HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-17, Page 6l'AGE SIX GUNTON NEWS -RECORD Interesting Items From New - NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: PUSS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631411 Clarence Larson, London, was home over Thanksgiving. Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, was home over the weekend. 'Miss A. Fernette, Detroit, spent the weekend at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers were in Toronto over the weekend. Mise Grace Woolfendon, Detroit, was at her cottage over the weekend. Miss Alice Drouin, Detroit, was at her cottage "Merest" over the week end. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Davies, Toronto, are spending this week at The Albion Betel. Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson spent Sun- day with MT. and Mrs. George Reid, Velma, Dr. and Mrs. E. I'. Lewis, Toronto, were with MTS. N. ,W. Woods over the weekend. Mrs. Robert Reid, Clinton, Visited at the home a Miss Id. Reid a few days this week, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lambert, De- troit, spent the weekend at their home in the village. Miss Dawna Toms, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms. lVIr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Mrs. Firth, London, were weekend guests at The Little Inn. Miss Vera Pease, London, was the guest of itlisses Juen and Audrey Brandon over the weekend. Lloyd Westlake left on Tuesday for Toronto to take a course of Training in the Provincial Police Force. Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Quarry, Hamil- ton, spent Thanksgiving at "Lland- udno" their home in the village. Miss ,Mabel Stotehmer, Toronto apeht Thanksgiving with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. •R. Seotehmer. Stuart Sturgeon, Preston, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. MISS. Audrey Sturgeon visited her brother, James Sturgeon and Mrs. Sturgeon, Seaforth, over Thanksgiv- ing. al4r, and Mrs. Wayman and daugh- ter, Ellen, Toronto, visited MT. and Mrs. John Lindsay over Thanksgiv- ing. Mr. and Mrs, J. 11/1. Stewart, Ham- ilton, were at their 'home on Louisa Street, for the Thanksgiving week- end. Mrs, Renouf Johns returned to the village last week after haring spent some time visiting in Ohillielothe, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs.. William Robinson and James Robinson, London, were at their cottage in the village over the weekend. Prof. R. Pemberton and family, London, were at their cottage in Lakeside Park over the Thanksgiving weekend. Miss Jacqueline Parker, London, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A New Service Now Available For This Community Our new Seed Cleaning Plant is now in operation— equipped with the most up-to-date machinery, installed on the recommendation of the Department of Agriculture. Let us dean your Red Clover and Timothy Seed for you! Phone us if you wish to sell your Red Clover Seed. Our truek will Call. Market prices paid'. R. N. Alexander londesboro PHONES: Clinton 803-22, Blyth 25-8 42-p • Confederation Lie Association J. R. BUTLER, Representative, CLINTON Parker. The, Fkkeet Bell Ringers gave a fine performance before a packed house m the Town Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Wills were in the village on Wednesday closing their summer home "'Angleton" for the season. . Rev. and Mrs. J. Graham, Wood- stock, spent Wednesday of last week in the village and attended Hayfield Pall Fair, Mrs. J. W. Jewett returned home last 'week after a most enjoyable trip to different Points in Minnesota and California. •Mr. and Mrs. Morley G. Hart and Ronnie, Toronto, spent .the, weekend with Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Miss Jean Sturgeon is recuperating at home following her recent opera- tion. 'Sala 'returned from Clinton Hes- . pital on Tensday. Bluefield Pettlic 'School •had a holi- day on Wednesday so that the pupils could be taken be Port Albert to see the Plowing Match. Mrs. D. A. Volume returned to the village on Thursdaylast after hav- ing spent a monti h n Winnipeg, and other points in Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Fred FOWlie, and Laurie rewire London, spent the weekend with their sieters, the Misses F. and E. Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey, and son, North Bay, -were in the village over the weekend to close their cottage for the season Mrs', Maynard Carrie and Master David returned home on Tuesday af- ter having spent several days with her mother, Mrs. H. A. Lawson, Strat- ford. Miss Ada 13ingley, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and family, Toronto, were at their home in the village over the Thanksgiiing week- end. Mrs. L. B, Smith and Miss Maxine, returned to London on Monday after having spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother, 'Vbs. Charles W. Parker. Melvin Davidson, ken Brandon and Mr. and Mts. Charles Bell are amongst those in port Albert this week on account of the Plbwing Match. Mr. and lYfrs. Arthur Brisson and two daughters, Armaline and Irene, Grosse Pointe, Mich., spent Thanks- giving weekend at their eottage in the village. Mr. and.Mre. Thomas Wilson and son, Clarece Pugh, Glen St. Mary's, Florida, were the guests of Mr. and Mes. George Lindsay from Saturday until Wednesday. Mrs. Victor Burt, Misses Peggy and Mary Lou and Howard and Ron- ald Burt, London, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, over Thanksgiving. Mrs. .0. W. Brown and Miss M. Fairbairn returned home on Friday with Prof. Lloyd G. and Miss 'Mabel Hodgins, Totonto, who were Miss Fairbairn's guests over Thanksgiv- Inge Hugh McKay, George Weeton, Miss Elizabeth Weston and Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon are at Port Albert this week assisting Grafton Weston who is catering for the plowing match. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Dear- born, Mich., are spending a fortnight at the Albion Rotel. D. Ormond, Dearborn, and Miss Cory March, Ak- ron, Ohio, were evith them over thc weekend. Mr, and Mrs. 'Gilbert Knight, Ron- ald and Mary, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. M. Gemeinhard. Mrs. Gemeinhard re- turned to Toronto with them to visit lor several weeks. 1VIrs. E. Suppnick, accomeianied by her daughter, Holley Louise, spent the weekend in the village. On their return they were accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S. Holley, who has closed her cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston-. return- ed Tuesday night after a most en- joyable motor trip to Saskatchewan. Going by way of North Dakota they spent a very pleasant month visiting relatives in Biggar and Saskatoon. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon over the Thanksgiving holi- day included: Mr. and Mrs. rail Wag. ner and little daughter, Carol, Water- loo; Mr. Dave Baird and son, Cart, Russel Sturgeon, Miss Vera Briggs, Mrs. Lewit A. Peifer wed Mrs. John Baird, all of London. Moves to Bayfield We -welcome Arthur Cotton to the village. P/fr. Cotton and his house- keeper moved from London last week THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 1946, Record's Rural Correspondents GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris spent the -weekend with friends in .Amherst - burg. ' Don Smith, Toronto,visited with •his father, D. Al,1•Smith, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling. MT. and Mrs. Allen Bettlee and Mr. and Mrs. Murray 1VIcItougall visited with friends in Bruce County on Sunday. Miss Violet Phillips, Toronto, and Norman Ritz, 0.A.C., Guelph, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Ira Merrill. Return from West Bill and Bob Harris, Eldred Em- merson, Dave Stirling end D. Hog- arth, returned from the West on Thursday and report a wonderful trip. They went as far as Banff. There was very wet weather out there but crops were good. Fine Fruit Show Be sure and see the Huron Fruit Show when at the International Plow- ing 1Vtatch at Port Albert this week. Many of those planing exhibits were from Goderich Township, "the home of Canada's finest apples." Federation To Meee The Federation of Agriculture will hold the 'adober meeting at Port- er's Hill Sc'hool on Monday, October 21, at 8 p.m. The 1Tational Film Board will also show their pictures the same evening All directors are requested to attend and a cordial invitation is extended to all. HOL1V1ESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. D. Talbot and little son visited with Mrs. J. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Reagan. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. P. Pal- mer over the weekend were Donald Palmer, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. William Proctor, Goderich. Purchases Farm Mr. and MTS. W. B. Thompson have purchased the farm of Fred L. Potter and have already moved in. We wel- come Mr. end Mrs. Thompson into, our community. Bazaar Planned Don't forget the Bazaar on Satur- day, October 26, in the Council Cham- bers, Clinton. Come in and enjoy your tea with us and carry home some of our good baking, not forgetting our produce and fancy work booths. Every person will be welcome. Successful Anniversary Anniversary services in Holniesville TJnited Church were largely attended on Sunday last. The guest speaker was Rev. W. J. Stewart, Lucknow, who gave two very inepiring sermons. At the morning service Miss Gloria Palmer was soloiet Itnd two selections were sung by the choir. In the even- ing there was a men's choir with Charles Wilson, as soloist. LONDON ROAD • Plan Developed Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Longwith, H.B.S.'Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Bisset Cameron over Thanksgiving. Mr. Longwith is a very prominent citizen of Windsor, and is it cousin of the late Gordon Waldron, MG., and Mr. Cameron was a very intimate friend of the late Mr. Waldron. Mr. Longwith and Mi. Cameron intend to develop large areas of land which they own with the latest and most up-to-date meth- ods of cultivation. Mr. Cameron is well known for agressiveness end phenominal success in agricultural projects. and have taken up residence in the house on Main 'Street which he .pur- chased from Mis Agnes Stirling re- cently. Rite of Confirmation His Grace, Archbishop Seeger, will be present at Trinity Chureh, Bay- field, on Thursday evening, at eight o'clock to administer the holy rite of Confirmation to candidates pre- sented by the 'teeter, ftom the pal- ish of St. John's, Varna, St. James', Middleton, and Trinity Chureh, Ba,y- field. * According to Webster, this five.dollar word means clear-sighted — Of acme snental visionor discernment... which pretty well deserles the "eight out of ten" who plan to invest in Canada Savings Bonds. IN RECENT ADVERTISEMNTS we have been suggesting that the way to save money is to have a plan and stick to it. Now comes this Dominion Govern- ment savings plan, ready-made for your needs. It enables you to add to your present holdings of Victory Bonds by the same tried-and.true method you used during the wit; paying for your purchase in cash, if you like; but better still by convenient instalments, as you earn. You fonnd out for yourself, with every Victory Bond you bought, that this is a savings system that works. . . convincing proof that you ean "save some for yourself." Simply call at your Royal Bank branch, sign an application for one or more bonds, to be paid for by convenient in. stalments spread Over a year if you wish. Keep up the war -time saving habit. Invest in Canada Savings Bonds. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS • Are as good as cash—backed by the Government of Canada... • Can be bought for cash, or by instal- ments out of 117COMe,.at any branch oj Ibis bank... • Can be bought by salary deductions at your place of employment. .. • Can be sold at any chartered bank any time, for what you paid for them, plus earned interest. Are availa hie in four denominations.. $50, POO, $500 and $1,000. • Are registered each bond you buy is regiSiered in your name ai 01411Vel.' "8 OUT OF 10 WILL 110•1 AGAIN" THE ROYAL BANK.OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - J. G. McLAY, Manager LONDESBORO Miss Margaret Tarchblyn, Londoh, washome for the weekend. ' Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson, Toronto, spent the weekend at home, Miss Edith Brown, Brantfoed, epent the weekend with her aunt, 'Vase L. Young. Miss. Hazel Morris, Termite, spent the weekend with her 'aunt, 1VIra. Margaret Manning. MTs. Helen Haight, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Rev. A. and Mrs. Penman. Sunday, 'Oetober 20, is W. M. S. Thankoffering service. Rev. Penman will be the ,preacher. 'Mists Susan Chaim Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: A. Jamieson, and the girls. Mrs. Ben -therm, Oshawa, spent the weekend at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Tem/mend. Mise Irina Knox, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox. Miss Elva .Govier, London, spent the 'weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Govier. David Wishart, who has been visit- ing in Detroit, is back again with his daughter, Mrs. .A. Penman. Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robert Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fingland, Toronto, srent Monday with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland. Mr. and Mrs. jellies McOool were in Woodstock on Satarday attending their nieces' wedding, Miss Marion Awde. Quite a numbee from Londesboro end the community were at Port Al- bert this week to see the Plowing Match. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Radford, Blyth, visited with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook on Sunday. Miss Doris Cooper, Clinton, spent the weeked at the borne of her, grandparents, MT. and Mrs. Thomas' Fairserviee. . Mr. and MTS. Ray+ Fieher and Donglas, Galt, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Peck, Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. Rev. and Mrs. Hann, Trowbridge, Mr. and 1VIes. Stance Hann, Kitchen- er, visited with Mr. and avh,c. William Govier on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook and Douglas, spent ,Stettnay at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Seaforth. Mission Circle Holds Meetings The Aimwell Mission Circle held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, October 8, at the home of Miss Edith Beacom. The president, Ms. John Pipe cal- led the meeting to order and the Devotional pan of the meeting was taken by Doreen Armstrong and Mary Ellen Prest. Minutes of last meeting were read and Ton can fol- lowed by trettsurer's report, and the business was then cliscus,sed. Edith Beacom gave a talk on In- dia and the Study Book was given by several girls. ivrra. Fangrad favored 'with a solo while the offering was being taken up. Hymn 255 was then sung and the meeting closed with all repeating the Mizpali Benediction. The hostess then served lunch. W.M.S. Meets The regular monthly meeting of the W.MS. was held on Thttrsday, in the basement of the church. The president Mrs. Townsend was in the chair. The meeting opened by sing- ing hymn 358 and prayer by Mee. Pemnan. After the bueiness and roll call, the leader of Group 1, Miss Bina ;Kirk, took charge. Hymn 154 and prayers,and Mrs, L. Webster read the Scripture lessee. Three of the ladies, Mrs. Peman, Irepresenting "India"; Mrs. M. Manning, the "church", and MTS. G. 1VIeVittie "Can- ada," introduced the Study Book, "In- dia on the Threshold." Mrs. W. Hesk gave a reading, "The Indian Road." avfra. Will Lyon gave the second chap- ter of the ‘Sudy Book, and the group sang an Indian hymn, "Father in Heaven is my Shepherd." Mrs. L. Webster took up, the offering. Mrs. R. Townsend in a few chosen words thanked Mrs. W. Hesk for her interest anti help in the W.M.S. and the W.A. for a number of years, and wished her God speed to her new home in Ltoydminster, Alta. Mi.'s, L. Sundercoek, president of the W.A.presented her with it Bible and Hymn Book. In reply, Mrs. Resit thanked them all for their gifts and good wishes. Meetig closed by sing- ing hymn 28 and the Benediction. "••••11.1141•141101111110 MANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Katy Metcalfe, London, visit- ed Mrs. Victor Tayloe for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Baird, Sr., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Neil Gilmour at Shepperton. Mr. and Mrs. Goedon Marks. Tor- onto, spent the weekend with friends in the community. Mr. and Mvs. Eavl Gettig, Strat- ford, are visiting Er. and IVIrs. Wal- ter Baird this week. Mr. and Ales. Albeit Batt and riector Batt, 'Stouffyille, are visiting Mrs. John McGowan. 'Gordon .Johnston has returned to his home following an appendix op- eration iui Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. and lies. Lorne Pepper, Niag- ara Felts, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the hoine of John E. Pepper, CONSTANCE Lorne Lawson was, in London on Tueeday on business. Mr. and MTS. Kelso AdaMS and 'Wise Dortelda Adams spent the week- end in London. Miss Doris, Lawson, London, epent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and 1Virs. Earl Lawson, Mr. and 1VIrs. Ernie- Talbot and Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Eph. Clarke. Mr. aild Mrs. Charles Wakefield and son, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson 'and Mr. and IVIrs. Fred Wakefield on Monday. A. F. Johns, Newmarket,is spend- ing a few days with his sister, MTS. Robert Lawson, ltirr. and 1Vies. 'Lorne Lawson and other relatives. \Tailors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Britton over the week- end were: Mr. and 1VIrs. Archie Hog- garth and Jane, Rev. and Mrs. Cliff Britten and family, Thamesville. A number of friends attended the reception of Mr. and MTS. Harvey McClure held in Winthrop all on Thursday evening last. Art lAnder- son read the address a,nd Harold Storey presented Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Clure with a puree of money. Applications for Treasurer TOWNSHIP OF GODERICII Applications for the office of Treasurer for the Township of Godericb will be received by the under- signed until November lst, at the salary set by -By- law for 1946. 41-b R. G, THOMPSON, Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton For Body and Fender Repairin SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Tenders will be received by the undersigned until November 1st, to supply a truck ancl driver to operate the Township snow plow at a per hour rate, at the direction of the Road Superintendent. R. G. 'THOMPSON, 42-43b Clerk, R.R. 2, Clinton /NNW. e, .///. sH,ARIRNGD 3,3434 WHEAT FLOUR MAPLE LEAF MILLING COMPANY LIMITED Fred 0. Ford YOUR HYDRO OFFICE