Clinton News-Record, 1946-12-19, Page 5rfillteRSIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1946 CLINTON NEWS-REORD News -Record Classified CASH RATE—(Lf paid by Wednes- a day following date of insertion)—One , !sent a word first insertion. (minimum •fee) cents); subsegeent insertions, eaeh (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents extra or box number or for directing to NEWS-IeECORD Office. F,011 SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, APPIY • Box "T", NEWS -RECORD. 50-514 EIARROTS FOR SALE—.beehel lots, Per bushel. Robert W. OA, phone ••906r24. 50-51-524-2-p CHOICE SILVER AND PLATINUM Fox Scarves, priced $30-$100. Apply Noble Holland, Phone Clinton 617r22..• . . 43-49-50-514 HUDSON SDAL COAT -- splendid ;condition, size 24-20 (18-18), Phone 128.1.• 51-p iimors TUBE SKATES with white boots, size 5. May be seen at T. R. Tlionepsen's groeery store, 51-p ' PAM OF G•IRL'S SKATES and boots Mee 4, just like new, OCitlf tube *atm. Price $4.50. Apply Bor. "C" bthleVS-RECORD. 61-p AftPS SHEEPSEUsT-LINED Leather jeeket, size 44. Apply Mrs, C. B. Anderson, Maple St. 61-p CABBAGE --.Good Solid Heads—e1.15 per bushel. ' Large quantity $20 per to or $10 per eh ton. Apply George 'Hopson, 4th concession, Goderich "Township, phone 903r25. 5142-b POR SALE --- BY CLINTON RED 'Oroes—two sewing machines, one a New Williams and one a White, Bub 210. Contact Mrs, W. II, Robinson, 'phone 12. 61epi ACCOMMODATION WANTED -- "POUReROOIVIED APARTMENT, dn- .:furnished, for permanent residents. Apply Box "TP, NEWS -RECORD. 50-tfbpp .,00()D 100 ACRE FARM, good on main mad, near town Or village. Apply Box "H", NEWS- ' RECORD. 00-51-p LIVESTOCIC 'FOR SALE FAIErVEN CHOICE Y01KS11112i Pigs, six weeks old. Apply Charles Stewart, R.R. 4, Clinton, sthone .805r12. 61-b THREE rEavrAtu RANCH:FUMED Mink for breeding purpoites, Apply James East, KR. 4, Clinton. 51-n PROPERTY FOR SALE 'HOUSE — CONTAINING Turtrz enpartinents, two of them Tented and one vacant and available for immed- iaM occupation. ,A1PPly Lorne J. Brown, phone 178, Clinton. 50-teb TEACHERS WANTED 'TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 1, Tiullett, duties to commence JanuarY 5, 1947. State salary, and qualificas tions. Apply Bore Trwin. secretary - treasurer, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 51-524 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- YEARLING ,ITEREFORD heifer. Anyone knowing whereabouts please notify Proctor Palmer, phone 9011,31. .49btfb LOST — BLUE TICK HOUND -- last seen near Hayfield. Has torn left eye and answers to name of Paddy. Phone Gordon Gilbert 90422, Clinton, or write Itert. 2, Bayfield. 51-b . 'WANTED TO HUY WA.NTE1) CHILD'S SKATES and she, size 1, Apply T. R. Thompson. 51-p WANTED OLD AND DISABLE/1) HORSES wanted for mink feed, Phone Gordon Otulmoin 907r12 or Elmer Trick 007r5. 41.-lateb OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight, Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 936e21 or Fred Gilbert, 986r82, Goderieh. 48btfb BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS or profitable side line. Raise Chinchillas for their valuable .eftir. Bach pair meets exacting standards of Inc quality, as judged by independent experts. Warranted to produce. Little area required for pens. Light, clean work. Write Inc facts. Srpringbank Chinchillas, 706 Little Grey St., Lon. don, Ontario, or call Jack Morgan, Clinton, phone 216. 49-50-51-52-b AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or ecu secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a prefitable busi- ness of your own, For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watldns ConaPanY, Dept. 0-0.16, 2177 Masson St., Monereal, Que. 49-50-51-524 MISCELLANEOUS ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write Fe Erowey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton, ' 28-tfb FLEECE LINB YOUR HOME with blown Rockwool insulation Saves fuel, fire proof, For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave', London. 86-87-38-39-40-41.41-43-44-p Ili Es lg. ntrax.) ceenugsees time Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. 36-88-40-42-94-48-49-51-2p F EE PICTURE Sil Notice to Creditors Ill the Estate of Sohn Valentine Diehl, late ofthe Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Geutle- , man, Deceased. All persons having, claims against he Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate on or before the 23rd day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1945, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DA.TBI) at Clinton, this 4th day of December, A.D. 1946. , FINGLAND, LO., Clinton, Ont. Soliciter for the said Estate 49-50-51-b MONSTER CHRISTMAS Sponsored by Cliuton Fire Dept, D Friday, ec,. 2 PROCEEDS TO PURCHASE NEW UNIFORMS Town Hall CLINTON Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. L. IiiviTusic Bf VIELD and His Nine -Piece Orchestra Novelty Dancing . Hats - Etc. ADMISSION: 50 cents 48-49-50-51-b rtHEURVait,TFO 11/1 PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE COMPLIMENTS of the SEASON TI KIRBY SIGNS Phone 589R — Princess St. Clinton For all Public School Children in Clinton and Community Roxy Theatre, Clinton MONDAY, DEC. 23 Two Showings, at 1.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. Sponsored by I3oys' and Girls' Committee CLINTON LIONS CLUB 51.-13 ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO SPEND IN JUDGMENT It is not the will of the Lord that any should perish but that all should come to a saving knowledge a Christ. "leCtre WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OP THE LORD SHALL DE SAVED," Rom. 1013 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. unto STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Oh! Doesn't the Wind Blow Cold? No doubt you, too, have heard this saying before, but it isn't just idle gos- sip. .We have already had :few- icy blasts and there. re plenty more to come before the flowers bloom again. Be wise. conic in and be outfitted with the latest in overcoat faeltieita. Christmas Suggestions Socks, ties, smoking jackets, bath robee, Hat Certificates, sweaters, how* slippers, handkekehiefe, toiletries, table dative phtee at FM" house dresses, etc. • 1 Though we Lave NO suurrs and NO NYLONS we do hare an" abtutdance of good wishes to .yon for a. Very Merry Cirrisnias and a Prospero= and `Happy New Tear. Pickett and Campbell , QUALITY CLOTHING AN1D FOOTWEAR Phone 25 „Clinton 51-i Christmas Greetings from FOWLER BROS. PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 MeEtran's Clinton 1 PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done k French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - ,Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE ,Specialists in Cornice ' Work and Decorative Plastering BEAUTY SHOPF'E Sharnpoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Priecess St. Bast., Phone 585 59-tf Batkins Locker Storage Per Box FRESH FROZEN in heavy eyrno STRAWBERRIES ,, 40c mix.su snoznil RASPBERRIEIS 40c P11E811 FROZEN PEAS 30c FRESH FROZEN CORN FRESH FROZEN BROCCOLI eW. Buy Hides" Frozen Foods ant Better Foods 30c 33c Adiets BIRTHS GDAIG—In ,Olinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 13, 1946, to ,tlY10111%, a and Mrs, Gordon Craig, Clin- TIAINSTOCIC Clinton Public. Hospital, on Tuesday, December 17, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Albert • Hainstoog, R.& 5, Clinton, a daugh- ter, (Lee Mon). OHNST ON—In Glititon Public Hos- pital, on, Wednesday, December 18, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent aolanTton, Clinton, a daughter. • 1VIALONE—In Clinton Public Hos- vital, on Monday, December 16, 1946, to ,C,p1, and Mrs. John Malone, (ilinton, a son. ' SANDERSON -- In Olinuort Public Hospital, on Saturday, December 14, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Esadiwildenr, Clinton, a son, (Ronald Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, December 16, 1946, to Mr. and 1VIrs. Allen Shad- cdihcalcr,ieLos) mlesboro, a son, (Richard TREWARTHA — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, December 14, 1946, to Mr, RTICI 1VIrs. Norman Trewartha, Ra. 8, Clinton, a daughter, (Margaret Elaine). VOTH--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday,•Deeember 12, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. August Voth, Hon - sail, a son, (James Robert). MARRIAGES MeCALL-VODDEN--At the home of the bride's parents, Orange Sto Clinton, at high noon, Saturday, December 14, 1946, by Rev. Andrew Lane, Frances Irene daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Vodden, to George Alexander McCall, son of William MeC'all and the late Mrs. McCall, Walton. NICHOLSON-NEVINS — At the Presbyterian Manse, Clinton, by Rev, D. J. tane, on Saturday. December 14, 1946, Lillian Nevins, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nevins, Auburn, to Ross Nicholson, son of 111r. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, Seaforth, DEATHS CRITTENDEN — At his home on Monday, December 16, 1946, William James Crittenden, in his 75110 year. Funeral service front his late resi- dence, King's Highway No, 4, Stanley Township, Thursday af- ternoon, December 19, to Burns CoineterY, Hullett Township. HOWA.TT—In Scott lVfeenorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Monday, Decem- ber TA 1946, Margaret Isabel Blphinstone, widow of James D. Howatt. Funeral from the resi- dence of her son-in-law, Hugh M. • Chesney, lot 9, concession 4, Tuck- ersmith Township, Thursday aftel- noon, December 19, to Ball's ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing — Jennifer Jones as "CLUNY BROWN" MON, TUBS, WED. 'Breakfast in Hollywood' Come join in the • laughs, see ,dreanis come true 'and a young .romance bloom in this popular radio program — Tom Beertemart, Bonita Granyille and Eddie Ityan THUR., FRI., SAT.• Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo and Vera -Ellen — Earadom's eannyman MIS new heights in his aewest leughterpicee. Holdiay hilarity for mane and old --- (In Teclinicolor) "The Kid from Brooklyn, &ming—Anna Sewell's much -loved - story -- "BLACK 13EAUTY" CAPITAL THEATRE G 0 13 E It 1 C 11 Now Playing --Walt Disney's "PINOCCHIO" MON., TUES., WED. ' Dorothy Me,Guite, Robert Young and Maey .A.stor —Presenting the aeopealing sequel to the most pop- ular romantie story ever screened. "CLAUDIA and DAVID" THUR., FRT., SAT. In Teehnimlor Samuel Goldwyn presents DANNY KAYE . "The Kid from Brooldyn" with Virginia Mayo, Vera -Ellen and the Geletwyn Girls. It's alive with laughter and loveliness and vete it the best show you've seen in ages! Coming -- "ANNA AND THE, KING OF SIAM" REGENT THEATRE SEAF0 R T 11 Now Playing—Elia Raines in "THE RUNAROUND" MON, TUgS., WED. The MARX Brothers, with Lois Collier. •Mile -a -minute nonsense and a laugh to every foot as the boys go cliplomantic. "A Night in Casablanca" THUR„ FRT., SAT. Bob Hope, Joan Caulfield and Patric Knewles, Booth Tarkington's time-honoured comedy becomes a Technicolor funfest wtth Hope as the Barber "Monsieur Beaucaire" Coming—"DO YOU LOVE MR?" A Musital Hit! • THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THE ABOVE THEA.TRES WISH THEIR 11/ANY PATRONS A. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Cernetery, Auburn, MALONE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, December 16, 1945, infant son of ord. and Km. John Malone.. IRVINE—At her residence, 121 Ilow- land Ave., Toronto, Tuesday, Dee, 17: 1946, Elizabeth Irvine, late missionary, Shanghai, China, and native of Belgrave. Interment 03lyth, Thursday, December 19 at 12.45 p.m. SMIILLIE--At 677 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto: on Dee. 17. 1946, Rev. Benjamin Smillie, late of Resat - Pura, Mhow, Central ;milli, beloved husbanil of Annie Wentyes Galletly. Funeral from Hensall United Chureh to Hensell Union Cemetery, Thursday, Dee, 10. Barrett Cleaners 143 'Downie St. Stratford, Ontario Garments left at our office are picked up Monday, delivered Thursday. M. CRICK agent, Barber Shop, CLINTON Satisfaction guaranteed Try us 'CALLING ALL GIRLS! EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A NEW TRADE Clinton Knitting Compa Apply To Superintendent—Clinton etaniezemeee-eri 51-b Bylaw No. 16 for 1946 FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OP CLINTON A 13Y -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE SUPPORT AND MD OF A BAND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to provide aid Inc a Civilian Band. NOW THEREF'0•RE The Municipal Conecil of the Town of Clinton enacts as follows: 1. The Council of the Town of Clinton may make annual or other grants for the support and aid of a civilian band or bands of music, 2, The Council shall, by means of taxation, from year to year, establieh and maintain a fund from which such grants shall be made. 3. That this BY-LAW shall oolnk into force and effect on and .front the passing thereof. First reading November 4411. 1946. Second readipg November 41h. 1946, TAKE NOTICE that the above is it copy of a proposed By -Law of the Oorporateon of the Town of Clinton to be submitted to the Votes of the Eleetors on the (ith, day of January, A.D. 1947, between the hours of- 9.00 o'clock in the foreneon and 5,00 o'cloek hi the after- noon, at the following Plecee, Ward •Voting Place ST. A'NDIZEWS Council Chamber, Town Hall ST. JAMES' Bert. Glidden's Laundry ST JOHN'S E. Munro's Barber Shop ST, GEORGE'SR. Jervis Feed Store ' AND TITAIC if the conseat of the electors is obtained to the proposed 13y -Law, it will be take» into eonsideration by the Council of the mid Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held etc& the expiration of one month from the date of the first Publication of this Notice, AND THAT suet, first publication was made on the 12th, day of December, A.D. 1046. AND THAT the Mayor will attend at the Office of the Toevn Clerk at 1 o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th. day of December. A.D. 1046, for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the Polling Plates and at the final summing up of the Votes by the Town Clerk, .m. 31. CORLESS, Clerk and Treastmet, Town of Clinton. 50-51-52-b BringYour Tire Troubles To Us 24-HOUR SERVICE Harry Davies Tire and Battery warrE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Victoria St. Phone 460 •Clinton FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS New Goods Arrived This Week HAWKINS HARDWARE PROCE AEON Mdp Elledions TOWN OF CLINTON Nominations MONDAY, DEC. 30 1946 ERections MONDAY, JAN. 6 1947 N f ICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions ol Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Coinntissioner, and members of the Public School Board, for the ensuing term, will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday, Dece her 30, 1946 Between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and a Public Meeting of Electors and citizens will be held in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock in the evening, December 80, 1946. end if necessary, an election to fill the above nsmed Positions° or any of them, will be held on Monday, January 6 1947 ni the following plums, and by the following nettled persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREWS ',WARD At the Town Hall—E. L. Mitten, Deputy Returning Officer ST. JAMES' WARD At 13, Glidden's Shop, Vitoria St.—R. B. Fitzsimons, Deputy R. 0. ST. JOHN'S WARD At Ed. Munre's Barber Shop—W. Wallis, Deputy Returning Officer ST. GEORGE'S WARD At R. L. Jervis' Office, Albert St.—Chas. Manning., Deputy R. 0. Commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock hi the afternoon and the remits will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 7th day of January, 1947 a 12 o'clock noon M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Returning Officer 60-51-52-b wasseterre. altmecer..e. Greetia9s ineval anal 41615 THANKS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING 19461 HUGH PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470