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T'HTJI SDAY, ai NTalA.RY` 2, 194!
Repre; 'ntive:
The Birth of a King
Have you sent your invitation to your
honoured Christmas guests?
Will you have your white gifts ready
for this Birthday time so blessed?
When comes this Celebration will you
His love proclaim?
adoration bless, and mag-
nifyyou in'g
nify His Holy Name?
Will this 'Sacred Christmas trysting-'
when we. His blessings learn,
Be .a time of dear Communion with
angel -ones unseen?
How willY ou spend His Birthday -
The coming •of a King?
When you approach this Altar,
Will .you true devotion bring?
There are ,beentiful times that make
living :a pleasure,
There are genuine folk who fill our
joy -cup to good measure,
There are (beauties of Nature too vast
to 'behold gladennirig the eye and
rleeepening the soul,
There are beautiful acts of the long
second mile,
There are dear lonely hearts warmed
by a kind friendly smile,
'There are Sunsets and H'ven sun-
shine and rain
' And a rainbow to Promise
Blue skies again;
awl.. and Mrs. G. D. McLean were
r istma s.
in London over C
Clarence Larson, London, spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr: and
Mrs. R, Larson.
Miss June Brandon, Hensel'- Public
Sohool Staff, was home for the
Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mors, Maynard F. Carrie
and IVaaster David .spent •Christmas
and Boxing Day in Stratford.
John and Eddie Apfelbecic are
spending the Christmas holiday with
their grandfather; in Dorchester.
Miss Elva Dewar left on Saturday
to visit her sister, Bios. E. Rehm,
Detroit, before returning to Toronto.
• Mr." and Mrs. David Gemeinhard,
Philip and Sharon, left on December
24th to spend some time in Oxillia.
Miss Jessie Metcalf left on Friday
for Detroit after having spent a week
with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
Miss Donna Baker, London, is
spending the .Christmas vacation with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Baker,
Jack Murr'aly, accompanied by his
sister, Donna, who have spent •Christ-
mas in the village, returned to Owen
Sound on Saturday. Featherston, Mir. and 'Mrs. E. A. Featherston,
London, were with the latter's moth-
er, .Mrs. C. ,Parker, for Christmas
and Boxing Day.
Miss Jacqueline Parker and Keith
Pruss spent the •Christmas and New
Year's week with her parents, • Mr.
and Mc&. J. H. Parker.
Mr: and Mrs. Jack Watson and two
children, Huron Road, 'Goderieh Town-
ship, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs•
David Dewar on Christmas Day.
Mots. D. A. Bunt and Mary Lou,
London, are spending the Christmas
vacation with the former's parents,
Your Chance To Join
The Happy Family Who Work At
Clinton Knitting Company Ltd.
Apply To Superintendent -Clinton
n f
will be held in
Town Hall, Bayfield
•JAi�. 8
at 1.30 P.M.
GERALD E. NELSON, assistant agricultural representative
ler Huron County, guest speaker.
Mrs, and Mrs, F. W. Baker. Howard
and Ronald Burt were also here for
New Year's.
Miss Joyce McRae, London, spent
the Christmas week with her grand-
father, W. H. Johnston. Mrs, John-
ston was called to "Godorich before
Christmas owing to the .illness of her
sister, Miss Fanny Wild.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Is Kendall and
two children, Elmira, who spent the
Christmas week in the village at the
home of 'Mrs. Kendall's parents, Mo.
and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, returned to
their home on. Sunday.
Nominations were held on Monday.
night. The following have been
nominated'for village trustees: Lloyd
Scotelumer, Walter Westlake and John
I. •Castle, the present trustees: George
Blair, George Weston, 'Melvin David-
son and John Sturgeon. •
Loses Her Brother
,Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Charles Toms in the death of, her
brother, Herbert Clark, which took
place suddenly at his home at Union,
Ont., Monday morning, December 23.
air. and Mrs. 'Torus left early the
fallowing day for St. Thomas. They
retrained home on Saturday.
Interesting Visitor
Harry Ronson, who comes arm
Manchester, England, is the guest of
A. G. Atkinson.
A former Flight Sergeant in the
R.A.F., Mr. Ronson was one of the
first, group of radar instructors to
come from England to Clinton Radio
School in July 1941. He was recalled
to England in 'September 1943, but
by that time he liked Canada so well
that he had made up his mind to
return when the war ,was over. He
received ,his discharge from the
MAi.F. -in January 1946, and late
this fall •he returned via Trans -
Atlantic airliner from Shannon, Eire,
to New York, arriving in London on
the first of December.
