HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-03, Page 5"..THITESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE -FIVE News Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results One cent a wend, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of ., publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE X-IAWAHAN GUITAR .A.ND CASE In first class comlition. Apply Box •"R" NEWS -RECORD. 40-p -WORK TABLES; ALSO SMALL ,adding machine. Apply Canadian National Express Office. 40-41-b 1935 CHEVROLET TRUCK, one -and - a -half ton, stock rack. Apply Fred Hurst, R.R. 2, Seaforth, phone Sea - forth 861r22. 40-p SMALL MOTOR AND GRINDER— other tools, man's (size ,44) horsehide sheep.skin-lined .coat. Apply Mrs. Charles Anderson, Maple Sit., Clin- 40-p. ACCOMIVICIDATION 'WANTED WANTED TO RENT by responsible tusiness people, house or apartments: Will pay six months rent in advance. Phone 114, Clinton. 39-40-p LIVESTOCK F,OR SALE EIGHT LEPTLE PIGS---1Apply Louis -Carbett, phone 801x5, Olinton. 40-b 18 PIGS—SEVEN WEE'KS OLD — . Apply Wes. Hoggart, phone 805r22, -Clinton, R.R.,1. 40-p 30 LIT'PLE PIOSeight weeks old. Apply C. Williams " jr., -phone 901r4. 90-b FOUJEYOUNG PIGS', nine weeks old. A,pply W. E. Steep, Victoria Terrace, .near Bayfield River, Clinton. 40-p POULTRY FOR SALE 'HYBRID PULLETS, five months old. Apply Fred Hurst, RJE 2, Seaforth, ,phone Seaforth 851r22. 40-p 40 SUSSEX - NEW 'HAMPSHIRE 'Pullets. Apply Howard M. Crich, 1R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Ulinton'614r3. 40-p 'PULLETS FOR SALE--Hampshire- Barred Rock cross, Hampshire -Sussex ;cross and White LeghorE-Ro& cross. McKinley's'Farm and Hatchery, Phone Elensall 97r11. 40-41-42-43-49p 300 RED ROCK HYBRID PULLETS, live and a half months old. Apply Frank °rich, phone '61E2, Clinton. '40-p BO 'BARRED ROCK PULLETS, hatched April 1. 1946. Laying. Amity Ernest Erich, Olinton, phone • 814r24, .40-41-3) 125 SUSSEX PULLETS, ready to lay. Apply Gordon Turner, phone"906r5. '40-b f WANTED 'IVANTED—OEFIGE SPACE, heated, about 20 square feet. Apply Box "C" 'NEWS -RECORD 'FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED •apartment or roorns wanted immed- iately bp permanent •coutle with one child. Apply Box "W" NEWS - 'RECORD. '29-'404) FARM FOR SALE, .70 ACRES — one mile north of Holmesville. Price reasonable. Mrs, William Connell, phone Clinton 132-w. 40-41-p FARM FOR SALE — 50 ACRES good buildings, good water system, land in good state of eultivation. Apply NEWS -RECORD Office, 39-40-p ONE -AND -A -HALF STOREY Frame house in extra good condition. Could be moved or torn down, Apply Arnold Bothwell, It 3, Clinton, phone 905r32. 40-9. 50 ,ACRE FARiM — F'OUR MILES from Clinton, comfortable house and good barn; good bush. Could be used for mixed farming or for grass. Ap- ply Box "M" NEWS-RE.CORD. 40-b TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- national Salt Block; also one la in Clinton Cemetery. Apply A. J. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderieh. 28-Mfb WORK WANTED EXPEdRIENOED STENOGRAPHER desires position in Glinton. Apply Box "N" NEWS-REICORD. 40-p WAN11.3) TO BUY OLD mums and DEAD CATTLE, If dead phone at once. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert 936r21 or Fred Gil- bert 986r32, Goderich. 33-btfb HELP WANTED LINOTYPE OPERATOR for weekly newspaper plant. Steady position. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 40-41-b MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING PHONE 192. 40-b LLOYDS •CORN AND CALLOUS 'Salve gives immediate reilef from corns and callouses. 60c at Penne- baker's Drug Store. 40-42-46-b FLEECE LINE YOUR, HOME with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 36-37-38-39-40-41-41-43-44-p ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the •ages of 25 and 65—have or can secure travel outfit, this isyouropportunity to get established in a profitable busi- ness of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Que. 40-41-42-43-44b AMY Sales Lady Wanted We have an opening for a reliable sales lady desiring steady ' full time employment Experience preferred but not necessary. 'APPLY IN PERSON AT MARTINS DEPARTMENT STORE CLINTON 39-b Laborers Wanted For Sewer Jobs in Clinton GOOD WAGES :.See "Fred" on the job, at once J. A. LECLERC •'GENERAL ;CONTRACTOR 40-p SUGGESTIONS •May we Suggest u Few Reins for the Colder Days ahead rcoiArrs ' WINDBREARERS JACKETS -SWEATERS CAPS TEATS GLOVES MITTS DOESKIN slum TWEED PANTS SOCKS BREECHES Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes THONE 25 CLINTON 'X EXPERT VULCANIZING •24-HOU1 SERVICE Bring Your Tire Troubles to Us Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Phone 460 Victoria St. Clinton BIRTH'S DEEVESEEM Clinton Public Hos- pital on Tuesday, October 1, 1946, to Mr and Mvs. Thomas Deeves, Olinton, a daughter. FORREST—En Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, October 1, 1940, to Mr. and. 1VIrs. Dewan Forrest, Clinton, a son. FLOODY—In Women's College Hos- pital, Toronto, on , Monday, Sep- tember .30, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Wallace Floody, a son (Brian Eclward FULFORD — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, September 8, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulford, Goderieh, a daughter (Morita Marilee). .G1BBINGS — In. Stratford General Hospital, on Thursday, September 26, 1946, to Mr. . and Mrs. John Gibbing's, a eon. MARRIAGES FORRESTTEEPERY—At the par• sonage of tile United Church, Hen - sail, on Saturday, September 28, 1946, Margaret Edythe, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baal Treffry, Gromarty, to Ross James Forrest, younger son of Mr. and IMrs. William Forrest, Kippen, FERGUSON-JONES—At the United Church manse, Hensall, by Rev. It. A. Brook, Mildred Doreen, daughter of Mo. and Mrs, Norman Jones, to Ian William Fergusor., London, son of Mrs. McCormick, Galt. DEATHS IRWIN—At his home, 721 N. Main St., Wheaton, III., on Friday, Sept.. 20, 1946, John Howard Irwin, in Ms 68th year. Funeral from Col- lege Church of °twist, September 24, to Wheaton Cemetery. REID—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, September 25, 1946. Annie Cooper, widow of James L. Reid, in her 69th year. Funeral from the home of her father, Henry Cooper, Huron -Road, Seaforth, September 27, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth. STUBB1NGTON—Suddenly, at Radar and Communications School, Clin- ton, on Monday, September 30, 1946, Albert Vieton Stubbington, God- erieh Township, beloveI husband of allinnie Gibson. Private funeral from his residence, Sea% St., Goderich, October 2. WEBSTE.R.--.At the home of his son, Harry Webster, on Friday, Sept. 27, 1946, James Webster, in his 72nd year. Funeral from his son's residence, Hullett Township, near Aubuan, to Hope Chapel Cemetery, Sept. 29. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure .Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON • Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 663 Batkins Locker Storage Quick Frozen Cohoe Salmon Fillets per lb. 50c Cod Fillets Per lb. 35c Smoked Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Haddock Fillets per lb. 40c Sole Fillets per lb. 45e 'FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES in Heavy Syrup, per pkg. 40c FRESH FROZEN RASP)3ERIEES • pkg. 40e FRESH FROZEN PEAS pkg. 30c WE BUY HIDES Frozen Foods are Better Foods TITULAR COMPETITION KEEN AT FIELD DAY CLINTON COLLEGIATE (Continued from Page One) Peckitt, Bill Nediger; running hop. step ancl jump—Bill Nediger, John Peckitt, Francis Denomme; running high jump ---Francis Denomme, And- rew Neilson, John Peckitt; pole vault --Bob 1VIanaghan Francis Denomme, Gerald Elliott; shot Nedi- ger, Hugh Za.phe, Francis Denornme; 100 yard dash --Bill Nediger, Francis Denomme, John Peclutt; 220 yard dash — Bill Nediger, Francis Den- omrne, Andrew Neilson; I/4 mile — Bill Nediger, Andrew Neilson, Harold G ibbings. SENIOR GIRDS—Target throw— jean Elliott, Elinor Glew, Margaret Colquhouna baseball throw—Marion Peek, Elinor Glew, 1VIarie Glidden; basketball throw—.Marion Peck, Elin. or Glew, Irma Watt; soccer kick — Marion Peck, Elinor Glew, Marie Glidden; high