HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-12, Page 7sij;. DEMMER, 12, 1346 CLINTON NEWS-Rhot)-RD HURON COUNTY FARM ININPIOW're foritim Health Spat Murray's, Foot Corrector Shoe11.50 Protect your feet by wearing this shoe which isespecially_ designed -for foot comfort. FOR. ALL THE FAMILY— SLIPPERS What ‘Vould make a more appropriate gift for mother, brother, sister, aunt or uncle? Plenty of styles to choose from,—especially for women and children. . SEE THIS FINE SELECTION TODAY PRICED. FROM 75c to $450 PER PAIR Thomas Churchill Reliable Footwear TENDERS Will be received to December 23, by the Trustee Board of S. S. No. 9, Stanley and Hay for 20 single cords of body wood, beech or maple, 14" long. State price delivered or at the bush. ERWIN GINGERICH, Sec. Treas., R.R, 2, Zurich, Ont. 50-51-b *terAl a TU LL,C6161 6 -for long distance took All through the holiday season telephone operators will be on duty and all Long Distance lines M service to handle the thousands of extra calls we know will be made. •Most of these calls will be completed promptly. Occasionally, however, there will be some delays. if your Christmas call is one of those which cannot be put through immediately, you may be sure we'll do ever3,thing possible to keep delays to a minimum. TIM HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA HARNESS RACES DUFFERIN PARK TORONTO 1:80 P.M. SAT., MON. and WED. Dec. 14, 16 and 18 'ADMISSION (INCL1JD1NG TAX) 69e LADIES FREE TOP NOTCH RESTAURANT 50-b 1 NEWSY PAGE VARNA tozeimmso Mr. and Mrs, W. Elliott attended the funeral of the late Mrs, -Morrison Walton. Mrs, Broacifoot and son James were guests of their cousin, 1VIrs M. G. Beatty, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington have moved into their new home, formerly owned by the late Thomas Dennison. Mr. and Mrs. Webber of 'Osborne were guests at the home of MT. and MTS. OPril Webber and family Sun- day. Mrs. Cell -Ennio Reid moved to Brucefield last week and has rented the home formerly ,owneci by the late Mrs. 1VIcKenzie, Mrs. E. 'Stnith, who has been resident of Varna for the past 25 years, has gone to London to live with her daughter Mrs. F. Grieves and infant son of ,Seaforth, have returned to their home after spending ,some tine with She lady's parents, Mr. .and 1VIrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reicl and daughter, Miss Mona, attended last week the wedding of Edith Merline, eldest daughter of De. Harry and Mrs. Reid, Toronto. - We are pleased to report Mrs. Wil- fred Chutor, who has been confined to her bed, is up and around, much improved. LOL 1035, Varna, held their an- nual meeting and election of officers Thursday evening., December 5. The election and installation was con- ducted by Past County Master J. B. Rathwell, which resulted aS follows: IBM, Watson Webster; W3�, Russell Consitt; :DM, Lorne ‘Coleman; Chap- lain, Charles C. Pilgrim; RS, Robert Taylor; FS, Ralph Turner; treasurer, John Ostrom; D of C, Murray Helmer; FS, Frank SMith; Seo -L., Lloyd Johnston; IG, Thomas Stinson; OG, Charles F. Pilgrim; First Com., G. .Clark, Cfarl. Diehl, Harvey Colo: man, Thoinas Sthison. After the closing of lodge, lunch was served and a social hour spent by the members. The December meeting- of Varna United Church W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Anson Colexnan. Miss Heim had charge of the meet- ing and the program from the monthly was followed. "G Little Town of Bethlehem" was sung. Miss Hem read the Scripture lesson from Isa. 9, and offered prayer. A. candle service was used and the ladies each lit a candle and read about work in India. "It came upon the Midnight clear" was then sung. Four women, repre- senting. ,Canadian women's work, each lit a candle and read a piece. A prayer was offered -and "The First Nowell" was -sung. The offering was then taken and a dedication verse read. Election of officers resulted as fol- lows; Presidenit Mrs. Lee McConnell; let vice, Mrs, W. Johnston; 2nd vice, Mrs. A. McConnell; 3rd vice, Mrs. S. Keys; rec. sec., Mrs. Fred Reid; treas., Was, George Reid; corr, sec., Mr.s. Wet. Weibtser; associate help- ers, Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs. B. Rath - well; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. B. Keys; Ch. Stewardship, Mrs, Anson Cole- man; Baby Band, Mary MeClymont, Mrs. Bob. Taylor; Temp, .Sec., Was. W. Stephenson; Supply Sec., Mrs. W. Stephenson; Press Sec., Mrs. Fred Reid;- Com. Pr. Sec., IVIrs- McClymont, Mrs. B. Keys, Mrs. Bruce McClin- chey; organists, ,Rachel Johnston, Mrs. Wat. Webster. Meeting