HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-28, Page 8PAG 'EIGHT ' MINTON NEAVS-REIZORD TILLIRSDAlY, NOVEMBER 28,. 1946 I Business Girls' Bowling League In the Business Girls' Bowling League on Tuesday night, Aiken-, backs defeated Connellscernels by 2,275-2,142. Colquhounsballoons de- feated Fremlinsgrenilins 2,201-1,816. Aikenbacks—F. Aiken 605; H. Dix- on 577; M. Miller 454; E. Glew 525; N. Tyndall 316; total 2,275; Connells- cernels,—j. ,Colquhoun 543; B. •Grealis 339; K. Middleton 363; E. Sutter 436; B. Shepherd 461; total 2,142. Coign- hounsballoons—M. Oolquhoun 614; B. Johnson 409; M. Sutter 329; Handicap 849; total 2,201; Fremlinsgremlins- - 11, Fremlin 441; K. McGill 361; H. Taylor 409; 8. Habgood 281; M. Hudie 824; total 1,816. STANDING W L T TS P ABrenbacks 15 9 .. 6 36 `C•onnellscernels 11 12 .. 3 25 Calquhounisball'ns 13 9 .. 3 29 Fremlinsgremlins 9 15 .. 4 22 Connellscernels and Fremlinsgrem. lins bowl 7.15, and Aikenbacks and Colquhounsballoons at 9 o'cock. SOFTBALL 'CLUB PRESENTED $25 ' TO PARK BOARD The isportance of sport in de- veloping the youth of the community along proper lines was stressed at the annual banquet of Clinton ;Rich - wear Softball Club M Glenne's Rest- aurant Friday evening last. A. highight of the programme was the presentation od- a cheque for $25 to the Board of Palls Management as a donation from the Club out of the season's profits. It was received by A. J. McMurray, chairman of the Board, with President Tames Chowen making the presentation. President ,Chowen acted as chair- man, and short addresses were given by Gordon Ross, manager; Barrett Taylor, treasurer; Thomas Morgan, coach, and Bert W'hite, captain. ' Moyer A. J. McMurray, in the main speech of the evening, paid tribute to the sportsmen of the town and the townspeople generally, for their gen- erous 'support of the Community Park project. Others who solqm included Dr. 3. W. iShaw, the "grand old man" a sport in Clinton; Hugh Hawkins; John W. Nediger, and Dr. Fred G. Thompson. ' 35 SET r BOXES S/TATIONERY Fancy boxes, in quan- tities and qualities to suit your budget. Christmas Gift Wrap Ribbons, Tags, Seals, Enclosure Cards, etc. TREE DECORATIONS Icicles, Tinsel Rope, Tree Lights, Tree Bells, Glass Ornaments, Wreaths, Snow, etc. VT' TABLE Decorations Paper Table Cloths Serviettes Table Trees 'CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed and Individual assortments to suit any purse. TOYS - GAMES - ETC. We have a complete line of games and toys AT OUR CHINA AND GIFT DEPARTMENT YOU MAY FIND THE GIFT FOR HER IN GUR BOOK DEPARTMENT YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO BROWSE AND WE HAVE THE VEST BEST BOOKS McEWAN'S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ---- ALWAYS THE BEST ''4F4‘~x4kal.,..+4144.3.A.14041.4,041.4e4K-VaWs+44,14444.0402.4.44.144tWd Johnson's Quality Groceries GOLD MEDAL TEA 1/2 lb. 38c McLARENS COFFEE 47c lb. DALY'S TEA 1/2 lb. 45c O -Cedar Polish 50c Sani-Flush 29c Aero Wax 33c (No Rubbing` Mepldsto Sardines 2 for 25c Vita -B -Cereal, 10c, 25c Red River Cereal ... 25c Tree Sweet Lemon Juice 14c Danny Boy Chocolate Syrup 49e Polly Prim Peas 2 for 29c Tuna Fish Sandwkh Spread ... 39c MIXED NUTS 45c per lb. PHONE 28 6 Free Courteous Deliveries CHOICE QUALITY READY CUT MIXED PEEL 1/2 lb. 25c • . .. Scarves 1 for Christmas Wool, Silk and Rayon WHITE WOOL RAYON $1.95, $2.2'5, $2.50 $1.50 to $2.25 WHITE SILK $1.50 to $2.95 Davis & Herman We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We Oiler What We Have at Very Low Prices BROWN'S (One door north of the Royal Bank) In the men's bowling on Monday night,L iucky 'Strikes defeated Wild- cats n three straight games, totals being 3,755 to 3,142. Sluggers de- feated the Up an Atoms also in three straight games 3,542 to 3,030. Each of the winning teams gained seven points. Sluggers: Ray Hogarth, 590; Bill F,ulford, 641; Fred 1WaoDonald, 647; M. Maguire, 551; 0. X. Livermore, 506; F. Miller, 598; total, 3,543; Up an Atoms; T. R. O'Connell, 490; V. Huller, 580; B. Miller, 451; L. John- son, 623; B. Seeley, 403; B. Freel, 450; total 3,030. Lucky Strikes: B. Harris, 597, li. •Grealis, 725; P. Cook, 522; F. Grealis, 620; J. Cooper, 651; B. White, 642; total, 5,765; wildcats: Clarence Cooper, 667; Bob Cook, 523; Ed. Steep, 514; John Cree, 432; Jack LeSPington, 423; lVlait. Falconer, 683; total, 3,142. STANDING W L T HT P Lucky Strikes 14 4 .. 