HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-12-05, Page 8CLINTON NEWS -RECORD R. and C. S. Baseball Team HOCKEYISTS HONOR "WEATHER" FULFORD Presented With Trophy RECENTLY MARRIED The 1946 baseball seaton of R. and C. Sehool, ;RCAF, Clinton, was "brought to a elose" officially at an enjoyable 'banquet held in the Corp- orals' dining hall at the School Tues- day evening. , The big feature of the evening was the presentation by M. L. "Tory" Gregg, Wingham, president of the Western Ontario Athletic Ass,ociartion, of the Stevens -Helmer Brush Co. Trophy, emblematic of .the senior baseball championship of the Assoc- iation. It is a .beautiful new trophy, presented for. the first time. Warrant Officer Bob Howson, manager of the team, presidedat the banquet, and welcomed members and guests. Group Captain E. A. McGowan, commanding officer of the Sohool, and himself an ardent baseball fan, said that the ball team's fight for top honors was ane, of the best de- monstrations of spirit in the history of the Station. The team had been well supported, and on their part, had really pat on a show. He and his whole family had enjoyed themselves immensely. G/C 1VIcGowart congratulated the team on its fine showing throughout the season, and hoped that many of the players would be back again for next season. He thought that was quite possible under present con- ditions. Inpresenting the trophy to Sgt. Hal Walsh, captain of the team, Mr. Gregg congratulated the team on its great success', and for its sportsman- ship, and the boys were worthy champions. Besides making a splen- did showing, they als.o 'made a host of friends. Outlining the history of the WOlAA he said that 109 baseball and softball teams had playeti under its banner this past year, with 2,860 players. In reeeiving the trophy, M. Walsh remarked that R. and C. S. had showed Western 'Ontario "a little bit of ball that comes from the rest of Canada." There had been good playing, good spirit and good man- agement. • Flying Officer Allison, sports of- ficer, presented attractive baseball crests to the anembera and officials,. W/O Hewson thanked all who had helped in aua way during the season, and the Association and trophy donors. An informal programme followed, coasitin,g of feats of magie by Cpl. Fulton, and selections on a record player. In addition to Mr. Gregg, guests included Squadron Leader John Bell, saarkplug player of the team, now operating a dairy in Listowel; Morris Bader, Wingham softball impressario; and R. S. Atkey, editor of The NEWS -RECORD, BOOKS My Lady of Cleves Russell Janney Miracle of the Bells $3.50 Marg. C. Barnes THE SALEM FRIGATE $3.00 Jno. Jennings PRIDE'S FANCY $2.75 Thos. H. Raddall ROGER SUDDEN .$3.00 Thos, II, Ratidall PRESENTLY TOMORROW 1 $2.75 Joyce Marshall KING'S GENERAL $3.25 Daphne Du Maurier Etc. Boys' and Girls' Books Burgess BOoks 75c to $L49 59c, 90c, $2.25 Story Books, Paint Books, Cut -Out Books '20c, 25c and up McEWAN'S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST OPEN SUNDAY DECEMBER Be sure King Winter does not catch you "cold" without the proper anti -freeze in your car or truck. Don't delay; you'd better attend to it today! OUR "WRECKER" SERVICE is at your service WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC [Phone 349w Clinton tralilantatalasalass:* ailaaRatiaalatelaKataiataalta•alaasitata•asataslenteetaa44144470:404-44 Johnson's Quality Grocery Phone 286 Free Delivery GOLD MEDAL TEA % lb. 38e DALY'S Finest TEA ... lb. 44e BABY FOODS ... tin Sc AYLMER Snack Sacks ... 2 for 19c Kellogg's !All -Wheat 2 for 25c Lyon COCOA 19c QUICK QUAKER OATS 22c Lake Shore 32 oz. jar Prune Juice 33c Old South Orange and 20 oz. tin Grapefruit Juice 2 - 43e Golden Dill Grapefruit Juice 2 - 33c Vita -Nip Orange Juice, 2 for 39c Tree Sweet Lemon Juice ... 2 for 27c Nature Best 15 oz. tin Tomato Juice 55e Allen's 20 Oz. tin a: Apple Juice 2 for 27e + XMAS NUTS ALMONDS V2, lb. 35e BRAZILS 1/2 lb. 25e FILBERTS' lb. 20e Oylers PECANS CRANBERRY ' 1/2 lb. 35c SAUCE WALNUTS MIXED NUTS 1 LB. 12 oz. jar — 35e Vs lb. 35c• • 1 lb. 45c • 43 XMAS ORANGES 1 176's—I doz. 65c 220's—.l doz. 55e 252's—I doz. 49c 288's-1 doz. 42c 344's-1 doz. 27e We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We Ofter What We Have at Very Low Prices BROWN'S (One 'door north of the Royal Bank) Earl "Feather" Fulford, trainee of Clinton ,Colts Hackey team, was honoved by officials and members of the team on the occasion of his recent marriage, at a pleasant social evening at the home of the coach, Grant "Red" Rath, Monday evening. During the course of the evening, Manager Bert ,Glichloa read a, poetical gem, while Captain Frank "Timmer" MaEwan presented him with a beauti- ful end table in behalf of the boys. "Feather" replied Jguitably. Plans also were made for the com- ing hockey season, and the new sweaters and socks, as well as new goal gloves and rebuilt goal pads, were on 'display, The outfits.- are very smart, having been made by Richmond Hosiery Limited of high grade wool' yarns. Bodies of both zweatersand socks are blue, with white shoulders and arms and white trimmings. There is a large white "0" on the front of each sweater, with a large white number on the bads of each. Practices will get under way just as soon 00 ice is available in Clinton .Arena, or even before, if time can be secured in Stratford Arena. CTA Petition Filed in Peel With 6,139 Names First formal stepto remove Peel County from provisiona of the bone- dry Canada Temperance Act NV25 taken Dee. 2, -when a petition asking for a plebiscite on the liquor sale question was filed with Sheriff Ains- lie Sherman, of Peel County, Bramp- ton. . Edward G. Drew, Port Credit, chairman of a special committee of war veterans who have been canvas- sing since last spring for repeal of the act in the county, said the peti- tion bore 6,139 names.. Oddfellows' Grandmaster , To Be Guest Here Dec. 10 The Grand Masterof Ontario, In- dependent OFdar of Oddfellows, will visit the Oddfellaws of Huron District on Tuesday evening, December 10. A reception for the Grand Master is, being held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, where the Grand Master will be the guest of honor at a District banquet. It is, expeeted that large lumbers of the Ocklfellows, of the District will be paesent to pay their respects to their leader in Ontario on this oc- casion. All brother e will be made very welcome. Thomas Grasby, Heads North Huron LOL North Huron Orange Lodge, at its annual meeting at Wingham, elected a slate of county officers for 1946- 47. The meeting was under the chair- manship of Past Master ,Charlos Stewart, Blyth. Officers are: Past Master, Robert Winghana Ceupty Master, Thomas. Graeby, Blyth; Deputy County Master, John Dias/Bare, Gor- rie; County Chaplain, E'eal Hamilton, Bluevale; Recording Secretary, Cal- vert Falconer, 'Myth; Marshal, Robert Wallace, Blyth; Financial Secretary, Bert Isard, Wingham; Treasurer, Joseph Smith, Brussels; first lectur- er, Lloyd Saunders, Wingham; second leeturer, Robert McMurray, Beagrave. —0— GODEIRECH -- Hugh Phurlow, 79, Godericla died Dec. 4, after a long in Alexandra Hospital. He was born in Colborne Township and farmed there until 20 years ago when he came to Goderich. Canon William A. Townshend, for- merly of Groderieh Township and Clinton, was elected at the head of the poll in the contest for London Board of Education in Monday's voting. Philco Car Radios For Sale FARGO Two -ton TRUCK FL4-160 See it Today! — EACH $65.75 "WINTERIZE NOW" Before Your Rad Freezes Up Don't Delay! Chains Pr. $9.05 Defrosters .. Each $4.20 Now in Stock , DOMINION TIRES Batteries from $8. up 11 Lorne J. Brown Expert Mecbanieal Repairs PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service THURSDAY, DEOEIVIBER 194, Ken G. Waters Re-elected 01VIHA Vice -President Ken G. Waters, Toronto, former