HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-09, Page 4PWE 'AduIt. CLINTON NEW$-RECORD.'- W.omen's and Chtirch � pp illllp 0011IIIII so moo llflll ., • ,� �n Muir. and .Mrs. H. M, Jackson, Str•at ford, spent New Year's with Mi. and Mrs. Dick Noble. Mrs. Gardiner, G_oderich, is the guest this week of her friend, Miss Florence R, Ctminghame. John Arni�strong, Zurich, is spend- ing a few .dayls this week the guest of his sister, Mrs, David Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Epps at- tended the Horticultural Short Course at the CAC,Guelph, last Friday, Miss Minnie Proctor entertained a few of her friends at her home, Victoria St., on Friday evening last. 'Mists Dorothy Cornish, Toronto, mas,been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mas, Garnet Cornish. Jarrett Noble, Wawanesa, ?Jam, is ntsiting at the home of his brother rid sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick gable, Hugh R. Hawkins was in Toronto ruesday and yesterday attending all MlBurning Conference operated by Aero Oil Burners Limited.' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberton and fancily, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Detroit, were re sent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton. John R. Cook has returned to his beaching_ duties in Ingersoll after spending the holiday period with his mother, MTs. Luella Cook and grand- mother, Mrs. William: MeClinchey. IA{rthur Aiken has returned to the niversity of Western Ontario, Lon - on, to resume his studies following he vacation period spent at the home f "Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. -ken. Miss Macy Lane returned to Tor- nto last Saturday to continue her tabes at the University of Toronto, ter spending the vacation period vith her parents, Rev. and Mrs. And- .ew Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoggarth, Mrs. CLINTON UNIORS Clinton junior Inttitute and Junior Farmers will Bold their regular meet- ic • oanis 14 t n Tuesdayevening, January n at 8,30' o'elocicin the Clinton Colleg- iate. Reports will be given of the Short Course which was held in Lon- don. -James M. Scott, Sea€nrth, will show fihns at the joint meeting. HONOR STANDING The Home Department of Wesley - Willis Sunday School, for quarter ending December 31, .showed the fol- lowing members as having honorary standing: 'Mesdames W. J. Nediger, G. E. Saville, A. Seeley; M. Limner- son, J. 'Darner, W. J. Tough and Miss Laidlaw, Miss S. Powell, Mr. and MTs. W. Bender, H. E. Rorke, George Jefferson, Annie Brown, Clinton, Mi atid,Mrs. Cecil Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggarth 'and Ross, spent New Year's with NIr. and Mrs. Ra.Yinond Town- send, !Seaforth. Mrs. H, B. Combe and daughter, Miss Agnes, have- returned after spending the Christmas and New Year's holiday period with the for- mner's son-in-law and daughter, Mr.' and Mrs. Fletcher Troop, • Mrs. Charles Fraser has received the sad word that her oldest sister, Mrs. lVIalcohn McLarty, passed away on New Year's Day at the age of 85 years, in Portage LaPraiiie, Man. Mrs. McLarty had been- in failing health for some time. The many friends of Mrs. Andrew Hoggart, Blyth, will be pleased to know that she is improving as well as can be expected following a serious operation in .Stratford 'General Hos- pital. Her sister, Mrs. William Walk- er, has been spending some time with her. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. E. C. Munro were Mrs. John Storey and David Munro, Goderich; Mrs, George Munro,Stratford, and her son George. Munro, Kitchener, Reg, Munro and Mrs. Fred Munro, both of Toronto; and Miss Eleanor Winslow, London. Wesley -Willis• WA, IE'latns To Entertain Service Men An interesting and well -attended Meeting A eetMeetingg of the Woman's s sour •io at n of Wesley -Willis United Chitral' ,VMS held dm the church parlour on Thurs- day afternoon,• January 2. Th newly -elected ,president, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, was inx the chair, and Mrs. "H. Charlesworth was pianist. A hymn for the New Year and a prayer, opened the meeting. Mei I', Livermore read an article on the Life of Sarah, Abrnlham'a wife, the first of a series of ,Scripture readings on the women of the Bible. Monthly reports were followed by the annual ones' for 1946. The secre- tary, MTs. G. H. Jefferson, gave a comprehensive report of the year's activities and also i•eacl a number of letters of thanks for flowers sent out during December. The aclang treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Miller, gave the financial report which showed nearly $600 had been raised during the year. Mrs. Cleo Cook, convener of the Flower Committee, reported 36 re- membered at Christmas and 104 in the 12 months with flowers, fruit and letters or cards. The sewing committee under the , leadership of Mrs. 'Wilfred Jervis, made five quilts, and superintended the making at 80 articles of clothing for the Red C' -OSS, The programme committee with Mrs. John Tunes as convener, arrang- ed for special music and readings throughout the year. Mrs. A. T. Cooper, press secretary. reported all monthly meeting as well as special undertakings, had been reported in the local pa.ner. Mrs. E. H. Epps, for the property comnntte said all kitchen and dining room equipment was in excellent condition. The manse committee, Mrs. W. Pickard, convener, had at - toned to the papering of several rooms. The president, Mrs. Oakes, made happy little speech, outlining work for 1947, and read the new constitu- tion for Woman's 'Associations. Plans were made for the entertaining of the service men and women of the con - Fairly Good Attendance Week of Prayer Services The firstl reev K c of a new year is always celebrated ;throughout the Christian world as the universal Week of Prayer. This ween is being noted as such in Clinton with seryices in the various churches of the town. In each church the minister is in charge and one of the other ministers does the speaking. The services open ed in the Baptist Church on Monday night when Rev. Andrew Lane was the speaker. Tuesday, the service was in Wesley -Willis United Church with Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel the guest speaker, Last night. the service was' in St. Paul's Anneal.' Church with, Rev. D..1. Lane doing the speaking. Tonight, :Rev. C. C. Anderson will spealc in the Presbyterian Church, and tomorrow night the.. service will be in Ontario St. Unites Church, when the speaker will be Rev. J. S. Harrington, a representative of the Upper Canada Bible Society, The services begin each night at 7.30 i o Honor Mrs. L. McMichael At Birthday Surprise • Wiltse,Clinton; two sons: T. J. Mc- Michael, Hallett Township; and Gar- f•iold McMichael; Colborne Township; 17 grandchildren and 33 great grand- ' children. gregation, this to take- place in Feb- ruary. The Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting after which afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Cree Cook's group. Mrs. Milton Wiltse was hostess at her home on January 4, for a lovely surprise birthday party in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lucy McMichael, on her 86th birthday.A few old acquaintances Spent a happy afternoon of social chat and deminiscing. The guest of honor was the recipient of many tokens of good wishes, Mrs. McMichael has three daugh- ters: Mrs. Edith Grieve, London; Mrs. H. B. Kirkby, Walton; ancl. •Mrs. M. Special Ladies Winter Coats We have some REAL BARGAINS in COATS. Selling as low as 1/2 original Price These are PRICED at $10.00 and up FOR THIS SALE we also are offering. our Entire Stock of Spring Coats ' Priced For Quick Selling Men's FANCY DRESS SUSPENDERS Elastic at back Values to $1.00 SALE 25c Pr. 2 Only Suits Pure Wool Men's COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Size 38 - Soiled - Reg. Value $4.25 TO CLEAR $2.50 Children's CORDUROY JUMPERS Sizes 2 - 6x Reg. Prima $4.25 SALE PRICE $3.49 v.owa..ee�ew,ri LADIES HAT SALE 1 Special Group at $1.98 Reg, Values To $3.95 1 Group at $2.95 Reg. $3.95 $4,95 Come Early For Best Choice Of These Baby's Wear Specials Broadcloth Rompers, Baby's Mitts, Wool Sweater Coats, Baby Bibs, House Coat and Booty Sets, Bonnets and other items - ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICE Wallpaper Department A Fine Selection of Room Lot t Bundles, some with boarders SALE PRICE 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL RACK OF Ladies Better Dresses Values to $10.95 TO CLEAR $2.98 CLEARANCE OF Ladies Blouses Long & Short SIeeve, Good Assortment Reg. to $3.49 SALE PRICE $1.98 SPECIAL GROUP OF Ladies Dresses ee Blouses AT .98c EACH MISSES WOOL VESTEES With Fancy Embroidery - Reg. $2.49 ,SALE PRICE .98c GIRL'S SPUN RAYON DRESSES Values to $3.49 Sizes 7 - 14 TO CLEAR .98c Ladies CHENILLE BEDJACKETS, Children's CHENILLE HOUSE- COATS -` 20% OFk' We Have a Special Table of Ladies Dress Shoes Values to $4.50 CLEARING AT $1.98 Misses Brown Leather Loafers with Strap SALE PRICE $1098 Black Leather and Patent BABY SHOES SALE PRICE .25c PAH 20% Off on all Boys and Girls PARKAS Snow Suits; 3 -Piece Coat, Hat and Leggings Sets; Boy's Melton Windbreakers; Ski Jackets MARTINS MARTINS DEPARTMENTAL TOR PHONE 36 - - - - CLINTON 1 BOOKS A Special Sale of some good reading naterial. A good selec- tion of titles as: One Red Rose, Forever, Vicki Baum, The Out- numbered, Last Train from Ber- lin, Joseph the Provides', Yankee frain Olympus, et-;. Reg. to $4. TO CLEAR 98c Men's Work Mitts and Gloves Some real GOOD VALUES in Discontinued Lines as low as 25c PI'. TITTlRSDAY, JANUARY 9, 947 ANNUAL STOC TAKING SALE Seasonable Merchandise Clearing At One -Halt Price and Less OUR LSS -- YOUR GAIN rN4M1MlNWJ CLOTH COATS Fur Trimmed and Plain. Tailored $25.00 COATS CLEARING $35.00 COATS CLEARING $49.00 COATS CLEARING $65.00 COATS CLEARING $79.50 COATS CLEARING $12.50 17.50 24.50 32.50 Sizes 12 years 39 50 to Size 40 Also a NUMBER OF CHILDREN'S COATS reduced for this Sale to One -Half of Original Prices DRESSES In Crepe and Wools in Misses' and Women's Sizes Bright Shades and Navy and Black vs$,h+ .wr.v,.r., .:;'.a' 1"= "ice All Reduced in Price to 1/2 Former Prices Sizes 12 to 42 ! e #'•ate':%'; . ;'.aYi.^>• „5:'?3o•'t'<`3};iY Blouses, Skirts Jackets and Jumpers THESEALSO TO CLEAR AT 1/2 ORIGINAL PRICES and UNDER Do Not Hesitate to Come In and Look Over the Racks of Goods on Sale R. V. IRWIN McMURRAY-SHAW A. very quiet wedding was solem- nized at the residence of the groom, Ontario St„ Clinton, at 4 p.m., Wed- nesday, Jan, 8, 1947, when Drusilla Jane Shaw, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, •Harriston, was united in marriage to Adam James McMurray, Mayor of Clinton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMurray, Mitchell. Rey. W. J. Woolfrey, minister of Ontario St. 'United Church, Clinton, officiated. Those attending the ceremony were Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy, and Mi. and Mrs. Reg. iSinith, all of Clinton. Mayor and Mrs. McMurray will take up residence in Clinton. 0 WINROLD-CASTLE (By our Bayfield correspondent) St. Andrew's United Mulch, decor- ated with pink, yellow and l3ronze chrysanthemums', and lighted tapers in seven -branch candelabra on tall standards, grouped effectively before a bank of fern and palms, wasthe beautiful setting for the marriage on December 28, 1946, at two -thirty o'clock of Geraldine Marie„ elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Castle, Bayfield, to Lloyd Chris- tian Winhold, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. h Clifford Wnnhold, Tavistock. The ceremony was performed by the' pas- tor, Rev. F. G. Stotesbury. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a gown of white slipper satin, fashioned on prin- cess aincess lines, the front panel and sleeves decorated with insets of a white floral pattern. Her full three-quarter length veil of white net was fitted with matching crown studded with pearls, and her bouquet was of Talis. tnau roses, baby's breath and fern. She wore the gift of the groom, a pearl necklace and matching earrings. Her sister, Miss Marion Castle, was maid of honor. The bodice of her long powder blue crepe gown was trimmed with Silver sequins and her blue net finger-tip veil held in place witha matching flower .headdress. She carried a noseyay of white baby 'mums and red. rosebuds. The bries- maid was Mrs. D. Iospes, sister of the groom, who wore a floor -length gown of pink silk brocaded taffeta with matching finger-tip veil caught in a flowered headdress. Her nosegay was of yellow baby 'mums and roses. MILI101•11=11.1106111.0110,111.01191MONIIIM• .1111R1.1. The groomsman was Harold Win - hold, Tavistock, brother of the groom. The ushers were Wilfred Castle, Bay- field, cousin of the bride, and John WinhoId, Toronto, cousin of the bride- groom. Mrs. Robert Seotchmer play- ed the wedding music. . A. reception was held at The Ritz Hotel, guests deing present fronm Guelph, Tavistock, Toronto, London, Erantford and Kitchener. The bride's mother received wearing a black crepe caress trimmed with white and a corsage of red rose buds. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a blue wool dress with a cor- sage of red rose buds. The brides table was centred with the wedding cake, flanked with red and green candles and decorations in the dining room carried out in" cedar boughs, white bells and holly. . . Later, the young couple left on a motor trip to points east. For travel- ling, the bride chose a £ischia coat trimmed with black Persian lamb and matching 'hat with black accessories, and a corsage of Talisman roses. They will reside in Toronto where the groom, who served in the Nova Scotia Highlanders for fear years, holding the rank of Major, is now attending Osgoode Hall. The bride, who is a gradwate nurse of Stratford General Hospital, previous' to her marriage, was on the nursing. staff of Victoria Hospital, London. Bayfield friends join in extending congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. 0 GEMDINHARD-KENT (By our Bayfield correspondent) A romance, which started in Eng- land during the war, culminated in a marriage ceremony in St. Hilda's Anglican Church, Toronto, on Decem- ber 26, 1946, at 2 p.m. when Kathleen Mae Kent, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kent, Hayes -Encs, Middlesex, England. became the bride of Keith Wildridge Gemeinliard, Youngest son of Mrs. Mary Gemein- hard, Bayfield, and the late,Freclericlt Gemeinhard, Bayfiekl. Rev, ,A; J. Jackson officiated. The bride wore a street -length gown of heaven blue crepe and her bouquet was of American Beauty roses and sweet peas. Mrs 0. Knight; attended the bride. She was attired in a street-Iength frock of aqua green crepe an carried von d c zed Talism an roses. Gilbert Knight was groomsman. Following it reception at the Roane of the groom's sister, Mrs. G. Knight, the young couple left on a motor trip to NewYork State, For.travelling: the bride donned' a brown coat with Ontario St. W.A. Closes Successful Year's Woi k The regular meeting of the W. A. of Ontario St, United Church was held Wednesday afternoon, January 8, in the basement of the church. The president, Mrs. F. Townsend. was in the chair. The meeting opened by singing Hymn 445 followed by prayer in unison. Mrs. D. M. Maltby. taking the de- votional period, read Galations 6, after which Hymn 530 was sting. The topic was "Life's Liabilities." The amcuti reports were given, showing a very successful year, .A hearty vote of thanks was extended to all who 101 office ht.ini; 1940. A ve: y ;co' at ing rearm, was given by Mrs. F. GlewMrs.. W. M. Aiken and her daughter, Miss Florence, sang a very lovely duet accompanied by Miss E. Wiltse. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 500. A delicious picnic lunch was served by the social committee, RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves S26 to 538, butter B35 to B37, meat M64 to M67. On January 16th the following coupons will be good: sugar - preserves S39, S40, B38 and B68. which she wore brown accessories. They arrived in Bayfield before New Year's .and for the time being are residing with the groom's mother, Mrs. F. G. 'Gemeinhad. The bride came from England via Transcontinental Air, Liner. On ae- count of adverse weather conditions the plane was routed by the Azores and forced down there. The trip took two days instead .of eighteen hours. It landed at Moncton, N•B;, and fin- ally at Montreal from which point Miss Kent travelled by train to Tor- onto. She arrived there late in the afternoon, December 19, and was Suet by her fiance. During her stay in Toronto she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ICnight. Keith went overseas in July 1943 and returned. to Canada in February 1946. He served in France, Belgium, Hellenic' and Germany as a private with the 2nd Canadian. Administra- tion Transport Column, Bayfield friends bid the bride wel- come to our midst and the many friends .of the groom join in extend- . ing congratulations and best wishes for a very happy 'future.