6 34 Wildcats 8 9 1 3 20 Sluggers 7 10 1 • 2 17 Up ma Atoms , 12 1 13 Wolf Cubs Organize Floor Hockey League The first Clinton Wolf Cub pack held its regular meeting on Thursday, November 21, in the Scout Hall. The meeting opened with the Grand Howl led by Akela. The flag break was in charge of ,Sixer Ted Ross. The main part of the evening was taken up 'with the organization of a floor hockey league. Four teams were chosen and M. Malth,y, R. Elliott, T. Ross and J. Hartley, were appointed captains. Two rather hectic games of hockey tools place. The teams led by J. Hartley and M. Maltby proved victorious. The meeting was closed with the Grand Howl :and Scout Silence. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. a-nd Mrs. R. G. Thompson were recent weekend visitors in Sarnia. Members of aVElverton Lions Club will be guests of Clinton Lions Club at the latter's dinner meeting. in St. Paul's Parish Hall this evening. Two former •Clintonians have been re-elected by acclamation to ,Sehool Boards in other towns—Harold S. Turner, in Goderich, and Ewart E. Paterson, in Wiarton. The latter is chairman of the Beard. STIRLING AND GINN CONTEST THE REEVESHIP (Continued from Page 1) cement, materials would be available. Frank Fingland, EK.C., spoke in be- half of the Christmas Seal campaign. ,Coun. Gordon Orr reviewed the road work and praised the warble fly experiment. The township needed a hall, he said. Coun. J. Ben Bothwell thought the township roads M as good shape as any in the county. He lauded the warble fly experiment. W. R. "Bert" Lobb congratulated the Council on what they had done. The warble ffY-eampaign was good business, he thought, and it was UP to the Council to see this thing through in the next two years, lie thought the assessment should be adjusted. One of his first ideas would be to have a hall. Bert Harris said he was undecided •as to whether he would stand. Al- fred Warner asked about the Court of Revision and wondered it it had been decided Others who spoke briefly included Frank Yeo, nominated for school trustee -' James A. McMillan, Lorne Jervis, Alvin Betties, who praised the -,varbie fly experiment and support- ed a township hall; G. W. Nott, reeve of Clinton; Warden 11. E. Shaddick, reeve of Henson; Clayton Laithwaite, Irvin Tebbutt, Robert Welsh, who surveyed the school board's year's work. SIX ARE IN FIELD FOR COUNCIL SEATS IN HULLETT TWP. (Continued from Page One) year with the Council. Arthur ,Clark was called on but was not present. Court S. Ira Rapson said he enjoyed the cooperation from the ratepayers, and reeve and council. Council had bought the power grader for snow work in the winter, and if you hire equipment, it runs into money fast. iAln outfit of ther own could do 75 to 90 per cent of the work. The roads needed to be cleaned up. Coun. George C. Brown said he had been in favor of buying the power mower; the hydraulic lift did not work at first but does now. Re- garding the grader, he thought the snowplowing would be better hired, but it would be very useful for wid- ening of roads. Leslie Reid was not present, but his mover, Mr. Mellwing asked sup- port for his election. Ross H. MacGregor reported on his membership on the Hospital Board, ,Seaforth, ,and George C. Ginn, reeve of ,Goderich Township, and 11. S. Atkey, editor a The NEWS -RECORD were each called on for a few words. I F. R. DufinghaEne ,FLORIST At Cuninghame Green. houses, Huron St. CYCLAMEN— $1. to $2 CHERRIES and PRIMULAS - 75c to $1 BEGONIAS - 500 to $2 For Healthy Plants, use FERTAl3S regularly For sale at Greenhouses and Canadian National Express Office 20c per pkg. CUT FLOWERS Roses and Carnations 48-49-5 OBITUARY GEORGE CANTELON A large number attended the fun= eral Wednesday afternoon, November 27, at the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. 51, for George Cant- elon, who passed !away in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Nevem- ber 25, 1946, in his 89th year. Rev. Andrew Lane officiated, the service being in eharge of Murphy Lodge, LOL, No, 710 Pallbearers were W. M. Aiken, G. N. Davies, James Turn- er, Charles Nelson, Asa peeves and N. W. Trewartlm, all members of the order, Flower bearers were Francis, Raymond and George Cantelon; Rob- ert Cole, Jr., and Lloyd Wolper. In- terment took place in Clinton Ceme- tery. Mr. Caintelon was born on conces- sion 9, Goderich Township, July 20, 1858, one of ten children of the late George Cantelon and Catherine Ceok. He spent the rnoSt of his life farming in his native township, and on retir- ing 21 years ago, moved to Clinton which since