HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-16, Page 3THURSDAY, j'ANI6A11y ,16, 1947 "OUR RESOLUTIONS" By 'PEG" PAGE THREE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD We are now past the opening deys of 194'7. Likely we have all made the usual mistake of heading dryer- re.sponclence Ohaistmas an the New Year have passed into history. What •about our •New Year Resolu- tions or have we come to the stage when we think it is useless to make ary? As we grew older we probably are more careful about what changes we deeide to make in our lives dur- ing the year over whose tbeshold we have stepped. If we have fallen clown in our plans i4 is because we have tried to walk alone. We started off well but as days have gone by we have 'gradually withdrawn our hand from the hand of God. The devil has watched his chance ancl has taken possession of us. We cannot imagine anyone resolving that be or she is going to follow a life of crime, As a rule our resolutions are good and how happy we are in thinking how much more we are going to get out of life. It is indeed tragic that we drift away from the only One who can help us to carry out our resolutions. It is' necessary for us to walk with someone and it is our privilege to choose whether our Pompanion will be Christ or His ad- versary the Devil. Undoubtedlythe season which has jug passed has been a lonely one for many of our readere.. It does indeed seem very sad and trying, that a loved one should be called Home just at this time of year. This we know has been the ease of several in the Clinton district •and our heart - telt sympathy goes out to them. Christmas as far as festivities is con- cerned is never the same when the angel of 'death has entered a home. There is a lonliness which always Will we not toay decide to believe on Him and be one with Ilion in trying to bring those to Him. who do not know Him. It is such a wonderful thing for us to have the assurance of the Great Beyond. Ewelllittle children understand this. A recent paper tells the following, whioh is, apparentlY tmie: A postrnast in an American town tells of opening a Christmas letter ta read in a 'childish scrawl: "To Daddy, with love." Then the three X marks. It was signed "Dickey." It could. not be delivered or the address on the envelope was to "Daddy in Heaven." We can just 'look _into that home in evidently previous months and see a •cloddy -with a, little boy seated on his knees in his sleepers, ready for j3ed, and the .daddy telling his young son, a responsibility which God had given to him, the story of the child Jesus and of how He grew up and died for the 'daddy, muminlyi and the wee lad. Is it any wonder that there was no doubt in the mind of the child that when God took his father he was certainly in Heaven with the Heavenly Father whom his earthly father had taught 'him to love? Par- ents, why. will you not live tip to the great' privilege God ha.i given you when He Wooed a. young son or daughter in your home? They will have temptations to meet which they cannot face in their own strength. They love you, or at least if they do not it is largely your fault be- cause you have not trained them to love God. A happy Christian one day met an Irish peddler. He said te. him: "It's a grand thing to be saved." "Eh." said the peddler, "it is, but I know something better.than that." "Better comes back. No matter how many than being saved. said he. "What are around orie $COTIIS) so alone. If we can you possibly know better than could only realize that although our that?" "The Companionship of the loved Ones were happy here on Earth, Man' who saved inel" was the unex- ' their joy is much greater in that pected reply. It seems strange that Hope where there is no more sorrow we accept Jesus as our Saviour and or pain. We would thank God that yet for some reason we do not want He took them rather than to leave to talk to ethers about Hint. We them to suffer here on Earth. Christ will talk about all current subjects has some reason for everything He but will not discuss the most int. does and although some are laid aside, portant thing in life— our Saviour yet we realize that all is well and and'our future Home. If we were some day we will understand. So to contemplating buying a home here those who are lonely the sante Ines- we would spend many hours looking sage applies—some day it will all be about. We would not be satisfied made plain. To those who are pas- until we had. found the best we sing through tragic times 'and have could find for the amount 'of money not a Saviour on whom to lean, it we were able to pay and yet we spend must indeed be vene very trying, but so little thought or preparation for if we give 'ourselves into His keeping that greatest of all homes, the one we will have a Comfort and solace which we Will occupy throughout beyond all human understanding. the endless ages of Eternity. Aircraft Official .................... C. H. "Punch" DICKINS, OBE., DFC,, Famous northland flyer,and a pioneer in the transatlantic bomber ferry during the late war, 'who has' been appointed assistant director of De Havilland Aircraft of Caliada, Ltd., Toronto. For the past five years associated with the Canadian Pacific, 1\4r. Dickens served its air lines as vice-president and general manager. He is president of the Air Industries and Transport Association of Canada, o Girls -Here's Your Chance TO EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Apply for Particulars " To the Superintendent Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. 2-b ISAAC 'JONES Rev. Campbell P. Tavener, minister of Holmesville 'United Church, of- ficiated at the funeral of Isaac Jones, Godeeich Township, which was held Sunday 'afternoon, January 12, flout Ball Brothers Funeral Home, Clinton, to Clinton Ccanetery. PeAlbearers were Rerbert Jenkins, MARK 50TH A,NNIVERSARY BRUSSELS — Arrangements have been made for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute. It was de- cided to celebrate it with a pot -luck supper in the Town Hall at which members and their families ;would be present. * TO WELCOME TOURISTS Of/EERIER—G. L. Parsons, presi- dent of the Blue Water Highway Association, stated that many plans are being made by the association to welcome tourists in this part of Ontario. where she spent her early days, 'She was married. in Exeter in 1906, and lived both Eexter and Kirkton be- fore moving to Henson. several years ago. Surviving, beside s her husband are a daughter, Mavis, Toronto, a son, Walter, Henson, two sisters, IVIre, 1. R. 1VIcDonald, Henson, and Mrs. W. Wilfred 13iggin, Herbert ,Oakes, Ira J. Stratharn, London, and a brother, Merrill, Fred Lobb and Charles Wil- Robert Harney, London. She was a limns. Plower bearers were Stewart member of liensall United Chni•ch, Farquhar, Elwin Merrill, Harold and a, life member and past secre- Lobb and Carinen Tebbutt. tau of the Woman's Assoeigion, 1 Following a stroke, which' he sue. —..._ fered the previous Monday, Mr. Jones SAMUEL G. CHURCHILL passed away in Clinton Pantie 1"ros-' Samuel Gibbiegs Churchill, for pital on Friday, Armory 10, in his several yesies reeve of the municipal - 76th year. ity of Point Grey, B.C., before the Deceased 'was born at Auburn, municipality was amalgamated with October 10, 1871, a son of the late the city of Vancouver in 1929, disci james Jones and Hannah Mills. recently at his home, 1105 West 72nd About 50 years ago he moved to ave., Vancouver, B.C. Goderich Township which since had Mr. Churchill took a prominent been his home. All his life he had Peat in the playground development followed the occupation of farming of Point Grey first as reeve" and and for the past few years since he later as president of the Board of had given up his own home he had Trade. He was first elected reeve spent his time with his three child- in 19'10. ren. He was a member of Ebenezer He was the eldest son of the late United ,Ohurch, for a time attending Dr. and Mrs. William Churchill, Clio - Ontario St. United Chureh, Clinton. ton, and moved to Vancouver 50 years On November 10, 189'7, he married ago. He was a. charter member of Marion Baker who predeceased him 1.0.07. and member of Mount Le- on January 2, 1932. ISurviving are two sons, Morgan. and Frank Jones, both of Goderich Township, and one daughter,.Marion, Mrs. Lawrence Biggm, Windsor. There are twelve gTandehildren. Also surviving are five brothers and two sigers; Ellsworth, Toronto; Harry and Robert, both of Regina„ Sask,; Morgan, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Rich- ard, Weirclale. Sask.; ,Sarah, MTS. T. G. Allan, Clinton; and Susie, Mvs, Will Danills, Minneapolis, Minn. Three brothers and three sisters predeceas- ed him. 0 MRS. ALBERT SPENCER Rev. R. A. Brook; Hensall,. officiat- ed at private funeral services here Monday afternoon, January 13, for Mrs. Albert Spencer, who died slid- denly at her late residence, Hensall, . . There are many lonely' people in the world today. Those who are laid aside by sickness; those into whose home anxiety 'has come; those who have been bereaved; those 'who through some financial misfortune feel that they cannot join in social activities; those who have a dreary outlook on the future. To sum it up, those who are lonely. What can we do to help them? The first thing is for us to give our- selves to -Christ and then prey that He will lead us in what He would want. us to do under any of these circumstances. It not safe nor wise to .start out to talk to those who have trouble unless we go under the guid- ance of God. He will give us the message He -wants us to pass on. 1)o not be afraid to go into a sick TO0111 and speak of Christ. It may be that the one who is laid aside is just waiting for some message like that and there is no thought which can bring more comfort than those words of our Saviour: "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." The same applies to all who are in trouble of any kind. Let us carry His Message and give it without fear for if He sends us out as HismessengerBe will be with us while we deliver it. Is your pathway lone and long? • Trust on, In your heart is there no song? Trust on. Jesus Christ will lead the way, And 'will ever with you stay Through the night and through the day, Trust on. —M.S. "PEG" banon Lodge No. 72 • . and. Surviving are his wife, two daugh- ters, a son, two granddaughters and a grandson; a sister, Mrs. Annie E Cook, Brusselse,two step -aisters, Mrs. James Livermore, 'Clinton, -and Mrs. E. F. Iaekson, Stratfond; and a step- brother, John Marshall, Clinton. • o --- EXETER H. S. AREA BOARD EXETER—The inaugural meeting of the recently appointed High School Board of Exeter district ehose Di. H. H. "Cowen, Exeter, rep.resenting Enron County Council, chairman. E. L. 'Weide, representing Rensall Council, I. H. Jones, representing Exeter •Council, Tones McAllister, Zurich, representing Hay Township Council, and George Hess, represent- ing Henson Public School Board, on in ay, were present. Regular meetings -will The former Aida Minerva HorneY, be held on the first Monday of each she was born in Usborne Township. month. • • THE -HYDRO-ELECTRIC` POWE COMMISSION r,f „ Recent sleet and wind storms in Niagara and Western Ontario areas, brought down whole sections of both steel - tower and wooden -pole Hydro lines. This picture shows how ice -laden trees and limbs broke, fell across Hydro lines and forced them to the ground. itt inc A NEW HAIRDO? 0 • Visit the newly appointed Seater*, Beauty Salon where skilled operators, aided by new and modern equipment will style your hair the new, becoming way. Call today for an appointment. SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON for appointment phone 157, Seaforth Over Whyte's Butcher Shop . SEAFORTH 3-b 04441.~~4144.1~M.004/4WISMIPWWW"~•~I.4•14~44.4.0. STRATFORD FIGURE SKATING CLUE Presents ICE FOLLIES OF 1947 Under Auspices of Clinton Lions Club Centimimity Betterment Committee ANNIVERSARY SALE t .U51Etl.11: $ 2 5 Reg. $2.50 JERGENS LOTION 29 49 - 98 ITALIAN BALM 25 - 49 - 98 TRIISHAY. 29 and 49 $ * VELVETTA. BALM 25c- 2 for 89c NOXZEMA. 39 - 59 - 65 - 1.25 -i, HINDS Honey and Almond 29 - 49 - 98 O #YA ULTRA LOTION 44c • * PACQUIVS 29 and 57c O 45* HINDS HAND CREAM 49c PEIONE UNIQUE PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST 0.4PedNITI When King Winter makes an all-out attack, man can do little but repair the damage as fast as possible. Recent power breaks in Niagara and Western Ontario areas were the direct result Of unusual and severe storm conditions: Because of the flexibility provided by ifs unified, province -wide organize - lion, Hydro was able.to rush emergency repair. crews from other parts of Ontario to restore power. Every effort was directed to this end. To all consumers who suffered in these storm areas, Hydro expresses its thanks and appreciation for their patience and understanding in a difficult and trying situation. ' At all times Hydro safeguards service by endeavouring to locate lines free from trees and by tree trimming. Present storm damages illustrate the advisability of these methods: During this winter period, storms and power shortage present great operating problems for Hydro. Your co-operation in the conserving of power will be of material assistance and much appreciated. Mary MacPherson and Walter Thomas, a Clever "Pair" Clinton Lions Arena Friday Jan. 17 at 8.30 P.M. A 'GLAMOROUS ICE EXTRAVAGANZA with • - PERFORMERS — 40 Reserved Scats -75c (Plan at Pennebaker's .Drug Store) General Adraission--50c Children -25c 3-b 40 aimt#:.#111 !II MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF lb. 35e 1 -1051E -MADE HEADCHEESE lb. 20e JELLIED CHICKEN LOAF (no coupons) ib. 405 COOKED HAM , lb. 65c PRIME RIB ROAST of Commercial' Quality Beef lb. 34c ROUND STEAK of Commercial Quality Beef lb. 42c • DUCKS 'and CHICKENS for Weekend BEST PRIORS PAID FOR HIDES C. D. Connell ar,...••••••=mwra F BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance . companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public Albert St. Clinton. ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Etc, By Royal Warrant. 1114114101.1.M.Se=0.11....1111rnPIR7I; AUCTIONEERING 11. C. MEM Barrister -at -Law Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; • Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner. Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at CLINTON NEWS. RECORD or by phoning 203. Charges) moderate and satisfaetion guaranteed D. 11. McINNES, D.C. Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY 11111••••••••••••••••• . HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable, satis- faction guaranteed. For information .etc. -write or phone Harold Jackson, R. R. 4, Seaforth, phone 14-661. ,fterse. ER1VEST .W. HUNTER CHARTEIIED ACCOUNTANT 5.7 moor St. W. Toronto OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted GODERICH - PHONE 33 DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES DENTIST Lovett Block - Clinton Hours: 9 a.m.-12 a.m. 1.30 p.m. Telephone 170 PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer Household, farm stock, implemente and purebred sales. Special training and experience enables me to offer you sales service that is most effieient and satisfactory. Phone 90r22 Hansa& INSURANCE Insurance Protection. Automobile, fire, wind, accident sickness, hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. R.ANSFORD PHONE 180W CLINTON MEMORIALS • Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE AND SON Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays. • See Y. 3. Zapfe. 0"-e. 103 "q-btfb J. FRANK MacDONALII Representative METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 218 Clinton VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT VETERINARIAN Phone 2 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS 1948—President, Frank McGregor; Clinton, R. R. 5; vice- president, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm R. R. 1; Manager and secretary. treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS — Frank MeGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm.; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch Clinton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Ale* ander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth AGENTS—jolin E. Pepper, Bruce field, R. R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth R.R. 1; R. V. MeICercher, Dublin 51.15. 1; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen. Parties desiring to effect insurano or transact other business, will b promptly attended to on applicatia to any of the above officers, addres sed to their respective •o