HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-12, Page 2AGE TWO
Clinton Nevirs-Record
The Clinton New Era Established 1865
The Olinton News -Record Established 1878
Amalgamated 1924
"The Huh of Huron County" '
An Independent Newspaper Deveted to the Interests of the Townof Clinton
and Surrounding District
Canadian Weekly
Newspapers Association
Official Printers to County. of Huron
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In advance—in Canada and Great Britain:
one year, $2; nine months, $1.50; six months, $1; three months, 60 cents;
one month, 20 cents;single copies, 5 cents; in United States: one year,
nine months, $2; six months, $1.35; three months, 70 cents; one month,
25 cents.
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Chrds on Request
Sworn Circulation at Oe tober 31, 1946 ....1,808
R. S. A,TEBY - - - - Editor and Publisher
For some time, informal "tete-a-tete" diseussions
have taken place among various individuals in
town regarding the apparrent need in Clinton for
a Eve Chamber of Commerce or Board of Trade, or some
kind of a business men's organization.
, Some discussions have got and, will get exactly
nowhere unless leadership is provided from some quanter
Or another. ,
Recently, newspapers published in the county and
flistrict have been telling us about the success of their
organizatiOns. Others have reported the formation of 3 -Lich
community bodies, with high anticipation of good thhigs
to come for the "old home town." Honestly, is not Clinton
"miSsing the bot" in sitting back and letting the rest of
the world go by while other towns are reaching out for
new industries? .
In our humble opinion, the answer very de,finitely
is the formation of a Chaanber of ,Commerce or Board of
Exeter receably organized a Chamber of Commerce,
and Kincardine has just received its charter. Mitchell, at
its ;annual meeting, reported, among other things, that a
new silk mill had been secured and soon would be operating,
Other activities included establishment of a touriat camp,
and negotiations with industrial firms which would have
located there if buildings had been available. Goderich
Board of Trade reported several worthwirde 'activities
touching the tourist bulginess, "get -out -the -vote" move-
ment, and a retail merchants' banquet. These are just a
few towns picked at random. .
When an outside industry recently wrote to the
local municipal authorities 'requesting information regard-
ing possible factory space available in Clinton, would that
not have been a job for a Chamber of Commerce to follow
through? .
When, on several occasions during the pest year,
the merchants did not know ,Whether or not certain holi-
days would be observed as such in Clinton, would not that
have been something on which a Retail Merchants' section
of a Chamber of Commerce might have given sound advice?
What about Wednesday closing? .Saturday night
dosing? 'accommodation for tourists? What about a
thousand -and -one other things?
Here is our humble solution as to the method of
getting a Chamber of Commerce 'started; it IS far from the
ultimate, but it has worked an other towns and we believe
it will work in Clialtort. •
Let the Town Council appoint a special committee
of its members to investigate the need for and passibilities
of a ,Chamber of Commerce here. Let that committee.
after due consideration, report back to Council. Then let
•a meeting of thote interested be held, and a provisional
committee appointed. Then let the Town Connell, after
having got the project under way, pull out of the picture,
at least formally, and let the new lorganizatien stand on
its own two feet. and function for the good of tkie town
as a whole. .
The NEWS -RECORD misses- its guess if, given
enlightened leadership •and the wholehearted support of
the buSiness people, it doesn't really do something for
Clinton. It's worth ra, try, anywary!
•. 0 0 0
Thought for Today -- Everyone tomplains of his
memory and no one ,complains of his judgment.
O 0 0
Only ten more shopping days until Christmas in
Clinton! The stores still have a fine selection of gifts
from vvhich to choose.
O 0 0
Apparently, ,Clinton isn't the only town with its
dog problem, In •Orillia, the effectors were given the
privilege of voting on a bylaw to prohibit dogs running
at large from Ma y to September. The dogs (won the day
when the bylaw was defeated.
O 0 0
Rt. Hon. J. L. lisley and the Department of Finance
have been one for so many years that it will be strange
for hint to be associated with the Justice Department as
11a:deter. Hon. Douglas Abbott has added it to his
administration of the Defence Department.
O 0 0
Reports indicate that the twelve Polish war Veterans,
wtho fought with the British Eighth Army hi Africa and
Italy, are making good farmers on a shriller number of
Huron County farms. Apparently, they like their work
and surroundings, and are looking forward to becoming
Canadian citizens:
O 0 0
Clinton and the rest of Southwestern Ontario had
a taste of the power shortaige on Tuesday morning when
a major eleetrical break paralyzed Wetness and industry
for nearly half en hour and presumed possible rationing
of power. The emergency le outlined ih an announcement
of the Hydro Electrie Power Commission af Ontario on:
Page Three of tliis issu:e. -
• 0 0 0
What weather we have been having! Spring seems
to be filet "around the corner," but, alas, winter must -
es:me first. . People sitting on their verandahs dressed hi
. light attire was a common sight in Clinton the early part
of tins week. Country hikes were in vogue on Sunday,
and some fanners took advantage of the warm spell to
get in some plowing Monday and Tuesday.
