Clinton News-Record, 1946-12-19, Page 6CLINTON NEWS -RECORD
TI'tURSDti!, DEconsEa 19, 194ez
Interesting Items From NewsawRecord s Rural Corres
'Miss Milvena ,Sturgeon, London
was hone over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston spent
Sunday with friends in Anich,
,Oharles Guest spent several days
last week visiting relatives in Tor-
Mrs. L. G. Bassett left last week to
visit her sister, ;Mrs. George Davison,
Prof. A, TOrrens and Prof. H. IS.
Kalbfleisch, London, were in the vil-
lage, on 1Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton and
baby visited Mrs. Midleton's mother,
Mrs, N. W. Woods, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Johnston left
on Tuesday to spend Christmas with
the latter's sister, Mrs. G. Hobnail,.
in London.
Miss Eivonne DenibY, London, spent
the -weekend with her sister, Miss
'Mane Denby at the home of .11Ir.sand
Mrs:. Lloyd Makin. ' •
and Mrs. Merton Merner re-
turned from their honeymoon trip last
Friday and at present are residing
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter M. Westlake.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Sullivan, Detroit,
(Mich., spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. W. 3. ‘McLeod. On their
return, they were aceomp.anied by
Mrs. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. W. J.
McLeod, Sr., who will spend some
tine with her daughters in Detroit.
Rad Windstorm
The °windstorm hit Hayfield last
Thursday evening and knocked a few
limbs of trees off, interrupting both
telephone and hydro serviee. The
worst break occurred on Bayfield
Terrace, where one of the large
, spruce trees on Mrs. N. W. Woods'
corner lot, was blown over onto the
hydro pole, smashing the top off the
pole and the transformer It was early
Saturday afternoon before repairs
there :were completed.
Successful Concert
There was a large attendance at
the Public School concert held in the
Town Hall on December 11, 3, H.
Parker acted as chairman, The pro-
gram opened with the singing of "A
White Christmas" and a number of
carols led by S.. Rennie, the music
teacher. This was. followed by an
operetta: "Molly be Jolly" by the
Junior Room, Those taking leading
parts were: Doreen 1VlacKenzie, Patsy
Scotehmer, G-1-ert Sturgeon, Donald
Warner, Bob Brandon, Billy Parker,
and Bob Parker, while the remainder
helped with the chorus. The Sdnior
room put on the operetta: "What's
the M.atter with Sally." Principle
parts, were taken by 13arbars, Brand-
on, Betty Heard, ,Gloria. Westlake,
Gerald Sturgeon, Ethel Blair, .Evelyn
Bell, and Donna Sturgeon, while the
rest of the pupils joined in the chorus,
There was a Cluistnras tree and
Leslie Elliott played the role of
Santa Clans well.
WINGRAM—james Haggitt, Myth,
who pleaded guilty' to a theft charge
when he appeared before Magistrate
3. W. Morley in magistrate's court
here, was remanded in eustodY in
Coderich jail until next Monday. The
alleged theft occurred in Blyth a
few days ago.
Joy to the
A. very real wash for ;
real friends —our loyal
customers. May 1947
bring you joy and hap- k
piness and make your N
every wish come true. '
• • •
J. J. Finch and Son
IVIr. and IVIrs, Stewart Middleton
spent several days last week visiting
friends in Detroit, Mich.
'Miss Helen Welsh, -who has resign-
ed •her position in the Royal Bank,
London, is visiting at her, home on
the Bayfield Line.
• Epidemic of Mumps
The concert of No. 9 School will
not be held owing to an epidemic of
mumps in the section.
' S. S. No. 11 Concert
SS. No. 11 will hold its annual
Clnistmas entertainment on Monday
evening, Dec, 23, at eight o'clock.
Christmas Concert
The pipits of SR. No. 10, Goelerich
Township, entertained a large crowd
of parents and friends on 'Monday
evening when they put on their an-
imal Christmas concert. Great credit
is due to both the teacher, Miss Olive
Johnson and pupils, for a very en-
joyable evening.
Bride -elect Honoree
A, very pleasing eveningwas spent
at the home of Mr, and IVIrs. Herbert
Oakes, when friends and .neighbors
of the 16th and 'Maitland Concessions,
gathered to honor their daughter,
Isabel, in honor of her approaching
marriage. An address was read by
Irvine Tebbutt, and a , combination
table and magazine rack were pre-
sented by James Lobb and Jack Mer-
rill, The evening was spent in games
and delioious refreshments were
Farm Forum on "Health"
The .S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum was
held Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MeCartney.
