HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-10-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY; OCTOBER 3, 1946 . Women's and Church Attairs in Clinton and District TUCKERSMITH LADIES Telekersinith Ladies Club will meet at the home of Mrs. James Lands - borough on Wednesday, October 9, The roll call will be answered by suggestions for fall entertainment Programme is to be in charge of group two with group three in charge of the lunch. WESLEY-WILLIS W. M. S. The W.M.S. oe Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Ohm& will hold its regular meet- ing on Thursday, October 10, at 8 p.min the Church Parlour. Mrs. J. A. Sutter's group will be in charge and the study book will be presented by Mrs. W. McEwen. Special Clearance RADIO TECHNICAL BOOKS SHEET MUSIC MUSIC PORTFOLIOS for voice, piano, violin PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS 1/2 Price THE RADIO AMATEUR'S HANDBO,OK by American Radio Relay League ELEMENTS OF RADIO by A. Marcus and W. M. Marcus MODERN RADIO SERVICING by Alfred A Chirardi BASIC RADIO by J. Barton Hoag ELECTRICAL and RADIO DICTIONARY by Duttlop-Hahn AUDELS RADIO -MAN'S GUIDE by E. P. Anderson Music Portfolio I3LUES FOR GUITAR THE GRAB BAG ALBUM OE CHILDREN'S SONGS FOUR CHAIRMING LITTLE PIECES FOR VIOLIN and PIANO THE FINEST MUSK/ OF MOZART EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE SELECTED SONGS EVERYBODY'S. FAVORITE PIANO PIECES FAVORITE MELODIES FOR 'PHE PIANO THE FINEST WHIM OF TSOHAIKOWSKY THE KNEW 1VITTISIC OP LISZT SONGS OF VICTORY SAMMY EATES SUNDAY SERENADE JOHNNY MERCER'S MUSIC SHOP . AtIVIERICAN COWBOY SONGS—OLD and NEW PIANO PIECES FOR CHILDREN MARTINS SAVE HOURS ON FALL CLEANING CHORES wah these thriftily priced accessories PHONE US FOR QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE DUST MOPS Get one of these new durable dust mops.. Just the thing for your fall housework. 111 Galvanized Pails Size 14 and 16. Hot dipped in molten zinc — all seams are sealed. • Scrub Brushes • Hard*oodnon-warping back with coarse fibre bristles. Shaped to fit the hand. About 9 inches long. FURNITURE POLISH Renews the lustre of the original finish Wallpaper CLEANER, Greaseless, non - crumbling, easy and ready to use LIGHT BULBS --each 15c - 20c . BALL BROS. PHONE 195 CLINTON 1**001( says° If you long to make that "melt -in -your mouth" pastry every- one describes, use Pastry Flour You'll Get Results le ft HUNT iiv.IMNIOGNCORPORATION• C*4*1 4,10411111)11 I -111111111 I *1001 I 411 Mr. and 1VIes. W. Brooke Olde and small daughter, spent the weekend in St. Thomas, George Jackson, Flint, Mich., spent the weekend in town with Mrs. Jack- son and family. ,Mise ,Shirley G Sutter is spending this week in Waterdown and Toronto visiting relatives. ' MissErma Mair, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson W. Trewartha have returned from a pleasant trip through the Canadian West. Mrs, Luey Swan was in Stratford, Saturday, where ,she attended the Mc- Clure -Plaskett wedding, the bride be- ing her niece. Mr. and Mrs. Caryl W. Deaner re- turned Saturday after their holiday trip which took them out to the Pacific Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chapman and Mr. and MrS. Ross Chapman, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. lVfeCartneY. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Roberton and family, London, were Sunday visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Ines. George Roberton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swan who have been visiting the formers mother, Mrs. L. Swan and other relatives, have returned to their home in Shel- burne. George McPhee, Petrone, who is a guest of his son-in-law and ditug'11- ter, Me. and Mrs. Archie Douglas, celebrated his 91st birthday today, October 3. Miss lVfinnie Proctor has returned home after spending a vacation in Toronto, Ottawa, and Quebec Prov - Mee, going by plane from Toronto to Ottawa. James Livermore returned home on Tuesday rnuch improved in health after being a patient in a London Hospital. Mrs. Livermore spent the weekend in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Rice. Hamilton went Sunday with -their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. j Wakfer, and family They were ac- companied by Mr. and lVfes. Frank Rice, Hantilton, and Mr. and Mrs Peter Rice and daughter Janet, Galt Lieut. -Col. Stuart M. Charlesworth and Mrs. Charlesevorth, Quantico, Va. have returned after spending a few clays over the weekend with the for mer's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. IL W Charlesworth, Mrs. George MeOlen- nan and Mr. and Mrs. George Rob - erten. J. B. Lobb returned on Friday last from his eight-week tour visiting and sight-seeing to the West Coast and intermediate points. He visited friends and relatives at Bellingham. Wash., 'Vancouver, B.C., Edmonton, Alta., Winnipeg, Myrtle and Rolland, Man., and Toronto. In the west, both Vancouver and Winnipeg have a splendid system of parks, zoological gardens, art galleries and museums, Mr. Lobb says, For out-of-door scen- ery, the Rockies had a fascinating appeal for him. 0— RATION COUPON DUE DATE C'oupons now valid are sugar- peeserves 81 to S30, butter R18 to R21 and B26 to B27, meat Q1 to Q4 and 3451 to M53, ANNOUNCING . . . the RE -OPENING of May's7Studio 011 Oct. 1st Private Instruction in the Art of Sening Custom-made Clothing for Women and Children Consultations by Telephone Appointment only on Tuesday and Fridays of each week barring holidays and vacations between 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Office and Studio At Extreme Southein Entrance of Residence Off Shipley St Mrs. May E. Cuninghame No Deliveries PHONE 22411 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. Merles Sunderenck, Hullett Township, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Elinor Audrey, to Reginald T. Collate son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Collar, Wing - ham, the mareiage to take place early in October. O * Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, Brussels, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Eliza- beth, to Joseph Glen Nichol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Nichol, Brussels, the marriage to take place early in October. Mr. and Mrs, Robert McClure, Wkalton, wish to announce the en- pageinent of their youngest daughter, Oatherine Ruth, to Elgin A. Dale, eon on Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dale, Hullett, the marriage to take place the middle of October, • * * Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carter wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Blanche, to Weeley Ervin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBeide, Stanley Township, the marriage to take place quietly the Middle of October. * * * Mrs. Cameos, Wolff, Helleall, an - bounces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Shirley Ella, to Glenn Deitz, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Milton Deitz, Zurich, the wedding to take place Saturday, October 19, 1946. London Road Club Holds Its September Meeting The September meeting of the Lon- don Road Club was held with seven membersnand one visitor present, at Mrs. Managhan's home, with the president, Mrs, M. Wiltse, in charge. The meeting opened by the re- petition of the Club Creed. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and the roll call was answered by a proverb. The treasurer's report was' given. Mrs. Anderson was in charge of the pro- gramme and gave a reading. Little Miss Norman Bennett favoured the gathering with a solo. The afternoon was spent in piecing quilt bloelcs. The hostess served a lovely lunch. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Clegg on October 24, the roll call to be answered by "Sothething on Thanksgiving or Hal- lowe'en." Mrs. Managhan will be re- sponsible for the programme. Dr. D. G. Ridout, Toronto, At Ontario St. Anniversary This Sunday, October 6, the anni- veryserY services of Ontario St. Unit- ed Church, Clinton, will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Dr. Denzil G. Ridout, ERGS, Toronto, will he the guest (preacher Dr. Ridout is one of the officers of the United Church, is on the Execu- tive of the General Council and Gen- eral Secretary of the Missionary and Maintenance Department, a very im- portant mid responsible positron. He is a great preacher and noted lecturer and though a busy man, yet has con- sented to be with Ile for Sunday. The experience and information that he has through his, travels to every part of Canada and to the overseas fields of the church makes it possible for him to give very interesting, in- structive. and inspiring addresses. ,Special music will be presented by the choir, asissted by the Ladies' Trio of Harriston. RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the R. S. W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Elliott with 12 members pres- ent. It was decided to carry on the Red Shield for another term. A delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Charles Elliott and Mrs. Ken. The next meeting will be held , on October 8 in the Agricultural Board Room. Every member is asked to be present. RALLY DAY SERVICE W.M.S. Mission Bands Hold Ontario AT WESLEY-WILLIS PROVES SUCCESSFU A very successfue Rally Day set vice was held in Wesley -Willis Unit ed ,Clhurch on Sunday morning. Th service was in charge of the Senda School .Superintendent, John Nediger, Jr., with Mrs. M. J. Agne at the organ, Rev. Andrew Lane in his remark spoke on the theme "Behold 8sen you Forth." He stressed the Inc that we could not be truly Christie if we allowed jealousy to creep i We must help the other fellow ove his rough places too if we can. II felt that too often parents did no fully appreciate the work that th Sunday School is doing or tney wonl be more willing to co-operate wit the teachers and officere. If eve children need to learn "Love" it now when the world is in such turneoil, the speaker declared Assisting Mr. Nediger with t service were Misses Margaret Dale Eileen Sutter and Gordon Lane, wh read passages of scripture, and ME Jean Nediger who gave the stoi "Tridy Brothers." A junior cho rendered a number and Miss Man aret Holland sang a lovely solo. Th offering was taken up by four youn men of the Sunday School, Donal and William Andrews, Donald Hadd and Frank Fingland Jr. Rev. Andrew Lane conducted dedication of the parents, teache and officers. A very pleasing feature of t service was the promotion exercise Two classes of Juniors were promo ed from the Primary and will taken by Mrs. James McLaren an Benson Sutter. The beginners wei promoted to the primary departmei and the little folk into the Beginner Department. These children all pa sed through the flower -decked gat opened by Stephen Brown and Ca eron Addison, as Mrs. W. au. Nedig sang "Open the Gates." Goderich W. I. Members Guests of Clinton W. The members of Goderich Women Institute were the guests of the Cli ton branch of the Institute at the regular meeting last Thursday afte noon. The president, Mrs. Mervy Batkin, was in the chair and Mrs. .A. Snider, Goderich, presided at tbi piano. TMeeting opened with the sin ing of the Ode and the repeating the Lord's Prayer. The minutes we read and the treasurer's report w given, followed by several matte of correspondence. A communication was read fro the Bell Ringers trying to arrang for a concert in Clinton. This ma ter was left in the hands of th lenience Committee. Posters are to be made by th various branches of the Institute t commemorate the 50th anniversar of the founding of the Women's I stitutes. It was decided to ask Et Junior Institute to undertake thi task, to he assisted by the Senio group. A splendid programme 'Wee present ed by the ,Goderich folk. Abs. Wil ken, the Goderich president, present ed a splendid paper on "Happiness. Mrs. J. .A. Snider favoured with a instrumental. Two very lovely solo were sung by Kenneth LeMaire. humorous skit, "Over the Garde Fence," was very dleverly portraye by Mee. LeMaire and Mrs. Price. Mrs. r. 38. Nay and Mrs. J. L Heard moved a hearty vote of thank to the Goderich ladies for the splen did programme. A. delicious lune) was served by the hostesses. and th meeting closed with the Nationa Anthem. JUNIORS MEET OCT. 8 ,Clinton Junioe Institute and Junio Farmers will hold their regela October meeting on Tuesday evening October 8, in the Collegiate Institut Auditorium, at 8.30 o'clock. A goo programis being planned. CHURCH DIRECTORY Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Bible •School -11.00 AIVI. Evening Worship -7 P.M. The pastor will bring messages from the Association gathering held at Sarnia this week. The Lord's ,Supper at the close of Evening Worship. 4111111111111111110111111111111116. Put new life into your ches- erfield with a re -upholster- ing job. This is frequently more satisfactorythan a complete new one. Phone NEWS -RECORD 4, and we will call and give yo0 an estimate. No ohligation. 1Dick The Upholsterer Nommarimir ' Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLPREY, Minister B. S. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist SUNDAY, 001'013ER 6 , Anniversary Services Morning Worship. -11.O9 A.M. Evening Worship -7.00 P.M. Dr. Denzil G. Ridout F.R.G.S., Tor- onto, gueat speaker at both ser- vices. There will be special music by the choir, a ladies trio from Harriston and piano and organ numbers at bath services. The Sunday( School session is with- drawn. • Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist mid Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 10.00 A.M.—Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—"Jesus and Man's sources" 2.30 P4M.--4Service at Bantiord Everybody wele.ome. Re - St. Paul's Anglican REV. 18. M. I'. BULTFJEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. .7. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 1E00 A.M.—Morning Service Rev. D. S. Henry 9.00 P.M.—Sunday School No evening service on account of Ontario St. United Anniversary. ThendaY—Women's Auxiliary at the Rectory at 8 p.m. Wednesday—Board of Management, at 8 p.m. Clinton Pentecostal • Tabernacle REV. II. T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Elvangelist C. avr. Gingrich 10.00 A.M.