HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-28, Page 6PAG I SIX Interesting Items NEWS OF BAY1FIELD Representative: KISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31. 1•111011110.11•••••••••111 Mrs. Charles Berry is visiting in London rattle week. °active Weston and Melvin Davison Me spending, this week in Detroit. Mee. J. W. Jewett and noueehold have moved into their wintee home on Main St. Ma and Mrs. A. Sullivan, Mrs. C. Robbins and .Claudia, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mrs. W, a Mc- Leod. Mae. Will Carnie,_ who recently sustained a ,broken shoulder, is re- cuperating at the home a Mrs. Agnes lauray. Mr, and Mrs. Grant Turner, who have been ocrpyin,g Merton Mer- ner's residence on ,Oatharine St., are moving this week into their home recently vacated by M. Toms. Mrs. J. Kneesharve Goderich, is caring for her sister, Miss Cecil Lead, who is confined to bed follow- ing her accident on Saturday even - ring. Miss 11VIeLeocia many friends 'wish her a weedy recovery. Ma. and Mrs. Toms Move Mr. and MTS. Malcom Tome, who have occupied the late Ed. !denier's residence on the corner of Cthiniquy and Catharine Sas. for the past 20 years, have moved into their resi- dence on Main Street. Orange Banquet Members of L.O.L. No. 24, with their wives and friends, enjoyed a banquet in the Town Hall, on Friday atening prepared and served by a conernittee of the women. WM S. H. Parker extended greetings and an- troduced the speaker, Clifford Talbot, who gave a very fine address on "Orangism." There were about one hundred present. I Return from Hunting Marry Baker and two nephews, Howerd and Ronald Burt; returned to London on ,Sunday after having spent several night with his parents, I Me. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Accomp- anied by Lloyd Seatchmer, Wiuiani MeDool and Glen Brandon, they spent Friday and Saturday deer hunting in Bruce County, They only sighted one deer 'and none of the piney brought home a bag Return to "The Rut' MTS. N. W. Woods and Miss Lucy Woods moved into their residence, "The, Hut" an Bayfield Terrece on Saturday. It is 39 years since they 'left tbis, home to reside in what was known as the old Routledge place on M,aie St., which the late Dr. N. W. Woods had purchased from the late Thomas Stinson who conducted a general store there for a few years. The store was renovated and a new front put in for the Sterling Bank and later taken over by the Bank of Commerce until it elose,d. Since 1935 it has housed the Post Office. Mr and Mrs. Malcom Toms purchased the 'property the first of March and have taken possession. Struck by Car 1VIiss Cecil Me.Leod met with a pain- ful and what might have been a very serious accident on Saturday even- ing about five o'clock when she was struck by a car going south, driven ay Fred S. Olsen, Sarnia. Miss Mc- Leod was 'opposite her home on the right hand side of the road hauling a small express wagon containing a bag of apples. It was desk and she Blended for Quality 11,sALA TEA For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 CLINTON NerwsgmeneD elet11S8DA1le NOVPIRER 28, 1:' From News- ecord s Rural Correspondents _ was rwearin,g clothes which did not show up against the pavement, so that the driver did not see her until he struck the express wagon. She was thrown ever the hood et the car onto the other side af the highway and sustained cuts and bruises to her sealp, forehead, chest, knees and ankle. ,She was attended in her ,home by Dr. W. A. °ekes, Clinton. Provineial Constable James ,Culp Godeeich, investigated the accident. HOLMESVILLE Donald Palmer, Toronto, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and MTS. P. Palmer. Mire and .Mes. William Norman at- tended the Royal Winter Fair at Tor - into la,st week. Mr. and Mos. E. a Trewartha were Sunday geests, of thee: Son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K.. Lang- ford, Woodhain. MTS. Norman ,Treevartha and 'afla- me 'spent a few days last week visit- ing with Rev. and Mrs. Stewart ,Min- er, Fordwieh. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pickles and ales. Pie,kles, Sr., London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mes. Albert Bond, Miss Helen and Gertrude Bend returned with them, having spent the weekend at their home. The Save the .Ohildren Club will meet at the home of ears, Walters on Friday, December 6, at 2.30 pan. Lunch will be served. The collection going to bhe Fund. Congregational Supper About 75 see down to e congrega- tional supper, which was held in the basement of the church on Wednes- day, November 20. Following the supper a splendid progranune was presented interspersedl with contests which were enjoyed by all. A. very pleasant pain of the evening was the presentation of a bouquet .of roses and wrist width to Mac. Yeo who has been the 'efficient organist for a number of years. Mrs. Ebner Potter read an address and MTS. A. E. Bond presented the watch while ,Miss Eleanor Yeo pre- sented the bouquetofroses. The ad- dress was in part as follows: "For the past ten years or more you have been our church organist. We realize that th15 is not an easy position and is indeed most discouraging at times. Yet you have always given the best of your talent in a most patient and cheerful manner. We all know that just as many persons have been brought into the Saviour's fold by the ministry of song as have been by oratory. In this way you laboured faithfully in the Master's service throughout the years. Yours is in- deed a -most important ministry and you have given etstintingly of your talent." Now we ask you to accept this watch as a slight token of our ap- preciation of your services, with the hope that we may have many more happy years in the Master's service. The address was signed on behalf of Holmesville United Church by Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, choir; Mrs. A. Bond, Wile.; H. J. Trewartha, Board; A. E.. Bond, S.S. W.M.S. and W.A. Meet The monthly meeting of Holmest ville W.M.S. was held at the hozne of Mrs. W. Norman with Mrs, (Rev.) C. Tavener conducting the worship period. Meeting opened by singing Hymn 4, after which the leader led in prayer and also read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Walters. gave a reading and Mrs. E. Trewartha read an article on Temperance. The secretary, Mrs. B. Trewartha, read the minutes of the last meeting and roll call, also a let- ter of thanks for flowers from Mrs. T. Elliott The president conducted the business period. Mrs. P. Mulhol- land gave 'an article on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. N. Heard, who was the delegate to the sectional meeting at Benmiller gave a splendid report of the day. Mrs. Tavener moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Heard. A duet by Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Norman GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mae and Mrs. Ted Middleton, Strat- ford, were 'home for the weekend. Bill Leath and jack ,Merrill spent a few days in 'Toronto last Week and attended the Royal Wetter Fair. Mies , Elitabetle Middleton, Third Year student at Cu/varsity at West- ern Ontario, spent the weekend at her home, alise 0., Neftel, Mrs, Hattie Stew- art, Misses Mina end Agnes Middle- ton, all of Gederinh, spent Sunday with MT. and Is. John. Middleton. Mr. mid Mrs'. Stewart Middleton, aleampanied by Mr, and Mrs. Robert Archibald, ,Sealorth visited with friends in Toronto, Met week, and attended the Royal Winter Fair, Miss Margaret 'Middleton, R.N., who is an operating room supeevisca on the staff of St. Joseph's Howital, London, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Bob Rathevell and Doti Middleton returned last week eater wending a week in Toronto, where they attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair and saw a Saturday night hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardena Ivry. a..ncl Mrs. Will Tebbutt, God- erich, Mr. and MTS. 0. L. Paisley, Clinton, and MT. and MTS. John H. aleErwen and .Stewart, Stanley Town. ship, Vent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. ,Goderich Towns14 Federation of Agriculture is arranging an educe. tional tour of the Whyte Packing Plant, Stratford, for Tuesday, Dee. 10, in which farmers of the Township, about 40 in number, are invited to participate. At the plant, they. will be given 'an opportunity to judge hogs on foot, see the hog kill, and bear the veterinaryjnspector discuss various diseased carcasses, arid the head grader point out the qualities of different type carcasses. Alfred 