.Mr $orison is engaged in building
amplifiers for reproducing chimes
over a loudspeaker system for church
towers. There is also a microphone
connected to the organ. He demon•
strated his development in the First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, at
mid -night on Christmas Eve, when
the hour was struck and the hymn
"O Come All Ye Faithful" pealed
forth from the tower.
Working in conjunction with Mr.
Ronson is a friend who was also
stationed at Clinton, former Flight
Sergeant Maxwell, who has a re-
cording machine and is now making
a tour of cathedrals in England such
as Yorkminster, and recording the
chmes. In this way churches who
instal the development will be able
to have various chimes as well as
organ music sounded from the tower.
Mr. Ronson is glad to explain his
development and demonstrate it to
anyone interested.
Miss 011ie Moon, Toronto, is spend-
ing the holiclayls' with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Moon.
Tom Moon, London, spent the
Christmas holidays with Mr. and MTS.
James McCool.
Miss Pearl Griffiths, Guelph, spent
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Griffiths.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCool, Wind-
sor„ spent the weekend •at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Millar.
Mo. and Mrs. 'Melvin Brunsdon,
London, 'spent,. Christmas with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Jack 'Webster, •Clinton, spent the
weekend at the home cif his mother,
Mrs. Lillie Webster.
• Miss Margaret .Crawford, Kitchen-
er, spent a few days -at the hone
of her mother, Mrs. D. Crawford,
Mr. and Mas. Jim Crawford spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James
1Vaiss Mary Caldwell, London. -spent
the 'weekend at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Caldwell.
Mo. and Mrs. William Breen, Lon-
don' spent a few days last week at
the home of the latter's parents, Mr.
wird 'Mrs. William Griffiths.
,Miss Hazel Hunting, Windsor, is
spending a few days at the home of
her parents, Mr. and MTS. Harvey
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Whitely,
Gorrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Wells
and Douglas, Clinton, spent Christ-
mas with 1Va2, and Mrs. Robert
Williams Bakery
Wheat, Germ a Specialty
An Appreciation
The Matron and Manager and Staff of the
Huron County Horne 'Mish to thank 'the following
for their gifts, which helped make Christmas bright
and cheerful for the "girls" and "boys" of the Home:
The Zurich Women's Institute, for their gift of oranges;•
The Zurich Lions Club, for their gift of oranges, nuts and candy;
The Seaforth Lions Club, for their concert and gift of oranges,
grapes and tobacco;
S. S. No. 5, Hullett school children., for their delightful concert
and treats of candy, nuts, apples and oranges:
Stewart Middleton, for his gift of McIntosh Red apples.
'hill these treats were very much a reciate
and have gone
a long -way to making the holidalyys more bright and cheerful.
More individual members of the Home were sent Christmas
boxes this year than have been received . for a number of years.
Many Bayfield citizens heard the
chimes one night when he was mak-
ing tests in A. G. Atkinson's work-
shop. •
tamp, a three -burner electric liot
plate, a nickel electric toaster and a
beautiful waluurt magazine rack were
pteseiicted by Harry ,Snell; Jack
Tamblyn and' Lorne Flunking.
Mr. iStewart, although completely
taken by mu -prise, thanked the mein-
bers of the Sunday School for their
kindness, andspoke of how deeply
he regretted leaving Londesboro Sun-
day 'School, how he had enjoyed the
work and also the splendid coopera-
tion he had received from the teach -
ors and executive of the Sehool. ' He
closed by wishing all the ,members
every success and God's richest bles-
sing in the future. The congregation
then arose, and with Mrs. Edwin
Wood at the ;piano, sang together:
"Blessed be the Tie that Binds."
Mr..Stewart, before taking ever the
duties of superintendent, taught an
9.duat Young Ladies class for three
years, and in recognition of this, they
presented him with a handsome teach-
er's Bible on his retirement. lie also
has been active in church work, be-
ing a member of the Board of Man-
agers of Lonclesiboro •Church for 17
,yearns, an elder for the past, five
years, and also treasurer for many
years of Londoaboro Branch of the
Upper 'Canada Bible Society,
In his departure from this-com-
'mmunityissed,, Mr. Stewart will be greatly
.(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Bentham, Oshawa, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. R Townsend.
Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, is
home for the Christmas holidays.
Miss Cora Taylor, Brucefiel'd, spent
the weekend with Miss Thelma Shob-
Miss Mary Ellen Prest returned
home on Friday after visiting friends
for a week in London.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Thorn -
dale, visited the former's mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, on Sunday.
Mrs. Will Lyon and Miss B. Kirk.
left on Monday to spend Christmas
with Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Lyon, Leam-
Miss M. Melville, Seaforth, and
Miss George, Toronto, are spending
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Hann,
Kitchener, and Misses Beth and Elva
Govier spent •Christmas with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Govier.
Mrs. McDonald, Thamesford, and
Miss Eileen McDonald, Washington,
D.C., spent a few days with the
former's sister, Mos. R. Fairservice
last week.
S. S. Concert
The annual Sunday Sabool Christ-
mas entertainment was held in the
basement of the church Monday
night, December 23. A programme
was pat on by the members, each
class contributing .a- number. Fol-
lowing this,' Charles Stewart was
called to the platform and Rev. A.
D. Penman addressed hint in a few
well chosen words. On behalf of the
Sunday 'School of which he has been
superintenc en+ for 14 years, ha was
presented with the following: a floor
lamp, two -burner hot plate, toaster,
and a magazine rack. A silver Col-
lection was taken at the door amount-
ing to $27,
Charles Stewart Honorou
(Bl SIMIlier eori'espordettl
Londesboro United Chur h held its
annual Christmas Tree and Concert
in the' School Room of the church
Monday evening, December 23, with
a full attendance. A splendid pro-
gramme was -arranged by the mem-
bers of the Sunday School, consist-
ing of readi ngs, recitations, dialogues,
carol singing, selections by the Sun-
day School orchestra and sacred
Christmas numbers that we.e very
mach enjoyed by all present. Rea.
A D. Penman very ably acted as
chairman for the occasion.
At the close of the programme,
Charles Stewart, who has been super-
intendent for the past 14 years, and
who has res'gned because of moving
to Clinton, was called to the plat-
form and highly commended by Mr.
Panman for his faithful a'i 1 efficient
services as superintendent Mr. 1'en
man alio voiced the feeling of regret
heldlby all present on account of Mr.
Stewart's removal from the vicinity.
He then read an address, signed by
Ilarny Snell •io'tl Jack Tamb'yn whicn
was in part, as follows:
"We, the officers and teachers and
members of the Sunday Sch'ol, wish
to let you know how deeply we ap-
preciate your services as Superintend -
end of the Sunday School for the
past 14 years.. It has not always
been easy for you to be in your place,
especially when the roads were bad
in winter, yet you were seldom 'ab-
sent, You have always been cheer-
ful, although there has been times
when you must have been discourag-
ed; we are sorry that it is impossible
for you to' be with us any longer.
We wish you God's blessing hi which-
ever' church you may attend, and we
hope you may continue hi Sunday
School work."
The gifts, a handsome electric floor
Mrs. Grace Harpole and Miss' Anne
Tate spent Sunday in London.,
Mrs. A. Simpson spent the Christ-
mas vacation with relatives in
.Miss Violet McClymont and Miss
Mary M'eAsh spent •Christmas day
with 'Mrs. Fred McClymont, Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love and
Nancy, Cairo Mich., spent the holiday
with relatives in Kippen and Hensall.
Mr. and Mas. J. E. McEwan spent
Christmas with the Misses Lillian
and Edith McEwan.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dick, Mr. and •Mrs.
Stuart Dick spent the Christmas holi-
day witFt relatives in London.
Russell Blackwell, London, visited
on the Parr Line over the Christmas
Harry Tate, Jerry Tate, Miss Jean
Kipp, London, were Christmas guests
with the former's sister, Miss Anne
Mr. and Mrs. John doldan and
Pat, spent Christmas with Dr. and
Mrs. J. A. Spellman and family,
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Anderton,
Winghaam, Mr. and .Mrs. M. Greer,
London, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. James W, Bonthron.
Named to School Board
James McAllister, of the Parr Line
was appointed by 'Hay Council to
Exeter High ,School Area Board.
Shot Red Fax
Joseph Flynn, Hensel! barber,
while out shooting on Friday in Joe
Ferguson's' bush, east of Hensall, shot
a red fox, the size of a 'small dog.
• Sick Remembered
Sick and shut-in residents of Flen-
sall enjoyed a real treat during the
Christmas •season when Miss Greta
Laramie and eight girls visited them
and sang Christmas carols. They
were also treated to gifts of fruit,
candy, etc.
Boy Injured
Billy Fink, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Fink, of Hensall, while swinging
from a pipe in his father's tin shop,
had the misfortune to slip and fall
a distance of six feet, landing on his
head on the floor and suffering a
slight concussion. He was attended
by Dr. J. C. Goddard.
David and Billy Noakes, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, are
confined',to their home with scarlet
Honored on Anniversary
Neighbours and friends gathered
at the home of Howard Atkins oT
the Parr Line, to honor Mr..and Mrs.
Wilfred Weido, on the occasion of
' their wedding anniversary, and to
present them with a lovely gift. The
event was much enjoyed by all.
Miss Loretta Bell, Westminster
Hospital, London, has returned after
spending a week with her mother,
Mrs. W. Hyde, and sister, 'Mrs, Jack
Grant Stirling spent Christmas
with his wife in London.
Jack Wallis spent •Sunday with his
cousin, Fred Wallis, •and Mrs'. Wallis.
•Mr. A. L. Thompson, Kitchener,
spent the Christmas holidisyys with his
wife and daughter Anne.
MT, and 'Mrs. Don •McKenzie .and
family were Christmas guests of Mr.
and .1Vars. 'Sherlock Keys, Varma. •
Miss' Wanda Cluff •spent the Christ-
mas holidays at the parental home,
Bayfield Line.
Mrs. Fred Wallies and ihildren spent
the Clnistpias holidays with Mr. and
MTs. Arbliwr Welsh.
Mr, and Mrs, E. Williams, .Goderieh,
spent, Christmas with the former's
sister„ Mrs. John Torrance.
Miss Doreen 'McGuire spent four
days in London as a delegate of the
Junior Institute of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGuire were
with the latter's parents, Mr. ' and
Mrs, T. Jefferee, Goderieh.
Mr,'. and Mrs. James R. Stirling
•spent the 'Christmas . holiday with
their daughter, Mrs. Lewis. Bailey,
Aanherstburg. '
Mrs. Matilda Battles, an old resi-
dent of Goderieh Township, but now
of Goderieh, is we are sorry to say
in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis and
family and Walter Wallis, spent
Christmas with Mr. and ,Mrs. Dave
Bean Colborne.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Stirling, Tor-
onto, are spending the New Year
Christmas Services
Christmas services in St. Paul's
Anglican Church were held Sunday
morning, Dee. 22. Rev. A. M. Hunt
delivered a splendid messagein
keeping with the occasion. The choir
with 'Mrs. F. Forrest at the organ
consol, sang for their number,
"Beautiful Message"; solo parts taken
by Lois Henderson and Jean Lavend-
er. Holly Communion was administ-
ered in a special Christmas service
Christmas morning.
Present Cantata
The choir of Hensel] United Church
presented their cantata, "The Nativ-
ity of Christ" in the Evangelical
Church, Zurich, Friday evening, Dec.
27. The church was well filled, and
the proceeds gratifying. Rev. R. A.expressed a vote of thanks for the
Brook opened the service and the hospitality of the Zurich ladies for
Scripture lesson was read by Rev. their kindness. Rev. Sanderson sec-
t Sanderson. Rev. Heckendorn spoke. ended the motion. The choir was
Delicious refreshments were served under the direction of Sam Fannie.
by the ladies of the church, Miss Miss Greta Lammie was at the organ
Gladys Luker, president of the choir, consol.
(Intended for last week)
A. Happy and Prosperous New
Year to all.
We are sorry to report the illness
of Mrs. Reg.' Sturdy in Goderioh
,Mrs. Wilmer Harrison and baby
daughter have retired home from
Clinton Hospital.
Mi. and, Mrs. Reed Torrance and
family spent December 26 in Kippen
with ,Mr. and Miss l;vison.
111 in Hospital
Friends at Porter's Hill are very
sorry to hear of the serious illness
of Mrs. Thomas Betties' in Goderieh
Hospital. We wish for her a com-
Congratulations to Bessie Young
and Harold Black who were married
Christmas Day by Rev. F. G. S,totes-
butyl ak Hayfield.
holicla)yn with the former's parents•-
Mr.:awl Mrs. James R. Stirling.
