HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-16, Page 8l-' j3 VAGE EIGHT ClintOn Colts 8- Seaforth Beavers 7 (At Clinton Jan. 10) Line-up:_ BEAVERS: goal ,Doi - ii; defence, Goodrow; son; de4ence, ,BousseY, , en•: Centre, McT'adcl , wings, Carnegie, Cassidy; alternates i Labnte, Powell, Ellwood, Wright, 'O'Shea.. 'CLINTON IINTONN COLTS:TS: goal, Stade; defence, Barbliff Neilans; Centre, Dnaper; wings, Frank McEwaar, Harry McEEwan; alternates -Pickett, Duckworth', Westbrook, Miller, .Golgu- houn, ,Sehoenhals, Referees IC, Streets, J. W. Nediger, both of Clinton. First Period 1 -,Clinton, H. MOEwan (Pickett) 2-Seaforth, McFadden (Goodrow) Penalties--iBartliff (major - 10 aaeins.), Goodrow (major - 10 mins.), Neilans,•Colquhoun- S'eatonbh four. Second Period 3 -Clinton, H. Ma13wan (Miller) 4-Seaforbh, Powell (Labute) 5 Clinton, Draper ('Miller) 6---Seaforth, Labute (Powell) 7 --Clinton, Miller (Bartliff) Exeter Midgets 4- Clinton 1 (At Exeter Jan. 13) "Red" Garen handled Clinton Lions Midgets in their game at Exeter, Monday evening, the first et a doubleheader. 33ob Taylor netted Clinton's only goal in the second. For Exeter, Flay - ter belliedthree, 'and Brintnell one. 8-+S`eafortho, Elwood • 9 -Clinton, Pickett (Draper) 10-,Sea:Lolth Carnegie 11 Clinton, I , Me35wan. (Miller) Penalties-Seatonth one. Third Period 12 --Clinton, H. McEwan (Draper) 13--Seaforth, Labute (Ellwood) 14 ,Seaforth, Powell 15 -Clinton, Draper (H; McEwan) Penalties -None. ,Sooring points; Clinton •Colts, Mil- ler, 4; Draper, 4; H. McEwan, 4; Piolcett, 2; F. McEwan, 1; Bartlef((., 1; Seaforth ,Beavers: Powell, 3; La- bute, 3; Ellwood, 2; ;McFadden, Good - row, Carnegie, one each. C.C.'. Boys Win, Girls Lose In Goderich Basketball Lr doubleheader WOISSA basket- ball games played' in Goderich Col- legiate Institute Gymnasitun, Friday last, Clinton Collegiale Institute boys defeated their opponents 30-23. C:C.I, girlslost their game by 33-19. Line-ups: Boys: CG:'L -C. Manly, (17); B. Hanly, (2); B. Matthews, (8); E. 11 doll (6); V. P'ostill; D. Miller;. Il. Miller; E. Miceli, (1);.F. Kirby; L. Johnson, (2); 'G.C.I: R. Diggon, (2); D. Scott, (5); J. Donnelly, (5); K. Wilmot, (2); N. Wilson; D. Holmes, (4); T. Palterd, (2); Le - Mare; A, Duohannan, (3). Girls: C.G.I.-4or'wards: J. Nediger, (11); L. Middleton, (2); A. Jervis; M. Colquhoun; J. Elliott, (6); guards, C. Fing'land; J. Fines; I. Ohowen; J. G.C.I.-forwards: G•C.forwards: D. Bradley, (10); E. 1VLantin; M. Hall, (17), Durnm; M. Bissett, (6); J. Scott; guards: P. Church, K. Raymond, M. Baxter, M. Freeth, M. Graham, M. Laithwaite. • Clearance Sale Boxed Stationery to Clear at Special Prices Eaton, Crane & Pike, Semi Note size reg. .65 -Selling Price .39 Eaton, Crane & Pike, regular size, reg. .75 -Selling Price ......, ....49 Polka Dot Box, reg. .90 -Selling Price .49 Eaton, Crane reg. 1.00 - & Pike, or Jasmine, 1.10 -Selling Price .59 Ravenswood B reg. 1.1 OX! 5 -Selling Price ..,.......69 Jasmine Bol, reg. 1.25 -Selling Price .69 London Court Box, reg. 1.75 -Selling Price .98 Gages Deckletone, reg. 1.50 -Selling Price .89 Sheerlawn Fabric, reg. 2.75 -Selling Price 1.39 Dimity Vellum, reg. 4.002 -Selling Price 1.98 Wood Boxes, reg. 3.00= -Selling Price 1.50 Good Value in Writing Kits Zipper Bound, Leather Writing Kit, with pad, envelopes, diary and pencil, reg. 2.25-S. P. 1.59 Odd Lot of Billfolds to Clear GENUINE BROWN CALFSKIN -- Zipper Bound Reg. 5.75 -Selling Price 3.75 GENUINE BROWN CALFSKIN - Zipper Bound Reg. 3.50 --Selling Price 1.98 GENUINE BROWN CALFSKIN, trimmed in Red Reg. 3.95 -Selling Price 1.98 Few Only Canadian Army, Canadian Airforce and Canadian Navy Photograph Albums reg. .60 -Selling Price .30 Very suitable for pictures taken while in the forces PLASTIC TIE or TOWEL RACKS Reg. 1.00 -Selling Price .49 PLASTIC COATED BRIDGE TABLE COVERS reg. 2.95 -Selling Price 1.50 PLASTIC PICTURE FRAMES reg. 3.75 -Selling Price 1.89 PLASTIC PICTURE FRAMES reg. 6.00 -Selling Price 2.98 PASTIC WEATHER WIZARD reg. 2.95 -Selling Price 1.49 TOBY JUGS reg. 1.50 --Selling Price .75 WHAT -NOT ORNAMENTS reg..25-Selling Price .10 McEWAN'S Johnson's Quality Groceries AYDicedLMER BEETS or CARROTS 2 for 19c Stoney Creek (Solid Pack) PIE PEACHES, 15 oz. tin $1.35 Okanogan CRAB APPLES, 105 oz. tin 89c Aylmer 105 oz. tin APPLE PIE FILLER. $1.17 Smart 105 oz. tin RED PLUMS $1.05105 oz. tin Culverhouse 55c TOMATO JUICE Allen's APPLE JUICE 2 for 27c POST FLAKES (Large Size) 2 for 29c Stokely's 3 for 25e TOMATO SOUP .... Blue Boy Cut WAX BEANS 2 for 29cGold Medal PUMPKIN Libby's Fancy SAUERKRAUT Red River CEREAL BRAN Catelli Ready -Cut MACARONI 2 for 25c • GRAPEFRUIT 96's 'White R 4for 25c PHONE 286 Quick - Courteous Deliveries (.13' TON NEWS -RECORD HOCKEY RESULTS 'AND STANDINGS OHA INTERMEDIATE "B" Group No. 8 WLF A Pts Stratford (A) . 4 0 29 8 8 Clinton Colts (B) 2 -1; 30 14 4 Seaforth (B) 1 3 26 27 2 Clinton R & 0;S. 0 3 7 43 0 Results in Past Week Stratford Legion 8 -Clinton R&0S 2 Clinton Colts 8-Seaforth 7 Seaforth ,15 -Clinton R&CS 3 Stratford Legion 5 --Clinton Colts 2 Clinton R:Bv0.S. at Clinton Celts Postponed Games to Play Jan.16--Clinton R. and C. S. at 'Sea - forth 20 -Stratford at Clinton Colts 24--Seaforth vs. Stratford (at Tavistock) 23 --Stratford at' ,Seaforth 24 -Clinton Colts vs. Clinton R. and C. S. (Clinton Lions Arena). Stratford Legion 5- Clinton Colts S I (At Tavistock Jan. 14) 2 for 29c 28 oz. tin 16c 25c ORANGES 288's 252's 220's 176's 35c 45c 50c 55c LEMONS 300's -- 6 for 19c REMN ANTS A Table of Remnants Now On Sale at one half price BROWN'S ONE DOOR NORTH'OF THE ROYAL BANK WOAA JUVENILE Group No. 1 WLTFAA Goderich „ 2 0 0 29 2 Clinton . . 1 0 2 1310 Exeter 0 2 1 10 21 Seaforth , . , 0 1 1 2 21 Results in Past Week Goderich 19-Seaforth 0 Clinton 2 -Exeter 2 'Clinton 7 --Exeter 4 • .Seaforth at Olinton-Postponed. Games to Play Jan.16-Exeter at Goderich 18--,Goderich at Seaforth 20-Seaforth at Exeter 22--Goderich at •Clinton 25 -Exeter at Seaforth 28 -Clinton at Goderich. BOWLING New Wearwell League A, new girl's howling league has been formed made up, of young ladies frons Wearwell Hosiery. They bowl on Thursday evenings. Last Thurs- day evening Moolettes defeated 'Ser- viettes 2,058-L917, live points to two: Moolettes Muriel Mulholland, 511; Beta Garbett, 253; Phyllis Steep, 433; Maaie Ellwood, 263; Mary Smith, 493; Serviettes: Helen' Fair - service, 529; Betty .Steep.. 386; Ruth Sharp, 445; E44ie Finley, 234; E'1- eanor'Pepper, 323. The same night,Olivettes,defeated Musgrettes 2,072--1,770, winning Seven points. Olivebtes: Jean Hat - tin, 517; Emily Scruton, 511; Marg. Carbett, 311; ''Mary Dodds, 358; dummy, 375; NLusgrebtes: Lois Han- ley, 361; Helen 33ishack, 251; Eidith Musgrave, 403; dummy, 875; dunvmy, 375, Jean rliattin made high single, 210, Helen Fairservice getting high three with 529. Men's Bowling. In the Men's Bowling League on Monday night, Sluggers defeated Up: -an Atoms 2,996--2,942, five points to two. Sluggers: R. Hoggarth, 517; B. Fulford, 563; I3. Weiss, 506; M. Maguire, 408; F. Miller, 507; F. Mac- Donald, 496; Up -an -Atoms: V. Hul- ler, 575; B. Seeley, 517; D. Kay, 376, L. Johnson, 574; dummy, 450 dummy, 450. The same night, Lucky •Strikes were victorious over Wildcats 3,513-- 3,155, five points to two. Lucky Strikes: H. Grealis, 491; F. Grealis, 439; F. Cook, 611; J. Cooper, 556; L. Matthews, 716; B. White, 700; Wildcats: Clarence Cooper, 651; Bob Cook, 396; Ed. Steep, 463; Don Pick- ard, 469; 'Mait. Falconer, 649; John Cree, 538. Business Girls' League In the Business, ,Girls' Bowling League on Tuesday night, Aikenbaeks defated Connellscernels 2,38'7--1,948, seven to zero. Aikenbacks: F. Aik- en, 637; II, Dixon, 457; N. Tyndall, 482; M. Elliott, 436; handicap, 375; Cbnnellseernels: L. Connell, 376; H. Grealis, 393; IC, Middleton, 397; E. Sutter, 351; B. Shepherd, 432. The same night Colquhoimaballoons won seven points by defeating F'iem- linsgremlins 2,379--1,809. Colquhouns- balloons: J. Colquhoun, 546; M. Sut- ter, 547; B. Johnson, 439; R. Hess, 531; D. Tyndall, 316; Fremlinsgrem- lins: H. Fr•emlin; 377; H, Taylor, 407; handicap, 1,025. P 4 4 1 1 WOAA MIDGET W L F A Pts Exeter 2 1 9 .11 Goderich 1 0 9 0 Clinton 0 2 2 9 Results in Past Week Exeter 4 -Clinton 1 Games to Play Jan.16--Exeter at Goderich 22---Goderich at Clinton 28 -Clinton :at Goderich. 4 2 0 Stratford Legion Team Is Advanced To "A" Stratford Legion were moved up to Intermediate "A" in clas- si4ication, but ,will continue to play la their current group, made up of Intermediate "B" teams, according to a decision made at 'Vlonclay's meeting of the OI -IA executive committee in Toronto. Stratford must finish first in the group in order to qualify for the "A" playdow-ns; it is now in that position. • Failing that, the team, will be ott of competition for the season, • 0 Seaforth Beavers 15- Clinton ' R. and C. S. 3 1 RILEY'S GROCERY "WHERE QUALITY SELLS AND SERVICE TELLS" v�MMl.e•IWt �JNHJ•I•IM�X•. Extra Specials ORANGES, Sunkist (344's) 2 Doz. for 39c ORANGES, Sunkist (252's) 2 Doz. for 55c GRAPEFRUIT (96'0 4 for 23c 1 JUICY FRESH LEMONS 8 for 10c DRIED FRUITS Dried Apricots, Peaches, Prunes, Black Figs, Light Figs • AVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND Laundry Starch, Corn Starch, Pork and Beans, Rice and Minute Tapioca • THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1947"V ,:.._,.--'•::mss+ alternates --Sanderson, Dyer, Howey Cameron, Cavies, Me.Cranl;, Lorenz, Corbett (sug-goal).- Referee-rStan ,Sanith,• Stratford. rirsb PCrind 1--rSeaforth, Mc3adden (Carnegie) 2-Seaforth, Carnegie( Cassidy) 3-Seafooth, Ellwood, (Powell) 4•--,Seaforth, Powell 5-Seaforth, Ellwood (Powell, La 'nate)' 6-Seaforth, MOFadden (,Oassidy) Penalties--Olouthiei,: Wright.• Second Period 8-aR, and: 0. i5';,. Lorenz: 9-,Seaforth, Labute (]011wogd)' 10-,Seaforth, Ellwood (Powell) 11-Seaforth, Labute (Ellwood) Penalties-+Boussey 2, Wright. (At Clinton Jan. 13) SEAF'OfR3l3 BEAVERS: goal, Dol - son ;lent defence, Boussey• right de- fense, O'Shea; centre, McFadden; right wing, Cassidy; left wing, Gar• negie; alternates -Labute, Ellwood, Powell, Wright. CLINTON R. and C. S.: goal, Lavigne; left defence, Evans; 'right defence, Thompson; centre, •Clouthier;, right wing, Elliott; Left wing, Nash: Third' Period. 12--Sea£orth, Powell (Labute) 13-,Seaforth, Cass'tdt.(Carnegie)' 14-Seaforth, Carnegie (O'Shea) 15-•,S'eaforth, Labiate(Powe11)' 16-R. and C:S., Cloubhier (Cant areal) 17--R, and C'.5.Clouthier (Elliott), ) 18-Seatorth, Labute (Wright) Penalties -None. ,Scoring points: ,Seaforth Powell' 6, Ellwood 5, Labute 6, Carnegie 4, . Cassidy 3, MGFadd'en 2, O'Shea 2, . Wright 1; R, and 0. S.-Clouthier 2, Lorenz 1, •C'ameron 1'; E17i6tt 1. J rt.,:,, bliARlit" SALE includes ALL TYPES OF RECORD PLAYERS HEATERS HOT' PLATES' LAMPS LIGHT BULBS; ONE SECOND-HAND CABINET RADIO• TWO CAR RADIOS ,SATIrSF'ACTION GUARANTEED ON ALL RADIO' REPAIRING MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRi' Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing King St. • Clinton PHONE 39 - - - Free Delivery 2# Line-up: ,OLIiNTON COLTS - goal,, Bob Miller; defence, B'autlif1, Neilans; centre, Pickett; wings, Draper, H. MoEwan; alternates - Colquhoun Sclroenhals; F. 1Vle'Ewan, Duckworth, Westbrooke, Ken Miller, Churchill 'STR;ATFORD LEGION -- goal, Hesse; defence, Huras, Ayres; centre, D. Gatsclaene; wings, Ducharme, Bur- dett; alternates --LL. Gatschene, Roh- fritsch, Nash, Macey, Matthias, Yausie, McGee. Referee -Honey' Kuntz, Waterloo. First Period 1 -Stratford, Ducharme, 2.20. 2• -:Stratford, Ayres (McGee, Mat- thies) 6.25. 3 -Stratford, Rohfritsch (Macey) 14.35. Penalty-B'cho onhai s, Second Period 4 -:Stratford, ,Macey (Nash, Rob- e fritsch) 13.20. 5 -Stratford, Rohfritsch (Ayres, Macey) 15.55. Penalty Ayres• Third Period 6 --Clanton, H. McJwan (Neilans), 1.10. -Clinton,Duckworth (F. Mc - Ewan) 6.26. Penalties --Burdett Ducharme, IC. Miller, 1lohfritsc.h Huras Bartliff, Point scoring- 'Clinton-li. Mc- Ewan, Duckworth, Neilans, F. Mc - Ewan, one eaeh. Clinton Juveniles 7 - Exeter 4 McCLARY WOOD STOVES 24 -inch SHEET IRON - - 22 -inch SHEET IRON - - - COAL OIL HEATER - - • • • USED STOVES $6 $5.50 $7.60 CIRCULATING HEATER, in good condition $20 QUEBEC HEATER, large size - $12 See Them Today! SUTTER--PERDUE PHONE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON ' (At Exeter inn. 11) Clinton Lions Juveniles led 3-2 at the end of the first ,and 6-5 at the end of the second. Don ,Miller and Prank' McDonald scored two goals each; Charlie Reilly, Don Cbwan and Frank Fingl'nd. each, Fingland's touring in the third period. rank "'llamas" MoEwan was coach, and Lorne Brown manager• Dr. G. S. Elliott refereed. Waghern. with two, IC. Brintnell and. Ki lc with one each, tallied for Exeter. FARGO TRUCK FL4 - Two -Ton 160" W.B. Dominion Royal T I.R. DS C -H -A -1 -N -S a d D.ELFMR.O.S.LLR.S EXPERT MECHANICAL REPAIRS "Everyone will be at the Ice F'oll'ies, Friday evening, Jan. 17" Lorne J. Brown PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and. Fargo Sales and Service 4.1114( i WE HAVE IN STOCK PEAS - ASPIASIAGUS TIPS SPINACH - WAXED". BEANS GREEN BEANS' --CORN on COB CAULIFLOWER - BROCCOLI KERNEL CORN -RASPBERRIES STRAWBERRIES PEACHES CIAN.TELOUPE, - BLUEBERRIES SWEET CHERRIES - SALMON TIROt7T PEROH-14ADDOOK SOLE ---CUTLETS of CHICK' GARDEN FRESH FRUITS • and VEGETABLES TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE RADISHES CAULIFLOWER GR. BEANS JUICY CALIFORNIA 344's ORANGES 2 doz. 39c� TEXAS SEEDLESS 96's Grapefruit 4 for 25c LEMONS GRAPES APPLES BANANAS MU' SHR,OOMS SPINACH SHEARING'S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON Rogers Majestic De Forest Crosley Radios ART GROVES RADiO SHOP' YOUR STORE FOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PHONES 290W - 274 LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY Gold Medal Pumpkin per tin 15c Plums 2 •tins 33c V-8 per tin Vegetable Juice 17c 28 oz. tins Tomatoes 2 for 33c Aylmer Tomato Soup 2 tins 19c Blended Juice per tin 22c SHREDDED SWEETENED COCOANUT Now In Stock Lombard Diced Carrots or Beers, 2 - 19c Yellow Wax Beans 2 tins 29c Devon Peas .,2 tins 29e York Choice Tomato Juice, 2 tins 23c Fresh Bulk Peanut Butter lb. 39c (now in stock) A 1000 LASTING-•ECONCtlm,'t 1055' SOAP 5 BARS 25c PHONE 40 Cooked & Cured Free Delivery MEATS For Limited Time Only Special Offer FREE One Package Victor Red Seal Needles With Each Album of Records El d Our Latest Selection of Albums: "Gal of the Naughty 90's" -Songs by Beatrice Kay $3.75 "Organ Reveries" by Dick Leibert RECORDS "Let's Go Home," "Stomping Room Only," featuring Charlie Spivak and His Orchestra 75c "Heaven Knows When," "Managua, Nicaragua," featuring Freddy Mar- tin and His Orchestra 75c Slightly Used Records at Reduced Prices CLINTON r (FhwooaG ' Errs ONTARIO SP•ORfTING GOODS 0'F QUA,LITY