'Warner is convener of the committee in charge of the tour. The S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum meet- ing of this week was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Feed Lobb, with 20 members present. The topic for discussion was "Is Research 1VIeeting Farm Needs," and it was decided that more money should be spent on agricultural re- search—for eoutrolling weeds, brush, etc., along our roads; (2) Into all types of farm machinery and a re. port issued on practicality of all machines regardless of any manufac- turer's publicity; (3) to increase edu- cational standards by some of the modern methods, also approve of in- creasing 'amusement standards for rural districts. They also concluded that it is fair to tax eity people for agricultural research as they get a better grade of produets from the far& through former research. Fred Lobb led the discussion. During the recreation, games were played. Lunch was served. The meeting on Deeember 2, is to be held rat the home of Ma, and Mrs. Robert Thompson with Haase Mc- Cartney and Carman Tebbutt in charge of the reoreation. was enjoyed by all, The autumn Thankoffering was re- ceived at this meeting. All joieed in singing Hymn 123 and Mrs. Tavener closed the meeting with prayer. The meeting of the W.A. was 15 charge of the president, Mrs. Bond. Hymn 281 was used in opening, fol- lowed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The treasurer, Mrs. Walters, reported proceeds from regent bazaar amounted to $145. A; vote of thanks was moved to all those who in any way contributed to success of same. Plans were made for a congreagtion- al supper and social evening on Nov. 20. ,Committees were named to take charge. Meeting closed by repeating the lVfizpah 'Benediction. The supply of Obristmas cards' to be sold were on hand ,and several boxes disposed of. Mrs. B. Trewartha and ,MTS. W. Norman were hostesses for the day. I'M HAPPY! I've Got No Christmas Gift Worries. I'm giving Photographs theideal Christmas Gift The last day sittings can be made in time for Christmas delivery is Friday Dec.6 PHONE 84 MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY FOWLER BROS. , „ PHOTOGRAPHERS McEwans CLINTON AUBURN Donald ,ROSS, Galt, epent the week- end with his mothee, Mrs. Feed Ross. Mrs, John Raithby is, visiting her son, EMI Raithby, and Mrs. Raithby, Goderieh: Mrs. Leslie Hallam and young son have returned home from Alexandra Howital, Goderich. ,Mrs. Robert Rutledge has returned home from Goderich,Hospital, where she had been a patient for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Bright's Grove, spent the weekend with Dr. B. 0. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay. Miss Ruth Arthur, Public Health Nurse,. Windsor, and Harry Arthur, London, were weekend visitors with theie mother, Mrs. Jahn Arthur. Purchase Farm Mr. and Mae. William Reed have puechasecl Charles Jones' farm on the Boundary and have moved onto it. Occupies 'Pulpit Rev. Andrew Lane, Wesley -Willis United Ohmele Clinton, oectipied the pulpit of Knox United ,Glunrch in the absence of the ipastor, ,Rev. Har- old Snell, who is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, following a major illness. Trustees Returned At the nomination meeting held Feida.y night in the Public Library, the three village trustees —15, IX Munro, Bert Otaig and Harry Beadle —were returned to office by accla- mation. The year's, activities were reviewed and discussions centred around the purchase of new hose for the fire equipment. Thomas Hallam iceipasieitcyre.tery-teeasueer of the mune Baptist Annual The Baptist congregation held their annual ineeting,on Friday even - mg in the Sunday .tahool room. A pot -luck supper was enjoyed and while seated round the table, Rev. C. C. Anderson ,presided for the busi- ness period. The clerk, Glen Raithby, read the minutes of the previoes meeting and the treasurer, Frank Raithby. gave the financial report. which showed a substantial balance on hand. Officers elected were; Clerk, Glen Raithby; treasurer, Prank Raithby; deacons, George Raithby, Torrance Tabb, James Raithby; organist, Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips; choir leader, Mrs. O. A. Howson. Sunday 'School superintendents, Mr. Eimer Robertson, James Raithby, Torrance Tabb, ,Glen ,Raithby. W.r. Meets Mes. Albeit mCapbellpresided for the November meeting of Attie= Women's Institute, held in the For- ester's Hall bn Thursday. The meet- ing opened with the singing of the "Ode" and the Lord's Prayer repeat- ed in unieon. Ai solo was rendered by Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mae Wel- lington Good contributed a reading, "The •Ouee for a Grouch." Current Events were reviewed by Miss Ethel Washington. Mrs. William J. Craig gave a comprehensive report of the Aeea Gmvention held recently at London. Mrs. Feed Plaetzer favor- ed -with a solo. Mrs. C. M. Straughan gave an interesting paper Oil Histori- cal Research, telling the early history of Auburn. In the old days the vil- lage was known as Manchester, until the coming of the railroad. The station was named Auburn and grad- ually the village came also to be known as Auburn. Mrs. ,Straughan gave the history of the surrounding farms ,and re- called occu,pants during the eaely years, when her grandfather still farmed on one of them, Auburn in those days had a booming business seetion which boasted af four hotels. two shoe shops and many places of business. The roll cal was an relic and its history. Many relies were displayed, ecene oe them dating beck over one hundred. years. Business included an invitation from the Dungannon Institute to attend a social evening on November 30, which was, accepted. A letter was read from 1VIiss M. Small of Toronto, a Pinner member who sent Christ- mas greetings to the Institute. Sev- eral "thank you" letters were read. It was decided to send $25 to head- quarters for the 100th anniversaey of the Institute. The singing of the National An- them brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was, served by IVIrs. J. J. Rob- eetson, Mrs. Albert Campbell, Mrs. A. Rollinson, Miss M. King, and ,Mrs, George Million. ST P HERE TODAY— FOR GOODFVEAR TIRE SERVICE We know how to keep your tires in service. We use Goodyear. approved repair methods and mate- rials exclusively REPAIRS -- VULCANIZING Shell Service Station REG. RAU — PRONE) 5 Clinton, Ontario VOTE ROBERT G. SMITH For Councillor in Goderich Township for 1947 If re-eleeted, will serve the ratepeyers to the best of my ability. I also want to thank everyone for any favours in the past. 48-p GEORGE C. GINN respectfully solicits your support again on Friday:, December 6, for the office of .REEVE of Goderich Township, and thanks the electors farall courtesies shown in the past. TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: LADISS AND GENTLEMEN: — Having served you as Councillor ana Reeve for almost 12 years, I again offer my service as Councillor for 1947. if you think my experience will be any benefit as a member of the' Council, I would appreciate your vote and. influence. Yours truly, --J. B. RATHWELL 04.4.04,041. 48-49-4, VOTE W. R. [BERT] LOBB F 0 R COUNCILLOR FOR 1947 FOR GODERICH TOWNSHIP 48-a, Your Vote and Influence is respectfully solicited on my behalf in. the Goderich Township Election on Dec. 6, Having served three years, I feel that I can give you service for the coming year, war VOTE FOR— GORDON A. ORR 48-p ree# 4 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IN SUPPORT OF MY CANDIDATURE FOR COUNCIL WILL BE APPRECIATED I stand for a sound business administration of the Township's affairs, and careful spending of the Taxpayer's money. VOTE Bert Harris COUNCILLOR FOR 1947 FOR TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH AT ELECTION ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6,1946 . t 48-49-b 4111010101aMMISIMIlst TELEPHONE CALLS HAVE MUSHROOMED IN THE LAST TWO YEARS ...and they're still zooming! That is Gila treason why when you pick up the telephone, you can't always get through to your patty Aid as promptly es you (and we) would like. Operators are working at top speed — present equipment is being stretched to itsfullest pos- sible use— ancl we are working against time to hurry the highly complicated installations which are essential to handle the ever-growing number of daily calls. So, when you use the telephone, will you please remember these facts if your operator sometimes seems slow to answer, or your call is otherwise delayed, BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA