HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-12, Page 8X TOMATO JUICE .1. PRIDE OF NIAGARA (Fancy Quality) 2 tins 23c 1/2 Case - 12 tins $1.39 f+, 1 Case - 24 tins $2.70 4: Quicv Quaker OATS 23c Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR. . 19e, 39e Nature's Best 28 oz. tin TOMATOES 18c OLIVES . 35c, 39; 49c, 55c, 65c Maxwell House COFFEE 1 lb. 45e y Aylmer TOMATO SOUP .. 2 for 21c 1. • / Free Delivery MIXED NUTS lb. 450 4. Old South Orange & 20 oz. tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 21c Vita -Nip 20 oz. tin ORANGE JUICE 190 Allen's 20 oz. tin APPLE JUICE 14c Holly Hill 20 oz. tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 17c V-8 20 oz. tin VEGETABLE JUICE „ 17c NAVEL ORANGES. PRONE XMA.$ NUTS 344's 288's 252's 220's 176's 2 8 6 WALNUTS % lb. 30c 27c 39c 47c 55c 69c For PECANS lb. 30c Doz. Doz. Doz. Doz. Doz. --71-1144417647,66444e4.16666.tweweet.t.40.tee.tee.4,e,440.1.A44...leab .1 PAGE EIGHT OLINTON. NEWSeRECORD CHURCH CROWDED FOR FINAL RALLY OF FINE CAVALCADE Wesley -Willis United Church was crowded to eapacity on Thursday evening last far the final rally Of the. Crusaders' Cavaleade which had been meeting in the church Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. The service wase in charge of Rev. Stanley H. Brenton, Ethel, the Christian Educa- tion Convener of Huron Presbytery, .assisted by Rev. R. Gordon Ilazle- wood, the acting chairman of Presby- tery. Mrs. Morgan Agnew presided at the organ. Chief speaker for the evening was Dr, Robert B. McClure, a eturned missionary from China who served in that country, especially along the Burma Road, during the war. Dr. AVIeClure is a very forceful and .dynamic speaker and held his aud- ience as few speakers Could have done. His .sense of humour was ona of the most notioable ehdeueter- istics used during the evening. Dr. McClure in his remarks chal- lenged the church to wake up. He said that it was high time that those Who are thinking Christians should get busy and do something and not do so much talking. The church of today is Sound asleep he said, and un- less it soon wakes up there will not be a church for us to worry about. He lamented the fact that our Protest- ant religion was divided into so many sections and wondered if the ,people Extra Effort Requested In Red Shield Activity' The regular meeting of the R. S. W, A. was held on Tuesday, December 10, Parcels for Holland were Paelced. Among the items of business was the reading of the following letter to Mrri. N. W. Trewartha: "For more than seven years the women -of the R.S.W.A. have worked conscientiously and consistently and achieved a fine record of service. We now approach the closing out of this work. So far as overseas shipments are concerned, it is unlikely that large shipments will be undertaken after December 31. We are, therefore, soliciting your .services to make a very special and extra effort to use up all material and use all cash avail- able in the purchase .of materials., in their own communities could not get busy and display a more united effort. Like some of the other speakers, he felt that youth ought to be given more place. in the life and worldng of the church. He said unless we get youth to work now we cannot hope to have them early on the church in the years that lie ahead. Dr. McClure closed his remarks by challenging the church to face the facts as they exist and to get busy and do something about it rather than so much talk. The gathering was brought to a close with Rev. S. H. Brenton, pronouncing the benediction. :OEMOKMAVAVAKMOKIMM:0 FOR DAD Leather Billfolds 2.50 up to 6.50 Leather Travelling Cases 10.00 and 10.50 Pen and Pencil Sets 5.06 to 26.45 BOOKS: PRIDE'S FANCY by Thos. H. Raddall. A novel packed with dramatic action and romantic adventure, told by Canada's master of hist- oric fiction $2.75 THE SALEM FRIGATE by John Jennings.' Every voyage aboard this ship was fraught with danger, excitement and adventure, 3.00 FOR DAD when he has his game club in for a night' we have a large Game Table. As many as eight can sit around it. When not in use it can be folded and put in a small corner' -14.00 41,•••••"1141WIWINPONNNI••••••••"0441,11,••••••••••• HULLETT TO'VVNSIIIP Christmas Concert The teacher, Mrs. Beryl Reid, and pupils, at S.S. Na. 11, Millet; are having their annual .0hristmas con- cert, including a play, put on by the section, on Friday evening, Dec. 20. Everyone is welcome, o DASHWOOD-Tuffield AYotte, 66, well known Hay Township farmer, died at his residence after g four- month illness. He was born in Drys- dale and had resided in Sandusky, Mich., for 34 years. Intenment was in St. Peter's Cemetery, Drysdale, Dec. 12. clothing and supplies that we can ship overseas before closing date. "Will you please arrange to have all work from your group shipped not later than December 10„ so that we can have overseas shipments finalized by December 20th. We are most anxious to make our last ship- ments overseas as large as we pos- sibly can. "We shall, of course, be writing you again insofar as the finishing up is concerned, expressingin a very definite way our appreciation to all those who have so nobly stood with us and contributed to the success of this great work." Yours Sincerely,, (Signed) --FLORENCE E. DRAY, (Mrs. Lt. Culonel) The next meeting will take the form of a pot -luck supper. FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE Falcon Candid Cameras, with case $5,.50 Carlton Candid Cameras, without case $6.25 Flash Lights ... $1.25, 1.70, 2.95 Photograph Albums 65c up to 7.00 Perfume Bottle on Tray ... 1.00 and 1.25 BOOKS: SUE BARTON by Helen Dore Boylston, senior nurse $2.35 MAN FROM GLENGARRY by Ralph Connor 1.25 BRIGHT PATHS TO ADVENTURE by Gordon Sinclair 1.25 The Montgomery Series -- Anne of the Island, Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, The Golden Road, etc. 149 FOR MOTHER Gift 'Stationery, beautifully boxed. Floral boxes, 11/2 quire of deckled edged paper with envelopes, 1.00 Floraltone-1 quire of floral paper with envelopes 1.00 Chaldean Vellum -a sniff box with 4 quire of paper and envelopes to match 2.75 Our price on stationery range irom 65c to 4.00 DINNERSETS 66 pieces priced at 21.75 and 27.00 These are beautiful sets that mother could use every day BOOKS: B.F.'S DAUGHTER by J. P. Marquand. The noted author of The Late George Apley, So Little Time, etc., tells the story of Polly Fulton who has beauty, brains, wealth and love - almost everything 2.75 MY LADY OF CLEVES by Margaret Campbell Barnes.. This is the rich and racy story of England's bluebeard King Henry VIII and his fourth and most extraordinary wife, Anne of Cleves 3.50 McEWAN'S AeleA-PM-WAVAMit -,0aoponoxononomoommoRolonotz , Johnson's Quality Groceries Be Thrifty' - Buy By the Case STOKELY'S 1 case -48 tins Tomato Soup $4.49 CLARK'S 1 Case -48 tins Mushroom Soup $4.98 CLARK'S 1 Case -48 tins I Asparagus Soup $4.98 ti We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We (Hier What We Have at Very Low Prices BROWN'S (One door north of the Royal Bank) oemmaammema, • OBITUARY MRS. JOHN II.d.RynY There passed away in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on .Sunday, December 1, 1946, Mary An Miller, beloved wife of the late John Harvey. Death came after several years of painful suffer- ing which she bore with great pa- tience and cheerfulness. Mrs. Harvey was born in Mullett Townehip, being a daughter of the late Robert Miller and Mary Ann Chia. She spent her entire life in Hulled exeept for the last year when she lived in Clinton. In 1890 she married John Harvey, who predeceased her in 1945. Sur- viving are one son, Norman, Milton; and two daughters, (Edith) 1VIrs. Wen. Lovett, Londesboan; and Mabel at home; also dx grandchildren and one great grandchild. She also is survived by one sister'„Mrs. E. J. McBrien, ,Clinton; and two brothers, R. J. Miller, Stratford, and W. E. Miller, Detroit. CLINTON W. I. Clinton Women's Institute will hold its Christmae meeting on Thursday, December 19. Christmas Carole will be ding and ,Rev. W. J. Woolfrey will bring a Christmas message. All ladies are invited to this meeting which will be at 2.30 p.m, in the Board Room of the Agricultural Office. The ladies are asked to note the change in date of the meeting, The funeral ' was iheld from her late residence, Albert Ste Clinton, on Tuesday; December 3, conducted by Rev. D J. Lane, minister of Clinton Presbyterian Church. Pallbeaters were •six nephews: Garnet, Eldred and ,Secord MeBrien, Frederick, Ogle .and Russell Miller. The lovely' floral tributes which showed the high esteem in which the deceased was held were carried by Ross and Murray Lovett, Ivan Clar- ridge, Harvey Hayter, Elmer John Adams. Interment was in Clin- ton Cemetery. Christmas Gifts for Men We have a good selection of Pipes, Lighters, Tobacco Pouches, Wallets, Cigarette Cases, etc. Come in, and browse around. • -We May Have The Gift You Need- CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY ProprietorH. 12 RARTIjEY, 49-b Christmas Shoppers See our selection of Christmas Gifts which include: RADIOS LAMPS RECORD PLAYERS OF ALL TYPES HEATERS HOT PLATES FLASHLIGHTS RADIO LAMPS, etc. Don't miss any of the Christmas music. Have your radio put in shape now. 30 -day guarantee on all replaced parts rt• MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC 'Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing King St. Clinton T Dominion Royal Now In Stock EXPERT MECHANICAL REPAIRS Get your car in shape Don't Delay! It Won't Pay! "WINTERIZE NOW!" Chains pair $9.05 Defrosters each $4.20 Batteries from $8 up Lorne J. Brown cExpert Mechanical Repairs PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service Lake Shore Prune NECTAR bit. 29c Kemico Sunel FOAM tin 19c Nature's Best tin TOMATOES 18c Lady Lois Pitted DATES pkg. 33c CNIPJf V8 Veg. Cocktail JUICE tin 17c Kwik Liquid btl. STARCH ..... 33c Arrow PEAS ... 2 tins 29c Cut Mixed Assorted FRUITS 1/2 lb 25c WHEN AVAIDA03,LE GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TOMATOES CELERY RADISHES BEANS LETTUCE CARROTS B. C. DELICIOUS 125's APPLES doz.47c CALIFORNIA EMPEROR GRAPES lb.25c TURNIPS CABBAGE PARSNIPS SPINACH Sweet Potatoes MUSHROOMS SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON remmorgaitemoviemmowmave• This Christmas Give Electrical Gifts There's nothing that will please a wama-n more than electrical equipment for her home. There are many things to ehoose from, so why not come dawn and I them over now? NEW APPLIBTCES ARRIVING DAILY ‘° CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP Exclusive Westinghouse Dealers 76.6 AtA5.16:0ft5AV.4165Xtgft5iagA.:5A5WXta FINE CAROL SERVICE GODERICH-A Christmas carol service, presented by about 600 pub- lic school children, attracted an aud- ience Which filled the auditorium of Knox Presbyterian Church. Under the direction of Mrs. J. G. ale,Dougall, music instructor, the children sang several carols. THURSDAY, DE.CE1/11313 2 194Cie Watkins' Service Station will be open SUNDAY DECEMBER 15 „SUMO° GAS AND OIL GUTTA PERICHA, THIES PREST - 0 - LITE BATTERIES Huron St. Clinton •50-b[ LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY Diamoad Budded lb. Fancy lb. WALNUTS 59e MIXED NUTS 45C Ib. ih. FILBERTS 37c ALMONDS ......... ............ 37c Cut lb, Eatmore lb,. MIXED FRUITS 49c CRANBERRIES ... 59c Oyler . jar WHITE lb. Cranberry SAUCE 35c FIGS 29e FRESH CHRISTMAS. Pink I for ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT ....„,25c Full Range of Sizes York 2' tins Harvest, Mixed 2 tins TOMATO JUICE 23c Peas and Carrots 29c GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES 5 CAKES 25c Lobb's Quality Grocery FREE DELIVERY PHONE' 40 For llim E E DRESSING GOWNS Braces per pair $1. Belts $1. to $2.50 Ties $1. to $2.50 Men's Hose 40c to $1.50 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, White 3tor Si. Tie and Collar Pins, Currie special . SCARVES. WHITEWOOL $1.95, $2.25, $2.50 RAYON $1.50 to $2.25 WHITE SILK $1.50 to $2.95 Davis & Herman '4;ValVecAVAFAVAIRWMUMMitiaWOWAVO‘raWaWaliVAIIMP4 , \ X "'kW ••• vms ALUMINUM ROASTERS Each $2.25 COFFEE MAKERS Each $5.95 Sheffield STEAK KNIVES 1/2 doz. $3.75 Sheffield DINNER KNIVES 1/2 doz. $6.40 ELECTRie IRONS• $4.25 to $1150 CAKE SAVERS Each $1.40 CARVING SETS stag handle, per Set $3.25 iiiiiIIii t Hardware T Sutter -- Perdue • Phone 147 k ":2AVAVA5littgAMOA5A5A5A5A0.145WWA5MMOSVSk5A1t,