HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON 'WS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER • 17, 1946 Women's and eh mil Affairs in Clinton and District Departed Missionary Leaves Farewell Message The W.M.S. a Ontario St, United Church met Tuesday in the &hoot Hall. inn's. G. Shipley opened the meeting with the hymn "What a Friend we have Jesus," Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes took charge of the de- votions. Mrs. Rained and Mrs. D. Maltby read the Bible lesson and responsive lessons with Mrs. Holmes leading in prayer. The hymn, "On- ward Ohrietian &Idlers," closed this part a the meeting. A "Good Bye Message" was given to the society from Miss Sybil Cour- tice, through the president, as she left a few weeks ago to continue her work in Japan. Mrs. Farnham completed the Study Book dealing with "The Wise Master Builder." Mrs. W. Plumsteel gave the Watch Tower dealing with 'Om Debt to our Forefathers," pointing out some of the ways that we can re- pay them. Some interesting features of church woek in Seattle were told. Hymn 123 followed by prayer by Mrs. Pearson, dosed the meeting. o - Wesley -Willis W. M. S. Plans Joint Meeting The W.M.•S. of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Ohm -ch met in the Church Parlour on Thursday evening, October 10, with the president, Mrs. B. 0. Hearn, presiding and Mrs. A, T. Cooper at the piano. The meeting opeued by singing a hymn followed by prayer In, Mrs. Hearn. The minutes of the last meet- ing were then read and reports from all the •committees were given. There were 89 friendship calls reported. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha was appointed delegate to the Preebyterial'an Wall ton. A joint meeting of the Girls' Auxin iary and the W.M.S. will be held on Wednesday, October 23, in the form of the autumn thankoffering, when Mrs. D. J. Lane will be the speaker. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Sutter. Mrs: Trewartba led in prayer and MTS. A. Handy read the 'Scripture lesson. A very inter- esting talk on the study book "India" was given 'by Mrs. W. MeEwen. The Mizpah Benediction closed the meet- ing. Willi Miss Ruth Hearn, Toronto, was a holiday visitor with her mother Mvs. B. C. Hearn. ,Capt. Andrew Egan, Napanee, spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. 0'. McKinnon. , Mr. and Men Mervin Nott and Barbaea, Toeorito, spent Thanksgiving with their parents. Mrs. W. Leach, Toronto, was re- newing acquaintances in town ever the holiday weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cuningbame were guests of London friends on Thanksgiving weekend. MT. and Mrs. Elliott Ponnel, Ridge - town, 'visited with Mr. ani Mrs. F. W. Johnston last week, Ralph Trouten, Hamilton, was a weekend visitor at the hoine of Mr.. and Mrs. John A. Sutter, Mr. and, Mrs. Dell Brown, Tillbury, spent 'Monday and Tuesday with Mr. •and Mrs. Pletcher Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawldne, Ham- ilton, epont the weekend holiday with Mrs. W. Thomas Hawkins. Miss Dorothy Cornish, Toronto, spent the week end with hee parents Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cornish. •Mise Jean Vodden, Toronto, spent the week end holiday with her par- e -Ls Mr. and (Mrs.'W. j. Vodden. Miss Frances Cooper, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving week end with 'her parents, Mr. and Ales. Cecil Coop,er. • Miss Ruth Scott, L.Th., Toronto, spent the weekend and holiday with Miss Madeleine and Mrs. W. Thomas Hawkins. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Lane, Toronto, visited at the home of his brothers, Revs. Andrew and D. J. Lane on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Kelley, London, were holiday visitors at the home of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. James As McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril B. Hale, St. Cathimines, spent the weekend holi- In.~.1."PdnISMIN Prepare Now For The Cold Days Ahead CHILDREN'S 2 -PIECE SNOW SUITS - Zipper front - two-tone colors - Sizes '6 - 14x 10.95 - 11.95 12.95 COAT and PARKA SETS - Navy Blue, Lined - Sizes S M L 10.50 COAT and PARKA - Quilted style - Blues and Browns - Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 11.95 -LADIES' NAVY SKI PANTS - Sizes 14 - 20 5.50 CHILDREN'S 3 -PIECE COAT SETS - Pur trinimed - Good choice of Colors - Sizes 3 11.75 - 13.95 MARTINS THERMODRAFT THE AUTOMATIC RUE DAMPER ATTACH THIS DEVICE TO YOUR FLUE PIPE It automatically Controls the draft. It prevents over- heating of your range or furnace... it quickly pays for itself in fuel savings. The new wonder invention for use with Coal, Coke, Wood and Sawdust