HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-01-09, Page 1Clinton Casts
Of Possible Vote
No. 2 -69th Year; Whole No. 6285
Final Meeting of ,1946
Clinton own ,Council for 1946
held its final meeting in the Council
Chamber Tuesdey evening with all
members present except Reeve G. W.
Nott and Ald. C. H. Epps. Due- .to
laryngitis, Town Clerk M. T. Corless
was unable to read the minutes ef'the
last regular, special and statutory
meetings, which -duty was performed
by Ald. J. R. ,Butler, a retiring mem-
her of the 1946 Council. Mayor A. J,
McMurray presided,
* * *
Inaugural for 1947
It was announced that the inaug-
ural meeting of the 1947, Council
would be held at 11 a.m., ;Monday,
Janumw 13, with the first. regular
meeting at 8 p.m.
$200 Grant to Legion
A grant of $200 was made to
Clinton Branch, Canadian Legion, on
motion of Ald. Butler and Livermore.
Ald. Brown asked what it was for.
AId. Livermore said it was for this
year's band operaatio*n,
MOB'S Annual Report
Di.'. F. G. Thompson presented his
annual relrnrt as Medical Officer of
Health for 1946, which was adopted.
It will be puibiished in next week's
issue. On notion of Aid. Shaddick
and Brown, a vote of $150 was made
for his services in 1946. Town Clerk
M. T. Corless' report on vital stat-
istics for the year also was adopted
with appreciation.
* * *
Account Refused
F. J. McKay, sewerage inspector,
submitted an account for $26.26 for
, repairs to springs to Inc car, broken
about 0etober 15 last, He held that
if 'he used his ear, the Town was
resuonsdible, "If the road was that
bad, he could always walk," Aid.
Agony exeltuaimed. "He used the ear
at his own risk." No action was
taken on a motion by Ald, Agnew
• and Livermore.
x , *
Pay Increase Asked
Mr. McKay Also. wrote requesting
an increase in salary to $50 per week
plus • $10 per week ear allowance,
and a written guarantee of his. auth-
ority. Otherwise, he would give one
weeks'•1 tice,e ,Ald. 'Livermore.: sig
Rested leaving the matter over to the
1947 Council. as it was purely 1947
business, After some disclassion, this
was done.
* * *
Report on Sewerage
Armstrong, Anderson and Co.,
Toronto, consulting engineers for the
sewerage project, presented a prog-
ress report on the work to date,
giving details of ;various streets.'
Streets in Good Shape
Reporting for the Street Com-
mittee, the Mayor said the streets
are in pretty good shape, with snow-
plowing under way and surfaces in
fairly good shape, considering the
condition of the weather.
* *
December Expenditures
The report of the Finance Com-
mittee, presented by the chairman,
Aid. Agnew, for December, was
adopted. It showed expenditures of
$2,646.82 and receipts of $862.20. The
report will be published in next
week's issue.
* * 5
Aid. Butler's "Swan ;long"
Aid. J. R. Butler, retiring from
'Council, congratulated the Mayor on
his handling of the affairs of the
town fit 1946. He himself had had
four • or five years of it, but .there
were threegood men coming in. He
was sorry to see Reexe Nott out,
but "the best man wins when it comes
to an election." The Mayor said he
, appreciated the cooperation of the
members in. 1946. .
—co ---
County Election Results
MAYOR. --M. A. Reid, 470; • R. G.
Cluf£, 316.
-•,J, L. Daly (aco1.)
(one elected) Andrew Y.
McLean, 479; J. J. Chuff, 285.
COUNCIL --. (six elected) B. F.
Christie, 488; J. D. Keating, 469; F.
S. Sills, 449; Dr. E:. A. McMaster,
412; W. Ross, 311; E. H. Close, 279;
W. Teal, 294• N. 'Scoins, 228; H. E.
Smith, 217; I. Hudson, 148; Norman
Hubert,•144; W. 11. Shaw, 104.•
REEVE—George Armstrong, 502;
William Haugh, 483.
COUNCIL — (four elected) Earl
Campbell, 544; Sentinel Hendrick, 539;
Oscar Klop,p, 396; E. Willert, 362;
R. Miller, 321; Agust Roche, 319;
William Davidson, 307.
ISSCEOOL BOARD — (five elected)
Blake Horner, 436; Robert Munn, 422;
Bruce Tuckey, 366; .Raymond Fisher,,
355; T. Steinbaeh, 326; G. Patterson,
292; 18. F. Wdllert, 222.
REEVE—Hugh Berry (acct.)
COUNCiLL .-- Wellington Brock,
William Bellerington, Oscar Puckey,
James Simpson (mels.).
SCHOOL BOARD (five elected) --
Clarence Brown, 1,64; Victor Jeffrey,
154; Milne Pullen, 150; Harold Rern,
138; Harold Taylor, 187; hoes Mar -
Ault 135; Ward Hern, 115.
The Week's Weather
High Low
,January 2 28 16
3 29 11
4 21. 6
5 22• 8
6 25 16.
7 32 21
8 31 . 21
6: inches. -
S Orn
Adop led Canada Geese Nov In
The Home Paper With The New
cries Th
In a wild life sanctuary instituted last year by Wilfred Glazier
on his Hullett Township farm, five Canada geese were rounded .ttp
to go into colony houses for winter shelter. No one knew enough
goose language to explain that it was for their own good, and the
geese protested vigorously at the ignominy of being corralled,
nicked up by the feet, and put in orates for transport to their
winter homes. The three men who accomplished the goose roundup
received minor bruises in tho process from the powerful wings of
Three Seek -
1947 County
With four new members and two
former members in the list of 28,
Huron County Council for 1947 com-
mences its January Session.at2 pan.,
Tuesday, January 2l, at the Court
I•Iouse, Goderich.
Four members will take theh• seats
on the council for the first time:
Reeve A. W. iKorslako, Hostel; Reeve
iStanley ,Snyder, Colborne; Deputy
Reeve George ' Mathieson, ,Goderich;
and 'Reev Murray Johnson, Winghare
Reeve George Armstrong, May, afor-
mer Warden, who defeated Reeve
William Haugh on Monday, returns
to the council after an •absence of
three years; and Reeve V. D, Fat
Boner, Clinton, comes bads after one
year's absence.
The first business on the agenda
will be the election of a warden, who
this year will be chosen at a caucus
of Liberal members. Three aspirants
for the honor are mentioned, Reeves
Brown Smyth, West Wawanosh; John
Armstrong, Hallett; and Cecil Wheel-
er, Morris. •
1947 Personnel
Members of the 1947 Council Coun-
cil arae as follows
Ashfield Cecil Johnston
yith . Franklin Rainton
Brussels ... , . , - . , , R, 13. Cousins
Clinton V. D. Falconer
Colborne Stanley: Snider
Exeter B. W. Tuckey
Goderich (town)- G. G. McEwan
George Mathieson
Godeaioh (township,), George C. Ginn
Grey Alex Alexander
Stanley Mohan
Hay' George. Armstrong
Hensall Alvin W. Kerslake
Howick John Winter
EInmer J. Parrish
Fatally .insured in an - aceident in-
Goderidn • Arena Monday evening,
Mrs: Frank H. Wood, died from a
fractured ,skull, .Coroner Dr. W. F..
an autopsy. Deathated tools f lace trin
Alexandra. Hospital, Goderich, shortly
after arrival.
An inquest has beenjordered, the
date to depend an the recovery of
the four remaining in Alexandra f
Hospital, Goderich.
• the birds. The five birds were given treatment at the Jack Miner
sanctuary 'it; KangsviIle.,,aitm._having beere;wotm:ded,. and here
then tseeh over' by Mr, Glazier.
ABOVE, left to right --• Charles 'Peckitt, A. Glazier, and
Wilfred Glazier.
BELOW :the gander rears his head protectively and defiantly
over his littlle. fleck after they have been herded into a temp-
orery somal,
Bayfield Boy's
Fiancee.:IH,er e
n The "C'anaditan Aid- -to China"
Frons. En lar campaign is getting under way this
g week, and attention . is caIied to ad-
verbisements ,published on Pages Two
(By our Bayfield correspondent). and Three of this issue.
On board the "Aquttatnia," which The objective for .Canada is
docked at Haliiag, N.S. on December el 000000, ande drive ry Huron ontinuuee dux-
30 'was one of a thou and British irrg J'anuaiy.
bids engaged to marry Canadian In this connection, Dr. A. Stewart
lancesoldies of Stuart
eryl Lillian Davis: an
MOS., Chungking , China will
u Stu goon, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Sturgeon; Payfiela. speakuat jhe man unman service
eco in St.
Miss Davis experience t many de- 7 ,p.m., .S nday, January 12, and all
e a in arriving, at her destination.
n the first paste, hi. "Aqua:min't members of the community aro in
vas about 30 boars late due to heavy
seas and adverse weath ,r comlitions.
Meanwhile, the funeral was held
fro mher late residence, South St., 1
to Maitland. Cemetery, Goderich, this I
(Thursday) afternoon, with Rev.
Richard Stewart, minister of Knox s
Presbyterian 'harsh, in charge. Her
husband died suddenly in October last.
Those in hospital are M. N. Mac-
Donald, brother of Mrs. Woods, beet -
-ribs•; Bobby Gardner, 11, nephew
of W. E. Perdue, Clinton, concussion;
Belay Wood, son of Mrs. Wood, mild
eoneussion; John Stoddart, concus-
sion, an injuries to left elbow.
The accident' took place during the
second period of a Junior !`C” hockey
match between Clinton R. and C. S.
and Goderich Flyers, when fans in
the balcony leaned over tee far, caus-
ing guard rails to give way. About
12 -people crashed to the ice in a
Hallett . John W. Armstrong
�MeKiliop N. R. Dorrance
Morris ..... .... -Cecil Wheeler
Seaforth J. F. Daly
Stanley John E. Peeper
Stephen Roy Ratz
Arthur J. fenny
Tuckeramith .,.. Arthur Nicholson
Turnberry Walter E. Woods
Osborne Hugh Berry
Wawanosh18ast . , , J. D. Beecroft
Wawanosh West , Brown -Smyth
Win ant ..... . hfurray Johnson
W h
Citizens Honor Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw
On Their Golden Wedding Anniversary
Two of ,Clinton's best -loved and which time the pant played by•your
most distinguished citizens—Dr. and life partner has been no less import -
Mrs. J. W. Shaw --celebrated their ant.. These services have been
golden wedding anniversary on Sun- greatly appreeiated.
day and Monday. "On this, the Golden Anniversary
The couple were at home to their. of your 'wedding, many of your
relatives and intimate friends in an friends are present and have seen fit
informal manner Sunday afternoon to Make this little presentation to
when many *ailed to pay their re- yott both at this time. May you both
specks and they were the recipients be altered many years to use and mi-
ce many beautiful flowers and other joy it, is the wish of everyone
tokens. of esteem,. - present."
Honored by Citizene Dr. Shaw Replies
The .citizens of Clinton and con- Replying in a very happy and fit-
anun4ty paid the couple high tribute ting manner, Dr. Shaw said it was
at a publie gathering in the Council a great surprise and that he had
Chamber, Town Hall, Monday even- had no idea of it. Those 50 years
ing, when they were presented with all had been spent in Clinton except
s• commodious modern electric refrig- four years while he was overseas
orator hi recognition of the event, during Weald War 1, During the
by more than e hundred friends' whose years, there had been .a great many
names were printed on, a ribbon. Vera changes in ,Clinton, and the 50 years
Shaw 'was unable to be present, but had passed lilting very smoothly.
Dr. Shaw and other members of the When Ore had been 14ledioal .Officer
family were on hand. of 'Health and Mayor, he always had
Mayor A, J. Mebiurray, who acted received fine coperation,
as chairman, explained that the funs-. Dr. ,S,hanv thought the biggest
tion had been organized to pay tribute event was the introduction of water -
to Dr.
and Mrs. Shaw weeks, and everyone agreed Clinton
Suitable Presentation has the finest water i .
n Canada. He
Dr. F. G. Thompson read an ad- was sure that people in future would
dress signed -by Mayor McMurray, feel the same way toward tne Owe',
E. 0, Howes, send himself, in behalf age prated, as A would mean better
of the citizens, and Mr. Howes 'made 'health. He pointed out that Clinton
the ,presentation, The'address was, was the first town in Ontario to
in part, as follows: make the wrapping Aping breed !u'st t -
This is an occasion which very sexy. It also was one of the first to
seldom happens, and is a particularly demend pasteurization of . milk.
w nortsnt occasion lar 'this instance, �Commenene duet easels and they
cu, Dr. Shaw, have e „
all yew• professional career. in the Shaw mentioned a few old friends
a ••nd
sited.' -
Durninv recent years, Dr. Allen has;
"::tawas waiting air his bride- been Superintendent of the Canadian
elect in Kitchener. re seine mummer_ 11 tissue) Hospital n Chungking, China.
able manner, her telegram giving From to 1945 he was chairman
time of arrival at Londe') read 'God- China !A;dvisbi1i Committee
erieh" and so while she was looking
i tt.cwt:tied responsibility for les
in vain for Stuart in London on New tion in China, of alla monies
Year's Day, Mr. anti Mrs. Sturgeon and goods sent from Canada by the
had gone to 'Goderich to meet her. Red Cross Society and the Chinese
Weir Relief Committee. He had as-
sociated with hire on this advisory
ad gone to London. By this time committee,' General Odlum, Canadian
'ss .Davis had decided to go to ti Ambassador to China, and Madame
riend's in Kitchener and arrived Chiang -Kai -Sheik. Dr. Allen is giving
here about midnight. They tomed- full bane to the support of the Afd-
ately telephoned, and .Mr. and Mrs, to -China Campaign, '
turorgeon drove to Kitchener and
rought Miss Davis to their lionie S DONATION
vhere she is residing until marriage Clinton Lions Club wishes to ask-.
rrangements are completed, 810 fr ge with thanks a &enation of
'Stuart served overseas with the $10 from J. E. IUIcItinley, Zurich, for
ssex Scottish Regiment for three boys' and girls' work,
ears and nine months. While doing o
uty at Chertsey Military Hospital RED CROSS NOTES
bout 18 months ago, he met iiss Annual Meeting' Jan. 13
avis who was n stenographer on The annual meeting of Clinton Re
he office staff there. Grose Society will be held an. t
Conditions in England Council Chamber on Monday, Jan
When questioned about conditions nary 13, at 2.30 pan. At this meetin
England, Miss Davis told the usual the overseas bridee� of Clinker wi
ory of queues„coupons points and be 'entertained and certificates o
heritages and the wet season, which merit presented to those persons an
ria organizations rendering valuable as
sistance to our .Society during it
In the meantime ,Stuart had arrived
home and, finding out the mistake
not only did great damage to the
Crops but "cis hansperieg re,-sonstrud-
tion of houses. She is the only
daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs, Bernard
Davis, formerly of London (Lewis-
ham). As a school -aged girl she was
evacuated to Ipswich and later at-
tended boarding school et Maraowe;
thus: she escaped the bombing of their
home by lire boanbs an 1940. The
parents obtained ether quarters and
in 1944 these were demolished blr a
buzz bomb.
Mr, Davis, who was employed in
the General Post Office as Inspector
of External Engineering, had not felt
well and gone home to make himself
a cup of tea. Ile heard the "doodle -
(Continued on page' 8)
ee to He
Sixty Per Ce 1 t Vote
Better ThanExpected
Distant Father Learns
Of Baby's Arrva
The first baby born in Clinton
Public Hospital in the New Year
was Roberta Elaine Wilson, six -
emend "Bundle from Heaven"
which came to bless the home of
W/O sed Mrs.. R. D. Wilson,
Huron -St„ Clinton, Friday, Jan-
uary' 3.
The -baby's father had been
stationed at R. and 0. S., Clin-
ton, but is at present stationed in
Nova Seotia, He knew all about
it just a few moments, after the
happy event tools place, for the
good news was flashed to- tfie
Maritimes by means of Prank
df.•ehoe's amateur radio set,.W/O
'Wilson was - kept well informed
of developments,
A. F. Cudmore
Heads Public
School Board
Alex P. Cudmore was elected chair-
man, •and H. C. Lawson secretary
treasurer of the newly -constituted
Clinton Public Sdhool Board for 1947
at the Mangum], meeting in the Pub-
lic School last evening.
Mr. Cudmore has been chairman of
the Board of Education for the ,past
four years and prior, to the inception
of the Board of Education in 1940,
was chairman of the former Public
School Board for four years. Mr.
Lawson has been secretary -treasurer
of the Board of Education.
The new Clinton High School Area
Board will be organized at a meeting
in the Collegiate Institute tonight,
Standing Conimitteee
,Chairman Cudmore appointed a
Striking Committee consisting of
Trustees Gordon R. Ross and Percy
Livermore, whose report -of Standing
Committees. was adopted as follows:
Propertyw-T. G. ISeribbins, chair-
men W. J. Cook, Percy Livermore,
Finance-- I5'ed 0. Ford, • ehairrnan;
C. M. Shearing, Wilbur Welsh.
-Purchasing-,Gordon R. Ross, chair-.
pian; T. G. Scribbins, Wilbur Welsh.
Social and Welfare—C. M. Shear-
ing, chairman; W..7. Cook, G. R.Ross.
Proceeding with organization of
the Board, Town Cleric M. T. Corless
briefly outlined the procedure to be
followed, and took the oath of office
of the eight members:
'hvo years--iPerey Livermore (St.
John's): Gordon•R. Ross (St.
George's); C. M. Shearing (St. And.
rev's); T. G. Seribbins (St. James').
Ode year•—F, 0. Ford (St. John's);
W..Colt (St. Gorge's); A. F. Cud -
core (St. Andrew's); Wilbur Welsh
(St. Names'),
Trustee Gudmore was named chair-
man for 1947, on motion' of Trustees
Cook and Ross. Trustee Ford was
chosen secretary pro tem on motion
of Trustees Scribbins •and Welsh. H.
0, Lawson was appointed secretary -
treasurer on motion of Trustees
Shearing and Livermore.
The procedure bylaw was read and
adopted. It requires regular meetings
to be held the first Thursday of eaen
month, five members constituting a
quorum. ..
Minutes of meetings of the Board
of Education on December 5 and
December 26, as applying to the
Public School. were read and adopted,
Inspector R. O. Staples reported
improvements in. the school, including
new lights anri kindergarten. •
Principal G. N. Jefferson suggested
greater access to the books m the
Public Library,
I3. J. Gibhings was appointed to
d. Clinton Public Library Board for two
h0 years.
Purchase of a piano will be the
g subject of a report by the Purchasing
11 Committee at the next meeting.
f Secretary -treasurer Lawson report-
ed on 1946 finances, showing receipts
of $18,282.74 and expendituers of
s *45,955.48, leaving a balance. of.
3c a word
Minimum Charge 50e
500 and Euchre party followed by
dance in Town Hall, Olinton, Thurs-
day, January 16. Garde 8.15 sharp,
dancing 10.30-1, popular'orchestra,
sponsored by Women's Institune.
Clinton Lions Club regular meet-
ing, Thursday, Jan. 9, St. Paul's Par-
ish Hall, at 6.46 p.m.. Official visit.
Governor H. G. Meir, Sea -
forth. 2.x
Dr. Stewart Allen FRCS,Chu •-
king, China, - St•' Pau1'sChurch,
Clinton 7 p.m:se unday, Jan. 12, to
further Canadian Aid to Chine. 2-x
Clinton 'Teen Age' Club nomination
meeting, Friday, Jin. 10, et 8 p m-,
0C3 Auditorium. All '1- enar i' w'1
come. F,'^il..q o1 7947 n ,nd•.,1,
Arena, Fraley, .an 17, et 8
newel by .0 1-. ' T, o»,
Yspent practically n+ , „v o'dt. o.r 1 ++ ^i• sroo
Terse Adm s^: z.: adult's. 50 crro.:::
interests .of this municipality, during (Cnnt•m1e' on , Pape 8) chit
dren, 25 cents. 9-3-x
McMurray, A. J.
St. St. Si. St.
Andrew's James' ' John's. George's Totals
FALCONER, V. D. .. , 124 134 132 130 520
Nott; G, W. 88 90 89 72,_ 309:
—Majority for Falconer -- 181
NI, J. Agnew, Ernest Brown, Melvin Crich, Rtoibert Y. Hattin,
Clarence J. Livermore, Albert-Shrad'dick. -
Sit. St. St. St.
Andrew's James' John's George's Totals
HAWKINS, H. R. , •. • 133 162 128 141 -- 564
CliurehiQl, Thomas 86 59 95 60 --- 300
Majority for Hawkins --- 264
St. 1St. 134. St.
FORAndrew's James' John's George's Totals
72 81 64�.— 298
22 —
Majority FOR By-law —. 193 .
St. Andrew's—A. F. Cut pore C. M. Shearing;
St. Jaynes'—T. G. Scrihlrins, Wilbur Wel5b;
St. John's—Fred 0. Ford, Perry Livermore;
rCe r-,e's--W. J. Cook, C^nrd,cr R. lira^,
1?fI7 T S ' -t as follows:
St, Andrew'e Ward—Town Harll: S .T14,7op ' `nA:•
P .r'c ro-T_7,
d ..n.•; 1 a
hrn's Ward T�'
L. Geovge svG•ard -R. L. Jervis' office.
kedion Rei
Polling a vote of approximately
60 per cent ;of the possible, Clinton
electors, in Monday's battle of the
ballots; rejeeted the .bids ' for -con-
tin0ance in office of the - Reeve, a
Pablic Utilities Commissioner, but
gave a three -to -one majority, on a
bylaw to allow tis Town Council to
make grants to a civic band.
The Mayor, it Councillors, and
eight Public School Trustees, prev-
iously had been .elected by methane -
Falconer Beats Nott
Highlighting the . day's polling was
the struggle between the sitting
Reeve, G. W. Nott, and ex -Reeve 1L.«
D. Falconer, for the Reeveship. Mak-
ing a comeback from a year ago,
when he was defeated by 17 votes,
Falconer captured a 181 -majority
victory, the vote standing 620-339..
The winner was ahead in all four
Hawkins Defeats Churehili
Essaying his third bid in three
years for a seat ou the Public Utilities
Commission, Hugh R. Iiawkins finally
nude the grade by the convincing
margin of 264 over the sitting chair-
man, Thomas Churchill, The vote
stood 564-300. The winner won, in
every ward, his largest margin be-
ing 103 in St, James' Ward,
Baud Bylaw Carries
There was little doubt about the
Passing of the band bylaw to Allow
Town Coineil to make grants to a
civic band. With property owners.
only permitted to vote, the count -
stood 298-105, a margin of 193. The
bylaw made its best showing in St.
Andrew's Ward.
Fairly Heavy Vote
The heaviest vote .was cast for the
Public Utilities, a total of 872 bgllots
being used, of which eight were
spoiled. Other figures were: Reeve -
ship, three spoiled; bylaw, 13 spoil-
ed. -Most of the spoiled ballots were
60 Per Cent of Possible
For Public Utilities Commissioner,
there were 872 ballots out of an
eligible List of 1,470, or 59.3 per cent.
A year ago, there were 929 ballots
oat of 1,400, or over 66 per cent.
Election Night Service
Returns were available much earl-
ier this year than a year ago, the
forst coining in about 6 pan. Half
an s •giving tout The complete n
curate returns for the entire elm -
tion, This service was' much ap-
(By our Hayfield correspondent)
The annual meeting of the rate-
payers of Bayfield was held on the
evening of December 27 in the school
for the purpose of hearing the finan-
cial reports and the nominating of a
new Trustee to fill the vacancy cam -
ed by the retirement of Lolyd Scotch -
mer from the Board of School
John E. Howard was nominated,
and since no one else qualified, he
was elected by acclamation and wi
John H. Parker and Robert Blair
will form the Board for 1947. Leen
Elliott is secretary -treasurer.
No election for Trustees for th
Police Village of Bayfield is neves
saw this yyear as only three qual]•
fieri: Lloyd Scotchmer, Melvin Dav
son and John •Sturgeon, Reti
Trustees are John Castle and Walte
If. G. Meir, Seaforth, District Gov
ernor of District A-1, Lions Interna
Cone', - wi! pay his official visit
Clinton Lions Club Thursday even
ing, Jan. 9, when various eomnritte
reports 'will be ,presented.
Who was elected Reeve of Clinton
for 1947 at the municipal elections
Monday by 181 majority, He defeat-
ed G. W. Nott, Reeve for 1046, by
. _ It's a Deal!
"Well, young man," said the Tea
estate dealer, "what can I do for
'you today?" -
In ,'ttnig married next month,"
rep r i " • it he "My bride end I
want a house worth about five theta -
aria , . •'Slim to pry 517t„ .rye
hu id •ori
esern s.rd t'+e rest in monthly.