HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-21, Page 8AGES EIGHT *Neeerne GLIel'eOtN NEWS -RECORD Men's Five Pin. Bowling League Monday night's results in the IVIen's ive-Pin Bowling League: were hs news: - LUCKY &ITEMS— • Ceoper 120 158 213-491 Cook 123 196 219-538 . Grealis 202 206 188-596 Grealis 16a 244 179-585 ITareits 157 210 167-534 White 190 231 232-653 954 1245 1,198 3,397 SLUGGERS— Weiss • 191 81 135-407 Fteford 170 177 264 611 ed elaeDorited 147 261 210-618 . Maguire 186 243, 162,4591 Miller .,215 204 149-598 Livermore 174 180 167-521 — -- 1,113 1,166 1,087 3,366 L•DCATS— it. Falconer . 163 190 169-522 b Cook 240 150 111-501 n Pickard 164 138 118 420 lin Cree 105 138 190-433 1. ,Steep 133 184 251-569 COME Hensall Nominations In Town Hall, Nov. 22 (By our Ilensall correepondent) A publie meeting a the Municipal.. ity of Hensall will be, held in the Town Itall, Hensall, Friday, Nevem- bet 22, from 7 to 8 p.m., for the eurpose of nominating caralidates for the office of Reeve, Couneillors, three public schoel truetees, one hydea coin- missioner for 1946. In event of more candidates qualifying than are neces- sary to be elected, an election will be held Monday, December 9. Leave It To Them Teacher: "And why, have you decid- ed to give lup the study of French?" Willie: "It'e, a waste of time trying to do .something the French do so much better." Clatrence ,Cooper 158 118 209-485 963 918 1,048 2,949 UP -AN -ATOMS -- L. Johnson .... 190 176 173-639 V. Huller 168 226 131-525 T. ,01"Connell 2311 204 173-608 R. Milier 158 133 155-446 R. iMelefichael 123 205 183-611 B. Seeley 169 149 148-466 — 1,039 1,093 963 3,095 'WRITES up TO 3 YEARS 'WITHOUT REFILLING (Depending on how much you write) re, le: eitere • • • at Worle's Writes in arty With wr;ting pet, koiN by changittg Me ink au my; tridges. It's nelf.biotting. ite" You can't 6666 Even writes dry shake the ink ouh when submerged under water. Reloads—with a cartridge—in IS seconds. Can't leak— at any altitude. Writes on any poe r per or materiat. linen, textiles, ete. 0/ Makes 6 M 8 carbon, copies at a time. jf, 14K gold4111•dcam 1VIRSHARP CA* Set with Repeater Pencil $26.45. . (Prices Include Tax) (Reload Cartridges available soon) $1,00 McEWAN'S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST — 'ALWAYS 'FRE BEST Back Again For Good and Just as Good AT Davis & Herman World famous Currie !ALL ELASTIC SUSPENDERS $1.00 These have the fine Calf Skin leather 'ring that is guaranteed to give freedom and not cut the elastic Also HICKOK Initial Buckles rodium plated (wit) strap) $2.00 HICKOK TONGUE BELTS, cut from top grain bridle leathers by master craftsmen — $1.00 and up A IMMO Johnson's Quality Groceries Turkish Imported FIGS 8 oz. pkgs. 21e 1 lb. 27c LYNN VALLEY 20 oz. tin SIFTED PEAS ..,.. 2 for 31e KONSERT. .... 20 oz. tin GREEN BEANS.... for 33c OLD YORK CEREAL ... 25c LYON'S COCOA 19e Fruit Belt (2 tins for 1 coupon) CHOICE PEACEES 2 for 49c HARRY HORNE'S CUSTARD POWDER 29c 43e California Black FIGS 8 oz. pkg. 23c 'rx 1 lb. 29e y el• !.4 ALLIN APPLE JUICE 20 oz. th i5el CATELLI EGG NOODLES 15c ee McLAREN'S COFFEE .... 47e t -MINUTE GELATINE .... CLARK'S -t TOMATO SOUP ... 2 for 21e te. SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA .. 44c 'X TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit White 96's 4 for 27e Pink 96's 3 for 25e Phone 286 OLD SOUTH ORANGE/ and For Prompt 'GRAPEFRUIT , Deliveries J IT I C E 22c We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We Ofter What We Have at Very Low' Prices BROWN'S (One door north of the Royal Bank) Business Girls' Bowling League Tuesday evening's results in the girls Five -Pin Bowling League were as follows: Aikenbacks -- Aiken, 481; R. Patter, 293; 81. Miller, 477; E. Glew, 483; N. Tyndall, 413-2,147 1Connellscernels — L, Connell, 413; IL Grealis, 419; X, Middleton, 330; 8, Sutter, 391; B. Shepherd, 444 — 1,997. Colquhounsballoons—J, ,Colquhotm, 566; M. Sutter, 415; B. Johnson, 293; 1e. Hess, 349; D. Tyndall, 327-1,950. Fremeinsgreinlins—H. Frettein, 450; K. McGill, 374; H. Taylor, 473; H. Dixon, 4e2; Bathe, 367-2,146. STANDING W L T TS P Aikenbacks.... 13 8 0 5 31 ColquhounebePns 12 7 0 3 27 ConneRscernels .. 9 11 0 2 20 Fremlitisgrentlins 8 13 0 4 20 .gonnellseermels and Golqubouns- balldons bowl at '7.15 and Aikenbacks and Freminegremlins at 9 o'clock. -o Port Albert Purchase Deferred (Continued from Faze One) that he expected to he ready to invite tenders some time during February 1947. Warble Ply Appeal Atter the ,matter had been thrown in the lap of Council as a whole be the Agriculture Committee, Council decided to take no action on proceed- ing with warble fly treatment for cattle throughout the entire county, on the g -rounds of expense. Action by individual townships was consider- ed mote advisable, 'combined with an educational campaign. LeRoy G. Brown, Clinton, agricul- tural representative for Harem County, spoke on the subject and discussed the cost and other features. Ask Forest By -Law The conservation and reforestation committee report recommended the passing of a by-law governing the cutting of trees, and that a tree planting machne be purchased. Wiliam R. McDougal was warmly commended for his work as weed in- spector after giving his report he had attended Township Council meetings at least once. He recommended the removing of all brush, email trees and other obstructons from road- sides by having the latter leveled and ditches built close to fences; road- sdes mowed by a power mower to present wild carrot, chicory and other weeds going to seed. C.A.S. Work "The war is over and war work is diminishing but every -where we are faced with the aftermath -- broken homes, restlessness found in parents as well as the youth," Mrs. M. Chaf- fee, superintendent of the Childretes Aid Society, .stated. "We have 52 child protection cases, most of the problems resulting from broken homes and irresponsibility." There were 83 unmarried perent cases, "a rise in number and a startling in- crease for our county." County Horne Report The County Home committee re- ported a barn had been purchased for 3200, and it was estimated the cost of an addition to the old one would be $2,500 when completed. The re- commendation of the conunittee that a by-law be prepared abolishing the position of County Home Ins,pecter, and that instead the County Home Committee meet every two months instead of qu,arterly, was endorsed. Opposes By -Law Come B. W. 'Dickey, Exeter, spoke out against a by-law whith requires a $200 bond to be posted by anyone 'wishing to take into his lodgings an inmate of Huron County Home. Council had received a letter from a 76 -year-old inmate who claimed he wished to leave the home and board elsewhere, but had been refused. The reeve of the aged man's township had refused because of the bond by- law. Mr. Tuckey declared it wrong to hold the maa against his wet when, as an old age pensioner, he was pay- ing his way. The County Home com- mittee was asked to report on the letter. $8,000 Surplus ' A. surplus af over 38,000 for 1946 operations was forecast oy County Treasurer At, H. Erskine at Monday fternoon's session. 'Receipts in the general account to October 31 of $142,6'72.29, and a bank balance of $1,39'7.87 were shown in the state- ments prepared by the treasurer. Estimated receipts for the 'baiance of the year were set.' at e166,602.87. •Me. Ferskine said that most com- mittees had lived within their esti- mates. Adininietration of justice costs had increased but not above what was estimated. Demand loan interest is $1,700 below the estimate. arden R. E ,Shaddick, in the course of a brief address, stated that he felt the publicity and returns gained by the holding of the inter- national plowing match mere, than re_ paid the county for the effort. Sold at High Price The debentures for the new court house were sold November 14 at 99.93 and on receipt of this etioney current karts were paid off. The savings on this item next year will be even greater, Treasurer Etskine revealed. The discount on the whole issue of 0250,000 was $175, and in only one instance reported by the Investment Dealers' Association has any municipality bettered the rate oe cost. The report was referred to the fiance committee. F. R. Cuninghame FLORIST At Cuninghame Green- houses; Huron St. WANDERING JEW 25e per hilliest Easily grown in water, useful for either wall .packets or vases FERTABS 25c per Peg. A Sine tonic for your house- plants VITASPRA Will keep your plants clean and healthy 40c per bottle CUT FLOWERS . Roses and Carnations 45-b Huron County Judging Team Does Well at OAC Two Huron County boys, Edward Glutton, ReR. 5, Goderich, and Ross Trewartha, ee,11. 4, Clinton, recently attended the Ontario Inter -'Club Competition in claire cattle held at OAC, Guelph. There were 28 terns present, representing every part of Ontarie. At lens competition the delegates were asked to judge, four eleeses of livestock give reasons for teen: plae- Inge and answer a questioeneire pee- tainineeto the dairy industry. nclividual scores were: Edward Glutton 433, Ross Trewateha 473; making a total of 906 which placed them well up in the prize money, This team 'was reached by Gerald E. Nelson, Clinlon, assistant agricultural representative for Huron C'ounty. 79T15 ANNIVERSARY HELD SEA:FORTH — The 79th anniver- sary of Knox Preebytexian Church, of whit& Rev. R. H. Williams is min- ister, was celebrated here Sunday vvith a special eervice at which the preacher was Rev, David W. Hay, M.A„ of Knox 'College, Toronto. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 194fee ZONE' FORESTER FOR HURON COUNTY NOW AT STRATFORD W. A. G. Thurston, Zone Forester for the Ontario Department of Lends and Forests, is located for the pres- ent at el Downie Street, Strattferd. The area under Mr. Thurston's sup- ervision includes the counties of Hur- on, Perth, and Oxford. , This new appointment has been made to enable the Department to give better service to -these counties. Anyone wishing advice on the plant- ing of forest trees or on the manage- ment of farm woodlots should get in touch with Mr. Thurston's office. Educational work carried on through schools, the press, and other organi- zations is also a part 01 the Zone Forester's duties. Mr. Thurston is working under I. C. lefarritt, District Forester at Galt, who formerly handled the field work in these counties.* Goderieh Township nomination proceedings are being held in Clinton Town Hall Feidey afternoon, Nevem. ber 22. YOUR RED and WHITE STORE For Delicious York Frosted Foods Rciwe's Fancy 16 /oz. pkg. Oysters 95c,-, ' , e 4,-,-----.'• -N.N,___,....----------- California Fresh Ire lb. Dates 85c Chicken igtin Haddie 29c' eh 00011C ' 50.:....,010,°la- Quick Quaker lg. pk Oats 19c Aylmer Diced 2 tiesAylmer Carrot's 19c Diced 2 tins Beets 19e Country Kist 2 tins WHEN AVAILABLE Choice Mixed Peas 29e Nuts lb. 45c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE CALIFORNIA JUICY 344's ORANGES doz. 29c BANANAS GRAPES APPLES CABBAGE TURNIPS CARROTS CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's , LEMONS 6 for 21c GRAPEFRUIT CRANBERRIES muslinooms SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON • COAL FOR SALE After five years of rationing we now have a full stock of coal on hand -hiduding: American Anthracite Nut and Stove $16,00 per ton Algoma Coke Nut and Stove $14.50 per ton Brazeau Briquettes $$15.00 per ton 4 -Point Pocahontas $14.00 per ton Surflame Stoker $11.50 per ton Bituminous Egg $11.50 per ton V. D. FALCONER PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 97 CLINTON Chesterfields and Chairs REBUILT LIKE NEW Fine Selection of Coverings- -Workmanship Guaranteed JACK'S UPHOLSTERING Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clinton 24-btSb LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY DAVIS GELATINE . pkg. 20e DEW KIST PLUMS .. tin 17e CARDINAL YELLOW BEANS 2 tins 29e AYLMER PEAS and CARROTS ... per tin 190 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ..........lb. 45e DICED BEETS ... 2 tins 19c BEET GREENS .. 2 tins 29c YORK TOMATOES .. tin 17e ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUICE per tin 22e QUAKER COOKING BRAN per pkg. 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES CHOICE MEATS ALONG LA5TING--ECO505,04A1. TOW SOAP 5 BARS 25c FREE DELIVERY PHONE 40 New and Used Radios, Record Players, Heaters RADIO BATTERIES and TUBES Prompt Reliable Radio rvice 30 -day guarantee on all replaced parts MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing King $t. ' Clinton United States Entry Holstein Grand Champion In the most Spectacular ring per- formance of its kind in the history of the Royal Wintet Fair, in which six of eight senior Holstein bulls were Undefeated ohampions of an all-star east, a United States entry, big, heavyboned ,Ohip of Nettie & Aaggie, owned 'by F. W. Griswald, Hopkins, Minn., took Bret honors and went on to become Senior Grand Champion in last week's judging. Second an the class, and later adjudged reserve senior grand champ - *on, was Montvic Rag Apple Marks- man, owned by .T. J. McCague, Allis- ton, and brought into recent prom- nence by the sale of a bull. calf sired by Marksman recently for $40,000 to Waterloo Holstein Breeders' Club. Marksman, as com,p,ared with the grand champion, is smaller — what s described as a more refined daiey type. 11 is predieted that for years to come, Holstein breeders will talk of this contest and declare their preferences on type. Showing same - thing of the same Marksman lines wstaosck Sover- eign, owned by T. R. Dent. Wood - .a brobher, placed third, P.PPEXTG A fine selection of Christraas. Greeting Cards of distinction is on display in The NEWS -RECORD Of- fice. Act now before the rush. * One of the county graders is at . work on the town streets doing' a mueh-needed jab of levelling after the sewerageexcavation. * As a special trial offer, CLINTON NEWS-RE0ORD will be mailed te any address from now until the end of the year for 20 cents. In addition to other Prizes, Armee Rathwell, R.R. 3, Clinton, at the re- cent International Plowing Match at Port Albert 'was successful in being awarded a $50 gold wrist wateh do- nated by W. H. Golding, MP for Huron -Perth, for best plowed land in tractor classes, stubble. FINED OVER INCOME FAX LIT:CAN -- Dr, Thames Alexander Watson, Luean, Pleaded guilty in Middlesex County Gourt to failure to file income tax returns for 1943-44, and was fined 325 and costs or 30 days. ere OUTSTANDING! Long and Short Wave Automatic Combination SPARTON MODEL 7148AC Embodies a new PUSH-PULL CATHODE GRID PHASE INVERSION CIRCUIT vihich minimizes distortion $209. AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER $59.9 ALL THE LATEST HIT PARADERS ARE ON OUR RECORDS Drop in and Hear Your Favorite One Slightly Used Girls' Bicycle for Sale C1.1NTOtt. IE PPS] 01.1 7 A, It 1 0 SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY IS IN • Ms MY I • • I M.N. I NM IP NI Buy your wife a new. Gibson Electric Refrigerator Now in Stock ROGERS - DEFOREST - PHILCO R -ADIOS "B" Batteries; 2 -Volt "A" Batteries; Flash Light Batteries, and (Hearing Aid) Batteries, in stock. SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS — TOASTERS — IRONS — RANGEITES DOMINION WASIIERS — -FLASH LIGHTS Also the New Fluorescent 24" Leghte, now available for Kitchen or Bath Room; easy to instal. GROVES ELECTRIC Your Store for Electrical Appliances Phones 290W - 274 Electrical Needs Hotpoint Automatic Irons $11.40 Simply dial the temperature required and thermostat keeps heat constant at the eating selected. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC KETTLE 315.00 Switch automatically shuts off current if kettle boils dry or is plugged in without water in it. SUTTER-PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON FARGO TWO -TON TRUCK FL4-160 SEE THIS NEW TRUCK TODAY! "Winterize Now!" CHRYCO BATTERIES — CHAINS — ANTI -FREEZE DEFROSTERS — and other Accessories Now M Stock , Lorne J. Brown Expert Mechanical Repairs PHONE 178 Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service ere OUTSTANDING! Long and Short Wave Automatic Combination SPARTON MODEL 7148AC Embodies a new PUSH-PULL CATHODE GRID PHASE INVERSION CIRCUIT vihich minimizes distortion $209. AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER $59.9 ALL THE LATEST HIT PARADERS ARE ON OUR RECORDS Drop in and Hear Your Favorite One Slightly Used Girls' Bicycle for Sale C1.1NTOtt. IE PPS] 01.1 7 A, It 1 0 SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY IS IN • Ms MY I • • I M.N. I NM IP NI Buy your wife a new. Gibson Electric Refrigerator Now in Stock ROGERS - DEFOREST - PHILCO R -ADIOS "B" Batteries; 2 -Volt "A" Batteries; Flash Light Batteries, and (Hearing Aid) Batteries, in stock. SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS — TOASTERS — IRONS — RANGEITES DOMINION WASIIERS — -FLASH LIGHTS Also the New Fluorescent 24" Leghte, now available for Kitchen or Bath Room; easy to instal. GROVES ELECTRIC Your Store for Electrical Appliances Phones 290W - 274 Electrical Needs Hotpoint Automatic Irons $11.40 Simply dial the temperature required and thermostat keeps heat constant at the eating selected. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC KETTLE 315.00 Switch automatically shuts off current if kettle boils dry or is plugged in without water in it. SUTTER-PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON