HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-19, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of pnblication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE QUEBEC: HEA.TER-13-inch firepot and nine pipee. Used one winter. Phone 53a 38-p MOFFA.TT,ELECTR1C. STOVE — in good working condition. Apply IVIrs. James Ford. 38-b 54APLE AND DRY ELM WOOD -- Apply to Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, phone 805r4, 38-894 GOODYEAR WAGON TIRES and tubes) 5.50x16, new, White Rose Ser- vice Station, Londesboro. 38-x ELECTROLUX VACUUM Cleaner—. almost new. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Phone 164. 38-p ICE REFRIGERATOR, white enamel, 50 pound eanacity. G-uaranteed in A-1 condition. Apply .C.N.R. Depot. 38-b 1928 VirlIFPPET COUPE — $75. Cabin Trailer—$75. Apply Mrs. Charels Anderson, Maple St., Clin- ton. "38-p FRESHLAKE ERIE HERRING and 'Whitefish; also smoked herring. John 'Toms, Hayfield, phone Hovey's Store, Clinton, 631r21. 36-37-38-89-p BREAKFAST SET—BUFFET, table and four chairs, white enamel with black trim; one solid oak library table. Apply A. E. Finch, phone 231. 38-p WE HA.VE A NUMBER OF excellent wooden kegs, pails and buckets on -hand at the present time. Bartliff Bros., Phone 1, Clinton. 38-39-b FOUR -CYLINDER CHRYSLER with good tires in good running condition. 'May be seen at Cliff Proctor's during 'Mie day. Keith Jackson, Clinton. 38-p ANY QUANTITY OF TOMATOES by basket or by bushel Excellent quality. Prices right. Also some mace crab apples. Appin F. W. Andrews, Clinton. 37 -Int* RENFREW SALES and SERVICE— Hand Turned and Electric Cream Sep- arators. Enamelled stoves and repairs for the Anker -Holt separator. For particulars, phone or write Basil O'Rourke, Brueefield, phone Clinton 618r21. 34-35-88-37-38-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED -URGENT — BY ,SEPTEMBER 27th for two Air Force officers' wives and 'one two-year-old child. Separate or shared . accommodation in or around 'Clinton Radar Station. Write Mrs. D. G. Sheridan, 568 Cheapside St. Lon- don, phone Met. 3736. $8-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 PIGS—SEVEN WEEKS OLD — Apply Keith Tyndall, phone Clinton 13001•33. 38-b TWO PIGS—SIX WEEKS OLD --, Apply Ed. Boyes, Brucefield, phone n25r2. 38-b 90 HYBRID PULLETS, Grey Rocks crossed with Rhode Island Reds, five months old, starting to lay. Apply to Roy Pickett, Clinton. 38-p GOVERNMENT Graded LEICESTER XXX ram lambs, $25; one XX at 322. Apply Cohn Lawson, Hayfield. 36-37-38-39-p PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- national Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. .Apply A. J. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb WANTED TO BUT OLD HORSES and DEAD CATTLE. If dead phone at once. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert 9861:21 or Fred Gil- bert 936r32, Goderich. 33-btfb HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN, experience preferred but not necessary for rnen's clothing and furnishing department. Must have good references. A. H. Lofft and Co. Ltd., St. Marys, 38-b WANTED TO RENT HOUSE—WILL LEASE BY YEAR. Phone 114. 38-b WANTED FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED apartment or rooms wanted immed- iately by permanent couple with one child. Apply Box "W" NEWS - RECORD. 38-p LOST A GREY AND W11171`E Part Persian Kitten, answers to name of Smokey. Finder kindly notify David Oakes. 38-p THREE' COTTON SACKS of Time* Seed between Blyth and Kippers on )Septeiriber 7. Reward offered to finder. Notify W. H. Mason, ER. 3, Blyth, phone Blyth 11r23. 38-p MISCELLANEOUS A TREAT FOR YOUR. FEET! USE Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 34-39-42-46-b PILES are generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion. Try Bunkers Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. At Drug Stores, 36-38-40-42-44-46-48-49-51-29 FLEEVE LINE YOUR HOME with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 26-87-38-39-4041-41-48-44-p ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep 'without coughing and choking, as others are doing, For free information Write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb •MIWITTILN AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your OWO. POT full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0 -C -lb, 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Que. 36-37-38-39-b Waste Paper Collection Friday, September 20 1946 at 630 P.M. Please have the papers securely tied in bundles and place at curb. Auspices of Canadian Legion 07-3843 BOY'S WEAR We have just received a full stock of Boys' Overalls, Windbreakers and Humphrey All -Wool Breeches in sizes 6 to 14' years. We now have the agency for DEANS CLEANERS and DYERS, London All work guaranteed and insured Dry Cleaning in before Monday noon can be picked up the following Saturday. SUITS DRESSES 89C WE CLEAN ANYTHING Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CD:YINING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clotho, Scott Maniac tomes PHONE 25 CLINTON Save Your Tires BRING YOUR TIRE TROT:HILES TO IJS WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Harry Davies Tire and Battery NEW. LOCATION: woroati ST., CLINTON (Formerly Operated by W. M. Nediger) MARRIAGES PROCTOR-CONNIAni, — In Ontario St United Munch on Wednesday, September 18, 1946, by Rev, W. J. Weellren, Patricia Marie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.Connell, Minton, to Charles Cam- eron Proctor, only son of Mr. and Uns. Andrew Proctor, 'Centralia. STIRLING-PAWLYSZYN — At the home .of the bride's parents at Oak Bluff, Man., by' Rev. Harold Frid, Marin Pawlyszyn, to Jack .S. .Stiri- ing, son of Mr. and il/Irs. James R. Goderioh Township. WILLERT-AECENHElAD—In Bruee- fi1d United Church en Saturday, August 31, 1946, by Rev. E. R. ntanway, Joyce Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Aiken - head, Brucefield, to Harold Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Willert, Hensall, MAWS COOfPER. — In ,Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, September 15, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Cooper, Clinton, a son, Allan James. MacliniNALD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, September 13, 1946, to Air. and Mrs. Donald Mac- w.Doanitaelrds. Clinton, a .son (Cameron NOAKDS—)An Remain on Monday, September 16, 1946, to Mr. and MTS. Leonard Noakes) Henaall, a 'daughter, - DEATHS DIEHL — At his 'home, Queen St., Clinton., on Tuesday, September 17, 1946, John V. Die'hl, in his 88th year. Funeral from. Beattie Funeral Home, ,Glinton, Thursday, Septem- ber 19, at 2.30 p.m, to Bairdn Cemetery. DOWNS — In Toronto, on Sunday, eptember 1, 1946, Walter S. Downs, formerly of Clinton. Funs eral in Toronto, Tuesday, Septem- ber 3, 1946. FORESTER—In Goderich, on Satur- day, September 14, 1946, Mary Edith Blake, wife of Oscar Forest- er, Huron Road, Goderich, formerly of Goderich Township. Punenal from Brophey Funeral Home, God- erieh, Tuesday afternoon, Septem- ber 17, to Maitland Cemetery, God- erich. GOWER — In Blyth, on Tuesday, September 17.' 1946, Alice Clarissa Eanmerson, wife of Richard A. Gov- ier, in his 83rd year. Fiineral from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, on Friday, September 26, at 2.30 p.m., to Clinton Cernetem HOUSTON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, September 17, 1946, Samuel Carlyle Houston, Hayfield, in his 904h year. Funeral from Knox Presbyterian Church, Hayfield, on Thursday, September 19, at 2 p.m. to Hayfield Cemetery. JACOB — At Huron County Home, Tuckersmith Township, On Tuesday, September 17, 1946, Patricia Do- reen, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jacob, in her fifth year. Funeral from Huron County Home on Friday, September 20, at 2.30 inni. to ,Clinton Cemetery. JENKINS — In Provost, Alta., sud- denly, on Monday, ISeptember 16, 1946, Reginald Earl Jenkins, only son of &Ir. and IVIns. George T. Jenkins, Clinton. Funeral from the family residence, Isaac St., ,Clinton, on Sunday, September 22, 1946, at 2.30 p.m. to Clinton .Cemetery. JOHNSTON—At hi n home in Blyth, on Monday, September 16, 1946, in his 79th year,,William Johnston, beloved husband of Margaret Mur- ray and father of Laura (Mrs. ,Arthur liable), Victoria, B.C.; Fern (Mrs. A.. M. Fox), Burford, and Harry and Margaret, deceased. Funeral service, 2 pan., Wednes- day, September 18. MOON—In London, on Friday, Sep- tember 13, 1946, Elizabeth Ann Moon, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Moon, Londesboro, in her third year. Funeral from home of her ponents, Concession 10, Hal- lett Township, on Monday after- noon, September 16, 1946, to Lon- desboro Cernetern, BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST' Phones 60w and 663 Batldns Locker Storage We have a shipment of this season's fish in now We expect to have a load of Freshly Picked PEACHES in on Thurs.