Clinton News-Record, 1947-02-20, Page 7iTURsDIAX, FEBRUARY 20, 1947 InterestingItems From ClI.INIrON NiEyos-R Conn PAIGE ,SEVEN NEWS, OF BAYFIELD Representative: WM LUG"Y 3d. WOODS Ybafb'O L1NTON 631rel, The fishermen are busy harvesting Mrs. Malcom Toms returned home on Tuesday after having -spent a few days Sn London. ,Miss Taogueline 'Parker, London, `avis with :her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Parker, over the .weekend. liar. and !Mrs. Spencer Ervine spent the weekend with the litter's parents, "Mr. and .Mrs. Rourke, Southampton. Glenn Smith and Clarence Larson, London, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Larson. LAIC and Mrs. D. Ward. who have been occupying William L. Fergus- on's residence, lent last weak for •;Bzeter. Orange Hall on Wednesday, Feibrn- ary •26, at 8 sp.m. Lt is hoped that there will be a large attendance. Attended Funeral &k ss Lottie Greer has returned to her home in the village after having spent three weeks in Detroit where she went to attend the funeral of her 000ein, Joseph G)onlca. Mrs. Glonka aeeompanied her on her return and is her guest. Sells Bakery J. Apfelbeek has sold his bakery and property to Grafton (White) Weston, Goderidh, who• gets posses- sion in April. Mr, and Mrs. lApfel- beck and family have made a place for themselves in the village and will be missed 'by their patrons. They plan to spend some time with Mrs. Apfelbedlt's father near Dorchester, before looking for another location. Fluent Well Attended A euchre and dance given in the Town Ball on Friday night by Wilfred Castle, R;usseil Oesch, Lloyd •Heard and Garfield Westlake was very well attended. The winners at cards wore. Ladies, 1st, 'Mrs. Orville MoClinchey, consolation; Mrs. G. McLean; gents, 1st, Mrs. .1.11, Parker (substituting), and consolation, Mrs. Charles Bell. Tony Vitae's orchestra played for the dancing. Brucefield 7—•Bayfield 1 A number of young people from Bayfield attended the hockey game in Brucefield on Tuesday evening be.. tween the Brucefieid and the local boys. The result was Brucefield 7—. Bayfield 1. This was the first game Bayfield has lost this season. The players' were Charles Guest, Keith Brandon, Tom Arkell, Teddy Heath, 'Ken IArkell, Garfield Weston, Glenn Brandon, John, Donald and Mae Mc- Leod, and George Heard. Wilfred /Miss Milvena Sturgeon, London, is home to spend dthree weeks holidays -with her parents, Mr. and WI'rs, Byrd :Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs. C Fraser and family, who 'have been occupying Rev. F. H. Iraull's eottage since last fall, left! on Saturday for their home in .-Stratford. Mrs. Charles ,Scotehsner returned Irene last week after having spent .a. week in London, Charles Scotch - mer remained for another week to undergo medical treatment. LAO B. Henry, Mrs. Henry and babe; LAC Charles ul'IeManus, Mrs. McManus and child, who have been neecupying D. I Atkinson's cottage, len on /Saturday for Exeter. 'Harold Weston and Mr. Strang, Detroit, spent the weekend in the 'village. On their return they were accompanied by the former's father, 'George W'estgp whe will visit vela ;naves in Detroit, • Red 'Cross Annual The annual meeting of ` Bayfield :,lased. Cross :Society twill be held in the "SALA For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. CBodyShop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 r _ rite NEW R.F. Goodrich r l•� SILVERTOWN OUTWEARS PRE-WAR TIRES %3ecatae IT'S BUILT IN A COMPLETELY NEW WAY • A new kind of rubber, de. veloped by B.F. Goodrich, is orad — a rubber that runs cooler, wears longer and re- sists bruises. A new and stronger cord, also devel- oped by B.F. Goodrich, gives granter body strepath to this tire, permitting a wider, slat- ter tread, with more mileage, traction and safety. Get the new Silvertowns . the greatest mileage tires + al all time. THE GREATEST' 'MILEAGE TiRE_. OF ALL TIMET'' CO -46.3A Murphy ' `.ros. Garage White Rose Gasoline and Oils •News -Record's Roira1 Corresp.ondents VARNA. Mrs, B. Keys was a guest et the home of Mies F. Sharpe, Sunday., Mx. and Mrs. Boss Latham and family, London, were Sunday guests. at the home ,of Mrs. T. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley of Marlette. Mich., were visiting relatives in th village and community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wainer and family, Exeter, visited with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Chute, Sunday. World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer will be held in St. John's Anglican Church on Friday, Feb. 21, at three o'clock. Student in Charge Mr Jones, student of Hinson Col- lege,London, was in charge of the service in .St'. John's Church Sunelan morning. Making Good Progress K. Trietz, who underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in Clinton Pulr i o 1 c Hospital last week, is doing as well as can be expeeted. We hope to see him around again. Mrs. W. Webster has been engaged to supply for the time being. HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. H. J. Trewartha spent Tues- day in London. Mrs. C. 1'. Tavener was in London, Tuesday, attending a 'meeting of the Woman's rMissionary. Society. Misses Gertrude and Helen Bond, London, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond, Weekend visitors with Mr. and E. T. Trewartha were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford and small eon, \roodhan, and Rev. and' Mrs. Stewart Miner and small daughter, Fordwich. Castle was goalie for the first two periods with Floyd Armstrong as goalie in the third. Joint Meeting Held A joint meeting of Trinity Church Guild and the Women's Auxiliary wan held at the home of Mrs. N.W. Woods on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. E. Howard, president of both organizations, was in the chair and conducted the opening exercises. The secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were read and adopted. Mrs. George King read the Scripture and plans were made to assist in the Woonen's Day of Prayer •service which will be held in Knox Presbyterian Chureh on Friday afternoon. The hostess served refreemients follow - i/21/144 (#.7v nn the closing prayer. TUCKERSMITH Ladies' Club Meets Tuckersinith Ladies Club held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. .Les. Pepper on ,Friday; Feb. 14, after having been postponed sev- eral times on account of the weatther and snow -blocked roads. There were 20 ladies and six children preesnt. The roll tall was.. answered by "A Cooking Error I Have Made," which was very amusing. Daring the bushiest meeting, the treasurer reported having sent $5 to Canadian Aid to China Fund and $5 to the Tuberculosis Fund. It was decided that the Club buy more yarn for knitting and material for sewing. The quilt committee expect to have a quilt ready for a quilting bee in March. It was decided to have a night meeting at the .school, near the end of ,March in place of the regular .meeting. The Club very much anpreciate the fact that their chairs are repaired and are all hi good condition now. i The work was done by Mr. Fear at a cost of $3, for which he would not take any pay, but asked the Club to! use that money for a donation to N some cause. A reading was given by 'Mrs OBrien, and cooking hints' by Mis.I Lawson The remainder of the pro- gram under the direction of Mrs. Fear, was in the norm of a Valentine party and consisted of contests, stunts, quizz contest, jokes, etc., which f was very much enjoyed by all. Acute Feed (Shortage Threatens t ivestock According to 'Leonard 'Harman, of s the United Farmers of Ontario, On- tario has an acute feed grain short- age which threatens to have a serious effect on poultry, cattle and hogs. Shortage of railway cars, storms and it the priority given coal shipments were some of the reasons given for the scarcity, he said. "Up to a few days ago, matters seemed to ibe running •along well, but T poultry producers now are compelled s to hold hack orders for chicks until a more information can .be obtained re- garding the feed situation, nai.ti.eu- tarty feed wheat, oats, corn and barley." 0 LEGION CLUB ROOMS •S10AFOBTH — Seaforth Canadian II Legion Branch No. 156 will •have new club roeins in Cardno's Hall within ti the next few weeks. The branch has B rented three large rooms in the block s and alterations are now under" way. li LONDESBoRo Miss Phyllis Vaughan spent the weekend in London. Mrs. E. Hesk spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.' Bari Gaunt. Miss Laura Buell spent the week- end in 'Stratford. Mrs. Barker, Toronto,, is visiting' her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Fin- land. Misses Beth Govier, Goderich, and Elva Govier, London, 'were home for the weekend. • Mr. and ,Mir. W. Mountain are visiting •Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Strengthen in Goclerch. /Miss Mary Ellen Pies spent the weekend with her aunt. Mrs, Mary Crawford. Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'Sinclair, Ann and Marie, Kippers, spent !Sunday with Mrs. C'. Watson. Eddie McNeil, London, spent the weekend at Thome. Miss Mary .Caldwell, London, went the weeeknd with • ,her parents, •Mo, and Mrs. R. Caldwell. Mat and Ma's. B. Riley, Goderich, spent the weekend with the •litter's mother, Mrs. Charles Watson. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblutt visited with Ode. and Mrs. William Wells and Douglas, Clinton, on Sunday. Important Meeting All those •interested in the New HURON ROAD EAST Farm Forum Meets 'The Huron Road School Section No. 1 Farm Forum held :their meet- ing at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland. Discussion for the evening was: "The Future Farm Price Programs" A card game was enjoyed by all and sunt was served. The next meeting will be at the hone of Mr. and. Mrs. Elgin Nott, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Rathwell daughters, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis family spent Sunday with Mr, •Mrs. Dave Bean, Colborne. and Mr. and and HENSALL Taken to London Miss Hattie Sutherland, Hensall, was taken to at. Joseph's Hospital, London. on .Saturday, suffering with nose hemorrhages. Site was attended by Dr. J. C. Goddard. Fractures Hip and Arm Miss Catherine McBwan, well- known Hensall resident, suffered a fall in her home on Saturday and was taken to Sit. Joseph's Hospital, London, in Bonthron's ambulance. where X-rays revealed e. fractured hip, and fractured arm. She' was attended by Dr. 3: 0, ;Goddard. • :World Day 'bf ' nityer The Woman's Missionary Society World Day of Prayer will be in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen- sali, Friday, February 21, with the societies of the three local churches represented in a union service. Miss Violet McClyinont, Hensel, had the misfortune while walking to slip and fail .and X rays revealed a splintered bone in ber ankle, which bas been placed in a cast and will confine her to her home for a few weeks. Presbyterian Annual The animal congregational meet - ng of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Flensail, was held in the church schoolroom Friday evening, Feb. 14, preceded by a pot -luck supper nerved bythe Ladies es Aid. For the .meeting hich followed, the minister, Rev., P. A. Ferguson, .presided, A. W. Kers- lake acted as secretary in the ab- sence of the secretary, 3. Bonthron. Splendid reports were presented dis- closing all organizations to be in a lourishing condition, session report by J. It. Stewart disclosed seven unerals, three marriages, and 12 baptisms had taken place during tho year. VMS. report was given by Mrs. At D. M�eElwan; Sunbeam. Mis- sion Band, Mrs. Roy Maclaren; YPS., Mrs, C. Kennedy; Arnold Mis- ion Circle, 'Mrs. F G. Bonthrons Ladies And, Mrs. a. J. Cameron; Sun - lay .School, A. W. Kerslake. In the treasurer's report given by Glenn Bell, chairman of the Board, ' 1 was disclosed that money raised or all purposes was over $6,000; or the Advance for •Ohrist, $586.50. Officers appointed. were: .Superin endent of'Sunday School, George inney; assistant, A. W. Kerslake; ecretary-treasurer. A. W. Kerslake; ssistant, Donald 'McKinnon; new managers of the board were Ed. Munn, Bert Thompson, R. A. Orr; T recording secretary, •Mrs. C. Kennedy. I, An organ fund bas , been started for the purchasing of a Hammond organ as a memorial to those who served and sacrificed in World War ; this organ will be installed in the near future. For the musical nor - on of the program Mrs. James W. anthem favoured with a lovely vocal olo, •anal Mrs. 11. ,Simpson with ..de- ghtful readings. Wing of Clinton Public Hospital, please meet in the United Church basement on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 2.30 o'clock. Mission Circle Meets The Aimwelj Mission Circle held a very successful erokinole party in the basement of the church on F"ri, day evening, Fbo. 14. The winners of orokinole were: Ladies, tb4rs. /Bert Shobbrook, and men, Jack Tamblyn. Following ereki sole everyone Joined in some contents, after which the evening 'was brought to a close by, the Mission Circle girls serving a very delicius lunch of macaroni and cheese, pork and beans, bread and butter, pie and confee. Mission Band Meets The Mary Grierson Mission Band' held its February! meeting Sunday morning in the church kitchen. Ow- ing to the illness of the president, Kenneth Wood; the vice-president, Ann Fairserviee, was in the chair. Hymn 406 (Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam) was sung, prayer by Ann and the Ijord's Prayer was repeated in unison.. Scripture lesson was read by June Manning, Billy Cowan read the minutes of the last meeting Wand called' the roll. It was decided that the ,band would donate $5 to Canad- ian Aid to China Fund. Birthday pennies were given by Evelyn Young and Billy Cowan. Bobby Sumdercock tools the offering. A Temperance story was given by Joyce Fangrad. Bert Lyon read a story' on World Pease. Miss Kirk gave. a chapter in the ,Study Book; a missionary story was given by Ann Fairservuoe and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook read a story of India (The Enchanted Tank). Hyma 458 and prayer closed the meeting. BLYTH ter... 1VIr, and Mrs. Orville Coombs hay returned to their home in Delorain Man. Mrs. Fred Rutledge visited wit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutledge Jr Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marks, Carol and Brian have returned to thei home after two months in Toronto Miss Ethel Taylor, Kitchener. Mr and /Mrs. B. Taylor and Paul,' Clinton visited with M'..and Mrs. A. Taylor United Church Annual The annual congregational meetin of Blyth United Church was held i the school room of the church wit about 76 members in attendance Following dinner, Rev. A. Sinclair the minister, presided Over the busi ness period. Following the reading of the min Utes of the last ,annual meeting b Irvine Wallace, a board of ushers wa appointed 'with Paul Watson convene and Bill Cowan and Jim Hold mem bers. On behalf of the Board of ,Stewards Bernard Ball gave the treasurer' report. The anniversary and genera receipts were much higher than i 1945, he said. Dr. Hold explaine the capital pension fund. • Frank Bell W. N. Watson, N. P. Garrett wer re-elected to the board of steward with the addition of B. Hall and Dr D•.G. Hold. Mrs. Laura Wightman Airs. W. J. Pett and Mi+s. D. Me. Callum were named a teniperane committee. JYirs, Frank Marshall i convener of the M. and M. Fund. A vote of thanks was given Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair. Blyth W.I. Meets There were 60 in attendance at the meeting of the Women's Institute in Memorial Hall Friday afternoon with the president, Mrs. L. M. S'crim.- geou!r, presiding. A. shipment of dishes• for use in Memorial hall was accepted. A committee ceinposed of Mrs. F. Oster, Mrs, M. Henry, Mrs. A. Steed, Mrs. a s W. Kea his. n e adMrs D. G. Hod'd was named to consider Blue Cross and county hospitalization and to secure the necessary quota of .members for group insurance. Mrs. B. Hall, Mas. J. B. Watson, and 112rs. F. Balaton, with the ex- eutive, form the committee to com- ile a Tweedsmuir book and to gr- ange some form of celebration for the 50th W.I. anniversary. Mrs. John Bailey gave two helpful emonstrations. One was on snaking orange marmalade, of which a sample as served on a smali cake to each atie present. She also gave a jar of man malade to the one present who ad the most articles in her purse. Mrs. D. G. Rodd won the marmalade with 79 artieles. Mrs. Bailey also emonstrated how to lengthen the ife of flannelette blankets Mrs. Rinitoul, 1VIrs, 11. Phillips, Mrs. R. D, Philp, •and 1VIrs. W. J. Pelts. resented a clever skit, showing the elfishness of buying anore than one's share of things that are scathe, Miss orguerite stall played a piano solo,. everal new members joined the or- ganization. Mrs. 1'". Oster, Min. M. aylor. Mrs. N. W. Kyle, and Mrs, . Batton were hostesses. e 1' w d 1 0 3 s SKATING Every TUESDAY THURSDAY 8 p.m. to,10 p.m. 8 p.m. to 10 p.nl. WEDNESDAY 2 p.m. to 4. p.m. --(Ladies especially invited) SATURDAY 2 p.m, to 4 p.m. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Adults, 25c; Children 12 and under, 15e T LIENS ARENA C. W. DRAPER FRANK FINGLAND, So. C 11. EPPS 3-h SAYS: I should be seeing you, at once, about our NEW DOMINION' SECURITY POLICY, Because . ., It's the most coinpre- hensive plan yet devised. It pays 2 -ways, by pro- viding financial protec- tion for your family now (in units of $5,000) and by - building a fund for YOUR own retirement, Wish you'd phone me; and LET'S TALK IT OVER.. Basil B. Pocklington Rattenbury St. Phone 473 CLINTON, ONT. .. S/nen/88P r NAMED PRESIDENT Agricultural Society at the Slst an- I,nual meeting of the society. John LUCKIVOW — Wallace A.Miller te•elected varnish, who has held that office for president of Lueknow the pant four years, presided. CALL Clinton 114 A GOOD CHICK STARTER PAYS DIVIDENDS Start your Chicks on a Good Starter,,grow on a Well -Balanced Developer and have Good, Strong, Well -Balanced i'ullets. to house next fall -- then watch them pay. BALANCED HOG RATIONS `ALWAYS PAY Save your grain by adding Flog Concentrate and get the bonus and grade. We Pay Cash For Good Used Bags FEEDS — GRAINS — CONCENTRATES FERTILIZERS and SEEDS SAMUEL RIDDICK C3 SONS (Suesessors to J. A. Petrie) SOT IV a stOgri pi#41.,..i.tv7totEcitittizsGhistlEc U/ Accept nothing but this outstand- init0g tiro that ts 10000' liuygoanow for emergency needs. Order to- day for future delivery. cONLY SYNTHETIC TiRE PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY AT 100 MILES PER HOUR • J. P. MANNING Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Firestone Tires PHONE 345 Y CLINTON 5HlJR GAiN F ED SERVICE Will You Cash In On High Egg Prices This Fall? To gain the maximum benefit from the high fall egg price, your pullets must be in FULL PRODUCTION BY SEPTEMBER This means EARLY HATCHED CHICKS. Modern management practices Modern equipment Scientifically formulated feed have made it possible for you to brood your chicks during the winter months. Shur -Gain 18% Chick Starter is the ,SCIENTIFICALLY FORMULATED FEET). you need PRICE $3.10 per cwt. CLINTON FEED MILL Y MJR SHU.R-GAIN FLIED SERVICE MILL PHONE 580 CLINTON 1