—..Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7.30 P.M.—Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8.00 P.M.—Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8.00 P.M—Worship Service Our Motto: Read Your Bible and Pray Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDNEW LANE, 'Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and .Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 World -Wide Communion Service 11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship - The Lord's ,Supper " Let every member be present at this service if possible. 12.10—Church &heel Evening service withdrawn .4:hie to Ontario St, United Church ArtM- ' vereary. St Hears a 100, _ Bands . e. byterian 1' successful r, ervicee v eriCh Greetings e sented a Baatura e Sanderson. e bit. e teeial e charge t don e ton e each h Presbyterial e talk a ,e Bisset " bouquet ° S leader. Y 0 Very Successful Rally •Excellent Programme foi- - the cd - el was - tin the With an attendance of more than the annual rally of the Miseion oe Huron: Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary SocietY,, Pies- Chnrch of Canada, was a event. The opening en- were conducted by the Cod- ban d with Ruth Reid preei ding. to the visitors were pre - in rhyine by Evelyn IVIeCabe, Ann IVIVittie and Carol Ann ,A group of littlei 1 g -l -s costume sang. men D. J, Lane, Clinton, Presby - liEBarel seeretary, was in of the rally at Which the Mis- Bands of Seaforth, Heneall, Clin- and Goderich were present, and provided a musical number. '1VInn W. J. Thompson, Seaforth, president, gave a short illustrated with flanuelograms. Reference was made to the 6eth 'aBiliancthis manitsisivioeii; oycleearli.cl°1!wllfrascGallolirrecioalyi made the presentation of a of flowers to Miss Edith Wiggins, long associated as its k , The W.A. of Ontario $t. Myra met Tneeday, October 1, in the school hall. The president, 'Vies, Townsend opened the meeting evitli a hynen lowed by Prayer by Mrs, W. J. Wool frey and the Lord's, Prayer in unison, el wii e ' l'. te took c h arg of devotions, using the hymn `We plow the fields and scatter." Mrs. Ross sni read P al 147, Mrs. Wiltse continued these thoughts by mentioning some the many things we have to be thank ful for Prayer closed this part the meeting.seion Reports were given by the various departments and routine business discussed. An excellent programme followed comprising vocal solos by Miss Cor onna Wendorf and Mrs. N. Carter and a collection of poems by MiSE E. Plumsteel. lowAedhymbynnrcalyoes(ii,dbythme rmseeTtoinwng,sefnodI A lovely lunch was served by ladies of the Gravel Road and Second Concession of Hellett Town. ship. ., a y. d e .t • . 's I- .17 7- n r. o If n .s .0 n e e e e 0 s, , COATS Emphasing Casual Types Comprising All The Season's New 'Style Tendencies KENWOOD—Clipper Weight and Braeburn, HARRIS TWEEDS, Shaggy Materials and the more Dressy Fabrics of Gabardine, „,. .),I., , Velour and Needlepoint. , FUR COATS If You Are Contemplating the Purchase of a Fur Coat, do not buy at random. —. CONSULT US. '.-., . Scores of satisfied customers in the community are our best advertisement R. V. IRWIN B r : , i L , 1 - ' ' • 99 "The Davies . Are Corning To Clinton loa4, staiti ea a qamit &ail easze4./ "THE DAVIES," "Canada's Newest Concert Personalities," who have triumphed in their recent Ontario tour, are now coming to Clinton under the auspices of the Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church. "The Davies" have been acclaimed by critics everywhere, including Edward Wodson of the Toronto Evening Telegram, who wrote of their Georgetown appearance: "Three beautiful individual voices, not a forced or quavering tone amongst them. FRANCES DAIVIE, a mezzo-soprano mellow as the thrush and limpid as the nightingale; NOBLE DAVIE, a baritone of John Charles Thomas range and sympathy; NELLES DAVTE, a basso, cavernous as Paul Robeson's with tenor timbre in topmost register; VERA HENDER- SON DAVIE, at the piano, was a miniature orchestra without orchestral distraction." These Four Talented 'Artists will appear at Wesley -Willis United Church Thursday, October 11 at 8 p.m. • 'ADMISSIONS: 'Adults 50c, Children 25c 40-41-b For iY Baked Goods of the Finest Quality 0 . It's _ BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PRONE 1 CLINTON 11 Four Services In One Store —DRY CLEANING of Wearing Apparel, Sntall Rugs, Deepes .. —PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT —LA.UNDRY—Flat Work or Damp Wash —DYEING—Coats, Dresses, Suits and Uniforms Gliddon, s Press Shop PHONE 115 TODAY WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER • Five-day Dry Cleaning Service Please , Bring Your Own Coat Hangers!