closed by all repeating the 1Vlizpah .Miss Rachel Johnston returned home froze a two weeks visit with •elatives in Toronto, Oshawa and Wellington and also attended the Royal Winter Fair. 01101111010 HURON ROAD EAST Farm Forum Meets The Huron Road -School Section No. 1 Farm Forum held their meet. ing at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glazier. . Discussion for the evening was "What is Chemurgy." Tvvo very in- teresting contests were enjoyed by all. Lunch was served by the hostess. The next meetingis to- be held at the home of IVIr. and Mrs. William Holland with everyone welcome. Happy Workers' Club The December meeting -of -the Happy Workers' Club was held art the home of Mrs. Albert Glazier. The meeting opened by singing "It came upon a 'Midnight Clear." The Lord's Prayer was repeated, in unis:an. The treasurer's and secretary's reports :were given. The roll call was answered by What you want for Christmas. The lucky ticket was won by Mrs. Cliff Glazier. The officers for the following year were elected -as follows: President, Mrs. Noble Rolland; viee-president, Mrs. Fred Pepper; Secretary, Mrs. Cliff Glazier; As-sistant Secretary, Mrs. -Aanold Jamieson; treasurer, Mrs. George Glazier; cutter, 1VIrs. Cliff Grazier; buyer, Mrs. William Rolland; putting quilts together, Mrs. Raymond Jamieson; Flower commit- tee, Mrs. _Albert ,Glazier; pianist, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson; Assistant pianist, Mrs. Albert Glazier. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem and dainty refresh- ments were served by Group 2. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Holland. AUCTION SALE — — CHOICE DAIRY COWS, :YOUNG CATTLE and PIGS at Porter's Hill, 3 miles west oE Hohneeville, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: CATTLE — 25 young clairY-bred cows, fresh, springers, February and March calvers. These pre an ex- ceptional good lot an:d are the best we have offered. 15 yearling. Itgletein bailors; 3 yearling Jersey hpiferg; 10 Holstein heifer salves; 15 stocker cattle. 1IGR-:--1 sow, due in December; 10 chunks, This sale will be held under cover. TERMS—CASH A. D. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 50-3 CP.0 AD A'S ORIGMAA, ARO IsitAI1C OPE 105ACCO 1;-:.9§KAZAKMIAte4Mert4 CHOICE Turkeys Geese Ducks • All A-1 Quality • • • Order Early and Secure the Best Choice ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 - Quality Meats - CLINTON SMitsk,2% • FEATHERS We are in the market for Goose and Duck Feathers Call us to dispose of yours Please Note—A premium of 20c per pound will be paid on White Goose Feathers kept separate from gray. Canada Packers Limited Phone 580 Clinton, Ontario lisikodatokowkirwaimmorsoribmoowsitokokew spivoftwaivowmaivemimailawAttataivegtoiremoleMewe Large Selection of FOR. LASTING PLEASURE/ Wallets, Key Cases and Billfolds I3ELTS - BRACES - GLOVES MITTS - UTILITY CASES BRIDGE SETS In Leather REASONABLY PRICED! Complete Stock of "LEADING BRANDS" in `g Men's, Rubber Footwear SHOES and WORK BOOTS M AIKEN and SON * HAR:ESS—LEATHER GOODS and WORK CLOTHING :6 CLINTON ONTARIO ,a FS9452W6(NAgi4,61WW3A5Agi-00SOMAI5Xte41-WWWWW504 For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman ody Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 ,1 iltj ALIT r –„ 4'10 CALL Clinton 114 "Feed for Health and you'll have Wealth' That is our Motto If your hens are not giving results on your present feeding program, try out Laying Mash and see the difference a balanced feed makes. • • • We have a good supply of feeds for all livestock and Concentrates to mix with your own grains to make Complete and Balanced Rations. * • • GRAINS - CONCENTRATES - MIXED FEEDS SAMUEL RIDDICK & SONS (Successors to J. A. Petrie) Yes, you can still be sure of get- ting Most Miles per Dollar. For only Firestone gives you all the extra values that makes it Canada's No. 1 tire, Order today. J. P. MANNING PHONE 345 Clinton 41MISIONMPIOLOOMOOSIMINIMISMISMANSONAIMINIr FEED SERVICE Cobalt for Cattle Cobalt is only one of several minerals that cattle need for —HIGH PRODUCTION —GOOD GROWTH But theydo need COBALT because it is deficient in both hay and grain SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle supply—COBALT CALCIUM PHOSPHOROS IRON IODINE MANGANESE COPPER All these' minerals are essential for —Production • —Reproduction For Healthy Productive Cows Feed SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals For Cattle CLINTON FEED MILL YOUR SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL PHONE 580 CLINTON