HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-28, Page 4'!PAGE FOUR ' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD rich Affairs in FIELD SECRETARY OF GIRL GUIDES VISITS CLINTON Miss, Elizabeth Grant, Field Seers - tai yi for Ontario of the Otinadian-Giel Guide Assoceation, paid Clinton Branch a visit on Wedneeday, Novem- Ler 20. • Miss IGeasib held a Brownie meeting at 4.30 p.m and a Guide meeting et 7.30 p.m., meeting with the ladies in between and giving them lunch needed insbruction andanactioaricleas as •to how to carry on Guide work and training. Two Memhers: of the Ladies Auxil- iary a the Oanadien Legion, &so were present and weTe given a com- prehensive idea of the duties of a local Association. Miss Grant was entertained during her stay in Clinton at the home of Idle and MTS'. O. M. tShearing. Both .organivatiori-ethe Iteownies and the Guides -have room for a few mere girls. Any girl between the, ages of 7-11 who wish to hecome Brownie should bet in touch with liars. Matthews. Brownie meetings me beld at 4.30 on Monaay afternoons ; 'Guide meetings at 7.30 'Thesday evenings, • and any girl between the ages of 11-16 wishing to become Guides maY do so ber applying to either Mrs. S. • Castle or Miss Lois Connell, Crusaders Cavalcade In Clinton Dec. 3-4-5 The Crusaders Oavaleacle, a anotiere and dramatic display of the world- wide activities of the United Church bte Oanacla, is coming to Clinton and will be in Weeley-Willis United Church, Tuesday, Wanesday and Thursday, December 3, 4, and 5. This 'wonderfel cavalcade presents electrified mod&s, painted panels, movieg pletuees in sound and eolome maps, curios, and many other inter- esting features. Tuesday afternoon the programme is especially eel. the Weeneree organi- zations, with a worker's coneerenee for members of the official boards, mime:weave and maintenance commit- teee,,Sunday School teachers, etc., in the everting. Wednesday afternoon will feature a rally ef children's workers, witha Young P.eople's rally at night. Thursday evening the final rally for the entire church is plaimed. The cavalcade will also leatare visits to the local shots. Among the leaders expected are Dr Robert B. IVIcaure; Mrs, A. IL Grahame Miss Marjory Millar; Rev. 3, C. Thompson; Dr. Manson Doyle; Rev. J. R. Lang; Miss Wilma 'Phonies and. Mrs. O. A. Keeler. The Cavalcade is sponsored by the Christian Education Committee of Huron Presbytery of which Rev. 3- H. Brenton, Ethel, LIS convener. ANA.14,0.1NNNINnr4,04I. Your Christmas Problems WILL BE SOLVED IF YOU VISIT OUR China and Gift Department There is a Variety of Inexpensive Items to Choose From ROYAL DOULTON Figurines Figures Character Jugs also Dinnerware Service for 6 or 12 A lovely gift for mother from the family ROYAL ALBERT - SERENA PATTERN We also have a 21 -piece Starter Set, also Fancy Cups and Saucers - • CORNFLOWER CRYSTAL and WINDSOR PATTERN STEMWARE It takes a Lovely k'icture to • brighten up your room. You will find just that 'picture when you see our new selection, which we have just re- ceived. Visit,Toyland 2nd Floor MARTINS Department Store PHONE 36 - - CLINTON Ball 41oute4al choote HIGH STREET The Funeral Home Has Large Pleaeant Rooms, Beautifully and Apprepriately Appointed. Equipper with an Electric Organ. Services are held bore 'under ideal conditions at to extra charge. WM. N. BALL D. G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361 • Ambulance ,Service • PHONE 110 0111111 Bell me nee emste you have guests, phone 4. ' 'Chaeles. Johnson- and Elwin elerrill spent. the weekend in Toronto, Mr. and ,MTs. O. M. Johnson, Tor- onto, spent Sunday with MT. and Mrs. E. CC. Howes. Miss Florence and Willard Aiken spent the 'weekend hi Owen Sound and Allenfoed. MTS. Gerrie Burk, Port Arthur, visited her aunt, Mrs. George Turner, fee a few clays. Mrs. L. M. Payne, DeloTaine, Marie is the guest of her aunt, leha. Wifliam Higgins, this week. 1VIrs. Aenie Brown spent a few days last week with her daughter, MTS. Wesley Hoggare: Seeforth. Mrs. I. W. Treleaven and Miss Elizabeth Gibbing.e leave this after- noon for Toronto where they will spend the winter. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Agnew, Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend with the fonner's sister, Mrs. William Mc- Clinchey and family. Miss JoAnne Cuninghame, Univer- sity -College, Toronto, visited fee parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. °lining- hame last 'weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. James Livemnore have been enjoyhig a fine mast of venison this week, a gift of their son. in-law, Clarence Green. Misses' Helen and Phyllis Herman, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don, spent the weekend with their parents'Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Miss Kathleen Powell, Clinton, and Hill (Izzy) Powell, Mitchell, were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Powell, near Seaforth. Me. and Mrs. D. E. Paterson and Miss Pearl Newman, Warton, and IVfiss Edith Paterson, Owen Sound, were renewing acquaintances in town during the weekend. Mr. and 'Mrs. B. S. Livermore, Lon- don, and Ma and Mrs. Clarence Green, Brodhagen, were in town on Monday to attend the funeral of their cousin, the late Mrs. James Vinent. Mie. Jean I. Kyle was the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Millard, Toronto, for a week and while there, Capt. Millard took Mrs. Kyle foe a plane Tide over Toronto and up in the clouds 4,500feet at a speed of 120 miles per home MT. and Mrs. james Livermore spent Saturday in London with their son, E. 5 Liverinore, Mas. Livermore and Wilfred, and on Sunday visited With their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. -and 1VIes. Clarence Geeen, Brod- hagen. Among those in town on .Sunday to attend the funeral of the late Fred- erielc PlummeT were: Mrs. L. Stott, Mrs. Fannie .Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hall .and son, Bobby, Cayuga; Me. E. H. Davis, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Love, Shipka. Mrs, George Sturdy, Hairy Sturdy and daughter Betty, Auburn, Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral of the late Wil- liani W. Wise, were: Mr. and Mrs. Feed Lawrence and Mrs. Frances Trick. Halllilt011; MT. and Mrs. How- ard Clarke Mrs, E. H. Davis, Mrs. D..1VIeLaughlie, Mrs. VanWessell, all of Toronto; MT. and Mrs. Edward nobble, Forest; Mrs. William Blake and James Moore, 'Medford. Officers Re-elected By Presbyterian WNIS - The .November meeting of the WIMS of Clinton Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Clifton, with 1%es. George Roberton in Marge. The worship period was conducted by Mrs. G. W, Nat and Miss Shaw, The treasurer, Mrs. j. Wilson, re- ported a liberal thankoffering, ex- ceeding last year. • All °filmes, with the addition of Ides. Jelin !Snider as assistant ,pianist, were re-elected. The ehapter, "Looking to the Fa- tima," from the study book on Africa, was reviewed be: 'Mrs. Wilson, who asked that we rededicate ourselves, to the task which we are privileged to share, that the message may not be delayed in reaching Africa or the world because we have failed or fal- tered ihi that whieh has been corn- mitted to our care. Prayer by the president brought a Profitable and pleasant meeting to a close. Mrs. Clifton was assisted in serving refreshments by 1VIrs. Snider and IVIrs, Ball. TUCKERSMITH LADIES' CLTJB Tuekersmith Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Turner on Wednesday, December 4. Reports rom the vaTioue heads of committees for the year will be given. Group Ome will have charge of the programme, Glenn Four for lunch. Happy Workers Club Holds November Meeting The November meeting of the Happy Workers Club was held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Glazier. The meet- ing opened by, singing "Take the Name of Jesus with You." The Lord's Prayer was then eepeated, followed by the secretary's reporL A letter of thanks front Me. Verna Pollock was then read. The roil call was then called and enameled by your favorite radio pro- gram. Mee. William Holland'Won the lucky ticket. The meeting doped by singing God Save the King, The afternoon vras ,spent in quilt- ing, after -which •a dandy lunch was served by group One. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Glazier. • *i*C gook salts. There's nothing better than a delicious cake for those snacks and lunches. There's nothing harder to provide without the best ingredients. Use- ',') King Pastry Flour and make good cake -lacking easy. 2 ELLIOTT-LEITCH A wedding of wide interest took place at • Knox Presbyterian Church manse, Godeeich, on Saturday after- noon, November 16, 1946, when• Muriel Leitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willem Leitch, Go-del:loll, was united in marriage to Dr. George S. Elliott, son of Mrs. Elliott and the late George Elliott, Clinton. Rev. Riehated Stewart officiated The 'bride was prettily attired in a grey crepe street -length dress with black accessories, and a corsage of red roses. She also wore a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. Miss Mary Wilson attended the bride, weaTing a pale blue wool drets with brown accessodes, and a corsage of yellow roses, The groom was attended by his brother, Eiclweed W. Elliott, Clinton. Afterwards, Mrs, Leitch received the guests at a reception at her home on Cameron Street, Goderich, wear- ing a mauve crepe dress and pink roses, while the gromn's mother wore a navy blue crepe deem and pink MOS. Later, Dr. and Mrs. Elliott left on a trip to Port Heron and Toronto, and on their return they will reside hi Clinton. Prior to her marrage, the bride was the guest of honor at several