HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-05, Page 11'THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 1946 CLINTON• NEWSeREGORD OBITUARY WILLIAM DENOMME Requiem high mass was sung fin St Peter's Roman Catholic Mara, Drysdale, followed by: interment in ,SC Peter's Cemetery, for Willliarn Depomme, well known retired farmer .on the Blue Water highway near Drysdale, who died suddenly from a e meet attack. He was ,born in Myth and was in ' his 80th year. He once /ived in Stanley Township. I He was, married to the former eVieginria Denomme, who survives. I Also surviving We four daughters, 'Mrs. Edwin Hartman, and Mrs. Paul Bedard, both of Goderich, IVIrs. Peter Ducharine, Bayfield,, and Mrs. Fred Papineau, Detroit; six sons, Isadore, Homer, Dennis, Gerald and 'Urban, ell of Detre% Eheey of Windsor; one brother, Alex, Detroit; 48 grand- , children and seven great-grandchild- ren. L RICHMOND ORR T. Richmond Orr, South at,, God- erich died suddenly at 5. .a.m. Satin, • day, November 30e at his home fol- lowing a cerebral haemorrhage. He - had operated a milk business in God- erich since 1929 and was a highly esteemed citizen of the community. Deceased was born in Goderich etownship a 'son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David 'Om. He farmed for a ' time before moving to Goderich where he was first employed at the West- • elm Canada flour mills before going into business. Mr. Orr was a memb- er of Knox Presbyterian church. God- erich. Twice married, his first Wife Eliz- abeth Muir, died some years ago, and • he was later married to Rita Camp- - bell who eurvives with two sons by • the first marriage, Bruce of Toronto, • and Douglas, associated with his -lather in the dairy business here. The funeral was held on Monday -afternoon at the Brophey Funeral 'Horne, Montreal St. Goderich. Rev. 'Richard Stewart officiated- Inter - anent was in Maitland Cemetery, MRS. CONRAD HUISER '(By our Hensall Correspondent) Private Funeral service was held on 'Tuesday afternoon, December 3, at 13onthron Funeral Home, Hensel], for Mrs. Conrad Maser, who passed away on Saturday, November 30, in '?her 71st year. Rev. E. W. Heinrich eofficiated and interment took place in the Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich. MTS. Iluiser was the former Rath- rYne Sbaubus and had lived in Hensel' for '20 years, where she was, a well known and highly -respected citizen. She was a member of the Lutheran Evangelical Church. Mrs, Huiser's destell is indeed sad following by just three weeks the death of her husband, Coerad Huiser, Death occurred after a short illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Render, Goderich Townshep. Surviving to mourn their lossare two eons, ,Conrad, Wyandotte, Miele, and Abel, Windsor, and three clau,gh- ters, Mrs. 10. Denomene, Tecumseh; 'Mrs. William Bender, Goderich Town - slap and Mrs. Alex. Hildebrandt, Hensel'. WILLIAM W. WISE Many paid their last respects on Saturday afternoon Nov. 28, to Will- iam Wilson Wise, whose funeral was !held •at his 'late residence, concession 11, Goderich Township, Archdeacon, W A. Townshend, London, a friend of the family, officiated. Interment took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pall- bearers were five nephews: Haeold, Glen, Alvin Edward and Ray Wise and Don Middleton. Flower bearers were William Middleton, Jelin Middle- ton, Robett •Cole, Bert Bowden, John Innes •ancl. Harold Tyndall. Mr. Wise was born on the Rayfiela Road; Goderich Township, on June 8, 1889, the eldest son of the late Ed- ward Fe Wise and Amanda Jane Wil- son, He received his education at S.S. N. 10, Goderich Township and spent his entire lifetime in his native town- ship where he followed the occupa- tion of farming. In religion he was Anglican, being a member of St. James (lleeddleton) Church Mr. Wise died at his hame after an illness of several years, although he had beea able to carry on his duties on the farm until some months before he passed away on Wednes- day, November 20, 1946. On August 27, 1914rhe was united in marriage to Jennie Mary Trick. who survives, along with three daugh- ters and one son: Misses, Evelyn, Muriel, Harriett and George, all at hemp. There are also two brothers and one sister, Charles and Herbert, both of Go:derich Township, and Edna, (Mrs. Reward Clarke), Toronto. FREDDRICH W. PLUMMER The death of Frederick William Plummer occurred at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lester ,Scott, Cayuga, on sm.:2; 7, Goderich Township, for Friday, November 22, after a linger Mg illness, which he bore with much patience. A son of the late Seewart Grafton Plaramer and Frances eleBrion, who were among the pioneers of tiles dist Fact, he 'was barn on eoncessMn 13 Hullett Township, the family moving to caneeseion 16, Goderich Township when he was a :3:bung:sten Ile contin tied to live there until alxnet 20 years ago when he went to Manitoba to reside with his brother, the late Al beet Plummer. Returning ,to On barite about 12 years ago he has situ made his home with his sister, Mrs. Scott, .at Toronto and lateerly at Cayuga &naively are two sisters, Mrs. L. :Scott and Mrs. Bousfield, Winnipeg, Man., as well as a nurriber of nieces and nephews. A short service wes held in Cayuga and the funeral was held front Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, Sunday after- noon, November 24. Service was in charge of Rev. R. M, P. Bulteel of St. Paul's Church, of which deceased was membee. Interment was in the family plot in Clinton Cemetery, the pallbearers being: 30.11feBrien, R. G. Thompson; Bert Murphy, W. D. Wil- liams, G. E. Hall and H. Alexander. ANDREW SHEPHERD Andrew Shepherd, an esteemed resident of the Base Line, Goderich Township, passed away at his home on Friday, November 2_2, 1948, after an illnese of several months. • Mr. Shepherd wasebern in Whitby, July 26, 1866 ancl two years later came with his parents to Goderich Township where he since has resided, with the exception of two winters which he spent in Goderia. •Ile was married 1Vlay 18, 1898, to Catherine McClure, •Colborne Town- ship, by whom he is sureived; also one daughter, Alice, Mrs. Leslie Law- son, and one grandson. There are also one sister, Alice, Mrs. Govier, &Muni, and one brother, William, Clinton, The funeral was held from his late residenee on Monday afternoon, November 25, with interment in Clin- ton Cenietery. With the absence, through illness, of Bev. Harold Snell of Auburn United Church, of which deceased was a member, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Brussels, a former min- ister, tonducted the services. Pall- bearers wer Sydney Lansing, John Kernighan Harry Wagner, Wilfred Penfound, 'Harold Sprung and Joseph Younglaut. Fowerbeareree all neph- ews, were Norman ,Shepherd, Carl Govier, James McClure and Earl Westbrook, CHARLES WHITELY Funeral services were lamely at- tended Wednesday afternoon, Novem- ber 27, at Me late residence, comes- r4- 444 gAgfz ookAte g • Gift mggestions DELUXE HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS, assorted patterns and colors, $8.95 "BOY'S GABARDINE PARKAS, lined $9.00 'LADIES' ALL -WOOL SHIRTS, red, blue and yellow ....... $4.50 LADIES' LINED ENGLISH POPLIN PARKAS • $11.40 MEN'S PARKAS AND HUNTING COATS, assorted styles and prices. CASTING RODS $3.90 - -$64.00- $8.00 $10.00 and $12.00 ARNORMI ENSIGN SELFIX 420 CAMERA, F/4 5 lens - 8 speed shutter -$82,00 ENSIGN AUT.ORA,NGE 220 CAMERA, P14. 5 lens - 8 speed shutter, 12 or 16 pictures per roll $145.00 ENSIGN FUL-VUE CAMERA, $11.00 ARGUS MODEL A2 CAMERA, coated P15 Anastigmat lens including leather carrying case $43.25 ARGUS MODEL C3 CAMERA (with syncronized flash coated F/3.5 •Aliastigmat lens, including leather carrying case $99.75 ARGOFLEX MODEL E CAMERA, coated F14.5 Anastigmat lens and carrying case $99.50 Trent Valley CASTING REELS $12.50 Trade Commissioner GEOFFREY MILLS Wile has been ,appointed Trade and Industrial Commissioner at Ontario House, London, England succeeding P. J. Lyle who now is director of Trade sad Industry in the Ontario Department of Planning and Develop- ment. Charles Whitely, who passed away Sunday night, November 24, in Alex- andra Marine and General. Hospital, Goderich, in his 71st year, following a lengthy illness. Rev. C. P. Tkvener officiated, assisted by RaV, W. J. Rogers, Dungannon. with interment in Maltland Cemetery, Goderich, Mr. Whitely, a native of Goderich Township, where he had spent his entire lifetime, was a son of the late Joseph Whitely and Small :McMahon. He was a very successful farmer. For a .number of years, he served his native township in the capacity of treasurer which office he resigned a few weeks ago to be succeeded by his son, Benson. He also was a for- mer trustee of the school board. In religion he was United Church, being a valued member of Zion Unit- ed Church (Taylor's Corner). He was very active in choir work for ae nem- ber of years, as well as being a member of the church session. He was a member of Maitland Lodge No. 33, A.F. and A.M. Surviving are his widow, formerly Sarah Alberta DurnM, two sons and two daughters, Benson and Graham, at home, and Misses Helen and Jean, both -of Toronto. There are also two sisters, Misses Lily and Jennie Whit- ely, both of Goderich, who are the last af a family of pine. Among the floral tributes were those from Maitland Lodge, A.F. and A. M., Heron Chapter No. 62, R,A.M., Zion United Church at Taylor's Corn- eral Home, RattenburY St. E., for Annie Mabel Castle, beloved wife of, James Vincent. Pallbearers were Wilfred J,ervie, Stewart Taylor, Henry Carter, Arthur W. Groves, Edgar Menstrong and Ronald 1VIecD:onald. Interment took place in Clinton Cemeteaye • Mrs. Vincent was born on the Bay- field Road, Clinton, on February 12, 1900, daughter of Mea Cestle ,and the late Hobert ,Castle. She received her edueation in the ,Clinston schools a-nel later worked at the Jackson 'Manu - featuring ,Co., •Clieton. In October, 1925, the was united in marriage to James Vincent. Follow- ing, their anaeriage they resided for atime in Biagi, later in Hensel!, and over 15 yeas ago returned to Clinton which since had been their home, For the past seven years, eVers. Vincent had been a patient sufferer from a heart ailment and latterly had been at the hoine of her mother, Mrs. ,Castle, Victoria Se., where her death acerred on • Friday afterneoe, November 22, 1946. In religion she was United Church, being a membee of Wesley -Willis TJnited Church. Surviving besides her husband and mother, are one brother, Clifford Castle, Mount Forest. Mrs. Vincent, although not in the hest 04 health for the pat few years, was always very cheerful. and took a great interest an her horne ancl elow- ers and her many friends who called on her from day to day. The beauti- ful floral tributes that surrounded the casket showed the high esteem her friends and relatives held for her, and she will be sadly missed among her wide circle of friends. C. Castle, brother of Mrs. Vincent, and Mrs. 'Castle, Mount Forest; Mrs. Alice Fawcett, Mrs. Jaelt'Cole Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. E S. Livermore, London; Mr. mid Mrs. C. Green, Brodhagen; Mr. and IVIre. A. Garter, Sarnia, and MrS, Pearl Lawe, Brussels, attended the funeral. MRS. VIRA DAVIS Rev. Ralpb H. Tuenbull, minister of North St. United Church, Goder- ich, officiated at funeral service Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Vira Davis Victoria, B. C. formerly of Clinton, who died very suddenly while making a call at the home of ,Mrs. Frank Johnston, Trafalgar St, Goderich, on Tuesday afternoon, Nov- ember 26. Death -was due to a heart attack. Pall bearers were H. McElroy, Blyth; Fergus Van Egmond, J. Willis Van Egmorid, G. Newton Davies Charles Twitchell, and Albert R. !Mitchell, all of Clinton. A service was held at the Wheeler Funeral Herne, Toronto St., Goderich, followed by interment in Clinton Cemetery. Deceased was born Jennie Vira Heywood, daughter of the late Mr. els, Township of Goderichand Mrs. Richard Heywood, in Clint- , John Ing- on on October 25, 1882. She attend - lie Co. Toronto, and the 'I'. Eaton Co. ed school heve, and in 1907 moved to Antive pallbearers were Benneth Holmes, Austen Sturdy, Peter Young, Andrew Holmes, Howard Sturdy, and Herbert Lamphrey. Hon- orary pallbearers were members of e4cier1ch Township Council, George Ginn, Ben Bothwell, Limes It Revelstoke, B. C. later residing in Winnipeg, Mane ,Sasketoon, Sask., and Victoria, B. C. She was married in Seattle Wash., toelt. Davis who died there a number of years ago. There are no children Mrs. •Davis came to Goderich in iriing, Robert Small, Gordon March 1946 to visit her uncle and Orr, and Township Cleek G. Thompson. The Masonic rites at the Maitland cemetery were perform- ed by Robert Bisset. MRS. JAMES VINCENT Rev. Andrew Lane officiated at the'funeral service on Monday after- noon, November 25, at Beattie Fun- itfikreOltageagagiMMeae4reigfeeKreegraegiaMciagra a a - -2r-'4'44U44-44c414% • a '• '•• •• • .• .• •• ,• • .. .• aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Wesley Moore, Victoria St., and was paying a visit to a friend when her death occurred suddenly. Surviving are two brothers: G, W. Heywood, ,Suslcatoon, Sask., who came East for the funeral; and J. C. Hey- wood, Vancouver, B, 0., as well as her aunt, Mrs. 3. Wesley Moore, Goderieh Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson Mark Golden Amiiversary Me. and Mrs. William Watson, Nile, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage when they ,Ieere at home to their many friends, A fam- ily dinner was held at then home when 30 guests were present. Beauti- ful baskets of yellow chrysanthemums adorned the home. The table was decorated with a three-tier wedding cake and 50 yellow roses, a gift from the grandchildren. Five guests were present who had attended the wedding of 60 years ago: Mrs. Etta Jarvis, Drumheller, Alta, sister of Mrs. Watson; Mrs. A. McIlwaill, Nile; Mrs. R. Nay, Clinton; Mrs. George McCartney, Woodstock, and Miss M. aleIlwain Embro. A toast was proposed by P}AGE EleEVEN Flank 1VIellwain and responded to y 34r. Waton. In the evening many friends called to offer their congratulations. The bride of 50 years received the guests, wearing a ,blaev two-piece crepe dress with sequin trim and corsage of orchids. ,IVIany gifts were 'received as well as numerous lettere of cora gratualtion. The wedding, of 50 years ago was peaformecl at the home of the /aide's parents by Rev. J. W. Pring of Nile Methodist Church, Following their marriage they reeided on the bride- grooin's farm, east of Nile, where they have since resided. Mrs. Watson was formerly Lucy McIlwain, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert eVIellwain of Nile. Mr. Watson is a son oi the late Mr, and Mrs. William Watson and was barn on the farm where he has lived all his life, Christmas Shoppers Note our list of Electrical Items RADIOS CONSOLE MODEL -7 TUBE ELECTRIC 2 TABLE MODEL BATTERY SETS END TABLE MODEL, 7 -TUBE ELECTRIC LAMPS • China, Table Model, Silk Shades $15.25 Plastic, Table $ 9.75 Plastid, Pin -Ups $ 3.65 RECORD PLAYERS that can be attached to any electric radio Single Play Models $19.95 to $29.95 Automatic Record Changer $44.95 Phona Motors Record Player, complete With amplifier, only $39.95 (Have your favourite music, where you want it, when you want it) HEATERS - HOT PLATES FLASHLIGHTS RADIO BATTERIES and numerous smaller items MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio aud Electrical Appliance Repairing King iSt: Clinton IS A LOT OF LITTLE THINGS * Don't forget those little things, give him the fun of opening lots of packages this year, smart leather gifts, house •slippers, socks, motor rugs and ties, gloves, robes, scarves - little things that make a Big Christmas. ALSO: Archery Sets; Hockey Sticks; Ski Poles; Ski Waxes for all weather conditions; Shotgun Shells and cleaning 'accessories; Record Players and Radios; Good "Assortment of. Sportsmen's Books; for the Duck and Goose Hunters,aa'sset -(if Decoys; Bicycles. 01.1•11.0. 11101•11MINNMNIMMORMIMMINIM POPULAR RECORDS ALBUM SETS and RECORDS PERRY COMO SINGS MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSIC Perry Como With Russ'Case and his Orchestra - Tbe Satiefiers, Choir -and Organ - That Christ- mas Feeling Winter Wonderland - Pll Be Home for Christmas - Santa Claus is Coming to Town --- Silent Night - 0, Little Town of l3ethlelteni - 0 Comet All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fidelis) ailtee Album Pe161 (20-1968--- 204971) Price $3.75 EIGHTEEN FAVORITE CHRIST- , MAS CAROLS The Carollers (Mixed Voicee and Braes • Quartette and Organ) Joy to the World - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks - Christians, Awake - Oh, Holy Night - As With Gladness, Men 04 Old - It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, etc. Seti:BP-2: (1141350 B-11352) In container Price $1.50 OLE BUTTERMILK SKY LET'S SAIL TO DREAMLAND Helen Carroll and the Satisfiers PRICE 75c CHRISTMAS CAROLS (Organ) Alexander D. Richardson We Three Kings of Orient Are - Christians, Awake - The Star of Bethlehem -The Star of the East -- Holy City, etc. Price $3.00 Also Assortment of Classical and Chidren's Records and Albums ZIP -A -DEE 000 -DAH SOONER OR LATER Sammy Kaye arid Orchestra • PRICE 75e THE COFFEE SONG STONE COLD DEAD IN THE MARKET Tlua Four King Sistere PRICE 75c THE OLD LAMP -LIGHTER TOUCH-ME-NOT Sammy Kayeand Orchestra •PRICE 75c Cel..; I N T 0N,. WW"Ct' E. r r• s .N T A R 1 0 ..;p1V-70-n-rolritMM 0-roi-VIrecr for Iler She will enjoy opening lots of little parcels too, so why not give her Wool Blankets, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Towels, House Slippers, Luncheon Bets, Pillow Slips and a few little things for baby -Bibs, Corduroy Overalls, Mittens and Shoes, etc. PHONE 25 PICKETT & CAMPBELL - Quality Clothing and Footwear APA-VIMPAYARAV-M-r!.0402 itAret, CLINTON