This was review night and one of
the most important questions up for
discussion was "Health." It was un-
animously decided that everyone
ought to be loyal to and support the
Christmas Seal Campaign in the fight
of Thberrulosis. Walter Forbes had
charge of the reoeation which con-
sisted of a contest and games. The
ladies served lunch. The next meet-
ing will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Lobb on Monday,
January 6. The recreation will be in
charge of Bill Lobb and Rollin
Bride -elect Honoted
The neighbors and, friends of Miss
Irene Vodden met in schoolhouse No.
11, on Thursday evening last, to
honor her prior to her marriage to
George McCall. The evening was
spent in social chat and dancing.
Music was aloly provided by Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver Welsh and James Mur-
ray, with Bob Glen as floor manager.
An appropriate address of congratu-
lation was read by Bert Wise with
Mrs. John Perdue making the pre-
sentation, The address was, in part,
as follows:
"Since you have chosen the begin-
ning of winter to set up your new
home, we have decided on a gift to
fit the season—a pair of blankets.
We hope that their warmth will help
to recall to you the warmth of the
wishes of the community for your
health, wealth, and hamainess all
tin -oust your future life.
• C. ‘.•
There is not always enough ice 'cream to
go around these days.
Be sure to see your dealer early for
your holiday supply of delicious Borden's
Ice Cream.
Borden's Ice Cream Division and your
Borden Ice Cream Dealer join in wish-
ing you a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
.c.I*100......Jce Cream,.
Mr. and MTS. 'Wilbert Tolinson, who
have spent the summer at Deer
Lodge, have retained to their home
in Hohnesville.
The monthly nieeting of the WIVLS
was held at the home of 1VIrs. E.
Trewarbha with Mrs. P. Mulholland
as devotional leader. All joieed in
singing a Christmas hymn after
whioh Mrs. J. Harris offered prayer.
The secretary read the minutes of the
last meeting and the roll call.
Mrs.- N. Heard rendered a loyely
Whistling solo,. A Olnistian Steward-
ship story was read by MTS. B. Tn.
ha.usiness period Was conducted
by the retiring president, Mrs. W.
Yeo who thanked all for their co-
operation during the year. Another
Christmas hymn was sung. Mrs.
Walters read a missionary story
Misses Molly Finlay and Beta Yeo
favoured with a duet accompanied by
Mrs. Norman. Mrs. Mulholland then
read an interesting article entitled
"The Girl who was born on Christ-
mas Day." After singing hymn 298,
MTS. Tavener closed the meeting with
prayer. Rev. G. P. Tavener then pre-
sided for the election •of officers
which resulted as fellows: President,
Nfrs. P. Mulholland; ist viceepresi-
dent, 1VIrs. C. P. Tavener; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. E. Grigg; 3rd vice-
president, IVIrs, E. Potter; 4th vice -
p si en , Mrs. W. Norman; seen..
tarY, Mrs. W. Yee; treasurer, Mrs.
E. Potter; literary seeretaty, Mrs. E.
Trewartha; press secretaey, 1VIrs. C.
Wilson; Christian Stewardship, IVIrs.
Walters; temperance secretary, Mrs.
C. Freeman; pianist, Mrs, W. Nor-
man; assistants, Misses Rota 'Fee and
Molly Finlay; flower Convener, Mrs.
W. Norman; superintendent Mission
Bands, IVIrs. C. P. Tavener.
The meeting of the W.A. followed
with Mrs. A. Bond in charge. Hymn
308 was sung after which the Lord"
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
secretary, Mrs. P. Palmer, read the
minutes of the last meeting and roll
call, also a letter from Mrs. W. Fin-
lay for flowers 'and cards sent during
her illness. Mrs. W. Norman read a
report of the flower committee pie -
Dared by Mrs. MaeMath, Mrs. C. P.
Tavener moved is vote of thanks to
the presidents of the two societies.
The officers for 1947 so as fol-
lows, all receiving re-eleetion: Presi-
dent, Mrs, A. Bond; lst vice-president
we. F. Mulholland; 2nd vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. N, Heard; secretary, Mrs.
P. Palmer; treasurer, Mee. Walters;
flower conveuer. Mrs. MaeMath; buy-
ing committee, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. J.
Potter, Mrs, A.. Bond, Miss S. Acheson
and Mrs. W. Finlay,
Rev, C. P. Timelier then closed the
meeting with prayer. More Christ-
mas cards were disposed of. There
are several boxes still on hand. Host-
esses for thp tiny were Mrs. E. Tres
wartha, Mrs. P. Mulholland and Mrs
E. Potter,
Ladies' Club Meets
Sinninerhill LadiesClub met Dee.
10, at the home of IVIrs. W. Pen -
found. The meeting openecl by re-
peating the Lord's Prayer in unison.
The minutes of the last meeting -were
read and approved. Seventeen mem-
bers and one visitor answered the roll
call. The treasueer's report was giv-
en. The programme consisted of a
reading by Mrs. Grodon Neal.
The next meeting will be held Jane
nary 8, at the home of Mrs. Orval
Rapson.The roll call is te be answer-
ed by each member showing the snap-
shot of themselves taken at the earl-
iest stage of their lives. Mrs. R.
Neal, Mrs, C1 Farquhar, MISS Dorothy
Bleke and Mrs. E. Blake will be re-
sponsible for the programme at this
meeting. The hostesses will be Mrs.
Jenkins, Mrs. johnston, Mrs. Mason,
and Mrs. 0. Rapson.
MT. and Mrs. john Vincent, God -
evict:, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Vin-
cent on Sunday.
Miss Lawday Young left on Tuesday
to spend Christmas with her niece,
1VIiss Edith Brown, ,Brantforu.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkeonnell
and family, Auburn, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Fadden.
Mr. and Ms, Capling, Kitchener,
spent the weekend with their son -in-
lay and daughter, Mr.- and Mrs. Clare
Mr. and Mrs, Coopak and family,
Clinton, visited with the latter's par.ents, •Mr. and IVIrs. Thomas Fair.
service, on SundaY.
The Mission Band await and
bazaar held Friday evening was a
suctess, proceeds fax Missions
amounted to $20. '
Bretke Collar Bone
Gail Manning had the misfortune
of.breaking her collar -bone on Satur-
day. We wish Gail a speedy recovery.
Discontinue Red Cross '
At number of ladies met in the
basement of the church on Monday
afternoon to decide whether to con-
tinue or disband with the Red Cross.
Moved by 1VIrs. George Moon and
seconded by Mrs, E. Wood that we
White Gift Seryie
The White Gift Service was held
; in the United Church oil Sunday
lmorning with a good attendance.
There was a Sunday School choir and
a •Christmas exercise was given by
six little girls. The Christmas story
was given by Mrs. L. McNeil, Rev.
A. D. Ponman's subject was: "If
Jesus Had Not Come."
The Primary department gave
their gifts of toys and books to be
sent to the Salvation Army in London
and the older classes offering amount-
ed to over $49, to be used for the
European Relief Fund and Cheer for
13ritain. Fund.
Mission Circle Meets
The Aimwell Mission Cirele held
Plans are being made fax a soial
evening to be held by the Y.P.U. of
Ihmeefield 'United Church on Monday,
December 30.
6 To Sing Carols
The Young People of the commun-
ity expect to go out singing Christ-
mas Carols on Christmas Eve. Any
one -wishing to go along will be wel-
Returns Front London
Little Phyllis McCowan has return-
ed from Landon where she has beim
receiving medical treatment. Her con-
dition is somewhat improved and it
is hoped that she soon will be strong
Christmas Concert Success
The Christmas Tree and Concert at
SS. No, 10, Tuesday evening, was
a decided suceess in every way. /doh
credit is due the teacher, Miss Edith
MeOlenaghan, Sam Rennie, the music
teacher, and the pupils took their
parts exceptionally well.
Brueefield W. A.
The annual meeting of the W. A,
of the United church was held in the
basement of the church, Following
the devotional perio.1 a lovely solo
was Wing by Mrs. George Henderson
with Mrs. IVIeBeath at the piano. The
main business of the afternoon was
the election of officers. Mrs. A
Zapfe and Mrs. W. MeIleath moved
a vote of thanks to the Home Help-
ers for their aid .and donations wIneh
were given to the group leaders. The
groups raised a total of 8734.35 and
it is thought that more will he given
yet. The amounts raised, according
to groups, are as follows: Group 1,
Mrs. Rohner, $248.18; Group 2, Mrs.
Ross Scott, $235.31; Group 3, Mrs.
A. Zapfe, $250.86,
Will be received up to
JANUARY 8, 1,947
for 75 Cords Body Wood, halt' Maple and half Beech
12" long
For Further Particulars Apply To
George L. Reid, Secretary,
Stanley Township School Area
0 0 •
Full Assortment of
their regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday evening, Dec, 10, at the
home of Mrs. Charles Vodden with
quite a large attendance. The presi-
dent, Mrs. john Pipe, presiding, The
meeting opened with quiet Inusie of
Christmas carols. The president then
read a Christmas, poem, folloWed by
singing hyTert "0 Little Town of
Bethlehem,' Alice Fingland read the
Scripture followed by prayer by 1VIrs.
The minntes of the last.. meeting
were then read and the roll ean. The
bueiness was then disused, :followed
by singing Silent Night, Holy,
Night." The study book was then
given by a number of girls in the
form of a ,Christenas story and the
lighting of Christmas =dies. Mrs.
Allen Shaddiek then gave a prayer,
followed by singing hymn "Joy to
the World," after which the meeting
closed by all repeating the IVIlzpah
Benediction. The hostess then served
W. Mt, S. Meets
Women's Missionary Sopiety met
the basement of the church on Thurs-
day afternoon, Dec. 12, with the presi-
dent, 'Mrs. Robert Townsend, Preoid-
mg. After the opening hymn, the.
Magnifiest was read responsively.
Mrs. Flossie Jamieson aeted as sore -
tarp in the absence of Mrs. Fangrad,..
i The report of the nominating com-
mittee was read. A splendid Temp-
erance paper was given by Mrs. L.
Webster, and a letter written, to the.
W.M.S. from Mrs, W. }resit, of Lloyd--
minster, Alta., -was read by Mrs. R.
Townsend, followed -kr prayer by
Mrs. „Penman. After' the roll call,
,Ilirs, Will Marinfirg, leader of Group-,
' No. 3, ' took charge of the meeting..
Scripture was read by Mrs. T. Adams.
A Christmas Candlelight Service,
was given by eight women eepresent-
ing hiclia and Canada: Mrs. W. Man-
ning, 'MTS. E'. Wood, Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook and Mrs. A. °lark, taking the
first part. A Christmas hymn was
sung, Mrs. R. Caldwell, Mrs, A. Shad --
dick, Mrs, T. Adonis and Miss P.
Jamieson gave the second part. The
offering was taken and a Christmas
carol -was sung and NIrs,, W, Lyozx.
elesed the meging with prayer.
A Cook for the County Home
at Clinton, Ont.
SALARY: $85.00 per month, board and lodging provided.
For information please contact
Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Matron at the Home
51-b Clerk, County of Huron
Will be received to December 23, by
the Trustee Board of S. S. No. 9, Stanley
and Hay for 20 single cords of body wood,
beech or maple, 14" long., State price
delivered or at the bush.
Sec. Treas., R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont.
on dates and as shown hereunder
Dec. 25—Train No. 36 will leave Coderieh 4.40 P.M. instead of
2.35 P.M„ Clinton 5.08 P.M., Stratford 6.35 P.M. Ar. Toronto
10.00 P.M. instead of 8.00 P.M.
Dec. 25—Train No. 604 will leave Clinton 5.15 P.M. instead of
3.10 P.M. Ar. London 7.30 P.M instead of 5.25 P.M.
Consult Agents for complete train information.
Municipal Elections
Monday, Dec. 30 Monday, Jan. 6
1946 1947
Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination
of Candidates for the positions of Reeve, Councillors and
School Trustees (three to be elected) for the
ensuing term, will be held in
Watson's Hall, Kippen
Between the hours of 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
if necessary, an election to fill the aboye named positions,
' or any of them, will be held en
at the following places, and by inc following named person,
•that is to say, in
At Frank Kennedy's liousz---11. Chesney, D.R.O., JJ. Finnegan, P.C.
At No. 8 School—Roy McGeoch, D.R.O., Edward Brown, P.C.
At No. 4 School—Roy Brown, D.R.O., Frank Walters, P.C.
At No. 3 School—J. McIntosh, D.R.O., Norris Sillery, P.C.
At. No, 1 Sol:GM—M, Traquair, D.R.O., Glenn Bell, P.C.
At No. 9 Seitool—W, S. 13roadfoot, BRO.. bran Forsyth, P.C.
P, CHESNEY, Returning Officer5,