HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-24, Page 8PAGE =GET II 0 Men's Five -Pin League Gets Away To Good Start Cilniton Men's Five -Pin Bowling Ray. Hogarth 152 207f 180-480 League Commenced play in the fall john Denomme 24.7 148 129-489 and winter schedule with four teams Harvey Weiss 197 127 160-484 in action Monday evening. Lucky --- -- -- Strikes defeated Sluggers, and Wild- Totals1,01'7 1,161 933 3,161 cats toppling Up -an' -Atoms. WILMA:TS. Bill Fulford starred in the first C. Cooper 148 285 296-679 evening's play with high single, 374, M. Falconer 11111 126 115-852 and high three games, 836. Frank J. Leppington 159 173 172-504 Grealis, hi second place, had 327 D. Pickard 174 188 192-554 single and 787 for three. Ed. .Steep 217 174 219-410 LUCKY 'STRIKES D. Kay 150 150 150-450 Frank Greadis .. 327 212 248-787 Joe Cooper 229 219 249-697 Totals . - 959 1,0461,044 3,049 Cliff Cooper ... 158 222 1.38-51.8 UP-AN'-ATONIS Frank Cook .... 248 174 205--627 Bert White .... 205 183 298-686 Howard Grealis. 150 144 179-473 Totals 1,317 1,154 1,817 3,788 SLUGGERS Maurice Maguire 179 158 164-501 Fulford ... 226 374 236-836 Fred MacDonald 198 151 164 513 Vern Huller . ,. 139 Tom O'Connell 169 Bob 1V1iller 206 Bill Seeley . ,'76 Mike lltelVfichael 179 L. Johnson 124 B. Freel Totals 166 163--468 225 228-622 155 158--519 ... 129.-205 198 163-542 192 176-486 131 ...--131 890 1,069 Lola 2,973 Burgess Bedtime Stories by THORNTON W. BURGESS r ,Every year brings thousands of new listeners and readers for these popular bedtime stories. Here are ten of the most popular titles in the series in a new edition, complete and unabridged: REDDY FOX PETER COTTONTAIL POOR MRS. QUACK BUSTER I3EAR PADDY THE BEAVER CHATTERER THE SQUIRREL DANNY MEADOW MOLISE JERRY MUSKRAT JOHNNY CHUCK GRANDFATHER FROG Priced at 59c each MeEWAN'S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST Open Sunday October 27 7.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. NOWis the time to winterize your ear. DO NOT DELAY! LAYTON'S GARAGE WASHING, GREASING and GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 44 Clinton Boys' Fall Clothes --- Just In HEAVY ALL -WOOL BREWS, 6 to 12 years $5.25 ALL -WOOL TWEED LONG PANTS; 8 to 16 years $3.25 to $6.50 Davis & Herman CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor • ..... Johnson's Quality Groceries Catelli (Ready Cut) MACARONI 1 lb. pkg. 13e CALIFORNIA BLACK . FIGS 8 oz. pkg. 25c 1 lb. pkg 34c Aeromist z Catelli Egg 11/2 lb. pkg. 15c Noodles , .h 20 oz. 1tin APPLE JUICE 7 e 259: 9 230 33e bottle 6 M • WINDOW CLEANER .... 15e BON AMI Cake or Powdered Harry Horne's FLAVOURINGS Sunbury TEA, 1/2 lb. Mother's CHICKEN A La KING . Hawes 150 FLOOR GLOSS Baker's 25c COCOA 17e, Aylmer 37c ONION SOUP ..... 2 for Mephisto 47e MACKEREL FILLETS .. ORANGES 392's 344's 288's 2 doz. 2 doz. 2 doz. 49c 65c 81c Hours for Delivery 10.30 A.M. GRAPEFRIJUIT Sweet Juicy FLORIDA'S 96's 4.30 P.M. 3 for 27c KINDLY CARRY YOUR SHOPPING BAG .4*.r..._41,41.9...#15tregtat.nKtilACKWV034:4**134147.44334aWa4744347,R4*.liet7M4IVQ: We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We Offer What We Have at Very Low Prices BROWN'S (One door north of the Royal Bank) Business Girls' Bowling League Tuesday evening's results in the Business Girls' Five -Pin Bowling League were: 1-Aikenhacks---,F. Aiken, 433; J Kearns, 555; M. 'Midler, 408; E. Glew, 410; N. Tyndall, 421-2227. 2_-C'onnealseernels -- le Connell, 460; H. Greens, 434; K. Middleton, 292; E. 'Skitter, 426; B. Shepherd, 356-4,971. 3-Colquhounsballoons- NI. Colqu- houn, 438; B. Johnson, 317; M. Sutter, 360; Tr: Tyndall, 380; R. Hes, e 560- 2,040. 4 Fremlinsgreinlins -H. Flemlin, 500; K. McGill, 294; II. Taylor, 486; C. Wendorf, 390; S. Ilabgood, 322-- 1,992. ,STANDING W L T TS P Aikenbacks . . . . 6 3 0 2 14 Connellscernels . . . 4 5 0 2 10 Colquhounsballoons . 4 5 0 1 9 Fremlinsgrentlins . . 4 5 0 1 9 Calquhotensballoons and Frernlins- grerniins bowl at 7.15 sharp, and Aikenbaeks and ,Connellscernels bowl at 9 o'clock. 0 ROYAL BANK PROMOTIONS Promotion of A. F. Mayne and C. B. Neapole to the rank oz General Inspector is annourrced by The Royal Bank of C;anada. Mr. Mayne has •been ,of of the bank's foreign beanclies since July, 1945. Mr. Nea- pole has been first Assistant Manager of ,Montreal Branch for the past .six years. These appointments mark the revival of an important' executive position at Head Office which at one time was held by Sydney G. Dobson, President of the Bank; James Muir, General Manager, and by other sen - lox .officers. PRIZES ANNOUNCED FOR BAYFIELD FAIR (Continued from Page Seven) Plants and Flowers Small bouquet -Mrs. Metcalfe, P. Middleton; table bouquet -F. Middie- ton, Mrs. P. NIcEwen; fall bouquet of wild flowers -Mrs. Metcalfe; gloxin- ias-Ilfes. F. NICEtwen; asters - F. NLiddleton, Snowden and Grainger; cosmos - (Snowden and Grainger; dahlias, inodern-0. Battler; dahlias, old -IL Penhale; gladioli -F. Middle- ton; marigolds -F. Middleton; petun- ias - Ores. Metcalfe, .T. Middleton; roses-a/1m H. Bauer; zinnias - Mrs. Metcalfe, Mrs. H. Bauer; any other variety -F. Middeton, Snowden and Grainger. SPECIAL PRIZE - by Keith Westlake, Zurich, to exhibitor winning most points -F. Middleton. Fine Arts Landscape, oil-IVIrs, Metcalfe, H. A. Fuss; 'still life, oil -Miss 'AL Liv- ingstone, Myth, H. A. Fuss; land- scape, water colr-Mrs. Metcalfe, Miss M. Livingstonee fruit, water colour -Miss M. Livingstone; flowers, water colour -Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; drawing, crayon or lead point -H. A. Fuss, Miss M. 'Living- stone; pen and ink drawing -Miss M. Livingstone, A. Fuss; water col- our on silk or satin-IlEss M. Living- stone; handpainted china - Miss M. Livingstone; stencilling on fabric - Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; fruit in oil -Miss M. Livingstone; flowers in oil -Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; pencil sketeh from nature --IVIiss M. Livingstone; one entry in shellwork-special mention. Ladies' 'Work LIVINGRGOM ACCESSORIES - Crocheted centrepiece -Miss M. Liv- ingstone, B. Dunn, Sr.; three-piece chesterfield set -Miss M. Livingstone, 0. Battler; table centre piece -Miss M. Livingstone, 0. Battler; embroid- ered cuehion-Miss M. Livingstone, 0. Battler; cushion, any other kind - Lolyd Makins, .1Vfiss M. Livingstone; card table covers-H.A. Fuss. DINING ROOM ACCESSORIES Table cloth and two serviette, init- ialed -,Miss ,M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; tea :cloth cutwork-L. Makins, Miss M. Livingstone; tea cloth, em- broidered, any other style - H. A. Fuss, Miss M. Livingstone; tea colth, crocheted 'corners and edging -Miss M. Livingstone; centre piece, over 18 inches -Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; luncheon set, cloth and ser- viette -H. A. Fuss, Miss M. Living- stone; buffet set, lace --Miss M. Liv- ingstone, H. A Fuss. COLORED LIMNS - Card table luncheon set -L. Makin, IL A. Fuss; cross, -stitch bridge set -Miss M. Liv- ingstone; bridge set, applique -H. A. Fuss; buffet set, embroidered -Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss. BEDROOM ACCESSORIES -Hem- stitched sheets -Miss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; hemstitched pillow cases -Miss M. Livingtone, H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, embroidered - Miss M. Livingstone, 0. Battelle pillow cases, lace trimmed-aVliss M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; embroidered towels -41 A. Fuss, Miss M. Livingstone; crochet trimmed towels -Mies M. Livingstone, H. ,A. Puss; dressing table set -Miss M. Livingstone H. A. Fuss; tea towels -0. Battelr, H. Penhale, ,CRILDREN'S WEAR --Girls' wool socks -IL A. Fuss; girls' wool mitts - H. A. Fuss; girls' parka hood -O. Mc- Naughton, H. A. .Fuss; boy's pullover sweater -H. A. Puss; girls' cardigan sweater -11. A. Puss; child's dress made from old garments 0. Mc- Naughton, !Miss M. Livingstone; child's play dresse-Miss M. Living- stone, H. A. Fuss; baby's Jacket and bonnet, crochet -L. Makins, Miss M. Livingstone; baby' jacket and bonnet, knit -Miss M. Livingtone, 11. A. Fuss; baby's bootees, knit -Miss M. Living- stone, IL A. Fuss; ba-byts bootees aochet-L. Nfaldne, H. A. Fuss. LADLES' WEAR -Work apron -0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; work house dress -.0. Battler, Miss M. Livingstone; eanoek-Mise M. Livingstone; hand- knit pulloverell.., A. Fuss, Miss M. Livingstene; fancy- apron -Miss NI. Livingstone; lady's fancy hand bag - Mise M. Livingstone, O. Battler; lady's dress, made from old gement' --Nfiss 'M. Livingstone, 'H. A. Puss; home. dyeing-Nriss M. Livingstone, 71.4. Fuse. , MEN'S WEAR-Slport shirt -H. A. Fuss, Miss M. Livingstone; pyjamas-- IVfiss, M. Livingstone; heavy mitts - 0. Battler, Miss M. Livingstone; heavy. sox -G. Battler, Miss M. Liv- ingstone; fine sox--aliss M. Living- stoen, H. A. Fuss. HOME M.ANUPACTURERS-Tuft- ed bedsperad- O. Battler; applique quilt Battler, Miss M. Living- stone; quilt, cotton, patched -0. Batt- ler, H. A. Fuss; cotthn, plain - O. Battler, H. A. Fuss; comforter, homemade, fartcy-0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; comforter, homemade, goose - down -O. Battler, II. A. Fuss; crochet afghan-Nres. F. MeEwen, Miss M. Livingstonee hearth rug, wool rags - 2. O. Battler; rag mat, braid- ed -41. A. Puss; braided mat, silk- Miss'.M. Livingstone, H. A. Fuss; two bare ..of hand soap, homemade -Mrs. p F McEwen, J.' Middleton. • ' • CLINTON NEWSeRECORD C.Q.I. TEAMS SPLIT TWO BALL GAMES WITH WINGIIAM H.S. The „girls' basketball team and Boys' softball teaan of C.C.I. paid a retinal visit terWingham on Tuesday. The boys 'won, with a count of 17-6. The girls blamed their defeat of 20-14 on the fact that they were unaccust- omed to playing on an outside court. After the games, the Wingham students entertained their guests with a lunch and dance. Basketball - Clinton: forwards - M. Colquhoun (2), L. Middleton (4), J. Elliott (2), J Nediger (2), A. Jervis (4), J. ,Garen; guards - D. Armstrong, C. Pingland, J. Fines, I. Chovren, El. Ball. Wingham: forwards - H. Sturdy, at. Ross, V. Ernest, L. Lockridge (8), G. 'Swanson (6), J. Adair, J. Grigg (6); guards -D. Currie, J. MacLen- nan, R. Burgma,n, li. Bradburn, R Gannett, H. Pletch, Softball: Clinton - C. Hanly (p), R. Miller (e), B. Matthews (lb), B. Taylor ow, johnson (h), B. Hanly (ss), P. Fingland (cf), R. Gaeon (ef), D. Miller (1f) The boys played a good fast game of ball. The best hit of the gaine was "Toby" Taylor's triple. INCREASED PROTEIN PRODUCTION VIEWED LIKELY NEXT YEAR (Continued from Page One) birds. The intestine, when first ex- amined, was highly inflamed and, con- gested at various, places. When the intestine was opened the infestation of eound worms was found to be quite severe; in fact, in one place in the intestine 1 counted eleven round worms, about .20/2, inches in length. lying side by side in t'he intestine, and completely blocking all passage. 'Quite frequently when birds are infected with worms, they will pick up coarse bits of straw in an attempt to dislodge the worms in the intestine. This coarse material causes a stop- page, resulting in impaeted crops, which has a toxic affect on the birds, and this in some cases causes the comb to become a blueish -purple in colour. Even the worms themselves' give off a toxic material which causes the anaemic or pale appearance of the head and legs, as mentioned before. Another poison given off by the worms works on the nerve centres, causing partial paralysis or blindness. "Like other poultry diseases, the prevention of worms is far more sat- isfactcner than any treatment or eon- trol. However, if worms are suspect- ed, a treatment should be given while the pullets are on range and just before they are housed. The individ- ual treatment is recommended in preference to a flock treatment, where it is definitely known worms are present. There are many beands of worm capsules on the market that are quite effective and can be adrnin- WEDDINGS COLLAR--SUNDERCOCK The home of Mr. and Mrs.J. Charles Sunclercock, coneesSien 14, Hallett Township, was the scene of a very lovely wedding on Saturday, 'October 5 at 11 a.m., when Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Blyth United ,Church, 'united in marriage their daughter, Elinor Audrey and Regi- nald T., eon of Nr. and Mrs. Herbert: Wigham. The ceremony took place in the living room in Trent of ea bank of hemlock interwoven with pink and white larkspur. The bride, given in meniage, by her father, was lovelty) in a pink silk crepe street length dress with ebe,rt sleeves, pleated bodice, and peplum trimmed with pale bine. She wore a corsage of pink Briarcliffe roses and had a bandeau of the same flowers tied with pink and silver ribbon in her hair. Her only ornament was a gold locket and chain, a gift to her ,maternal grandmother from her grandfather over 50 years agoe Attending the bride was her cous- in, Miss Annabelle Weymouth, Wind- sor, who wore a grey 'silk crepe frock with short sleeves, tucked bodice and peplum. She had a corsage of Holly - in her hair. The groom was attended by his brother, Frank Collar, Wingham. The pianist was Mrs. Hugh Ball, Clinton, cousin of the bride's mother, who played the bridal chorus from Lohengnin. She also played the wed- ding music for the bride's mother and father at their wedding 25 years ago. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion and dinner were held. The din- ing roam was decorated with gladioli and pink and white larkspur. The three -tiered wedding cake topped with white carnations and baby's breath centred the bride's table. As- sisting were Misses Nora Scott and Ileen Walsh, Wingham; Daiwa and Betty Cbllar, Wingham, Sisters of the groom; Keith Weymouth, Stratford, coteSin of the bride; Mrs. W. S. Gib- son, Toronto; and Mrs. Elizabeth Sunciercock, Walton. Later, the couple left on a. motor trip to Toronto, Detroit, and Windsor, the bride travelling in a 'navy blue suit with white lace sheet " blouse, grey coat, black accessories and a fox neck piece. On their return they will reside in Wingham. The bride is on the staff of Wingham General Hos- pital. The groom's gifts -to the bride were a gold locket and chain; to the bridesanaid, 'amethyst and pearl ear- rings; th the best man, a gold tie and collar set; and to the pianist, a gold arrow broach set with pearls. istered easily. Birds that are in heavy productionshould not be capsuled un - the case in the flock which I visited. Capsuling birds that are in heavy pro- duction May easily cause a dropping off in production and sometimes a Moult. Eanphasis should bd placed on prevention, by better sanitation and pasture management during the growing period," 1 HUNTING CLOTHING and I SPORTS JACKETS 161 MEN'S CANADEX PARKA, blue and sand, all -wool red lining $26.50 MEN'S GABARDINE JACKET, wiith AeropiIe lining and collar $21.80 MEN'S DUCK COATS, with hunting pockets $6.90 LADIES' PARKAS, English Poplin, with flnannel lining $11.40 4IN TON tetwooi4 [PPS ONTaeise own. SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY DELICIOUS YORK FROSTED FOODS FISH - VEGETABLES - FRUITS - CHICKEN Buckeye Rolled .0r.IiITS 5 lb. bag 25c , i -Nee,". it e, WHEN Country Kist PEAS . _...7,---_- - - _ - ., 2 tins 29c Glenwood TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 23c Red and White WOW ' SOUPS 50011001„...:.6 2 tin19c s Red and White 0 r.A? L T 2 lb. pkg. ...... 9,c ......4e4_,....----.' - Aylmer - CARROTS . AVAILABLE 2 tins 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES LETTUCE CELERY SQUASH CARROTS-- PARSNIPS CAULIFLOWER . . Fiends Pink 126's Grapefruit . .... 3 for 21c CRANBERRIES GAMLEEsS P Il i MIAOPNP I E mmoNs CALIFORNIA JUICY 344's Oranges doz. 33c , . SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON ,1111h GROVES ELECTRIC Your Store for Electrical Appliances ROGERS - DEFOREST - PHILCO RADIOS "B" Batteries; 2 -Volt "A" Batteries; Flash Light Batteries, and (Hearing Aid) Batteries, in stock. SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS - TOASTERS - IRONS - RANGETTES DOMINION WASHERS - FLASH LIGHTS Also the New Fluorescent 24" Lights, now available for Kitchen or Bath Room; easy to instal. Phones 290W - 274 The Cubs are holding a church parade to Ontario St. United Church on Sunday morning, October 27. The Clubs are asked to meet at the Hall at 10.30 ean. and are to be in full uniform, Basil F. Thrower, proprietor of The Kozy Grill, has purchased The Com- mercial Inn, Vietoria St., from Miss Florence McCallum and will take pos- session NOvember 1. He will operate a modern restaurant,, Miss McCallum and her sister, Miss Jean McCallum, plan to remove to Kincardine to reside. Weaton Construction Company Limited, contraetors for the local sewerage project, have three excavat- ing machines and a bull -dozer at work in town. Albert St, has been com- pleted north, and the two large ex- cavators are now working on Orange St., south of John St., and Princess St., just east of Shipley St. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1948, TWO MEN PAY FINES FOR FAILING TO OBEY FIRE MARSHAL ORDER, A fine of $50 and costs was im- posed on A. .7, Cooper, Goderield in police court at Goderich Thursday afternoon by 'Magistrate J. W. Mor- ley', after his counsel, Frank Donnelly, K.C., had pleaded guilty on his behalf of failing to obey the order of the fire marshal to tear down a building owned by him in +Clinton. Me. Donnelly explained that his client had been in poor health and that he had been unable to secure a Wrecking company to do the work, and that it was impossible to get experienced men to tear the building down. Ivan L. Kallefleiseh, Zurich, also. pleaded guilty to the Same charge, through his counsel, Frank Fingland, K.C., Clinton, in connection with a building. at Hensall which he had been ordered to tear down on Jane 20, 1945. The building has been torn down and the debrie cleaned up to the satisfac- tion of the fire marshal. A fine of $10 and costs was imposed as a re- sult of the delay in complying with. the order. LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY LYNN VALLEY CARDINAL Beet Greens, 2 tins 29c wenn Yellow Beans, 2 tins 29c , Beets 2 tins 19c CITLVERHOUSE Choice i HEINZ bottle TOMATO Peas per tin 16c i Beefsteak Sauce 25c Juice COWAN'S 1 Lb. Tin Cocoa 23c 2 tins 23c IODIZED Salt 2 pkg. for 19e. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES A LONG LASTING -ECONOMICAL TOUT SOAP 5 bars 25e FREE DELIVERY PHONE 40' Choice waits / 1 New and Used Radios, Record Players, Heaters RADIO BATTERIES and TUBES Prompt, Reliable Radio Service 30 -day guarantee on all replaced parts MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing King Clinton Chesterfields and Chairs REBUILT LIKE NEW Fine Selection of Coverings- -. -Workmanship Guaranteed JACK'S UPHOLSTERING Burnt' and Orange Ste. PHONE 62 Clinton 24-bterb AMMINNIIIIIIIMIIIN.1111.1/1.11111111111110111111 You Owe It To Your Car and yourself, too, to have that faithful friend thoroughly checked for the colder season that is fast approaching: "Winterize Now!" CHRYCO BATTERIES - CHAINS - ANTI -FREEZE DEFROSTERS - and other Accessories Now in Stock Lorne 1 Brown Expert Mechanical Repairs Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service PHONE 178 Irons ANNA904,,,,,..44,0#04.00 Electric Hot Plates Toasters Tea Kettles Bottle Warmers, Heating Pads KITCHEN STOOLS - STEP STOOLS IRONING BOARDS - GARBAGE CANS SUTTER-PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON