HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-11-07, Page 6PAGE SIX
Items From News -Record's Rural Correspondents
John Elliott,atelo
r o, 'VMS lunne
hover the weekend.
Mrs. D. A. Volume left last week
!to spend the winter in London. •
Mrs.. J. Alpfelbeck and twin boys
arrived home on 'Saturday from Clin-
Public Hospital.
Mrs. Elarl Norman and baby daugh-
ter came home flout Goderich Hos-
pital on Sunday.
Mr. and MTS. H, Bauer, Waterloo,
were at their cottage in the village
over the weekend.
• George Little and Robert Welsh
left .on Saturday on a hunting trip
to Pointe au Baril.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon and
family, spent the weekend with their
son, Stuart, Preston.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and
Master Ronald, Kitchener, spent Sun-
day in the- village.
Lloyd Westlake, Toronto, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Westlake.
Miss Davvna Tains, Toronto, is
spending a few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom. Toms.
John Kipper, New Westminster,
B.C., has been visiting his sister,
Mrs. Percy Weston, and Mr. Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milne have
closed their cottage at Egerton Beach
and will spend the winter in Goderich.
Harry Baker and two daughters,
Connie and Sylvia, London, spent the
weeken dwith hie parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brisson and
two daughters, Grosse Pointe, Mich.,
were at their cottage in the village
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles F. Rogers
dosed their cottage, "Char -Min," last
week and left to spend the winter
months in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. E. Stephens
and two sons, London, were at
`‘Shangri-La," their home in the vil-
lage, over the weekend.
Buy Building Lots
William II. Bennett, Woodstock,
at Elliott's Grove, Blue Water High-
way, Goderich Township, from Wil-
liam J. Elliott.
Remembrance Service
A Remembrance Day service will
be held at the cairn in Olen Gregor
Square, Hayfield, on Nevezaber 11, at
10.30 a.m. Rev. F. G. ,Stotesbury
will conduct the service. •
61tas. I% A. Edwards returned home
on Friday, after having spent a week
in Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clark returned
to St. Thomas on Tuesady lifter hav-
ing been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Toms for a few days.
,Mrs. Richard Peek, tSeaforth, visit-
ed her brother, J. 3. Richardson, for
a few days last week. Mrs. Richard -
son's sister, Mrs. J. Phenney, Detroit,
and sister-in-law, Mrs. John Mc-
Kenzie, Windsor, were also their
guests for a few days.
Children Baptized
Chililren baptized at St. Andrew's
United Church, Hayfield, by the pas-
tor, Bev. F. G. Stotesbury at the
morning service on Sunday, Novem-
ber 3, were, Donald Gordon, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Scotcloner, Jr.;
Margaret Jewell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lindsay Smith; Charles Leslie
and Mildred Rose, youngest children
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turner; and
Carol Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wallis.
Sympathy to Bereaved
Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Ahrens, De-
troit, spent the weekend at their
cottage "The Trail Blazer." Their
many friends in Hayfield and district
extend to air. and 'Vas. Ahrens their
sincere sympathy in the recent death
of his mother, 1VIrs. Mary Ahrens,
in St. Charles, Mo. Mrs. Ahrens had
been ill for over two years. She was
a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Vossiek and as a young woman
married Gus Ahrens, who predeceased
her in April 1985. Mrs. Ahrens was
in her 80th year. She is survived by
two sons, Harry, Detroit, and Erwin,
and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Detroit, St. Charles, Mo., and a daughter, Mrs.
have recently purchased building lots Edna Paule, also of -St. Charles. The
Community Club Meets
London Road Community Club
meeting was held October 24, at the
home of Mrs. Clegg, with eleven
members and five visitors present.
In the absence of the president, MIS.
Roy Pluaneteel preiided.
The meeting opened by singing
"The Maple Leaf Forever." ltIrs.
Monaghan read the minutes of the
previous meeting and the roll call.
A letter of thanks from the Critten-
den family was -tad. Mrs. Anderson
gave the treasurer's report.
Miss Dell O'Neil was the special
speaker of the afternoon and gave a
most interesting and instructive tall
on her trips to Florida. The meeting
closed with the National Anthem. The
hostess served delicious refreshments.
The November meeting will be held at
1VIrs. Anderson's and the roll call is
to be a food sale.
• Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burch left
last week •for their winter home in
Tampa, Florida.
MT. and Mrs, Thomas Dunbar, Lam-
beth, have purehased a lot from Fred
Wallis at Lane 0' Pines- Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilled, God-
erich, visited with their daughter,
Mrs. William McGuire, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnson,
Deer Lodge, spent the weekend before
last with friends in Brantford.
Mr. and MTS. Lloyd Pieot and two
children; George and Eleanor, spent
a week in Toronto visiting friends.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Wallis and
children, and Mr. and 1VIrs. W. John-
son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Welsh on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling are
wearing a brood stnik these days as
a baby girl having arrived at Clinton
Public Hospital on Friday.
Miss Helen Welsh, London, accomp-
anied by John Wilton, London, spent
the weekend with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh.
Mrs, Douglas Wheeler and son,
Douglas, London, Mrs. Vera Barry
and Mrs. Grace Livermore, Detroit,
spent the weekend as guests of their
brother, D. L. Stephenson, Huron
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Powell, concession 16, last week were
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clark, Niagara
Falls, N.Y., and Mr. and .Mrs. Lee
Snider, Buffalo, N.Y. • Mrs. Clark is
a sister and Mrs Sinclair is a niece
of Mr. Powell.
Fruit Growers Get-together
The ll'huit Growers who arranged
the exhibit at the plowing match at
Port Albert were entertained on Wed-
nesday evening at the h,ome of D. J.
Lassaline and enjoyed the evening
very much.
Federation Annual
The annual meeting of Goderich
Township Federation of Agriculture
will be held in Holmesville School on
Thursday, November 14, at 8 pdn.
for the election of officers and gen-
eral business. The National Films also
will be shown during the evening.
Farm Radio Forum
The S.S. No. 4 Farm Radio Forum
met on Monday evening at the hoine
of Mr. and 1VIrs. A. Hebden with an
attendance of 18. The topic under
discussion was "What about Farm
Taxes' The meeting next week will
be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Lobb.
funeral and interment were held in
St. Charles.
Delightful Hallowe'en Party
The business people of Hayfield
held a delightful Hallowe'en party
in the Town Hall for the children of
the village and vicinity. The affair
was well -organized under the follow-
ing committees: ,Decorating,- Mrs.
Charles Scotchmer, 1VIrs. Spencer Er-
vine; Prizes &Ire. Grant Turner, Mrs.
Maynard Corrie; refreshments, Mrs.
R. Bassett, Mrs. Lloyd Scotehmer;
lucky tickets,Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer.
The men assisted on the committees.
Judging the many and varied cost-
umes were Mrs. R. Rae, Ernest
Hoven IVIrs. Bristol, Mrs. C. Fraser.
Prizes were awarded as follows.
Girls fancy, six years and under—
Ruth Ann Scotchmer, Anne Westlake;
.girls comic, six years and under—
Mary Evelyn Grainger, Chorlene
Scotchmer; boys fancy, six years and
.under, Teddy Turner, Howard Scotch-
rner; girls fancy, six to ten years—
Blaine Grainger, Shirley Brandon;
girls -comic, six to ten years—Joseph
Rau, Marian IVIalcins; boys fancy, six
to ten years, Bobby Talbot, Robin
Fraser; boys comic, six to ten years—
Gordon Porter, Glen Sturgeon; girls
fancy, ten years and up —Barbara
Bassett, Glen Fraser; girls comic, ten
years and up — Norma Sturgeon;
Janet MeLeod; boys fancy, ten and
up—Bobby Brandon, Billy Parker;
boys comic, ten years and up—George
Castle, Ronald Castle.
Alex Rae acted as master of cere-
monies and assisted by 1VIrs. William
E. Parker, supervised games. Favors
consisted of bags contairing apples,
popcorn and candy were given out.
Before the close, doughnuts, cookies
and orangeade were served. Following
the children's party, Hayfield Valley
Five Orchestra played for a dance for
adults. Mrs. Grant Turner won the
door prize and the winners in the spot
dance were Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred
Court of Revision
Take notice that the Court of Revision on the
1947 Assessment Roll, Township of Tuckersmith
will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, on
November 16, 1946
at 2 p.m., re the matter of Assessment appeals.
(Signed) -11. P. CHESNEY,
Township of Tuckersmith
Voter's List 1946
County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8
of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office,
in the Village of Londesboro, on the 19th day of October, 1946,
the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at
the Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for
,t And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings
to have'any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the laet
day for appeal being the 15th day a November, 1946.
(Signed)--GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk,
1 Township of Hullett.
k dish of Pure Delight
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What a feast of flavour,
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Itorden's ice cream has
everything. ." everything
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every Monday night CBC Trans -Canada Network
Township of Hullett
The Court of Revision for the Assess-
ment Roll, for 1947, in the Town-
ship of Hallett, will be held
in the Community Hall,
at 7.00 o'clock in the evening
(Signed)—GEO. W. COWAN,
45-46-b Clerk
• Ms, Will. Lyon is visiting Mrs. C.
Snelling, Hayfield this week.
S. Kerap, Clinton, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook on Sunday.
Jack Webster spent the weekend at
the home of his mother, 1VIrs. Lillie
1VIrs. Minnie Lyon, Blyth, spent the
weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Lyon.
Mr. and inn. Ira 'Ranson visited
Mrs. W. Tamblyn and Mrs. G. •Cook
on Sunday..
Mrs. Charles Watson is spending a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
J. Sinclair, Kippen.
• Mrs. Margaret Manning spent n
few days last weak with Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Auburn.
Mrs. E. Holmes, Dresden, spent the
weekend with her mother, IVIrs, H.
Lyon and her sister, Mrs. H. Durnin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden and
•Mr. and Vire. John Pipe visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Volland of Goderich
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vallie Townsend, Bob
Townsend and Miss Madeline Tizzet,
Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr.
and IVIrs. Robert Toomeend.
Marks 80th Birthday
Congratulations to Mrs. H. Lyon,
'who celebrated her 80th birthday on
Move to Londesboro
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Gaunt, Kenneth and Fay to this
WMS Meets Nov. 14
The WIVIS will hold its November
gdward Simths, Kintore, called on
Mrs. E. Smith, an old acquaintance,
on Sunday.
Mrs. Horner and company, Zurich,
weer guests at the home of her
ter, -Mrs. Ings and Mr. Ings Sunday,
Mrs. William Hart, who has been
convalescing at the home of her niece,
Mrs. John Dowson, for the past two
weeks, has returned to her home.
Clayton and Roy Elliott spent the
weekend in Brantford with their
brother and sister-in-law, Alvin and
daughter, Mrs. Ings and Mr. Inge,
Mrs. E. 1VIcAsh, who spent the sum-
mer with her daughter, aVIrs. Hamil-
ton, Detroit, has returned to her home.
in the villagewitIa her son, John Me -
Ash and Mrs. FleAsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell left
on a motor trip last week and will
spend some time with the latter's
sister, Mrs. Percy Johnston and Mr.
Johnston, IMrs. A. McConnell accomp-
anied them as far as Toronto.
St. John's W.A.
The W.A. of St. John's Church met
at the home of Mrs. H. Elliott and
Mrs. Mossop last Thursday afternoon.
The afternoon was epent quilting. The
meeting was closed with the members'
prayer in unison, after which supper
was served by the hostesses.
meeting on Thursday, November 14,
in the basement of the church. Group
No. 2 will be in charge.
LOL Fowl Supper
LOL 863 held its annual fowl sup-
per in the 'Community Hall Thursday,
October 31. After the supper a good
Programme was enoyed by all. L, H.
Saunders, Toronto, was the guest
Prank Hall Passes
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sthobbrook were
in St. Marys on Tuesday attending
the funeral of an old neighbor, Frank
Hall. The sympathy of the commun-
ity goes out to the family in the loss
of their father.
Made Life Member LOL
At a fowl supper held in the Town
Hall, Londesboro, 'under the auspices
of the LOL, Thomas IShaddick, Hen -
sail, was made a life member of that
Suffers Fractured .Arm
Mrs. William Foster, well known
Henson resident, had the misfortune
to suffer a fall in her home. X-rays
taken at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, revealed a fractured left
Congregational Meeting
The congregational meeting held
in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen-
sel, was largely attended when Mr.
Johnson, London, demonstrated an
electric organ. He was assisted by
J. Anthony, Stratford, and an organ
recital by Mrs. Walkert •Stratford,
was featured. The choir sang an
anthem and a social hour Was held.
Special Pupils' Program
Pupils of •SA. 10, Hay, 'presented
their Education Week program in the
school Friday evening, November 1.
The program included songs, singing
games, recitations, a story, a drama-
tization of William Tell, a costume
parade, and a sale of crafts. Proceeds
amounted to $11.31 which will be
used for instruments for a rhythm
band. Parents of the pupils were
guests of the evening and refresh-
ments were served. Mrs. P. Ferguson,
Hensall, is the teacher.
Dies in London
Mrs. Christ. Ellber, well known
resident of Henson and Zurich, died
on Monday, Novernber 4, at 1VIrs.
Rogers' Private Hospital, London, M
her 74th year. Mr former Miriam
Rice, she was born In Hibbert, and
was the widow of the late Chris.
Eilber. Surviving is one sister. MTS.
John T. Mitchell, Hensall. Private
funeral services were held from the
residence of John T. Ivlitchell, Hensall,
Wenesday, November 6, at 2 p.m.,
with burial in MeTaggart's Cemetery.
Community Party
Don't forget the party Friday,
evening in the basement_ of the.
church. All are welcome, Come and,
enjoy a game of croltinele, and get
acquainted' with your new neighbor.
Lunch will be served.
Mission Circle to Meet
The Aimwell Mission Circle will
hold its regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday, November 12, at the home
of tIVIrs. A. Fangrad. The meeting to
start at eight o'dock. Everyone is
welcome as this is our Autumn
Thankoffering meeting.
BAlueation Week
This being Education Week, Rev,
A. D. Penman preached a very in).-
pressive sermon Sunday morning, on.
the Book of Books, the "Bible."
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy's two
children were baptized, Wayne •Nei!,
and Brenda Joyce.
The service will commenc.e nextt
Sunday at 10.15 amt
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With Your Name and Greeting of Your Own Selection
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Clinton News -Record
"The Home Paper With the News" 45-46-b
Township of Goderich
A meeting of the Electors of the Township of
Goderich, will be held in the Council Chamber ..
in the Town of Clinton on
Friday, November 22, at one o'clock p.m
to nominate a Reeve and Four Councillors for the
year 1947; also to nominate two Trustees for
the Township School Area.
The Election, if a poll be held, will be on FRIDAY, DEC. 6,
at the following places with the following Deputy 'Returning Officers
and poll clerks:
Ward Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk
No. 1 Orange Hall, con, 4, Everett McIlwain. G. Johnston
No. 2 House of Cliff •Sturdy, Howard Sturdy Cliff 'Sturdy
No. 3 House of Geo. Hopson, Thos. Hudie Chas. 'Wallis
No. 4 House of ,Arnold Bathwell, Arnold Bothwell Elmer Trick
No. 5 House of H. McCartney, H. McCartney Harold Lobb
No. 6 House of Robt. Rowden, R. ,Rowden E. J. Treawrtha
Poll opens at 9 A.M. and closes at 5 P.M-
(Signed—R. G. THOMPSON,
Returning Officer and Clerk
For Body and Fender Repairing
C. R. Crossman Body Shop
Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop
AMMF ,14e05,57
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Fred 0. Ford