable, 'about 1,400 pounds. Clyde furnished zooms for light house. preferred. Apply Box "L" NEWS• keeping by airman and wife, no RECORD. 16-p .children. Urgent. Box "W" NEWS-' RECORD. 16-p HOUSE WANTED TO RENT by married couple with small family. Permanent residents. Required by end of February. Apply Ellwood Epps Sport Shop. 3-btfb FARMS FOR ,SALE 100 ACRE FARM --Half mile north -•ef Brucefield, good barn and house, never failing water supply; farm nes in ,pasture and woull be ideal ear beans bhis year. Apply James Walker, Princess St. 14-tfb SALESMAN WANTED 1VOODlERN PETROLEU,III REFINERY has few valuable money-tnaving Job- ' Bing Franchises available in various Ontario Counties. Applicants must bear strictest investigation. Purchase price Two Thousand Dollars. Pay. o%a dividends. Apply Box "B" NEWS -RECORD. 15-16.b SEED FOR SALE AJAX SEED OATS with sone barley mixed. Apply Irvine Tebbutt, ,phone 902r6. 16-17-p RED CLOVER SEED. Apply Elgin Porter, . Hayfield, phone •Clinton •630x21. 16-p RED CLOVER and Warba Potatoes, Wanting size. Apply, Roy Tyndall, phone Clinton 907r3. 16-17-b QUANTITY, OF AJTAX SEED OATS'. .Apply Elliotb Layton, Brucefield. phone 629r13, Clinton. 16-b AJAX SEED DAPS GROWN from registered seed. Also gdantity mixed with barley, 900 per bushel. Apply "(van Bean, Auburn, phone Blybh 19r5 15-16-p • HELP WANTED 'WAITRESS for Modern Restaurant. 'ideal working conditions. Thrower's Restaurant, Clinton, phone 243. 16-19-p MARRIED MAN FOR Faint Work, house provided, running water and 'hydro. Top wages. Sttewart Midrdte- •tens phone Clinton 906r6. 16-17-1, BABY CHICKS DAY OLID CHICKS BARGIALNS for '•this week and next: Barred Rocks, New Hempel: res, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks.. Light Sussex X New Hanna shires, Barred Rock X New Hemp - shires, New Hampshire X Light 'Siussex; non -sexed 9.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 4.95 per hundred, Assorted breeds 1.00 per hundred less. Cock- erels: White Leghorn X Barred Rocks 1.95, White Leghorns 95c, Two !week old add to day old prices 6.00 per hundred. Three 'week old add 11,00 for non -sexed and pullets, 8.00 to cockerels. Four week old add 16,00 ito non -sexed and pullets, 10.00 to ,cockerels. Five to six week old add 118.00 to non -sexed and pullets, 13.00 to cockerels, Shipped C.01). This advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices. 0'OP NOTCH •OHSOK5RIES, Guelph, Ontario, 1G -17-b MISCELLANEOUS 'ANYONE WANTING AVON Pro- ducts, phone 582. 14-15-16-17-18-b OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Gudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. • Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderich. 46btfb ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE' LINE YOUR HOME with Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire -proof, more comfort 'with less fuel, modern equipment and ex- perienced crews. For free estimate and terms phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland G. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb NEWS -RECORD Classified's cost little but produce big results. TWEEDS FOR SPRING. In spring a young unan's fancy turns to many things, including a smart new pair of tweed longs. . We have tweerlis in all sizes and colours so why not match up your odd coast with a pair to -day. Just the thing for knock- about wear, wihen warmth is still a necessity, Suits or Topcoats A new At or topcoat is still very much in order. Two new shipments have arrived ;tills week amid are smarter than ever. Ladies Don't let housecleaning be ;a headache, brighten up your home with a new set of curtains. In yard goods now fits sto!e'k we have: Printed Silk, Krinkle Crepe, Cretonne, Linen, Denim., Flannelette and Flannelette Sheeting. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes & Scott -McHale Shoes Phone 25 Clinton HAVE YOU EVER PRAYED? WHY NOT TRY THIS PRAYER? God be merciful unto me a sinner and save me for Christ's sake. The Publican did—and was justified in the sight of God. "He that cometh unto ME, I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37 TUNE 1N—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR 1 VARNA Preaches lir Goderich Ray. Reba Hern, aninister.'of Varna' United Church, addressed a well - attended thankaffering meeting of pital. on Sunday, April 15, 1947, the W:M.S. of Vietaria Street United • to 1Vir. and Mrs- Harvey Kennedy. Ghuroh, Goderieh. 'd. the 'Sunday R.R. 1, Londesboro, a 'daughter, evening u3 Di i (. .ince ane,. service. Also present were RILEY—En LomdeeboTo, on-Monday,t'o `oserutatinme 'of .thurclj iissionerv' April 7, 1947,, to Mr. and Mts. emieti s of other churches: The Alegi Riley, Lonicoesboro, a son. service was eondhicted by Rev. L. H. Termer, and 'special members by 'the (Thomas Alien), a brother for choir included, the ,anthem, "Sun of Wayne. SCIIOLL Ln Clinton Pwblic Hoe -soloist; My Soul," with' Charles Bream as and a vocal. Bless , solo, This pital, on Thmadaly, April 10, 1947, House," by Miss Evelyn Breekow. to 1VIr, and Mrs. Alfred Scholl, The 'choir was under the direction of Hensall, a son, (Garry William). Sliss Mary. Joyce :Strachan, organist' MARRIAGESand choir leader. I :Miss Hern's subject for her force- I{AY IArLLAN rLt the United CJhnrch ful address was "The Missionary and the Atomic Age.' Her text was: Manse, Hensall, on Monday, April .For by grace ye are saved."' 14, 194,7, by Rev. R. A. Brook, W.A. Organized 'Margaret Anne Allan, London, The ladies of Varna United Church daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard held •a meeting on April 10 to or - Taylor, Sr, Hensall, to William ganize a Woman's Association• cute Lorne Kay, London, son of MT, and ,church. Rev. Reba Herm presided Mrs. William Kay, London, over the meeting, opened by singing DEATHS Hymn '108 which was followed by prayer. Hymn 105 was sang, after urtr.r—Suddenly, ,,. Oxbow, a,ar> .��vhich Miss Hem read: the Scripture ng: Election of officers was as follows: President, Mrs. Eaxmie McClinohey; let vice-president. Mrs. Watson Web- ster; 2nd vice-president, 'Mrs. William McAsh; secretary, .Mrs, Bruce Mc- Clinton Keane, 'aged 64 years. Fun-'Clronchey; treasurer, Miss Rachel Saturday, and interment in Saskatoon, Johnston; organist, Mrs. John Me - Saturday, April 5. Ash; press secretary, Mrs. B. Me- MILLS—In Sioux Falls, 'S.D., Er -nest E. Mills, in his 62nd year. Funeral from the Miller Funeral •Home, to Woodlawn Cemetery, Sioux Falls, S. D. RATCLIFFF — In Sault Ste. Marie, i OntarTh Ratcliff f on Tuesday, April 15, 194, Fred- erick Charles Hill, formerly of (Minton, and brother of Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel, aged 57 years. KEANEin''.Saskatoon, Hospital, on Wednesday, April 2, 1947, James o, oras e, orm- erly of Auburn, aged 78 years. Funeral at Sault Ste. Marie. TURNER—In Maple Creek, Sask., on Friday, Aprl 11, 1947, Albert E. Turner., husband of the late Re- becea Townsend' and brother of G. N. Turner, Clinton, in his 85th year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. E'.mrnanuel Ward and daughter, Mrs, Murray Quaife, wish to take this opporbanity of expressing their sincere thanks for all kindnesses shown Mrs. Ward during her illness and all acts of sympathy expressed during their recent sad bereavement. 16-1r CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Crich wish to thank friends and neighbours for the useful and lovely gifts presented to them last Monday evening. Special thanks to Me .and Mrs, Art, Groves, who so kindly loaned their home for this party. 16-p .'R*Z,EN kf'OODr1'DCKERS' FRESH FROZEN FRUITS Strawberries, H.S. 40c Raspberries, H.S ' Blueberries Peaches Black Cherries, H.S Pie Cherries, H.S OYSTERS 1/2 pt. We Buy Hides 40c Clinchey. Devotional committee: Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. William •Stephenson, Mrs. J. W. Johnston; visiting com- mittee: Mrs. Wilfred Chutter, Mrs. Anson Coleman and Mrs. Robert Talylor; membership committee: Mrs. William MeAs'h and Mrs. Harold Soper; work committee: convenor -- Mrs. Alf- Ings, Mrs. Orrin Dawson, Mrs. Fred Reid,. Mrs. Lee McConnell, MTs, Alf. Johpebon •and Mrs. Ed. Foster; lunch cbananibtee: Mrs. Geo. ,Reid, Mrs. C. Stephenson, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. .M, Webster and Mrs. Lorne Coleman. It was decided to hold the meet- ings on the fourth Wednesday of each month, the first meeting to be held the afternoon of April 23, in the church. Miss Hern closed the meet- ing with prayer, HOLMESVILLE Holmesvilie V.M.S. and W.A. The monthly meeting of the WMS was held at the home of Mrs, Wal- ters, Mrs. C. Freeman was in charge of the Easter programme. Meeting opened by use of Hymn 179, after which all repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison, The secretary, Mrs, W. Yeo read the minutes of the last meeting and each member answered the roll call wiht a verse of scripture. Mrs. J. Corran rend the scripture lesson. The president, Mrs, F. Mulholland, had charge of the business when plans were discussed for the Easter Thankoffer.ing service which is being held Sunday morning, April 13, with Rev. 13. R. Stanway, Brucefield, as the guest speaker, and the ladies of 35e the congregation preparing special music. 300 At this meeting each of the foi- 40c lowing ladies who had been members of the Missionary Society for over 20 years gave interesting facts of their work in the society; MTs. J. 65c Potter, Mrs. C. Tavener, Mrs. Wal- ters, ,Mrs. B. TTewartha, Mrs. W. Yeo, Mee. 10•, Yeo, Mrs. E. Trewertha, Mra, F. .Mulholland. 'Mrs. Tavener spoke of the Presby- terial meeting in Exeter on April 24, and Mrs, J. Harris and Mrs. F. Mu1- holland were c'hosen as delegates. The Easter message was brought in two lovely duets, one by Mrs. L. Jervis •and Miss D. Finlay and the other, Mrs. C. Freeman and Mrs, F. Mulholland. Mrs. Welters- told a story on Christian Stewardship, and IMrs. B. Trewartha read the final part of a letter written by Miss Sybil •Cogrtiee. Mrs. C. Freeman read a 35c BATKINS ROY N. BENTLEY' Auditing and Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Systems Installed Monthly Statements and Invoices Prepared Commercial and Private Typing, ete. PHONE 1070.1S P.O. Boa. 58 GODERICH Write or phone for appointment on regular visit to Clinton 4-6-btfb ' CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. C O O K L.i.. FLOSILST Peones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE . Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday April 27, 1947 Full Information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ROXY THEATRE C L I N TO N , CAPITAL THEATRE G ODERIOH , REGENT THEATRE SEAF OIITB - B Now Playing In Technicolor of MINE ',Di a to Now n Technicolor, Walt n y's g—L " s ey &"MAKE MINH MUSIC • : " „• ,Now Playing. BLACK BEAUTY The tale of a horse MON.,'rem., WED. "THE STRANGER�� Adult Entertainment Eirandsomely produced, effectively written and toasting the season's greatest dramatic impact comes this strange drama. Edw. G. Robinson - Loretta Young and Orson Welles MON., TUES., WED. Morgan - Jack Carson and Janis Paige 3hose two irrepressible guys from Milwaukee return in a Technicolor aesieal that Will set you dancing. "THE TIME, THE•PLACE, AND, THE GIRL" MON., TUES., WED. "MAKE MINE MUSIC" Gntroduding a chaaaoter with more appeal than Snow White and her ,seven rascals. Walt Disney's new Technicolor sensation, THUR., FRI•, SAT. John Wayne - Gail Russell and Irene Rich , Take us to the grandeur of westernand backgrounds for a new idea in outdoor romance. "THE ANGEL AND THE BADMAN" THUR.. FItI. , SAT. Pat O'Brien - Ruth Warrick Alan Hale Pat sings •a ditty or two in this south -orf: -the -border adventure. "PERILOUS . HOLIDAY" THUR., FRI., SAT. John Wayne =Gail Russell and Harry Carey Living in the shadow of the law, loving in the shadow of death, he gave up his gun foe a gal. "'THE ANGEL AND THE BADMAN„ Coming—"THE RAZOR'S EDGE" by W. Somerset Maughan Coming—Ronald Colman in "THEY LATE` GEORGE APPLEY" Matinees; Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat.: Wed. Sat. holidays, 2.30 p.m. Matinees: Sat & holidays, 2.30 p.m. HENSALL M1, and Mrs, George Hess left by motor Monday for Florida 'where they will spend a three weeks' vacation. 1 Mas. !Alda Simmons and Jack, who have been wintering in Santa Barb- lara, Oalifornip, have returned io their ,home. / Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLarnon and family moved this week to the (farm purchased from Abe Forsythe, Tuckersmith. 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Manley Jinks have purchased the 'house recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLarnon and expect to move shortly. New Rest Rooms The rest moans, which are now being installed in the' Town Hall, will be completed in two or three weeks and will provide toilet facil- ities for ladies and men, and the ladies of .the community with child- een while shopping in the village are welcome to take 'advantage of these rest rooms. These rest rooms are being installed by the Village Council. W. 1. Meets The annual meeting of Hensall Women's Institute evas held at the Imre of Mrs. G. Cook, Wednesday, April 9, with 50 members present. Mrs, Cook was assisted by Mrs. J. McBeath, The chair was taken by the president, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. The roll call was answered with the payment of fees, also the naming of a Canadian product and its use. Miss Lenore Norminton, Lions Oratorical Contest winner, presented her interesting and challenging ad- dress "Is Canada Yet a Nation?" After lengthy discussion it was decided to hold a banquet to mark the 50th anniversary of bite founding of Women's Institutes, this event to take place May 14 with following committee in charge: Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Hess., Mrs. Elgie, ,Mrs. A. D. MoEwan, Miss Greta Laramie. The breasurer announced receipt of $20.73 representing proceeds derived from refreshment booth operated at Ted Munn's auotion sale. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, nominating committee, brought in the slate of officers for '11947-48: President, Mrs. A. W."Kers- like; vice-presidents, Mrs. A. E, Munn, Mrs. A. R. Orr; secretary - treasurer, Miss Gladys Luker, assist- ' ,ant, R. Elgie; press representa- tive. Mrs. Maude Redden; branch ,directors—Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs, Cross, Mrs. W. Sangster; pianist, Miss Flor- ence Welsb, assistant, Miss Laramie; card convener, ,Mrs, W. Smale; dist- rict representative, Mrs. G. Hess. Reports of standing committees were read. The motto, "If we see no fault in our own work, we shall never do any better," was given by Mrs. James McAllister. Miss Gladys Luker made presentations of bank books to the infant children of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman, and Mr. and MT. Frank Wright. A letter short Easter story and poem. All joined in singing Hymn 255 and Mrs. Walters closed the meeting with prayer. The meeting of the W.A. followed, Mrs. Bond in charge. The opening Hymn was 230 and prayer was of- fered by Helen Bond. lAlpril 16 was the date chosen for the postponed spring concert. MTs, Walters and Mrs. F. Mulholland were a committee named to arrange for patching a quilt, It was planned tc hold the annual bazaar on October 26. Meet- ing closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. Walters and Mrs. H. Cudmore were hostesses for the day: COMMUNITY PARTY 'Wednesday,pril 30 TOWN HALL, CLINTON at 8.30 • p.m. sharp FOR HOSPITAL. AID - - ADMISSION 25c ADDRESS—Mayor A. J. McMurray; CARDS—Bridge, Five Hundred, Euchre, Cribbage, ' and asay other •table ,gi nne. Come and bring your cards. 'Those desiring to make up tables, con- tact Mrs. C. Sturdy, -phone 901 ring 13, or Miss W. O'Neil, phone '75J evenings. • LUNCH TO BE SERVED EXTRA • ATTRACTIONS:— SING-SONG, conducted by Mrs. W. Perdue; QUIZZ, led by Mr. Ralph Foster, President, Charmber of Commerce. Prizes (presented by Dr. J W. Shaw) to be awarded for winners in Marathon Bridge and Five, Hundred; also prizes :for door, lucky chairs and high in each game. Special ladies' and gents' (qualifi- cations announced during the evening.) THESE PRIZES ON DISPLAY IN BEATTIE'S FURNITURE STORE WINDOW. t6 -17-b read and approved. There were 15 inentlbers and five. visitors present. SUMMERHH.L It was decided to hold a card party in the hall April 18. Ladies' Club Meets The programrmeaconsisted of a re - Summerhill Ladies' Club met April cital "Jimmy and 1" given by Mrs, 9 at the home of Mrs, Ab. Vodden. H. Murch, and a "Sunny Contest" The vice-president, Mrs. E'arl Blake, conducted by Mrs. Crich and won by took charge. The meeting opened by Mrs. Munich. The Roll Call for the next meeting is to be answered by "Household Hints." A quilt was quilted during the afternoon. Lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. was read from the clerk of the vile The next meeting will be held May lege, J. A. Paterson, stating that in 14, at the home of Mrs. Fred 'Vod- future the Council will grant free of den. The ladies responsible for the charge, the ladies the use .. of the programme are Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Council Oham'bers for holding intsi- Johnson, nitre. C. Ball, and Mrs. W. tote meetings. Miss Greta Laramie Merrill. The hostesses will be Mra. contributed a violin solo, and Miss W. Vodden, Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. C. Ellis a reading. Luncheon was eerved. Ball and Mrs. N. Wright. singing the National Anthem, follow-. ed by the Lord's Prayer. The min- utes of the previous meeting were NOTICE The Red Indian Station is now in operation again. We have obtained an army truck with a winch on it. For towing service day and night call 205-J— Cars Cars we are now wrecking are: 1937 Desoto, 1930 Hudson, and 1933 Studebaker. „• C. L. STANLEY 1935 Dodge, 1930 Pontiac, Community Furniture Sale Anyone desiring to place furniture, etc. in a Community Sale, please notify me before Monday, April 21st, so I may advertise it. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Phone 203 AUCTIONEER Box 293, Clinton 16-b 1 Open for Business Highway No. 4 Passable Again for Through Traffic A HEARTY WELCOME TO OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS! VULCANIZING (24-hour service) Goodrich Tires Hart Batteries Harry Davies Tire and Battery WiIITE 'ROSE GASOLINE and OIL VICTORIA ST. Phone 460 CLINTON 41611111111101111. Girls - Here's Your Chance EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A NEW TRADE Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. Apply for Particulars To the Superintendent JUST ARRIVED Two High Class Ranges Clare Bros.. Jewel Square, with high shelf, all -enamel Enterprise With reservoir and warming oven SEE THESE FINE RANGES TODAY HAWKINS HARDWARE