HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-19, Page 7-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 MINTON NEWS-10avORD • PAGE SEVEN HURON COUNTY OISCUSS CHEMURGY ON FARM RADIO FORUMS IN COUNTY • The following es a summary of the ;finainge seat to the Onterio Farm Radio Foram Oafice following the broadcast of December 9. •The eub- . ject of the ineetiog was 'What Alboue Chemurgy." Boron reports from 20 forums, new- ne,f-aanglecl, hard-toepronounce Chem- urgy didn't faze Farm FOX= people one little bit. "Best broadcaet of the season" remarked one group. Meet Forams reported interestiog and in- •efoomative diseuasions. Not that rural Ontario pla.ns on , terming its •potato atop into motor fuels rext season or to lant suit - flowers where previously have been, clover ;fields. Rural folks WC wait- ing, eager and alert but definitely unwilling to give up tested crops and familiar praatices for speculative erops. Fortnns see three serious obstaoles: Will the price ofieeted for soy beazes or other "industnial crops" make it worthwhile giving up the growing of hogs and tbe production of milk? Iso't et possible the sale of -these cash crape will deplete the fer- tility of the land? 57 groups ask this important question and meet of them oafer convincing atop/ that cash -.crops have already robbed their fields of fertility. In the third place farm- ers want to see a dependable Mar. lay market before they start feeding their eull potatoes to a factory in- stead of to the pigs, But any enterprising manufacturer who can give an answer to these dif- afieulties will find &armors eager to co-cipexate. Sunflower growing is loc.ked on as a promising venture, ninny groups, wish there was a geed inarket for buckwheat, something .ehould be do'ne with chicken feathers claims 11 groups. What about all the green tomatoes left in the fields after the frost strikes wonders 29 groups. "Now if someone would die- -a -over an industrial use for weeds we'd be all set," is the claim of about 50 • • • •INIV+.1.114,14, • • 1 wish to thank my • customers for their pat- ronage during the past year and wish them the Compliments of • ,k Your Blue Coal Dealer the Season. James E. Johnston k Phone 485W 1 Iststurspaanouseaftwoormalikeess ARMERS' OWN NEWSY P VARNA HENSALL LONDON ROAD Charles (Reid, ,Soitais, spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. M. Reid, and other relatives in the village. Varna TJnited Church its holding its annual Oheistmas Tree and Con- eert on Friday evenitig, Deeember 20, at eight o'clock. - Stanley Council Meets December !meeting of the Stanley Township Council was held in the Orange Hall on Monday for the con- venience of the ratepayers to pay their taxes. . St. John'a W. A. Meets The W.A. of St. John's .Anglican March, was held at the home of Mrs. M. G. Beatty: and Miss Mossop last Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was opened by reading a passage eLe Scrip. tura andethe member's Ptherer h Unl'' S011. The secretary's"report was given by Mrs. M. Elliott. The treasurer's report was given by Miss E. Mossop showing a very successful year's work. The total receipts for the yea, amounted to $95.64. After meeting all their missionary obligations, there was 'still a substantial • balance on hand, pa of which was voted to the budget. Besides this, there was a bale ,of new and second-hand clothing sent to the Dorcas Rooms in London, for .distribution, valued at $30. All the old Oilcan were re-eleeted: presi- dent, Mrs. M. Reid; secretary, Mrs. M. Elliott; treasurer, Miss E. Mossop. Mr, and Mrs. W. Elliott, Seaforta, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. William Hart. groups, The most "popular" weeds are chiekery, ox -eye daisy and wild. earrot Ontario farmers, of course, have raised amps for years that have gone to factories for processing. 'limber, 'wool, malting barley, rape seed, .cern for cereals, cropsfor canning fac- tories all belong in this class and all are mentioned by the Forums. What about waste products? For- ums were asked. To whiea many groups promptly countered; "what waste produets are you talking about!" There's nothing wasted on Ontario farms. It seems everything either goes to market or goes back on the land to increase the fertility. HURON ROAD EAST Attended Funeral Mr, and liars. Noble Hollard And Mr. and Mrs. William Holland at- tended the funeral of Clarence Whit- ely, Sandusky, Mich., on Menden December 16. Mr. Whitely was a son of the late Noble Whitely and Jane Walker, Marlette, Mich., and was born in Tuckersmith Township, 66 years ago, going to Michigan with his parents when a small boy. Sur- viving are hiswife, formerly Mary Moore, one son Bud, and one daugh- ter Betty, also a sister, Mrs. Wildman Moore, Flint, Mich., and a brother Percy, Redonda Beach, Calif. The late 1VIr. Whitely was a cousin of Noble Holland, also of Harry W. Charlesworth, Clinton. Wishing A Very Merry Christmas and A Bright and Prosperous New Year to all W. M. Aiken and Son HARNESS - LEATHER GOODS - WORK CLOTHING - FOOTWEAR 51-b • Crushes Hie Hand Fred Peters, an employee of Fink's Tin Shop, Hensel], is 'confined to his home suffering a badly smashed hand.. He was aseisting with the in- stallation of an oil furnace at the liomeof' George Gram, Hemeall. He was teleing a barrel of oil into a cel- lar when the 'skids came out from [underneath the barrel, crushing his hand between the barrel end the wall. A. nonnbet of stitehes were required. Dr. J. C. Goddard 'attended him, The Senior Auxiliary of Henson Women's Missionary Society met in Carmel Presbyterian Cburcle, Mrs. H. Workman presided. Life IVIembership Certificates were presented to Mrs. W. R. Davidson and Mrs, 3. A. Pater- son, by Mrs. R. Y. Maclearen and Mrs. G. Walker on behalf of the society, 1A1 pie, The Ninety and Nine," was sung by Mrs. James A. 'Paterson. Mrs. B. Eavrarcis (presented the 1947 slate of officers, who were 'inetalled by the Minister, Rev. le A. Ferguson, as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. II. Arnold; president, Mrs. H. Workman; vice- presidents, Mr. R. Y. MacLaren, MTE. J. • Dallas; secretary, Miss Violet Hyde; treasurer, Mrs. Aa D. 1VIcEeiran, supply secretary, Miss M. Reid; wel- come and welfare, Mrs. . W. Bonbh- ron; glad tidings, Mrs. J. Hazelmeodt -literary and library, Mrs. G. Walker; home helpers, Was. 0, S. Ikuhsoni students, Mrs. J. Paterson; pianist, Mrs. M. Dougall, aseistont, ;Miss M. Reid; Mission Band leader, MTS. A. P. Ferguson, assistant, Mrs. Mae - Laren. Heiman W. I. •The Christmas meeting of Hensall Women's Iostitute was held at the hornof Mrs. W. Dinnip, with the president, Mrs. Kerslake, in charge. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Roy MacLaten. The motto, "Joy fills our inmost hearts today, the Royal Child is born," was fluently discussed by Mrs. Scherk. Appropriate to the Christmas season were the lighted tree and effective Christmas emb- lems, Miss Florence Welsh contribut- ed a pleasing scam "The Gift." The roll call was answered by the donation of many gifts a games and toys for the children's hosfatal, London. At the •business period it was decided that the collection taken up at this meeting be forwarded to the Heedless Foundation Fund. Mrs. A. Shirray was appointed to select a speaker Vtabetion•MOIssokterntiNcErtsoMIVAS0.0 Art4 AUBURN IIIIVINIII1742;0110514:1=i•CR.1.2197198061.11¢161itAllai• Carol Service The annual carol service will be held in the Baptist Church on Sun- day, December 22, at 7.30 p.m. Observe Boxing Day Boxing Day. will be observed here n Auburn. This was decided at a meeting of the Village Council re- ently. Injured at Flesherton Edward East, who has hen assist - ng in cutting logs at Fleshertont had he misfortune to .have hie leg injured nd will be laid up for some time. Died in Seaforth Word has been received of the oath of a former restdent, ayfrg, ames Howatt, who passed away in etteorth Hospital on Monday. Tho uneral will be held from the home 1 her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Chesney, eaforth, on Thrirsday. Interment ill be in Ball's Cemetery, W. M. S. Meets Mrs, W. I'. Robison gave her home or the Christmas meeting of the .M.S. of Knox PresbYterian Charah. re. Herb. Govier presided. The fleeting opened with the Tidings rayer read in unison. The Scripture as read responsidely. The sderetary- reasurer, Mrs. Ross, gave the finan- ial report which showed the allocaa on for the year had been thached. he guest speaker was Rev. Robert Itfacconnell who gave a Christmas alk. The roll call was responded to by he word "Joy." The meeting closed ith the Lord's Prayer in unison. The