Mayor of Clinton, has been re-eleeted by acclamation first vice-president, Ontario Minor Hockey Association. The president is 0. H.Luke, Oshawa. The business agenda was not Os heavy as in former years, but the main item, an amendment that would have compelled "A" players to con- fine their playing to that division. was defeated, much to the surprise of the meeting. Hereafter playing eertiaicates of members of teams in all series must be produced upon request before the start of the game, between periods or •immediately ,following the con- clusion of games. The delegates also approved an amendment whereby semi-final games may be shortened in time by mutual agreement of the managers of both clubs, ‘Approval was also given to an amerulinent whieh calls for thirty minutes of overtime in the event the se,ore is tied on the round in the second of a home -and -home game series. The overtime will be divided into three ten-minute periods, and if still deadlocked at the expiration of the 30 minutes of overtime, the man- agers of the contending teams will toss for the site of the third and deciding game. Huron Crop Improvement Association to Meet Here Huron County Crop_ Improvement Association is holding its annual meeting on Thursday, December 12, at 1.30 p.m. in the Agricultural Of- fice, Clinton. The guest speaker is to be Prof. R. Keegan, Field Hus- bandry Department, OA1C, Guelph. All farmers in the County ase considered members of this associa- tion, and it is hoped that as many as possible will be present at this meeting. The organization was formed last January. During the summer this group has, been active in having ex- perimental plots throughout the County. They have tested the qual- ities of new varieties of oats and barley and have demonstrated areas with the suitable pasture mixtures. Next year. the association plans a similar plan, only on a larger scale, ;possibly with adding the features of sponsoring a seed fair and most def- initely providing the latest methods in weed eradication by chemicals. Business Girls' Bowling League In the Business Girls' Bowling League on Tuesday night, the tota scores for the three games are as follows: Aikenbacks—F. Aiken 580, 11, Dix- on 460, E. Miller 385, N. Tyndall 411, Handicap 375-2,161; Connellscernels —Handicap 375, II. Grealis 388, K. Middleton 324, E. Sutter 502, B. Shepherd 465-2,054, Colquhouns- balloons—J. Colquhoun 604, M. Sut- ter 373, B. Johnson 383, R. Potter 308, D. Tyndall 413-2,081; Fremlins. gremlins—H. Fremlin 651, K. McGill 367, IL Taylor 453, V. Freeman 370, M. Hudie 271-2,112. W L T TS P Aike. nbacks ... 16 11 .. 6 38 Connellscernels . 12 14 .. 5 27 Colquhounsbal'ns 15 10 4 34 Fremlinagrendins 11 16 .5 2'7 Colquhounaballoons and Fremlins. gremlins bowl at 7.15, and Aiken - backs and Connasocrnels at nine o'clock next Tuesday night. F. R. Cuninghame FLORIST • At Cuninghame Green- . houses, Huron St. CYCLAIVIDN— $1. to $2 CHERRIES and PRIMULAS - 75c to 51 BEGONIAS - 50c to 52 For Healthy Plants, use FERTABS regularly For sale at Greenhouses and Canadian National Express Office 25e per pkg. cur FrowERs Roses and Carnations 48-49-b Nominations at Blyth Three School Trustees At the •regular meeting of Blyth village council in Memorial Hall on Monday evening, it was decided that on Dec. 9, from 12 noon to 1 pan., nominations would be received for three school trustee, with eleetiora if necessary, Dee. 24. These vaeancies were supposedlr filled by acclamation at the regub.n nomination meeting held Nov. 22, but the eandidates failed to quality with. in the specified time. Those nomis nated were S: Creighton, W. Thutill, and E. Cartwright, Christmas Gifts for Men We have a good selection of Pipes, Lighters'Tobacco Pouches, Wallets, Cigarette Cases, etc. Come in and browse around. —We May Have The Gift You Need— CLINTONjB},9TVyylkrileALLEY iD49-5 LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY Aylmer 3 tins Polly Prim 