HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-23, Page 4E FOUR: CLINTON NWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1947 Afornen's and Church Afta rs in Clinton and. District resbyterial IVIS Reviews Work of Year 'he annual business meeting of ren Presbyterial WAILS'.. of the sbyterian Chtuch in Canada was e inClinton Presbyterian Church Tuesday, January 14, with morn - and afternoon ..sessions. She attendance was not quite so re, as usual, owing to road c_ime ,ons, 13nt" here, was a good rePTe- tabion from Clinton, ,Exeter, God - h, Iiensa11 and Seaforth. he president, Mee. W. J. Tho;np y Seaforth, welcomed: the dela - RS, and took part in the devotional rod with Mrs. R. Scott, Seafui+th, itis, Thompson gave a fine New er's message, emphasizing the ssings God has- given, 'and urging .t every member of the Society :old heed the call to go forward. reports of the (year's work were :sented by the departmental secre les and were most encouraging. 'he life membership secretary, 1Vlrs. Walker, Hensa11, reported that 15 :-memberships, 25, seals, two hen- ry membership "certificates and "lin, Memoriam" had been pre - :ted, making a total contribution $725, the highest for many years. She supply secretary, Miss M. R. swrn, Exeter, reported that $140 been sent to the Provincial supply etary, .two layettes had 'been sent Rev. Mr. Fesenko yea be included = bale for the Ukraine, and a bale quilts, children's clothing and .'stmas gifts 'had been sent to J. Garrett, Bnssburn, Manitoba, for Indian Reserve. Sretters were read ,Mr. Fesenko and Cr. Garrett, ressing their appreciation of the contribution made by the Warts. rs. G. Bisset, Goderieh, literature library secretary, reported that .69 lied been received for literature supplies. Five auxiliaries had ionare' libraries, and it was urg- that greater use be made of the terial available. the library department, Mrs. set reported that over 100 books been sent to Miss Cora Hunt, coness at Prince Albert, for Sun- school libraries, and they had n welcomed on rainy days at sum- ✓ camps. opportunities for service both at home Magazines were sent to a mental and abroad, hoax hymn books and the Miss Helen Ducklow, W-ingitan 'stitution, and men's books and Gosliel of St. John in theirown agazines were sent to FrontierCol- lanuage had been. sent to Ukrainians spent the weekend with Miss Pearl ge. These were much appreciatd, in Europe, along with clothing that Eiliatt, id as boxes of books are sent by is so badly needed; how good books Mr. and MTS. B. W. Young, Harni - em every week to various camps,and magazines are welcomed in leer- ton, spent the weekend with the rat - was suggested that the various ber camps and isolated „districts, and ter's parents. Mr. and Nies. Fran c txiliaries could send their own col- I how great is the need for more work- Lobb. ction, as freight charges are paid ars at home and abroad. Reeve V. D. Falconer is in Goderieh Band with 46 members and gifts shipments of 100 pd2nds. The speaker told of the splendid this week attending the January Ses- amounting to $117.46. Letters of It was- stated that :any auxiliary , sion of Huron County Council. thanks were received from the fishing to have a display .+f libseeture p F Ukraine to Rev. Michael Fesenko, itt its meeting may. do so by writing a, g p1r t ' Toronto; who had forwarded supplies the office in Toronto, 'and paying d y It d a; of the open door at from the Presbyterials. The recipients iturn postage. ti d with th M stated that soles of shoes were tied Mrs. C'. Hudson, welcome. and wel- eluded with It d , "O 1 h 1 together with string and they were re secretary, reported a splendid 1 f M more than grateful for "Unbelievable. in this department. Newcomers p Luxuries." • eleome war brides, a munber of re- Miss Laura Jeckell, Eketer, receiv- Irish Linen Tablecloths Are Back! Rielly patterned,. gleaming white Ia•ish linen tablecloths with match- ing napkins are the first essential of a well planned table linen ward- robe. Like a good basic dress, Irish linen damask takes on a formal look or a casual air depending no the formality or simplicity of the table appoinbments and decorations. And, because of its unequaled durabil- ity, pure Irish linen, now available- in stores again, is, the most eco- nomical table linen the' homemaker can buy. been a pleasure to take part in mis- sionary activities, and expressed her sincere thanks for' the honor con- ferred. Miss L. Reith, Toronto, was the guest speaker in the afternoon. She stressed the need for good books and gave many fine suggestions along this line. She told of the many 1 g le Illlll �m is inn U iimplpRLlll lll�u Hospital Aid Appoints Conllnittees for Year Clinton Hospital Aid Association held its regular meeting in the Coup. til Chamber, Tuesday evening, Jan - nary 14, with ,Mgrs. J. A. Sutter in the chair. The meeting was opened by repeating the •Lord's Prayer in unison, ?e this was the first •meeting of 1947, Ms. Sutter introduced the of- ficers and the new president,- Mrs. L. McKinnon, took' the chair. Mrs. M'eKinnon, in a few weeds• brought out what it means to the cotnenunity to have •a hospital and the work to be done' during the com- ing year. The' secretary's report was read and approved. The treasurer's report was read, •and on motion of Miss L. Walkinshaw and Mrs, b1'. Fingland, was adopted. Correspond- ence was read and. were present- ed and passed. - 1V.iss A. B. Sinclair: was present and gave a short talk on the needs of the hospital at the, present time, Mrs. R. S. Aticey was'appointed. press secretary, The following com- mittees were appointed, these com- mittees not being complete, with more names to he added when the membership inereases: Membership: Mrs. W. IL Robinson;' Buying: Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. C D. Connell; Social: Mrs. J. Leiper, Mrs. J. Shanahan, Bliss Garbert; Entertainment: Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Mae. J. M. Elliott,. Mrs. L. Matthews; Supply: Mrs. A. E. Middy, Mrs. J. P. Manning, Mrs. H. McIntyre, Mrs,- Gree Cook; Nurses" Entertainment: Mrs. F. G. Thompson, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Mrs. M. Murray and Mrs. B. Bartl:f!. 0 Presbyterian WMS Holds Interesting Meeting The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met in the school room. Mrs. George Rob- erton presided and opened the meet- ing with a eall to worship. Mrs. Makins read an encouraging report of the year's activities and gdvings, pre, acedwhby ni ill? H, Snider, secre- Mrs. Clifton and Mrs Makins led an prayer An account of the life of the author of the hymn "What A Friend. 'We Have In Jesus" was given by [Mrs McTaggart and all united in singing it. Mrs. William Maddock introduced the ned study book, "To- wards A Christian India." Calls on sick members in hospital and shut-ins were reported. Highlights of'the Presbyterial meeting held the day previous were given by 'Mrs. D. J. Lane. There was an increase in members and givings Seafortli was the banner Mission d been welcomed, calls made to ovals 'were reported, and 1542 CAMs i l an y ca aneHonorary Life Membership bas pp p cause of years of devoted service as. ade on sick and shut-in members, t 12' R 'ti an officer in the Presbyterial. increase of 458 calls on last year. fo dd Clinton W. M. S. made plans to' The Mission Band secretary, Mrs. T,l 0 g t Y, B send more children's garments to Rev. J. Lane, Clinton, reported fine dtI Fesenko for Central . Europe, ork done by capable leaders of the p t of th 1 + g The meeting closed with prayer by e Mission Bands, with Seaforth the president, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. e banner Mission Band in member- erre ,tour yuis' groups; Live mission Makins .served dainty refreshments. ip and givings. A suceeseful rally b t o as held in the fall at Godericn, when R.eV. E. C.Jenninn' London, e MaeGillivray Mission Band cele- E' rated its sixtieth anniversary, and ports were received from depart- ments, p t To Preach in (St. Paul's ibute was peal to Miss Wiggins ✓ 'her many' •years of faithful ser' At 'St. Paul's Anglican Mulch, e• g g Clinton, during the first three morn- -Mrs. Lane stated that children's t 1 S g t ing services on the Sundays of Feb- oks and Sunday school papers in Yn l Y p d g M d 112t B ruary. Rev. E. 0. Jennings, London, • d , condition may be `collected by r will be in charge of the services. scion Band members to'send to to e t d greetings t M I` ag 1 S Rey. Mr. Jennings was in charge 'tish Guiana. U ' Gh h " B yi Id here during the vacancy created . by The report of. the girls' work sec- g the removal of ltev. George Moore, lora, Mxs. H. Rivers, Goderieh, had to u i i g ' a t 1 o and endeared himself to n'iany in any interesting items., There are the Palish. ree groups in Goderieh, with 35 t d d t t s It is hoped that a goodly number embers, and one group in Seaforth ���, will turn out' to welcome hien, th twelve members, Their activities eluded presenting a arae -act play, a istmas pageant, assisting with work beingdone in British Guiana; of the work to be re-opene in or- ntos . of the great opportunities ortunities ,o- a in India; the presentme in China, and con- cluded e words, ar• church calls us to advance on al fronts. ay each one of us be inspired, to work harder than ever that the world may be won for Christ." Mrs. Thom son ex ressec the thanks -of alpresent to Miss Reith t r her fine address. Tele recording secretary, Miss Campbell, Seaforth, gave an excellent report a work done during the year. There Inc ;twelve senior auxil- i antis and 175 home helpers with a total membership of 700, an increase of 28 on last year. ncouraging re- ports allear - ments,. and great credo was due to all those who contributed in any way to the emcees of the .work thtit was undertaken. Sympathy path was expressed to allwho had suffered bereavement during the year. and the secretary was asked' x en o rs. Fox, daughter of the first president and to Mrs. H. Arnold; Hensall, -the only remaining i io cn v er denier. The allocation of $8,000 for 1947 was accepted, an an invi a io, wa accepted to held the fall rally in September at Seaforth. as suggesteda , to est - levies make a special effort this year to help the girls' groups and mission banes, who willbethe coming mem- bers o e Society. y. Mrs. K. McLean, Exeter, Ivey wo- man for the Presbyterial, gave a brief report of the special meeting held in London in December, and announced that the first meeting of the Synod- ical Society of Hamilton and London will be held in Stratford.on April 14, 15 and 16. Eleven delegates from each. Presbyterial will be provided with billets; so each auxiliary in Huron may appoint, one delegate, A vote of thanks was tendered to the Clinton 'ladies for then hospital- ity, and to Mrs. Thompson, the re- tiring president, for the splendid ser- vice rendered .during her'term of • Fred Rumba'',Montreal who re- centlyhad the misfortune to fracture his hip, arrived yesterday to spend some time his mother, Mrs. Clara Rumball. Alvin Lobb,London,was a week- end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Lobb. Mr.d Mrs. W. H. Hellyar at- tended the Hellyar Workman wedding in St.. Lukes-in-the-Garden,Byron, last Friday. evening. r. and Mrs. D. F. Perrin, .Port Perry, Visited during the weekend with the latter's parents. Mr., and Mrs. Frank Lobb. 0 Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon, Bayfield, wish to announce the en- gagement of their son Stuart Brown Sturgeon, o Miss BerylLillianiDavis, onlydaughter ofM r. an •s. Ber- nard G. Davis, Woking, Surrey, Eng- land the marriage to be held in t. Andrew's United Church," , a e . February 1, at 2.30- p.m. Itted414 pp Debate t t' th It w that tl A 1 "Dad, what do pro and con mean?" arca music and junior co S. Mac- p y "Weil, son, pro ie your convincing, n, a girls' raguestlly with r, co B. Mac- unanswerable argument, and con is reef as ving a speaker, completing 1 h % the othe, fellow's contemptibie layette,, having a bazaar and after- f the ti t ANDREWS—WARNER A quiet weddingof int st in this vicinity took place at the hone of the bride's mother on :Saturday, January 11, 1947, when Margaret Catherine, daughter of .Mrs. Warner and the late Robert F. Warner, Birch Cliffe,was united in marriage to llowerd Moore (Bud) Andrews, son of Mr. and Mts. E. -C. Andrews, :Scarborough Bluffs. Only the members of the immediate families were present. Following the ceremony they left to .spend a honeymoon in New York. On their return they will reside in Birch Cliffe. * 1 HELLYAR—WORKKMAN The marriage of Mary Margaret L, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman, B'owmanville, form- erly of London, toFrederickSamuel Hellyar, son of Me. and Mrs. William H. liellyar, Clinton, took place in St. Luke's -in -the -Garden Church, Byron, Friday 'evening, January 17, with Rev. L. 0. Harvey, Byron, officiating at the double -ring ceremony. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wove a pale blue suit with brown pin -stripe, a single strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, and corsage of white gardenias. .She carried a white Bible with her late grand- mother's bookmark; Mise Audrey ,i, Snelgrove, London, the bridesmaid, wore a suit of powder blue with matching Stat and corsage of Talis• man roses. The groomsman was W. 13. Hellyar, London. P. L. Chuareher was at -the organ, and Arthur G. Coliamore sang. Gordon W. 'loth= was usher . M•any guests from out of town attended the, reception at Wong's Cafe. On their return from a wedding trip th.e couple will live in Toronto. on tea, entertaining their mothers, ing the study book, having an oc- 'onal party, and making a total trsbution of $58.26 to the Society. Miss L. M. Jeckell, Exeter, haute elper secretary, gave a fine report. ere are 175 home helpers, with ,retributions of $313.11. Six have ecoine active members, 34 are sub - fibers to Glad 'Lridings, and 460 s were made during the year. Mass eckell stated that there is a wide 'old in every church where W.M.S. embers may find new home helps rs, if everyone would help. The report of the Glad •Tidings eretany, Mrs. F. Ross, Auburn, hewed a total of 302 subscriptions or 1946, an .increase of five over the ,revious year, and the hope was ex- ressed that the increase would be continued. The press secretary, Mrs. A. Tay - or, Goderieh, reported that more terns of interest had been sent in or the Glad Tidings, and hoped this • ould .continue. Presbyterial meet- ings,: had been fully reported, and he publicity given by the local pap- rs wag greatly' appreciated by the embers of the Society.: The treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, reported that contributions for 1946 amounted to $3,138, con- sisting of $2,900.47 from senior aux- iliaries .anal Home Helpers, $58.25 f rom girls' groups, and $177.42 from the Mission Bands. This was $3.1L94 above the allocation and was most encouraging. $142 was given to supply work, but this is not included in the allocation. The Ontario allocation for 1947 is 000' Hamilton the Synodical Society of 121, amilton and. London, $49,700, and for Huron Prespyterial, $3,000. Each auxiliary was asked to send in its contributions regularly, and to try to meet its allocation before the end of the year. A pleasing feature of the afternoon session was the presentation of an. honorary life -membership cert'ficete to Miss Jeckell, 14Irs. A, Taylor paid ,tribute to the splendid woric done by Miss Jeckell in the Presby- terial for many years, and the life member secretary, Mrs. Wacker, made the presentation, smellit and won't make Inc wash ,Mis±;, Jeckell said it had always I all over again." oiitce. Mrs. Thompson expressed her thanks to the members for their fine co-operation at all tunes, and culled on Mrs. R. Eiberhart, Seaforth, to pre- side for the election and installation of officers. Mrs. G. Bisset, Goderieh, was elected president for 1947. She thanked the members for the honor conferred upon her and asked for the continued co-operation of •the members of the Presbyterial The meeting closed with prayer for God's blessing in the conning year, The officers for 1947 are: Presi- dent, Mrs. G. Bisset, Goderieh; 1st vice-president, Mi -ss A. M. Toll Blyth; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Goderieh; 3rd vice-president, Mrs, E. Lawson, IAlubtun, seoaetary, Miss B. Campbell, Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell, -Seaforth; girls' work secreta, y, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Seaforth; Mission Band • seceeta,y, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton; home help- ers secretary; Miss L. 112. Jeckell, Exeter; liberatuio anti library secre= tai:y, Mrs W. G. McElwee, G'odcrioh; life membership secretary, Mrs. G. Walker, Hensall; Glad Tidings .sec•• rotary, Ms. F. Ross, Auburn; press secretary, Mrs. A. Taylor, Goderieh; welcome and welfare: secretary, Mrs. C. Hudson, Nensall; supply seere- taey, Miss M. E. Brown, Exeter. 0 The Telltale Kind Storekeeper: "What kind of soap do you want,. my boy?" Henry: "Just any kind that's got lots of ;perfume in it so's Ma kin o.— The Approach A thrifty wan event -to a lawyer for. advice. After the interview the man ran into an acquaintance and told hint about it. "But why spend money , on .a lawyer?" asked the other. "When tion set in his oflfiee, dict you sen all the law books there? Well, what be bald you, yon could read int, those law books." ' "You're right," admitted the advice seeker, "but that lawyer—he knows what page it's on." drive]" Away They Go At Your Own Price BLOUSES at $1.19 Regardless of former, prices Sizes 12 to 18 Values up to 4.95 DRESSES at $3.49 The balance of those offered previously at 4'2 Price ALL TO CLEAR NOW AT - - - 3.49 Childrens' and Misses' SKIRTS - The balance of last season's numbers marked to less than Half Price for quick selling • TABLE CLOTHS ' White with Colored Printed Floral Designs. Sizes 52" squares, some slightly soiled TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE PLEASE NOTE -- SHOP EARLY For the balance of the winter months our store will close sharp at nine p.m. on Saturdays - R. V. IRWIN Wesley -Willis WMS Hears Reports of Year's Work The WM.'S'. of Wesley -Willis United Chinch met at the home of Mrs. Bl -C. Hearn, on Thursday af- teratoon, January' 16. Mrs. Hearn, the president, opened the meeting with hymn b71, with .Mrs. Ernest Adams as pianist. The mintues of the last meetingwere given by Mrs. A. T. Cooper and the financial report by Mrs. F, Fingland. The reports of the year's work were given and these were very gratify- ing. It was decided to hold the meet- ings in the homes during the winter months. Mrs. J. A. Sutter then took charge of the meeting with' the singing of hymn 488. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. H. Jefferson follow- ed by prayler by Mrs. Ernest Epps. The study book "Indian Youth" was given in three plaits by Miss Marg- aret Davies, Mrs. A. E. Itaddy and Mis. N. W. Trewartha• A hymn and the Mispah Benediction closed tate meeting. The hostess served delicious re- freshments and a social . hour was enjoyed. 0 If you have guests, let the NEWS- • RECORD know. Phone 4. CHURCH DIRECTORY Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 10.00 A.M.—(Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—Divine Worship, 2,30 P.M.—Service at .Bayfield All Welcome Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs: Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JA'NUTA+RY 26 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship, "'Phe'. Word of God." 12.10—Church School , 7.00 P.M.•--•Ev'ening Worship in On- tario St. United Church. Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader [SUNDAY, JANUARY' 26 11 A.M. and 7 P34. are the Sunday hours beginning the Preaching Mission. Rev. John Lucas will speak and Madame Jones wi11 sing. Bible School at 2.30 P.M. Monday to Friday night the sexviees will begin at.8 P33. Come and you will want to come again. Only one week.' Pentecostal C. M. GIINGRICH, Pastor SUbttDA,Y, JANUARY 26 2.30 PAL—Sunday School 8.30 P.M. :Worship Service 7.30 P.M. --Evangelistic Service Plan to attend the special meetings in the Baptist Church. So . we being many are one body in Christ. --Rom. ' 12:5. Ontario St. United Church REY. ' W. J. WOOLPRDY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship, "Why Be Good" 1216-1,9tmday School. 7.00 P.M. — Evening Warship in this Church "Seeking the Beat" St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fretalin„ Organist Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, ,T NIUiARY 26 8.30 A.M.—Holy Communion 11.00 A.14I.—Morning Prayer 2.00 P.M.—Sunday ,School 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service in On- tasio St United Church NV Presbyterian Girls' Club Holds Excellent Meeting The Girls' Club of Clinton Pres- byterian Oloreh held its January meeting at 'the home of Mac. John Leiper; Huron a St. The meeting opened with MTs, 0, Bertrand reading the Scripture les- son, followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Howard Cowan. The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Elsner ,Mur- ray. The chief .speaker of the evening was Mrs. D. J. Lane. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The hostess served a delicious lunch and a pleasant social hour was spent. RATION COUPON DUB DATES Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves 826 to 840, butter B85 to Bag and meat M64 to 31±69. Next coupons becoming good are B40 and M70 on January 30. Miss • L. Grant Heads Ontario St. Girls' Club The Girls' Club of Ontario St. Unit. ed Church met at the home of Mrs. D. M. ,Maltby on Thursday evening. Miss Judd presided in the absence of the president. The ,report of the . Striking Com- mittee gave the following officers for 1947: President, Miss' L. Grant; let vice, Miss M. Judd; 2nd vice, Mrs. Farnham; recording secretary, Mrs. Maltby; coresponding secretary, Miss R. Pickett; treasurer, Miss E. Plum - steel; devotional leader, Miss H. Ceurtice; Missionary, Mrs. Heesont; pianist, ,Miss E. Wiltse; flower con- vener, Bus. N. Tyndall This report was accepted. After the business meeting, Miss Oourtice took charge of the devotion- al' period Miss Wiltse sang two solos, and Mrs. 33, Batkin gave a missionary reading. '"The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A social 'hour was enjoyed, Mrs. 11VIaltby and Miss Pluntsteel being hostesses. Ask For BARTLIFF'S MILK LOAF For sale at our Own Store and at your Grocers BARTLIFF BROS: BAKERS AND CON.F'tEICTDON 1RS PHONE 1 - CLINTON h�a�ieltd uie4aS HIGH STREET The Funeral Home Has Large Pleasant Rooms, Beautifully and ,Appropriately Appointed, Equipped with an Electric Organ. Services 'are held here under ideal conditions at no extra charge. BALL BROTHERS WM. N. BALL 10, G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PHONE 8613 Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station CKNX Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.90 p.m,