- day. WE BITY HIDES Frozen Food are Better Foods Temperance Federation Sees Attorney -General And Presents Brief (Continued from Page One) merit concerned. re it the intention of the government of Ontario to give approval to such programs?" In reply, Mr Blecltwell assured the deputation tliat the CTA will be re- cognized and strictly enforced by his officers, which means that there will be no licensed outlets for liquor established in these Counties and District. He also stated that when the new Police Ant cornea into opera- tion that we may expeet better re- sults. That public carriers are already instructed to keep record of all liquor' shipments which they handle and that these records are open for inspection by the /ocal The status of the LOA. and the LLA in CIA territory 'will be decided by the Supreme Court in the near *titre, at which all interested parties will be represented. As to the advertising of liquor over the C.B.C. this has not been approved by the Ontario Legislature and is contrary to the Liquor Control Act. The delegation were very courts eously received by Mr. Blackwell and he received their thanks on retiring. The following comprised the dee. gateion: Rev. H. C. Wilson, Brussels; Roy .Cousins, Brussels; R. H. Lloyd, Wingham; A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Nor- val Anderson, Goderich; Frank How- son, Wingham; W. G. Medd, Exeter; Rev, W. 0. Mather, Fullerton; L. M. Greenwood, Mitchell; Harold Patter- son, Munro; 1VIorley 11. Lannin, Dub- lin; Dr. S. L. Osborne, Port Credit; Dr, John Cobourn, Toronto. HOLMESVILLE Holmesville W. M. S. The monthly meeting of Holmes- ville W.M.S. was held at the home of Miss Acheson with Mrs. B. Tre- wartha as devotional leader. Meeting opened by singing Hymn 284 after which the Lord's Player was repeat- ed in unison. Following the reading of the Scrip- ture lesson, Mrs. Tavener led in pray- er. Secretary read *e minutes of the last meeting and roll call. Short readings were given by Mrs, A. Bond, Mrs, J. Corran and Min Reta Yeo. Hymn 22 was sung. A Christian Stewardship story was read by Mrs. F. Mulholland. Mrs. 13. Trewarthe then gave a very interesting and helpful talk with "Love," as the theme. Mrs. Tavener voiced the ap- preciation of all present. Mrs. E. Potter favored with a solo. Meeting closed by singing Hymn 231. The meeting of the W.A. followed with 1Virs. Bond in charge. Hymn 230 was sung, followed by prayer by CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charles Stephenson and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. George Steph- enson desire to thank their neighbors and friendsfor the many expressions of sympathy extended tonthem during their recent sad bereavement, also Rev. Reba Henn, Rev, R. A. Brook, the teacher and pupils of S.S. No. '7, Stanley, the Varna LOL No. 1035, for the beautiful floral tributes, to those who loaned ears or assisted in any way. 88-b CARD OF THANKS Min and Mrs. Carman. Moon, Lon- desboro, wish to take this opportunity of thanking their many friends and neighbors for the many ants of sym- pathy expressed to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks are expressed to Rev. A. D. Penman and Rev. Andrew Lane. 834 IN MEMORIAM RATHWELL—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Rathwell, who passed away, .September 23, 1945: "One year has passed since that Sad day, The one we loved was called away. We must not grieve, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still." —Fondly remembered by his wife and • family. 384 PLASTER REPAIRING • Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done • A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. • ESTIMATES FREE Specialists 'in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Income Tax Returns, Bookkeeping, Finunefat Statements, fin Irnmilersa filminess Men, Inrofeesional Men, Garage Opera:one' and others. 'A•RTI1U1t FRASk.IIC Telephone: Exeter 17 P.a. Box. Ino. 118, Temporary Office at the house on the late Din It In Ilyndistam Sfreetn Ilneter; 37138-30-40-n Help Wanted -- Female TWO GIRLS FOR RESTAURANT' WORK 48' Hour Week No Sunday work Or night work Uniform Supplied APIkLin The KOZY GRILL, Clinton 37-tfia uick ..esults # ROXY THEATRE CLINTON .11•1•11.1IMMY CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORT11 Now Playing—Veronica Lake and Sonny Tufts "Miss Susie Slagle's" Now Playing ---"RENEGADES" In Technicolor Now Playing—Gary Cooper in "THE VIRGINIAN" Mon., Tues., Wed.— Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford and George Macready—Beautiful, it- resistible Rita whose charms, bring tragedy to many men and ham- ness to one. ' "GILDA" ' Mon., Tues., Wed. — Adult Entertainment — Alan Ladd, IVeronica Lake MI William Bendix — In a mystery that starts at a terrific pace and never elackens throughout • its length. "THE BLUE DAHLIA" Mom, Tues., Wed.—Two Features Myrna Loy, Don Ameche and Bobby Driscoll—A top-flight cast ir: a first-rate drama. ins - DO Goes My Love" Also—Gale Storm and Phil Regan in a riotous anusical romance "Sunbonnet Sue" Thurs., Frin Sat. Dorothy Lamour, Arturo de COT- dora and Patric Knowles — Dotty becomes entangled in a Mexican social and romantic intrigue when she is suspected of being a jewel thief and poses as a Spanish countess. "Masquerade in Mexico" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Barbara Stanwyek, Diana Lynn and Robert Cummings -- Offer a romantic comedy built on the most hillarious predicament you could imagine. "The Bride Wore Boots' Thur., Fri. Sat. ' Fred MacAlurray and Marguerite Chapman . -- 0o -starred in one of the season's best comedies, a tale of a lad with a reputation, of sorts. "PARDON MY PAST" Coming—Ida Lupino in "DEVOTION" Coming—"SO GOES MY LOVE" and "SUNBONNET SUE" .. Coming—Vivian Blaine an "DOLL FACE" ' Matinees—Sat, Holidays, 2.30 p.m. -- Mat. —Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 pin. ---.--- Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 130 p.m. ----........----snnon FARMERS TO MAKE CLEAN UP WEED CONDITIONS (Continued from Page One) has been removed the area should be ploughed deep enough to get under the root stocks and left in the nough state as long as dry weather prevails. By this method surface soil is sep- arated from sub -soil, moisture is cat off and root stocks 'which are exposed to the sun ane destroyed. No green growth should be permitted when, fighting perennials, therefore, culti- vation should be undertaken following this drying out period and continued until freeze up. The area may be ploughed late in the fall and left in the rough state during the winter. A fall with considerable moisture is favourable for the tontrol of an- nual weeds but will upset all plans for the control of perennials and vice ersa. Annual weeds will not sprout so quickly during the hot dry weather which is so esesntial in the control of perennial root stocks. Alter -harvest cultivation should be the regular farm work—something considered as an important part of leader. The secretary, Mrs. Palmer, read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. MclInath reported $6.70 as pro- ceeds from quilting held recently. This amount was turned over to the treasurer of Flower Fund. October 26 is the date set for bazaar to be held in Clinton Town Hall, other plans were also rnade for bazaar. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Host- esses for the day were Mrs. Mc1VIath and Miss Acheson, Amminner' MONSTER Social Evening Friday Sept. 27 Sponsored by LOL 710 CARDS from 8 to 10 p.m. DANCE from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the Lodge Room EVERYONE WELCOME GOOD MUSIC - 38-39-p TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE Sunday, Sept. 29, 1946 • and other specific dates. Full information from Agents. Canadian National Railways Real Estate—. —Insurance • For Sale TWO-STOREY ASPHALT on frame dwelling, containing two apartments% Apartment 1, ups staira, living room, bedroom) kitchen, 8-pieee natbnoonn; Apartment 2, downstairs, living room, 2 bed room, one up' and one downstairs, kitchen, two- • piece bathroom) Ira water beating systenn Lower anert- • anent. avallante in 30, dayss up- per apatilmnnt well vette& Apply to 11. C LAWSON firsurande Real Estatia?. InvestMents, Hank' of Montreal Bldg. PlioNE' 251w NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZA MeNML, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, •on or before the 23rd day of Septem- ber, AD. 1946, after whien date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the clahns of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this`30th day of August, A.D. 1946. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate • 36-87-38-b which "Must be done. It will ammo.. lish more in the control on weeds witli less work than any other cultural practice which may be followed and will ,mean a larger succeeding crop and 'greater returns. Neglected roadside weeds mature seed which invade adjoining farms; they gather and hold snow, thereby adding to the cost of maintenance in keeping roads open during the winter; they clog ditches on roadsides and thus hinder the flow of water and proper drainage to the road bed and they present an unsightly appearance to all who live in the community and those who pass lass. Lack of mowing and spraying equipment,spray matenials and man power during war years, has made it extremely difficult to give roadside weeds proper attention at the right time in the tight way. This situa- tion prevented satisfactory progress this year with the result that many roadsides are now polluted with nox- ious weeds and require immediate attention. Wild Carrot Serious ' The folly of permitting noxious weeds to mature .seed at this time can not be emphasized too strongly, particularly in the case of Wild Car- rot. The seeds of this weed and many others remain on the plant until the winter months when the plant breaks off and is carried miles over frozen ground and snow scattering millione of seeds and infesting clean areas. The seriousness of the Wild Carrot situation can not be over emphasized. , This weed must be prevented from making further progress. The first step is to prevent seed production. Road Maintenance The control of roadside weeds is but one of the many tasks confront- ing the road authority at this time. Other phasep of road maintenanee neglected during war time require sat- tention and it is not always convert - bent for the road authority to be on hand to give weeds proper attention. Owners and occupants of land have some responsibility in this regard. The individual whose property adjoins the roadside can frequentlyprevent weeds thereon from .maturing seed, particularly scattered weeds, more conveniently. and economically than the road authority. Money spent on previous cuttings is largely wasted if weeds are per- mitted to mature seed at this time. Co-operate with your municipal couns cil and road authority during this difficult period in the control of road- side weeds. "SEEK "TO -DAY YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND."--Isa. 55:6 IF YOU WILL HEAR VOICE, • HARDEN NOT YOU,R HEARTV—Ileb. 8:15 "HE THAT COMETH UNTO ME I WILL IN NO WAY CAST OUT."—John 6:37 — JESUS SAVES — TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR • 111110111111•11•111111111, FLOOR SANDING With our new high-speed, dustless floor -sanding machines, and wide experience in floor -finishing. Let Us Make Your Floors Like New Box 103 1111001•116WMOMMIIMMOOMANIftwinm CONSULT US TODAY J. CREE COOK Clinton 04,11,0 Phone 23j Clinton Machine Shop Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric Welding Machine Work General Repairing Operated by W. Seeley & Son PHONE 364 CLINTON 36-37-3849-40-414 Renovate Your Floors Use High -Quality SELF -POLISHING and PASTE WAXES HAWES', • per can 59c OLD ENGLISH per can 65c SUN PASTE WAX, per can 45c HAVVKINS HARDWARE PIIONE: Business 244 Residence 598j CLINTON When In Need Of Stove and Furnace Pipes Make Sure of Hand -Made Pipes — They Last HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing -- Heating — Sheen Metal Work • Agent for llecist Farnaces PHONE Z44 intanuNan 490 Help Wanted Female —APPLY— Clinton Knitting Company, Limited PHONE 117 - - CLINTON