2 tins INFANT FOOD 25e PEAS 29e per tin Tomato 105 oz. tins DRANO 29c JUICE 53c York 2 tins TOMATO JUICE 23e Harry Horne's Sweeteded Ice CREAM MIX 2 pkg. 23e Nutrium 16 oz. tin BABY FOOD 45e CHOX 39c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Mixed per lb. . NUTS 45c Gaine's per pkg. DOG BISCUITS 27e per tiur A LONG LASTING—ECONOMICAL TOUT SOAP Choice Meats WHITE WOOL $L95, $2.25, $2.50 RAYON $1.50 to $2.25 WHITE SILK $1.50 to $2.95 PHONE 40 FREE DELIVERY Fidito 0 0 0 DRESSING' GOWNS Braces per pair $1. Belts $1. to $2.50 Ties $1. to $2.50 Men's Hose 40e to $1.50 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, White 3 for $1. Tie and Collar Pins, Currie special' $1. SCARVES, Davis & Herman rAVOilfgAVAVMMOWAVMMOMAVAVANtaTIVOlitefteAte, : OntiWN. " 'IMMUWOMMM*ft *ASWAN, • MW*‘,4.:':"‘ 61J1110E sk. akka‘laaatA‘a%saa MtiMMMOIMmv. Full Line Of Pyrex Ovenware 06: PERCOLATORS - DRIPOLATOR CASSEROLES - UTILITY DISHES - LOAF PANS PIE PLATES - CUSTARD CUPS ft' Bread Boxes Cannister Sets and Cake Savers Children's Lunch Boxes and Vacuum Bottles SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS KIDDIE CARS Reg. $3.75 TO CLEAR $3.00 .0 Hardware Sutter - Perdue Phone 147 # ,:AwstioftvAmibowstomoskoft5mowagwa~mostotiii , s ,..1, , .. r‘ .4002a44, F 0 CI D 5 slums PURE GRAPE JUICE bottle 28c FLORIDA• GRAPEFRUIT JUICE tin 16c A,YLIVIER MIXED Peas & Carrots, tin 21c 'A,YLMER No. 3 SIFTED PEAS tin 17c ..,. CULIVERHOUSE TOMATO JUICE • tin 12c CASTLE LIME • JUICE bottle 37c SMART'S CHOICE • • PUMPKIN tin 15e OYLER PURE CRANBERRY SAUCE jar 37c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE tin 15c ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUICE • tin 21e McLAREN'S STUFFED OLIVES, 11 oz. jar 67c AYLMER PLAIN OLIVES ......9 oz. jar 45c NEW SUNKIST NAVEL 1O1,,, AF ORANGES -- I CALIFORNIA EMPEROR •. 4,2 GR'APES - tii4off• 4 64!!'" FANCY EATMORE CRANBERRIES , ' 004a1 TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRITIT FANCY DELICIOUS .---. APPLES FANCY FROSTED PEAS pkg. 26c DIAMOND BUDDED WALNUTS lb. 63e FANCY FROSTED Strawberries ... pkg. 40e FANCY MIXED NUTS lb. 45c FANCY FROSTED KERNEL CORN pkg. 26c CHOICE SICILY FILBERTS lb. 37c SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery • CLINTON Philco Car Radios For Sale FARGO Two -ton TRUCK FL4-160 See it Today! — EACH $65.75 "WINTERIZE NOW" Before Your Rad Freezes Up Don't Delay! Chains Pr. $9.05 Defrosters .. Each $4.20 Now in Stock , DOMINION TIRES Batteries from $8. up 11 Lorne J. Brown Expert Mecbanieal Repairs PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service THURSDAY, DEOEIVIBER 194, Ken G. Waters Re-elected 01VIHA Vice -President Ken G. Waters, Toronto, former Mayor of Clinton, has been re-eleeted by acclamation first vice-president, Ontario Minor Hockey Association. The president is 0. H.Luke, Oshawa. The business agenda was not Os heavy as in former years, but the main item, an amendment that would have compelled "A" players to con- fine their playing to that division. was defeated, much to the surprise of the meeting. Hereafter playing eertiaicates of members of teams in all series must be produced upon request before the start of the game, between periods or •immediately ,following the con- clusion of games. The delegates also approved an amendment whereby semi-final games may be shortened in time by mutual agreement of the managers of both clubs, ‘Approval was also given to an amerulinent whieh calls for thirty minutes of overtime in the event the se,ore is tied on the round in the second of a home -and -home game series. The overtime will be divided into three ten-minute periods, and if still deadlocked at the expiration of the 30 minutes of overtime, the man- agers of the contending teams will toss for the site of the third and deciding game. Huron Crop Improvement Association to Meet Here Huron County Crop_ Improvement Association is holding its annual meeting on Thursday, December 12, at 1.30 p.m. in the Agricultural Of- fice, Clinton. The guest speaker is to be Prof. R. Keegan, Field Hus- bandry Department, OA1C, Guelph. All farmers in the County ase considered members of this associa- tion, and it is hoped that as many as possible will be present at this meeting. The organization was formed last January. During the summer this group has, been active in having ex- perimental plots throughout the County. They have tested the qual- ities of new varieties of oats and barley and have demonstrated areas with the suitable pasture mixtures. Next year. the association plans a similar plan, only on a larger scale, ;possibly with adding the features of sponsoring a seed fair and most def- initely providing the latest methods in weed eradication by chemicals. Business Girls' Bowling League In the Business Girls' Bowling League on Tuesday night, the tota scores for the three games are as follows: Aikenbacks—F. Aiken 580, 11, Dix- on 460, E. Miller 385, N. Tyndall 411, Handicap 375-2,161; Connellscernels —Handicap 375, II. Grealis 388, K. Middleton 324, E. Sutter 502, B. Shepherd 465-2,054, Colquhouns- balloons—J. Colquhoun 604, M. Sut- ter 373, B. Johnson 383, R. Potter 308, D. Tyndall 413-2,081; Fremlins. gremlins—H. Fremlin 651, K. McGill 367, IL Taylor 453, V. Freeman 370, M. Hudie 271-2,112. W L T TS P Aike. nbacks ... 16 11 .. 6 38 Connellscernels . 12 14 .. 5 27 Colquhounsbal'ns 15 10 4 34 Fremlinagrendins 11 16 .5 2'7 Colquhounaballoons and Fremlins. gremlins bowl at 7.15, and Aiken - backs and Connasocrnels at nine o'clock next Tuesday night. F. R. Cuninghame FLORIST • At Cuninghame Green- . houses, Huron St. CYCLAIVIDN— $1. to $2 CHERRIES and PRIMULAS - 75c to 51 BEGONIAS - 50c to 52 For Healthy Plants, use FERTABS regularly For sale at Greenhouses and Canadian National Express Office 25e per pkg. cur FrowERs Roses and Carnations 48-49-b Nominations at Blyth Three School Trustees At the •regular meeting of Blyth village council in Memorial Hall on Monday evening, it was decided that on Dec. 9, from 12 noon to 1 pan., nominations would be received for three school trustee, with eleetiora if necessary, Dee. 24. These vaeancies were supposedlr filled by acclamation at the regub.n nomination meeting held Nov. 22, but the eandidates failed to quality with. in the specified time. Those nomis nated were S: Creighton, W. Thutill, and E. Cartwright, Christmas Gifts for Men We have a good selection of Pipes, Lighters'Tobacco Pouches, Wallets, Cigarette Cases, etc. Come in and browse around. —We May Have The Gift You Need— CLINTONjB},9TVyylkrileALLEY iD49-5 LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY Aylmer 3 tins Polly Prim 2 tins INFANT FOOD 25e PEAS 29e per tin Tomato 105 oz. tins DRANO 29c JUICE 53c York 2 tins TOMATO JUICE 23e Harry Horne's Sweeteded Ice CREAM MIX 2 pkg. 23e Nutrium 16 oz. tin BABY FOOD 45e CHOX 39c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Mixed per lb. . NUTS 45c Gaine's per pkg. DOG BISCUITS 27e per tiur A LONG LASTING—ECONOMICAL TOUT SOAP Choice Meats WHITE WOOL $L95, $2.25, $2.50 RAYON $1.50 to $2.25 WHITE SILK $1.50 to $2.95 PHONE 40 FREE DELIVERY Fidito 0 0 0 DRESSING' GOWNS Braces per pair $1. Belts $1. to $2.50 Ties $1. to $2.50 Men's Hose 40e to $1.50 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, White 3 for $1. Tie and Collar Pins, Currie special' $1. SCARVES, Davis & Herman rAVOilfgAVAVMMOWAVMMOMAVAVANtaTIVOlitefteAte, : OntiWN. " 'IMMUWOMMM*ft *ASWAN, • MW*‘,4.:':"‘ 61J1110E sk. akka‘laaatA‘a%saa MtiMMMOIMmv. Full Line Of Pyrex Ovenware 06: PERCOLATORS - DRIPOLATOR CASSEROLES - UTILITY DISHES - LOAF PANS PIE PLATES - CUSTARD CUPS ft' Bread Boxes Cannister Sets and Cake Savers Children's Lunch Boxes and Vacuum Bottles SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS KIDDIE CARS Reg. $3.75 TO CLEAR $3.00 .0 Hardware Sutter - Perdue Phone 147 # ,:AwstioftvAmibowstomoskoft5mowagwa~mostotiii