HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-17, Page 8PAIGE EMT ft. • s 'Draper Hockey Bert The annual meeting of termediate Hockey Club Canadian Legion Hall Friday last with Ernest Walton ' With ,a fair attendance. It was decided to enter the 0,HA, Intermediate "B" also to purehase appropriate forma using the famous of blue and white. The following were nominated officers and unanimously acclamation; President, Caryl W. Draper; ager, Bert Gliddon; coach, "Red" Rath; secretary -treasurer, President Gliddon Colt Manager executive—J. M El- Earl Fulford and to be selected, report, as read bY -treasurer, indicated re - $941.28 for the 1946 - and expenditures of a balance on hand at the end of last season. meantime, voluntary dona- amounted to $46, during fortnight with incidental $11, leaving an amount with which to start the Clinton In- was held in evening presiding, a team in Series arid Uri i- Colts colours as elected by man- Grant M, J. Schoenhals; heft; equipment, one other The financial the secretary cants totallig 46 season, $876.19, leaving of $65.09 In the tions have the past expenditures of $100.09 season. . a. d THE MOST THEA C IT 1' • • 5,000 RECIPES and helpful rested and approved • 230 PHOTOGRAPHS and drawings, in gorgeousfiellcolor • THUMB -IND3XED like a dictionary, instant reference.si • ECONOMICAL to use; shows get tesults lavish expenditure. PRACTICAL COOK BOOK erican Woman's , K hints; L , 1i many 23O hl for how to without $2•98 EVER < ASHARLE ill l " PHOTOS. suitable Come order PUBLISHED . T,NUMB INDEX • , COVER 1 i ' . MA" IN , COLOR A beautiful book you will be ptoud to own; for gifts, prizes. in and examine in by mail or phone. , McEWAN'S , . OFTEN THE CHEAPEST — ALWAYS THE BEST ' r Electric Hot Plates Irons Toasters ' Open October Bring in your We know MURPHY GASOLINE CLINTON Sunday car any week day how! Use "Hot Shot" 20 for winterizing. Anti -Freeze. MOTOR OIL PHONE 4 6 5 All' 42-b , : , : BROS. .i0341 "The Pick of Them alit1C1110111121311. -.41111111111* i KAMM I , C 1 .2...tuctowar hoiee Meats 1 -....„, it . i. , p• , k , .0,,,... , • • BAltmore Hats! THE MASTER HAT OF CANADA —,•, < .., Master Biltmore - $5.50 Henley Hall - - - $4.50 , . , 8 Crescent $2.25 • Browns, Blues, Greys f' c Winter is on Its way so get that radio tuned up and get that new set of batteries while they are plentiful New Radios are scarce but we now have a complete line of Record Players Davis & Herman CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor I eafccliewaiAlftwElfo,gfgetutc.swfwe....vo.+1,-**:+steet•Aosilwakv I Johnson's Quality Groceries # 1 - - , 1 1 £ 4i 1 i ) 1 'd / 11 a } Catelli ' MACARONI (Ready Cut) 2 pkgs. 25e SMART GREEN GAGES or PRUNE PLU 2 for 23c 1 Coupon Creamette 15c, 39c MACARONI .. 25e Kellogg's BRAN FLAKES - 45c Mother Parker's - 25c Post _ 33, _ BRAN FLAKES - 69e Harry Horne's CUSTARD Catelli Egg NoodlesMS 15c pkg. Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR . OLD YORK CEREAL )' Mother Parker's COFFEE 25c Gaines DOG FOOD . 23c OLIVES 35, 49e - 55c - 59c - 65c 2 for 19c „ . 2 for 25c TEA .... 44c . , 2 for 31c _. POWuER .... 29c ORANGES 392's 344's 288's 2 doz. 2 doz. 2 doz. . 65c 7c t : iltialingff,0401WAR.441.41eWle`t«FaR.4R4944-44'44;44:4349494T:0710.141ginnolgalq44. Hours for De livery I* • 10• 30 A.M.49c 4.30 P.M. 126's Grapefruit .,.42f5ocr ic:pl:erry Hearts3t; SQUASH 25c YAM 10c lb. We Cannot Buy All the Goods we Require consequently We Ofter What We Have at Very Low Prices . 14 it Liv li s L V 'A H oi th CT re I, 19 th, 19 J. an- BROWN'S . (One door north of the Royal Bank) OLFNTON NEWS -RECORD AW40,~4W MINIWWWW•00.4.044," Business Girls' Bowling League This week's results in the Business Girls' Bowling League games were: (1)—Ailtenbacks — P. Aiken 466, J. Keanns 413, ZVI. 'Miller 498, E. 'Clew 471, J. Elliott 351; total 2,199; No. of points -12. (2) Connellscernels-- L. Connell 447, H. Grealis 471, K. 3)/Iiddleton 271. E. Sutter 419, B. Shepherd 378; total 1,986; No, of points -5. (3)—Colquhoun's balloons—Handi- cap 376,13. Johnson 403, N. Tyndall 435, H. Hess 624, D. Tyndall 254; total 1,991; No. of points -4. (4)—Fremlinsgremlins —H. Frem- lin 416, K. aleGill 218, H. Taylor 409, C. Wendorf 327, handicap 375; total 1,744; No. of points—'7. Connellscernels and Pronlinsgrem- lins bowl next Tuesday az 7.15 sharp anti Aikenbacks and Oolquilouns bowl at nine o'clock. CLINTON C. I. TEAMS BEAT WINGHAM H. S. IN TWO GAMES HERE Clinton Collegiate Institute stud- ents were hosts to Wingharn High School Tuesday with the boys playing softball and the girls basketball. B.oth C.C.I. •teams were victorious, the boys winning 17-10 and the girls 24-18. Following lunch there was a short dance, Line-ups: Girls', basketball: Clin- ton (24)—Forwards Margaret Coign- houn (2), Elinor •Giew (2), L. Middle- ton (6) , Audrey Jervis (6), Jean Elliott (2), Jean Nediger (6); Guards — Marion Peck, A. L. Thompson, Doreen Armstrong, K. Fingland, Joan Fines, I. 'Mower:. Wingham (18). orwards—Lois Lockridge (4), Mary Ross (2), Gloria Swanson (12), Jean Adair. Guards—Doreen Currie, RUtil radburn, Jean McLennan, and Hilda Pletoh. • Boys', softball — Clinton (17) -- Charles Hanly (p), R. Miller (c), B. Matthews (l)b), B. Taylor (21), B. Hanly (ss), L. Johnson (3b), D. Mil- er (If), F. Fingland (ef), R. Garon (rf). Winghain (10l—Grant Ernest (p), 8, Hobden (c), J. Bellinger (lb). A. McKay (2b), G. Loughean (ss), . Stainton (3b), B. Lockridge (If), D. Lloyd (cf), X. Brophy (rf). BRUCEFIELD Robert: Dalnyanple spent Friday in amilton. Louis Dutot visited his mother, Mrs. C. Dittot, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the eekend at Pont Carling. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick pent the weekend in Detroit. Mrs. Bella Larason, Bayfield, visit - d Mrs. A. Bohner on Saturday. Miss Kay Elliott is visiting in etroit with her aunt who is quite ill. Mr. ad Mrs. Gus Voth and Gwen, pent Sunday: with Mr. 0. D. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Austin, London, pent the holiday with Mrs. C. Dutot. Miss May IVItchell, Toronto, spent anksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. H. alrymple. Miss 'Margaret Aikenhead, London, sited her parents, Mr. and Mrs., A. kenhead. Mr. and Mns. Thomas 0. Herrn God - rich, apent the weekend with Mrs. . Grainger. Miss Genevieve Smith, Stratford, pent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Miss Kate Dalrymple, Glencoe, pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ferry Dalrymple. Mrs, Lottie MeAsh, who has spent he summer with Mrs. Moodie, has returned to London. - • Misses Ina and Ellen Mae Scott, London, anent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Scott. Mrs, Lorne Manson and son, Mir - ay, London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. S. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and aridly, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. alfrs. Alice Rohner and Mrs. R. Dawson spent Thanksgiving With Mr. nd Mrs, William .Smith, Exeter. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson, Wardsville, as in the village for a short time n Tuesday. We are .always glad o welcome him back to his old charge. 1VIrs. Stanway has returned to the arise after spending a short visit ith her sister, who has been very 11 at her home on Cape Breton Island. Hold Trousseau Tea :las. Lyle Hill was hostess at a elightful trousseau tea in honor of er daughter, Preeda, whose marriage o E'dward 'Herren, St. Catharines, :mit place last week. Tea was served. Rain Welcomed Many farmers welcome the rain of he past week. Several were very hort of water and were forced to aul it a considerable distance. The inc weather has been wonderful for arvesting the bean crop. W. A. Party Mrs. John Grainger entertained her .A.group at a delightful party on ednesday evening of last week. lames and contests took place and inch was served. •Group No. 3, Brucefield W.A. will Old a baltig s•ale in the new Police ffice, Saturday afternoon, Thanksgiving Services There was a splendid attendance t the Thanksgiving services Sunday orning and evening in Brucefield nited Church, with Rev. E. R. Stan - ay in charge. The choir under the eadership of MTS. John Murdoch, 'endered special music, and Mrs. G. enderson sang a lovely solo. Many isitors were present. Among those noticed visiting in his district over the Thanksgiving eekend, were: Miss Janet 'Watson, Omer, with her Parents; Mr. and re. J. .1VIcIntosh, Toronto, with Mr. nd Mrs. C. Haugh; Miss Betty Al - n, Hyde Park, with her parents, Ir. and MTS. Robert Allan; Wesley am, Toronto, with his mother; Miss argaret Henry, public school teach - g staff, London, with her parents, Ir. and Mrs. W. Henry; Ross Dilling, o»don, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dil- g, with 'Mr. and NUS; Austin Dil- g; Misses Ern, Ellen and Elizabeth ott, London, with friends; Miss uisa Allan, Hamilton, with her par- ts; llfr, and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Igrave, 'with Mr. and Mrs'. Robert atson; George Mustard, Cameron enry, Stewart McBride, University Western Ontario, London, with eir parents. APP,OINTED F. R. Darrow, 60, well known God! jell lawyer, was made a K.C. in the cent list. Al veteran of World War he graduated' at Osgoode Hall itt 22 and practised in Toronto for oe years. He went to Goderieh in 25 and tooh over the practice of, L. Killoran when • the latter was pointed county judge, of , Perth County. MISS M. COLQUITOUN HEADS STUDENTS' COUNCIL AT C.. C. I The students of Clinton Collegiate Institute, •assembled in the Auditor- ium Friday, where those running for office on the executive of the Stud- ents' Council gave candidate speeches, Doreen Armstrong acted as chairman, The following took turns as return- ing officers and poll clerks; Bill Hanly, Lois Middleton, Doreen Arm- strong, A. L. Thompson, Don Reddy, Erika Schultz and Paul Watson. John MacDonald and iim Jackson acted as police guards. Following are the results: Presi- dent, Margaret . Colciuhoun; 1st vice- president, Irmt Watt; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Fred KirbY; secretary Jean IXliott; treasurer, George Durham; Form representatives — Grade XIII, Elinor Glew; Grade XII, Enid Brig- ham; Grade XIA., Don IMiller; Grade XT, Jack Rozell; Grade xA, Naney F'ord; Grade IXA, IDereek 'Slotack; Grade IXB, Francis Denomrae. New Member °Initiate'd Into Clinton Lions Club Clinton Lions 'Club held its regular semi-montbly dinner , meeting in St. Paul's Parish Hall Thursday evening last with President Caryl W. Draper 124 the chair. The meeting was turned over to the Publicity ,Committee, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, chairman, with R. S. Atkey presiding in view of Mr. Bul- teePs participation in the programme. A "pal" roll call took place, and Joe Reid 'played two mouth organ selec- tions, accompanied by 1Virs. Mae Rance MacKinnon, who acted as pian- ist for the meeting. B. B. Pocklington was initiated as a member with Past President F. B. Pennebaker officiating, and X. A. Sut- ter was presented with a past presi- dent's button. Second vice-president J. G. IVICLay was presented with a membership "key". Attendance pins were presented to Clifford H. Epps and F. B. Pennebaker. VARNA Mr. and Mrs E, Ohutor entertained several members of their family on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Horner and family moved to their new home in Clinton last week. Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Miss Mossop and Mr. Stephenson, spent Sunday with friends in Crotriarty. Mr. and IVirs. John F. Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Walton, Mr. T..'Reid. and friend from Lon- don, spent the weekend at the home of his brother, Mr. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Reid. Mrs, M. G. Beatty- and Miss E. Mossop in company with Mrs. Wan. McDonald motored to Wroxeter last Friday. Mrs. 3. Mossop, who has spent some time with her brother, John Watson and 1VIrs. Watson, has return- ed to her home. Mrs. Webber has returned to her home after spending some time with her mother in Exeter. Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Reid and two daughters, Toronto, spent the week- end and holiday ,with the fonner's THURSDAY, GUPOODB 17, 1946. lonommatos LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter nidy, from their farm on the Huron go 'West to their house on Orange ; bast week. Mrs. Potter's parer: Mr. and Mrs. Eli Holtwhauer, w have been living in the house, ha moved into part of Robert IVIeCar ney's.house on North St, * Miss A. L. Thompson was gue soloist at the Thanksgiving servi held on Sunday morning in Wingta United Church, Her refined and i telligent interpretation of the sit "How Beautiful upon the Mountain received most enthusiastic common from the large congregation at maniy of the radio apdience. Women's Institute Show Overflows TOWT4 Ha Clinton branch of the Women Institute sponsored a very fine ente tainment in the Town Hall Mond evening. The hall was crowded capaeity, more than 500 paying a mission and many having to stand .The programme was provided the Eckardt Bros and was of a ver fine nature having party in it th would appeal to almost every 1;ast One was a very versatile pianist a soloist and his rendition of "T Changing of the Guard" and "Stet Hearted Men" caused much favorab comment. The bell ringing and tl tnerimba-phone playing indeed wei highlights of the concert. Other features of the program included tap dancing, old time fid ling (and this was unusual as t fiddler could play the violin in an position that a person could name making music with glasses of wate guitar playing and of course, some the season's latest jokes. OBITUARY GEORGE LORNE DUNCAN Ftmeral services were held on Mo day, September 30, at' the Turner an Porter Funeral Home, 436 'Rome, varies at Howard Park Ave., Toront for George L. Duncan Intermer followed in Park Lawn Cemeter Toronto, Mr. Duncan was born in Clinto a son of the late MT, and Mrs. Wil liam Duncan, and spent his earl years here. As a young man he ma ried Bessie Riley, who survive Death took place at his home, 5 Thirty -,Sixth St, Long Branch, o Thursday, September 26. 'Surviving, as well as Mrs. Dun can, are one son, Bruce Welke IDuntan, and two sisters, Mrs, Flo McNair, Hamilton, and 'Mrs. 1VIelvi McPhee, -Seakorth. mother, Mrs. M. Reid. iMr. and 1Virs. Ross Latham an family and ,Miss G. Beatty, London spent Thanksgiving at the home o Mrs. L. Beatty and Edith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Picard and fam ily, Stratford, were guests at th home of the lady's parents, Mr. an 1VIrs. M. Elliott, Sunday. United Church Anniversary Rev. G. Hazlewood, Walton, was 11 charge of the anniversary service i the United Church on Sunday. Ther was a good congregation both morn ing and evening, Floyd McAsh pre sided at the organ in a very abl manner. 1 C./ AUBURN NV“.1.(/ 4 14A. • ' R N ' 7 Miases Mary Munro, . .. and a et Munro, nurse -in -training, al • ''''sn'=',=•... week -end t. Donald Ross, Galt, spent the sc), entawrlithYhuinsgbraluatth,eliVraniTsiitoPrn,edvirtsiotsed ,e his Parents, Mr. and IVIrs. John E. t. Yungblut on Sunday. M. and Mrs. Ray Duff, Learning- ton, visited with the former's aunt, tt IVIrs. Fred Ross on Sunday. ,, Miss Isobel Rollinson, Toronto, In visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 1.. Rollinson over the weekend. lo Miss Mary Nesbit, Toronto, spent were week. visitors arb the home of thei2 Parents, Mn. a d Mrs. R. D. Munro peresbheyreterwialrin :Ohe unrochs ernvieexet inSuKnndal owing to anniversary services in St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, al Blyth. Misses Mary Asquith, Phin.B. Kitchener, and Betty J. •Asquith, St Thomas, spent the holiday weekene with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C• E. Asquith, ,,, the holiday weekend with her par- ents, 1VIr. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit. Ms'. and Mrs. John R. Weir and a M daughter, Barbara Joan, have left for Ottawa, where Mr. Weir has secured a position. „ Elvin Wightman, Ajax, and Miss II Margaret Wightman, were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and ts aVIrs. Earl Wightman. r.. Mr, and .Mrs. Duncan MacKay,. y Bright's Grove, were weekend visit- o ors with Dr, B. C. Weir and MT. and 1.. Mrs. John acKay, Kintail. M , Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 7 Lawson for ilie weekend were, Min y and 'Nils. L. Kruse and Witham Kruse, Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. John o HENSALL . cocuhrossee,, "Clothes n by fax LitTthlee Folk," Women's Institute, will be presented in Hensel' Town Hall on the follow- ing afternoons: Oct. 21 to Oct. 26 hours 1.30 to 4 o'clock. Miss Dors Burke, Women's Institute Branch will be in charge. Anniversary Service, Chiselhurst anniversary will be held •Sunday, October 2,7, at, 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Reins Herm Varna, will be the guest speaker. A new heating system has been installed and the church auditoinum US now in the process a being redecorated-. a. d e i „. They Say a Man's Best Friend Is His Dog Y 1 That may be true, but certainly your best friend right now is that car of yours whiCh.'has • seen you through "thick -and - thin” for years. "Winterize Now!" USE SKILLED WORKMEN 'WHO KNOW THEIR JOBS • Lorne J. Brown Expert Mechanleal Repairs Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service • PHONE 178 r Electric Hot Plates Irons Toasters Tea Kettles Bottle Warmers, Heating Pads i KITCHEN STOOLS - STEP STOOLS IRONING BOARDS - GARBAGE CANS • SUTTER-PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON 0.6.0............1,...,1,111....10.11* ' LOBB'S QUALITY GROCERY Crosse and Blackwell Davis' Gelatine per pkg. 20c ( • Herring and Lobster Cardinal Cut Green Pate 2 tins 27e Beans 2 for 29e Asparagus Cuttings Devon Peas 2 for 29c per tin 19c Cottage Mayonnaise, Sani-Flush, per tin 29c per jar 17c Sea-Lect Mackerel Clark's Governor Sauce per tin 33c per bottle 25e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES alit1C1110111121311. -.41111111111* i KAMM I , C 1 .2...tuctowar hoiee Meats 1 -....„, 5 bars 25c FREE DELIVERY PHONE 40 Chesterfields and Chairs REBUILT -LIKE NEW Fine Selection of Coverings- ,,„.. -Workmanship Guaranteed JACK'S UPHOLSTERING Huron and 'Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clinton 24-btfb c Winter is on Its way so get that radio tuned up and get that new set of batteries while they are plentiful New Radios are scarce but we now have a complete line of Record Players Prompt, Reliable Radio Service 30 -day guarantee on all replaced parts MERRILL ' RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing ' I King St. Clinton DELICXOUS YORK FROSTED FOODS • Fillets of Sole ASPARAGUS TIPS Strawberries Fillets of Haddock GREEN PEAS Raspberries Fillets of Salmon WAX BEANS Legs of Chicken Arrow Peas 2 tins 29c Diced Beets 2 tins 25c Glenwood Tomato I Guest Juice 2 tins 23c A L°"G l'^-"0°°14" Tomatoes...tin 19c TOW *OAP Cake 5c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOMATOES Florida Pink 126's. APPLES CELERY Grapefruit 3 for 21c GRAPES LETTUCE DEMONS CABBAGE SQUASH TuRrnips CALIFORNIA JUICY 344's CARROTS cAuLTPLowzatOranges doz. 33c ONIONS Diced Carrots 2 tins 25e Golden Wax Beans tin 17c SHEARING S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY PHONE 48 Free Delivery CLINTON ..mmuirminw NORGE SPACE HEATERS large size $121.75 RECORDS and 'ALBUMS "I May Be Wrong, But I Think You're Wonderful" and Dinah Shore .75e "Who'll Buy My Violets" "You, So It's You" and Dinah Shore .. .75e "I'll Never Love Again" 428 "FRANKIE CARLE AT THE PIANO" 437 "BEATRICE KAY SINGS" $3.75 13162 "SPIRITUALS" by Paul Robeson C‘INTON taive044 E re s] ON TAP 10 SPORTING GOODS OF QUAIATY 11111011111111.1•11111.111Mlnik GROVES ELECTRIC Your Store for Electrical Appliances ROGERS - DEFOREST - PHILCO RADIOS "B" Batteries; 2 -Volt "A" Batteries; Plash Light Batteries, and (Hearing Ahp Batterie0, in stock. SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS — TOASTERS IRONS — RANGETTES DOMINION WASHERS — FLASH LIGHTS Also the New Fluorescent 24" Lights, now available for Kitchen or Bath Room; easy to instal. PhOnes 290W - .274