HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-30, Page 2GE 'TW0 NinrsAncono ••T}IiTRSDt4Y, JAleteARy ,30, 1947 Clinton ` News -Record The Clinton New.Era The .Clinton News -Record. Established 18Sb Established 1878 Alnalgamateel 1924, ED EVERY THURSDAY AT CLINTON, ONTARIO, CANADA In the Heart of Huron .County Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District' MEMBEIR' Canadian Weekly �( Ontario -Quebec NMwspadnens, Association ? 'Divareion; OWNA. Official Printers to County of, Huron SUES0RILPTIO N RATES: In advance—in Granada and Great Britain; year, $2; nine months, $1.50; six months, $1; three months, 60 cents; 'month, 20 cents; single copies, 5 cents; in United States. one year, $2.50; e months; $2; six months, $1.35; three months, 70 ,cents; one month, tents. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request Sworn ,Circulation at October 31, 1946, .. . 1,808 E., ATKIN - - - - Editor and Publisher THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 OUR FOREST R,ESOUROES he by-law ,p'ass'ed at the November Session 1946 of Huron non Cri o artY Council and recently r T owed by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, to restrict and re'gulaite the cutting of tree's, should be studied very ,thoroughly by the residents of this County. For the purpose of familiarizing them with its provisions, the by-law is published inn this issue of The NEWS- RECORD an Page- Six. Forest resourcesan'd the pulp'and paper industry constitute an important feature of Caneda.'s economy, and recognizing this fact, the subject is dealt with in the January Monthly Letter of The Royal Bank of Canada. The Letter. remarks upon the need for flexibility to (take aidvantage of technological changes and currents of de- maald;-the dearth of workers in the woods, 'suggesting the desirability of immigration; capital outlay, and edu- cation of the people regarding the vial need of conserv- ing (forests. It is not good enough to regard forest nand "as a kind of residuary" in the resource scheme—something not good enough for agriculture so "let it run to trees." Forests can be of permanent benefit in preserving nature's balance and providing an annual cash income. The economy of Canada, as a nation, is greatly dependent upon forest products: railway ties used in Canada's transportation systems would make a forest of 26 million trees eaeh 50 feet tall and a foot thick; frame houses form 72 per cent of Canada's ;total dwellings; and in one year 713,000,000 'cords of wood are cut for firewood. . Their • share of crown -owned forest land could produce an annual harvest of 1,000 cords of wood a year for every 55 adult persons in Canada, roughly equal to 1,000 tons of newsprint paper. However, the forest asset is accompanied by the responsibility ,af making sure that conservation methods are such as to bring along annual craps in perpetuity. In this work, provincial governments .representing the people and industries which put the forest into use, have the obligation to work closely in h'a'rmony, Anything Huron County can do to further 'the interests of reforestation and conservation of our vast forest resources is all to the good. The movement should be encouraged and the by-law given the support of every- one. • ' 0 0 THE NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA Aithoug!h Canada's interests have 'altered from war to peace, The Navy League is 'still operating 12 clubs and hostels, including reereatibn centres, for merchant seamen 'because it realizes that our export trade is vital to our national economy. With Trade Commis- ssidiers in 26 countries; with the foreign buyer prepared to make heavy investments in Canadian farm and factory products, it is essential that "continuity of supply" be maintained. For ,tlhis reason, the merchant seaman is an important cog in our export machinery. The achievements of The Navy League during the war are too well rememberred to be forgotten easily and now itsenergies and leadership are devoted to a peace- time program that is of concern to every community and person when we recall that "35 'cents in every dollar We receive comes as a result of our trade abroad." - Established in 1896, the primary 'function of the League was "to arouse public consciousness as to Canada's position 'ars a maritime nation and her dependency upon the sea from an economic !as well as a naval point of view." 'llhrougih distributing booklets, pamphlets and other data and with the co-operation of the press, the Navy League has 'developed a sea -sense among our people, many of whom are far removed from the sea. The Navy League •also sponsors a nation-wide, youth - training program that is attractive to boys in their for- mative years. It teaches self-discipline, team -play, respect for law and order. It teaches the dignity of labour and the worth of producing new wealth through honest toil. In tune with our economic needs and spreading its influence among our youth in ever -(widening circles, The Navy League of Canada merits the moral ,and financial support of every public and private citizen. O 0 0 EDITORIAL COMMENT Thought for Today—Few people get dizzy fronn doing good turns. O 0 0 Making maple syrup in January is rather unique in these parts.. O 0 0 It is not too late to make your contribution to the Canadian Aid to China Fund. Donationsmay be left at , any branch bank in. the County. O 0 0 Weather condition during the early part of the week closely resembled those/which might have prevailed in montharco, the merry month spring. Apparently, the weatherman had taken time by the forelock to the ex- tent of two months. O 0 0 Interested business men and others orf the com- munity would do well to reserve next Wednesday even - Mg, February 5, to attend a meeting in the Town Council Chamber to discuss the revival of the former Clinton Board of Trade or establishment of a Chanxiber of Commerce.' i • EDITOR Letters : to the EDITOR i CLIPPINGS REQUESTED Editor, Clinton News -Record, DtEIAR SERI:— During the past several years, as a spare time hobby, I have been col- lecting netwspapdr and magazine clippings, of a historical nature, and assembling them in large strap books. ,Some day, .h expect to donate this material to some institution where it will be permanently pre- served. If any of your .numerous readers have ,Clippings of articles or sketches concerning Western Ontario com- munities, schools, ehnmohes, elderly people, old landmarks, etc., that they would be willing to donate for this purpose, I would be glad to receive them. Will acknowledge all cantle butions. Wishing you continued success, I am, Yours sincerely, (Signed)—.A, S. GARRETT January 27. 1947 Box 162, Lucan, .Ont. Prices Away Back When By R. J. Deachman, ex -MP' for North Uuron A few days ago this item appear- ed in a column entitled, "Fifty Years Ago": "Fifty years ago, eggs were eight cents a dozen, butter ten cents a pound, milk, was five cents a quart; the -Titcher gave away liver and .spare ribs, and treated the boys to bologna; the hired girl received two bucks a week, did the washing and looked after the baby and also the fur- nace on the side." I have a suspicion that he is a little under on that egg stuff. We sold them once in Huron County at six cents a pound, on the average that would be nine cents a dozen. Two bucks a week perhaps passes for the wages of a hired girl and I remember a good strong man working in a brick yard all summer for $13.50 a month and once I got $1.25 a day digging a coal cellar and never since have I felt so compeetely on top of the world. :r r Winston Churchill provides excel- f lent newspaper copy. Basil Dean, a ,London correspondent quotes this item: "After the usual statement of business, Mr. Churchil got to his feet. "'May I give the leader of the house notice for his convenience and generosity, that wlwn Par- liament reassembles, we shall ask Win to afford an opportunity for a vote of censure?' "Mi. Morrison: '1 wonder if the right honorable gentleman, as he is in such a courteous mood, would add to lois courtesy by telling nue what it is about? What are we to be censored for?' "Mr, Churchill: `I should not attempt to draft the motion at • this moment, but tyranny, conceit and incompetence would be the substance of it'.” MANUFACTURERS LIFE GIVE ANNUAL REPORT In its Goth Annual Report, The Manufacturers Life Insurance Comp- any states that the outstanding features of the year 1946 in the Life Insurance Business were the volume of New Business effected and the gain in Business in Force. In the case of the Manufacturers Life, New Business amounted to ever $154 mil - hon and gain in Business in Force was aver $11G million. Total Business in Force in this Compdny now amounts to $969,800,- 000. and is spread over a large area, there being over $225 million of busi- ness in the United States, some $300 million of business abroad and over $425 million in Canada. Assets under administration for the fulfilment of contracts are over $930 million and surplus funds of the Company total $16•s's million. Payments td policyholders includ- ing over $2 million in policy divi- dends totalled $1914 fnillion and were distributed to beneficiaries and policy holders in death claims, matured en- dowments annuity payments and other ,policy benefits. The Company reports a favourable mortality experience for the year and its rate of expense continues to be lower than in prewar. years. o_ BLYTIH Raymond Stead; 'VVindeor, was the gueet of Stir. and antra. A. Stead. Mr. and Mrs. Edi nmd Taylor and Paul, Clinton, visited with • Mr. and• Mrs. A. Taylor. To. Erect Cairn Blyth Horticultural ,Society:, has plans to erect a cairn in an old un- used cemetery, now known as the ",hark," and will: use some of • the: ancient tombstones inthe former cemetery, in constructing the cairn.' thereby perpetuating the memory of some of the distriet's,pioneers. Special Services Begun The first of 'a series of special, services washeld Sunday ;evening in the United Ohurch with :the Lions Club and their families as special guests. Rev. A. iSincalir, pastor of the church, preached one "But 1 am among you as he that servetln." Jaimie Sims sang a solo and the choir contributed an anthem with Mrs. II. Phillips taking the solo ,part. Horticultural Annual The ennual meeting of BIyth Hor- ticultural Society was held in the Red Cross workrooms Monday after- noon with a much better attendance than ' in former years, showing in- creasing interest in the organization. Mrs. Lyddiatt, the presdent, gave a brief summary of the work cover- ed by the society during the year. Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, secretary - treasurer, reported the society had spent $86.95 in civic improvement, in caring for the park and planting boulevards and street corners, win- dow boxes at ,Memorial Hall, with plant Malts. trees and shrubs. There were 72 members for 1946. It was decided to aek the council for the annual grant. Mrs. Scrimgcour's resignation as secretary -treasurer was accepted and a vote of thanks tendered for faithful service since 1942. N. W. Kyle presided for the elec- tion of officers with the following re- sults: Honorary president, Mrs. An- nie Lyddiatt; president, Ms. William Johnston; vice-presidents, Mrs. 11 McCallum and Mrs. N. P. Garrett;; secretary -treasures', Gerald Harris; directors for 1947-1948, Mrs. Man- ning, Mrs. B. Hall, ,Mrs. J. Petts, Mrs. A. Tayolr, Mrs. Chellew; directors for 1947, ,Ma's. D. G. Rodd. Mrs. L. Hilborn, Mrs. F. Bainton, Mrs. W. Logan, Mrs. Kyle. Marks 91st Birthday Harry Coombs celebrated his 91st birthday on Sunday and enjoyed every minute of the day with his our sons, William, John, Iia, and Orville, who with Orville's wife came rom Deloraine, Man„ to celebrate with their father and their only sis- ter, Vesta, who .lives here with her father. The nonagenarian is the youngest son of the late Jaynes Cournbs and Mary Ellis Coombs, Exeter, Devon- shire, England, and is the last mem- ber of a family of 11, seven boys and four girls. It was while the family were living in Goderich Township that Harry Coombs was born and when 2% years old the family trek- ked north to Blyth. There was then no road farther north than Bruce - field and they had to follow a trail the rest of the way. The family settled in Blyth, aed in 1880 Harry left home and wen{ to Michigan; then in 1882 he went to. Deloraine, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Coombs returire3 to Blyth in 1919. Mr, Coombs enjoys very good health and is a wonderful conversa- tionalist. He has been a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge continuously for 74 years and is a Black Knight. He proudly remarked: "And all of my four sons are members of the Orange Lodge too and two of thein Black Knights." " The birthday dinner was a family affair, for it had been several years since they 'were all together. Special items on the menu were turkey from John's farm at Deloraine; ripe straw- berries from Mr. Coombs' garden that had been kept in a cold storage lock- er. and birthday cake. Many cards, telegrams and telephone calls were received from Manitoba, Michigan, and Brigdeu. Besides his four sons and one daughter, Mr. Coombs has nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren, TOBACCONIST DEAD WINGHAM A well-known figure in fraternal circles here, John Her, mas McICay, died suddetnly Jan. 24, in his 63rd year. Connected with the W. A. Miller & Co,'wholesalers for tobacco and confectionery, for the past 18 years, he was wiciely known throughout Huron and Bruce counties. VARNA William MnAsh spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. Albert Horner spent a few days last week with relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Webster and fannily, visited with Mr, and Mss. Wilfred Chute: and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and fam• ily, Porter's Hall, were Sunday' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Beef Ring Dance A goodly number of the members of the Beef Ring attended the annual dance held in the To!ivnship hall last Friday night. Student Preacher George W, Wyatt, ;Huron College, London, conducted services in St. John's Anglican ,Church for the past three Sundays. PACKET BALL PENS COMBINATION DESK and POCKET PEN, which writes Smoothly on any grade of paper, writes on cloth, writes on damp surfaces and under water, ,writes instantly at high altitudes and will not leak. Makes six to eight clear carbon copies and contains. ink supply sufficient for two to five years. of normal writing. Price, Complete, including tax $6.93 We also have the famous • SHEAFF'ER'PEN and PENCIL SETS as follows: LADIES LIFETIME SETS $14.25 or single lifetime Pen @ 510.25 and the Pencils @ $4.00. MEN'S LIFETIME SETS $16.75 or single lifetime Pen @ $12.00 and the Pencil @ $4.75. LADIES STANDARD SETS $11.00 or single Pen A $7.00 and Pencil @ $4.00. MEN'S STANDARD SETS .$11.75 or single Pen @ $7.00 and Pencil @ $4.75. PARKER PEN and PENCIL SETS for Ladies an,d Men @ $10.00 per set or Pens @ $6.00 and Pencil @ $4.00. LIFETIME PENS @ $10.25 each. Also Single and Double Parker Desk Sets from $10.00 to '$35.50 each. Also a few PARKER PENCILS @ $1.50 each. ECLIPSE PEN AND PEiNCIL SETS --boxed, smart colours, streamlined, very serviceable @ $2.60 pet set. VENUS EVDR1''O'INTI3D PENCILS,' light weight, concealed eraser, asso'ted colours @ .59c each. W.N. Counter Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County 'rom Our EarlyFiles 25 YEARS AGO Jenkins and. Son, Clinton Creamery TELE CLINTON NEWS-RECORDThureday, February 2, 1922 The•'U.F,O, held a social evening. Avery interesting debate was given. Miss . Zeta Jackson and . Peter Mof- fatt were the affirmative while Oliver' Jervis and Muss Ferguson were the negative. The judges, W. McEwan, R. Jenkins and Mrs. 'G, W. Layton gave the decision to the negative. Clinton was defeated' 9-2 by the Exeter -Zurich club at hockey. Clinton lineup was: Goal, McGoeth; defense, Manning and +Govenloek; wings, draper and Elliott; centre, Bawden; subs. Dickson and Gaaham. Following are the officers of the Huron Central Agricultural Society: Honorary president, J. Shanahan; president, Herbert Cox; 1st vice, L. Tyndall; 2nd vice, J. McFarlane; treasurer, W. J. (Miller; secretary, A; J. 'MeMur�•ay, IS. B. Stothers; direct- ors: Thomas McMichael, W. H. Lobb, Edward Wise, W. McEwen, Thomas Coleman, Wesley Nott, Mayor D. Cantelon, Dr. J. W. Shaw, Reeve J. R. Miller; auditors, W. D. Fair, D. L. Macpherson. Mrs. E G. Courtise was in Strat- ford on Monday. Mr, and Mes. Ezra Pickard are visiting their daughter in Mitchell. G. N. Davies spent a few days in New York. Mrs. W. T. Herman spent the weekend in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy and Mrs. A, J. McMurray attended the funeral of an aunt in Moorefield on Monday and an uncle in Stratford on Tues- day. THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday. February 2, 1922 The fallowing have contributed to the !Muskoka Hospital for Consump- tions: S. B. ,Stothers, W. Je Nediger, Wartime Prices Board Answers Questions Concerning Regulations Q:—My landlord has reduced the amount of heat in our apartment. Could he be required to give us a more satisfactory service? A:—We regret that regulations of the Board do not govern the amount of heat to be supplied in an apart- ment. This is usually covered by the terms of the lease. In the absence of act to the contrary between land- lord and tenant no person shall lessen' or disconttinee the heating to be sup- plied by the landlord unless he se- cures from the rental appraiser a' written permit to do so. •If you believe the amount of heat has been reduced you should consult your solicitor who will advise you if any municipal or provincial laws govern this matter and may make an appli- cation for reduction of rent to bhe nearest local office of the Board. * * have a two and a half year old child who requires exaporeted milk in his diet. When I obtained his first ration I had a doctor's cer- tificate. Recently I had to have the• allowance renewed and I was told that I must have a doctor's certificate every time I require more coupons. Why is this? A:—The 'ruling which requires a certificate every time a ratien is re- newed was made because of small supplies of the evaporated milk which is rationed in areas whore fluid milk is available. As children go older other foods aro introduced into their diets, If his ration were renewed automatically it could be used for unnecessary purposes in the house- hold. Available supplies must be conserved for necessary purposes. James Bmos„' John• ISchoenhals, Plum - steel: Bros., J. E, Hovey, W. D, Fair, Fred W. Wigg, F..Jaekson,''M. T. Corless, T. A. Greig, ;J. B. Lavis, W. llt'ydone, J. W. Treleaven, R. B, Sum merhays, Miss I. J. McDougall, A. ,Sinclair, Miss R, A. Ellis, Ms's. E. Mew, J. P. Sheppard, 'R.,E'. Manning, B. J,, Gibbings, Rev. T. J. ,Snowden, Rev. S. Anderson, A. T. Cooper, W. E: Perdue, R. Marshall, R. S. O'Neil, Rev. 1?. N. McCanns, J. A. Irwin,Thomas McKenzie. - Levi Stong has sold his grocery business to MTs. M. Brown; Landes - bore, who gets possession March 1. W. D. Fair Co. had a new plate glass window installed replaeing a badly cracked one. Miss Edna McCaughey assisted by her pupils is giving a recital in the Town Hall on Monday. Mr. and Mee. A. E, Brown and Miss M. Cowan, Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, 'Mr. and Kee. W. H. Cowan. Arthur Tyndallhas a .very sore thumb. While helping to load loge one skidded and took the skin off the top of his thumb. 40 YEARS AGO THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, January 31, 1907 Alex Robinson has sold his driver to S.S. Coaper for $175. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fiuker and Mr. and Mrs. Eli McLaughlin have been visiting in Goderioh. Miss Eivalena SfcCartney of the Maitland Concession has been the guest of Mrs. G. B..Hanley. Mrs, Mary Powell has returned to Niagara Falls after visiting her son, Frank 11. Powell, Cox •— In Goderich Township on' January 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' C. Cox, a daughter. Ed. Levy and. Miss Tilly Wagner. were married in iBencefield yester- day. Miss Alice Carr and Norman Nichol were the attendants W. Steep has rented the Robinson farm on the 'Huron Road just west of town. John Shannon, John Cardiff and Robert Musgrove have been appoint. ed' license commissioners for East Huron. Charles and Maud Tyner visited Leadbury friends last week. THE. CLINTON NEW EIIA Friday, February 1, 1907 Those winning',prizes at the Skat- ing Carnival were: Beta Herman, Flossie Nelson, Daisy Copp, Stella Copp, Joe Nelson, Edgar Pattison, Willie Wasman, Ruby Cook, W. Judd, Della Finch, Pearl .Finch, Ruby Hill, Walter Holmes, Clarence Copp, Carl O'Neil, Jean Scott, Miss Agnes :Whit- tingham, Eileen Hoover, Douglas Goodwin, Miss Ida Stewart, :Mise Daisy Fischer, Marjorie' Lappin, Jean Chidley, Jessie Or:Neil, Alice Sloman, Georgina Nelson, Ruben Stirling, Agnes Irwin, Clausen O'Neil, Emerson Mitchell, Bert Frentlin, Ross Forrester. Mrs, S. J. Gib!b•ing& entertained a few of her friends on Thursday ;evening. 11. B. Combs has been visiting in Toronto. Charlie Tisdall, Kingston leilitary Col•Iege, has been visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tisdall. Hugh 13. Grigg, son of A. J. Grigg, has been transferred by the IVlolson's Bank to their Hamilton Branch. Misses Lily McKay and Barbara Reynolds, Hensall, have been visiting Miss ,Shirley Bawden. Genuine Samson CARD TABLES "The Busiest Table in the House" • Electrically welded tubular steel legs. • Continuous tops, nothing to catch dirt, • Fifty-nine square inches more playing area. 29 only • Strong enough to stand on. • Double braces, absolute rigidity. • Colorfast tops, clean play- ing surface. special, each $4.95 BEATTIE'S PHONE 184W CLINTON RECONSTRUCTION If you have had a cold or not feeling up to par, you need a reconstrOctor. We Suggest NEO CHEMICAL FOOD - - .- 1.15, 2.45, 4.25 IRAD,OL A - - - -- - - - 1,35, 3.25 Keep your resistance built up with your Haliver Capsule every day W. S. R. HOLMES Your Rexall Druggist s /941 6O ears /. /19Wd ee In this, the greatest year of growth since incorporation, people in all walks of life purchased 48,991 policies through qualified representatives of the Manufacturers Life. The 365,544 policies now in force in the Company average $2,653 each, giving a total protection of $969,884,256 to, families in hundreds of communities. Each of these policies has a share in a fund of $330,143,238 – the assets under administration to guarantee their fulfilment. 6®JearsofSenfee- For six 'decades the Manufacturers Life cheques have lifted pressing financial burdens for thousands of beneficiaries and policyowners. Every working day during 1946 $61,535 was disbursed by the Company for a total of $19,260,466. Since 1887 the Company has paid a total of $340,223,884 to living policyowners and the beneficiaries of deceased policyowners. 'QHS MANUFACTURERS LIFEcomPANY HEAD OFFICE • TORONTO, CANADA BRANCH OFFICE: 506-8 Victory Building, London, Ont. A. W. Wensley, C.L.U.—Branch Manager A. Claud Turner, C.L.U.—Assistant Branch Manager'. E. M. MacLEOD!—District Representative INSURANCE