HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-12, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY,. DEMO/LB R. 12, 194ot Interesting Itettis From 'News -Record's Rural Correspondents NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: KISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CIANTON 6311.81 Clarence Larson, London, was I ome over the weekend. Mrs. S. Pearce left on Saturday to visit in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. 1l. A. Westlake spent last week with friends in St. Thomas. bliss Mae Ervine, Goderich, spent the weekend with Mr. and MTS. Spencer Ervine. Jack Murray visited his sister, Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Jr., from Saturday until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sturgeon and Emma Margaret, Port Dover, spent Monday with the former's mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon. Mrs. E. R. Weston, Goderich, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Malcom Toms for a few days last week. Miss Elizabeth Raid returned home on Friday after having visited in Toronto for a fortnight.. s Alb L0 -Ill ' vIL 4 GOODIVEAR Shell Service Station REG. BALL — PHONE 5 Clinton, Ontario Before you buy new tires, re- member . . . you can't buy a better tire than a Goodyear! Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, London, visited .the latter's mother, Mrs, C. W. Parker on Sunday. Keith Brandon returned home last week after having spent the season sailing on the St. Lararrenee River. . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Guest and daughter, Norah, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marlecen Toms on Sun- day. ,IVIrs. Harold Xing returned to her 'home in Sarnia this week after hay- ing Visited her mother, Mrs, C. W. Parker fnr a week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Quentin Hallman, New. Dundee, were in the village on Saturday attending the Meener- Westlake wedding. .Mrs. J. Xneeshaw returned to God- erich an Sunday after having visited her mother and sister, 1Virs. Adelaide and Miss Cecil MeLeod. Miss, Mary Reid left on Saturday to visit her nieces in Brucefield, after having spent the past six months at her home in the village. Members of Trinity Church Guild and the Girl's Auxiliary, held a suc- cessful bazaar and tea in the Orange Hall on Thursday afternoon of last week. IVIrs. H. A. Lawson. Stratford, came on Friday to visit her daughter, IVIrs. Maynard Gerrie, who we regret to report is indisposed. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. George Bell, who has been on board the S.S. "Quedoe" this season and is now helping to lay her up for the season in Goderich harbor, spent Friday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell. Provincial Constable Lloyd West- lake; wise finished his course of train- ing in Toronto last week, has been stationed at Larder Lake. The annual meeting of the Girls' Auxiliary of Trinity Church, was held on Tuesday evening at the'home of Audrey Sturgeon. The following officers were elected for 1947: Presi- dent, Betty Larson; vice-president, Dorothy 'McLeod; treasurer, Audrey 'Sturgeon; secretary, Norma Sturg- eon; Donee secretary, Betty Larson; program convener, Audrey Sturgeon. Following, the election of officers the meeting was adjourned and a social hour was spent. Mrs. Don Murray has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. J. McLeod, jr. To the Electors of the Township of Hullett: Thanking you for the splendid support at the election on. Mon- day, December 9, and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. —J. I. :RAPSON 50-p GODERICH, TOWNSHIP Mr. and ,Mrs, Antliur Welsh spent Sunday with Mr. and nIVIrs, Fred ' Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Johnson spent Sunday with Mr., and MTS. Ed. Boyes, Brumfield. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Armstrong, London, were at their cottage at Paradise Vista on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnson, Deer Lodge, are busily engaged re- modelling the interior of their cottage. S.S. No. 9 Concert sa No. 9, Goderieh Tewnehip, are holding their annual Christmas Tree and -Concert on Tuesday, December 17, at 8.30 Ism. Everyone is welcome. Thanks Ratepayers I. wish to take this opportunity of thanking the ratepayers a the Town- ship of Goderich for their wonderful support at the polls on 'Friday. (Signed)—JAMES R. STIRLING. 50-x Fairmount School Concert The, pupils of Fairmount School (S.S, No. 10) are holding their annual Christmas concert in the school house on Monday, December 16, at 8 •pan Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. William McGuire spent Sunday with relatives in Sea - forth. 'Community Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance enter tabled the Community Club on Fri- day night, with about 80 present. Fifteen tables, of progressive euchre occupied the first part of the even- ing, after which all enjoyed a dance to music by Walhalla Westlake and Mrs, Greenslade. The ladies served a delightful lunch. Everyone enjoyed the evening. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Bride -elect Honored Mrs. Fred Watson was hostess for a tea on November 27 in honor of Miss Minnie Penhale, who was mar- ried on November 30. About 40 neighbors and friends gathered and presented the bride -elect with a lovely Kenwood blanket and address, signed on behalf of the ladies of the com- munity, by Ethel Watson and Rose Scotchmer. The afternoon was spent rith contests, and a delicious lunch was served. Stanley Ladies' Club Stanley Ladies' Club met at the houe of .Mrs. John 1VIeGregor on the afternoon of December 5th. There were 18 members present. The meet- ing opened with the Lord's Prayer. The secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were given. The collection amounted to $5.11. The roll call was answered by telling "What you like and dislike about farm life." .A. motion was made by Mrs, Frank MrGregor and seconded by Mrs. Bert Murphy to send $10. to the fund for Tuberculosis. During the afternoon a quilt was quilted. Another one had been done previously and these will both be given to the Red Shield. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem after which lunch was served. The roll call for the next meeting is to be answered by telling "What you got for Christmas." AUBURN Charles Scott is attending .13ea Keepers' Convention in Toronto. Mrs.Fired •Rose attended the fun- eral of her brother-in-law, Alex Ross, at Lueknow, on Faiday. Donald .Carnpbell, who has been sailing the past summer, has return- ed home. His boat is in Goderieh harbor, Minister Resigns Rev. Robert .Macconnell, who has been minister of the Auburn and Blyth Presbyterian enngregations, has tendered his resignation to take effect the end of the year. 82 Years Young WUians IVIebiwain quietly celebrat- ed his 8211d birthday last Thursday. His sister'MTS. John McPhee, Nile, spent the day with him. alias and MTS. William Hart, Tor- onto, visited 1VIrs. Fred Ross last week. P.O. Staff Entertained Mr. and rIVIes. Writilam Dodd enter- tained the members of the Post Office staff to a fowl dinner het Friday night, Those present were Postmast- er and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. ,Govier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Turner. Ladies' Aid Meets The Ladies' Aid of the Barplist Church held its Christmas meeting at the home of IVIrs. Vesterfelt, with the president, Mrs, C. A. Howson in -charge. 'Several ,Ohristmas Carols were sung with duet parts taken by Mrs. C. A. Howson and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and Mrs. William Haggitt and 1VIrs. Thomas McNeil. Readings were given by MTS. Tabb, Mrs. Glen Rarithby, 'Mrs. Lou. Irvvin, avir. Vest- erfelt and Miss Hazel Dodd. Mrs. Veeterfelt and Miss May Reno& con- tributed a duet. The Christmas mes- sage was given by Rev. C. C. iAnder- son and the meeting was dismissed with prayer by IVIrs. C. G. Anderson. A hot pot -luck lunch was served. Ladies' Guild Meets St. Mark's Church Ladies' Guild held its Christmas meeting in the Foresters Hall on Friday evening. The president, Mrs. ,Alfred Nesbit, presided. The IScripture, the 14th chapter of John was read by MTS. Thomas Haggitt. Prayers were of- fered by Me. Thomas Johnston, fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Secrete& gave report of prev- ious' meeting and the treasurer's re• port was given showing a very good balance on hand. An invitation from the Presbyte-- ian SundaySchool to attend a com- bined Chriatmas Tree concert on Monday afternoon, Dec. 23, was accepted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary presi- dents, Mrs. H. J. L. Henderson. Mrs. Gordon Taylor; president, Mrs. A. Nesbit; vice-president, Mrs. A, Kirk- connell; secretary, Miss Laura Phil- lips; treasurer, 1Virs. Thomas Hag- gitt; program convener, Mra. H. J. L. Henderson; organist, Mts. Gordon Taylor, Airs. A.. Kirleconeell. Following the meeting a congrega- tional social evening was enjoyed. Refreshments were served. LONDESBORO Miss Mary Caldwell, London, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent, God- erich, spent the weekend with Mr. C.. Stewart. Misses Beth and Elva Govier spent the weekend with theii: parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. W. Govier. The 'Mission Band members are having a concert and bazaar in the basement of the ehurch Friday even- ing, December 13, at eight o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend. White Gift Service The White Gift .Service will be held Sunday -morning, December 15, at 10.15. The children's c'hoir will pro- vide the music, with Mrs. E. Wood as leader and organist, Rev. A. D. Penman will give a Christmas mes- sage. The inembers of the school will meet in the basement at 10 a.m, and go up to the auditorium: in a body. United Church Annual The annual meeting of the Lon- deshoro United Church Sunday School was held Friday Met, December 6, at the home of Mrs. Will Lyon, with G. Stewart in charge. Mr. Penmae HOLMESVILLE "Save -the -Children" Club A meeting .of the Savesthe-Ohildren Club was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Friday afternoon. December 6, with the president, Mrs. Lorne Jervis, in the chair. All joined in singing "Away in a Manager," followed by the Scripture reading of the first Christmas by 1VIrs. Brock Thompson, which was followed by prayer by MTS. Jervis. A meat coupon collection appeal was read by Mrs. E. Trewartha, re- minding •us that any unused ration coupons we may have, can be turned in to our local ration board which will release their equivalent in meat for hungry people overseas. 111b:s. E. Grigg read an article "We Look to Europe," which told some- thing of the scope of .the task before' the Save -the -Children Federation. This organization was formed to as- sist Children who have been made parentless by the war and therefore made deititute, Canadian fonds have done a great deal and more is needed. The Secretary read the minutes and the treasurer gave her report to date but as there are two -travelling bas- kets yet to come in a full report could not be given till later. Mrs. Walter told a Christmas story is her usual interesting manner. Me. N. Heard and Mrs. Les. Jervis fav- oured with a duet "Silent Night." 1VIrs. Jervis thanked the hostess for the use of her home, and the officers, group leaders, also contributors to the Travelling Baskets which were to travel from April to Decembee 1946. The meeting closed by singing "When He Cometh." Afterward a Christmas Carol contest was held, Mrs. Stock being the winner. A dainty supper was served and en,toyed, the collection amounting to $2.75. There were 12 ladies and three children present. SIIIMIMMEt opened rtlhe meeting by reading a• pas- sage of Scripture followed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the financial report was given, It was decided to have a White Gift .Service Sunday morning, Dec. 15, also to have a Christmas concert in the basement of the church, on December 23, and each class be re- sponsible for one ninnber. Mr. C. Stewart, who has been superintend- ent for the last 14 years resigned on account of his removal froan this community to Clinton. His resigna- tion was accented with regret. Harry Snell was elected superin- tendent in Mr. Stewart's place. Mr. Stewart thanked the teachers and of- ficers for their splendid cooperation during his term of office. PORTER'S II1LL MTS, James Lockhart spent last. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glee Lockhart, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. *Lawson loekhart 3,11(1 family, Royal Oak, Mich., were Sun- day guests with Mr. Lockhart'e. parents. Community Chib .Meets The Community Club party held Friday evening at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, was well attended with 16 tables of carde. Many preferred to sit round and chat. Dancing was enjoyed after lunch. The evening, was a splendid,. success. The milky Tea LATIA ORANGE PEKOE' To the Electors of Goderich Township: Thanking you for your sup - pert at the election on Friday. December 6, and wishing you all the compliments of the season. —ROBERT G. SMITH 50-P To the Ratepayers of Hullett Township: Your generous support at the polls on Monday is greatly appreciated'. Yours respectfully; (Signed) WILLIAM J. DALE 50-p TO THE ELECTORS: TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT wish to take this opportunity of extending my hearty thanks for your support at the polls on Monday,. The Compliments of the Season to you all. ' (Signed) WILLIAM RI.. JEWITT 50.b A NEW MILK MARKET For Holmesville and Surrounding Areas The Carnation Company is pleased to announce the purchase of the Holmesville Cheese and Butter Factory at Holmesville, Ontario. Milk from this factory is being used for the manufacture of Carnation Evaporated Milk at Aylmer, Ontario. It is with great confidence that we enter this territory, because we believe that the area around Holmesville and Clinton has unlimited possibilities for future dairy development, and in entering here we want to express our appre- ciation for the splendid support already received from, farmers and businessmen alike. Holmesville has been selected as the site for our station because of its central location in a large producing area. This location will enable us to serve the farms within a radius of thirty to forty miles. This new service will be available as soon as present routes can be extended and new routes organized. • The purchase of milk is solicited. We offer a DEPENDABLE, YEAR AROUND MILK MARKET. THE CARNATION COMPANY LIMITED at..01Vret lessa