Mrs. ]toward Cox who has been•
under the doctor's one for the past
three weeks is not improving as well
as her friends would like to see .her.
Mn. and Mrs, Farland B'ettles were
called home owing tothe illness of
his mother, Mrs. T. Betties, and are
spending the holiday with his broth-
er, ARM Betties,
Mr, and liars', Bent lloyes had as
their guests on Christmas: Mr, and:
Mrs. Ed. Reyes, Brueefieid• Mr. and
MTs, Frank Fowler and children; Mr..
and Mrs: W. Reid and Mona and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Johnson.
Here from the West
Mr, and Mrs. John Burch, Elfras,-
Sask., spent Christmas With 1VIr, aud:
Mrs. H. J. Thompson. Mrs. Burch is
a sister of Mrs. Thompson, and the
sisters had not seen each other for:
30 years. Ma'. and Mrs. Burch plan
to ,spend the winter visiting -relatives -
in Ontario.
The ,S.S. No. 4 Community.Club
held their meeting at the hoe of
Mrs, Wilfred BagelsDuring the
afternoon ,the ladies quilted.
It was decided to hold a concert on:
February 14, each member to be re-
sponsible for a number on the pro-
gramme. The ;fee is to be 50 cents.
a family.
Mrs. Hebden was appointed helper-
elperto Mrs. Churchill on the quilt com-
mittee. The .hostess served delicious.
refreshments. The next meeting is
to be held at the home of Mrs..
Charles Williams,:
Of Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Wear
Smart little fur trimmed
Coats in a wide range of
colors. Sizes 0 to 16 years.
Regular $11.95 for
Regular $18.95 for
Every Snow Suit in this
store is reduced in this
Big Sale! Plain or two-
tone Melton or Blanket
Cloth . for real warmth ;
many have hats to match.
Sizes 4 to 14 years.
I Regular $9.75 to $12.95
7.75 TO 9.95
Millinery Sale
Every hat in our Millinery
Department most be sold.
All this seasons.
25 Per Cent,
Regu23.95 to 27.50 FOR 17.20 to 22.00
Regular 12.95 to 14.95 FOR 10.35 to 11.95
BOYS' WINTER BREECHES -Sizes 6 to 16 years -
Regular 3.50 to 5.25 FOR 2.80 to 3.95
BOYS' PARKA COATS. -Sizes 12 to 18 only -
Regular 9.75 to 18.05 Reduced 20 Per Cent
BOYS' MACKINAIW COATS --Regular: 1195 FOR • 9.80
MEN'S and BOYS' SKI CAPS --Regular to 1.85 FOR 98c
BOYS' SNOW SUITS -All styles Reduced 20 Per Cent
YS' COAT AND LEGGING SETS Reduced 20 Per Cent -
Tremendous Reductions
on ladies' Coats
and Dresses
Tuxedo, belted, fitted or slip-on• styles, in Blue,
Cocoa, Grey, Aqua, Wine, Brown, Green, Black
and Fuscia, trimmed with Persian, Fox, Squirrel
and Mouton.
All Reduced At Least 25 Per Cent.
Reg. 35.00 for 26.25
Reg. 45.00 for 33.75
Reg. 50.00 for 38.50
Reg. to 69"0, 52:50
Short, three-quarter or
long sleeve style, in new
'Winter Dresses of Wool.
Gabardine,. Crepe or Spun
materials, in all the popu-
lar shades and styles.
Reg. 7.95 to 22.50
Men's Overcoat Sale
45 Smart New Coats, all this season's latest, in Slip-on and Raglans,
in Tweeds, Fleeces, ;Velours, Barrymores and Elysian. Size range
from 35 to 46. Colors are Brown, Oxford, Blue, Grey and, Tweed.
Reg. 24.50 for 19.50
Reg. 29.50 for 23.50
Reg. 35.00 for 28.00
Reg. 45.00 for 36.00
28 only, this season's smart Tweed
Suits, in fleck patterns or popular
herringbones. Colors are Sand, Brown
and Grey. Sizes 35 to 42 in the lot.
Reg. 29.50 for 23.50
Reg. to 35.00 for . 28.00
Reg. 37.50 (2 pants)
' for 29.50
Special Values In Men's Department
Stewart Rros.