HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-31, Page 6PAGE SIX MENTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1940. Interesting Items From News -Record's Rural Correspondents NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: 111Ski LUCY R.. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31. Mrs. Fred Weston and two children Visited relatives M London last week. Mrs. Clayton Guest, London, is visiting hr sister, Mrs. Malcom Toms. Miss Margaret Reid ie spending a couple of weeks in Seaforth and Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'Stewart, Ham - were in the village over the weekend. William L. Cameron, Detroit, visit - 'ed his sister, Miss E. Cameron, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker, Billy and Bobby, took a trip to Tobermory last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and Oldastm Ronald of Kitchener were in ' the village on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Furter and son William, London, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Prof. R. K. E. Pemberton and fam- ily, London, were at their" cottage in Lakeside Park over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Irvine opent the weekend in Windsor, attending the wedding of the former's niece. Miss Jacqueline Parker and friend, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Parker. Mrs. W. M. Purves and Mrs. Rico, Birmingham, Mich., are guests at the Albion Hotel for a few days this Week. Misses Alice and Anne Drouin, Miss A. Fernette and Mrs. T. B. Mellen spent the weekend at the former's cottage, "Hillcrest." aur. and Nies. Walter Cotton, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. William Baines, spent 'Send* with the fariner's brother, Arthur Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine spent the weekend in Windsor with the formefe sister, .Mrs. Harry Lowry and also visited in Detroit. Mrs, V. Burt, Howard, Misses Peggy and Mary Lou Burt, London, spent the weekend with her parents. 'Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Baker. MTS. a. J. Watson and Master Edwards, who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, for the past three months, left on Friday for their home in Broadview, Sask., Mrs. P. A. Edwards accomp- anied them to Kitchener where she is visiting relatives. Red Cross Meeting .The Red Games Society will rssume regular meetings in the Orange Hall, the first meeting to be held on Fri- day, Nov. 1, at three, o'clock. All members are requested to be present to make plans for future work. Dies in Detroit It was with regret that citizens of the village learned last week of the death of a well known summer resident, Frank V. Martin'which oc- curred in Grace Hospital, Detroit, on Saturday, October 19., following a lengthy illnesa He m survived by his wife, the former Mrs. J. Brown, and two daughters., Ruth Joy and Margaret Edith, Detroit. I Sucecseful Dance ' A dance was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, sponsored by the school children to raise money for the skating rink fund. Music was by the Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra and there was a lunch counter. About $60 was cleared. . • Plan Hallowe'en Party. The business men of Bayfield are sponsoring a Hallowe'en Party in the Town Hall on Thursday evening which will he free for children of the village and community. Prizes will be given as follows: 1st and 2nd for faucy costume; 1st and and for comic aosturne, in these lasses. children under six years., childeen 6-10 Years' and 10 years and up. The party win commence at 7.30 o'clock end end at 10 'o'clock and lunch will be served. Following the children's party, a dance will be held for adults, the proceeds of which will be devoted to a fund for a Community Christmas Tree. Leave for Detroit Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Holmes and Billy left on Tuesday for St. james' wishes of .Rectory, Detroit. The best their many friends in the parish of s', Middle - St. John's, Varna; St. Jame ton, and Trinity, Bayfielcl, go with them for joy and success in Miele red Auxiliary new parish. Mrs. Holmes Hono A meeting of the Girls was held at the home of Audrey ring. Min - Sturgeon on Monday evei utes of the last meeting were read by Nernea Sturgeon and the mem- ins. After bers received their GA& P the business was finished, Audrey g address: you were not let you Sturgeon read the followin Dear Mrs. Holmes: "When we learned that leaving Bayfield we could go without in some way showing our thanks for the work you have donexiliary. At in organizing the Girls An the meetings. we were all at together, s and will o come. As we had many happy time remember these in years t a small token of our appreciation we ask you to accept this gift, and hope that each time you look at it our G. A , It may remind you of y. friends in Bayfield. ".As the years roll ever onward, New friends you are sure to find; But remember the Girls Auxiliary behind. And the pals you leave Sometimes if you feel lonely, le Just stop to think awhi Of our many 'happy meetings, Alnd recall them with a smile. field, So as you go from Bay Our best wishes follow you; We wish you every happinest And good luck in all you do!" On behalf of the Girls Auxiliary, Lois Middleton then presented Mrs. Holmes with a vase while Mrs. 'Wil- lard Sturgeon played "We're sorry you're going away." Mrs. Holmes expressed her thanks to the girls very charmingly and a social evening followed. eiSaasillte e/aSkeSeese, .see, 4.0aMe- ,elee •seaseeseeeaeeeee,,As . ese Whe Car11U gives you so much Local News every day! In Toronto and throughout Ontario, Globe and Mail news reporters and special corres- pondents cover the news for you. . . bring you up-to-the-minute, "on -the -spot" reports. And, in The Globe and Mail, you get the news first ... early in the morning! Keep in touch with the news of "your town." Enjoy "Pitching Horseshuoes" with Billy Rose . . . Dofy Skaith's "On The Town" with its. wide appeal to the gentler sex . . jim Coleman's timely sport news. . . and all the friends that greet you iii the lively columns of The Globe and Mail! 51 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L Stephenson, Heron Road. . Mr and Mfrs. Thomas Dunbar, Lambeth, visited for a few leys with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mies Catharine and IVIastm David Welsh have returned home after spending the past ten days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh. • Successful Field. Day Four Goderieh Township school sections held a successful inter -school tneet at &S. 6, (Union) School Fri- day last, under ideal weather con- ditions. , Schools competing, aed their teaeh- ers, Were: S.S. 1, Miss Geraldine Mac._ Ewan; 3,3. 2, Chester 1VIeNall; S.S. 3, Miss Phyllis Ginn; and SS. 6, Mrs. Jean Mitchell. IS.S, 9, whose teather is Mr. Edgar, withdrew on account of illness. Prizes of $2 for each ehampionshin were donated by the school boards, and an interested crowd of spectators was present. Ray Fuller, S.S. 6, won the senior boys' championship, with Jim Wilson, S.S 1, and Don Soweray, S.S. 6, the runners -um -Lorraine Hicks S.S. 2, and Isabel Grant, S.S. 1, tied for the seein championship, with Jean Fuller, S.S. 6, and Joan Grigg, S.S. 1, runr ers-up. %he intamediate boys' champion- ship was won #C,), Jimmie Riehl, S.S. a with Mereciitla Wilson, S.S. 6, and Alan Grigg, S.S. 1, runners-up. Helen Hitchins, S.S. 3, is intermediate girls' champion, with Mildred MeDougall. S.S. 2, Shirley Grant, S.S. 1, and Barbara McDonald, SS. 6, runners- up. Jack Hicks, S. S. 2, and Noella Sowerby, S.S. 6, for the second year in succession were declared junior boys' and girls' champions,respec- tively. Runners-up were Arnold Laithwaite, SS. 1, and Teddy Grigg, S.S. 1, for the boys; Elaine McAllist- er, S.S. 6, and Vera Johnston, S.S. 1, of the junior girls. The champion of all the running races was Joan Grigg, S.S. 1, CONSTANCE Miss Doris Lawson, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and &Ire. Earl Lawson. We extend our sympathy to Charles Stewart and family in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Robert Lawson visited relatives in Goderich on Monday. Ellwood Clarke returned home on Saturday after spending two months visiting the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and son Bruce, Mildmay, spent the week- end with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Medd. MANLEY TOWNSHIP Wedding bells will be ringing this week in our community. IVIrs. Fisher, Gravenhurst, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Water Mof- fatt. Me. and MTS. ,Oliff Murray, Donald and Norma, 1VIrs. John Reid and son Stewart, Dungarmon, visited at the home of Fenwick Stewart on Sunday.' Me. and Mrs. Victor Taylor, Mi. and Mrs. Walter Baird, and Harvey Taylor, attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Oran Gilmore, Forma on Monday. Bean Threshing Bean threshing is the order of the day. The sample is very good, but the yield is light in most cases. Fall Plowing Under Way Recent rabis have improved the condition of the land and the farmers are busy getting their fall plowing done. Trousseau Tea MTS. Goldie Graham entertained at a delightful trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Miss Barbara Jean Graham, a bride-eleet of this week, at her home on Saturday last. Those assisting in the afternoon were Miss Beatrice Robinson, Galt, Mrs. Ken. McLean, Kippen, Misses Audrey Baird, Margaret MacEwen, Thelma Baird, Lois Moffatt, Mrs. George Baird and Mrs. Ella MeCowan, with Mrs. Arthur Colwell and Miss Tetra Baird pouring tea. In the evenipg Nies, Adam Stewart and Mrs. Ed. G. Glen poured tea and those assisting were Mrs. Norman Baird, Miss Grace Dalrym.ple, Mrs. Stewext Baird, Mrs. Barbelle Thomp- son and 1Virs. T. B. Baird. Bride -elect Honored Vire. .Stewaet Baird was hostess at iniscelneous .thower at her' home on Tuesday, October 22, in honour of Miss Barbara .Gealmin, a bride - elect. There were almost 60 ladies present. The evening was pleasantly anent playing a few contests, after which the bride-to-be was seated en a beautifully decorated chair with pink and blue streamees. Jean Mc- Cowan and Orrin Baird brought in an expvess wagon, artistically de- corated in pink and white, laden with gifts. After Barbara had opened her gifts she thanked her neighboura and friends for the beautiful and useful gifts she hed received. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess anal a social half hour was enjoyed by all. ' Stanley Ladies Meet ,Star:ley Ladies held their monthly meeting October 3, at the home of -Mrs. William 3fcDwan with 17 men - bees and two visitors present. The meeting opened with IVIrs. Roy Catnelon officiating and the ladien repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary's and treasurer's xeports were read. The roll call was answer- ed with a question box. Mrs. Eddie Glen road a• letter in- aeived from a lady in England who had been the recipient of a parcel of food and clothing Which had been 'packed and sent front the club. Ths ladies were asked to bring donations for the Christmas box which is al- ways sent north at this time, and also to bring donations for a box to be .sent to Jack Stewart overseas, at the Christmas season. Mrs. Frank Mc- Gregor gave a contest and 1VIrs. Walter Moffat and Mrs. Cliff Stew- art sang a duet,. Community singing was then indulged in and a social half hour was followecl by the singing of God Save the King, and a very de- lightful lunch was served by Mrs. McEwan' and hr group. The Novem- ber meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank McGregor, ' theroll call to be answered by "Presenting your 'earliest photograph." BRUCEFIELD Miss Marion Patterson spent Sue - day with her parents in Brumfield. Miss Margaret Henry, London, spent the weekend at her home here. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott,. London, spent the weekend with them broth- er, Ross Scott, and Mrs. Scott. Rev. E. R. Stairway condected ser- vices in .Tames St. Church, Ebeter, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Hensall, spent the weekend witle Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, God- erieh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. Mn a.nd Mrs. William Murdoch, Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdoch over the weekend. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott visited with relative e in the village ,and at- tended the anniversary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey, Ex- eter, spent Sunday with relatives in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wiley and fam- ily, Detroit, visited with Mrs. Gert- rude Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson a few days. Mr. and aVIrs. Andrew Murdoch and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finnegan and daughter, Detroit, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dilling and Ross Dialing, London, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dining. John Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Scott. Wiles Elizabeth Scott, London, and Miss Edna Bremner, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham. Mr. and IVErs. Ronald McKenzie, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Zapfe; M.xs. Mary McKenzie, who has been visiting in Detroit, returned with them. To Unveil Memorial Sunday evening, Nov. 10, there will be an unveiling of a permanent memorial in the United Church. Entertains Group Mrs. R. Dawson entertained the members of group No. 2 on Thursday evening. The group is holding a sale of cooking, aprons and other things in the neev Post Office on Friday, November 8. Successful Anniversary The anniversary of Brucefield United .Chureli was observed 'on Sun- day, Oct. 27. The weather was all that could be desired and large con- gregations were present both morn- ing and evening. Rea. A. B. Irwin, of James St. Church, Exeter, was the guest speaker and preached two very inspirational sermons. The choir under the leadership of Nies. J'. Mur- doch rendered special music. In the morningthe choir sang "Jesus Shall Reign", with a trio com- posed of Miss Hazel Dining, Miss Mary McCully and Walter McEwen. The guest singers, Mrs. William Mur- doeh and ;Mrs. Nereids, Exeter, sang two lovely duets. In the evening the choir chose "In Heavenly Love Abiding," with Mrs. Stanway taking the solo part. A quartette consisting of Mrs. W. Mur- doch, 1VIrs. Merauls, Miss Rowe and Mrs. Coates of Exeter, sang two beautiful numbers. The 'congregation of Brucefield United Church is very gvateful to all for helping to make a very success- ful anniversary. The offerings at these services amounted to close to $800. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brook, Galt, spent the weekend with Rev. R. A. Brook, 1VIrs. Brook and Kenneth. The many friends of Nla'se James, Sengster wla regret to learn that she is confined to her home suffering with„a heart condition. The Ladies Aid f Carmel Chun* will hold a rummage sale Saturday, Isovembm 2, afternoon and evening, in the Cermet .Chanther of the Towp United Church Choir The elude of the United Church will meet for praetice Friday etening at 8 pah. sharp.. A reorganization meeting will be held prevlous to the practice. All members are requested to t,e present. Thankoffering The W,M.S. of the 'United Church will observe its Thank -offering meet- ing Sunday morning, November 3. The guest speaker will be Miss Car- oline Wellwood. registered nurse, who has spent many years in China, At the evening service, the mepit will be occupied by Rev. W. Cleave Grand Bend United Church. Re ,-. R. A. Brook will be the guest speaker at the evening service at Grand Bend for their evening anniversary service. Successful Anniversary Anniversary services were observed in (Thiselhurst United Church Sunday -with Rev. Reba Hern, Minister of Varna United Church,' asguest speaker. The choir was assisted by members of Hensall United Choir and Miss Gladys Luker was accompanist. Anthems were sung by the choir, and a mixed quartette composed of Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. C4. Hess, W. H. Philo and H. W. Horton, sang "He Lifted Me." At the evening service, Mrs. Maude Redden and Mrs. George Ross sang two duets, "Jesus, the Saviour For Me" and "Beyond the Sunset." VARNA Mrs. Robert Stephenson, Parr Line, was renewing acquaintanees in the village Monday. Mr. and Mrs.- John E. Harnwell, Goderich, spent a clay last week with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Reid. 1VIrs. Dodsworth motored fronr Lon- don Monday and spent the day with her mother, Mrs. E. Smith. Mr. and IVIrs. McLeod, Kietore, spent the weekend with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Smith. Delivers Farewell Sermon. Rev. R. C. Holmes, rector of St. John's Anglican Church for the past two years, delivered a well chosen address Sunday morning prior to his departure for his newly -appointed charge in Detroit, Mich. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Flolmes wish them every success in their new field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and fam- ily, Porter's Hill, visited at the home of the formee's parents, on Tuesday. TUCKERSMITH Ladies Club to Meet Tuckersmith ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Bert Gar- rett, 'Wednesday, November 6. The Roll Gall will be your 'White Gift. The programme is in charge of Group 4, with Group 3 in charge of the lunch. Conte and bring your used clothing to this meeting. 11 BUSINESSIIAND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance . companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. • Barrister s Solicitor - Notary Public Albert St. Clinton. ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C. IVIEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner. Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays CHLROPRA.CTIC • CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION II 11. McINNES, D.C. Huron St. Pbone 207 ACCOUNTANCY • ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted GOODRICH PHONE 33 DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES DENTIST Lovett uloa - Clinton Hours: 9 a.m.—.12 a.m. . 1.30 p.m. --6 p.m. Telephone 170 - MEMORIALS Centetery Memorials T. PRYDE AND SON ' Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays. See .1-, J. Zapfe. eseee 103 saaeleb VETERINAltIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT VETERINARIAN Phone 203 clinton AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly anewered, Immediate arrangements ean be made for sale dates at CLINTON NEWS. RECORD or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household sales. Licensed in Huron and Pertb Counties. Prices reasonable, satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson. R. R. 4, Seaforth, phone 14-661. PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer , --- Household, farm stook, implements and purebred sales. Special training and experience enables me to offer you sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 901.22 Hensall, INSURANCE Insurance Protection • Automobile, fire, wind, accident sickness, houitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD PHONE 180W CLINTON J. FRANK MacDONALD Representative METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 218 • • Clinton THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth • OF'FICERS 1946—President, Frank McGregor, Clinton, R. R. 5; vice- president, Chris. Leonhardie 33ornhohn R. R. 1; Manager and secretary - treasurer, M. A, Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS -- Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, l3ornhoirre Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; 33. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex, McEwing, 1313ria; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. • AGENTS—John E. Popper, Bruce - field, R. R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, MR. 1; R. F. McKerehee, Dublin, RR. 1; J. Is. Pmeter, Brodhagen. Parties desiring to effeM insurance or transatt other business, will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, eddres- sed to their respective, post offices. Losses inspected by the director liv- ing nearest the point of loss. WALTON Mr. and Mr. Jack Drager, Brus- sels, were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davidson, London, visit- ed with Clarence Bennett after at- tending the funeral aoGliaon of Tom Bennett, a former resident of Walton, Sells Grass Farm P. J. J. Johnson, ,MeKillop Town- ship farmer, has sold his 50 -acre grass farm to his son, Hubert. • Y.P.U. Meets Walton Y. P. U. held its weekly meeting in the basement of the church on lunday evening. Miss M. Haekwell was im charge of the meet- ing. Donald McDonald read the Scripture and Isobel IVIcCall gave the topic. HOLMESVILLE Mrs. William PacCiinehey is visit- ing with her daughter in London • MTS. IVIetronald, Teeswater, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter. Weekend visitors 'with Mr. and bIrs- LONDESBORO miss Ardygs. inkle(A Clinton, spent Sunday with Miss IVIary Ellen Prest, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe and family, and William Pipe, Beussels, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Wells arid Douglas, Clinton, visited with the- latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut, on Sunday. Federation Annual The annual meeting and dance or Hulled Branch of the Federation of' Agriculture will be held in Londes- bore ,Community Hall on Thursday evening, Ndvember 7. Ken Betzners peesident, Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture, will lie the. guest speakers Everybody is welcome. • 44-x Geoper and tveasona Grant and Brum,. Toronto, arid Misses Helen and Gera.. rude Bond, London, Successful Bazaar Hohnesville W.A. and W.M.S. held their annual'. bazaar. in the Council Charnbee, Clinton, which proved very successful. The proceeds amounted. Albert Bond were Dr. and Mre. A. F. • The Suality Tea AMG IE Eli, E' HULLETT TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Annual Meetir g and Dance Community Hall, Londesboro Thursday evening, November 7 Speaker: Ken Betaner, president, Ontario Federation of Agriculture EVERYBODY WELCOME 44-13 COMOIRIMIN1•1151•0•1161MAMW For Body and Fender Repairing .SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman B dy Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 694 44,44er';':••"'",7e.' est "ik HARD SPRING WHEAT 1 PLE LF F ....i MILLSNO COMPANY LIMITED Fred Ford