HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-02-20, Page 5TALE SDIAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1947 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE FIS News,Ilecord Classified Adlets;.Bring Quick_ResUits GASH BATF} --(Lf paid by'Wednes- y following date of insertion)—Ona =sent a word first insertion (minimum 4110 cents); subsequent insertions, each (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents extra ,aler box number or for directing to NEWS -RECORD Office. FOR SALE -FMB OIF LaDY1S WI%LT:E'SQKATES, .size 6%. Phone 355W. 8-p -SlilNIGER SEWING MACHINE in good condition. Phone 321. 8-p .BLUE-- P'RA:M—JUIST LT1OE NEW. .ifiIso other children's articles. Phono e817r34. 8-p CARROTS FOR SALE --Bushel lots 41 per bushel. Robert W. Cole, phone 9,06r24. 4-5-6-7-8-p i4 NIS BROWN WINTER COAT- .•uize 36. nearly new, reasonable price. Phone 66-j. 8-b -ONE COILONY HOUSE and one Touloose goose. W. G. Clarke, Varna, •phone 'Clinton 623r12. 8-b efAN'S DARK TWEED OVERCOAT; Black Seal coat, size 14, in good "condition. Apply Box "la." NEWS- :RECORiD. 8-b SECOND HAND CLARE BROS. r Jewel Range in good con.dition..Can be seen at BartliJf's, corner William rind Ontario ;Sts. 8-p ' RUBBER TIRED WAGON, will take wteel ,tired wagon in trade. Also 10-20 tractor with discs. Apply W. :B. Thompson, ER. 2, Olinton, two. :miles west on No. 8 Highway. 8-p RECEIVED A SHIPMENT O1' No. 500 D Electric Brooders, all steel, :500 -chick size. Also one second- hand steel safe, weight about 300 Albs. Apply IL W. Oharlesworth. PROPERTY FOR SALE :DUPLEX HOUSE ON ICING ST., -central location, would make four apartments, two three-piece baths, one on each .floor, garage, Apply Box "W" NEWS -RECORD. 7-8-.p SEVEN -ROOM NEW INSUL-BRICK '>'lottage, containing three-piece bath, .or, Princess St. Priced reasonable n,d available for immediate oecupa- tion. Apply Frank Wilson, phone 164, Clinton, 7-8-9-10-11-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SADDLE ItrAIRRFI. Phone Clinton x'3191.22. 8-p 'TEN Luna PIGS, six weeks old'. Raga Ball, phone Clinton 617r2. 8-p MIGHT LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEICS -old, Apply Ephraim Snell, phone '.305r2. 8-b 'ONE PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL near serviceable age, sired by Colony Nenenlands Perfection O.A.C, Dam Echo Dandy, Selective Registration "`GOOD." W. A. McGuire, R.R. 2, "Rayfield. 8-p 3 l POULTRY FOR SALE BABY :0HIGIIS—Order yonr.day-o!d chicks front a Breeder Hatchery under t; O.B.S'. upervision. We are offering ; S. C. W. Leghorns and Barred Ply- mouth Roeks for February and March delivery. Leghorn X Rock and Rock X Leghorn crossbreds for April, May and June. Glazier Poultry Farm, phone. 617e31, Clinton. 67890-p MISCELLANEOUS AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. T& you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—+have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write to -day to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 1VIasson St., Montreal, Que. 8-9-b OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Cudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41;btfb SPFRELLA Foundation Garments. Individually .designed. Now is the time to order for that spring outfit. Miss Aphra Steepe, Ontario St„ phone 288. 4-5-6-7-8-p OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.51) per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936121 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderich. 46btf.b ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LiNE YOUR ROME' with BIown Rockwool Insulation; perman- ent fire proof, more comfort with less fuel, modem equipment and ex- perienced crews. For free estimate and terns phone NEWS -RECORD, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb DAY OLD COCKEREL BARGAINS while they last for this week and next Barred Rocks, Light Sussex. Black Australorps, Light Sussex X New Hanmpshires, New Hantpshires X Barred'Rocks, Light Sussex X Bar- red Rocks $4.95. New •Hampshires $4.75. Assorted heavies $4.45. White Leghorn% $1.00 per hundred. Two weeks old add 36.00, three weeks old add $11.00 per hundred. This adver- tisement must accompany your order to receive these prices. Top Notch Chickeries', Guelph, Ontario, 7-8-b LOST AND FOUND 'LOST DOUBLE STRAND OF Pearls with studded clasp, lost be- tween Baptist Church and Town Hall, Thursday. February 13. Reward of. fered. Apply Box "E" NEWS - RECORD, 8-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 PONTI AIC SEDAN. Phone 48-B 8-p 1931 'CHEVROLET COACH (Serial o. 581562); five good tires, in good ondition. Phone 482J between 6 and p.m. 8-p 'TWO JERSEY COWS, one five, the 'ot'her three years old; one freshened N time weeks, the other due to freshen.' c )Wurch 1•. Phone 906r5. 8-b 8 ELEVEN TAIMWOWPH PIGS—ready' 'to wean. Apply) Leonard Ycungbiutt, f Londesboro. 8-p FARM FOR SALTs, 7.00 ACRE FARM, % mile north of B4ucefield, good Stern and house; -never failing water supply; farnn now in pasture and would be ideal for cans this year. Aipaly James Walker tar Prank Wilson, Clinton. phone 164. SEWING WANTED USED 1934 FORD COUPE, . recently overhauled and in :good condition. Apply G. W. Keys, Varna, phone inton 62e1.4, 8-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED QUIET ATR FOiRCE COUPLE re- quire two furnished rooms by the end of February. Permanent posting. Apply Box "G" NEWS -RECORD. HOUSE WANTED TO RENT by rried couple with small family. Permanent residents. Required by d of February. Apply Ellwood Epas Sport Shop. 3-btfb 'WILL BE ABLE TO 'DO SEWING, ma preferably on children's clothing. en phone 2054 8-9-p LADIES' OXFORDS We are now offering at greatly reduced price a number of good LADIES' and GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS in Brown or Black. These are broken lines and we wish to clear these before spring orders arrive. See them now. On Sale at $1.95 per pair SHOES FOR' MEN and BOYS We carry a Complete Line of Mens' and Boys' DRESS OXFORDS and WORK BOOTS for all occasions. Why not drop in and see if we have the shoe for you? The price is right, Ladies! We have just received a shipment of PRINTED SILK in }Meal inose and Red. Just right for that new spring dress, so if you ale planning on starting yours early, see us now. See our Hollywood Pattern book. Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip rp Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes Sc Scott -McHale Shoes Phone 25 Clinton WANTED PART-TIME SECRETARY for CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE APPLY TO: II. C. LAWSON, Secretary -Treasurer 7.8-h Now is the Time To Have Your TIRES EXAMINED for spring and summer driving. All cuts and breaks expertly vulcanized Goodrich Tires Vulcanizing Harry Davies WHITE ROSE GASOLINE and OIL Assessorie5 Hart Batteries Tire and Battery VICTOtRIAST. Phone 460 CLINTON BIRTHS BBZZpk—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February 17, 1947, to stir. and Mrs. Douglas fiezzo. Clin- ton, a daughter (Darliene Marie). OHIAP1VIAjN—afn Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, February 13, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne C'hap- man,-Rae 1, Exeter, a son (Robert • Craig). MaeDONALD —' In.Clinton Public ;Hospital, on Wednesday. February 1 , 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MIacleonald, • Clinton, a daughter (Lynda Jane). VANHOQ — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February 17, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Van - Horne, ,Seaforth. a son (George Francis). MARRIAGES DIGGARiT-,H-OVEY--In i34. Andrew's United Church manse, Saint John, N.73, ori Saturday, February 15, 1947, by ;Rev. W Charles Ander- son, Lorna Elllwan, -youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Hovey, Fredericton, N.B., to .Cst. Robert Charles Biggart, 'ROMP., 3i -eager son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Biggart, Clinton, NELLANSeSHARPE-1A2 the Manse, Clinton Presbyterian Church, by Rev, D. J. Lane, at 3 pan., Feb. 8, 1947, Ruth Ola, 'daughter of Mr. :and 'Mrs. David Sharpe, Goderich, to Clarence S. Neilans, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Neilans, Clinton. DEATHS ' ' BAY -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, February 20, 1947, Margaret Bay, in her 91st year. Funeral from the Ball Brothers Funeral 'SabmdayHFebruary, High 22, 1� 7, at Clinton, pan. to Olinton Cemetery. B.EAADLE•—In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, February 15, 1947, Alva M. Stewart, beloved wife of H. W. Beadle, Goderich, formerly of Clin- ton, in her 51st year. Funeral from :She Bnophey Funeral Home, 13 Montreal St., Goderich, Monday, February 17, 1947, to Clinton Cemetery. BELL—At the hone of her daughter, Mrs. James Morris, Goderieh, on Sunday, Feb. 16, 1947, Jane Aug- usta Taylor, widow of the late John C. Bell, Kippen and Hensall, in her 70th year. Funeral from St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, to Hensall Union Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 19. HOGGART — In Stratford General Hospital, on Tuesday, February 18, 1947, Louisa Addison, beloved wife of Andrew Hoggant, Hullett Town- ship. Funeral from the Ball Bros. Funeral Horne, High St., Clinton, Thursday, February 20, 1947, com- mencing at 2.30 p.m„ to Clinton Cemetery. KAISER—At his late residence, Ieensall, at midnight, Feb. 17, 1947, John G. Kaiser, formerly of Bruce - field and Hensall, in. his 82nd year. Funeral from Hensall United Church to Baird's Cemetery, Stan- ley Township, Thursday afternoon, • Feb. 20. MdMUROHIE• Suddenly in Buffalo, New York, on Saturday, February 15, 1947, Jean, beloved daughter `'of Mrs. MoMurchie and the late James McMurchie of Clinton and Blyth, and sister of Mary, Mrs. John Mahon, Toronto, Resting at Brady Funeral Home, 370 Franklin St., Buffalo, until noon Tuesday. Funeral service in Forest Lawn Chapel, Buffalo, Tuesday, Feb: 18, REYNOLDS --At her late residence, Hallett Township, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 16, 1047, Mary Ellen Lynch, beloved 'wife of Patrick Reynolds, in her 74th year Requiem thigh Mass was sung in St. Joseph's Ro. man Catholic .Church, Tuesday morning, February 18, 1947, 'with interment in Hanett RC. Cemetery. CARD OF TIIANKS Ptttriek 'Reynolds and family wish to take ,this opportunity of expressing their heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown to Mrs. Reynolds in her ,illness and for all expressions of 'sympaathy, and cars loaned during their recent sad be- reavement in the loss of a wife and mother. 8-b CARD OF THANKS Glenn Price ravishes to take this opportunity of thanking his many friends, D, E. A. McMaster, Dr. P. L. Bradly and the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for kind- ness and attention• received' during his recent illness; the Township snow pact for -opening the roads and the neighbours for taking care of the chores, 8-p BATKINS YORK FROSTED FOODS Strawberries, H. Syrup , . , pt, 40e Raspberries pt. 40c Dace English Cherries . •pt. 40c Fie Cherries pt. 35c Il,uci ev ries pt. 35c Peaches (heavy syrup) , , pt. 30c (lye(ere (Selects) ;', pt. e5c 'Pleats Foods ,ire Better Floods" WE Bleae HIDES CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co • . COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East.. - Phone 585 59-tf FOR ALE FARM, consisting of 100 acres of choice clay loam, at Lot 7, Concession 1, Iittllett Township, on No. 8 High- way, 4 miles west of Seaforth, or 4 miles east of Clinton. On said farm is situated a well- built two-storey brick house with furnace, steel Ibern; 36x78, water throughout the buildings, implement shed (nearly new), and four acres of young bush. On the farm issix acres of fall wheat and 35 ,acres of fall plowing done, balance in hay and pasture, For further information apply to Stewart Dale, administrator; or Mrs Agnes Dale, administratrix for the estate of the late Charles F. Dale. 8-9-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN and FEED at Lot No. 9, Concession 1. Stanley Township, 1% miles' south of Bruce-. on No. 4 Highway, , on TUESDAY, MARCH 4 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES—Grey mare, 12 yrs. old CATTLE—Durham caw, 6 yrs. old due 'March 1; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old due March 12; tDuriham cow, '7 yrs old, due April 8; Durham cow, 9 yrs• old, due May 6; Durham cow, '7 yrs old, calf at foot; Durham, cow, yrs. old', calf at &oot; Durham cow, 10 yrs, 'old, calf at foot; Durham cow 5 yrs. old due August 17; Dur ham cow, 3 yrs. old, due August 29; Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, due Sept. G Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, due ,Marc 15; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, due July 1; Dur{hani heifer, 2 yrs. old due August 1; 2 Durham steers, yrs. old; 4 Durham steers, rising yrs.; 4 Durham heifers, 7 month spring calves; bull calf, months old; heifer calf. 4 months old; registered IShoethorn bull (No. 261565), 5 years old. PICS—,12 pigs, 3 months old. POULTRY and EQUIPMENT -- 175 Rock X New Hampshire (hybrid) hens; colony house, 10'x12'; 2 rang shelters; coal brooder stove. 1MPI.N7MENTS Massey -Harris binder, 7 ft. cut; Massey -Harris mower, 5 ft. cut; Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator; .Massey - Harris steel roller; Massey -Harris bean cultivator with puller attach- ment; International manure spread- er; International hay ,rake; Noxon grain drill; •Coekshutt riding plow; International walking plow; 4 -section harrows; 1 -row snuffler; wagon, hay rack; gravel box; sloop sleighs and flat rack; Renfrew scales (2,000 lb. capacity); bag truck; bag holder; Chatham fanning mill; Cyclone grass seeder; hay knife; hay car; 160 ft, of rope; 4 sling ropes; top buggy cut- ter; pump jack and ee H.P. electric motor; work bench; root yelper; gal- vanized' water tank; oak barrel; De - Laval cream separator (600 Ib. cap- acity); Daisy churn; cross -cut saw; forks, shovels, whiffletrees, neck - yokes, and numerous other articles. HARNESS—Set of back -band har- ness and set of double breeching; horse collars and collar tops. GRAIN' and FEED -200 bus, Ajax oats (suitable for seed); 600 bus. mixed grain; approximately 6 tons of mixed hay. ti TERMS-- G1A15H No reserve as farm is sold JARVIS HORITON, Proprietor EDWARD W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 8-9-b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing: "TARS and' SPARS" Alfred Drake and Janet Blair Now Playing ---"THE, THRILL OF � BRAZIL" 'with Evelyn Keyes and Ann Miller , Now Playing—"SWAMP FIRE? and "DARK MOUNTAIN" MON,, TUES., WED Robert Young, . Sylvia'Sidney and/ Ann Richards—Everyone, regard- less of age er class, should. see the sereen version of Lillian fell mmank playaactual "The Searching Wind" MON., 'DUES., WEA:, Evelyn Y Keyes, Aim Miller and Allyn Joslyn — Here it is, the torrid, tropical, tune -and -toe muse. cal with top-flight entertainers from the deep' South "The Thrill of Brazil" MON., 'rum, WED Alan Ladd, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Patric Knowles— An exciting suepenseful story built around incidents in the espionage service. • "O.S.S." THUR., FRI., SAT. "Janie Gets Married" Janie's venture into the turbulent sea of matrimony "develops into a joy ride of laughs -Joan Leslie., Robert Hutton and Edw. Arnold THUR., FRL, SAT. Alan Ladd, William Bendix and Brian Dunlevy — It's a salty, swashbusk)ing. story of merchant seamen in the days of sail. "T‘t�o Years Before The Mast" THUR., FRI., SAT. Janet Blair, Alfred Drake' and Marc Platt—A, sprightly musical eomody craananed with talent and. nautical nonsense. e "Tars and Spars" • Coming—"O.S.S."—a spy drama starring Alan Ladd; a Coming—Pat O'Brien in "CRACKaUP" Coming — "TARS AND STARS" • CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 8 at Lot No. 28, Concession 3,' Huron Road Survey, Tuckersmith Town ship, 4 miles west of Egnwndville, or 2 miles east of Clinton Radar School, en WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 March at 1 p.m. sharp, the following; HORSES—Perc'heron horse, 7 yrs. old, Percheron mare, 9 yrs, old, 2 (matched), 2 ,CATTLEF--,AJyr hire cow,.4 yrs. old, s recently freshened; Durham cow, 4 4 Yrs, old, recently freshened; Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old, due October 29; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due March 1; Shorthorn cow (registered) 7 yrs, old. due April 15; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, milking; Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, due April 11; Jersey eow, 8 yrs. e old, milking; Shorthorn bull, 11 mons. old; steer, 2 yrs. old; 3 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 2 yearling steers; 5 calves. PIGS= -Yorkshire sow, due April 26; 7 chunks, POULTRY and EQUIPMENT --65 Leghorn hens; range shelter. IMPLEMENTS --- Deering binder', 6 ft, cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering hay loader; Massey -Harris dump rake; 2 -row snuffler; spring- tooth cultivator; stiff -tooth cultivat- or; 4 -section harrows; sloop sleighs; low wagon; hay rack; gravel box; roll of snow fence; 2 cutters; buggy; cream separator (650 Ib. capacity) ; set of breeching harness; horse coI- lars; forks, shovels, neckyokes, whiffletree, and numerous , other articles. GRAIN, ,FEED and LUMBER — 7 tons of mixed feed grain; 3 bus. red clover seed; 50 bus. of turnips; quantity of naw lumber; several bundles of 5X cedar shingles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Oak combination book case and desk; 2 oak extension tables; oak sideboard, 2 glass cupboards; 7kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 complete toilet sets; Clare Jewel enamel range (with warming oven and reservoir); coal oil stove and oven; flour bin; gaso. line iron and lantern; crockery ehurn; pots, pans and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS --CASH No reserve as farm is sold J. EDWIN JOHNS, Proprietor EDWARD W. 1iiIJdOTT, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at 'Lot 40, Concession 2, Tucker - smith Township, L-R.S., 1% south and 1% east of Clinton Radar School, on. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, at 1 p.m. OATTLE 1 pure-bred Durham bull; 1 Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due in March; 1 Durham cow, 9 yits. old, fresh 3 weeks; 3 Durham steers, wt. 900 lbs.; 3 Durham steers, wt. 800 lbs.; 2 Durham heifers, wt. 750 lbs.; 4 Durham heifers, wt. 800 Lbs.; 5 ,Durham yearling steers; 5 Durhamyearling heifers. PIGS -10 pigs, cwt. 160 lbs.; 1 sow, due middle March; 2 Tamworth sows, due March 1; 1 Tamworth sow, due A.pril 1. SH®EP-16 well-bred Leicester ewes, due March 20; 1 young Leicest•, er ram. IMPLEMENTS — 7 ft. Massey - Harris binder; 14 -disc Deering drill; McCormick ;culaivator; Coekshutt riding plow; 2 walking plows; Frost & Wood; gang plow; rubber -tired wagon; wagon; gravel box; stock rack; number of wagon wheels; root pulper; hay fork, car and 150 ft. rape; sheep feeding rack; 12 cotton grain bags; horse collars; set double har- ness; set single harness; set breech- ings; forks; shovels; 1 gas lantern. HAY --10 ton mixed hay; 1 bus, red clover seed; number of sacks of Warta. potatoes. POULTRY EQUIPMENT — Colony house, 10x12; Colony stove and hoover; number of Ford car wheels and tires 30x31/2; few household ef- fects and articles too numerous to mention. TERi1S-a0ArSII ALBERT PEPPER, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 8-9-b RHEUMATIC P .INS Quickly relieved ,and Kidneys stimulated by R U MSC APS PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE ROY N. BENTLEY Auditing and Income . Tax Reports Bookkeeping- Systems Installed Monthly Statements and Invoices Prepared. Commercial and Private Typing, etc. PHONE 1070-R P,O. Bax. 58 GODERICH Write or phone for appointment an regular visit to Clinton 4-6-btfb AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY SATURDAY, MARCH 1, at 1 p.m. in the Town of Goderich, House and Lot on Napier St., house No. 65, opposite hospital 6-roortn frame house in excellent Condition, bath room, 'hydro, base- ment, large lot and good balm. Reserve Bid TERMS'' -20% down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. JOBN SIDLING, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 8-9-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARMS, FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Mr, .Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction at Lot 3, Concession 2, Tuckersmvth, one and a quarter miles east and half mile south of Hensall, on FRIDAY, MARCH 7 at 12 o'clock sharp, the following; IMPLEMENTS—•1 Standard Oliver 70 on rubber, starter and lights; 1 Oliver Raw -Crop 70, new rubber and tip -.top 'steel, starter and lights, also 4 -row scuffler, fully equipped, bean puller attachment `2 -row sugar beet ifter; Coates manure spreader; buck - rake attachment; No. 21 12 et. Mas. sey.Harris self-propelled conlaine, bin, scour clean and pickup, used one season; 2 good used tractor tires, 9x40, 12x24; 1 MoCormick-Deering eel and bean planter, also extension or 4 rows corn (like new); Oliver -raw corn packer and husker (like new); 1 Massey-Har>is 13 -disc fer- ilizer drill; 1 International 13 -die ertilizer drill; 1. 1VTassey-Harris 81/4 - ft. stiff tooth cultivator; John Deere -ft. tandem disc (like new); Oliver -furrow rtraetor ,plow; 8 -foot culti- acker ; 9 -foot '1 -drum' steelroller; sets of 4 -swam harrows; 1 set of -section harrows, International side ake, milky rake; International man - re spreader, dike new; Massey- arris 6 -ft. meever; Massey -Harris ay loader; Oliver grain thrower ith 30 feet of pipe; Viking electric ream ,separator; one heavy duty nal wheel trailer, six ton capacity, nipped with side dump; 1 rubbev- rediroller bearing wagon; 1 .rub- er tired Taco wagon; 2 16 -ft. hay acus; 1 12 -ft by 6 -ft. With sides; new Grimm evaporator, 10'x21/i', ally equipped (never used); 1 new athering tank; 200 new Grimm uckets; 1 sap pati 'and heater, 2r ' 6'. PIGS -.170 Yoitshire pigs, from 00 to 175 ,pounds, 6 self -feeders and oughs: FARMS -Parcel 1-101) acres, Lot Concession 2. Frame house cover - with asbestos shingles; bank barn, ive shed. Good water supply; 90 ros workable land; 10 acres bush. Parcel 2 -'Lots 3 and 4, C'onoessi va 200 neves. Bank barn on Lot 3. o frame barns on Lot 4; 180 acres workable land; 8 acres of No, 1 aple bush This is choice clay loam 1 will. be offered in Inc or two Pa TERMS—Chattels, cash; Farm, re- eved bid, 10% down; balance in 30 Ays, TED. MUNN, Proprietor HAROLD JAGh1SOIN, Auctioneer. E:" -P: flhesney, Clerk, ' 8-0-b b f 2 '7 t f 3 e 3 H h w eq t b ra f g bu 1 tr 3ed cl ac 3 tw of ei ar p se CHICKEN HOUSE DESTROYED mondville, ,and caused loss estimated Fire Tuesday destroyed a chicken 1,30at $3,000. Lost in the blaze were house owned by Baden Powell, Eg- ing month-old chicks and 200 lay. liens. HE'S GETTING OLDER Have your baby photo- graphed now, so that in later years you will have something to help hold your memories of hila as a child. FOWLER BROS. PHOTOGR1APHER,S Phone 84—McEwan's—Clinton r EMERGENT MEETING. No. 84, G.R.C. A.F. & A.M. Clinton Lodge FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, A.L. 5947, 8 p,m. sharp Past Masters' Night Al full attendance of members is requested Conferring M.M. Degree -, VISITORS WELCOME G. R. ROSS, II. E. iRORKE', W.M. Secretary 8-b DANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, February21 Sponsored by L.O.L. No. 110 Norman Carnegie 10 -PIECE ORCHESTRA FROM STRATFORD Door Prize --Jitterbug Prize & $pot Dance Prize DANCING FROM 0.30 TO 1 POPULAR PRICES 7-8-b WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE PERFECT PEACE ANL REST FOR YOUR SOUL? "Conte unto mc, all ye that labour and are heavy laden. and 1 %dB give you reek" Matt.11:28 'These things 1 have spoken unto you, that in ME ye might CAST YOUR SIN BURDEN have peace." CHRIST John ON16E CAN SAVE. WHO ALONE RADIO STATION CHLW WINDSOR TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T, Sunday eve. NOTICE ALL CAR OWNERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO HAVE ALL VEHICLES PARKED( CLEAR OF THE STREET LINE IN ORDER THAT THE POWER PLOW MAY CLEAR THE SNOW TO MAKE ALL STREETS PASSABLE. PLEASE COMPLY. —CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL 7-8-b WANTED SUPPLY TEACHERS for CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Apply: H. C. LAWSON, Secretary -Treasurer 7-8-b 'Nie. Have on Hand . . . SUPER -FLAME OIL -BURNING BROODER STOVES 1,000 -chick size $29.90 BUY NOW Early Hatching is Strongly Advised HAWKINS HARDWARE