HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-28, Page 5M -O -N -S -T -E -R SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION, CLINTON BRANCH, No. 140 TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tuesday, December 3 Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Proceeds for New Legion Memorial Home ADMISSION 60 cents HUGH R HAWKINS PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470 'Mumma, iNOVEMBBR, BS, 946 - CLINTON NEWS -RECORD , PAGE FIVE CIASH RATEL-4Efmeid ky Wednesday follo-wing date of insertion)—One .eeent.,a word first insertion (minimum .20 cents); subsequent insertions, each (minimum 25 eents); 10 cents extra or box number or or directing to • NEWS -RECORD Office. FOR SALE LADY'S HUDSON 'SEAL COAT, size 1648. Apply P.O. Box 460. 48-b LIGHT BLUE COAT, shag'gY fur; niie 14. .Apply Box "C", NEWS- iRECORD, 48-p :BLACK CHESTERFIELD COAT size 16. Worn one year. Apply Box "S", NEWS -RECORD. 48-p, CHOICE 'SILVER AND PLA.TINUM Fox :Scarves, priced $30-$100. Apply Noble Holland, phone 'Clinton 6171.22. 48-49-50-51-b .SET OP ONE HORSE SLEIGHS and harness, both in good condition. Also a quantity of walnuts. Apply to Howard Cox, phone 900r11, Clinton. 48-b 'NEW RENPREW Cream Separator; rubber -tired wagon with flat rack and stock rack; man's bicycle in good re- -pair. Apply Albert Pearson, R.R. 1, 'Clinton, phone 802,1.5. 48-b • PAIR OP BOY'S TUBE SKATES • and boots, size five; never been used, $3; also hoy's overcoat in excellent • condition, to fit boy about age 13, $9. •(4P1Y Box "J", NEWS -RECORD'. 48btfb FARMS POR SALE rONE HUNDRED ACREFARM, one half mile north of Brucefield on No. 4 Ilighway, good barn and house, elect- ricity available, never failing water ...supply. Apply Frank Wilson, Clinton. 44-45-46-47-48-p NOTICE "HAVE JUST INSTALLED NEW modern tire and tube vulcanizing .equipment and hereby respectfully solicit your business. White Rose .Service Station, Londesboro. 44-45-46-47-48-3 ACCOMMODATION WANTED "WANTECD,--ONE OR TWO ROORVIS (furnished preferred) with light bousekeepIng privileges, by married -couple, no children, on or about the -first of January.. Apply George Jarvis, operator, Boxy Theatre. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ELEVEN LITTLE PIGS—six weeks -old. Apply Harold Tyndall, phone Clinton 905r2.... 48-13 PROPERTY FOR SALE 13ITJ1UDING 'LOT—corner of Queen and Jahn Sts, 132'x80'. Apply Douglas Andrews, phone 17404. 44bErfb PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDIN,G l.2'x14', suitable for gar- age or poultry house. Apply Box "M", NIEWS-REGOIRD. 48-p ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD investment? Will sell furnished duplet for $6,000. Annual rental 8780, set by W0'713. fAlpply Box NEWS - RECORD. •48,b APPROXIIVIATELY FOUR ACRES of good orchard consisting of North- ern ,Spys, North Star, Wolf River, Duchess. Approximately 100 trees, situated in town. Suitable building lot on property. Immediate posses- sion. •Por further information call H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 45 btfb MISCELLANEOUS LLONID'S 'CORN AND CALLOUS Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callo-uses. 50 cents at Pennebaker's Drug Store.. 36-40-42-46-b ASTHMA1SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information -write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28 -tib PILES are generally caused from a (blood) • conges- tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills th treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. 36-38-40-42-44-48-49-51-23 FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with blown -Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 86-8'7-88-39-40-41-41-43-44-p JUST THEI OPPORTUNITY you have been waiting for! Why keep on work- ing for a small salary? Why not be your own boss? Reaping the benefits of your efforts? This opportunity is yours if you will only inquire as to how to brewed frorn---Earnilex, Dept. P, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this isyouropportunity to get established in a profitable busi- ness of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 IVIasSon St., Montreal, Que. 45-46-47-48-b WANTED 16 CHOIOE 'SUCKLING PIGS—six -weeks old. Apply Charles Stewart, OLD Acisl,D DISABLED HORSES phone Clinton 8051-12. 48..b wanted for mink feed. Phone G-ordon Gudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick SlX PIGS FOR SALE—ten weeks 907r5. 41-btfb old. Apply Gordon 'Scotchtner, Bay- OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 -field, phone ,Clinton 909r12. 48-p per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same, Phone collect Jack WANTED . Gilbert, 936/21 or Fred Gilbert, 930r32, Goderich. 46.htth 'CIOLF.,MAN LANTERN IN GOOD condition. Phone 909r33. 48-x ANYONE WANTING A GOOD -home. Apply Box "A". NEWS - :RECORD. 48-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — BEAGLE HOUND, black -with white legs, on Sunday. Reward. -James Chowen, phone 294W, Clinton. 4.8-b FOR RENT 'CABIN TRAILER, insulated and wired, with Quebec heater. Apply Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 48-p STRAYED :STRAYED TO LOT 27, concession 2, :West Wawanosh, black Holstein heifer, ovnier may have same by prow ng property and paying expenses. 47-48-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 .CHEVR'OLET DELIVERY truck for sale, in good condition with four tires practically new: Apply Harry Freeman, R.R. 4, 'Clinton, phone 800r4. 48-49-p HELP WANTED CARPENTERS WANTED — First elan tradesmen required for com- pletion of homes on Housing Enter- prises Project by the Russell Con- struction Company, Ltd., apply Brit- annia St., Pair Grounds, Stratford, Ontario. 46-47-48-h NO NIGHT COLLECTION Owing to the bad condition of the roads, for the time being there will not be any night collection from the street letter boxes in Clinton. There will be just one complete collection at 1 p.m., so as to catch the east and aouth IfRi40104444 -As / Perhaps you are humming this song these days, but you can bet it isn't an idle rumour when you hear that we now have a new display of SOCKS in the popular DIAMOND and RING patterns. The ideal gift for Christmas, but hurry, the supply is 'limited. Wise Shoppers aren't letting this freak weather fool thin, they are 'buying that new OVERCOAT now. before all the better cloths are picked out. Why not drop in and see us abaft your next -coat? GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE LADIES Place mat sets, tablecloths, towels, stockings, handkerchiefs, runners, housedresses and many other useful items PLAN TO ATTEND THE HOCKEY CLUB DANCE, DEC. 6 Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Phone 25 Clinton • Expert Vulcanizing liringYour Tire 'Troubles To Us 24-HOUR :SERVICE Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Vittoria St, Phone 460 Clinton BIRTHS .ounton, Palle Hospital, on Sunday, November 24, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, ,Aaron Father, RR 2, Clinton, a son, SWAN—De Clinton Public 1.11o4si6ritialo, on Sunday, November 24, 9 Mr. and Mrs, Harold Swan, Clinton, a son (Donald Joseph). RUMBA,LL—In. 'Clinton Public Hos- Pita], on Wednesday, November 27, 1946, to Mr. and IVIrs. George E Burnball, Clinton, a daughter. MARRIAGES ELLIOTT-LEITCH-4n the manse. of Knox Presbyterian Chu rah, God- erich, on Saturday, Npveraber 16, 1946, by Rev. Richard Stewart, :Muriel, daughter of Mr. emd Mrs. William Leitch, 'Goderich, to Dr. George g. Elliott, Olinton, SOS Of . MTS. Elliott and the late George Clinton, FULFORD-RUBIN — In St. Joseph's Rentan Catholic Church, Clinton, by Rev. S. J, McDonald, on Saturday, November 16, 1946, Armelda Mar- tina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Albin, Brueefield, .to Earl Maxted, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Pulford, Clinton. liERVIS-WELLES—In St. Cuthbert's. Anglican ,Church, aViontreal, by Rey, • Rolland B'eclger, on Saturday, November 23, 1946, Florence 1Vray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wells, Montreal, to Ivan Harry, son of avr.r. and IVIrs, Leslie Jervis, Clinton. DEATHS OANTELON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, November 25, 1946, George Cantelon, in hie 89th year, Funeral from Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury 54 E„ Clinton, 1Vednesday afternoon, November 27, 1946, to ,Clinton Cemetery. CHISHOiLM—At his residence, Bruce St., ,Goderich, on Sunday, Novem- ber 24, 1946, John A. Chisholm, beloved husband of Mary Austen, in his 63sel year, Funeral front his residence to St. Peter's Roman .0atholic Church, Goderich, •and thence to 'Colborne Roman Catholic Cemetery, Wednesday, Nov, 27. DAVIS—Very suddenly while visit- ing at the home of her uncle and aunt, IVEr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore, Goderich, on Tuesday, November 26, 1946, Mrs. Vire Davis, Victoria, B.O., formerly Vita Heywood, be- loved daughter of the late Mr. and aVirs, Richard Heywood, ex -resi- dents of Clinton. Ftmeral services will be held from Wheeler Funeral Home, Goderich, to Clinton Ceme- tery, on arrival of her brother, Wilfred from Prince 'Albert, Sask., either Friday or Saturday. PLUMMER — At the home of his sister, Mrs. Lester Scott, Cayuga, on Friday, November 22, 1946, Frederick William Plummer, for- merly of Clinton. Funeral from Ball Funeral Home, High: St., Clin- ton, on Sunday afternoon, Novem- ber 24, 1946, to Clinton Cemetery. SHEPHDRD—On Friday, November 22, 1946, at his home, Base Line, Goderich Township, Andrew Shep- herd, in his 81st year. Funeral from his late residence on Monday afternoon, November 25, 1946, to 'Clinton Cemetery. VINCENT — At the home of her mother, Mis. Herbert Castle, Vic- toria St., Clinton, on Friday, Nov- ember 22, 1946, Annie Mabel Castle, beloved wife of James Vin- cent, in her 47th year. Funeral from Beattie Punearal Horae, RattenburY Si. E., Clinton, Monday afternoon, Novmber 25, 1946, to Clinton Ceme- tery. WHITELY — In Alexandra Marine ,and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, November! 24, 1946, Chas. Whitely, •Goderich Township, Pun- eral from Ills late residence, con- cession 7, Goderich Township, Wed- nesday afternoon, November 27, 1940, to Maitland Cemetery, God- erich. RUMACAPS -• The 2 Wey Treatment' ' Ir SfienulatelholOdneys • 2. Bring Cheek Relief from. •, :RIIEUMATIC:-PAINS PENNEBAKBRIS DRUG STORE BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasions C V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 60j Batkins Locker Storage Quick Frozen Cohoe Salmon Filets per lb. 50e Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Smoked Cod Fillets per 10. 35c Haddock Fillets per lb. 40e Sole Fillets mt. lb. 45c FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES in Heavy Syrup, per pkg. 40e FRESH FROZEN RASPBERRIES pkg. 40c FRESH FROZEN PEAS pkg. 30c WE BUY HIDES • Frozen Foods are Better Foods FARMERS ARE TOLD BIG FIGHT AHEAD ON PRICE ISSUE , - (Continued from Page One) Dafferin County came out of forum discussions, with the Testa that more and better forums were organized, Mr McCarthy said the cost was $11 per year for a family, with 31 days' hospitalization, $17 per year for semi- private accommodation, ancl $5.75 and 88.50 respectively- for single persons. The Dufferiii plan has been operat- ing for six months with a current profit of sumo and a membership of more than 500. The plan was in debt the first two months, It was simple to operate—with only a boolikeener and. board of 10 or 12. Successful Banquet With more than 400, sitting down, the annual. banquet *WAS held 111. Card - no's Hall, Seaforth, Tuesday night, with Dr. G. E. Reams. ,professor el English, 0A.C., Guelph, as guest spealcer. Russell Bolton, president of the Huron Federation of Agriculture, introduced many of those connected with the Federation and with the banquet. Dinner was served by the Ladies' Association of Cavan, United Church, Winthrop, who were dom- mended for their good work by the 2ncl vice-president, Charles Coultes, Belgrave. Dr. Reaman, who was introduced by R. S. McEercher, ,Seaforth, referred to "The Pour Horsemen of the Apocalypse," Pestilence, War, Pauline and Death, which were the uppermost scourges in the world during World Wars I and II, and spoke of our need of looking to the "Four Horsemen of the Future," Science, Understanding of History, Hope and the Philosophy of Life. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Frederick W. Plummer wish to express their sincere appreciation fir the kind- nesses ansi sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement and at the time of the funeral. 48-p CARD Or THANKS We wish to express our thanks, to neighbours land friends for The lovely floral tributes, the messages of syms pathy, the loaning of cars, and all other ldnd acts extended in time of sickness and bereavement. • —MRS. A. 'SHEPHERD and Family. 48-p CARD OP THANKS .Mrs. W. W. Wise ancl family srnsh co take this opportunity of expres- sing their heartfelt appreciation, for flowers sent, cars loaned, and all other acts of kindness shcwn in their recent sad bereavement. 48-p CARD OF TIIANKP I wish ,rvt this thne to thank my fellow workmen of the ONE for the lovely flowers they so kindly donat- ed, also the station staff; also C. V. Cooke for the arrangement of them; George Beattie; also neighbours and friends' who were no kind at this time of need1 sincerelyr appreciate your thoughts. —JAMES VINCENT. 48-p PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering MONSTER CHRISTMAS DANCE Sponsored by Clinton Fire Dept. Friday, Dec. 20 PROCEEDS TO PURCHASE NEW UNIFORMS Town Hall CLINTON Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music By AL, WHITFIELD and His Nine -Piece Orchestra Novelty Dancing Hats Etc. ADMISSION: 50 cents • 48-.49-50-51-4) utak ..R0S010;$1:', ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON Now Playing—Cornel Wilde "The Bandit of Sherwood Forest" Mon., Tues., Wed. — Double Bill Olivia de Havilland and Ray 'Vin- land share top honours in this de- lightful boy-meets-girl yam. 'The Well Groomed Bride' Added Attraction—Lest we forget the Jap deceit and fiendishness' see the bullet -streaked melodrama "TOKYO ROSE", Byron Barr and Osa Nlassen - THUR., FEE, SAT. Bing Crosby, Ingrid Bergman and Henry Travers — Mighty an its :message of brotherly love, power- ful in its plea for tolerance collies this tender, touching story "The Bells of St. Marys" Coming, --"SO GOES MY. LOVE" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing — "Canyon Passage" In Technicolor with Dana Aadretvz Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features :Allen Jones, Jane Frazee, Gloria Jean, Peggy ,Riyan, Donald O'Con- nor and the. 4 STEPS with .Spitalny and his House of Charm all -girl Orchestra in "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" ,Carole Landis, Allyn joelem 'and Henry Morgan—In the la-ughinest show you've ever seen, "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" THUR., FRI., SAT. The Marx Brothers, Chas. Drake & Lois Collier --The clown princes of hilarious nonsence present their latest howl -raiser, "A, Night in Casablanca" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—"TILL THE END OF TIME" Dorothy Mc. Quire MON., WES., WED. Jennifer Jones, Charles Boyer, Peter Lawford and Reginald Gar- diner—Imbued with charm, ro- mance .ancl gaiety- comes Margery Sharp'spopular story "CLUNY BROWN" THUR., PEI., SAT. Sack Haley, Marcy Mc.Guire and Glenn Vernon—It's music, fun and romance at its modern best "Sing Your Way Horne" Coming — "THE BELLS OF ST. MARY'S" . Successful Monthly Dance Held at R and C. S. The Drill Hall, R. and. C. S., Clin- ton, was beautifelly 'decorated with evergreen, flags and RCAF' roundels for the regular monthly dance on Tuesday night, November 16. Host- esses came from both Clinton and London. Mr. and Mrs,. F. Fingland and Mr, and MTS. H. O. Lawson were patrons, and patronesses. Mrs. ping - land chose the lucky couple, Mt'. and Mrs. Scott, for the spot dance, and Mrs. Lawson eiser'for the door prize. The Egg and Spoon dance was won by Sgt. A. Eades and Mrs. Jordan. Bert Worth and his band were in attendance and FM T. J. B. Robinson, the Entertainment Officer, acted as Master of Ceremonies. The Entertainment Committee plans to hold a dance in the RCASC Supply Depot on the station at 8.30 p.m., Saturday, November 30. PRESBYTERIAN W. A. The W. A. of the Presbyterian Church will meet on Wednesday after- noon, December 4, at five o'clock. There will be a business meeting, followed by a pot -luck. supper. Specializing in Cemetery Work Only BOX 373—PHONE 450 William Brownlie INSCRIPTIONS, REPAIRING, SANDBLASTING MEMORIALS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Orders should be placed as soon as possible AU Portable Air Equipment 47-48-49-50-h 11•11.1011.11•INIMM11.•011I ROY N. BENTLEY Auditing and Income Tax Iteports Bookkeeping Systems Installed Monthly Statements and Invoices Prepared Commercial and Private Typing, ete. Distributor of Office Supplies and Equipment PHONE 1070-R P.O. Box 58 GODERICII will be at the MacKenzie Hotel, Monday, Dee. 16, front 1.30 until 9.30 p.m. Prorn,pt and courteous service 48-49-50-b CARROTS FOR SALE Choice Carrots by bushel lots, , any quantity PRICE REASONABLE F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 33 4465 CHRISTMAS CARDS ON DISPLAY See Our Stock While It Is Complete, PRINTED TO OBD11R WITH YOUR NAME AND GEIEETT3NG OF .YOUE CHOICE LOWEST PRICES Clinton News -Record HOSPITAL AID DEC. 3 The regular meeting of the Hospital Aid Will be held M the Council Cham- ber on .Tuesday evening, December 3, 1946, at eight o'clock. All ladies of the town are invited to attend. Matinees—Sat, Holidays, 2.30 p.m. soreamowenswrommolvmmots# WESLEY-WILLIS W. A. The W.A. of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet on Friday, Decem- ber 13, in the church parlour at 3 pm. Group One will be hostesses. Please note the change of date from Thurs- day, December 5, to Friday, Deeem. ber 13. ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO SPEND IN JUDGMENT • ' It is not the will of the Lord that any should perish but that all should come to a Saving knowledge of Christ. "POR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OP THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED," Rom. 10:13 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.39 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR COAL FOR SALE 'After five years of rationing we now have a full stock of coal on hand including: American Anthracite Nut and Stove $16.00 per ton Algoma Coke Nut and Stove $14.50 per ton Brazeau Briquettes $$15.00 per ton 4 -Point Pocahontas $14.00 per ton Surflame Stoker $11.50 per ton Bituminous Egg $11.50 per ton V. D. FALCONER PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 97 CLINTON Calling All Girls EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A NEW TRADE JOIN THE' PARADri TO WORK AT Clinton Knitting Company Ltd. Apply To Superintendent --Clinton 48-5 Who's Afraid of FRIDAY THE 13th? Big Christmas Dance TOWN HALL, CLINTON 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Featuring first appearance here of NORM CARNEGIE and his seven -piece Band, Stratford. CARNEGIE SPECIAL PRIZES: Jitterbug Contest, donated by Holmes' Drug Store; Fox Trot, donated by Pennebaker's Drug Store; Step Dancing Contest, donated by Entertain- ment Committee; Door Prize, donated by John A. Sutter. SPONSORED BY CLINTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB NO ADVANCE IN PRICES GEN:DR:AIL ADMISSION: 50 cents each 48 and 50-h