Clinton News-Record, 1946-10-10, Page 6PAGE SIX MINTON NEWS -RECORD • THTIRSDAY,, OCTOBER I0,, 1949; Interesting Items From 'News -Record's Rural Correspondents •••••=1111•AMMOMMIMION11.11•11•10•11/INTIMMAIMMINNIN1.10.• NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: . MSS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631011 Mr. and Mrs, William Moran, Lon- W. Eviing Buchan who has spent don, spent Sunday in the village. the past five months with his sister, James Robinson, Loudon, was at Mrs. N. W. Woods, left on MondaY the family cottage o -v-6 the weekend. for his home in Seslcatoon. .0aPtain and Km. E. B. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. IL Bauer and family, spent a couple of days in London Mr. and Mrs.. E. J. Bauer and family, last week. • Waterloo, spent the weekend at their William L. !Metcalf is spending a respective tottag•es in the village. fortnight with his, mother, Mrs. W. Miss Lottie Greer and Norman F. Metealf. • Greer moved from .Stenley Township Laurie Fewlie, London, visited his to their new home on, Catherine St. sisters, Misses F. and Et, rowlie, over on Monday. We hid 'them welcome the weekend. to the village. Mr. and Mrs. .Cree Cook, Clinton, Misses F. and L. Morleyclosed were at their cottage "Lockame" over their cottage "Birchcliff", and left the weekend. on Saturday to visit their brother Miss M. Fairbairn and Mils. O. W An Bloomfield Hills; Mich., before go - Brown left on !Saturday to spend a ing to Hollywood, Florida, for the week in Toronto. winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and !Mrs, iSpeneer kvine had the rids -- family, Mitchell, were at thele cot- fortune to fall against her cook tage on Sunday,. stove one day last week when she Miss Christine McLaren, Port El- received a severe burn on her fora. gin, is visiting her aunts, Misses A. arm and also a cut from a glass jar M. and El, J. Sterling. • which broke in her hand.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couch and fain- In Clinton Hospital ily, London, spent the -weekend at Miss jean Sturgeon, youngest gSturr-R-Inn" cottage. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sting - Miss Milvena Sturgeon, London, eon, underwent an operation for re- sP.ent the weekend with her parents, moval of her appendix in Clinton Mr. and MTS. Willard !Sturgeon. Public Hospital on Wednesday morn - Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Frances and ing.. Jeans many friendi wish her babe, Mr. and Mrs. .Spencer Ervine a speedy recovery. spent the week end in Thamsford. Cottage Moved aVIrs. E. P. Lewis returned to Tor- The former William Osmond cot - onto .on Monday after having spent tage was moved on Tuesday from several days with Mrs. N. W. WOOdS• MTS, E. Antognini's property "Aintogs Miss A. Fernette and Miss A mini Acres" to the lot on Main Street Bingley, Detroit were at their re- recently purchased from Leslie El- spective homes in the village over Heft by George Foote. Mr. and 1VIrs. . the weekend. Foote and family are residing in it. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rogers returned to their cottage in the village on FISHING BOAT COMPLETED Saturday after having spent a few days in Hamilton, GODERICH - Another all -steel Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 1Vlanness, who fishing boat has been completed at have spent the summer at their cot- the George Mathieson shop here, and tage on Tuyll St., returned to their will be shipped on the steamer Super - home in London on Friday. ior when she makes her next trip. SUTTER & PERDUE PAINTS LONDESBORO PORTER'S HILL Mr. Lycliatt, Blyth, spent Friday with 'Mrs. Robert Youngblutt. llfre. J. Webster as visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. Webster., . Miss June !Manning spent the week- end with Miss Marion McDougall. 1VIrs. Langford, Toronto, is *end- ing a week with her niece, Mrs. G. Cook. Miss Edith Beacom spent the week- end with Me. and Mrs. George Neil, Kirlston. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carter spent Sunday with Mr. and IVIrs. Gordon dford, Rey. and Mrs. iAt D. Penman Mm. Robert 'Townsend and Mee. L.'Wele• stm spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. James !Mccool and Phyliss and Mr. and MTS. Jim Craw- ford, epent Sunday at Kincardine. :Mrs. john Kennedy returned home to Toronto on Friday of last week, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Stewart. Mr. and MTS. W. H. Lyon, Thorn - dale, are visiting the former's moth- er and sister, Mrs. E. Lyon and Mrs. C. Watson, this week. Mr. and IVIrs. 2"red Meadows', Wind- sor, visited with Mr. and MTS. Geo: Garrett and Mr. and Mrs. D'. Carter last week. Mr. and Mes. Herb Oakes, Hairy and Isabel, Goderich Township, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George IVIcVittie, Mr. and 1VIrs. J. H. Shobbrook re- turned home on Wednesday of last week after spending three weeks in Toronto and Othavva. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest and Mrs. E. J. Certevford and Johnston, spent Friday with Mrs. Margaret Bal- lantyne, Brussels. Mrs. Margaret Manning spent Sat- urday at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Me and Mrs. Perey Manning, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hick, Hillsdale, Mich., and Me. anal 11Irs: Robert Gregory and Patty, Marchel, Mich., spent .Satarday with Mr. and Mrs. . H. Shobbrcjok. Garry Cook, and Mr. and 1VIrs. Robert Anspaek, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. William Tamblyn and Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Tamblyn ac- companied them to Toronto for a 'eek. Marks Her Birthday Caegratualtions to Mrs. Margaret Manning who celebrated her birthday on .Sunday. Seriously Ill Mrs. Mules Stesvart is at Present seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, .Seaforth. Anniversary Speaker Rev. W. J. Patton, Winthrop, will „occupy the pulpit here on Sunday and Rev. A. Penman will preach anni- versary services at Bethel. Sacrament Rites The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in the United Church on Sundaes in observance of World -Wide Communion Sunday. Advertise your livestock in The NEWS-REGORD. One cent a word, CRANBERRY PIPPINS Excellent Keepers and Cookers $1.50 PER I3USHEL in your own containers PUMPKINS for Pie or Apple Butter 2 cents per pound Prices at the farm APPLY Colin Lawson HAYFIELD TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES County of Huron, Province of Ontario To Wit: BY wairuz 05' A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the County of Huron, bearing date the 12th July, 1946, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes thereon, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paul, I shall proceed to sell the said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon' at the office in the Court House in the Town of Goderiche by public auction, on November 4th, 1946, atthe hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said lands resertin unsold an adjourned sale will be held on November 19th, 1946, at the same time and place at which the Municipalities may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands, TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Name and Description Years . in Arrears Lorne McKenzie -Lots MS 3-5-21, Con. 4 ED 1943-4-5 TOWNSHIP 05' GREY Win. McNair, Sr. -Lot 11, Con, 10 1943-4-5 TOWNSHIP OF HAY D. R. Conway -Lot '1, N. Turnbull Survey . . ..... 1943-4-5 TOWNSHIP OF HOWIOK Thos. Wilson--1V1ill Reserve, Fordwieh 1943 Della Jeffrey -Pt. Lots 2 and 3, Culross St., Belmore 1943-4-5 Violet Milligan -Lots 7-8 Mill Ste Wroxeter 1943-4 TOWNSHIP OP IITJLLETT Win. Craig -Pt. Lot 45, Con. 14 1943-4 10 . 