HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-24, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting items....Feortt..'News:Rocoi:•:d7s Riira1.1 Correspondents.,.
:Miss Dawna Terns, Toronto, was
heme.over the weekend.
Miss 1VIilverm Sturgeon, London,'
was home over the weekeno.
Mrs. E. N. Hart and Miss Jean
Hart, London, epent °the weekend at
their cottage.
Mr. and IVIrs. IL Bauer and TM -
Ry, Waterloo, were at their cottage
over the weekend.
Mr. and 'Mrs. LeRoy Poth and
Master Ronald left on Monday to
spend the winter hi Kitchener.
Lloyd Westlake, Toronto,„spent
the weekend 'with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Westlake.
• Williant L. Metcalf has returned to
Reno, NeVada, after having spent a
vacation with his mother, eft's. Wm.
P. Metcalf.
Mr. •Cmaie, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Carrie and son, Bobby, Stratford,
-spent the weekend with Me, and Mrs.
M. F. Carrie.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and
family, Toronto, Miss Ada Bingley,
Detroit, were at their cottage in the
village over the weekend.
Mrs. William :Sturgeon returned
home on :Saturday after having spent
several days in Clinton with her
daughter, •Mrs. J. Caerickshank.
Ralph Stephenson went to Varna
on Wednesday after having visited
Miss Lottie and Norman Greer and
Mr. and Mrs. William DOWS011 for a
few dates.
Mr. and Mrs, William Moran, Lon-
don, were in the village on Saturday
attending the sale of househeld ef-
fects of the latter's father, the late
Samuel C. Houston.
C. E. Groves who has been spending
some time in Goderich eerier to leav-
ing for Vernon, B.G., the end of the
month, was the guest of eiles.enr. W.
Woods on Tuesday.
Carenee !Larson, London, is spend-
ing this week at home recuperating
after having undergone an operation
in Clinton Public Hospital for re-
moval of Iris tonsils.
Mrs. C. W. Brown who has spent
the summer at her cottage, "The
Briars,” left this week to visit her
' sister, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Bronson
Line, Stanley Township.
Mrs. E. Hovey, who has been in-
-disposed for some weeks is visiting
Rev. and Mrs. L. learrison, Luean.
Her many.friends in the village join
in the wish that she will Won regain
good health.
LAW Loretta &icier, Drumheller,
Alta., Who has just returned after
serving six months with the RCAF in
Germany, went Tuesday evening with
•her aunt, Mee. Henry IVIeClinehey, en
route to ()algal% Alta., where she
has been stationed. .
xr. and Mrs. F. Dendricks, Birm-
ingham, 1Vlich., motored to the village
on Tuesday. On their return on Wed-
nesday they were accompanied to De-
troit by 'Mrs" Hendricks aunt, Miss
Marion Fairbairn, who has closed her
summer home, "Weetwind,"
Guests at the ,Albion Hotel over
the •Weekend included, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon C. Elderedge, E, Lansing,
Mich.; Dr. E. C. Cooper, F. G. Stan-
ley, A. D. Pelidis, J. M. Cooper, P. G.
:Gould, Frank Messenger, D. J. Lynch,
Ross Bryne'Harry Dresser, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P., Holmes and
daughter, Miss Dorothy, and Reg.
Luccoek, all of St, •Catharines, were
Sunday. visitors with the formers
son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and
Mrs. R. C. Holmes. Mrs. Holmes had
been at the Rectory for a few days
last week.
Six are Confirmed
The Apostotlic Rite of Confirmation
was administered in Holy Trinity
Parish Church on Thursday evening,
Ottober 17. The reetor, Rev. R. C.
Holmes, presented the following ean•
didates, Doris Edna Cole, Margaret
Thelma :Cole, Florence Shirley Coop-
er, Barbara Agnes Jean Middleton,
John Charles Middleton and Norma
June Sturgeon.
His Grace, the Most Reverend
.Arehbishap 0. A. Seeger, based his
remarks to the candidates, in his ser-
mon, on the life of the Apostle St.
Barnabbas, exnalining the meaning
of the word "Goodness" as applia
to Barnabbas or a real 'Christian.
Plan Recreation Centre
A meeting of the young people of
the village was held at Corrie's store
on Sunday afternoon to plan fax a
Recreation Centre for the younger
The monthly meeting of Holmes-
ville WeeLS. was held at the home
Of MTS. J. Harris. MTS. Walters was
devotional leader and Miss Reta Yee
read the Scripture lesson in opening.
