HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-04-03, Page 4PAGE FOIJR. CLINTON N-1LECORD THUR. DAY,. AP11I 3,:;1947 omen's and Church Affairs in Clinton and Disiriet Activity Reported By Hospital Aid The Hospital Aid Association held SMITH-CLARKE qt. its, monthly meeting in the Town Couloir Chamber Tuesday evening with the president Mrs. C. Mclabinon, in the char•. i Mrs. W. Thomas Hawkins visited The roll call and minutes were readjeer aunt, Mrs. J. Sitricker, Kite enea, by M. H. O. Lawson, while Miss over the weekend,. Walkinshaw, the treasurer, reported Miss Madeleine Hawkins spent the a balance of $325.21. past weekend in Hamilton and Tor- ( Committee reports were presented onto with relatives and friends. as follows: Mrs. C. D. Connell, buying; Clinton Ski Club wound up the Mrs. W. Roibinsou, membership (114 season with a chicken dinner at The members reported), Lttie Inn at Bayfield. Sunday night.. The president reported that a numb - Mrs. Kenneth M. Brealeey, Zurich, er of women's organizations in the is spending a few days with •her eremrounciing community were interest. parents, Mr, and Mrs. M.T. Corless ed in assisting the Hospital Md. A Mr. and MTs. Gorodn R. Hearn, letter received by Mrs. N. W. Ta•ewar. Toronto, spent a few clays this week the from the Tuckersntith Women's with the fornter's mother, Mrs, B. C. Community Club asked, that a speaker • Hearn.to explain hospital work be sent to Mr, and Mrs. Billfold ,C'olquhonn their May meeting. Mrs, Trewartha and, (laughter, Ruth Helen, Stratford, was ohosen to represent, the Hospital were recent visitors of Mr.and 117as, Aid, M. T. Corless. Mrs. A. E. Reddy reel ted for the Jaynes Walker who, has spent rev- supply committee; les, J. Leiper for eral months in Manitoba has return - the 'social committee; Mrs. P. 0.ed to his home here and is with his 'Thompson for the muse's committee; mother, Mrs. Isalbel Walker. and Mrs Mae Rance MacKinnon for Edward Walters, who spent the the entertainment committee winter months visiting his mother' the stated that a Mrs. Helen Dalzymple, and his many friends, Ief% last 'week for his home games night was being planned to at Nipawin, :Sask. wind nip the Marathon Bridge, at Robert Hale, Clinton, accompanied which the winners of the two bridge Don Hamill, Detroit, Mich., on a g'ro'ups would play off. Pars, W. A. bushress trip to Delray Beach and Oakes, treasurer of the committee, Miami, Flcadiia, where they spent a stated that $120.41 .had been taken in pleasant weep. While Clintonians by the Marathon Bridge to date. shivered under a severe winter storm,'( M're. ,MacKinnon also announced •they reported the weather as being that the Girls' Club of Ontario ,St. very hot in Florida and ideal for bath- United Church planned to share the fang. proceeds of its Twilight Concert Fri - clay afternoon with the Hospital Aid. • IGOF ACTIVITY o A number of members of Huronic. ,Rebekah Lodge No, 306 and Clinton Lodge LO.O.F. No. 83 attended the ,Due to bad weather the last meeting At -Home of the Goder eh Lodges in of the Friendship Club of St. PauI's 'MacK.ay Hall on Friday last. Ohuroh was cancelled. The next meet- iBrucefield Ii.O.O1F. lodge visited ing will be held hi the Parish Hall on the Clinton Lodge on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 9, ,Mrs. H. Henry put on the second: degree for the and Mrs. I. Jervis being the hostesses. Clinton candidates, and on. Wednes- At this meeting we must •plan for the day 'evening the local lodges visited Blossom Tea which we always hold on Seaforth when the third degree was the last •Saturday in May, se a full put on for the visitors, attendance is hoped for. Daffodils and apple b'lossoins made an effective setting in Northside United Chureh, Seaforth, for the marriage .of Elizabeth Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and ,'Mrs Melvin E. Clarke, iSeafottth to John Emmerson Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Smith, Tuckensmith. • Rev. • H. V. Workman officiated and the wedding music was played py Mrs. James •A: Stewart, .church organist, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore. a white nylon mar- quisette gown, over taffeta, with lace trim and fitted bodice with foal skint. met• long veil was :hold in place with a. lace headdress and .she carried white carnations, Miss Mae Clarke, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore pink taffeta :with silver sequin trine. A selauld:er vteil fell from a • flower headdress, Miss Joyce Wilbee, the bridesmaid, wore blue 'taffeta with shoulder veil and flower headdress. The attend- ants carried similar nosegays of pink cavitations. • Lorne Dale, Seaforth, was 'best man and the ushers were Ernest Clarke, Toronto, and Arbh•ne Varley, Tucker - smith. 1Vaiss Louise Case, Seaforth, was soloist. After the ceremony a reception was hell at the home of the bride's I perents. Later MT..and Mrs. Smith left on a trip to Toronto and other 'eastern cities, the bride travelling in a black suit with pink accessories. :On their return they will reside in .Seaforth, St. Paul's Friendship Club Just in Time For EASTER Supplernent your Easter togs with a lovely sheer pair of Pure SiIk Hosiery in a popular shade -sizes 9 - 10'. $1.75 also Nylon Hose in the newest •spring shades Sizes 81/2 - 101k 42 gauge ... $1.50 45 gauge ... $1.75 Full -Fashioned Lisle Hose, all sizes, pr. $1.25 Full -Fashioned Rayon Silk Hose, pair $1.25 Full -Fashioned Crepe Hose, ... pair $1.25 These hose are featured in the wellknown brands - Kayser, Cirdle Bar, Gordon, Monarch. See them at our Hosiery Counter, Main Floor MARTINS Department Store Phones: 3Gj - 36j' CLINTON ONTARIO M YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to am EASTER TEA on Thursday, April 10 from 3 to 6 P.M. In St. Paul's Parish Hall Under the auspices of the Junior W.A. EASTER TEA - under auspices LADIES AUXILIARY OF CANADIAN LEGION SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 5 commencing at 3.30 in the New Legion Memorial Home HOME BAKING BOOTH Afternoon Tea MENU Jellied Meat, Salad, Jelly, Bread and Butter, Pie and Tea .. 35c Supper for Business People -5.30-7.00 MENU Jellied Meat, Escalloped Potatoes, Salad, Pie and Tea . , 50c COME AND SEF THE NEW LEGION MEMORIAL HOME 13-14-b Mothers' Club • Holds Postponed Meeting The poseponed March meeting of The Mothers' Club of Wesley -Willis United Chaureh was held on Tuesday evening' at the home 'of Mrs, Percy Riley, Rattenbury St. E. Through ,the hospitality of the hostess, 18 mobhers enjoyed a warm welcome. A very ,profitable and -interesting programme was conducted by Mrs. IA. E. Douglas, opening 'with the poean, "Warning Grown -Ups": "When little children are 'about I'd warn all grown-ups to watch out. We put up signs in symbols clear To show that: "Workingmen aro near." We warn the casual passors-by, Whoe'er they may be, or clangers nigh, We line the roads with: "Drive with Carel" And many a board that shouts: "Bewareln' But sad it is, no signs appear To warn us oldsters: "Children near!" When tempers' fires begin to burn, Men mater words no chart should COATS AND DRESSES Customers are Acclaiming our Outstanding Values and Our New Commodious Department is Simply Humming with Enthusiatic Buyers As An Added Attraction We will give FREE of Charge, a Pair of Nylon Hose with every sale of a Coat or Suit (and including dresses of $10.00 or over) made before closing time on Saturday. night. NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN SHOPPING, don't forget to browse around our Piece -Goods Department. You will be amazed at the abundance of Seasonable Merchandise at present on our shelves. R. V. IRWIN Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Baden, Powell, Eg- mondville, wish to announce the en- gagement of their younger daughter, Phyllis Jean, to Archibald Russell, younger son of Mr. and Mrs, Elmere Phillips, Dungannon, the wedding to take place quietly the latter part of April. * learn. •Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Toms, And in our worst of moods we do Bayfield, wish to announce the en - So many things no child should gagement of their 'daughter, 'Dawna view. Joy, to Lloyd Alfred Westlake, son of Once more, when children are about, Mr. and Mas. Walter Westlake, the We who are grown should all wedding to :rake plate in St. Andrew's "Watch out!" United Church, Bayfield, April 19, at After singing of Easter hymn 3.30 p.m. "Beneath the Gross of Jesus," the themes as "We Learn Together," leader read a Mother's prayer', fol- "Telephone Manders," ",(esus Helped lowed by Scripture reading Matthew People Who Su fered" were.. subier.,t. 27:27-37, The collection amounted ed to enthusiastic discussion. The to $2,13. leader also presented parts of con - Matters of business were discussed. tents of chapters of the BOOK "Ques- The next regular meeting of April 24 tioning Mind," by Angelo Pata, will be held at the horny, of Mrs, A..(wr•Eter in popular magazines and E. Douglas, Mill St., with Mrs. W.'daily papers) dwelling en Mother's Jervis in charge of the: evening's'wise handling of and attitudes to- prograinme.!wards their children's joys and From the Mother's Magazine stick problems, Y.P.U. Festival Planned An interesting event is planned for Wesley -Willis United Church on Tuesday evening, April 8, when Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. are holding their first musical festival. This scheme has worked well in other presbyteries and it is felt that it should work here, too. Each union is allowed :two numbers and as there are no stated classes, it should prove a most interesting evening of music. The :public are cordially invited to attend and there will be a silver col- lection et the door. Miss Doreen Coutts, Walton, •C'hrisl1an. Culture Convener of the presbytery, is in charge. WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The April meeting of the Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church has been postponed until Wednesday, April 16. -o "How far down do you want to sit?" asked the ticket man of a wom- an at the box office window. "Why, all the way, of course," she snapped. aeata eHaaaatettNNe HHNNl Maaiat . , ♦ ♦ n -eat Haaaeeeee a lire Lein ,aleeeaeaent- fetateea eraere.enteee tett !fie e! i t lea aster , affirm z t± the ClintonChurettez Pentecostal C. M. Gi[NGRIC0, Pastor EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 2.30 P.M. -Sunday School 3.30 P.M, -Worship Service"' 7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic Service Sunday Services at .home of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess St. E. Prayer .,Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m., at the home of T. R. Thompson, Ontario St. "Christ died for our sins according to the 'Scriptures." •. "If Thou °halt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved." ale a a area, fe+ +4 f` Dane ee+ 4ele rel Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minisier Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 Morning Worship Organ Prelude: I know that my Redeemer Liveth. Processional: Welcome Happy Morn- ing, No. 107. Confession: Lord's Prayer. ' Responsive Psahn: 766-0 ,Saviour of the World. Anthem: Christ one. Passover, Shelley. Scripture Lesson. Thanksgiving and Intercession. • Announcements, Offering. Offertory: Sanctuary of the Heart. 0f:Eeetory Solo: Fear Not Ye, 0 Israel. Dudley Bruck -Mrs. W. A. Oakes. :Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen To -day, No. 105. Sermon:"Life's, Perpetual Question." Recessional: The Strife is O'er, No. 109. Benediction. Pagan Postleide: Gloria, Mozart. Evening Worship Organ Prelude: Gantilene, Dubois. Call to Worship. Invocation. Hymn• No. 112: Rejoice the Lord is King, Thanksgiving and Lor'd's • Prayer. Responsive Psalen, 763: Christ our Passover. Quartette: The Old Rugged Gloss. Scripture Lesson. Intercession. Announcemenits. Offering.. Offertory: 13ells across the Meadoty, Ketelby Anthem: I an, He that Livetlt, 'Si nap er. hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen To. day, No. 104. Sermon: Easter .Message. Iaiyma: 0 Sons and Daughters Let us Sing, No. 106. Benediction. Vesper. Presbyterian ILE•V, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 11.00 A.M.-Divine Worship, Easter Praise: ' Christ the Lord is Risen To -day. Conte, Children, Join to Sing, Hal- lelujah. Blessed Morning, Look Ye Saints the Sight is Glor- ious. Anthems: He Is. Risen - Seniper. The .Magdalene. Sermon: "He is Risen -- .He is Not Here" Mark 15:6. 2.30 P.M. -Service at Bayfield All Welcome Good Friday Service --10,30 A.M.- St, Paul's Church. , eareettikeeteaXiateettareatetataiqaaAartealeake St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEE•L, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader GOOD FRIDAY 'Meditation Service -10.30 A.M. RASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 8.30 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11.80 AM. ---Holy Communion. Processional: " Welcome Happy Morning" Easter Sentences. Kyrie, Gloria Tibi. Hymn: "All, Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." Sermon. Anthem: "This Jelyftsl Eastertide," (A. E. Baker) Junior Choir, Hymn: "Jesus Christ is Risen To. day., Sursum Cords. Sanctus, Benedielus qui vemit. Agatus Dei. Gloria in Excelsis. Reeessiotral: "Christ the Lord is Risen To -day." 2.00 P.M. - Children's service and ' Baptisms 7.00 P.M. - Evening Service Processional: "Christ the Lord s Risen To -day." Psahn 114. Lesson: John 20: 11-23. Num Dimtttis, Creed. Hymn: "Tho Strife is o'er, the Battle done." Epson•: '"The Day of Resurrection." Anthem: "0 Death, Where is thy Sting," (E Terrier). ecessional: "He is Risen." Baptist a�V. C. C. ANDERSON, Ministet Mas. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs, W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 Morning Worship and Bible School combined at 11 A.M. Prom this date the Bible School will meet at 11 instead of 2.30 P.M. Evening Worship at 7 P.M. The Pastor will bring Easter messages. This church believes there is a real Hell for the unsaved and a real Heaven for the Saved, Do not forget the United Good Fri- day morning service in St. Paul's Anglican Church at 10.30, with ;Rev. W. J. Woolfrey bringing the message. etakeetaetataleataateateeteagateetalateatairtileteal Ontario St, United Church REV. W. J. WOOSJFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings', Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 Order of Service Morning Organ Prelude. Call to Worship. Holy, Holy, Holy. Invocation' followed by the Lord's Prayer. Hymn 104. Psalm Selection. 720. Scripture: Sit, Mark 16. Prayer. Anthem: 'Wing of Kings," Miss A. L. Thompson. Oiffoatosy: Piano and Organ.. Solo: Miss Elva Wilts°, selected. Hymn 109. Sermon: "Life After Death," Hymn 115. Benediction. Organ Postlude. Evening Organ Prelude. Doxology: Praise God from Witom all Blessings flow. Invocation. Hymn 112. Scripture: St. Luke 24:13-32. Prayer followed by Lord's Praye. Anthean: "Since By Man Came Death," soloist Mise Jean Elliott. Offertory: Piano and Organ, Solo: Miss Marion Gibbing's, selected. Hymn 111., Seeman. Duett and Ladies Chorus: "Getli•. setnsne." Hymn 108. Benediction. Organ Postlude. soloist - WESLEY-WILLIS W.A: The WJVLS, of Wesley -Willis Unit. er Church will meet in the church parlour oil Thursday, April 10, at 3 p.m. Mrs. J. A, Setter's group will be in charge of the 'meeting. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar -pre- serves 526 to S46, butter B35 to B46. Molasses remains on the list of ration• ed commodities, one sugar -preserves coupon being good for two quarts. /'s /24oIhe G Ituie4a1440.014 HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Ftmeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not the Least. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here 'Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL BROTHERS WM. N. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361W Ambulance Service D. G. BALL , PHONE 3611 Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station OKNX Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 pm. Healthful Good Bread To Give You A Delightful Tasty Treat • "Mmm-m, good! That's what you'll say the moment you taste a thin slice of this delicious bread. Begin today to enjoy this new, satisfying flavor and fresh- ness in the "staff of life." • • • Don't forget to order your HOT CROSS BUNS for SATURDAY PHONE 1. BARTLIFF BROS, BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON