HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-17, Page 5When In. Need Of Stove and Furnace Pipes Make Sure of Hand -Made Pipes — They Last HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Ifeatiag — Sheet Metal 'Work Agent for Hoek Furnaces . PHONE 244 ZESIDENCII 4/9 I ITIIIIRSDA,Y, OCTOBER 17 1946 CLINTONNEWS:-RECORD News PAGE FIVE Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p,m. Wednesday. , Cash rates apply up to 9 pen. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not 'so paid. FOR SALE OLD FISH FOR SALE — Beevers Auto and Bicycle Supply, Goderich. 41-42-43-44-p .1WeCORIVIICK-DEERING 10-20 Tian - tor and plough in good working con - edition. Apply Fed Hudie. • 42-p QUEBEiG HEA.TER in good con- ddition; floor polisher; large fernery. „Apply Mrs, William Cook, phone .260-W. 42-b TWO PAIRS FRENCH VELOUR portieres, one pair green mid gold, the other green and rust. Phone ••thn. 41-x AN EIGHT -INCH SILENT GLOW eeil burner. Mounted in stove ready ifor instant use. For heating only. In good condition.. Apply Box "R", NEWS -RECORD. 41-42-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 150 WINE BROS. SUSSEX—NEW Hampshire pullets, laying. Apply John Sinclair, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone Seaforth 657141. 42-p PULLETS FOR SALE—Hampshiree Barred Rock cross, Hampshire -Sussex cross and White Leghorn -Rock cross. McKinley's, Farm and Hatchery, phone Hersall 97r11. 40-41-42-43-44p, WANTED TO BUY HOUSE OR ;SMALL FARM in Clin- ton-Brucefield district, Part posses- sion wanted idmediately. Send full particulars to Box "T", NEWS - RECORD. 42-e CLINTON MAN WANTSTO BUY house or small farm in or mound Cahrtnn• AnnlY by letter to Box "L" NEWS-REIOORD. 42-b '070 SOWS, DUE NEXT MONTH, :Apply Joe Becker, phone 341-ev. 42b LITTLE PIGS seven weeks old. eapplen• Harold Tyndall, phone Ciirl. ..-ton 905r2. • 42-p 23 YOUNG PIGS, ready to wean. .Apply J. W. °rich, phone Clinton e617r23. 42-43-p 'CLEARING' ALL CATTLE — Six Durham and Hereford cows, four ;yearlings, two spring calves. Apply -George Glazier, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone t817i-33. 42-p NOTICE ',OWING TO DISEASE prevalent among pigs at the preesnt time, our York Boar • will not be available for eaublic zervic!. Erest Dale. 42-48-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED, -HOUSE 03 APARTMENTS, furnish - .ed or unfurnished. Can pay good rent. Apply Box "W" NEWS -RECORD. 42.43-p FARMS FOR SALE -100 ACRES, CON. 10, HULLETT, -good buildings, 10 acres bush, 10 acres .sown in fall wheat, close to school, .Apply 'Alfred Meehan, R.R. 1, Aub - ,earn, phone Blyth 18r5. 42-43-44p PROPERTY FOR SALE 100 ACRELS—market canning factory 'ifew miles,'brick house, bank barn, .erietal rod, abundance water, $5,500, fall possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 41-42-43-44-45p 100 AORES—London 21 tniles, full set of buildings, water and electricity -throughout some sugar bush, $7,000, spring possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 41-42-43-44-45p 50 AORE'S--Stratford area, cottage, eirivethed, bank barn, water inside, -stabling 24 cattle, 3 horses, 70 pigs, hens upstairs, turkey pen, $4,000. Quick possession, William Pearce, 'Realtor, Exeter. 41-42-43-44-45p 'TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either 'buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter - :national ,Salt 'Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. .Apply A. T. Coop- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. .ar, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb 41-42-43-44-1, OLD HORSES and DEAD CATTLE, If dead phone at once. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert 936r21 or Fred Gil - beet 936r32, Goderich. 33-btfb MISCELLANEOUS OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Cudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb MISS WINNIFRED 0NEIL, Clin- tot), representing Fuller Brush sup- plies. Phone 75-3. 41-42-43-44-45p A TREA.T FOR YOUR FE -ET! USE Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 34-38-42-46-b FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 86-37-$8-39-40-41-41-43-44-p PILES rima :onaugseesd,. tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money t back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores. 36-38-40-42-44-46-48-49-51-2p ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton, 28-tfb AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. 1.1 you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this isyouropportunity to get establiehed in a profitable bugle ness of your own, For full particulars write today to the 3 R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-0-16, 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Que. 40-41-42-43-44b HATCHING EGGS WANTED for 1947 hatching season, flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge under Government supervision. Guaranteed premium plus hatchability pvemitnn paid. All breeds wanted. For full details write Twecldle Chick Hatch - Canada Savings Bonds Term' 10 years Interest 23/4% For Particulars Consult H. E. RORKE Authorized' Salesman REPRESENTING GOULDING, ROSE and Co., Limited Also agent for Fire, Automobile. Accident, and Sickness Insurance Office at rear of Royal Bank, Clinton . 40e41 -42-b 101•••11.111•01Mnal.1.0.1 ,1 "SEEK YE THE LORD NVIIILE HE MAY tE FOUND."---Isa. 55:6 ,,TODAY IF YOU WILL HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARMS."—Heb. 5:15 "HE THAT COMETH UNTO MB I WILL IN NO WAY MST GUT."—John 6:37 — JESUS SAVES --- TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ' SPECIAL We have just received a complete new stock of OVERALLS in sizes from 34 to 44. Also KHAKI COVERALLS in large sizes. MEN If you are counting on buying a winter "Overcoat :this year, we suggest you shop 'now, be the 'first in your neighbourhood to own (toe of the new solid colout coatwith . box 'backs. Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON EXPERT VULCANIZING 24-HOUR SERVICE. Bring Your Tire Troubles to Us Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Vittoria St. Phone 460 • Clinton TWO INFANTS BAPTIZED Sunday. ,wamobserved as Thanks- giving Sunday in Wesley -Willis United Ohuroh with the minister, Rev. Aelrew Lane, bringing special 'messages. Mrs. 'Morgan 3. Agnew presided at the organ, In the morn - mg the choir sang the anthem, "0 Taste and See," and Gordon R. Ross sang a eolo very pleasingly "We are Grateful, 0 Lord." A pleasant feature was the baptism of two in- fants: Carol Janette, daughter of Mr. and Mes, Melvin Steep, 'Clinton, and John Cecil, son .of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- win 'Cooper, also of Cliton. N. W. Trewartha, clerk of session, present- ed the bapteeinal certificates. EX -MAYOR DIES .GODERICFP— Dr. A. H. Macklin, for the past two years of Stratford and formerly of Goderich, where he was a former mayor and councillor, died Sunday in Victoria Hospital, London. He took up practice in God- erich in 1905 and continued thee° entil his retirement two years ago. POOR GOOSE! BRUSSELS — A goose owned by Ken Tyerman; Grey Township, laid 16 eggs and started to set on Oct. 2. Could it be that the lovely warm days confresed the goose and made her get the seasons mixed, the own- er wonders. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NINE LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. Apply Douglas Farquhar, R. R. 1, Clinton, phone 805r5. 42-b TWO GIRLS WOULD LIKE minding small children Saturdays 8.30 till 5.30 or evenings 4.30 to 6.30. Phone 190. 42-p_ BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59 -if CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 661 Batkins Locker Storage Quick Frozen Cohoe Salmon Fillets per lb. 50c Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Smoked Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Haddock Fillets per lb. 40c Solo Fillets per lb. 45c FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES in Heavy Syrup, per pkg. 40c FRESH rataziaN RASPBERRIES pkg. 40c FRESH FROZEN PEAS pkg. 30c WE BUY HIDES Frozen Foods are I3etter Foods BIRTHS BROWN — i ,Simeoe, on Saturday, October 5, 1946, to lair. and Mrs. Percy Brown, .Simcoe, formerly of Clinton, a daughter. JOISLING—,In Clinton Public Hoe- pital, on Monday, October 14, 1946, to Mr. and MTS. Elgin Jesling, R.R. Olinton, a on. WRIGHT-1n Clinton Public Hos- pital oat Tuesday, October 15, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Fileneall, a daughter (Christine Meaner). WHITE—In Olinton Public Hospital en Wednesday, October 16, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. John White, Clinton, a daughter (JoAnne), • MARRIAGES BURDGE-JOHNSTON—At the home of the 'bride's parents, Peer Line, .Stanley Township, on Saturday, October 12, 1946, by Rev. Reba Hern, Helen Agnes, only daughter of Me. and 1VIrs. Alfred Johnston, to William George, younger son of Mr. and Mre. F, J. Burdge, Bruce - field. COLLAR-SUNDEROOCK — At the home of the bride's' parents, Con- cession 14, Hullett Township, on Saturday, October 5, 1946, by Rev,. Arthur ;Sinclair, Blyah United 'Murrell, Elinor Audrey, daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. J. Charles Sunder - cock, to Reginald T., son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Collar, Wingham. DALE-MeOLURE—At the home of the bride's parents, MeEillop Town- ship, on Saturday, October 12, 1946, by Rev. W. J. Patton, Catherine Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure, to Elgin Archibald, only son of Mx. and 'Mrs. Theodore Dale, Hullett Town- ship. 0AKE5-1VIeCU1jL0UGH — At Holy Trinity Rectory, Hayfield, on Sat- urday, Ontober 12, 1946, by Rev. • R. C. Holmes, Edna Elizabeth, eld- est daughter of .Mrs. lVfeCellough and the late Ben 1VIc0ullough, and Richard Harry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oakes, eall of God- erich Township. DEATHS ARMSTRONG — In Parkwood Hos- pital, London, on Sunday, Oetober 13, 1946, Minnie Teresa Armstrong, :formerly of Hayfield. Interment Hayfield Cemetery, October 15. MOORE—In Alexandra General and Maxine Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, October 12, 1947, Mrs. IVIary E. Moore, Auburn, in her 87th Veal:. Funeral from Miss Susanna Blair's residence, Auburn, to Ball's Cemetery, October 12, CARD OF THANKS Nr. and MTS. Carmen Tebbutt wish to bake this opportunity of sincerely thardeing all those who so kindly helped out both during and after the disastrous fire which destroyed their barn. 42-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many neighbors and friends for all the' kiralnesses and visits, the lovely gifts, cards and flowers which I received during my illnees; also a special thanks to all the nurses in (Minton Public Hospital and to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison. Signed Verna Pollock. 42-p RHEUMATIC PAINS Quickly relieved and Kidneys stimulated by RUMACAPS PENNEBAKERB DRUG 513055 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT THE • Court of Revision Will meet at Clinton on THE 29T11 DAY OF OCTOBER, 1946, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening In the Council Chamber, re the Matter of ASsessment Appeals 41-42-43-b The Municipality of the Town of Clinton M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer. Metal -Surfaced, Sponge Rubber, WEATHER STRIPPING Installed by EXPERT CARPENTERS FLEXOTITE suspends windows in a resilient cushion of sponge rubber protected by a metal surface - DRAFTPROOF, DUSTPROOF, WEATHERPROOF - combining economical and eff Went insulation with smooth, silent operation . Makes doors weatherproof and slamproof. Elintinates Drafts, Stops Dust and Soot Entrance, Saves Fuel. ESTIMATES FREE SUPPLIED BY Mitcheal McAdam Flexotite Sales and !Service BOX 448 CLINTON Results r . ROXY THEATRE CLINTON ' CAPITAL .THEATRE GODERICH •SEAFORTH -..............-............. ' REGENT THEATRE Now Playing—"A WALK IN THE SUN' with Dana Andrews Now Playing---"13ADMAN'S TER- RITORY" starring Rau o h 'S d I p . cott N ---ow Playing—Ingrid Bergman in SPELLBOUND" Mom, Tues., Wed— Ingrid Bergman .. Gregory peck and Jean Acker — Persecuted by his past so that only love saved him from, the terror of insanity. A Picture that 'will hold you " SPELLBOUND " Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features Joan Davis - Jack Oakie and mischa Auer—She wrote a blush- ing best-seller then had to live it out, . "She Wrote the Book" Joan Leslie Sad Robert Hutton co-starred in a bright and youth- ful romance "Too Young To Know" Mon., Tues., Wed. Claudette Colbert - John Payno and Don de Fore—Subtle and so - phisticated is this madcap, care - free, thoroughly delightful boy - meets -girl story. "Without Reservations" Thurs., Fri., Sat. "She Wrote the Book" Joan Davis, the queen of comedy, goes glamorou.s •and the fun goes whamerous in this refreshing eel- lege yarn — Joan Davis - Jack ,Oakie and Mischa Auer • Thur., yri., Sat. . Joan Davis - Jack Oakie and Mischa Auer — A riotous' comedy ,about a g•irl who wrote herseif into a lurid purple life. "She Wrote the Book" • Thurs., Fri., Bat. Fred MacMurray - Ann Baxter and Burl Ives—Mix a bit Or range melody into the greatest outdoor story of the year—In Technicolor "SMOKY" Coming --Claudette Colbert in "WITHOUT RESERVATIONS" Coining -- "NIGHT AND DAY" with .Cary Grant and Alexis Smith Coming—"TO-MORROW IS FOR - EVER" with Orson Welles Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat—Wed.' pmSat. Holidays, 2.30 , Matinees—Sat, Holiday, m s, Z30 p.. r sFriendship Club To Re -decorate SS. Room Nineteen members of the Girls' Friendship Club of St Paul's Church, met at the home of Mrs. L. J. (Skip) Winter on Wednesday, evening; Oct. 9, and had a very enjoyable meeting. Plans were made to re -decorate the Primary Room of the Sunday School. Mrs. J. G. MeLey and her committee were to look into prices of materials etc. Will all members please note that the next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, October 23, at eight o'clock, at the home of Miss Evelyn Hall. They are requested to turn in all knitting for the bale to be sent to Endeavour, Sask., -and are also asked to bring along a toy or book for this bale. Let's have a full at- tendance at this meeting. Bride -elect Honored Prior to Her Marriage In honor of Miss Marjorie Carter, a bride -elect of mid-Octeber, a mis- cellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Florence Kirby, Satur- day evening. The rooms were tastefully decorat- ed for the occasion and the bride-to- be was the recipient of many useful gifts. Gaines -were played and refresh- ments were served and a very enjoy- able evening was had by all present. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Al! persons having claims against the Estate of ELLA MAY AKAM, late of the Town of Clinton, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 7th day of September, 1946, are hereby notifieci to eend in to the undersigned on or before the 261h day of October, 1946, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have no- tice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any persons of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have no- tice for the a.ssete so distributed or any part thereof. DATED. at Seaforth this 1st day of October, 1946. II. G. MEIR, 41-42-43-b Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for Executor. Place Your Order Through • Fairclough and Co. LIMITED 80 RICHMOND ST., WEST, TORONTO LOCAL REPREISENTATIVES: Clinton—W. N. HOVEY, Telephone Clinton 118 Bayfield -J. E. HOIrE'Y, (Sub • , Agent), Telephone Clinton • 63121 41-42-e PLASTER 1 REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son • Plastering Contractors Box 23 • - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. EMIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Honor Freeman Family Before Leaving Farm A pleasant gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman and family, Hullett Town- ship, when a jolly time was spent together before they left the farm on which they have lived for a num- ber of years. The evening was spent in social chat and dancing- to music provided by Me. and Mrs. William Collins. Lureeh was served by the ladies. After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and Roy and Ross were called for- ward and presented with two lovely chairsand billfolds' for the boys. An appropriate address was read. Mr. Freeman replied suitably thanking their friends for their kindness. •imiossomosmarttaMeassar, .0ne Night. Town Hall, Clinton Oct. 30 8.30 p.m. Musical Varieties PRODUCED AND PERSONALLY DIRECTED BY Billie Bell Gregg STAR OF RADIO AND STAGE ADMISSION: 50c, plats Government tax 10c at the door 42-43-b ,M11E1M11•10111114 This Can Be Yours CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Interest 23/i% Payable Annually. Bond may be redeemed at Par at any time. Bonde in denominations of $60 - $100 - 3500 - $1,000 PRICE $100 For Full Particulars and Application Forms See Your Local Representative MR. H. C. LAWSON, Clinton, Phone 2513.13, Clinton • Goderich Township— MR. CLAYTON LAITHEWAITE, 11.11. 1, Goderich, Phone 93121, Goderich MR. MAITLAND DRIVER, KR. I, Goderich, Phone 9311-14, Goderich Henan and Hay East— MR, P. L. McNAUGHTON, Hensall, Phone 55, Heneall Hullett Township • MR. JACK ARMSTRONG, Londesboro, MK W. R. JEWITT, ma. 2, Dondesboro, MR. W. T. DALE, ILK 1, Clinton, Phone 25r33, Blyth Phone 850r4, Seaforth Phone mai, Seaforth Stanley Township— MR. GOLDIE GRAHAM, 11.5. I, Brucefield, Phone 627r5, Clinton 0. F. Carey St SON WEST ST. GODERICH 41-42-b TOMATOES FOR SALE Excellent Quality Pries Reasonable The season is nearly over; get yours now! F. W. ANDREWS PRONE 33 •CLINTON 39-tfb Girls --- Here's Your Chance To Earn While You Learn APPLY FOR PARTICULARS To The Superintendent Clinton Knitting Company, Limited 42-b