parties. The staff of the Goclerieh Bell Telephone office, where the bride was employed, presented her with an electric toaster and a aniseellaneous shower was given at 'Miss Mary Wilson's. Mrs. Leitch also entertained in honor of her daughter. o - JERVIS--WELLS The marriage a • Florence 'May, daughter 02 Mr, and eVirs. Lames H. Wells, Montreal, to Ivan Harry Jer- vis, son of Mee and Mrs. Leslie S. Jervis, Clinton, toole place on Satur- day afteenoon, November 23, at four o'clock, in St. 'Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Montreal, with Rev. Rolland Badger officieting. Autumn flowers and eandelebra were used as decora- tions in the church. H. Cheek played the wedding music, and Miss Violet Lawton sang during the signing of the register. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, was in a floor - length gown of white taffeta, having a fitted bodice with a beaet-shaped neckline and a full skirt; her finger- tip veil of tulle illusion was held by a coronet of seed pearls and she car- ried a bouquet of American Beauty Roses. lVfise Audrey Wells, as her sister's only attendant, was in a gown of turquoise taffeta, fashioned on the same lines as that worn by the bride, Her .ahoulder-length veil of tulle illus- ion was held by a halo of matching taffeta, and she carried a bouquet of yellow tea roses. John 'Christie acted as best man, and the ushers were Bruce Webster and Watson Langlands. Mrs. Wells, the bride's mother, was in a gown of powder blue trimmed with black sequins, and wore black accessories and corsage of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Jervis, mother TI-IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1940 linton and District RED SHIELD MEETS DEC. 6 The regular meeting of the R. S. W. A. will be held on Friday, Decem- ber 6, instead of Tuesday.. Any pee - son who wishes to give second-hand clothing please have at the Red Shield Rooms foe the next meeting Decem- ber 6, or any member who has any sewing please have isil as the Red Shield has decided to disband at the end of the month. The packing com- mittee will pack and ship everything to headquarters in Toronto. ' A donation of e15 from Clinton Glee Club, 'which wee presented en Tuesday, a gratecrully acknowledged. ONTARIO ST. W. A. The W. A. of Ontario St. United Chureh will meet on Wednesday, December 4, 1946, .at 2.30 pm Si. George's Wand will serve. gown with +Week accessories and cor- sage of Talisman roses, Following the ceremony, a mention was held. Later, the bride and groom left on their wedding trip, the bride travelling in a peal grey suit, under a black top coat, with black ewes - series and a corsage of pinle roses. Out-of-town guests sincluded Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Jervis, Clinton, par- ents of the groom, and John Christie, Toronto, • FULFORTI--AUBIN The vows were spoken at the altar of St. Joseph's Churh, Clinton, on Satmeleer, Noweenber 16, for the wed. ding of Almeida Martina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Aubin, Benefield, to Earl Maxtecl Milford, Son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Thomas L. ne- rd, Rattenbury ,Clentort. The very Rev. Father S. J. McDonald per- formed the cerernoney at nine o'clock. Given in :marriage by her father, the bride wore a long gown of sheer. white. She wore a full-length white veil caught with orange blossoms and carried an .arin bouquet of American Beauty roses. Around her neck was a single strand of pectels, the gift of the groom. Miss Aldea Aubin, Brumfield, was bridesmaid for her sister, attired in a floor -length gown of peach taffeta, fashioned with sweetheart neckline and short sleeves, with matching headdress of the same ,shade caught with flowers. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Frande .Evans., Clinton, was best man. and Regis Aubin, Brueefield, brother of the bride, was usher, Miss Florence Evans played the wedding music at the offertory of the mass, and clurhig the signing of the register, A. GaTall At wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's parents. Decora- tions were pink and white streamers. A three -tiered wedding cake centred the table, with pinlc candles in silver holders. The bride's mother received in a powder .blue trepe afternoon dress with gold stitehings. The assist- ants were all close friends of the bride. The couple left on a short honey- moon, tTil) to Detroit a-nd Flint, Mich. For travelling the bride donned a blue dressmaker suit and top coat of sand, with black accessories, and ea - sage of Ted roses. On their return ler, and Mrs. Fulford will reside on Battenbmy Se, Clinton. The gifts to the best man and usher were wallets, and to the bridesmaid of the groom, wore a green chartreuse pearls. Bazaar and Tea Under the auspices of the Presbyterian Girls' Club SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 commencing at 3 o'clock in the Church Basement BOOTHS: Home Baking - Aprons & Novelties • Afternoon Tea - Menu: Jellied Chicken, Salads, Bread and Butter, Tarts and . Cookies and Ten 35c Supper for Business People Escalloped Potatoes .... 45c AIMINIMINIMelede CHURCH DIRECTORY Wesley -Willis Church REV, ANMEW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan 3. Agnew, Organist and •Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 11.00 A.M.-Morning Worship, Rt. Rev. T. W. Sone,s, D.D., Moderator of the United Church of Canada, will broadcast over CICNX. 12.10 -Church School 7.00 P.M. -United Service of Were ship in Ontario Street United Church. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 10.00 A.M.-Sunday Sehool 11.00 A.M-Divine -Worship, 2.36 Bayfield All Welcome St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mese Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 11.00 AM. -Holy Communion 2.00 P.M. -Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Service in On- tario St. United ,Church. The Guild will meet in .Memorial Hall, Tuesday, December 3, at 3 .in. Please come prepared to quilt. " Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle 0. M. GINGRICH, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER I 2.20.P.IVI.-iSunc1ay School 8.30 P.III.--Worship Service 7.30 P.M.-Drangelistie Service Tuesday, 8.00 P.M. -Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8.00 P.M. -Worship Service Read your Bible. Pray every day. Ontario St. United Church Jesus is Corning Again. REV. W. J. WCOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, DEOIP1VISER 1 11.00 A.M.-Morning Worship, Rt. Rev. 1'. W. Jones, D.D. Mod- erator of the ITnited Church a Canada, will broadcast over CKNX. 12.15 --Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship -Unite ed Service. The subject, "Wor- shipping with the Universal Olarch," is •a complete service with illustrated missionary 'hyriene, scripture and appropriate stories with, the aid of lantern slides. We welcome you te this evdning worship. • Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister • Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mea. W. Aikenhleacl, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 Bible School -2.30 pall. Everting Waship-7 p.m -Subject: "The Sheleheed who had no fear." The LoTd's Supper well follow at the dose. Po you worship a Big Holy God and loving Saviour? Your children's God and 13aviour will be about like yours. Parenthood has great obligaCons. Auction Sale of Food Features Club Meeting The regular monthly meeting of London •Road Conaway, Cluie was held on Thursday, November 2,1, at the home of Mrs. Feed Anderson. Twelve members and one visitor an- swered the roll call. • The meeting opened by singing "Corm Thou Almighty King," with the president, Mrs. M. Wiltse, isi elenge. The was followed by the Club Ceeed in unison. The 'secretary read the minutes of the October meet- ing. The treasurer and flower fund convener gave their reports. A social evening was planned for December 6, For the December roll call it was decided a small gift be brought to be sent up north. A very interesting event of the afternoon was an auction sale of food items contributed by the members. The proceeds of this event netted $4.51. The meeting was brought to a atom by all Tmeatieg the IVEzpah Benedic- tion. The hostese served te delicious luneh. The Deeember meeting is to be held .on December 12, at Mrs. Mil- ton Wiltse's home, and a full attend- ance is requested for the election of officers. 0. RATION yOUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves 31. to 535. butter 1429 to 7133 and meat M50 to M61. ellmalleallesealeselear AT HALF PRIC We have a Quantity of Brush Rayon Gloves in Women's and Misses' sizes Oich we are offering at One -Half the Original Price. Shades: White, Red, Green, Beige and Brown with Colored Embroidery Regular Price $1.25 ON SALE 63c PR. Girls ' Sizes 4 to 8 years Embroidered or White Fur Cuffs Former Price 79c Clearing at 40ePr. R. V. IRWIN vorwomor ....msaselonvanow.mostammumonammosuraninalmom Wigh thathificiotts Nome flavor! GIVE THE CLINTON HOCKEY CLUB A GOOD SEASON'S START BY ATTENDING THEIR DANCE IN THE TOWN HALL, DEC. 6. IF YOU WANT THE BEST IN BREAD AND CAKES ---- CALL ----- PH.ONE 1 BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON Gift Suggestions • WOOL DRESSES • FANCY BLOUSES • SCARVES • HANDBAGS • GLOVES • HOSIERY 49 LINGERIE • Glamorous Sequin - Trimmed Crepe Dresses Phone 199j SPCIALTY SHOP E4 Clinton 7-48-b Olive SlOall Sure, You'll Be Attending The Big Hockey Club Dance Friday, December 6 GET PREPARED BY HAVING YOUR SUITS AND DRESSES CLEANED AND PRESSED PHONE 115 TODAY WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Gliddon's Press Shop • Five-day Dry Cleaning Service ......a•Ma•••••••••••••••••••••