HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-19, Page 7THURSIYAY,,SEPTEVIREIR 19, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN HURON COUNTY FARMERS' HENSALL M. and Mrs. Casey Hut'son and family, George, and tvvin daughters, Douna and Diana a Goderich, spent. the weelcnd with ,Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. 1,598 Ration Books 1,598 ration books were distributed at Hensa11 Town Hall Friday and Sat- urday, September 13and 14. M. A. Garland to Speak The regular meeting. of Renee11 Chamber of Commerce will be held in the Commit Chambers on Tuesday, September 24 at 8,30 113.111. M. A. Gar- land, London, who is assistant direct- or of the TJniversities' Adult Educa- tion Board of Ontario, will be the special speaker, on "Education for /Community Living." Anyone wishing to bear this address will be welcome. W. I. Meets Homo11 Senior Womens Institute gathered at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. J. ID. McEwan, for their annual pot luck supper Wednesday September 11 Mrs. McEwan was assisted by IVIrs. H. Faber and a group of assistants. Following the supper Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, president conducted a brief period of business,. The roll call was answered with "Quaint sayings of Children." One of the items in- troduced on the program was the South Huron District Project Salads which was presented in the Hensall Town Hall recently. Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. George Hess of Hensel] att- ended and representatives from Kips pen, Hurondale, and Grand Bend branches were present. She also stressed the iShort Course "Clothes for Little Polk" which will take place in the Hensall Town Hall the follo'w- ing afternoon: October 21 to October 25 inclusive, hours 1.80 to 4 p.m. Mrs. W. MeEwan of Brucefield contributed a reading, and Bingo was teatime& -`::41t:Set:stetst -Age 1IuColDie 00 skit gives y o u so much Local News every day! In Toronto and throughout Ontario, Globe and Mail news reporters and special corres- pondents cover the news for you. . bring you up-to-the-minute, "on -the -spot" reports. And, in The Globe and Mail, you get the news first ... early in the morning! Keep in touch with the news of "your town." Enjoy "Pitching Horseshoes" with Billy Rose . . . Dofy Skaith's "On The Town" with its wide appeal to the gentler sex . . . Jim Coleman's timely sport news . . and all the friends that greet you in the lively columns of The Globe and Mail! GM.46.5W FEATURE FOR FEITURE:-YOUR BEST NEWSPAPER 1610140.138M111VIMMINEMMO. OWN NEWSY PAGE uction Sales AUCTION SALE at Walter Bros. Farm, Colborne Twp. Monday, peptember 30 1 P.M. 90 head of mixed cattle ranging; from 500 to 950 lbs.; 15 York sows; 80 chunks. • Complete List Next Week HAROLD (Fs WARNER WALTER, • Proprietors. HAROLD, JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, •• 88 -Is Community Auction Sale • of CATTLE and PIGS at Harold Jackson's Farm ' One mile east of Seaforth, on • Tuesday Evening, Sept. 24 7.30 P.M. (note time) 80 head of •Durham and Hereford rniXed aattle; sows; chunks and wean - ere. Anyone may bring stock to this sale. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 10. '. Chesney, Clerk. • 38-4 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS on --- Tuesday, September 24 at 1 p.m., at IA mile east of Londesboro, Hallett Township HORSES -1 bay horse, 9 years old; 1 bay team, 8 years old. CATTLE—Black cow, 6 years old, due March 21; roan cow, 8 years old, due June 1; black cow, 4 years olci, due Jan. 1; Durham cow, 4 Years old, due Jan. 1; Durham cow, 4 years old, due Aprfl 13; red cow, 8 years old, due April 13; Jersey now; 3 spring calves. IMP,LEMENTE—Massey•Harris hay loader; Massey -Harris manure spreader; fanning mill; harrows; tur- nip drill; 2 riding plows; walking plow; harrow cart; seed drill; mower; root pekoes.; straw pipes; 2 wagons; sleighs; hay rack; gravel box; wagon box; Renfrew cream separator; rake, cutter; harness, collars, forks, shovels, chains, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Britan- ia cook stove; coal oil stove; organ; washing machine; erib; 2 beds, mat- tresses and springs; bedroom suite; hanging lamp; gasoline lamp. TE,RMS—OASH No reserve as farm is sold MRS.IVIABEIL RILEY, Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 87-38-b BLYTH Miss Ella. Metcalfe is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Henry Pierce, Goderich, visit- ed IVIrs. Vern Rutherford, Mrs. Violet Johnston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Ahnston. Miss Eileen Robinson, Toronto vis- ited vvith Mr. and Mrs, ,R. Robin- son. Mrs. Freeman Tunney and children were with Mr, and IVIrs. T. Miller, Brusels. . • Seek Vandals At the regular" meeting of the municipal council, a letter was read from the Agricultural Society re- questing better police protection for their property from vandals. In view of the fact that other complaints had been received, Chief of Police J. A. Cowan Was instructed to take more, vigorous action against offenders. Injured in Car Accident Milne Cole, Blyth, was in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, suffer- ing concussion and a fractured nose following a two -car sideswipe crash on Highway 8, a half -mile east of Dublin, Wednesday, Sept 11, shortly after 7 p.m, Provincial Traffic Officer Chailes N. Anderson, Stratford, who investi- gated the accident, said Cole and Gordon Staples, also of Blyth, were in a car travelling east. It was not known which man was driving the car. The other car, driven by Allan Steckley, A.R. 2, Zurich, was travel - lin west. The Blyth car went into the ditch on the south side of the road, rolled over and was almost eompletely de- molished. Staples eicaped with no- thing more serious than a shaking up. The Steekley oar did ,not leave the road, but was badly damaged on the left side. 1:1_2R1 fora NEST EGG Let's talk a minute about savings your saVings. Chances are they are in a healthier state right now than for a long time. All 'through the war you made it a point Of honour to buy and hold —all the Victory Bonds you could. Now they amount to a surprisingly large sum. in short, you proved you could save. And you discovered, perhaps for the first time, what a nice feeling of extra security and independence could be yours with a "nest egg" of savings safety tucked away. Now•there's•no war to serve as a spur are you becoming less, particular about • 411FYIII,, CLEARING • 'AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS, 'GRAIN and PERI) and HOUSEHOLD GOODS at Lot 16, 8th Conceesion e Ilullett, 5 miles north of csotoo (No. 4 Highway) and 2I/s miles emit, or • 11/4 miles KWh of 'Death:shore (No, 4 Highway) and 2IA Mlles eat Friday, September 27 , at 1 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: HORSES ---Team of bay mares, 10 years old; bay mare, 6 years old; bay mare, rising 3 years old; bay filly, risang 2 years old; bay gelding, 1 year old, • , The above mentioned horses have six straight crosses of Clyde, and were eligible for registration. General Purpose mare, 6 years old, will work single or double (suitable horse for a mail route), CA,TTLE—Roan Dui:harn cow, 6 years old, due Nov. 3rd; white Dur- ham, eow, 5 years old, due Nov. 9th; roan Durham cow, 5 years old, recent- ly freshened; rams Durham cow, aged, recently freshened; red Dterhain eow, 8 years old, due Dec. 18th; red Dur- ham cow, 9 years old, due Jan. 4th; roan Durham heifer, 3 years old, due Feb. 11th; red Durham cow, 9 years old, due March 2nd; roan Durham cow, 5 years old, due March 30; roan Durham cow, 9 years olcl, due May 8th; red Durham cow, 6 years old, due Mareh 1st; three steers, rising 2 years old; three heifers, rising two years ilia; two yearling steers; year- ling heifer; eight spring calves. PIGS — Six pigs, 5 months old; eight pigs, 4 months old; five pigs, 23/2, months old; eight pigs, 2 months old. POULTRY — 50 year-old hybrid hens, Sussex X White Leghorns; 50 cockerels, VA months old; 11 Pecan ducks; -colony house, 12'x14'; brooder stove. IMPLEIVIENTS—M-H. binder, 6 ft. eat; M..-}1. mower, 6 ft. cut, with pea harvester attaehment; M. -H. 2 -row scuffler with bean puller attachment; M. -H. 3-incli stag farm wagon (near- ly new); 16 -foot flat rack; Mall• cultivator; Deerig 10 -ft. hay rake; Deering 11 -disc drill; Maxwell hay loader; Cockshutt 2 -furrow plow; No. 4 Verity walking plow; 2 -drum wood- en roller; 8 -inch Vessot grain grinder; Coleman grain roller; No. 12 DeLaval cream separator; 6 H.P. engine (hurtle fuel oil); root pulper; harrow cart; hand turnip sower; wheel barrow; block and tackle; set slings; numerous forks, shovels, chains, whiffle trees, neck yokes,. tools, etc. HARNESS—Set of double breech- ing harness; set plow harness; pair of bridles; single. bridle and breast col- lar; four horse collars. GRAIN & FEED-1Approximately 36 tons of mixed hay; approxiMately 1,e2a00s,.busliel mixed grain; bag of feed b11 PICYCHMIOLD GOODS — Phonola 5 -tube battery radio; Beatty washing machine; MeClary's range; coal oil stove; Daisy churn; double bed and springs; 2 dressers and wash stands; 2 couches; 2 lanterns, and ItimPsi numerous other articles. TERMS—OA.SPI No reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. CHARLES W. STEWART, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 37-38-39-b EBENEZER YPU Entertained The YPTI were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Colclough, of the 7th concession, on Monday evening, Following the 'regular rou- tine of the meeting, a social Ulna was spent in games, etc., and lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Anniversary Services Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in Ebenezer Church last Sunday. Rev. W. J. Rogers, Dungannon, a former, pastor, was the speaker at both services, and he de- livered two very forceful sermons. The choir of Turner's Church very ably took charge of the music for the morning service, and Ebenezer choir prepared special music for the evening service. Rev. C. Tavener took the services on the Dungannon circuit. 'putting aside a set sum every month? Are you losing the saving habit? Re- member . . the money you "save for yourself" is the most important part of the money you earn. 'So please consider this simply a friendly reminder that savings do have to be planned; that sticking to the plan sometimes means doing without an occasional unbudgeted "extra", and that making regular deposits in a Royal Bank Savings Account is still a good way to get somewhere with your personal finances... and with yout ambitions for yourself and your family. THE ROYAL BANK OF CLINTON BRANCH CANADA J. G. McLAY, Manager AUCTION SALE of a CHOICE HERD of BLOOD -TESTED Iconic. DAIRY COWS and other Farm Livestock and Equipment at Stewart Johnston's Farm, Queen Street North, atijoinIng the Village of Blyth, on Thursday, September 26 1946, at Lao p.ni. '"st HORSES—Mare, 6 years old; mare, 9 years olcl. COWS—Nine Holstein cows, fresh femn 2 to 3 months; Holatein cow, clue Dec. 19; Holstein cow, clue Nov. .16; Holstein cow, due Dee. 21; Hol- stein cow, due Jan. 16; Holstein cow, due March 28; Holstein 'pow, fresh two months; Jersey heifer, fresh two months; ibrindle cow, due ;Dec. 18; Jersey cow, supposed to be in calf; Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow, supposed to be in calf; Holstein heifer, 2 years old, in calf; black heifer, springer; Jersey heifer, 3 yrs. old, in calf; some young spring calves, HARNES'S•—•Set double harness. SHEEP --67 ewes, 3 and 4 yrs, old; HENS -100 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old. EQUIPMENT --.DeLaval Magnetic Speedway milking machine, complete with 2 single units, and a new 1 SP electric motor; rubber tire wae'on and hay rack on 32-6 truck tires, like new, TERMS -,-GASH •STDW:Ail01" JOHXSTON, Proprietor, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 38-b , CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARIVI STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN and FEED at Dot No. 16, Goderich Township, on No. 8 Highway, 2I/2 miles west of Clinton, on Tuesday, October 1 at 1 o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—IVIare, 8 years old, light horse. CATTLE, — Jersey cow, 10 years old, due Sept. 21; Jersey cow, 10 years old, due Dee. 30; black cow, 9 years old, due Feb. 17; black cow, 8 years old, due Feb. 21; grey cow, 6 Years old, due Oct, 22; black Jersey, heifer, 2 years old, due A.pril 19; black heifer, 2 years old, milking; 2 steers, 2 years old; 1 heifer, 2 years old; 4 steers, 1 year old; 3 heifers, 1 year old; 5 spring calvee. PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows with lit- ters; York hog. POULTRY -45 year-old hens, Legs hornMock (hybrid); 105 New Hamp- shire pullets. EtIPLE(MENTS—Deering binder, 7 - ft, cut; 'McCormick mower, 6 ft. cut; Massey -Harris 12 -hoe drill; spring - tooth cultivator; Oliver 2 -horse scuf.. Her; 12 -plate disc; 10 -ft. hay rake; 2 -drum steel roller; wagon; flat rack; Quebec riding plow; walking plow; gang plow; sleighs; buggy; cutter; democrat; drag harrows; turnip drill; bag truck; 240 lb. scales; emery Wheel; grind stone; DeLaval cream separator; root pulper; cutting box; electric fencer; gravel box; pig rack; wheel barrow; 3 ash binder tongues; 120 -ft. cable; 20 feet of 4" belt; Sling's; hay fork and ear; set double harness; set single harness; horse cliripers; ten-gallon milk can; milts pails; grass seeder; forks, shovels, whiffle trees and numerous other articles. GRAIN and FEIED—•Approximately 8 ton mixed hay; 41A load of oat sheaves; 1 acre corn (in the stook); 19 acre of mangles and turnips (mix- ed. TERMS—CASH No reserve as proprietor has sold his farm FRED L. PorrrEn, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 38-39 -b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, and ,HOUSEHOLD GOODS at Lot 3, Concession 3, Plullett,• 33A miles east of Clinton and 11/4 miles north; or 33/4 miles west of Seaforth, and 11/4 miles north on Wednesday, September 25 at 1 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: HORSES — Matched Percheron team, 6 and 6 years old, about 1,400 lbs.; driving horse, 8 years old (good single or double). 'CATTLE -- White Durham cow, 8 years old, due October 29th; Grey Durham cow, 6 years old, to freshen Nov. lst; grey Durham cow, 7 years old, freshened; grey Durham cow, 4 years old, to freshen in April; grey Durham cow, 6 years old, to freshen in April; red Durham cow, 5 year:, old, freshened; grey Durham cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; black cow, 4 years old, to freshen in Jan- uary; black cow, 4 years old, to fresh- en in February; Jersey heifer, to freshen in April; 3 two-year-old Dur- ham steers, approx. 1,000 lbs.; 4 two- year-old Durham heifers, approx. 1,000 Tbs.; 7 year-old Durham steers; 5 year-old Durham heifers; red Dur- ham bull, 1 year old; 8 Durharn calves. PIGS—Tamworth sow, due thne of sale; Yorkshire sow, due November 20th; Yorkshire sow, due December 23rd. POULTRY and EQUIPMENT -100 year-old Leghorn hens; 125 Sussex pullets; colony house; brooder stove; 2 chicken shelters. EVIPLEMENTS—M.-H. 13 -run seed drill with fertilator attaahment; nower, 6 ft. cut; 14 -plate inthrow dise; spring tooth cultivator (nearly iew); 3 -drum roller; 4 -section her- mws; seuffler; 2 walking plows; rid - ng plow, nearly new; 10 ft. hay rake; farm wagon; buggw; cutter; hay rack.; gravel •box; cutter; set sloop sleighs; M. -H. 9 -inch grinder (nearly new); root . pulper; Clinton fanning mill; Delsaval cream separator; grindstone; 2 oak barrels; •pig crate; ladder: ,whiffle trees; neck yokes.; forks; shovels, toolS, numerous other articles, HARNESS—Set of breeching har•• less; set of beck -band harness; set single harness and collar tops; 6 horse, collars; set 'of bells, GAMIN arid EflilED—600 bushel -nixed grain; 100 bushel of barley; 10 bushel of timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS--bleClary's :ange (good condition); Quebec stove (large size); Philo° battery radio; sideboard; couch, two washing machines; glaap cupboard; table; 2 beds and springs; .dresser and wash stand; ,Coleman lamp and lantern; 25 sap pails; also a collie dog and nuanerone other articles. TERMS—GASH , No reaerve as proprietor has sold his farm. IROBERIT FREEMAN & SONS, • Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 37443-b Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of CATT'LE at Arnold Dale's Farm, 3 miles north of Clinton, on Highway, Friday, 0c,tober 11 70 HEAD Op MIXED CATTLE Complete List Next Week EHAFR.:0011LiposniltedeOrk•N,., Auctione8e8r: • AUCTION SALE or STOCK at Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of Ifolmesville on Thursday, September 26 commencing at 2 o'clock (DST) consisting of; CATTLE -120 young cows, Holstein, Durham and Jersey, to calve from October to January; 8 Holstein heif- ers, good size and quality, to calve in October and November; 3 young cows, freshened; a young calves; 4 Hereford heifers with calves at foot; 10 heifers supposed to be in calf; 20 well-bred Holstein heifer calves, 5 to 9 months old; 10 Hereford calves; 15 Holstein and Ayrshire heifersS 30 stocker cattle from 500 to '700 lbs. PIGS -4 brood sows and 25 chunks. TERMS—GASH A„ E. TOWNSHEIND Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer • 38-b Community Auction S,ale, of HOUSEHOLD EFFEPT_S at the home of Edward W. VAllott CuttIF St.. ClintonAhon L „ Saturday, $eptem tr R1 at 1.30 Is.e) sharp (DST) th0 011{11Tb:1R "*1 eedroom Suites: SWITV and Mat- t]: essea; Wel living room table XellerrY); 4 small tables; Settee and 2 chairs; 2 leather rocking chairs; Mohair chair (walnut); hanging What -not (walnut); chest of drawers; Pell organ; 1l40A. Victor battery radio (with batteries); phonograph; radio cabinet; dining room table and six dining room chairs; White drop -head sewing machine; Singer sewing ma- ehine; Beatty electric washing nut. chines electric 2 -burner plate; eleetrie toaster; 3 kitehen cupboards; glass-, top cupboard; kitchen cabinet cup- board; Olimax cook stove; Quebec • heater; kitehen table a,nd • chairs; Aladdin laimp; lamp shades; hall lamp; pair snowshoes; pair of moc- casins; 20 It. ladder; tea kettle; toilet set; window blinds; rugs; clothes wringer; wash board, storm, door, quart and pint sealers, dishes, glass- ware and numerous other articles. ASH EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 'psi. I• 38sb 9z1IVIN MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Yes, you can still be sure of get- ting Most Miles per Dollar. For only Firestone gives you an the extra values that make.s it Canada's No. I tire. Order today. J. P. MANNING PHONE 345 Clinton 1 1 ItEgeMEMPARROMMINSIIMENITIV Hogs Are Not Vegetarians It has been proven time and time again at various Government Experimental Stations and at Agricultural Colleges that hogs • will make better • MORE ECONOMICAL GAINS When their feed contains considerable quantities of • ANIMAL PROTEIN MATERIAL Than they will on grain alone or on grain and proteins derived from a vegetable source. ALL our SHUR-GAIN Hog Feeds contain the right amount of TANKAGE and MEAT MEAL For HOGS— SHUR-GAIN Means BETTER GRADES CLINTON FEED MILL , Your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill • PHONE 580 • • CLINTON I 1 LITIP CALL Clinton 114 "Feed for Health and you'll have Wealth" That is our Motto Quality In Every Mix The HEN that Lays is the hen that Pays; The COW that Milks, she never SherkS; • The STEED that Brays, he never Pays; The PIG that Feeds is what one needs. So feed them Balanced Fee.ds and then they'll do their share to make the profit If of any stock we've missed, we'll do our best to make the mix. CO1VIE IN'AND SEE US AT THE MILL ,Operated by an experienced fanner and feeder; a man that can talk your language as to feeding and mixing of Balanced Rations. • MIXED FEEDS — GRAIN — OYSTER SHELL FOX and MINK CHOWS — MILL FEEDS — SALT Place Your Order and Leave the Rest to Us No Order too Large Or too Small SAMUEL RIDDICK & SONS (Successor to L A. Petrie) 9z1IVIN MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Yes, you can still be sure of get- ting Most Miles per Dollar. For only Firestone gives you an the extra values that make.s it Canada's No. I tire. Order today. J. P. MANNING PHONE 345 Clinton 1 1 ItEgeMEMPARROMMINSIIMENITIV Hogs Are Not Vegetarians It has been proven time and time again at various Government Experimental Stations and at Agricultural Colleges that hogs • will make better • MORE ECONOMICAL GAINS When their feed contains considerable quantities of • ANIMAL PROTEIN MATERIAL Than they will on grain alone or on grain and proteins derived from a vegetable source. ALL our SHUR-GAIN Hog Feeds contain the right amount of TANKAGE and MEAT MEAL For HOGS— SHUR-GAIN Means BETTER GRADES CLINTON FEED MILL , Your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill • PHONE 580 • • CLINTON