Furnaces and Stoves. You attach it to the flue pipe and PRICES set the control button and the Thermodraft $ 885 maintains the comfortable temperature you . desire. No raging fires and overheated pipes - 6 and 7" $ 9.85 "8" 01.85 just a steady, maintained heat, high or low, as you want it. See it today: BALL BROS. PHONE 105 CLINTON day 'with the former'S sister, Mrs. Harey Cocheane. Mr. and Miss. Victor Healey, Toro - Tito, epent the- week end and holiday with the lattteine Parents Me. and Mrs. Noble Holland. Mr, and •M,TS. WO= B. Conron mad daughter Brenda were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. M; Nediger and family. Mrs. H. B. Combo spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs, Fletcher Troop, and Mr.. Troop, Mr. and Mrs. David Yolles, Toronto were renewing .acquaintances in town on Saturday, Mr, Yolles was formerly stationed at R. and O. S. Miss Mary Lane, •student at the Univeesity of Toronto spent the hol- iday week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs'. Andrew Lane. Mrs. Oliver •Durkin mid children, Billy and Berbera, Grand Valley, spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mts. A. D. Beaton. Mr. •and Mrs. Cali Quassier and Mrs. M. Devine, Buffalo, N.Y., spent the weekend with Mrs. M. Brady and Mr. and Mis. F. W. Johnston. Willis Cooper, Esher, •Surrey, Eng- land, avrived on Tuesday evening and is spending some thee with his par- ents, Mr. and IVIrs. A. T. Cooper. Mrs. Irene Henri spent a few days over the holiday weekend with her daughters, Miss Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. James 'Reynolds and family, all of Windsor. Mr. and- Mes. Reid Leonard, Ayr, Miss Arm Leonard, school teacher at Langton, and Harry Leonard, Bright, were guests of their uncle, Fred Leonard on Sunday. Mr. and MTS. Charles Layton and Mr. and Mvs. George -Coates, and son, Toronto, were -weekend and holiday visitors with MT. and Mrs. Frank Layton and other friends. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel of the staff of the Collegiate Institute and Vo- cational nchool, Belleville, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Pluensted. Weekend visitors with Mrs. I. M. Nay included Mr. and MTS'. Ross Mc- Cartney and son Billy, Beachville, Mrs. A. St -thigh= and Miss Etta 'Wheatley, both of Woodstock. Mrs. George Jackson and daughter and sou, Miss Evelyn and Billy Coop- er, left on Tuesday Inc Mint, Mich., where theyevill in future reside. They had spent several weeks at their home in town. Robert Hale motored to Toronto, accompanied by nis sister, Miss Marjorie, and another, Mrs. 0. B. Hale, and spent Thanksgiving with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Hartley. They attended the •Shriners' circus at Maple Leaf Gardens, Mr. and Mrs. Binford Cdquhorm and daughter, Ruth Helen, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M, Break- er Zuride spent Thanksgiving Day with IVIr. and IVIrs. A. B. Corlees and IVIr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless at their cabin "Heerweebee" at Burk's. Mr. and MTS. Fred Lawrence, Ham- ilton spent the week end with the lady's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend. On their return they were accompanied by the ladies' mother, Mrs. Frances Trick, who will spend the winter with them in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Logan wild' have been the guests of the former's sister, •Mrs, D. Laidlaw and her fam- ily during the past week, left Monday for their home in Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. William Logan and Mrs. Naftel, Myth, were also mesent and a pleas- ant family gathering was held. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich and son Harold, spent the weekend visiting Mr. a,nd Mrs. Ernest Mich, Ferndale., edicts., and iSle. and Mrs. Gilbert Brawn, Pontiac, Mich., also Mr. and IVIrs. W. E. Miller, Royal Oak, Mich. On Monday before retuning home Mr, Crieh was his brothen• s guest at the Exchange Club banquet, held in First Methodist •Church, Ferndale. Miss Lorraine Pridhant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pridham, Detroit, Mieh., is, making good in a singing career in New York. Aftee studying several years in Detroit and the past three yens in New York, she 'has- recently been seleeted as one of twenty for the Radio City Music Ilan Choral group. She was also chosen to do radio choral work for Station WOR -MBS in New York. Miss Pridham is it coloratura soprano. Mrs. Pridharn was the former Etta Cook, sister of J. R Coon, Clinton. 'Put new life into your ches- erfield with a resuphelster. • ing job. This is frequently more satisfactory than a complete new one, Phone NEWS -RECORD 4, and we • will call and give you an estimate, No obligation. Dick The Upholsterer iNemminnems. 4/11•111111111MIIMMIIIIIIIMI 11.11*C %Celt sags - There's nothing better than a delicious cake for those snacks and lunches. There's noping harder to provide without the best ingredients. Use King Pastry Flour JP and make good cake -baking easy. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mitch- ell, wish to announce the engagement of their only -daughter, Mildred Irene, to James Ivison Torrance, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Torrance, Bay- field, the marriage to take place to- ward the end of October. , ' • Ladies to Make Clothing For Children Overseas ,Surinemphill Ladies clule met Octob- er 9, De the home •of Mrs. R. Neil, with the president, Mrs. G. Smith, in the chair. Alter quilting a." quilt, the meeting was opened by singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds," followed by the Club Prayer and the Lord's 'Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting 'were read and approved and also the treas- urer's report was' given. There were 18 members and six visitors present. It was decided that the Club make clothing for children overseas. Mrs. 11. Murch and Mrs. William Jenkins volunteered to peovide.thd lining and 1VIrs. a Farquhar the batt for the next smile Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. • The next meeting will be held November 13, at the home of IVIrs. H. Kurth and the hostesses will be Mrs. R Blake, Min, C. Farcrahae, IVIrs. W. Hogarth, and IVIes. F. Vodden. The roll call will be answered by sug- gestions on how to raise money and the ladies responsible Inc the pro- gramme are Mrs. Lovett, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs, A. Vodden and Mrs. R. Neil. 0 Miss M. Haberer Honored Prior to Her Departure .Members of the Health and Hos- pital Committee of Huron County Council, their wives, and the County nunses entertained at a dinner in the British Exchange Hotel, God- erich, in honor of Miss Mildred Hab- erer, of the county nursing staff, whose marriage takes place the lat- ter part of October, Counby Clerk N. W. Miller read a short address, and the presentation of a handsome chest of silver flat- ware was made by Arthur Nicholson, Tuckersmith, chairman of the com- mittee. All present voiced their aPprecia- tion of Miss Haberer's work, and regret that she was leaving the nurs- ing service. Reeve R. 33. Cousins, Brussels, pre- sented a series of sound films. CLINTON W. L - Clinton Woinen's Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, October 24 at 2.30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ontario Agricultur- al Office, A demonstration will be given and also a paper on "Citizen- ship." Ladies are cordially welcomed. Stephen Foster's Lite Reviewed at Meetin The singing of hymn 643 followe by the Lordn Prayer in ianison open ed the Ontaber meeting of the Girls Club of Wesley -Willis -United Church Mrs.:C. M. Shearing, the pnesident was in the eh•air, and Min. -M. j Agnew was at the piano. for th evening. Miss Elva Wilese, in fine voic eeng "Pale Moon" and "The Fa. Little Fellow with his• IVaaminy's bi Eyes." The speaker of the evenin was Mae. Reginald Ball, who present ed an interesting review of tbe lif of 'Stephen Foster., The devotional period was in charge of Iles. Myrtle Murray wh read the •Scripture lesson •evith Mis J. Tames leading in prayer. The Miz pah Benediction closed the meeting Mes. Milton Steepe's group serve a delicious 'lunch and more than 3 members and visitors enjoyed a socia hour. • -0 , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spencer Honored by Friend An enjoyable evening wat spen at the home of Me, and Mrs. Jo Blake, Hullett trOWIlSaTiA, esehe friends and neighbours gathered t spend a few hours with 'Mi'. and Mrs Sam Spencer and daughter Patsy. The first part of the evening wa spent in dancing with music supplie by Mr. and Mrs,. Devereaux, Ear Healy, and Kelly Bros., Blyth. Before luneh, the young coupl were called to the centre of th floor and an address was read b Aanolcl Dale, and a rocking chair an sewing cabinet were presented b Reta and Margaret Carbert. A dol was presented to Patsyand numeron other gifts were also given the youn couple. •Sain replied in a few web chosen words. 'After lunch, dancing was again en joyecl ley all present. Huronic Rebekah Lodge Officers are Installe Mrs. Mary Nediger, Clinton, D.D.P. Stratford District No. 5, and staf were mesent at the regular meetin of Huronic Rebekah Lodge on Mon day, October 7, and installed th :following officers; 91,0.-4Mes. Mab Nickerson; VG. -Min. Maude Mu holland; Rec. Sec. -Mrs. Gertrud Sutter; Fin, Sec. ---Miss Bessie ,Smith Treas.-Miss Aphrew Steepe; War, Mrs. Ethel Gould; Con.--nliss Eman Levis; Chap.-Mts. Ahmie Glew; I. --Mrs. Vivian Knights; 0.G. -Mr Verna Heard; ILS.N.G.--eMrs. Haze Plumsteel; L.S.V.0.--Mrs, May Coo R.S.V.G.-Mrs. Mabel Jenkins; L, V.G.-Miss Amy Andrews; J.P.N. -Mrs. Maier Woman; Mies.- Mr Rose Nickle. At the close of the meeting ther was a social hour with lunch bein sewed. Bazaar and Tea Under the auspices of ' Woman's Association and Missionary Society of Holinesville United Church Saturday, October 26, 1946 in the Council Chamber, Clinton, at 2.30 p.m. FANCY WORK HOME BAKING PRODUCE BOOTHS Tea served from 4 to 6 o'clock MENM-Hani, .Salads, Bread and Butter, Tea-Pvice 35 cents 42-43-b CHURCH DIRECTORY Baptist Rgrv. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader 'SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 Rally' Day in the Church School at 11 ann. Parents and children are invited. Evening Worship at 7 P.M. The mfister will conduct the meeting. Remember the anniversary services ,at 11 A.M. and 7 PM. the last eSunday in October. Rev. A. D. Pemnan will bring the moinipg message and Rev. Harold Snell will speak in the evening. Plan , mew to attend. Presbyterian REV. b. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 10.00 A.M.--Sunday School 1100 A.M.--Serviee at Clinton "True Disciples" 2,30 PAL -Service at Rely:field Sunday, Ontober 27 -- Sacrament on the Lord's Supper. Ever b d I y o y we come. ••, St. Paul's Anglican REV. M. P. BULTEEL, Recto Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader STINDAY, OCTOBER 20 8.30 A.M.-Holy Communion 11.00 A.M.-Morning (Service 2.00 P.M.-Sunclay School 3.00 P.M. --Men's Bible Class All men welcome. 7.00 P.M. --Evening. Service Monday --•A, Y. P. A. !Social Evening at 8.00 P.M. Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. IL T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 Esrangelist C. M. Gingrich 10,00 A.M.-.Sunday School 11.00 A.M.-Morning Worship 7.30 P.11/I--Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8.00 P.M. -Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8.00 P.M -Worship Service Our Motto: Read Your Bible and Pray Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANA Minister Mrs. Morgan j. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 11.00 AM. --Morning Worship 12.10 -Church School 7.00 RM -Evening Worship Rev. L. IL Turner will occupy the pulpit at both services as the minister will be preaching at anniversary services at Victoria St. Church, Gocierich. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLPREY, Minister B. j. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E, Wendorf, Organist SUN:DAY, OCTOBER 20 11.00 A.M.-Morning 'Worship 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship Rev. W. J. Patton of McKillop charge will be the preacher at both services. MINISTER LEAVES 1 WINGHAM-4/ev' "T'• N' a '-'1 ,,, ("?" on, pastor of the Baptist Chaech here for the past two years, has re- igned his charge and accepted a call no Ajax Community Church, The latter is an interdenominational Church of the Baptist, Presbyterian and United congregations. Ile preach - ed his farewell messages Sunday, Oct. 13. VIII" , Gift Essentials for Tiny Tots to 1 3 Years, of Age i Bonnets ) [ Bootees Mittens Kid Shoes House Slippers , White Wool Hose • 1 Slips Dresses Rompers Rattles and Novelties i r Snow Suits and i Wool Pullovers Cardigans Teddy Blankets Carriage Covers Bunting Bags Shawls Sleepers Kimonas Three-piece Outfits . R. V. IRWIN Share a little of the Sunlight ; With those who live in i the ShadolV, - e --- ; o ,. Give Generously to the I i Canadan National Institute for the ., ,.., BLIND Tag Day - Sat. October 26 SPONSORED I3Y CLINTON LIONS CLUB 42-43-b e . Bazaar and Tea. Under the Auspices of LADIES AUXILIARY to Clinton Branch of Canadian Legion Saturday, Oct. 19, 1946 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER ' APRONS CHILDREN'S KNITTED WEAR. NOVELTY BOOTH , HOME RAKING and PRODT.TCE . TEAS SERVED FROM 3 to 5 O'CLOCK jellied Veal Salads Bread arid Butter Apple or Pumpkin Pie Tea 35e 41-42-b . For Baked Goods of the • Fmest uality • It's BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE I , CLINTON avonsesommmummormi=iiiikelosew Four Services In One Store -DRY CLEANING of Wearing Apparel, Small Rugs, Drenes, • • -PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT --LAUNDRY-Flat Work or Damp Wash -DYEING-Coats, Dresses, Suits and Uniforms ' • Gliddon's Press -Shop PRONE 115 TODAY WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Five-day Dry Cleaning Service Please Bring Your Own Coat Hangers!