Letters to the
Editor, _
Clinton News-Reeord,
Clinton, Ont.
I am enclosing $2 for my frtibscrip-
tion to The NEWS-RDCORD for
1941. We have taken this paper ever
sinee we were married, and look for
it every week just as 'we did 50 years
Wishing you the compliments of
the season, I remain respectfully
(Signed)—W. ,rotaNerolv
wocox, Sask.
Dec. 6, 1946
Wartime • Prices Board
Answers Questions
Concerning Regulations
Qs—Is there a ceiling price on
fuelwood? If so what is the ceiling
on 16 -inch dry wood?
. As—There fie a ceiling price on fuel -
wood. It varies according to the type
of wood and the section in which it
is ,sold. Will you please contact the
nearest .office of the Wartime Prices
and Trade Board and you will be
given the cfuelwood order which will
give you the desired information.
* * *
Q:—I bought some jam the other
day and later sa,w it two cents a
jar cheaper in another store. When
I asked the dealer from whom I
bought the jam to exchange it and
return my coupons he said the coup-
ons wouldn't be any good to me. Is
he. right?
.A:—Yes.: rt is illegal to give
loose coupons for any rationed foods.
Therefore, even if the dealer had ie -
turned 'yours to you, you couldn't
legally have used them.
* * *
Q:—Is there a regulation that we
must pay cash or give tickets for
milk when it is delivered at our
A:—.The Wartime Prices and Trade
Board has no such regulation. How-
e -ver, we have checked and determined
that the Ontario Milk Board does
have such a ruling.
* *
Q:—I am a dressmaker, will you
please tell me what are the restric-
tions on womens fashions now?
A:—All restrictions were removed
on womens clothing some -weeks ago,
* * *
Q:—Why is it that the ceiling price
of eggs varies at different times.
"A:—The ceiling price of eggs sold
to the consumer depends on the price
paid by the retailer to his dealer.
The retailer is permitted a six cent
markup on his price to his dealer.
When eggs are plentiful the whole-
saler pays less than When they are
scarce and the retailer bases his
price on the cost. -
* * *
Q:—I read in the paper that the
next butter coupon becomes good on
December 12 and no more until
Christmas. How can we have enough
butter for the holiday season if this
is correct?
A:—The next butter coupon B35
becomes valid on December 19 and
not on December 12. This means
you will have some butter for Christ-
mas. Incidentally 336 becomes good
on December 26.
vox xlftws•ittoono
• 111.1YRSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940
From Our Early Files 1
12, by Rev. S. Anderson, IV1ary, daugh-
ter of Mr and 1VIrs, Prederiek Goy -
'PPM <BANTON liEWS-RECORDbutt, Ornton ,
to Albert Pickard,
Imesville, son of rlgr. and Mrs.
hessiday, DeceMber 15, 1921.
Miss L. Smith has sold hEzra Pickard, Clinton, formerly
her Rat-
tonlamy St, cottage to William Cur-Goderich Township
John Noble, Huron Road East, last
rie, Goderich Township. Week picked a dandelion and reports
Mre. BealfOrl fled Mrs. Egan have that last week the frogs were still
reeeived word of the sudden death singing in the creeks
of their .eister, 'Mrs. Martin (for-
ilmlY Mies Genie Taylor) at Three
Hills, Alberta,
A. P. Johns has been appointed
principal of the Model School.
• Campbell—In Clinton, on Tisesday,
December 13, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Campbell, a son.
&fr. .and Mrs. George Layton are
15, , W. L. .(santelon passed Fannon,
T01:011t0 attending the United'
annual meeting.
away ,suddenly on Monday. Sun -iv -
Mrs. George Laois is visiting in
ing beside her husband, are three ssmaseis.
children, ,Raymond, Isabel 4nd Peter,
Jacob Taylor, Toronto, is in town
Pallbearers, 'meinbers of ,the Young this week attending to business.
Men's Bible Class of Wesley Church,
Wet° N. Holland, J. A Sutter, D.
Disko', G. Doherty, El. brickle and
W. J. Vodden.
.Clinton U.F.O. club have elected
the following officers: Hon. Presi-
dent, William .1)/cEkwan; pre,sident,
a H. Wise; vice, T. J. Lindsay;
secretary -treasurer, G. W. Layton;
directors—Oliver Jervis, R. Jenkins,
J. Innes, J. Jervis, J. G. Crich, H.
Snell, WI Pbtter and s. B. Stothers,
Riley-Cook—In Goderich Township,
on December 14th, by Rev. C. M.
Hallowell, Margaret Jeans daughter
of YDS and Mrs. George Cook,. to
Thin as J. 'Riley:, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Riley, Constance.
