HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-16, Page 5• .141 4, IRON ,LATHE far turning wood. Will sell cheap. Apply Noble Holland, _;phone 617r22, Clinton. 2-3-p {OAK TABLE AND SIX— CHAiM'RS -!+with leather seats, re -upholstered. Apply Jack's Upholstering, phone 62. 3-b -. i`FIURSD'AY, JANUARY .16; 947'. CLINTON NEWS-RESU'RD'' CASH RATE -(If paid by Wednes- , POULTRY FOR SALE ,da following , y w ng date of insertion) --One ,hent a word, first insertion (minimum 30, cents); subsequent insertions, each (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents extra for box number or for directing to EWES -RECORD Office. FOR ' SABLE BROWN PURINS COAT -size 40- 42. Phone 272. 3-p SECOND .HAND PIANO IN GOOD •condition. Inas been recently over - .hauled. ' Rhone 303-J. 3-b -0OAL BROODER STOVE, 500 -chick capacity. Also E4ectric Brooder Stove, &50 -chick .capacity. Both in excellent. ,condition. Apply A. Garon, phone .512. 3-p :PAIR OF BROWN Rubber Goloshes, •.gine 7; 2 pair of rrtbbers, size 6; Pan: •of black kid shoes, size 6; pair of black kid shoes, size 7 with rubbers .to match; pair of hockey boots and skates, size 6. Miss Minnie Proctor, • •Clinton, phone 120-J. 3-p :FORDS AIRLINER ' ELECTRIC Milker, milks with fast gentle action; .ileo portable model powered with gas FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with engine. Save $100 and up on your Blown Rockwool Insulation; perman- _milker.. Write John Bumstead and proof, more. comfort with Son, Wingham,. Box 46, agent for less fuel, modern equipment and ex- iuron and Bruce. 2.3-4-5-6-p perdenced crews. For free estimate and terms ems phone N iE'W�S-RECORD, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2btfb BABY CHECKS -Order your day-old chicks from a Breeder Hatchery under 0,B.S. supervision. We are offering S. G. W. Leghorirs and Barred Ply- mouth Rocks for February and Masch delivery. Leghorn X Rock and Rock X Leghorn crossbreds for April, May and June. Glazier Poultry Farm, phone 617r31, Clinton, 12345-p MISCELLANEOUS OLD AND DLSABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Gudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936221 or Fred Gilbert, 936132, Goderich. 46btfb ASTHMA ,SUb�r'1v1LERS - ENJOf A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb PERSONAL!!! HEAR THE No. 1 Mr Command Band, at the ROAN Dance, in the Drill Hall, Radar and Communications School, Clinton, Tuesdap, January 21. Tickets 50e, Dress optional, prizes, refreshment stand. • 3-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -DOLLED a PUPtiS FOR ,SALE. Apply Robert Welsh, Bayfield, phone Clin- ton 906r22. 3-b PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD YOUNG HEIFER just fresh- brick hSTOREo V 1'- ROOM r rail- •'ened, also young calf. Apply George road tracks, basement, garage, etc. •Colclough, R.R. 1, Clinton. 3-p Apply Box "L" NEWS -RECORD. TEN CHUNKS - approximately 70 3-P pounds. Apply Aaron Fisher, Jr., SEVEN - ROOMED INSULATED RR. 2, Clinton, phone 167, Carlow. frame house in Seaforth; large barn, 3-p six acres of land, hydro, water. $2,000 cash. Apply Norman Sanderson. Sea - ONE DURHAM BULL - year oId, forth, Ont. 3.1) • -colour red. Also one :Model T can in running order and extra good tires SEVEN -ROOM NEW INSUL BRICK 21x450. Phone 84115, Seaforth. 3-p Cottage, containing three-piece bath, on Princess St, Priced reasonable and available for immediate occupa- tion. ' Apply Frank Wilson, phone 164, Clinton. I. 3-4-5-6-p -YORKSHIRE HOG FOR SALE - 7ilaitland Bank Prince 74Y - 292518. .Apply W. G. Ross, Londesboro, phone 25r15, Blyth. 'DUAL P'URPOSE' SIIORTHORNS- Being overstocked I am offering for sale some registered and vaccinated '"heifers and cows ready to freshen; also bulls of serviceable age. Alex. • ..6 14. Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone WANTED ACCOMMODATION WANTED TWO' OR MORE 'ROOMS, unfurnish- ed preferably, by first of February or later. R. Stevenson, RCAF school, local 45 until 6.30 each evening. 3-p HOUSE WANTED TO RET by `P married couple with small family. • Permanent residents. Required by end of February. Apply Ellwood Epps Sport Shop. 3-btfb -TWO USED METRONOMES in good 62215 2itior 622-x1 . Phone Clin3-b 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • HELP WANTED TWO' WIALTRESSES• WANTS - good wages, good hours. Glennie's "Restaurant. 3 P. -WANTED -WAITRESS for nurses • dining rooms, living accommodatians. e -A »ly,, oSuperintendenti Stratford Gen - 1.2 -3-b AN OPPORTUNITY - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55-•11ave or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi- ness of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que, 2-3-4.5-1., More Diamond Socks If you were not among the lucky ones who purchased a pair of these socks from our last shipment, now is your chance. WE have just received a few dozen . in popular colour combination,, but don't wait too long, because everybody is wearing them now - a -days. Overcoats We still have a few good overcoats on sale at reductions of from 20 to 25 per cent. Mostly in sizes 38 to 44. Yard Goods Our intention is to offer our customers a complete line of yard goods. This. however, is not yet available in quantity, but we hope that there will be more soon. At present we have Seer- sucker, Marquisette, Crepe, Striped Flannelette and Broadcloth. Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Phone 25 Clinton 1 GRANITE WA . Shipment Just Arrived COMI3INETTES, black and white $1.85 TEA KETTLES, red and white 2.50 DOUBLE BOILERS, red and Wihite 1.75 DISH PANS; red and white • .95 and 1.15 ALSO .Pudding Dishes, Wash Basics, Water Pail::, Bread Boxes, Broilers HAWKINS HARDWARE Shipment of New GOODRICH . TIRES •.Just Arrived 0 HART BATTERIES HOT -SHOT ANTI -FREEZE VULCANIZING Harry Davies Tire and , Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Victoria St. Phone 460 „Clinton BIRTHS AID'A/A,NIS—In Stratford General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, January 7, 1947, to :Mr. and Mrs. Len Admans, Strat- ford, (nee Hazel Ashton, ,Clinton),. a 'son, (Robert 'Sidney, a brother for Gerald). CUT133Ib-3n Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 12, 1947, to Cpl. and Mrs. George Cutler, R.R., Clinton, a daughter, (Ruth Lenora). FIITZ'SIMOINIS - In Clinton Public Hospital, 'on Wednesday, January 15, 1947, 'to Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons, Clinton, the gift .of a son, (Terence Derek, a brother for Sylvia Elaine), GAI4OON-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, January 15, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Garon, • Clinton, a daughter. TA,1S--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 14, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taras, Lon- desboro, a son (Francke Walter). RIMER -an Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 11, 1947, to Sgt. and Mrs. R. W. Tiller, It.R., Clinton, a son, (Donald Thomas), DEATHS JONES -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, Jan. 10, 1947, Isaac Jones, Goderidh Township, in his 70th year. Funeral from Ball Brothers Funeral Home, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetenyl, Jan. 12. PHILLIPS -At Yellowgrass, Sask., Margaret E. Tumoth, beloved wife of John Phillips, Yellowgrass, Sask., formerly of concession 10, West Wawanosh. SPEINGER--+S'udd$niy at her •resi- dence, Hensall, on Friday, Jan. 10, 1247, Ada Minerva Horney, be- loved wife of Albert Spencer. Fun- eral from her residence Jan. 13. CARD .GF THANKS The family of the late I•,ave Jones wish to take this opportunity of thanking ,their many friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, cars loaned, and alt other ants of kindness shown to them in their recent sad bereavement. 3.p CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oakes wish to take this opportunity of thanking the members of iSt. James Church, Mid- dleton, for the lovely wedding gift. 3-p CARD OF THANKS The family eif the late Walter Mair wish to thank their many friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a lov- ing father and grandfather. The Mair Family. • .S -b Photographs of Distinction FOWLER BROS. PHOTOGRIAPd1,ERS Phone 84-McEwan's-Clinton Clinton Juveniles 2— Seaforth JuVeniles 2 (At Seaforth Jan. 11) Line -op: CLINTON LIENS': goal, Bob Mil- ler; left defence, Dick Steep; right defence, Frank Tingl--and; centre, Roger •Garon; right wing, Don Miller; left wing, /3111 Matthews; alternates -,Charlie ,hanky, Bill IIately, Frank MacDonald, Ross C'olquhoun. ISIOAFORTH LIONS: goal, Swan; left defence, B. Strong; right de- fense, G. Willson; centre, M. Beattie; right wing, D. Stewart; left wing, H: Knight; alternates= -D. iSnrvtih, R. Rennie, R. Dong A' Hubert, B: Butch- ard, J. Laudenbaoh, Referee -Dr, George S. Elliott, Clinton. First Period 1 -Clinton Lions, Matthews, 2.40. Penalties None. Second Period 2 -Clinton ,Lions, Don Miller (Mat- thews, Garon) 14.40. Penalty -Strong. Third Period First Period 3--5'eaforth Lions, Knight (Beat- tie, Stewart) 7.20. 4-Seaforth Lions, Beattie (Knight, Stewart) 16.10. Penality--Colquhoun„ • AUBURN The monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 2 pm• sharp. The topic, "Citizen- ship," will be taken by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. ay Current e t Events will be re- viewed by Mrs. Fred Toll. Roll call - "A New Year's Resolution." Host- esses: Mrs. O. M. Straughan, Errs, E. Phillips, Mrs, George Hamilton, Mrs. W. Bradnock, Miss Ethel Wash- ington. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough wish to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking the members -of St. James' Ohureh, Middleton, for the lovely wedding gift. 3-p BACKAC B E Quickly ` re4ed"_dt�d Kidneys Olin VlSiket(%d Pk3INEBAKER'S DRUG STORE TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for Goderich Township School Area, up to January 24, for hard body wood, one-half or more Maple and the rest Beech. Wood to be delivered, •split and piled at the schools by the end of April 1947. Any tender not necessarily accepted. eightEighcord, 12 inch wood to No. 1 12 cord, 16 inch wood to No. 4; 16 . cord, 18 inch wood, to No, 6; 18 cord, 12 inch weld to No. 10; eight cord, 12 inch wood to No. 11. Frank Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton. 2 -B -b BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 5B5 59-tf CLINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Re -Opening Postponed A Few Days Notice will be given in next week's issue THERE IS A HELL A PLACE PREPARED BY GOD FOR THOSE GUILTY SINNERS THAT REFUSE TO ACCEPT CHRIST AS THEIR SIN-R19AiRER. "The Lord Jesus shall he revealed from Heaven in flaming fire taring vengeance on them that know not God and that •obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" 2 These. 1:7, 8 TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Mens and Boys Parkas and Windbreakers 21:ter cent off during January Davis & Herman "THE DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION ACT" The Tax Rate for Educational Purposes for the year 1946 in the Corporation of the Town of Clinton has been reduced by reason of an amount payable as legislative grants for educational pur- poses and estimated at $25,861.90. (Signed)—M: T. CORLESS, Clerk, 3-b Town of Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing -Bob Hope as "MONSIEUR BRATTCAIRE" MON., TUES., WED. "A YANK IN LONDON" A delightful wartime romance in old England in which e, maid finds difficulty in •choosing between her childhood sweetheart and a lad from across the sea -Ann Neagle, Red. Harrison and Dean Jagger THUR., Fits., SAT. Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson and Joan Leslie - A boisterous, ro, mantic comedy, concerning a Bal- kan crown prince astray in New York with a Brooklyn cab driver and'a pretty manicurist who would like to be a princess. "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" lat.: Sat. and Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Local Board of Health Cost $589.60 Last Year 'Communicable diseases reported in Clinton by ,the Medical Officer of Health in 1948, totalled 43, compris- ing 38 measles, four chicken pox, and one mumps. Cost of the local Board of Health in 1946, according to the annual re- port submitted to Town Council last week, was $589.90, made up of 8150 for MOH and $439.80 for inoculation, vaccination and general immuniza- tion of school pupils. Total cost in 1945 was $513.25 including $150 for MOTH and $342.90 for intalucooin, MOH and $392.90 for inoculation, vaccination and general immunization of pupils. The Surge of the Tide VOLUME OF POEMS -by— Rev. Chas. D. Cox Limited Number Available McEwla'n's Book Store -P NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Loren Tyndall, late of the Town of Clinton, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of October, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the unersigned on or before the llth day of January, 1947, full particulars Immeditely tafter the said Inst mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to claims of which the numdelaigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned shall then have no • tice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undereigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have no- tice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 23rd day of December, 1946, PRANK TYNDALL, Administrator, H. G. MEIR Seaforth, Solicitor for Administrator 1-2-3-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Estate of Samuel Stirling, late of Bayfield, deceased AILL CLAIMS against the above Estate must be filed with the under signed by January 31, 1947, after whcih date the Assets will be dis- tributed. FRANK DONNELLY, Esq., LC., Goderich, Solicitor for the Executor 1-2-3-b ea4ahldh ,e0 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phones; 66w and 66j CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH SEAFORTH ' orV Playing -Anna Sewell's great story "BLACK BEAUTY" Mon., Tues., Wed. -Two Features Gail Russell, Diana Lynn & Brian Donlevy - In a tale of ticklish situations and riotous romance. i400ITR HEARTS WERE GROWING UP" William Gargan, Jean Rogers and Phillip Reed - An adventurous story packed with drama and swift action "HOT CARGO" THUR., PRI., SAT. Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton and Edward Arnold -.The characters from a noted stage play gain new zestin the screen presentation of "Janie Gets Married" Coming -Bette Davis in "A STOLEN LIFE" Now Playing -In Technicolor RENEGADES" MON., TUES., WED. Olivia de Havilland, John Lund and Mary Anderson --Telling the ap- pealing drama of e life of devotion, frustration and final realization. The story of a mother's love. "TO EACH HIS OWN" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jack Carson, Dennis Morgan and Joan Leslie This yarn about a cab -driver ami •a prince is the fun- niest film you'll see this season, "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" Coming -Sylvia Sydney in THE SE'ARCHING WIND" By Kind Permission of G/C E. A. McGowan R.C.A.F. RADAR and COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL DANCE IN THE DRILL HALL Tuesday, Jan. 21 9.00 P.M. No. 1 AIR COMMAND ORCHESTRA Dress Optional Tickets 50c REFRESHMENTS AT REASONABLE PBTOES PRIZES — FUN — PRIZES 3-b OPEN SUNDAY JANUARY 19 If you need anti- freeze or winter accessories, consult us! J. P. MANNING Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Firestone Tires PHONE 345 CLINTON BATKIN'S YORK BRAND FROZEN FOODS e Strawberries, Heavy Syrup 40c English Cherries Heavy Syrup ..... 40c Pie Cherries 35c Raspberries ...... ,•....... 40c G. B. Corn........,.,,, 30c Peas 30c "FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS" Good News For Housewives Hugh R. Hawkins announces that he will soon have on (exhibition and for sale, the NEW BEATTY AUTOMATIC WASHER. This is good news for housewives because the Beatty Automatic does away with 95 per cent of the manual labour previously needed to wash and' damp -dry clothes. The only labour required to operate the Beatty Automatic Washer is that of placing the clothes in the machine, adding soap and water, and turning a switch. Within a few minutes the clothes will have been thoroughly washed, rinsed and damp -dried, ready for hanging on the line. The Washer even drains and cleans automaticaly-no soap scum to clean out, The new revolutionary feature of the Beatty Automatic is that the rinsing and drying is per- formed by hydraulic pressure. No installation costs are incurred in installing the washer in the home. It is vibrationless and can be used in the laundry„ kitchen or bathroom without any special foundation. No special plumbing or water heaters required. The washer can be attached to taps as easily as a garden those; and water can ee heated on a stove •if the home is not equipped with a water heater. Simple construction is another feature of the Beatty Automatic: It has less than half the number of parts of an ordinary wringer type washer. .. HUGH.0 PLUMBING and IHEATING Residence 470 PHONE 244