58 2.27 12:85 TOWNSHIP OF IVIORIRIS Taxes $39 .60 838.27 1L85 44.22 80.10 25.10 Costs Total $3.00 $42.60 10.55 343.82 2.30 3.05 2.75 2.63 14,15 47.27 32.85 27.73 Frank McCaughey -N. % Lot 16, Con. 9 1943-4-5 241.75 8.05 249.80 C. Campbell Estate--S.W. 14 Lot 18, $.% Lot 19, Co. 3 1943 144.04 5.61 e50.25 Nelson Douglas -N. pt. Lot 24, Con. 9 1943 16.00 2.38 17.38 ' TOWNSHIP OF TUCHERSIVIFIli Geo. Mennell Eetate-Pt, Lot 15, Con, 1 IIRS 1943-4-5 TOWNSHIP OF mAer WAWANOSH Hugh Rinn, Wm. Patterson -Lot 35, Con. 8 1943-4-5 Isabella Young -NE. pe. Lot 36, Con. 10 1943-4-5 Chas. Martin -S. % S. 1/2. Lots 28-29, Con. 12 1943-4-5 James Martin -N. % Lots 28-29, Con. 12 ..... . 1943-4-5 VILLAGE OF SPTJSSELS Angus Campbell Estate- Lots 57-58 Mill St. 1943-4-5 Maria Campbell Elseate -Los 604 Mill St, 1943-4-5 May Richards -Pt. Lot 268 DIM St, 1943-4-5 Andrew Tennant Estate ---Lots 172-175, 178-9 James 8± PKV, Maple 1943 All of the above lots are patented Goderich, Ontario Jult! 19th, 1946. Published in The &Amite Gazette, August 3rd, 1946 17.77 -300.92 3.26 192,02 328.19 2.45 9.58 2.26 6.80 10 . 20 91-.92 7,05 . 6,96 2.26 . 5.96 2.25 23.-38 - 2.60 2022 . 3111.45 5.51 198.82 338.89 ' 98.97 821 8.21 26.98 A H. EllISKEsTE, Comity Treasurer 83-36-40-b Miss Betty! Newton spent a week's Vacation in Toronto. Oongretulations to recent 'newly - Weft, Mr, and 1VIrs. Jim Young and Mr. and aVire. Doug. Robinson. Ilfr. and Mrs. Will Manning, Gail and Zone, Londesbore, spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mes. Arlie Lockhart. Rev. G Stotesbury has returned from a vevy pleasant holiday spent at Wawa, Northern Ontario. Com- munion eervice was conducted on Sunday in Grace .Ohurch Improved in Health We are glad to. know Milton Woods is much improved in health following treatment received in a London hos- pital. ,Ifold Meeting Oct. 23 The Community Club, which was to have met Wednesday, Oct. 16, instead will nteet Wednesday!, Oct. 23,, owing to Plowing. Match. This meeting is to be at the holm of Mrs. George Greenslade. Grace Church News Sunday, October 13, there will be no service at Grace Church owing to anniversary services at Holmesville. 11 wee decided to have anniversary services at Grace Church, October 20, if a speaker tan be secured for that date. Mrs. Cox Recovering We are pleased to know that Mrs. Les. Cox is making a satisfactory re- covery following her mishap when she fractured a bone in her ankle. Mr. atd Mrs. Lawson Lockhart and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Herald and daughted Ann, all of Royal Oak, Mich., and Jeck Herald, University student, .Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart. BRUCEFIELD john Rohner spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Roy Leppington, Clinton visit- ed Mrs. Archie Mustard one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKenzie, Detroit, spent the weel end -with Mrs. H. Zapfe. 1VIrs. Elsie Forrest, London, spent the -week end with Mn, and Mrs. Arthur McQueen, Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne, London, spent a few days lest week with relatives here. 1VIrs. Robert Dawson has returned home after spending a month with her !Mother at Inwood. 'AUBURN „Arthur Yungblut spent the week- end with friends in Detroit. Elmer Keller, Windsor, spent the weekend at his home here. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberton, Sea - forth, spent Sunday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. William Roberton, Mr. and 1VIrs. Edgar Lawson visited Miss Sadie and 1V1r. Joe Carter, Port Elgin, on Sunday, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Raithby on Sunday were Mr. Alva Wray and son of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle are spending a month with Mr, and Mrs, Beverly French and other relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby and Gordon and Paul Raithby, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and .MTS• Jeremiah Taylor. ,Mr. and ,IVIrs. James Roberton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. _Manning, have returned home from a visit with friends at Haliburton. Visitors at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs, a E. Asquith over the weekend were their son, Reginald Asquith of Toronto; Mrs. Asquith's niece, Miss Virginia Williams of Springfield, Ill., end Mrs. Aequith's sister, Mis. has. McNeil and Mr. 1VIcleTeil of Toronto. Service Withdraw', The Presbyterian Church have withdrawn its service for next Sun- day inefavor of the Anglican Harvest Home Services, Harvest Home Services Harvest Home !Services willbeheld in St. Mark's Anglican Ohurch next Sunday, October 13, at 11 a.m. and '7.30 pm., when Rev. H. C. Jen- nings, Morpeth, will be the guest speaker. The choir will render special Music, Presbyterian Services Auburn Presbyterian Church te- slimed morning service Sunday after holding it in the .afternoori during the summer. The minister, Rev. Mr. McConnell, chose as his text, "And he must needs go through Samar- ried." It was emphasized that inen should always follow the spirit of God throughout their lives. The Sunday Shcool, normally earl' celled at the end ol October for the winter months, ended with last Sun- day's session, because of the number of anniversaries to be observed dur- ing the remainder of October. Ser. vices will not be held in Auburn Presbyterian Cheech for the next two Sundays because of anniversary services in Auburn Anglican Chinch, and Blyth Presbyterian Church re- spectively. Then on October 27, an- mversary 'services will be held in Auburn Presbyterian Church, Successful Concert The Grandmothers of the Commun. ity presented a concert and mock wedding in the Foresters Hall on Thursday night, sponsored by the Women's Institute. The wedding party consisted of the bride, Mes. E. Lawson, the bridesmaid, IVIrs. William Anderson, the groorn, IVIrs. George Sturdy, the best man, MTS. H. Arm- strong, the minister, Mrs. A. Camp- bell, the bride's father, Mrs. William Roberton, the mother, Mrs. IL Meg. ridge; soloist, 1VIrs. William Craig,. Following the wedding a reception was held when the following program was enjoyed; chorus by the grand- mothers; reading, Mrs. A. Walper; orchesbra number by Mrs. W. T. Rob- ison, Mrs. William Craig, Mrs. Wil- liam IVIavsli, Mrs, James Craig; solo, Km. William Roberton; reading, Mrs. Fred Toll; double duet, Mrs. Robison, Mrs. William Arelemon, Mrs, Fred Plaetzer, Mrs. George 1Vrillian; read- ing, Mrs George Hamilton; Scotch duet, Mes. IT. IVIogriclge, Mrs, William Roberton; violin solo, Mrs. Williani Craig; reading., MTS. J. Taylor; or- cheetra number; reading, Mrs. J. Mc- Leod; eeseling, Mr. William Reber - ton; solo, .1VIrs. Fred Pleetzer; read- ing, Mrs, Albert Carripbell; trio, 1VIrs. Robisort, Mrs, Plaetzer, Mrs. Craig. Number by ICitchen Orchestra,' and a chorus by grandmothers. Mrs. R. a. Philips was accompanist for the enin g, GODERICH TOWNSHIP The S uality Tea 3m iilling bee, been about com- pleted 'ance'wet-very successful. Mr. 'and Mrs. R. McIntosh, lager - soil, were calling' on friends one day last week. George Ames, Algonac, spent the weekend with his cousine, Oliver and Ardim- Welsh. !Mr. and 1VIes. Roy Read and daugh- ters 'spent ISitieday with Mr. and MTS. Robert Welsh, Mrs. H. Lyon, Londesboro is spend- ing a few weeks' at the licime of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb. MT. and Mrs, Iley, London, have returned home after a 'honeymoon, spent at Deer Lodge. Mn and Mrs. Ohailes Wallis -and daughters, spent Sunday with Mr. and aVIrs. Will Addison, Londesboro. Mr. and Mr, Stewart Middleton were the guests on Sunday of Me. and Mrs. Robert Archibald, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. G. Willetts, Grosse Point, Mich., spent the weekend at their cottage at Hayfield Highlands. Mr. and Nes. Arthur Welsh, as. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnson., spent Saturday in London with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davenport, Marys ville, Mich., spent the weekend , with MT. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and other relatives. avir. and IVIrs. Campbell Fraser, Fort William, who have spent the summer season at Dem' Lodge, have taken a house in Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harrison and Walter and Mary, Weston, spent the week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Stirling. Janie Lobb returned Saturday af- ter spending, a month in Westmn Canada helping with the harvest He was working at Radisson, Sask. .Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Welsh, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, London, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyndall. Miss Mildred 'MaeD'onald, Kineav- dine, Miss Lois McLaren, Goderiale spent a week's holidays at Deer Lodge before eominencing their duties on the staff of Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich. Attended Big Sale Mt. and Mrs. Bill Stirling and Mr. and IVIrs. Stewart Middleton, attended Edwards Brothers Aberdeen -Angus sale at Anoka FSTT11S, near London October 4. It was one of the most outstanding Aberdeen -Angus sales in North Ammica this Year, 50 top quality animals selling for a total of $81,085. CONSTANCE allfrs. William Britton entertained the neighbors to a quilting last Thursday. Donald IStepheieson, AA; sipent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. 'Mr. and •Mrs. Lorne Lawson and MTS. Robert Lawson vieited with rela- tive in Goderich on Monday. Mr, and IVIrs. Lorne Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and family, Tuckersinith. Miss Doris Lawson spent a week at the home of her parents before being transferred to London from Toronto. Mrs. William Logan and Mrs. Naftel and son Logan, Blyth, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and Joan and Laurel and Mr. and Mrs. James Dale spent last Thursday in Kitchener, Mes. Art Broornley re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson returned home on Friday last, after spending a week with Mts. Lawson's cousin, II. Proctor and Mrs. Proctot, New Liskeard; also with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns and family, Newmar- ket. W. M. S. Meeting The Thanksgiving meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Dexter an Wednesday after- noon, October 9. Mrs, Gardiner, Eg- rnondyille, was the guest speaker. CANADA'S OK‘GINAI. Alit 0 thAl P1i'E IOSACCO OLD CHum ORANGE PEKOE For Bod,y and Fender Repair*? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of I3artliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 CFRB 7:RADIO BROADCAST fiorn TOWN HALL - CLINTON PRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 9.00 to 9.30 p.m. Featuring "Ontario Panorama" with Gordon Sinclair and Alan Savage INTERVIEWS WITH CLINTON AND DISTRICT CITIZENS (Sponsored by Willard's Chocolates) ENTERTAINMENT OUTSTANDING TALENT 8 to 8.45 P.M. DOORS CLOSE Polf BROADCAST AT 8.45 FOUR SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES (Hampers - IVIcINTOSH ,APPLES) ADMISSION: Adults 25, Children Inc DANCE from 10 P.M. - 1 A.M. Featuring KEN WILBEE'S BAND ADMISSION 50c PROCEEDS TO LIONS' CHILD WELFARE International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration Port Albert Airfield Tue., Oct. 15-Loca1 Day Open M residents of Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties Wed., Oct. 16 -Stubble Plowing 2.30 P.M. -OFFICIAL OPENING BY VISCOUNT ALEXANDER Governor-General of Canada Thur., Oct. 17 -Sod Plowing Inter -County Competition for Junior Farnters Fri., Oct. 18 -Open Competition -Sod Juvenile Competitions -- Stubble Horseshoeing Competitions Commencing at 2 p.m., October 16-17-18 HURON COUNTY PLOWING MATCH COMMITTEE HUGH HILL, Carlow, chairman LEROY • G. BROWN, Clinton, secretary