ostess served refreshments. Annual Christmas Concert The Baptist Sunday School held its nnual Christmas concert in the Sun- ny school room on Saturday after - con. .Rev. C. C. Anderson was eairinan for the following program: eading, Grant Raithby; Christenas arole by the Pilot class; solo, George aithby, Jo.'mouth orgae number, lathe Johnston; reading, 'Willie Mc_ all; duet, Donna Haggitt and Har- d .Raithby; solo, Jerry Vesterfelt; ano inetrarnental, Evelyn Raithby; orus, True Blue class; solo, Allan aithby; piano solo, Christiee Cun- glutna olo, Donna Haggitt; chorus, ble clam aanta appeared and dis- ibutecl gifts Siam 01. ladened • Lunch was served. Christmas Concert The Auburn gublic School held s annual Christame concert in the resters Hall on Tuesday evening, e',.•Robert Macconnell was chatiman ✓ the following ;program: opening arta by the school; welcome ad- ess by Elizabeth Grange; dialogue. the juniors; Rhythm Band num- ✓ by the seniors; chores by the niers.; duet, Lloyd McOlindhey and hemie Seers; dialogue "Benson's at Room"; dialogue by "juniors, s, • Coming"; reading, Johnnie ers; -chorus by the school; Rbytam aricl ntunber by junior operatha. rs. R Wender! of Clinton, 1%18k acher for the •school was the ace mpanist for the evening. Great edit is due the teaehee, Mr. Ellis ttle and Mrs. Wendorf for the Ieiidid program. Santa appeared at e Close of the anagram aancl (Hs- bwl gifts f I'0117 welleladenecl ea, R. Y. P. IT. Meets The B YP al held its Christmas as on Sunday evening. The se• ting was in charge of Bob Wil - a and Mrs, R. J. Phillips. Bob ilson conducted the meeting and a. Phillips preeidect at the piano.number of carols were sung fol - wed by the theme eong "'Love Lift - Me!' Prayer was offered by Ma mes Raithby. A chorea was sung O group of boae, A solo was land- ed by Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Miss able Jelmstme Piano iitstrumentals re rendered by Eerelyn RaithbY and Haggitt. Bill Craig gave a lin solo, accompanied by Miss Da tag, Miss Amelia MeIlwain • con- buted A reading, A violin cluet as rendered by Jaok Ladd and Stew - t Toll. A trio by Mr. and Mesa ilfred Vesterfelt add Miss Mae note. The Seripture was read- by • George Rebertson, The Melia - as meseage was ably giveo by Mrs. , T. Robison, Mr. George Raithby 4140 elbsiog prayer. ' a .T ti a 0 el ol Pi 11 ch in Bi tr ID it fo ch dr by be ju Jo Re Se 13 16 te co ex Li sp th tri SO MI A lo ,15 ed by er El we nna Do vio 00 tri ar W Re gave FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEWTEA FARE AND A HALF Christmas and New Year's: Good going: Friday, Dec. 20 to Wednesday, Jan. 1 inclusive. Retire Leaving destination not later Shan Midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 7. FARE AND A THIRD Christmas: Going Monday, Dec. 23 to Wednesday, Dec. 25 inclusive. Ileturn Limit: Leaving destination not later thaa Midnight, Thursday, Dec. 26, 1946. New Year's: Going Monday, Dec. 30 to Wednesday, Jan. 1, inclusive. Retura Limit: Leaving destination not later than Midnight, Thursday, January, 2, 1947. Tickets wit/ complete information from any Agent. TO SAVE YO6 ORO' you are worrying about rnenagetnent of property, planning the dispoation of your estate, the buildieg or purchase of a home, or similer problems, perhaps we 0011 relieve you of some of your worries and belp you decide some of the perplexing points about your future mans. Weeder a complete trust service, some phase -of 'whichmay be a,real help to you May ,'IV8 diSCA1SS your problems with you? No obligation, of course, . THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION eaterling Tower', Toronto 1 45 yaws in atiebenes , London Road Club ateets Members of the London Road Club held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Milton Wiltse. The meeting opened by seizing "Silent alight," followed by the repeating of the Olab Creed. The Aoll was answered by 11 =et- hers seal three visitors by a gift for the •N'ertheen box. Reperte of the vavious committees were given. A. 4onation of $10 was made to the Sick Children's Hospital, laectiow•of officers was conducted by Mrs. Walter Swinbank with the following result: President, Mrs'. Roy Plumsteel; vice-president, Mrs. 3. Clegg; secretary, Mrs. W. R Mon- aghan; treasurer, Mrs. Anderson; buying committee convener, Mrs, , scia1 committe convener. Mrs. H. Phanneteel; prese ecretaier, Mee. IL Pluensteel; pianists, Mrs. Ben.. nett, Mrs. Manning; flower convener, Mose Manning. , The meeting closed with the Mizpah Beoerliction. The hostess served a lovely lunch, for the Zurich Women's Institute for' theie February meeting. Members and guests planned to forward a shower of Chrietmas gteetings to a' former prominent Institute worker, Mrs. R. J. Motive of Streetsville, Ont. It VMS decided to grant a $2 donation to aid in the work of dm Guides and Brownies local projects. Rev. Sander- son, guest speaker, delivered an ex- cellent address entitled, "The Immor- tality of Kiedneess." Carol singing under the direction of Miss Greta Laminie, with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano was anenjoyable fen. tura The January meeting is schedul- ed th take place at the home of Mrs, E. Geiger. Mrs. R. J. Cameron, co - hostess, roil call, "some cooking error from which I have learned a lesson." Mrs. It H. Middleton will present a talk on "Frozen Foods." Mrs.. Munn will be in ehaxge of a skit Mrs. F. Beer will give a recipe using whole wheat none Luncheon was served. PORTER'S HILL A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Editor, Stale, and xead- ers! Hydro Installed Hydro has been installed in the home ,of ivrr, and Mrs, Mather. Port- er's 1E11, and in Earl Cox' buildings on the Cut Line. Couple Honored A reception was heat in lalitehell Monday evening last week, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ivisen Torrance. Metey treely gifts were received. • Congratulationel .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pickard who were married Wed- nesday; also to Mr; and Mrs. Howard McCullough,- who were married re- cently. This new couple are residing on the groom's farm, Gut Line. , W. A. Meets The annual meeting of the 'W. A, was he14 at the home of Mrs. John Torrance Thursday afternoon with la present. The election of oeficersprov- ed an acclamation. The financial re. port, -read by Eleanor Cox, ?flowed a splendid year with a marked increase of funds on hand. The day Was (a- ceptionallyawet and conseecently 11.04 so many were present. Plans for the coming year were left over to the January meeting whit& will be held at tbe home of Mrs. Les, Cox. A. dainty lunch was seeved by the hasten. ' CAN ADA'S ORIGLI4At. AROMA:0C otve. IOBACCO liarailearewaseelee ,a6.1211111613 You've dreamed of owning the finest in Sterling Silver. Make your dreams a reality with International, Cana- da's Finest, with its timeless beauty — end out of income, too. Allow us fo show -you masterpieces by craftsmen. Prelude, Enchantress or Pine Tree, each Individually emphasizes rich. ness of beauty and quality. t , 40 eiag TREZ ePIIELUDE E Ton zT L9:1 Single place settings in International Sterling make it possible for you to acquire charm in your table settings, inexpensively for they're priced as low:as $18.75 for 6 pieces. IlZIt0l4ATO..1.444 SILVER CO, CI, Counter MERRY CHR@STMAS A. GLA STONE GRIGG —COAL— * —WOOD -1- #5 0 —CEMENT— Phones: Office 74w, Res. 74j Clinton Ifik;17 11.0 E.% '04.-YBODY We Wish To Thank Our Friends For Theirl Fine Co-operation During The Past Year] SEASON'S GREETING TO YOU AND YOURS ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 Quality Meats CLINTON For Body and Fender Repairin SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1.4 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. . Cross Body Shp lRattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartlifes Bakeshop PHONE 594 CALL Clinton 114 ebta to TO OUR CUSTOMERS: A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We Will Be Closed Christmas and Boxing Days December 25-26 SA UEL RID S NS (Successors to J. A. Petrie) SAFETY MILEAG FERTORMANCE VALUE --swaramillancov4., Drive in and let us take care of your emergency tire needs. Order now for future delivery. J PHONE 345 ,Calalanws5=7/21,211MailttlitOLIBSIEL-12IIII Clinton X.14.)WdEmmurASTAME117 STE FEEL Feed is Scarce — Dont Feed it to Worms Many Hogs are worm infested These hogs do poorly —waste feed —cost money SHUR-GAIN Hog Wormrid gets the worms —quickly • —completely —cheaply Worm your hogs after weaning with Shur -Gain Hog Wormrid and SAVE FEED CLINTON FEED MILL • YOUR SHTJRGAIN FEED SERVICE PIIONE 580 CLINTON