had been his home. He was a member of Murphy Lodge No. 7.10 for the greater part of his life and in religion. was United, being a member od United Church. For the Most of his life, Mr. ,Cant- elon had enjoyed excellent health, but for the past eight years, owing to his adavnced ,age, his health had been failing. Late in August this year he ,suffered a fall and had not been in his usual health since. His death occurred in ,Olinton Public Hos- pital where he had been a patient for a few weeks. iMr. Gantelon was never married. ISurviving are one brother and one sister, Adam, Clinton, and Margaret, (Mrs. W. Edwards), Souris, Man, who on account of her advancecl. years was not able to attend the funeral. May's Studio will close for the duration of the winter months on December 1. Clinton Lodge, No. 83, I.O.O.F. en- joyed a very delightful chicken sup- per in Wesley -Willis Church Hall last evening. Further particulars will appear in next week's issue. -\.nxtrrintrenttrtt This is to announce that the business known as the "Clinton Bowling Alley," and operated by L. G. "Skip" Winter, is now under the new ownership of H. E. "liar Hartley. Your continued patronage would be greatly appreciated. CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY H. E. HARTLEY, Proprietor 48-b We advise you to have your radio put in shape for the Christ- mas Season within the next two weeks. * Do not put it off until the Christmas rush, and be disappointed by having to wait days instead of hours to get your radio back. Prompt Reliable Radio Service 30 -DAY GUARANTEE ON ALL REPLACED PARTS . MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing King St. Clinton AMMMMIIIMMOW Chesterfields and Chairs REBUILT LIKE NEW Fine Selection of Coverings- -Workmanship Guaranteed JACK'S UPHOLSTERING Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clinton 24-btfb AYLMER, INFANT FOODS 2 TINS 15c 1 FANCY TOMATO JUICE 2 TINS 23c AYLMER VEG. MACEDOINE 2 TINS 41c FANCY MIXED NUTS LB. 45c CA)V.S4211 MOW A lli ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE TIN 15c BLUE & GOLD PEAS 2 TINS 35c IA ..iltge•''''. t POLO CUT BEANS 2 TINS 31c VITANIP ORANGE JUICE GRAP EFRUIT JUICE TIN 21c TIN 16c 5 CAKES 24e GARDEN FRESH FRUIT$ and VEGETABLES CELERY TOMATOES LETTUCE CALIFORNIA SWEET 288's ORANGES ... ...... doz. 39c LEMONS GRAPES BANANAS TURNIPS CABBAGE PARSNIPS FLORIDA JUICY 96's_ Grapefruit 4 urapefruit 4 for 25c APPLES RADISHES SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON OPEN SUNDAY DECEMBER 1 FOR SALE FARGO Twb-Ton TRUCK FL4-160 See it Today! "WINTERIZE NOW" Before Your Rad Freezes Up Don't Delay! CHRYCO BATTERIES — CHAINS — ANTI -FREEZE DEFROSTERS — and other Accessories Now in Stock Lorne J. Brown Expert Mechanical Repairs PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service I wish to extend thanks to' my friends for their patronage during the years I was proprietor of. the. Clinton Bowling Alley. To Mi.. Hartley, ray successor,, go my heartfelt vdshes for every success, through your continued patronage. L. G. "Skip' Winter' "Every Customer a Friend!" 48-p LOBB'S Q CLUB HOUSE COFFEE .1.lb jar LIBBY TOMATO JUICE 2 tins BLENDED JUICE 2 ling BRUNSWICK SARDINES 2 tins FALCON TOMATOES tin GARDEN FRESH UALITY GROCERY AYLMER TOMATO. 45c SOUP 2 tins 19c 23c 43c PLUMS 2 tins 33c 2 tins for L coupon 17c CMCKEN , RAMIE tin 30e 17c LIQUID LAUNDRY STARCH per htl. 29c FRUITS and VEGETABLES DEVON PEAS 2 tins 29c LO1VIBARD 5 BARS 25c FREE DELIVERY PHONE 40 Choice Record Albums RCA Victor mormaprommielaro Perry Como — Christmas Music Jerome Kern—Melodies —by M. Goodman J. S. Bach —"Sonata hi E' Stravins — "The Song of the Nightingale" C LI N TO N alW" EPPSJ ON TA.RIO SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY Buy your wife a new Gibson Electric Refrigerator Now in Stock ROGERS - DEFOREST - PHILCO R -ADIOS "B" Batteries; 2 -Volt "A" Batteries; Flash Light Batteries, and (Hearing Aid) Batteries, in stock. SI1UR-SHOCK FENCERS — TOASTERS — IRONS — RANGETTES DOMINION WASHERS — FLASH LIGHTS Also the New Fluorescent 24" Lights, now available for Kitchen or Bath Room; easy to instal. GROVES ELECTRIC Your Store for Electrical Appliances Phones 290W - 274 The Popular PYREX Oven Ware for better and faster baking PERCOLATORS $3.45 DRIPOLATORS . .. $4.35 to $5.95 CASSEROLES 75c to $1.40 UTILITY DISHES 75c LOAF PAN'S 70c PIE PLATES 30c to 50c , CUSTARD CUPS 10c, CROSLEY RADIO, table model $42.00 SUTTER-PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON