HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-04-17, Page 1JOIN
0 )AC1 I; I News -Record
News -Record
No. 16 -69th Year; Whole No. 6249
Clinton Town Council
Sir Andrew Gets an Earful From Lions Club Leaders
Wine he visited here as -guest of Clinton Lions Clob, Sir Andrew Jones, -head a the British Food
Mission in Canada, not only delivered an excellent address at the annual Farmers' Night Banquet in
St. Paula Parish Hall Friday evening, but also found time to heaped a number of Heron Cbunty'a
best farms end meet some of its best farmers.
ABOVE, SIT Andrew (centre) is seen discussing Lions Club work in this community with Caryl
W. Draper (left), president of 'Clinton Lions Club, and Ervin J. 'Tick" Jaeob, chairman of the Com-
munity Betterment Committee 'which arranged for the visit.
During his stay in this distniet, Sir Andrew was taken for a motor tour to Godevieb Friday
afternoon, was the guest of W. L. Whyte, OBE, and Mrs. White, at their Hullett Township home
overnight Friday, and visited Huron County Home, Stewart Middleton's farm in •Goderich Township,
and other points in the district before catching the afternoon train to Toronto Saturday, en emote to
Britain Deeply Grattan.'
States Sir Andrew Jones
"Veni, vida vice!"
Or in plain came, 1
saw, I conquered!"
That's what Sir Andrew Jones,
head of the British Food Mission in
Canada, did to farmers and t.ownss
people of the Clinton community
there Feeley evening last whenhe
spoke at the - annual Fanners' Night
Banquet of Clinton Lions Club.
The Horne Paper With the News
Sfrikes 1947 Tax•Rate.. at 55 Mills
Careful Handling
Keeps Rate Down
Clinton's tax rate foe 1947 is 05 Milks en the dollar
it was decided at a epee -lee 'meeting af the Town Co:mei
in the Council Chamber Monday. evening. Mayor A. J. Me
Murray Presided and all *members were pesent
The above figure represents an increase of ten mills
over 1946, the jumpbeing, aecounted far chiefly by the
zest of the sewerage project. '
Chiel factors in keeping the rate from gong several
mills higher was a rebate from bhe Public Utilities Com-
mission from eaanings of the Waterworks. Department
amounting to :Row, and the mon of about a4,000 made up
ef interest on Dominion of • Canada bonds purchased with
the proceeds of the sewerage debenture sale.
The total assessment of the town for taxation puimoies
is $1,026,739.40. Details of the 1947 budget will be pub-
lished hi next week's iseueof The NEWS -RECORD.
• Comparative Rates
'Comparative mill rates for the past two years are
as follows: 1946 1947
County 6 . 7 6.1
Debentures ....I9.6 21,2
Public School 8.4 '7.8
• 1 2,0
Relief .4 .4
Park Board .•1.0
Town Rate ......19.9 15.9
Totals '4L0 55.0
The tax rate was suede after A. Beceilt Monteith, of
Monteith and Monteith, town auditors, Stratford, had ad-
3ressed Council explaining the. auditors' report and financial
statement. •
"Yon have had quite a 'successful year in 1946, but
19 47 may be more difficult," he mid, "but a alan has been
worked out -whereby bhe annual cost of rale sewerage system
will not be such a burden." .1 -le said the Public Utilities
Commiseion would collect the- fees from the users, and he
hoped the eysteni would be installed by fall. Mr. ,Monteith
sommended the tax collector on the lack of arrears of taxes.
The Mayor stated that all inembers 01 Connell appreciate
the fact that Couned has closed 1946 in a very satefactory
Ald. M. J. Agnew, chairman of 1
finance, presented the budget for
Clinton Trims London in Thrilling Boat Race
Well, what do you think! A. nicked crew from .Clinton trimmed a picked crew from London. by
less than 100 Sect in the first annual Clinton -to -Hayfield boat race on the swollen Bayfield River
Sunday. The course, neasured at 19 miles, was covered bo a little over five hours, with time
off at Verna Bridge for Much. The race started at Highway 4, south of Clinton, and ended at the
bridge at Hayfield, after a veal race in 11 -foot inflated rubber boats down the tortuous Are=
ABOVE are the members of the Clinton crew in their rubber boat: Bob Campbell (back to
camera); Earl Le.yburne (with &Mc glasses); Don Epps (back to camera); George ("Short")
Campbell (with dark glasses); Ellwood Epps popolar sporting goods dealer, 'who promoted the Taw.
The race had its origin in a challenge issued by Rae Watson, Lorelen, to Ellwood Elms, after
the latter had stated that in flood season he meld travel by 'water from Clinton to Bayfield, They did!
prepared by
; Council and Town Treasurer M. T.
FUNDS APPEAL iCorless and stated that a further
FOR HO qPITALIgt ean to the Homital, or the Legien
would.ocoasiori an increase in the
I-rullett Townehin Council held its .aa? Mayor McMurray referred to an Teaserendee Township Connell met
April meeting in the Community Hall, ' explanation given by Dr. W. A. Oakes, to the Town Hall, Seaforth, for its
Londesboro, with the Reeve and all Hospital Board chairman in com- Tegular monthly meeting with all
Suffers .Injuries nerabers present. Imittee regarding
einanchtil, require- members present and the Reeve '
As Cars Collide 'concession: 12 was received:Comp/aim , house canvass -was being made in I E. B. Goudie waited on Council,
A delegation of watepa ers from nients, and explaine,d that a house -to- the obair.
ing of the drainage at thejouiction Clinton. on behalf of the Federation of Agri -
(By -our Hensall correspondent) a concession 13 and Highway 4. A Ald. A.gnew ,pointed out that the culture and advoeated purchase of a
Alphonse "Bony" Fostev, Haman) motion was passed that the Depart- budget for a 55-noill rate did not tuck and spraying equipment to con
was taken to Clinton Public Hospital
out d
suffering head in- pair and clean rain.
'anent of Highways be asked to re- allow for any "'crazy" wending and :Mel warble fly, Cost of such equip -
Sunday evening
juries euetained when the car herigid economy evould have to be the anent would be Approximately $2,054.
:epee ing for a deportation fr.= evatehevord. No exam was taken at present
Knights were piesent
was driving was involved in a cols
CHAMBER ENDORSES ectivities of Seafoeth High School mtheer of ea.
d on the
Board, as did J. W. Orich for Clinton from Brussels, Varna, Clinton and
His address was timple min Clinton Public Hospital 13oard, G.H. o I Mr. Geudie also veporte
and Beton with one operated by
straightforward amount of food con- -- - Jefferson explained the building of
Kathleen Unger. eVliss Janet Martin,
ditions existing in the United King- a passenger in• the 'Unger car, s01.. the new wing, and gave a report on
darn; he was reasonably optimistic thew, a fractured ankle, The former the financial 'standing of the hos-
regarding the future of the 015 is a registered nurse and the latter ptal, expressing the aims and hopes.
Country. works on bhe laboratory at Queen 01 the Board in receiving assistance
Attendance at the gathering was lAlexandva Sanatorium, London, from neighboringermunicipalities. Dr.
about 180, including earmers and 1 The •accident happened at 430 Pan• tport on the percentage of patients
guestsfrom the neighbouring mini -
J. W. Shaw gave an interesting re -
Sunday et the intersection of King's achnitted to the Hospital from surs
eipalities and members of parliam- Highway 4 and 84 at the •outskirts
eat. Ervin J. ("Dick") Jacob, chair -1 , a p roundaeg raunicipailities, shortege of
man of the Community Betterment 'Bete cam piled into a hydro * laP"e and proper equipment for evening with President G. Ralph committee that. they hold a general nem an an
appropriate address was read by Sir
and Mayor A. a. afelllurraly welcomed I d 1 • t
1 A meeting is being held in Glin- members in attendance. The roll mew each of the municipalities ite order e,a,g,e. ,
the guests Sir Andrew was intro I Plying glass was blamed for Fest- ton •ort Manday, Aprol 21 when the lhaS about 60 paidam members.
dewed by W. L. Whyte and thanked
• ' - er's injuries othieb. required seven Hospital Board 'will meet the Coen- Personnel of seven standing •com-
ti'll"en" preserited with .a handsome
:Vallaral:IveTat ansere:int ifs' bpeTrio3gorlitieolndatel Prose County Master Stewart was
rApciA was Israelite fountain pen by Sir Knight Garnet
inbehalf of the th s bySt 1
ga mong stitches. He was taken to Clinton1cils of the 'surrounding municipalties mittees were named, as drawn up by Clinton, Monday, April 21.
wasawpanle in 13onthron's ambulance where he'to f rth • h' projectthe Board of ,Directors, to remain in The auditors'
Middleton. Entertainment go Inether into t is
"In giving this brief aceount to aeadem,
Foster has returned home sines the the licensing of taxis in the town- The ohairman of each conerattee Son and duly adopted.
Bylaw No. 6 for 1947, a bylaw for office for a period of three months. ev by James Love and Artbaer Finlay- Cornish, •County Treasurer. Sir
vided by a Toronto troupe. was -attended by Dr, J. A. iteddisond
Knight Stewart, in e. few well-chosen
you, I have not had as my object may add as required Council sold the Township crusher :made, thanked the chapter for this
•ship was passed
the enlistment of your sympathy nor
was it •my purpose to invite you to
thaw conelusions," Sir Andrew de-
"Two world wars within the one
generation—wars fought for the pre-
servation of princiales we all hold
Daylight Saving Time.
At Midnight April 26
Royal Black Knights
Honor PCM Stewart
The Royal Black Knights ef Huron
County met in 'annual meeting ip
the Orange Hall, Myth, Friday even-
ing last. Owing to bad road con-
ditions the attendatice was not as
large as :usual. However a goodly
DAYLIGHT SAVING High achool Hoard.
1 W. H. Robinson and G. Id- .
Reports from the various recep-
PICKS commrrrEES el'aan ainton Public Hospital tories d
fa •
Board attended the meeting and ask-
, grant th. had they all been in, the County
eiowefavourable work and
ed Connell to consider
a substantial in -
Clinton and District Chamber of woad same. Owing to the number would have Shawn
crease. At the close of the. business
Commerce held an interesting general of municipalities served by this
meeting in the Town Hall Monday Hospital, 'Council suggested to the ron, ,chari. Stewart, past County
Corraniete of the Lialla Club, presided, and were badly damaged. pole those requirine 'attention.
Foster in the ehair and about 40 meeting and invite e ega es from
Ma tot Norman Sly, County Reg-
Proviudal Constable Frank Taylor, Council adjourned and opened as A motion waspassea, with one dis- and equipment fox the crusher to landnes, voicing his intention of still
Clinton, investigated. appeals.
a Court of Revision; there were no• senting vote, in favour of daylight ;Wilson McCartney for $1,100, with -sunnortmg the Order M the best of
COthe future.
Meeting s a e {DHighWaYs,
SS in
'saving time, and another motion was kale 'subject to the approval 01 the his ability and wishing it every ane -
Church Council • aa Council, motion passed that should the TowComm!! epartment of ,
_ _ • . was adopted that the Road Superin-.not adapt it, a delegation from the 1 The reeve and treasurer were Sir Knight Stewart was then celled
Holds Meeting tendert advertise for tenders forthe:Chamber interview Council meque,st. 'intliorized to sir notes with the on to conduct and install the officers
dear, for freedom rtself—have made . CAdnit'"? C'trumii of Churches met
serious inroads on our resources and an 'Ontario St. 'Meted elitireh on Wed -
gravely impaired our economy." nesclay, April 9. Rev, C. C. Anderson
said. "leleny have written our obit. Presided in the absence of the chairs
nary notices. References are made to luau of the Coneeil, Rev. W. J, Wool-
th h traY• vertisin and se, lie $101; C1' t :Bali, IL IS
crushingand delivevy of 5,
000 cubic •mg It Kanadian Bank -o 'Commerce for cur- for .the incoming year. All the of.
yard's of Beers were unanimously ie -elected
Council adjourned to meet May o ows, the meet bonro-wings for 1047.
gravel on townehip Toads, 1 ,Committees are as f 11
at 7.30 pan. i 1 Council instructed the Road Sup. for. another year.
erintendent to employ Ed. Boyes RS The County Chapter was then elos-
5 first -named being chairman:
1 HOUSING — V. D. Faleoner,
Accounts 1 er ordered • •al f 1 ,T ' Churchill, e E. , grader operator and for any other ed rand the members of the Myth
lows: Blyth Standeed, printing, ad -1D. 'Connell, 0. M. seemiega aesii•iwork in connection with the townshell Preceptory served -a bountiful heath
"This is not the first occasion on i Mat Anderson conducted the D
e. News-RecordI, helinding, advertising, Inion, PUBLIC RELA/IiION•IS—Frank
. . clentle94a7n. -hoar, retroactive :to mane
'which the 'announcement of our de- votional period, the subject of the $10•501? Degaelenent of Health, in- !Fa:gland, Z. G. Metiay, 11. E. Heat
mise has,. in rthe event, proved bo be discussion being bhe preaching and sulin, $4•97; George W. Cowan, part ley, W. N. Counter, G. W. Motile Oliol-ton 'Spring Show was given a
false. We were Pronounced dead at teaching of 'the Bible. Rev. aa G, salary, a/0; Blyth Telephone iSystera, INDUSTRIJAL—C. H. Eppe, Frank ole
grant of $85, and tra,velling expenses
the time of Dunkirk, but we survived. Stotesburem prefixed the discussion by digging boies, $1•7542! Levis Con- lAndrews, L. Houghton, A. E. Ruin- $25 each were ordered paid to
delegatea Charles MacKay. Roy Pea -
And recover we will from the serious desoribing the changes that have stametion Co., . snow oremoval, $284; ball, L, J. Woven. AGRICULTURE
eeonomic illness which we are now 'taPen Place in the chureh's life. in- Rohe Riley, mow removal, $4; Ben '—.F. (1% Ford, Harry Plums -Mel E1 W. co •
!per and g. P. Chesney, who attended
reacts for one year at a :rate of 65 and a social half hour was enjoyed.
County Plow Match
In East Wawanosh
Huron Cotinty plowing, mateh will
be ±015 on East Wrievanosh Township
suffering as a • lt lot v t
iesto ,one epea , flueneed by ?she changes that have Riley, snow Ten:loyal, $4; Alex Riley, Elliott, Boss Fitzsimons, C. J. Liver,.
snow removal, $-3; Doug. Hesk, snow more N, W. Trewcirtha. TOURIST The treasurer was ordered to pay this year, Harry L. Strirdsa repre-
rationof the art we played for the saldtaken place in the life of sooiety 1 $ oh H 1 , 1, C393,06 to the Federation of Agro smiting North Huron Plowing Ae-
not ordy of ourselves but of since the 'earliest years of the cent- elenselva , as, oggart, snow re- AND PUBLIOI Y— Ellwood Epps,
Mankind." ury. This gave the background for moval, $2.50; Bert Hoggart, snow re- la S. Atkey. B. F. Thrower, Lester eultotee en amount of rates levied and sr:elation, told the East Wawanosh
Township Council at ite regular meet -
Harry °ollecteci for 1946.
$80; salaries fully wi g
the diecussion when the members pre moval, $2.50; Glen Carter snow re. 'Martin Die D. C. Geddee,
Sir Andrew extended to farmers , -
and others in this part of Canada, sent entered into the question before move', $2;
K. Ira sel d
p s woo , snow Te. Bart i . Fox Mounter, $3; relief.
1 if MfEMBERSHIP --- .B. B. Accounts were passed as follows: ing, It was decided to co-operate
'th the aesociation in makin
who have se.ffeeed loss through the them. As the discussion, was not 3noval, $4; F, hillips anew removal, Pooklington, A Garon, H. C. Law- lise00. asba ,e ee 50• travelling ex- the plowing mach a suceese.
$2; J. Jein13eson, snow removal, $2, son, G. B. Beattie, Harold .Sevan. aensee, $75; grtmt, $35; legal fees, Business discussed included the
George Radford, snow renTOVal, RETA.11., IVLIORMAINTIS ---- Willard 82,55; printing, $31; suedes:, 40 eentsi possible purchase of a spraying unit
$1,574.15; J. 'MeEeving, washout, Aiken, Heigh R, Hawkins, G. R. Me-
e. road aecounts, $5,296.58; redo:erica to combat the warble fly nuisance,
$1.75; Harry Snell, now removal, $3; Ewan, Orval Labb, K. J: Piekett. b of Agrjeultelre, $693.06. Road ae• T matter of procuring an outfit
Wealthy, R. N. Irwin, — — January 1, 1947. This aecount rela C,ourteja app99v9a 9, wage of 70
meant floods, his sinew sympathy ;completed it will be continued at the
and that of the British Minister of next meeting.
Food. The Couneil was very pleased to
welcome a new member into its Fell -
Township Trustees owship, Rev, L. Morgan, who has re-
ceney came to serve the Anglican Yes, 811°44' removal* $24$15;
Tamblyn, auditor, $200.
Arele Riley, snow removal, $9; Aloe B. Beattie, George Rumball, Er• counts, in all, total .$8,479.74 -since be investigated.
Discuss Schools ehurch at Hayfield,
The meeting of ,the Board of Tress sTraTvortn GIRL WINS Increase of 50
tees of Goderieh Township Soliool Miss Mary Warriner, Stratford
Area, scheduled for February 20 and Collegiate Inetitute, was the winner
postponed, was held on March 31 in of the girls' 'section of the Lions Or -
No. 10 school. The &airman, 'Glasse- atorieal Conteat for District A-1, and
on Laithwaite, presided. 101ande Penaa, London, was the wimp
The minutes of the last meeting ,er of the boys' section, in the mini.
were read 'and adopted. Ail commun. final series held in Stratford Colleg-
ications, accounts and reports receiv- iate Institute Thesday even:rig. Other
od since the lag meeting were awl- I contestants' were Miss L. Women-
elidered. It was decided to send in Jon, Exeter; IVItse Flora Edwards,
the application for hydro for No. 6 'Palmerston; •and jack Henderson,
aohool. A committee was appointed I Milverton. The subject was: "Ie
tee look after the furnace at No. 11 Canada Yet a Nation'?" The judges
athoot 13usness Connaation with were Doe H. Bowel's, principal, &rat.
digging a basement under No. 10 ford Normal School; J, H. lainkeacl,
sollool was discuseed and left over Goderich, Pablo iSchool Inspector for
until next meeting. North Huron; W. I. Carroll, princiDal,
The teachers are requested to att- Mitchell High School; and R. S. At- ;wood calling wrong numbers.
end the next meeting whieh is to be key, editor of The NEWS -RECORD. The circulation of the new hook,
held in No. 1 school on the evening The District A. finale will be held which hat a Miff -colored cover to that 8 pan, to 9.80 p.m. Dancing 10
Bayfield Lions Club Pm* Fund. Con -
of Wednesday, Anvil 30. in Toronto. 'clistinguise fit readily from fale old
eaa...aae....eaeseessasee.....,,aasa one, will be greater than that of any ren, as stems,
tO aan. Adults 50 cents, Mild -
15 -16-x
DISPOSES OF FARM previous 'edition The new diameter
Phones in Clinton
Containing a record number of new
and revised listirigs, the new tele-
a,Ord :vicinity has joist been distributed,
according to J. SIL Croodwin Bell
phone directory for Goclerich, Clinton
Telephone manager in this district,
who said that 1,445 copies were slated
for subserabers in this communIty
Because of the 5,300 new and
ohanged listings in the book, Mr.
Goodwin stressed the importance of
conselting it before telephoning and
urged subscribers to ,bring their
memo and desk pads im-to-date to
resents the cost of snow VII'dwing for cents an hour for the road superin-
TIGHTEN ORGANIZATION that period. „ tendent, and 50 cents an hour for
Addressing :the annual meeting of Council addouriled to meet May ° workmen on Township roads '
Huron -Perth Liberal Association in
Cardno's Hall, Seam -We Wednesday
evening last, Hon. Doeglas C. Ab-
bott, Feclerai Minister of Finance,
called on Liberals of the riding to
tighten party organization down to
its smallest sub -units. The gathering'
was large and enthusiaetie,
afinimum Charge 500
3e a word
Conceit rind Dance, Town Hall;
Hayfield, Thursday, April 17, auspices
The Week's Weather
Higa Law
April 10 50 28
11 63 42
12 55 31
13 40 25
14 '52 25
15 45 27
16 • 88 29 •
Rainfall—. 24 inches.
:Snow -1 inch. ,
Albert Pearson Moe sold the 17 -
Mae foam which he recently :purchas-
ed ham W. Williams on the Base
Line. Ten acres with the buildings
on it have been sold to John Me -
Glace. Go:aerie& Pawns*, and the
remaining seven Sans to Oloarles
Stewart. This portion of land for-
merly. belonged to Mr. 'Stewart's
property and analrea hen a very de-
sirabie home, situated on the high-
way and right adjoining town. Mr.
MoGuire gets possession next fall
and Stewart imanecbately.
reveals an increase of over 50 tele- —oil
largest in the community's. historY, Friday, April 18, by Malaga= only.
7' COI At Home, 001 Auditorium,
'phones in Clinton alone since the end itis Otrahestra. Admiseion $2.50
a eg 9 pan. to 1 am. Ted Poulney
publication a the March 1946 book, 7, peo' , , couple,
1 As usual, the directory lists sub- F — 15 -16 -or
seribere' in Atwood, Gocle List- Semi-annual dance sponsored by
owel and other communitiesin the CIIII•ntdn JunioreFarmers, Town Hall,
Clinton, Friday, April 25, Norm
o Caimegies orchestra. Admission 50
The latest additions to the news- esmts. 16-17-b
popevs corning to qiinton Public Lib- Community Party, Wedneeday,
wary are the Terento ,Saturaay Night, Agri' 30 Town Hall, Clinton, 8,30
the rinaneial Post and the Montreal pan sharp, fcs• Hospital Aid. Ad-
Iramily Herald and Weekly Star. minion 25 tents. 18-17-x I
at 2 p.m.
A grant of $20 was made to Bel -
grave Sam] Fair
Wheaton's Taxi
Wheaton's Taxi is the name of
Clinton's newest business which com-
menced operations yesterday. The
stand is 'emoted next to Ill. J. Agnew's
Cigar Store, Heron St., and the phone
number is 780.
The owner 0e the business, Douglas
Raymond Wheaton, has just been dos -
charged from the RCIAF after serving
since September 1940. His home is
in, Moncton, N. Be where he attended
school, He served ,in 1 -he physical
training and awn section of the RCAF,
at M:o•neten, Terenrban, Teem:Ito, Ottawa,
Ilauelcolca, Montreal, and •Glieton. R.
and C, 'School where he was stationed
for ten months,, his family residing in
Clinton. lie is enarried with one son
Ralph, 414, and is a member of the
Unrated Church.
Mr, Wheaton operates a 1947 Hod-
son •Ceineriodeee sedan, f•ully insured.
George H. Jefferson, principal,
Clinton Public School, spoke on "AP-
precietion of Things Canadian," with
reference to Canadian atomic and
poetry, at a "Ladies? Night" meeting
of Brussels Lions .010 Monday
New Business Here
Shorthorn Club Plans
Show at Stratford
Plans to hold the annual Perth-
1furon Shorthorn Club show in con-
junction with Stratford Fall Fair
were made at a meeting of the club
:directors aloriclay afternoon in Dub-
lin. No changes were made in the
prize list from laat year.
) Harold. White, secretary of the
I Canadian Shorthoem Breeders' As-
sociation and Prof. G. E: Dena sec
Teton,- of the Ontario Club,. were
pretent Heti f
Ma White informed the gathering
that the annual field day for the
members, will be held at Ooi±aofo
Agrioultural College, Guelph, on
Mane 2.
Major John Long, London, area
cadet officer, his announced that the
Cadet. Corps of Clinton Collegiate
�nati±'.etabe officially inspected
at 7,30 pan., Wedinesday, May 14, the
inspecting officer to be Lieut. J. E.
Malone, London. The cadets already
have started preparing for the event.
Wingbam will be impeded May 6;
Sea:forth May 23; Exeter May 28;
eld'Goderieh 1VI 28
Daylight saving time will go into
effect in •Clintan at midnight, Satur-
tee •'grriiliv2e6intolttswoiltir
Saturday, September 27.
This decision was taken unanimous-
ly by the Town Council at a special
meeting in the Council Chamber
Monday evening. A week previously,
Council had split 4-4 on the issue.
Concensus of opinion of the Meta -
hers was that Clinton -could not very
well remain on standard time if all
the other municipalities in the dist-
rict were on daylight saving time. It
was pointed 'out that Goderich, Wing -
ham, 'Sea/forth, Mirbehell, Stratford,
land London, were going on "fast"
A petition in favour of daylight
saving was received from 64 employe
ees of Clinton Knitting Co. and over
80 of Richmond Hosiery.
Ald. Agnew said he still believed
in standard time, but if Clinton did
not accept it, it would lead to a lot
of eonfusions ,Reeve Falconer said he
had not changed his opinion any, but
apparently every other 'neuniemality
was going on daylight saving, so
there was nothing else to do.
Minnesota Man
Visits Relatives
William T. Lobb, Winnebago, Min-
eesota, visited 'Mr, and Mra. Charles
Nelson and J. B. Lobb. Dia Lobb was
on lois way home from Clermont,
Florida, where he spent the past two
Mr. Lobb was born at Little Britain,
Ontario, 'but has lived in Illinois and
Minnesota cline he was six years of
age. His farther 'was elie late Thomas
Lobb, Mother of the late William
Lobb, Holmesville, father of J. B -
Lobb, Glinten. They came from
Cornwall, Eileen:re to settle in
The visitor from the :American
Middle West lives in prairie country,
hut is attracted by 'the prevalence af
ea:Isidore:lee bash land in this section.
He visited in this district two years
Spring has brought with it a num.
ber moves by residents. Mr. and
:ales. Frank Wilson, Princess St. have
Imoved to theip farm at BruceSield
'while Mr. and Nits. W. H. Hellyar
have 'bought their residence and have
'moved in Mr and ,Mr.R N Irwin
who have been occupying an apart-
ment in L. G. Winter's eesidenee,
have moved into the apartment over
Beattie's Furniture Store. Mr. and
Mr. E. R. Vanderburgh, who have
been occupying an apartment in Mr.
and Mrs. William Pickett's residence,
Albert Ste are movnigsto Mrs. Agnee
Foster's home on the aame street.
If you have 8uesta let the NEWS -
RECORD know. Phone 4.
Classification Changes
judge: "Your .po:ofession."
Witness: "Agricultural expert."
"What was your father;"
"A Cermet."
"Aed your grandfather?"
.A peasant."
Fitting the Cap
/Mother and daughtee were busy
with the wedding plans, when the
briclegroorn-to-he called. He watched
the preparations impatiently.
"Darling, we have such a lot to
do," said his fiancee, "And if wo
want to make our wedding a big
success, we mustn't forget even the
most insignificant detail)"
"Oh, don't worry alma that," nmie
tared the young man. "I'll be there
A Smile for Today