jump — Margaret Colquhoun, Irma Watt, Lois Middle- ton; standing broad jump. — Marion Peck, Elinor Glew, Jean Elliott; run- ningbroad jump — Marion Peck, Marie Glidden, Lois Middleton; 100 yard dash—Marion Peck, Irma Watt, Margaret Colquhoun; 75 yard dash— Marion Peek, Irma Watt, Margaret Oolquhoun. INTERMEDIATE GIRDS—Target throw — 1VIany Thompson, Lois Doherty, Kit Fingiand; baseball throw ---Jeanne Garen, Isabel' Thuell, Delores MeN.all; basketball throw— Jeanne Garon, Isabell Thuell, Joan Fines; soccer kick-EGrace Lobb, Joan Fines, Betty Potter; high intim — Joan, Fines, Shirley Philp, Evelyn MacDonald; standing broad jump — Grace Lobb, Kit 'England, Nancy Ford; running broad jump--EGrace Lobb, Doreen McGuire, Kit Fingland; 75 yard dash—Kit Fingiand, Grace Lobb, Lois Doherty; 50 yard dash— LKoibtb.Finglantl, Lois Doherty, Grace JUNIOR GIRLS—Target .throw— Doreen Elliott, June Fletcher, 1VIErg- aret Cole; baseball throw—Madelon Cox, Anna Glew, Phyllis Hanly; basketball throw—Dorothy McGuire, Mary MacDonald, 1Vlarion Jones; soc- cer kick—Jean Gibbings, Mary 'Mac- Donald, Phyllis Shanahan; high jump —Jean McKinley, Jean Gibbings, Joyce Andrews; standing broad jump — Jean McKinley, Phyllis Hanly, Audrey Harris; running broad jump --Dorothy McGuire, Jean McKinley, Barbara Middleton; 50 yard dash— Marie McDonald, Anna Glew, Joyce Andrews; 75 yard dash—Anna Glew. Marie McDonald, joy& Andrews. CARD OF THANKS .Tames Livermore desires through the NEWS -RECORD to thank his many friends for the beautiful flow- ers, cards and fruit sent him while at the hospital M London. 40-5 CARD OF THANKP Mr. and Mrs. "Dick" Jacoa wish to thank the many friends for their kind- ness shown during the death of their daughter, Patsy, and their many floral tributes. 40-5 TIMETABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY (Effective Sept. 29, 1996) EASTERN STANDARD TIME Clinton to Toronto Eastbound No. 28 No. 36 Glinton . . 6.05 a.m. 8.03 p.m. .Seaforth 6.20 a.m. 3.21 p.m. Stratford Aar 7.10 Ern. 4.16 p.m. Stratford Lv. 7.20 a.m. 4.40 pm. Toronto Un. 10,00 aan. 8.00 p.m. Westbound Nos. 29 and 35 No. 37 Toronto Un. 7.30 am. 6.05 p.m. Stratf'd Arr. 10.46 aan. 9.25 p.m. Stratford LE 11.00 a.m. 9.35 p.m. Seaforth . . 11.51 a.m. 10.21 pan. Clinton . . 12.04 am. 10.35 pan. . Clinton to London Southbound Clinton 3.10 p.m. Bnueefield . 3.32 pm. Kippen . 3.44 p.m. Hensall . 3.53 p.m. London 6.25 p.m. Northbound London 9.00 a.m. Hensall . 10.34 a.m. Kippen . 10.46 a.m. Brucefield . 10.65 a.m. Clinton 11.20 a.m. BACKAC H E • Quickly relieved and Kidneys .stimulated by RUMACAPS. PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE Canada Savings Bonds Term 10 years Interest 23/4% - — For Particulars Consult H. E. RORKE Authorized Salesman Also agent for Fire, Automobile, Accident, and Sickness Insurance Office at rear of Royal Bank, Clinton 40-41-42-5 NURSES WANTED Graduates or Undergraduates For General Floor Duty, Eight -Hour Duty with a Six -Day Week APPLY , Superintendent, Memorial Hospital, Listowel, Ontario. 40-41-5 Sky Harbour Air Services GODERICH - ONTARIO Cub Aircraft — Lear Radios • FLIGHT INSTRUCTION—CHARTER 'SERVICE Complete Repair andStorage Facilities Operating The County of Huron Flying Club Phone 1180 • P.O. Box 309 ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON Now Playing—"SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT" with John Hodiak Mon., Tues., Wed.— Adult Entertainment "The LOST WEEKEND" A. dynamic picture sprung from the pages of a widely -discussed novel depicting the horrors of in- temperance -- Ray Milland, Jane Wyman and Phillip Terry Thurs., Fri., Sat. Susanna Foster, Turhan Bey and Man Curtis—A, fast-moving, ac. tion -laden, drama of the Barbary C'oast where men fought for three thing's, wealth, power and "FRISCO SAL" Coming --Claudette Colbert in "TO -MORROW IS FOREVER" Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing—"FRISCO SAL" with Susanna Foster Mon., Tues., Wed. Cornel,e Anita Louise and Jill EsmondAnd now, in Techni- color, the son of Robin Hood car- ries on the Eumily tradition. "The BANDIT of SHERWOOD FOREST" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jack EaleE Marcy Mc. Guire and Anne Jeffreys E.- Presenting a musical fun -show that's strictly hep and razor sharp. "Sing Your Way Home" Coming—"SPELLBOUND" with Ingrid Bergman REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—"A W.ALIC IN THE SUN" — Dana Andrews Mon., Tue., Wed. Ida 'Alpine, Paul Henreid and Olivia de Haviland with Sydney Greenstreet in a story of two devoted sisters and the strange man who came between them. "DEVOTION" TIME, Fri., Sat. Susanna Poster, Turhan l3ey and Alan Curtis—j riotous, roisterous tale of a gal who: shocked the most notorious coast of all. "FRISCO SAL" Coming—"SPELLBOUND" with Gregory Peck Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat.—Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 pm. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Barry and .Carol. Ann, spent the weekend in Niagara Falls. Miss Grace Lobb, a student of Clin- ton Collegiate Institute, was success- ful in capturing the Intermediate Girls' Championship at the Field Day on Friday last. This is her fourth year as a champion. Congratulation, Grace! Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery and daughter, Miss Eileen, Warren, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Welsh and Mr. and Mrs D. L. Stephen- son They motored down on Friday Barrett Cleaners 143 Downie St. STRATFORD, ONTARIO .1.4•••••••••.• Garments left at our office are picked up Monday, delivered Thursday. M. CRICH, agent, Barber Shop CLINTON Satisfaction guaranteed. Try us Income Tax Returns, Bookkeeping, Financial Statements for Farmera, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators and others. ARTHUR FRASER Telephone: Exeter 17 P.O. Box No. 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. IC. IlYndman, Huron Street, Exeter 37-38-39-40-h to be present at the graduation ex- ercises of Clinton Public Hospital, which took place in Ontario St, Unit- ed Church last Friday evening at which time their daughter, Miss Lois Montgomery, was one a the graduat- ing class. WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CEEB The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Tuesday, October 8, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker 'will be Mrs. Reg. Ball, and Mrs. Milton Steepe's group will be in charge. "SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND."-EIsa. 5516 "TO -DAY IF YOU WriT,T, HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS,"—Heb. 3:15 "IIE. THAT COMETH UNTO ME I WILL IN NO WAY CAST OUT."—John 6:37 — JESUS SAVES -- TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Watkin's Service Station Will Be Open Sunday October 6 Sunoco Gas and Oil - - - Gutta Pereha Tires Prest-O-Lite Batteries HURON ST. CLINTON When In Need Of Stove and Furnace Pipes Make Sure of Hand -Made Pipes — They Last HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Fleeting — Skeet Metal Work Agent for Bock Furnaces 11,11SPDBNCII 470 PHONE 244 1 PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Gordon R. Hearn OPTOMEEIRIST Will be at.the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn, Clinton, O'CTOBER 7, 8 and 9 PHONE 69 FLOOR SANDING With our new high-speed, dustless, floor -sanding machines, and wide experience in floor -finishing. Let Us Make Your Floors Like New CONSULT US TODAY Box 103 J. CREE COOK Clinton , Phone 23j 38-39-40-41-5 A Quality Product FOR DURABDE FLOOR FINISHES Sun Wax Paste 45c can Sun Self -Polishing 98c quart Sun Self -Polishing 59c pint Sun Magic Cleaning Soap, 25e can HAWKINS H AT ARDWARE r rgi7.7 PHONE: Business 244 Residence 598j CLINTON Clinton Machine Shop Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric Welding Machine Work General Repairing Operated by W. Seeley & Son PHONE 364 CLINTON 36-37-38-39-40-41-b +mem. an TOMATOES FOR SALE Excellent Quality Prices Reasonable The season is nearly over; get yours now! F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 33 CLINTON • 39-Vb Help Wanted Female —APPLY—. Clinton Knitting Company, Limited PHONE 117 - CLINTON 36-btfle