* * *
Thursday, December 15, 1921
Pickard-Gorbutt --At the Ontario
4. parsonage on Monday, December ors for Murphy Lodge No. 710. W M,
FratIc 'glitch, teller in the Royal
Bank, has been transferred to Ripley.
E. R. Higgins went to Toronto on
Saturday to be with his daughter,
Miss Emma, who was ' having an
Miss Lucile Grant is holding an ex-
hibition- of her pupils work in Mr.
Stothers office.
* * *
Friday, December 14, 1906
Mrs. A. T. Lucas has been seriously
ill during the past week.
Mrs. Tyndall, mother of Arthur
and Loren Tyndall is slightly improv-
ed although still seriously ill.
Cooper and Co. are having their
toy department in Jackson's store
Following have heen elected off' -
For Christmas
We wish to tell you that we have
the largest and most complete stock of
grand new 'Watches we have had in
years. Lorie watches, exquisitely de-
signed, 17 jewel movements, smart new
case designs, from $24.75. El c o
Watches, brand new styling, 17 jewel
movements, fine finish throughout.
attractive new presentation boxes, from
$24.75 up. Waltham Watches — the
watch supreme, need no further descrip-
tion. See these new dream watches at
our watch counter. Priced from $65. up.
80 years a leader. New shapes,
new styles. For men from
$24.75 up, and ladies dainty,
elegant numbers from $21.75 up.
latest smart new models on
display, priced from $24.75.
WESTFIELD—a quality watch
moderately priced from $14.75,
For Ladies we also have a nice range of Lapel Watches.
For Men we have smart, thin model, Pocket Watches, as well as
The heavy type for every day use. Also Wrist models, shock -proof
and waterproof in such well known kinds as Rolex, Mido, Pierce,
Seelancl, and others.
For best assortment, best value, best makes', and latest designs and
styles in fine Watches, have us show you our fine stock
Watches subject to .Government Tax
W. N. Counter
Counters for Filer Jewellery for Over Half a Century
in Huron County
• Send A
Gift of Cash
Money Orders
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING is no problem for me. I save myself
time and worry... please friends and relatives out of 'WWII.
MY SECRET ? I send Royal Bank Money Orders for whatever
amounts I wish to spend, and mail them off with personal notes
or Christmas cards, wishing them all the best. This way they
get the things they really want. And if I'm late, I can always
send my Money Orders airmail.
IN A LAST minute emergency, the Royal Bank will always
send my "gift of cash" by wire. Don't let Christmas shopping
get you down. Try my simple solution. It pleases everyone.
Your nearest branch wiU help you.
Royal Bank Money Orders for any amount can be used to send a
gift of cash to the United States or Britain as well as anywhere in
Canada. The recipient gets the full amount of the Order. . . there
are 710 charges at the other end.
• • J. G. McLAY; Manager
David S. Cook; D.M., Thomas. Man-
aghan; chaplain, Fred Heywood', R.S.
Walter Pownsmd; F.S., Joseph. Cook;
treasurer, W, Smyth; director of
ceremonies, David Steep; 1,st sectors,
Fred Hill and Sohn Ford; 154. coin.
Thomas Kearns; 2nd coni:, Wall/am
Ford; Bid -loin., Thomas Grealis; 4.11
corn., D. Livermore; 511 cop., W.
Miss Emily Turner has been en-
gaged to teach at S.S. No. 6, Tucker-
Clinton Hockey Club have elected
the following officers: President, Ed.
Oantelon; vice president, II. Davis;
secretary -treasurer, Dr. F. A, Axon;
manager, H. Bartliff; committee, J.
Doherty, W. Johnston, C. Sheppard.
In Willis Presbyterian Church last
Sunday W. 1?. Spaulding sans; a solo
and Miss Lillian Guag, Mrs, Dowser
and Mrs. Campbell, sang a trio.
W. S. R. Holmes, druggist, has
ueceived word of the death of his
grandfather, William. T. Holmes, at
Etdmond Oklahoma. Mr. Holmes was
•a former resident of Goderieh Town-
Mr. Emmerton has received Word
of the death of his grandson, Wilber
Emmerton in Bervie. The lad had
frequently' visited. here,
There are many advantages in holding the
Funeral at Beattie's Funeral Chapel
FOR THE _FAIVELY—Your home is relieved of tension and eon -
FOR FRIENDS—It is much more convenient. They may cafl at
any time. Our central, downtown location is very easily
FOR LOCOGEIS—Fraternal orders prefer to hold. their services in
our chapel. We are familiar with all rites and have all
facilities fax their services.
FOR ME SERVICE—The beauty and appointments of OUT chapel
make it an appropriate setting for funeral services. Ample
seating accommodation, suitable music 11 desired.
There is no extra charge. They are
provided us part of our service
The Beattie Funeral Home
George B. Beattie
Rattenbury St. E.
Colored Fur Mitts
• Glamorous Sequin -
Trimmed Crepe Dresses