Hymn 29 was sung followed by pray-
er by Mee. W. Teo.
'Mrs. Mulholland gave a reading on
Cheietian :Stewardship!. The secretary
read the minutes of the last meeting
and roll call. The president conduct-
ed the business period. It was hoped
to have a number attend the sectional
meeting in Bemniller. After singing
Hymn 225 the topie "Service as
Christian ,Workers" was given by
Mrs. Walters. Meeting closed by
dinging another hymn.
The President a the W. A. then
conducted a lengthy bueiness meeting
when final plans were made fax the
annual bazaar to be held in the Town
Hall, Octorbei. 26. Ael joined in sing-
ing Hymn 133, and the Lord's Prayer
-was repeated in unison. The minutes
of the last meeting were reed by the
secretary;also a letter of thanks
from Lewis Dempsey, and a card of
appreciation exam Owar Feirrester.
It was decided to sell Christmas
cards again. Meeting closed by re-
peating the Mizpah Benedieetion. Mrs.
J. Harris and Mrs. W. IVIeClinehey
wer hosteeses for the day.
people a Bayfield.
Mrs, Renouf Johns acted aft ehair-
man, and Audrey Sturgeon as secre-
tary. Maynard Corrie very kindly
gave the use of his "Orchid Roam'
fax the winter months.
Mrs. Johns opened the meeting by
poiuting out the advantages of a
Recreation all in Which. the evenengs
could be spent. Et was suggested
that the raising of inoneel for this be
kept separate from that a the skat-
ing rink. This was moved by Audrey
Sturgeon and seconded by Betty Lar-
A committee was appointed and
the following officers were elected:
Chairman, Elaine Denby; secretary,
Aileen Castle; . treasurer, Audrey
Steageon; lunch committee, Betty
/meson, Audrey Sturgeon; in charge
of junior activitiee—Eneyln Bell,
Gloria Westlake, -Norma Sturgeon;
representatives for the boys—Wilfred
Castle, Garfield Westlake; policeman,
John Apeelbeelr.
It was rnoved by Audrey Sturgeon
and seconded by Betty Laron that
Maynard ,Corrie and Mrs. Johne be
honouraity: members of tEe committee.
The meeting closed and a com-
mittee meeting followed. Aileen
Castle acted as chairman in the ab-
sence of lelane Denby. It was decid-
ed that the club be given the name
"Gangbusters." An opening dance
in the "Orchid Room" on Tuesday
everting from s-n.p.an. was arranged.
The hours for meeting are to bel -10
o'clock and 7-12 o'clock on Saturday.
The following rules are to be ob-
served by all: No smoking, no rough
behaviour, no drinking, no profane
language, no gambling, no other
roomsof the store to be used and all
homework done before attending.
The committed will appreciate
greatly any donations •:ef dishes, old
card tables, chairs or any old furni-
ture for use in the club.
Mr. and MTS. George Hoggarth and
family!, Londesboro, were guests on
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and MTS. L. W. Burch, Bay-
field Highlands, are preparing to
leaves fax -their winter home near
Tampa, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shearer,
Virginia and Stewart, Bright, were
the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnson,
Deer Lodge, spent the weekend as
guests of 1VIr. and Mee. Charles Bark-
er, Goderieh, at their cottage at
Gilles Lake on Georgian Bay, and
at Tobermory.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dela° and
daughter, E•udora, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Ritz, Belleville, visited t the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, and
also attended the International Plow-
ing Match at Poet Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer had
as their guests Thanksgiving at their
cottage at Lane 0' Pines Beach, Mr.
and Mrs. Alf. Hergott, Bamley, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Heitbehmer, Ipper-
wash. respondent is tettmey false.
Mr.. and SVIrs. Aethur McQueen and MT, and .1VIrs. Victor Taylor, Leola,
Margaret are getting nicely settled Elaine anri Dame, visited Mr. and
Mrs. IL Woods, St. Helens, Sunday,
in their new home in .the
Training Schooe Held
The Regional iSehool fax Training
of Young People for leadership was
held Monday night in the church.
Gives Mission Talk
In the interests of instructing the
young people in Missionary work ?
gave a talk and showed some inter-
esting pictures on Sunday afternoon.
Attended Yae. Rally
• Quite a miniver of the Young
People attended the Rally in Hensel'
last Friday evening and report a very
interesting ineeting.
Rain Helps Plowing
Now that the International Plowing
Match is over, many farmers are
busy plowing their own land, which
has been 'made possible by the fine
ram of last week.
Dr. Hogg Speaks Here
Rev. Dr. J. B. Hogg, Seaforbh,
preached a splendid sermon on Sun-
day morning in 13rucefield United
Church. He occupied the pulpit in
the absence of Rev. E. R. Stairway,
who preached anniversary services
In Kippen. The evening service in
Brueefield was withdrawn and many
from this vicinity attended the ser-
vices in Eleven,
Miss Gertrude .Smith is. visiting
friends in Montreal. •
Mr. 'Dud Mee. 'Wilmer Reid spent
the weekend with friends in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Payn visited thee
nephew, X. P. Smith and MTS. Smith
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Talbot and
family were guests: at the honie of
Mr. and Mrs" John MeAsb. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. !Anderson and
daughter, Pearl, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. James McAllister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott were guests
at the horne of the former's sister,
MTS. R. S. Reid and Mr. Reid, Clin-
ton, on Sunday.
Harvey MeOlenan, in company with
Mrs. Bennie Paya and daughter,
Gertrude, Jamestown, were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F..Sinith
MTS. William. Reid suffered a facial
stroke last week, and at time of writ-
ing, is with her daughter, 1VIrs. Jamie-
son, Brueefield. We hope soon to see
Mrs. Reid around again.
At Plowing Match
Varna and surrounding community
was well represented ite the Inter-
national Plowing Match at Port Al-
bert last week.
Condition Improving
The many friends of A. McConnell
Will be !remised to knove he is back
home again. Although very weak, he
is slowly gaining strength.
Mrs. Hart Named
We are very sorry to report that
Mrs. William Hart had the misfor-
tune to fall in her home •Saturday and
suffer a dislocated shoulder and other
minor bruises. Her many friend
hope fax a speedy, recovery.
Fractures Wrist
Mrs. James eVIeGlyrnont has return-
ed to her home after spending several
weeks with her daughter, Violet, at
the home of Miss Mary MeAsh, Hen-
n% Violet had :the misfortune to
break her wrist, but is on the fah!
Way to recovery.
Relates Experiences
In the United Church Sunday even-
ing last, Darnie Clarke, a former
Stanley boy, who spent the past sons -
in 'Southern Saskatchewan, gave
an interesting talk on his experience
in Mission work. There wag a. good
congregation. Beanie's many friends
wish him every success in the min-
In connection with an article pub-
lished in the "London Road" column
in last week's issue, it was stated
in error that Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Loftevith, Windeor, had 'visited Me.
and Mrs. George Bissett Cameron
over Thanksgiving. Later, in the ar-
ticle, it was stated that Mr. Long -
with and Mr. Cameron intended to
develop large areas of land. Mr.
Cameron informs. The NEWS -REL
CORD that this statement of the cor-
* According to Webster, Mir five -dollar word means clear-sighted —
of acute mental IliSi011 or discernment which pretty well descr'bes
the .eight Ina of ten" who plan In invest in Canada Savings Bonds.
• have been suggesting that the way to save
• money is tohave a plan and stick to h.
Now comes this Dominion Govern-
ment savings plan, ready-made for your
needs. It enables you to add to your
• present holdings of Victory Bonds by
the same tried-and-true method you used
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in cash, if you like; but better still by
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You found out for yourself, with every
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savings system that we; rks • convincing
irroof that you can "save some for
Simply call at your Royal Bank branch,
sign an application for one or more
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stalments spread over a year if you wish.
Keep up the war -time saving habit. Invest
In Canada Savings Bonds.
• Are as good as cash—backed by the
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• Can be bought for cash, or by i»stal-
ments out of income, at any branch
of this bank...
• Can be bought by salary deductions
at your place of employment,..
• 0171 be sold at any chartered bank
any time, for what you paid for
them, plus earned interest
• Are available in four denominations:
$.50, $100, $.500 and $1,000.
• Are registered— each bond you bny
is registered hryour name at Ottawa.
Joseph leornwall, and Mr. and Mrs.
*Mines ?owe:Tall, Detroit, Mich., visit-
ed Mrs. Barb:elle Thompson ovee the
Cabinet Minister Visits .
Hon. and Mrs. James G. Gardiner,
Mr. arid fillrs. Will 21. Tehbutt, and
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, visited
on 'Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. IVIcElwen, and eir. and Mrs.
John H. 1VIoEwen. Mrs. aitediner, the
former Maude Scott Christie, is a
native of the second of Stanley. Hon,
Mr. Gardiner, also a native of Heron
County, Was the chief speaker at the
final banquet of the International
Plowing Match at Port Aebert Friday
evening last.
Church Services
Next Sunday, October 27, the ser-
vice at Grace Church will go back to
afternoon, with preaching service at
2.30 and Sunday Sehool at MO p.m.
Successful Anniversary
The anniversary service at ,Geace
Church was favoted with ideal weath-
er. The speaker of the morning, Rev.
A. W. Gardiner, Egniondville, deliver-
ed a splendiT.,sermon. The evening
service WM taken by Rev. C. Tavener,
Holmesville. Beth services were fairly
well attended by neighboring
ehurehea The morning offering
amounted to more than $130. The
choir deserves specialmention for its
excellent music. The ehureh was
beautifully decorated with flowers
and autumn leaves in their enemy lov-
ely colors.
Ur. and Mrs. W. IL Sheppard,
Blenheim, called on friends here last
Mr. and IVIrs. Albert Campbell were
weekend visitors with friends in
Leonard Yunglaut, 'Windsor, spent
the weekend with Mrs. G. P. Yung -
blot and Arthur 'Yungblut,
Mi. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gormley
Thompson, Brampton.
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Ladd were Mrs. Dave Battat-
er, Roland Boothman, Mrs. Edmund
Levens, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Row
and son Barty, Bryon, Ohio
Resumes Business
Wesley Bradnock, whose Mute
shop and residence was destroyed le
fire a week ago. has resumed Id
barbering business in the ()ranee Hal
Ms. Elmer Keller has moved he
household effects to Woodstock wher
she .will reside.
Presbyterian Anniversary
'Anniversary services will be held i
Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday
October 27, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m
Rev. G. jergenson of Bluevale, wifl
be the guest speaker. There will b
opecial rauesie at both services. Th
unveiling of the honor roll, Last Pos
and Ravelile, wil be at the moenin
. Marks 90th Birthday
•William H. 'Campbell, one of Huro)
County's grand old men, celebrate
his 90th birthday last weekend.
Campbell was born at Brook
lin in 1856, and as a boy moved witl
hi parents to Hallett Township. Lat
er thayl took over a farm in Eas
Wawanosh, four miles north of Aub
urn. In 1879, after teaching schoo
fax some years MT. Campbell manic
Fanny M. Hareison, daughter of th
late Mr. and 1VIrs. W. A. Harrison
and settled on the home' farm whie
25 years ago he sold to his son, Al
bert, retaining an acre of it fax
home where he lived until sevei
years ago, when his wife passe
Since then he has made his lioni
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell
lee has another son, Colin, of Ottawa
and a daughter, Mrs. W. P. Crozier
of London. Mr. Campbell has alway
been interested in church work, fo
over 50 years being Bible Class teach
er at Donnybrook United Church. le
is still a member of the session o
that church. On Saturday Mr. Camp,
bell attended the wedding of his
granddaughter, Prances 'Crozier, i
Metropolitan Church, London.
(Intended ior last week)
W. I. Plan Meeting
The regular monthly meeting o
the Women's Institute .will be held
in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday
October 22 at 2.30. Mrs. Lorne Ivers
Dungannon, district president, will b
the guest speaker. Current event
will be given by Miss gime Muth
Hostesses: Mrs. R. J. Philips, Mrs
Albert Campbell, Mrs, George Sturdy
Mrs. Fred Toll, Mrs. W. T. Robison
Harvest Home Services Held
St. Mark's Anglican Ohm& wa
beautifully decorated with autum
flowers on Sunday for the Harves
Home services. • The guest speake
was Rev. H. C. Jennings,' Morpeth
who chose subjeets relating to th
harvest and Thanksgiving. A sur
piked choir under the direction o
Mrs. Gordon Taylor led in the ser
vice of praise. At the morning ser
vice, Miss Mary Nesbit, Toronto
rendered two solos; and Roy Rut
ledge Dungannon, favored with tw
solos at the evening service. One o
the largest offerings in some tum
was received.
Knox W.M.S. Holds Thankoffering
The W.M.S. of X110X PresbVteria
Church held its fall Thankofferin
oh Thursdaw, when they had as thei
guests, the W.M.S. af Blyth Presby.
Milan Church, the Baptist Ladle
Aid arid the Anglican Guild. Me
Herb Govier, first vice-presiden
presided. Mrs. Fred Ross read tin
Scripture and gave meditation o
same. ales. W. T. Robison offere
prayer. A solo was rendeted by IVIr
Gordon Taylor accompanied by Mr
R. J. Philips. A ladies quartett
Mrs. C. A. Howson, Ilers. Stank
Johnston, Mrs. R. J. Phillips' and Mrs
Glen Raithlay rendered a number. Th
guest speaker was Miss A. Toll o
Blyth, who gave an inspiring tall
on "The Women and the Church.
IVIrs. Wesley Braenock favored with
solo. Mrs. Fred Ross extended
vote of .thanks to the guest dpeake
and the others Who had taken par
• in the program. IVIrs. A, Nesbit an
Mrs. R. 1. Phillips expreesed appree
iation of an interetting afternoce
Refreshments were seeved.
IVIes. Garry Cook spent the week.
end in Toronto. •
Jack Webster spent the weekend at
the home of his mother, Mrs. L.
Webster. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. 1VIeNeil, Wood-
Midge, visited last week at Arthur
Howard iSholabrook, Seaforth, spent
Sunday .at the home of left's. L,
Me. and hies. Ernest Vodclen, Wood-
ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Scott last week.
Mr. and hies. Will Govier and ,Mrs.
Will Lyon, spent the weekend' in
Kitchener and! Hamilton.
Mr. and MrseReg. Smith and Ken -
neth, -Chntan, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr.. and' Mese Jack .Pipe.
Me.,and Mrs. Pereee 1VIanning, Olin -
ton, spent Sunday atthe home o2
Mr. and Mrs. William Manning,
air. and Mrs. J. IL Shobbrook were
in London on Sunday to see Frank
Hall, 'who is very 51 151 the hospital,
Mr. and Mes. Gordon Iladford and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Saundereock, spent the weekend at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mas. R. MaDonald end MT.
and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, Kintore,
and. MX. and Mrs. T. Snow, Milton,
were weekend guests with Mr. and
MTS.. Robert Fairserviee.
Beig. General and Mrs. Everett
eenthe lylItettienr.n,sinedoftrhomer, Enairgs...
Dewar visi
Elizabeth Lyon, and sister,. Mrs.
Charles Watson, this week.
Home Prom:Hosptal '
We are glad that little Miss Stman
Cook, is able to be honie again from
the hospital Where the was operated
on last Friday.
• Pastors Exchange
Rev. C. C. Anderson, Pastor a taik
Baptist 'Church, Minton, will lareaelt
in tbe United Church here on Sunday
morning, and Rev. A. Penman will
preach anniversary services in the
Baptist Church, Clinton.
, Kippen Natiye Dead
Andrew B. McLean, native of Kip.
pen district,ipassed away at Foam
Lake, 'Sask., n his 84th year. He had
fallen while working outside his
hem and suffered a fractured collar
bone, Mr. McLean was born at Kip-
pen and married Martha Ann Green-
wood of Lumley, Ont. Previous to
taking up residence at Foam Lake,
Mr. and Mts. McLean lived at Devil's
Lake where Mr. MeLean was appoint-
ed a justice of the peace, and served
in that 'capacity for eight years. He
was a prominent breeder of Olydes-
dale horses, Shorthorn cattle, and
Sheopshire sheep, Two sons and four
daughters survive.
I ,
, ersAlAn 11,
zs, miaow.
(5.:900..... _
• C. R.
Body and Fender Repairing
a, Ti 4
-4 44
44 L
' — I
".4. .
Crossman Body Shop
St. W, Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop
at the
driver to
hour rate,
2, Clinton
will be received by the undersigned
lst, to supply a truck and
the Township snow plow at a per
of the Road Superintendent.
Clerk, R.R.
'/ e e
4' . ' - c , , , SPRING
/, -- WHEAT
t 7,
,A y
esc, --
Fred O.