HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-14, Page 5'1I-11H111)JSDAY, OVE.MBER 11, 1916 CLINTON NEWS-BECORD PAIGE FIVE News Record° Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results MISR RATE—(la paid by Wednes- day following date of insertion)—One Gent a woad first insertion (minimum .30 cents); subsequent insertions, each ,(minimurn 25 cents); 10 cents extra :for box number or for directing to NEWS -RECORD ,Office. FOR SALE .DRY HARDWOOD FOR SALE -- .Apply Jack Chda, phone 906r21. 46-47-p STANLEY PIANO IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply J. A,pfelbeck, Bayaield. 44-45-46-b BOY'S BROWN WOOL FLEECE -overcoat. Good .condition. Size 15. Phone 308, Clinton. 46-p LAID Y'S BLACK FUR FABRIC Coat, size 38-40. Man's tweed over - 1 -coat, size 38, Phone 343W. 46-p INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR two.. :furrow Plow—Rex ibottom. Ai/01Y Eldon O'Brien, phone 615r25, Clinton. 46-p TFIREE-PIECE.PINK WOOL Coat Set, size 2-3, in good condition. .Apply Mrs. Howard Currie, Joseph St. 46-p LARGE "OORONA" WOOD or COAL Range, six plate, -warming closet and reservoir. Apply Mrs. N. W. Woods, Hayfield, phone 631r31. 46-x avuesoN AND RISOH UPRIGHT .Piano. When bought cost $700, for quick sale it is to be sold at half price, $350; Apply Mrs. B. W. Kearns. 46-b •SET OF ONE. HORSE SLEIGHS and harness, both in good condition. Also a. quantity of walnuts. Apply to _Howard Cox, phone 900r.11, Clinton. 46-47-b 'TWO, MEN'S COATS including dark brown camel hair, size 42, and dark brown cloth coat, size 40, bath in ,.excellent condition. Apply Box "11" .NEWS -RECORD. 46-47-p BOY'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 18-20, only rworn a few times; girl's coats, sweat- ..ers, dresses, etc., size 12-14. Every- -athing in excellent condition. Apply Bolt "J" NEWS -RECORD. 44-45-46-p FARMS FOR .SACE <ME HUNDRED ACRE FARM, one =half mile north of Brucefield on No. 4 :Highway, good barn and house, elect- ricity available, never failing water -supply. Apply Frank Wilson, Clinton. 44 45 46-47 48-p NOTICE. -HAVE 'JUST INSTALLED NEW modern .tire and tube vulcanizing ,equipment and hereby resp,ectaully :solicit your business. White Rose :Service Station, Londesboro. 44-45-46-47-48-p *IF' THE PERSON WHO TOOK. A fox our of a trap near Bill Middle - ton's, November 12, wishes to .avoid being prosecuted they may do so by returning it to the set on November 18. Mervyn Batkin. 46-b LOST AND FOUND FOUND—AIRMA,N'S KIT BAG — :at Witmer's, Barber Shop, Mitchell. Owner may have same by applying .at above and paying for advertise.. :anent at NEWS -RECORD Office. 46-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 MODEL A LEORD—new tires, :good paint and upholstering. Price 4225. Apply Jake .Gingerich, phone :84r2, Zurich. 46-b 1940 WILLYS 142-TO(N TRUCK — with four good tires ;in A-1 shape. /Apply to Mervyn liatkin, evenings, [phone 359J, Clinton. 46-p 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN — with heater. Apply Box 'F" NEWS- -RECORD. 46-p PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDING LOT—corner of Queen and Jahn Ste. 13,2'x80'. Apply Douglas .Aindrews, phone 1701. 44btfb COTTAGE FOR SALE on Huron Road. Clinton, in good condition, electricity, three-piece bath. Immed- iate possession. Box "G" NEWS. RECORD. 46-b APPROXEVIATELY FOUR ACRES of good orchard consisting of North. ern Spys, North Star, Wolf River, Duchess, Approximately 100 trees, situated in town. Suitable building lot on property. Immediate posses- sion. For further information call H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 45 btrb • MISCELLANEOUS LLOYD'S 00E11 ANID CALLOUS Salve gives inunediate relief from corns and callouses,50 cent a at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 36-40-42-46-b ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 86-37-38-39-40-41-41-43-44-p • PILES are generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. 36-38-40-42-44-48-49-51-21) YOU HAVE FULL TIME ON YOUR hands? You are just the man we need to represent our line exclusively in your territory! Write us to -day for more details as to how to establish a profitable business, of your own. Familex Dept. 0, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 46-b AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this isyouropportunity to get established in a ,profitable busi- ness of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 45-46-47-48-b WANTED OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Cudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb OLD HO•RSES, WILL PAY stun per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jaelc Gilbert, 936r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderich. 46btf HELP WANTED CARPENTERS WANTED — First class tradesmen required for come pletion of homes on Housing Enter- prises Project by the Russell Con- struction Company, Ltd., apply Brit- annia St., Fair Grounds, Stratford, Ontario. 46-47-48-1, POULTRY FOR SALE MILK FED DUCKS, dressed, 35 cents per lb. delivered. Phone 802r2. 46-47-p WANTED TO BUY SMALL HOUSE OR COTTAGE in Clinton, wanted to buy at once. Con- tact F/L W. L. Baynton, RCAF, Clin- ton. 46-p $25 REWARD — Urgently required by veteran with wife and child; a four, five, or six -roomed apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished. Will pay $25 reward to first pereon finding one for me. Apply Box "N" NEWS -RECORD. 46-p BACKACHE/ Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains Quickly Relieved by RUMAC APS "PENNEBAKER'S DRUG, STORE PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT lat Worshipful Bro. Ross 116 Mac- Gregor, RR, 2, iSearforth, District Deputy Grand Master, paid his offic- ial visit to Clinton Lodge No. 84, AF and AM, Friday evening last. He was welcomed very heartily by Wor- shipful Bro. Gordon R. Ross, Master of the Lodge, and was thanked by 114. Wor. Bro, George II. Jefferson in ibehalf of the members. Following the work in the lodge room, a buffet lunch was served. A considerable nomber of visitors attended. Hands Up! Colds hands mean a warm heart, so they say, but why have cold hands? See us for, a full line of men's dress gloves in leather or wool, lined or unlined. OUR STOCK OF SCARVES and TIES IS SECOND TO NONE, BUT SHOP EARLY Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cantbridge Clothes, Scott Mcflate CLINTON PHONE 25 Expert Vulcanizing BringYour Tire Troubles To Us 24-HOUR SERVICE Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Victoria St. Phone 460 Clinton BIRTHS SWITZER—In ,Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, November 8, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Switzer, Clinton; a daughter (Sandra Diane) MARRIAGES MOORE-CARTER-At the manse of Wesley -Willis -United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, November 9, 1946, by Rev. Andrew Lane, Thelma Marie, daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, Clinton, to James Henson Moore,IGoderich, 'son of Mr. and 1VIrs. William 11I. Moore, • DEATHS PRAISER—In Seaforth, early Wed- nesday morning, November 13, 1946, Robert Grant Fisher, beloved husband. of Janet Howes, aged 52 years. Feneral from his residence, West William St., ,Sealorth, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seafoath, at 2 p.m., Friday, November, 15. HIE3SER--In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on rSaturclay, November 9, 1946, Conrad Huiaer, Heilman, in his 764h year. a Private funeral from Bon- thnon's Funeral Home, Hensall, Monday, November la, to Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich. MoILVEEN — In Waterloo, on Fri- day, November 8, 1946, Robert J. Mcliveen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. IVIcliveen, formerly of Clinton. Fimeral from Walsh Funeral Home to Waterloo Mount Hope Cemetery, Saturday, Nov. 9. SANDERSON—At the home of hie son, Wilfrid Sanderson, concession 1, East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, November 12, 1946, George Albert Sanderson, in his 744h year. Fun- eral from the residence of his son to Blyth Union Cemetery, at 2,30 p.m., Friday, November 15. STEELE—Suddenly, in ,Stratford, on Wednesday morning, November 13. 1946, Miss ailinnie .Steele, formerly of Clinton, daughter of the late Dr. William and Mrs. Steele, Stratford, and sister of Mrs. W. J. Jones, Clinton. Funeral from Greenwood - Gilbert Funeral Home, 46 Erie St., Stratford, to Avondale Cemetery, Friday afternoon, November 15. TAYLOR — At her late residence, Dinsley St., Blyth, on Wednesday, November 6, 1946, Phoebe Emmel- ine McDowell, widow of the late 13en5amin Headley Taylor, in her 77th year. Funeral from her home to Blyth Union Cemetery, -Nov. 8. Your charm, beauty, pesonality, combined is the gift most appreciated at Christmas Your Photograph Fowler Bros. , - PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 — 11IcEwan's Clinton. 46-1) PLASTER REPAIRING I Plaster repairs prontptly and neatly done A. French & Son • Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Peamanents . ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 66.1 Batkins Locker Storage Quick Frozen Colo* Salinon Fillets per lb. 50c Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Smoked Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Haddock Fillets .... per lb. 40c Sole Filets per lb. 45c FRESH FROZEN STRAWBER,RIES in Heavy Syrup, per pkg. 40c FRESH FROZEN RASPBERRIES pkg. 40c FRESH FROZEN PEAS pkg. 30c WE HUY HIDES Frozen Foods are Better Footle •ST. PAUL'S MEMBERS EXHIBIT TALENT IN VARIETY SHOW „ Staged under the auspices of the ohnir of St. Faun's Anglican Ofmach and under the direotion of the choir leader, Mrs. G. ,MacKinnon, all niembea ,organizationa of the church co-operated in a splendid combined effort which produced overflow at- tendances on two' evening... R 'wee in the form of a sparkling variety' show whioh held down the heads in the Parish Hall Thursday and Friday evenings last. (Rev. R. M, Bulteel, the yector, acted as chatitman and spoke a few words of welcome each evening. At the dose of the Friday evening per- formance, Mr. Bulte-el spoke in ap- preciation of Mrs. ManKinnon's fine work, and in behalf of the oast, Mrs. J. G. IVIclay presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The choir .sang as a group sitting in a living -room. Solos were sung by Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel, Joe Salcock, Mrs. J. dil, Elliott and Charles Wil- son. A quartette composed of .Mrs. 3. M. Elliott, Mrs. J. G. McLay, Joe Silcock ,and °hanks Wilson delighted the audience with a number. Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon conducted the choir, with Mrs. Theo, Fremlin at the iiiano, The Junior W. A. and a junior class of' the Sunday School gave a skit, "I've Got A Pain In My Saw- dust," with Mrs, J. G. McLay acting as accompanist, The Frienoship Club presented a melodrama, "The Sad Love Afiair a Manuel Del Populo," with Mrs. Harry Ambler doing the narnating. Another -class of the Sun- day School presented a Jack o'Lant- ern .drill with Mrs. J. M. Elliott at the piano. The AYPA portrayed an old time flickea, "Dr. 'Carter Johnson's Busy Day." This was flowed by a skit from the Ladies' Guild, "While You Wait." Those taking part in it were MRs. At. Kirby, Mrs. J. M, Elliott and E. C. Nickle, The junior choir presented IVIusicrq Moments, with David Tighe, Joyce Hawkins, Jean Hartley, Rickie Jack Carter and John Hartley takng the solo parts, and was. 3, M. Elliott and 1VIrs. John Hartley as accompanists. The Women's Auxiliary presented a fashion parade with Mrs. R. M. Sparing as narrator. They showed a wedding gown worn in 1899 and modelled by Mrs. Bulteel, and one, worn two years ago, modeled by the, owner, Mrs. Bnuce Bartliff. The Board of Management present- ed a short skit with Mrs. J. G. Mc - Lay, 'Charles Johnson and Roy Churchill, taking the parts. The Ladies' Guild presented Dancing Dolls with Mrs. C. W. Draper and Miss laveyn Hall taking the parts. A group presented a square dance. Those taking part were Mr. and Mr. Alvin Battles, Mrs. Ephaaini Snell, Mr, and Mrs. Olavence Sturdy, Miss Clara Harrison, E. W. Morrison and Mel Cinch taking the parts with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis at the violin and piano: COUNTY couxoix., MEETING The November Session of Huron County Council will get under way in the Court House, Goderich, at 2 p.m., Monday, November 18. The Warden's Banquet will take place in the British Exchange Hotel at 7 pm., Thursday, November 21. CARD or THANKS .caistss Lawn Bowling Club wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who made their dance on Remembrance Day- evening such an outstanding success, especially since the weather was so miserable. 46p IN MEMORIAM I.EPPINGT0N-4n loving memory of our dear son and brother, Thomas Edgar, who died November 8, 1942. "His dear bright eyes ,and cheerful face Are so pleasant to recall, He had a loving word for each And died belove6i by all." —Ever remembered by Mother and IDad and sisters and brother. 46p ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE ' "SEAPORTS Now Playing --Gary Cooper in "ALONG CAME JONES" Now Playing—Ella Raines in "THE RUNAROUND" Now Playing—Fred 1VlacMurray in "SMOKY" -- In Technicolor Mon., Tues., Wed. . ,/ "From This Day Forward A warm and understanding story, a tender roma/lee for the young and those who never grow old Mark Stevens, Joan Fontaine and Rosemary de Camp Nun , Tues., Wed. ' Lucille Bali, Clifton Webb and Williami Bendix—with a notable supporting cast n a punch -packed story by Leo Rasten, c,`THE DARK CORNER" MON, TUES., WED. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Lucille Ball, George Brent and .Charles Winninger—you will en- Joy this sophiatieated tale of the rights and wrongs of marital life. "LOVER, COME BACK" THUR., FRI., SAT. Fred MacMurray, Anne Baxter and Burl Ives — A cavalcade of thrills and action filmed against a breathtaking background "SMOKY" In Technicolor THUR., FRI., SAT. Alan Curtis, Martha O'Driscoll and Kent Taylor -- Four flaming fire - brands tell their rugged stoa y of how law came to the West. "The Daltons Ride Again" THUR., MI., SAT. Joan Fontaine, Mark Stevenand s Arline Judge—From the pages of ntoev living aactneilesdertnel o llastestporlyiviny ehwiaril remember. 'From This Day Forward' Corrang--"BLITHE SPIRIT" with Rex. Harrison 'Coming — "SING YOUR WAY HOME" and "Lover, Come Back" Coming—: :DRAGONWYCK" starring Gene Tierney Matinees, Sat.& Holidays, 2.30 p.m. .•••••••—•- ",-,— Mat—Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 pm. Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. , New Study Book on India At Ontario St W.M.S. The Noverruber meeting of the W.M.S. of Ontario St. United Church was held in the school hall on Tues- day afternoon, November 12. Mrs. George Shiplesr took charge of the meeting. 11/frs. Norman Carter used as her theme for the devotions, "In Christian Homes," and Mrs. W. S. ,R. Holmes led in prayea, Mrs. II. C. Lawson introduced the new study book in a most interesting manner, closing with a "quizz" on India, Mrs. W. M. Aiken gave a detailed repott of the sectionalaneet- ing held in Walton in October. An interesting report was given by Mild- red Wiltse of the School for Leaders held at Alma College ill St. Thomas late in the summer. She was one of the representatives of Huron Presby- terial at this gathering. 'Was. W. J. Woolfrey Closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the group convened by Mrs. Shipley and Mrs. Jervis. CARROTS FOR SALE Choice Carrots by bushel lots, any quantity PRICE REASONABLE F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 33 44tfb Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Will be examining eyes at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn November 25, 26 and 27 Phone 69 46-4'7-b Stop that draft! Stop that cold! Insulate your home with BLOWN ROCK WOOL and be comfortable this winter. Probects you from cold, and will save up to 30 per cent on your fuel bill Keep your house at an even temperature by insulating For Estimate and Particulars — Phone 465 Clinton or apply at Murphy Bros. Garage CLINTON 46-b Waste Paper and Rags COLLECTION 'Auspices Canadian Legion, Clinton FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Have bundles at curb ready to be picked up by 4 p.m. HUGH R. HAWKINS PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470 HERE IT IS GIRLS! Your Chance To Join The Happy Family Who Work 'At Clint on Knitting Company, Limited Apply To Superintendent—Clinton 4E1 •11Maina" LIFE INSURANCE FREE "HE THAT BELLEVETH ON THE SON RATH EVERLAST- ING LIFE: AND HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIVE; BUT THE WRATH 'OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM." John 3:36 See and hear Mr. Fuller in person, Wednesday night, November 13, in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. TUNE IN --Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Clerk's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1946, MUNICIPALITY OF CLINTON, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in my office at Clinton on the 304h day of October, 1946, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains here for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November 1946. , Dated at Clinton this 30ta day Da October, 1946. Clerk of the Town of Clinton. M. T. COELESS, Waste Paper and Rags Collection Please have papers tied securely in bundles Rags tied or in containers Friday, Nov. 15 Have bundles at curb ready to be picked up by 4 p.m. AUSPICES OF CANADIAN LEGION, CLINTON 45-46-b Metal -Surfaced, Sponge Rubber WEATHER STRIPPING Instnlled by EXPERT CARPENTERS FLEXOTITE suspends windows in a resilient cushion of sponge rubber protected by a metal surface - DRAFTPROOF, DUSTPROOF, WEATHERPROOF combining economical and efficient insulation with smooth, silent operation,. . . Makes doors weatherproof and slamproof. Eliminates Drafts, Stops Dust and Soot Entrance, Saves Fuel ESTIMATES FREE SUPPLIED BY Mitcheal McAdam Flexotite Sales and ,Serviee BOX 448 CLINTON R. & C. S. R C. A. F. By Kind Permission of G/C E. A. McGowan DANCE In the Drilt Hall R. and C. SCHOOL, CLINTON Thursday, November 21 9.00 P.M. DRESS OPTIONAL BERT WORTH and His CKNX AMBASSADORS TICKETS 50 cents Refreshments at Reasonable Prices 46-1.; Waste Paper and Rags COLLECTION 'Auspices Canadian Legion, Clinton FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Have bundles at curb ready to be picked up by 4 p.m. HUGH R. HAWKINS PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470 HERE IT IS GIRLS! Your Chance To Join The Happy Family Who Work 'At Clint on Knitting Company, Limited Apply To Superintendent—Clinton 4E1 •11Maina" LIFE INSURANCE FREE "HE THAT BELLEVETH ON THE SON RATH EVERLAST- ING LIFE: AND HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIVE; BUT THE WRATH 'OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM." John 3:36 See and hear Mr. Fuller in person, Wednesday night, November 13, in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. TUNE IN --Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Clerk's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1946, MUNICIPALITY OF CLINTON, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in my office at Clinton on the 304h day of October, 1946, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains here for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November 1946. , Dated at Clinton this 30ta day Da October, 1946. Clerk of the Town of Clinton. M. T. COELESS, Waste Paper and Rags Collection Please have papers tied securely in bundles Rags tied or in containers Friday, Nov. 15 Have bundles at curb ready to be picked up by 4 p.m. AUSPICES OF CANADIAN LEGION, CLINTON 45-46-b Metal -Surfaced, Sponge Rubber WEATHER STRIPPING Instnlled by EXPERT CARPENTERS FLEXOTITE suspends windows in a resilient cushion of sponge rubber protected by a metal surface - DRAFTPROOF, DUSTPROOF, WEATHERPROOF combining economical and efficient insulation with smooth, silent operation,. . . Makes doors weatherproof and slamproof. Eliminates Drafts, Stops Dust and Soot Entrance, Saves Fuel ESTIMATES FREE SUPPLIED BY Mitcheal McAdam Flexotite Sales and ,Serviee BOX 448 CLINTON