HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-31, Page 44111111111111111111111111111111111111L PAGE FOUR WORLD FOR CHRIST . SOUTH HURON WIIIS CONVENTION THEME' (By out Hensa11 Correspondent) The Woman's Missionary Society Convention (South Section), Huron Presbyterial, was held at Roy's Unit- ed Church, Thames Road, Friday, October 25, with morning and aftevs noon sessions, with the theme, "The World for Christ." The following, reports were pre- sented: Treasurer's, Mrs. F. Pen - warden, Centralia; Mission Bands, Mrs. R. A, Brook, Hensall, secretarY7 Christian Stewaedship, IVIrs. Kirkby, Walton; Community Friendahne, sec- retary, Miss M. Ellis, Heitea11; erature, Mrs. Hillebrech, Seaforth; Temperance, Mrs. Kirkby, Walton. Words of welcome at the noon hour Were extended by Bbynt. Auxiliary and CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1946 's and Church Affairs in Clinton and District were responded by Mrs., T. Brintneli, Cense/Myst. At the afternoon session, the con- vention was addressed by Mrs. L. C. White, Talbotville, London Con- ference Branch President. Mise 1VI. Wiltee, Clintee, gave a Import of Scnool for, Leaders held recently at Alone Coll°ge, $t, Thomas. The dis- cussion hour was in eharge of Mr.S. Emery Desjardinc, Grand Bend. The oes- president, Mrs,. •C. Tavener, TIM -n ville, presented a message, Thames Road •and Crecliton Auxiliaries •con- tributed music for the morning and afternoon eessions. Delegates and guests were enter- tained to dinner by Ray's Auxiliary. ONTARIO ST. W. A. The W. A. ef Ontario St. Church will meet on 'Wednesday, Moven-Ibex 6, at 2,30 p.m. Ladies of London Road and Huron Road will serve. Visit our Shoe Dept. 2nd Floor for Quality and Comfortable Footwear SIYIART LOAFERS CHUMS SHOES Varied Widths and Styles I For women, growing girls and boys, also Baby's White Shoes. MATRON'S KID SHOES With Arch Holders and combination fitting, for those tired and swollen feet. Wide widths only. We have a nice range of sizes in two styles of growing girls' SCHOOL OXFORDS with a nice /ow heel. Really a comfortable and good wearing shoe. Look over your. RUBBER FOOTWEAR requirements for the Coming season and buy *hat you will need before the sizes and styles are depleted. MARTINS 114friehal colhime HIGH STREET The Funeral Home Has Large PIetleant R001118, Beautifully and Appropriately Appointed. Equipper with an Electric Organ, Services WM. are held here under ideal conditions at no extra charge. N. BALL D. G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 361 Ambulance ;Service PHONE 11:0 says. For good results good bakers always use the best in- gredients. That's why King Pastry Flour is so popular. HUN T MILLING CORPORATONtd NI LONDON CANADA F BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY IS QUITE SUCCESSFUL , Special anniversary eervicee were held in .01inton Baptist Church Sun, clay morning and evening, with good attendances. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. W, Aikeeheace with Mrs. E. Adams as organist,. sang a hymn selection, "Wide as the Ocean" at the morning service, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler singing a duet, "Living for Jesus." At the evening service, the choir sang, "Thine is the King - dem," and Mrs. Leslie Jervis and Charles Wilson, • rendered two duets, "There is a tSong" and "Ivory Palaces." Rev. A. D. Penn -tan, minister of Londesboro United C:11-urent, the Morn - mg speaker, said that only those who nave adopted Jesus have the right to be adopted into the family of God. "The love of God surpasseth all understanding." He said that every- one shonld realize that we are not only the children of God but also the servants of God. • • Rev. Harold J. Snell, Auburn, the evening speaker, took his text from Psalm 107: "Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endureth forever." He expanded his theme along three linen: (11 We should thank Him for His wonderful world and the part ef it in which we live; (2) We should thank Him for cur life, no matter how sad as happy it is; (3) We should thank Hino for His friendship; this is the way we can win the world. PRESBYTERIAN WMS HOLDS EXECUTIVE MEETING IN CLINTON The executive of Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Chereh in Canada, met in the Pinsbyterian Church, Clinton, on Monday, October 28, with members present from Myth, Clinton, Exeter, Goderieh, Houston and Seaforth. The meeting opened with. a de- votional period conducted by the president, lIfts. W. J. Thompson, Sea - forth, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Seaforth, and Mrs. K. McLean, Exeter. Several and it was decided that the annual business meeting should be held in Clinton, on Tuesday, January 14. The president gave a fine summdry of the Oetober meeting of' the On- tario Provincial Society which eoras held recently in Toronto, and told of the important changes that are to be mane. Instead of one large Provincial Society, the membership will be divid- ed into fottr Synods, each group to 'lave its own president and officers, It was felt that this 'would create a deeper interest in the work, as more women would be able to attend when the various annual meetings would be closer to the Presbyterialn Huron Presbyterial will be one of the nine in the Synod of Hamilton and London, and there was a sug- gestion that the fist meeting might be held in Stratford. A meeting of the key women will be held in Lon - doe on December 7 to ivrepare a slate of officers, and to make all the neces- sary arrangements for the first meet- ing. -Each Presbyterial was asked to send Dam nominations, and Mrs. K. McLean will represent Huron at this 0 meeting, It was announced that the plan to t raise $30,000 for the W.M.S. peace thanksgiving fund load been a grand success, and $86,651 had been con- tributed Ler this purpose. It was also announced that owing to increased expenses tbe eubanniption rate to "Glad Tidings" had been in- creased to 50 cents per yeer. doililloute.,1; sennlent Hewson, Tor, - onto, has been renewing acquaintances in town this week. Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg, spent the weekend at the home on Me. and MrS. Wilmer Wallis. Miss; Jean Hobbs, a former teacher of C.C.I., was a weekend guest of Miss Ruby Irwin. Mrs. Nelson 11111, Goderich, epent Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs,. Cecil Oke, Seaforth, were Sunday visitore at the home of Mr. and Ma:s. Melvin ,Cnielo. avir. and Mrs. Ray Gibbings, Dur- ham, spent the weekend at the home of M. and Mrs. Melvin Crich. Miss Agnes Combe left yesterday to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and /Vile. W. U. Lattornell, St. Thomas. Miss Margaret Lobb has accepted a position in Martins; Department store and commenced her duties Iasi week, Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. G Atkey and children, .Tane and Ronald, Petrone, spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkey. .Mr. and Ales. .Francis Dale and Mastee Ian and Mrs. Sarah Sifton, London, spent the weekend with Arthur Dale. JohnE, Cuninghame, Owen Sound, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordoe W. Caning/lame, Rats tenbury St. W. De. A. H. O'Neil, principal of Huron College, London, Mrs. O'Neil and son Terry, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLay. ' C. V. Cooke spent Sunday in Tor- onto with Mrs. Cooke. Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ,Shobbrook and children and W. Cummings, Tor- onto, were week -end visitors with Mr. and !Min. J. W. Shobbrook. A. C. Kresse, Ellensburg, Wash., U.S.A., spent several days of last week with his sister, Mrs. Joseph Wilson. The two bad not met in 20 y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meanwell. Wind- sor, and Miss Nora Bulteel, Detroit, were weekend guests at the home of the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantelon, Liman, and Miss Gladys Cantelon, Toronto, called on relatives in town last week and also on their aunt, Mrs. Sarah Cantelon, Goderich Township. Mr, and Mrs. Melbourne Ball and family, Windsor, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Ball, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Mich, Tuckersmith Township, Iles. Jane Hamilton, Mrs. L. IL McGlynn and son, Maurice, and 1VIr. and Mrs. Connie Dyer, all of Detroit, Minh, were weekend vieiters with Mr. and ken. George Hanley and other relatives. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mee. Joseph Carter, Clinton, wislo to announce the engage- ment of their youtogest daughter, Thelma Marie, to ,Tames Benson Moore, Godericb, second youngest see f Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moore, Mitchell, the marriage to take place he early part af November. MARRIAGES MASSE-DAINNON — In St. James' Roman 'Catholic Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 19, 1946, by Rev. T. P. Hussey, Loretta Kath- leen, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Bannon, Seaforth, and the late Thomas Ban- non, to Dolph Clement Masse, Windsor, son of Nelson Masse, St. Joseph's, and the late Mon. Masse. !The report of the literature secre- tary, Mrs. 0. Bisset, Goderich, that ten cartons of good books and maga- zines for men had been sent to Fron- tier College, and members are asked to save children's books in good con- dition for shipment later on. Mrs. Thompson stated that there was a note of sadness at the closing meeting on tbe Board, with the thought that this was the last tione they would all meet together, but there was also a feeling of hope that the new plan would create greater enthusiasm, and bring more women into the work on the W.M.S. • Iles. Thompson expressed her ap- preciation of the support given to her during her term of ,office and stated that she wished to resigis at the end of the year; members were asked to keep this in mind, and nssist the nominating committee in Ms matter, and the meeting closed With prayer by the president. RATION COUPON DUB DATES Coupons now valid are stoner - preserves SI to S32, butter I118 to R21 and 1326 to B30 and meat Q1 to Q4 and MR to M57. Butter eoupons R18 to E21 and 1126 to 1328 and meat Q1 to Q4 and M51 to 1455 expire October 31. Put new life into your ches- erfield with a re -upholster- ing job, This is frecmently more satisfactory than a complete new one. Phone NEWS -RECORD 4, and we will call and give you an estimate. No obligation. Dick The Upholsterer 111111.111111111111111.11r PRESBYTERIAN YPS HOLD SUCCESSFUL RALLY AT GODERICH A successful annual rally of the Young People's -;Societiet of the Huron -Maitland Presbytery of the Presbyterian .0hurah in Canada, was held in Knox Presbyterian .Chuvele Gocleriele Friday afternoon and even- ing, with an attendance of about '200. 'Gordon Wall, Holyrood, president, was in charge. The afternoon session .was devoted to discussion groups. "Personal Life" was read by Rev, P. A. Ferguson; "Rome Society' by Rev. G. Milne' of .Brussels; "Horne Mis- sions," Rev. A. Ninuno of Wing/tarn; and "Foreign Missions" by Rev. C. H. lEcDonalti of Lucknow. ,Dinnev was served .ber the mothers of the members of the Knox Oharc,h Society in the lecture hall. The report of the nominating com- mittee was given, and the following °fences's were elected foe 1946-47: President, Miss Mary Casten, Exeter; vice-presidents, Miss jessie Little, Brussels, Sam .0hie, Lucknow; sec- retary, repeesentative from Hensall to be named; treasurer. Miss Janet Chant Seaforth; worship convener, Dan Walters, Goderich, fellowship, Mise Jean Dunn, Cranbrook; sevvice. Miss Marjorie Gilmore, Wingham, The Presbytery 'banner was award- ed to Belmore Young Peoplenjeciety. With 27 members they gale $56 to missions, $40 to -the local church, and 24 meeting's were held with an aver- age ettendance of 22. The banner was received by Rev. L. C. Jergensen, minister of Belmore. Girls' Auxiliary, WIVIS, Hold Joint Thankoffering Wesley -Willis Giels' Auxiliary and W.M.S. neld at joint Thankofeering meeting Wednesday evening ill the Lecture Room of the Church. The two presidents, Mrs, B. C. Heaen and Mrs. George Beattie, were in the chair, with Mrs. Haddy as pianist. The meeting opened with prayer by efts. Beattie, enter which hymn 578 was sung. Sans. Jervis read the Scripture lesson followed by prayer by Mrs. McGill. Mrs, Atkinson rend- ered aepleasing solo, "The Lord is My Strength," The Dedicatory prayer was given by Mrs. Pickard. The speaker for the evening was Mrs. D. J. Lane, Who gave a very fine talk. A quartette, IVIErs. Shipley, Mrs. Livermore, Mrs. •Murch and Ruth Potter, was much enjoyed. Hymn and Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. A social hour was then spent, lunch being served. Huron Presbytery YPU Plan Fellowship Weekend The Executive of Huron Presbytery Y.PIT., United Church of Canada, are holding their annual weekend of ShipliwdtinnaglhFamellowusilliiitpe, dlloCvheurinbehe! 2 T. he' president, Douglas Lawless, Walton, the vice-president, Rustell Zurbrigg, Winghtun, and the secretary, Miss Florence Aiken, Clinton, will be in charge of the regular church service Sunday morning, whieh will be broadcast. The president will bring a message on National Council, winch met in 13elleteille in August. The guest soloist will be William B. Gonion, formerly of Clinton. In the afternoon the executive have. been granted a period of time from 5.50 to 5.45 on the radio, when they will give a fifteen - minute meditation. This broadcast is in charge of the Leadership training converter, Benson Sutter. It is ex- pected that music for this broadcast will be provided by Mrs. Benson Sut- ter, Mrs. Douglas Lawless and Miss Doveen Coats, Walton, Culture Con- vener, with Miss Florence Aiken, at the piano. CHURCH DIRECTORY Ontario St. United Church REV. W. a. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs, E. Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBE(R 3 11.00 An:I.—Morning Worship; see - /loon stobject: The Questioning Multitude." 12.15—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn in favour ref Presbyterian Anniversary ;Service. Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship ' "All Saints" 12.10—ChurCh School Evening Service is withdrawn so that our members may join with the • Presbyterians in their anniver- sary. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Afrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, HOVEIVIDER 3 Anniversary Services 11.00 A/AL—Morning Worship-- Con- ducted by the minister. Sermon Subject: "A 'Challenge to the Church." lAinthem—"The Sue Shall Be No Mere," Woodward, Sole—"I Come to Thee," Caro Roma, Mrs. IL C. Lawson. 7.00 P.M.--Enening Worship —.Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Luelsnow, will have charge of the service. Anthem — "The Glory of the Lord," ,Minshall; Soloiet, Miss Jean Morgan. Solo---nEless This Heine," Brahee Master Bevevley BuYes• Everybody Welcome. Wednesday, November 6—The W.A. will meet in the S.S. room on the ehurch. St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. .1. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader !SUNDAY, 2110VE141113ER 3 Friday, November 1-41,11 .Saints Day 9.80 A.M.—Holy Communion Sunday, November 3. 11.00 A.M.—Holy Communion 2.00 P.M.—Sunday School Evening service is withdrawn in hon- our of the Presbyterian Anniver- sary, Tuesday, November 5, 3.00 P.M.—The Ladies' Guild will meet in the Memorial Hall. Wednesday, 8.00 P.M. ---Board of Man- agement. Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle C. AL ;GINGRICH,' Pastor — SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 2.30 P.M.--Sundahe School 3.30 P.M.—Worship ;Service 7.30 P.M.—Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8.00 P.M.—Prayer Meeting I Thursday, 8.00 P.M—Worship Service Read your Bible. Pray every day. Jesus is Coming Again. Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON: Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Note the change in Bible School frone 11 A.M. to 2.30 P.M. Plan for this change. Evening Worship at '7 P.M. with the pastor bringing the message. The Lord' e Supper at the close. Remember your past and present blessings and come with thankful hearts to God's House. Your presence xnay inspire someone to stath on the Road to the Home- land. HOSPITAL AID TO MEET The regular meeting 01 the lies- pital Aid will be held on the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5, at 8 o'clock. An ladies interested in the work of the HosopitaI are ask- ed to be present. Red Shield Auxiliary Holds Hallowe'en Party The regular meeting of the Red Shield Oneeseas Auxiliary was held on Tuesday, °dam' 29, in the form of a Hallowe'en party with 14 mem- bers present. ;After two hours Of • lAroTk, games were played with the winners being /Vers. Livermore, 1VIvs. Burton, Mrs. 1Vlulholiand and Miss Barrett. After- ward, a Hallowe'en social was enjoy- ed. The large table was set with a long white cloth decorated with cats and pumpkins, white and yellow enums and orange and black candles. The menu consisted of sandwiches, salads, pieldes, rolls, and pie which was en-. myed by all. Each member is asked to bring f One sandeyiehes or a half a dozen cookies for the next meeting Noyem- ber B. I du Mips Florence McCallum Honored Ere Departure Prior to her departure to-anorrow for Kincardine, Where she will reside, Miss Florence efeCellum has been much feted. Mise McCallum has successfully operated the Commercial Inn for a number of years and she and her sister, Miss Jean, will be missed in town. / The members of the Commercial Inn family banded together on Satur- day, October 19, and made Miss Mc- Callum a presentation of a coffee table. Bain •Stewart read the ad - dense with Glen Cook making the pe,esentation. Mrs. C. M. Shearing entertained in her honour on Tuesday, October 22. Mrs. G. A. Miller, in a few well Monsen words, presented Miss IVIeCallum with a lamp. The 'follow - evening the neighbours presented an end table, Miss Edna Elliott read- ing the presentation address and Mrs. T. G. ncrinbins making the presenta- ticm. On Monday evening of this week, Miss McCallum was presented with a lovely blanket by the Chancel Guild of St. Paul's Church. Rev, R. M. P. Bulteel made the address and Miss Clara Harrison the presentation, 1 1 1 , We Recommend , , , , PLASTAHIDE Curtains Gold, Green and White. Covers and Aprons 50c yd. For Kitchen and Bathroom This is a 36" plain plastic material in Blue, 'Most suitable also for Card Table ' Priced Reasonably at Cretons and Drapery Materials A Limited Quantity of Attractive • Designs in a Variety of Shades in 36" and 50" widths. 95c to $2.25 per yd. , Frilled and Tailored Marquisette Curtains .„,. 1 "Esnifeine s Ivory and White in an assorttnent of widths. 'Yon will be delighted to see these. • • R. V. IR.WIN By Kind Permission of G/0 E. A. McGowan . HALLOWE'EN DANCE and FLOOR SHOW Drill Hall R. and C. S. Clinton TO -NIGHT (Thursday, Oct. 31) 9 P.M. Music by BERT WORTH and HIS CKNX AMB:ASSADORS sporr tAiND DOOR PRIZES. REFRESHMENTS Tickets at Door ADMISSION -50 cents 43-44.4) For Baked Goods of th Finest a lity It's BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON No, Not New! Quite old garments, revived and refreshed by our different Dry Cleaning process, will frequently pass as new. We ask no more for this better Dry Cleaning. Try it at— Gliddon's Press Shop PHONE 115 TODAY WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Five-day Dry Cleaning Service Please Bring Your Own Coat Hangers!